Hello from Switzerland

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lichtli 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I have come across the fast diet in an interesting way. At the beginning of July, in the Christian community, we had a fasting time for prayer. In these fourteen days I lost about five kilos. Everyone told me that I will be back very quickly. Now I was looking to see if there might not be a way to keep this beautiful effect. So I have been on the road for three weeks with 5: 2 and have lost another three Kg. I feel good, I am very happy about it. What makes me happy is that my husband is with me. He has also already taken 4 Kg. Since he also needs to take drugs against high colester value, it would be great, of course, if he could possibly experience an improvement there as well.
    Unfortunately, my English is not so good.

    Welcome to the forum, Lichtli! Your English is just fine, and we look forward to seeing more of you around here. You’ve had great success so far! Did you eat anything at all during that 14 day fast? What a great start to the 5:2!

    Hello Califdreamer
    I have drunk in these 14 days juices which I have for the most part pressed from vegetables and a smaller part from fresh fruits. Then there was also a vegetable boullion with an egg mostly lunch. Just as I fast on the fast days now. Come pretty close to 400-500 kCal.
    Greetings from Switzerland

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