Hello from Norway!

This topic contains 62 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Joan57 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • This is the first step. I have created a profile here and I am about to embark on this scary and exciting Journey. I just got my books from Amazon earlier this week, and I heard about this “diet” a long time ago watching Dr M. Mosley on BBC. I live a sedentary life and I hate breakfast. I can go without meals for hours before my first solid Food intake of the day. My Challenge is to start eating regularly during non-fasting days! This and my sedentary lifestyle make for very little or no weight loss, obviously. I do not have high ambitions of a drastic shed off of kgs. I am setting small goals, so that I may be able to stick to my plans. I Wonder if I am able to lose 5 kgs before June 24? What about you? Are you pro baby goals and breaking up Your plans in periods like me? Does Your Family know about Your diet? I have told mine. I hope for moral support from them, but 5-2 diet is not so widespread here just yet, so my chances of getting understanding and support are bigger in this forum! Good Luck on Your weight loss program! And “Ha en veldig fin dag!” (Have a very fine day!

    Hello Lunaluv, I too have just signed on here today although have been using the 5:2 way of eating for some time. I felt I needed a bit of a chat among people who know what it is like to do this and maybe get recipe ideas. I have no family and so many friends have food issues, diabetes, coeliac, dairy intolerance etc. so they are not doing this as they are not overweight. It might help on days when I feel like giving up, usually the dark and cold Winter ( I am in Scotland ) just SO ‘need’ fat and sugar! Thank you for your wishes for a good day. It has been, but like you mostly sitting at a computer or at a table doing quiet crafts and reading etc. I wear a pedometer to keep an eye on my steps each day but very heavy rain and cold meant snuggling indoors.
    I hope your day was good too.

    Hello Lunaluv and WeeScotty

    I’m in Scotland too. The Moray coast. I often use the Norwegian weather forecast because it seems to be more accurate for this area than the Met. Weather has been pretty grim recently and I’ve not been out much either. Apart from walks with my husband, usually 4-5 miles, I’m pretty sedentary too. Early retired.

    I had a go at this last summer and it was going well until we had a succession of people come to stay and I lost concentration and focus and ended up back where I’d started.

    Anyway, I’ve now completed six fast days over nearly three weeks and have lost half a stone, so I’m feeling quite encouraged and keen to stick with it. Mondays and Thursdays are my fast days.

    I feel as though I’m into a good routine, with no distractions. Big problem will be sticking with it when ‘the family’ all gets together for a week in Aviemore in early April.

    I have a lot of weight to lose (over five stones) and I have written down a list of reasons why I am doing this, and apart from trying to achieve a healthier way of living, my younger son may get married in November and I want to look presentable in the photos etc. etc. I look at my list every day and I add to it when I find more reasons.

    I have set myself lots of mini-goals, otherwise it would be too overwhelming, and the other thing is that I congratulate myself when I stick to my Fast or stay within my TDEE on a non fast day.

    Like you Lunaluv, I’ve not felt hungry during the day and I can go for ages without eating. Water and Black Coffee do well for me.

    Reading the threads I’ve started to become much more aware of ‘hidden’ sugars, and I agree with those who say that the food processing industry is totally without scruple and keen to get and keep us addicted to sugars. I’ve watched Dr Robert Lustig on YouTube.

    Next week, I’m going to try to do more exercise.

    Lunaluv, whether it’s possible to lose 5kg before 24 June might depend on how much overweight you are. 5kg is just over eleven pounds and you have about 19 weeks to do it in. I’m sure I would be able to do that, but then I’ve got a lot to lose. If you only have 5kg to lose to achieve your ideal weight than it might be more of a challenge.

    Well, I’m heading for bed. Good luck to you both. Talk Soon.


    Hello again Lunaulv, sorry, got your name wrong last time.

    5:2 eating pattern is sustainable and very doable.

    If you have a pattern of not eating breakfast in the morning I’d keep that habit. I had to train myself to skip the morning fuel intake. Breakfast is truly not necessary.

    I often only eat one meal a day. Or I’ll have a very light lunch and then a normal supper.

    I’ve been doing the 5:2 pattern of eating for 13+ months now and it seems to fit me well. I have made changes to fit me and suit me. I suggest that you try to adhere to the plan for 2 months before initiating any changes. Truly though if you don’t eat a meal now. Don’t add it just to fit the 5:2 pattern.

    Some great information in the following posts:





    Best wishes for your 5:2 journey you are going to be amazed at yourself in a year.

    Hello, WeeScotty! Thank you for writing! I am bracing myself as I am to start on IF on Monday. So today has been a normal day, and I am totally exhausted and could have hit the sack With the kids at six pm. My Family loves get togethers and hearty meals, but I have told them to stay away from my fast days- Mondays and Thursdays. My better half is very supportive, so I am convinced I will stick With this and see it through! What were you Reading? I have been watching an Indie film (The way way back) and a Documentary on Netflix while knitting. Now, some more sitting Down on my derrier and answering comments here. Have a good night’s sleep!

    Hello, Joan! Lunaluv sounds nicer than Luna ULV 🙂 Oh no – I have more thatn five kilos to lose! I am only 155 cm tall and last time I got on the scale (Christmas?) I was 83! So you see, by rule of thumb, I should be around 55 – kilos. But I have not seen those numbers since I was in my teens and I am not unrealistic to think I would ever hot that number. I am such a negative thinker, so therefore I set 5 kg first hahaha. I would love to see the 70 and maybe 65 some day, though. I am a coffee addict, so that will be my solace if ever I feel like dying on a fast day 😀

    We’ve had around 2 weeks of minus 15 degrees Celsius. Late last week we were back about freezing again and the snow was gone! Today – Welcome his Majesty King Winter again! I Wonder if it’s wet snow outside now… I can hear water dripping from the gutter outside.

    I realized this evening that I cannot drink milk on fast days, since they have a high calorie Count. On normal days I will still drink a glass of milk along my open sandwich and Brown goat cheese on top!

    Good Luck on shedding kilograms! I am rooting for all of us! NIght night!

    Dear QuietOne! Oh thank you for the links! So useful and good reads! I have to see this through, because now I’ve told everyone in my Family hahaha. If I lose 5 kg by Midsummer, wow that will be such a great achievement! Last time I shed a lot was after my second child: From 96 to 80 kg in 4 months ! I held it for 8 months, and then my dad passed away and suddenly With grieving, summer gatherings and Christmas, I gained 4 kg! My better half is afraid that I will become too skinny. Ha! I do not think so. There’s Your pessimist: I won’t Reach for the stars… I can barely brush the snow off the top of my car! Let’s see where I am in a year from now 🙂 On Sunday I will take Pictures to document the beginning of the weight loss. Thank you so much for taking the time to share links With me! Good night to you!

    you can do 5:2. If I can anyone can. It is just a pattern of eating. Overtime it will become easier and easier. Recalculate your TDEE everytime the scale drops, eat 1/4 (25%) of your TDEE or less on fast days, stay within your TDEE on normal days.

    When you slip up and go over on a fast day or your TDEE on a feed day don’t beat yourself up. Things happen. Just get back on the pattern and get stubborn about it. You will find out alot about yourself on fast days and you can use that in your daily life. You are mentally stronger for fasting and fasting does pay off big time in the health benefits.

    Keep on keeping on 5;2 and you will succeed you can do this.

    Temp -25C windchill -39C blowing snow.

    Hello again Lunaulv

    Have read your profile and see that we’re nearly the same height, I am 5’2 1/2″. That half inch is very important! However, I have more weight to lose. I am currently 92kg.

    I see you’re doing Mondays and Thursdays. Are you all planned for tomorrow? Let us know how you get on. I’ll be thinking about you. How old are your children?

    It’s brightened up. I think I’ll go for a walk – beautiful cloudscape looking NW over the Moray Firth.

    Hello, Quietone! According to the TDEE generator, I should do ca 1/4 of 1700 (sedentary lifestyle). That scares me, thinking I will faint if I feel very hungry during fast days… So I have decided that since my joints are feeling pretty ok nowadays (New medications), I am taking the stairs from now on (we only have 4 floors at work. I carry a Heavy rucksack most times, because I have my books and pc there. So every cent Counts, I am thinking. Today I bought a pedometer, too! I will og for 500 kcal in the beginning- I am afraid to fail at this, so I am starting With doable and less intimidating goals. I am very motivated and feel that my partner is such a super support in this lifestyle change I am starting.

    Weather forecast says it will be cloudy in some hours, but 5 degrees Celsius! I’d rather it snowed and were really Cold than wet and gloomy.

    This thing is going to happen today! Yey me!

    Hello Joan!

    I’m all set! I have been pepping myself today, Reading through key parts in my 5:2 book and planning meals this week. I bought lots of veggies and fruit and I’m ready for tomorrow!

    I have not eaten since 7 pm. I have a boiled egg ready for my lunch at work tomorrow, and 2 crisp bread (we love them here in Norway) à 40 kcal, a small apple and some baby carrots to Munch. I have lean beef ready for dinner (ca 180 kcal) With lots of veggies on the side – I think i will Slice them and blanch them. Then lots of Nice Herbs and seasoning I bought too. Coffee and water tomorrow. My New pedometer is ready and no more elevator for me!

    Today I got on the scale, which I avoid like the plague. It said 84,5 kg. I will be so happy to see the number 7 by midsummer! I hope that will happen. Seeing 60s would be like winning the lottery, but 70s by midsummer- that’s my plan.

    My children are 4 (boy) and 15 months (girl) old. I teach full time. Tomorrow we are talking about poetry in the Romantic period (1800-1870) in Norway. I am well-prepared for class, and now it’s time to prepare my lunch Box.

    How about you? What are you doing Food- and training wise this week? What are you Reading latelY? I have an Instagram account where I post my poetry/verses. Are you on Instagram?

    Let’s make this a good week! Rah rah rah! Siss boom Ah!

    Lunaulv hope today goes well. If you’ve never fasted before it can be a challenge but a bunch of us are cheering you on. I see you teach. Presume you have read amongst your preparation that while fasting there is an increase in cognitive performance? I was once on a fast ( not for health but spiritual ) and on the third day had to write an essay about something. My mind was so clear I got the highest mark in my life- 97% 🙂 maybe should do that more often?
    I always have several books on the go on my Kindle. I promise I am not saying this for effect but at the moment I am really enjoying ‘Norwegian Wood’ by Lars Mytting. it has been very popular here since being translated into English last Autumn. Also Matthew for Everyone by Tom Wright. Sometimes for a bit of nonsense I read fiction, but it is not my usual. I knit too and tried the ‘knitting mystery’ series by Maggie Sefton. A ‘light’ read and probably won’t buy any more but you do get a knitting pattern or two in the back and a recipe for something mentioned in the plot. My ambition is to learn to do lace knitting popular in Shetland and the Western Isles. It looks like cobwebs. Needs lots of quiet concentration and I don’t always understand the knitting instructions.While I was out to work I never had the energy left at the end of the day so am really pleased to have knitted a couple of items for myself this winter as well as small Christmas gifts for friends = mittens, bookmarks. I didn’t go out at all yesterday so wet and windy. Today looks OK so I will plan to get my pedometer on and out there for an hour or so. Just into town and round, the ground is still very sodden after the heavy rain we have had and not much fun to walk on. Let us know how today goes.

    Joan57 hello, I’m in Perth. Know what you mean about the loss of concentration on 5:2. It was illness and then moving house that torpedoed my good progress. Have had to start from the beginning again weight-wise. I find myself thinking about food on a fast day if I’m stuck indoors so if I can I go out for at least part of the time, even to sit in the library ( not supposed to eat in there)
    I restarted after a long gap last October and have lost 9lbs ( Christmas happened! ) I too am 5′ 2½” we should form an army? I feel I eat much better now I’m not at work and can eat when I want to not when the work day dictates – most of my jobs had ‘timetables’ ugh. I enjoy preparing food and hate washing up ( no room in small kitchen for dishwasher or butler ) . Just felt joining this website would keep me on the straight and narrow. My fast days are Tuesday and Friday.

    Hi Lunaulv

    I’m thinking about you and you will be well into your morning at school. I was a teacher too, although a late entrant to teaching. Having grown up children and a granddaughter I can also imagine the hard work you’ve had even before you leave the house getting the children ready for their respective days.

    I know what it’s like lugging your laptop in a wee rucksack up and down stairs, but only 3 floors and eventually I got my own classroom.

    I was fifty during my NQT year and I only taught for seven years. In England, as a Teacher of Business Studies, you are an ‘odds and sods’ teacher and I had to teach all sorts of things and never got to feel confident in my teaching, and I found the whole experience very stressful. While I have been accepted onto the Scottish Teaching Register, I have decided that it’s a stress I don’t need. Scotland has a completely different curriculum. I managed to stop smoking last year, after 40 years. I would never have been able to achieve that were I still working.

    I’ll catch up with you later. I need to do some housework before I go to play Bridge.

    Hello WeeScotty

    Perth is lovely. We went there last November for a few days for my birthday. Since we moved up here in August 2014, I’ve started looking for communities that celebrate 5th November with a big bonfire. In 2014 it was Inverness and 2015 was Perth. Perth is one of those places you tend to bypass on the A9 and never really get to know unless you make a point of going in. We really enjoyed it and will be coming again. We stayed at the Hotel Mercure, the old watermill hotel which was ideal as we were able to park and then just walk everywhere. Weather wasn’t brilliant and we went to the cinema (twice) but we also managed to visit the art gallery and had a quick visit to a part of the museum. The river itself is spectacular and we walked over the railway bridge and through the parks on the other side. Yes, must check what you’ve got on at the theatre..

    At the moment I don’t really want to go anywhere. I want to concentrate on this and make some good progress. As of this morning, I have lost half a stone in three weeks. Today is a fast day so tomorrow I’m going to measure myself to see if I’ve lost any dimensions. I’m feeling as if there’s a little bit less of me…

    I was interested in what you were saying about knitting and the cobwebby shawls knitted on Shetland. They’re the ones that can pass through a wedding ring aren’t they? I think they have a similar thing in Russia. My mother brought me back one from St Petersburg when she visited a few years ago. Very light and warm covering bare shoulders after dark in Slovenia on summer holiday. Nice memories. No, I’m not a crafty person at all, but I’m thinking I should take something up. The u3a has a textile class and another local group knits wee gowns for stillborn babies and blankets out of squares. I could probably manage the squares. I did achieve a mohair jumper for myself years and years ago. Very easy pattern. It is nice to be creative. Tell me more about the bookmarks…

    Moving house is stressful and I’m not surprised that provoked a lapse, and then Christmas. Yes, not ideal. But you’re back on track now, so that’s great.

    I was really pleased with a chicken stir fry I made yesterday. Chicken breasts, fresh ginger, garlic, red pepper, broccoli and cauliflower florets, carrots, 1tbs of soy sauce and 1 tbs of honey and a little olive oil. Served with white rice. Going to buy brown. Very tasty. Tonight, I’m having a ladle of bolognaise sauce (I made it so I know it’s about 100 calories) with salad and ryvita. Peter will be having it with pasta.

    Talk to you later.

    Hello everyone!

    My first fast day and my 500 kcal is consumed. I divided my 500 into two meals: Lunch and Dinner.
    Lunch: 2 pcs crisp bread, one small boiled egg, 4 baby carrots and a small apple.
    Dinner: 100 gr lean skinless chicken, 2 medium carrots, 75 grams sweet potato and half a medium onion that I stir-fried in rape seed oil. I seasoned dinner with herbs and spices and a tiny pinch of salt.

    At work I was very alert and awake. I did not feel hungry or tired. I ate my lunch, took the stairs and danced by the copying machine while waiting for copies for my class. At 1800 I had dinner, and an hour and a half later I was totally deflated! I do not know whether it is because I have eaten so little calories, or if I slept poorly and too little last night. I am now marking English papers and drinking coffee, and I am feeling better now. It was the weirdest thing! A sudden sensation of exhaustion that passed after about an hour.

    Do you all divide your fast day calories into several meals? I have read some who do the whole count in one go for dinner, and that they prefer retiring feeling quite full. I have to give this several fast days before I alter anything and I will find out what suits me.

    So I have finally punched in my details in my chart. Start weight at 84,5 and my first goal at 78. I do not have any chance to have my body measured, but I could ask my Phys. Ed. Colleagues if they can do it for me – embarrassing! We’ll see.

    How has your day been? Did you get to exercise?

    Have to get back to my marking! Take care always!

    Well done Lunaulv. Congratulations on a successful day. I’ve been wondering how you were getting on. Full time teaching and little children is a tough gig!

    Very healthy meals I thought. I do one meal at about six pm. You are in a different situation and I think you need to work out for yourself what works best for you.

    Finish your marking and get to bed! Night, night.

    you can do this. Remember every day is new and a clean slate. As long as you keep on keeping on 5:2 you will succeed. It’s a pattern of eating not a diet so you can’t fail.

    Over time you’ll find what works best for you. I urge you to adhere to 5:2 as written. The only variable is when to eat on your fast days. Some prefer 2 small meals. Lunch and supper or one large meal, usually supper but there are people that like breakfast. I just don’t eat at all. I find if I have a little bit I want a LOT and it’s much more difficult to manage.

    Do what’s right for you. You will get to know your body and rhythm better as time goes on. And if you find that you have to have a 100 calorie snack to beat back the cloud to make it through the work day you can do that. There is no one size fits all with 5:2.

    Joan57 today I am cooking a piece of pork and got it in the fridge marinading in lime and honey and basil , will have spinach and green beans. I ate my pancakes yesterday rather than swap my days. Usually have a late breakfast ( btwn 11-12:30 ) and then a ‘dinner’ at about 6:30. That would have been hard while at work but OK while I’m home and in command of my day.
    Well done on your weight loss so far. Sometimes I don’t seem to lose weight but the waist diminishes nicely! All in the mix I suppose.
    Perth theatre still closed for refurbishment. Some events at the concert hall but haven’t seen anything that grabs me. Went to Dundee last year for “The Cheviot the Stag and the Black Black Oil ” enjoyed the production and the theatre Dundee Rep is delightfully cosy. Attend more concerts as a rule.
    Knitted bookmarks = I found some patterns free on “Ravelry” a similar community to The Fast Diet site. I knitted this one in a plain colour but decorated with sewn on beads for a gift http://www.ravelry.com/projects/Kirky/lace-waves-bookmark-2
    I think my problem is that my preferred past-times are sitting down. I tried standing at my computer for a while but just acquired a shooting pain n one leg. So now make myself get out for walks wearing a pedometer.

    Hi WeeScotty

    Your pork sounds delicious. I’d like to know more. We are having ribeye steak, not a lot, 135g each. I’m putting it down as 370 calories but I know it will be less because Highland Cattle meat has significantly less fat, but the marbling is wonderful. We will have potatoes, carrots, green beans, onions and mushroom and salad with it. A couple of glasses of red wine to celebrate not going off the rails. I’ve already had Allbran, whole milk and a dessertspoon of demerara sugar. (228 cals)

    I wondered what you were talking about when you said you’d already eaten your pancakes until I saw a poster at the co-op in Portsoy and then I twigged.

    Ditto regarding inch loss. I measured this morning and recorded an inch off my waist since I started.

    Well, I’ve not been to Dundee Rep since I was a student at Dundee 1974 to 1977. Can’t remember what I saw… Must arrange a wee trip to Dundee. I’ve not really been back since I left so I’m looking forward to seeing the changes. Gowd, it’s forty years ago..

    I watched the original version of the Cheviot, the Stag and the Black Black Oil on You Tube during the run up to the referendum.


    It’s still there and I see there’s also a ‘meet the cast’ from the Dundee production you saw. I’ll have a look at that later.

    Thanks for the link to Ravelry. I’ve just joined and I’ll have a look for some ‘beginners’ projects! It’s windy here today, and bitter, so I’ve not walked today. Rain forecast for later. Going to find my knitting bag..

    Honey Lime pork chop. This is the recipe I am adapting for tonight’s meal. http://bakeeatrepeat.ca/honey-lime-grilled-pork-chops-recipe/
    Only cooking one portion so arithmetic needed ( and we used to say at school ‘when will we ever use it?’) might have a Weight Watcher’s yoghurt for something sweet afterwards. I have enough calories for it. then nothing until breakfast tomorrow. Thinking of a day out so it might be ‘morning coffee’ as often wake up not very hungry after a fast day. Strange.

    Yes WeeScotty I find non fast days more difficult than fast days and while I can go to bed hungry, I’m not generally raging with hunger the next morning.

    I wonder how Lunaulv is doing?

    Hello to all of you! I am doing fine. I love my pedometer; almost 15 000 steps in Three days! I try to march, Dance, run whenever I can at work. I must look funny marching like a Russian soldier NeXT to the water cooler! Tomorrow is my second fast day. I think I am coping well so far. I am trying to make good Choices during regular days, too. I am drinking lots of coffee this evening – once again – because I am marking English essays.

    How often do you weigh yourselves? Less disappointment if I get on the scale after four weeks?

    Tomorrow’s lunch will be the same as on Monday. I’m opting for skinless chicken breast again (100 gr), but maybe I’ll try something New on the side instead of just greens. Considering baking sweet potatoes in the oven, too. I still have not found the time to plan for the upcoming weeks, since most of my waking hours are spent on my children and my teens at work! I should probably try to follow the fast day meals suggestions in the book 😀

    We are expecting Sub-Zero temperatures again after several days of rain!

    I prefer snow to rain 🙂

    God natt!

    Mona aka Lunaulv

    Sunny -31C windchill -39C.

    To weigh or not to weigh or if to weigh how often? For some once a month is sufficient others it is weekly and in my case by medical necessity daily. I have heart failure and if I start retaining fluids my weight will jump and I know to get to the Drs for pharmacological intervention.

    My weight does fluctuate by 3 – 5 lbs depending on salt intake and liquids and diet. So I always average the last 3 days. Tracking your weight frequently does help keep some of us on the straight and narrow. I know when I need to tighten up on my eating habits fairly quickly before I fall to far off the 5:2 pattern.

    My weight is down 57lbs in 56 weeks on 5:2 so I am going down the right path.

    Make sweet potato fries, toss in a bowl with home made Italian dressing to coat them place on no stick cookie sheet single layer and cook at 230C (450F) oven for 25 – 30 mins add a sprinkle of creole seasoning when you take them out of the oven http://www.slenderkitchen.com/recipe/light-italian-dressing I use a diced red pepper rather than one from a jar add a little cayenne pepper for some zing, use stevia extract as a sweetner and lower the calories even more. You can use this dressing as a marinade on pork chops or chicken as well. Don’t marinate meats for too long an hour in the fridge is good. More time is not better with vinegar based marinades.

    I find that taking time and being mindful of what I’m doing makes my food taste better no matter how simple it actually is.

    Hi Lunaulv

    All sounds as if it’s going well. You need lots of energy so it’s great that you have it. I think the main planning is making sure that you’re got enough of the right stuff available to eat. Fast day for me today.

    Hi Lunaulv I started in October by weighing once a week early in the morning after a fast day. That seemed OK. Recently I read to weigh once per day ( same time each day) and do a sum weekly to get an average. I have tried for 2 weeks and don’t see any real advantage so I think will return to once per week.
    Once a month I write a menu for the next month. I use a table and print it out and keep it in my kitchen. In ‘spare’ room under the table ( now that’s beginning to sound like Narnia? ) on the page I mean not under the table I eat from – I write fruit & veg & meat in season and sources of recipes to look up ( trying not to print everything out or buy any more books) Table is written as two weeks and eaten twice. Easy enough to choose something for the extra days – or never mind the calendar just eat four-weekly pattern. I then review what is in ‘season’ as am trying to eat seasonally which reduces air miles ( not flying things in from Africa or new Zealand ). I get ideas from magazines and online and then fill in the table which gives me an idea of variety in the week. However say if I make soup I eat 2 days in a row ( living alone) or today’s meal ( not fasting) is from the freezer as I made four portions when I cooked it. Not sure how this would work with partner and children unless they eat anything you give them 🙂 You will know what they like? My mum used to say the hardest part was thinking up menus not buying and cooking. I see that now.
    The only effort I have to make, and sometimes forget, is to check before going shopping what the NEXT day’s menu is for ingredients. I have been doing this now since August and it is making life easier and am not making many bad impulse choices when I shop. I think I am wasting less fresh food too. Although the celeriac in the fridge is about to climb out and walk away – and I have used it several times.

    Thanks so much for great tips! WeeScotty – Narnia! Are you sure the table does not open a fantastic parallel universe where all meals are ready according to 5:2- no thinking and planning needed! 😀

    So it’s been a fast day again today. I had the same lunch as on Monday (less thinking ang planning beforehand), and did not feel faint or hungry. Drank loads of coffee as usual and water, of course. I did not eat baby carrots; Rolf (my partner) ate it all up and did not leave any for me to put in my lunch Box today).

    For dinner I had skinless chicken breast again, but this time i put it in boiling vegetable broth! Then I sliced it and had sweet potato fries (oven baked), tomatoes, red onion (only a little), sugar snap beans, shredded white cabbage and seasoned With Herbs and spices. I enjoyed it better than Monday’s dinner, so this was a hit for me.

    All in all ca 500 kcal. Very happy!

    Again my energy fell an hour or so after dinner. Sort of sleepy. Then it passed and I’ve been marking after that. I just had a Nice cup of tea, too. It’s been a good four days, and I am so proud of myself. Good Choices, taking the stairs, doing around 4300 steps a day… I am trying to figure out how tho log functions on my pedometer Works – I manage to Clear it all out every single day!

    QuietOne: I can imagine you have a completely New wardrobe after the weight loss. That’s a lot in a year! So inspiring! I am looking forward to a better Health. Also being able to buy Nice pants is a motivation. I wear a lot of dresses and skirts, because they do not look funny on me.

    Time to hit the sack. Ha en god natt!


    Motivation: do you have a pair of pants that you know you look great in but they are just too small. Too tight, uncomfortably so? Wear them for a bit then hang them on the wardrobe door where you can always see them. Try them on every few weeks. Feel as they get easier to put on and then finally you get to wear them! That is a a great feeling.

    It does take some time and some discipline but you can do this.

    QuietOne: No, it’s been ages since I owned a pair of Nice pants. But there’s this one dress that I have been keeping – just in case I ever fit it again 🙂 Maybe that one!

    Have Nice weekend! Family get together tomorrow and I am prepared to eat less and eat slowly! I have to be mindful about how much I put in my mouth! Otherwise, just so ready to make good Choices tomorrow!

    Now I am starting to knit Kitchen cloths (to dry Your Counter and Wash basin With); my girlfriend wants some for her birthday in a week 😀 Hooray for homemade gifts!

    Hi Folks

    I’ve got such a dress too Lunaulv. I’ve worked out that it must be 20 years old and I hope to wear it in October on a cruise to the Canaries.

    I’m afraid I’m not as organised as WeeScotty. However, I have unearthed the electric steamer from the back of the kitchen cupboard, and I’m enjoying the Wok!

    I weigh every day, but only record Monday to Monday, first thing before coffee. If I weigh a bit more than I did on the previous Friday morning (after Thursday Fast) then it’s too bad. It’s the long term trend that’s important to me. I will have completed four weeks on Monday.

    I’ve got a busy week coming up with U3a and village activities so hopefully I won’t be thinking about food too much.

    Hello in the middle of week 7! How are you doing? I am happy to see some weight loss! I treated myself to cappuccino With my mom today, and a Nice sweater.

    I feel like I am doing well making good Choices. Today one of my English classes had class lunch: Everyone contributed With different Things to make a lunch buffet in the classroom. There were Cold cuts, crisp bread, Whole wheat bread, butter, chocolate spread, veggies, cheese, juice, milk and low-cal squash. A very typical NOrwegian array of items to eat for breakfast/lunch. I ate two crisp breads With ham and tomatoes and red bell pepper and cucumber. No butter. I also made a glass of diluted squash. For dinner, some Office mates and I ordered Chinese while working overtime. I had chicken saute (I bet it had lots of corn starch) and rice. I ate 1/3 of the rice that came along With my order, and I ate the chicken and veggies and tried as best as I could to take away as much sauce as possible. Water and coffee all day long. I bought Stevia, quinoa, no-fat yoghurt. I am drinking a big glass of ice water With lemon juice and some drops of Stevia. Very refreshening!

    Tomorrow’s another FD, and I will be doing chicken again. Just because I have not yet come around to planning for weeks Ahead, and I have a lot of chicken breast in the freezer.

    By the way, the upper part of my stomache- around my diaphragm – has sunk. Something looks different With my tummy area. It feels deflated, too. I will take it as a good sign.

    I hopw all is well With all of you!

    Happy week 7!

    Hello Lunaulv
    All good news then. Weight loss and losing mass. Well done, and also very well done on being able to keep the head when presented with a range of temptations.
    I’m doing OK. Going away next week for a little break. Will be a test of whether I can control myself in the face of lots of lovely, tempting food. Bread, mmm. Not had any for ages, and have stopped buying it. Enjoying crispbread occasionally…

    Hello everybody, we’ve gone a bit quiet lately. I have had a ten day ‘halt’. I did have a cold ( not severe) but fine now. This morning AT LAST I restarted the downward trend. My scales also register water and fat and BMI factors which have also moved. Went round charity shops looking for a grey leather belt to grace a sweater I have just knitted. Got the exact thing I envisaged. Reversible grey and pink ( same colours as sweater) beautiful quality ‘silver’ buckle. £2.50. What’s not to like? Got home and – it didn’t fit! Looked so big in the shop. Didn’t try on as was bumfled up in Winter outer gear. SO disappointed – but it is a goal to work towards – one day it WILL fit 🙂

    Hope you are all seeing the numbers reduce? Anybody else on a plateau? Just keep going. We are all walking down the hill. Best wishes.

    Hi folks
    Like you WeeScotty, I got temporarily sidetracked. We had a wee trip to Oban, and I consumed too much. Back on track now, but not trusting the scales at the moment. I feel fat this morning, but the scales say that I am 3lb less than yesterday! Ah well, I’ll go by tomorrow any the week by week record. Weather has just been beautiful. Sorry to hear about your belt. Something to aim for, eh?
    How’re you Lunaulv?

    Hi folks

    Today I weighed and I’ve achieved a 12lb loss in six weeks and I am now under 200lbs!

    Fast day today and I will press on and try to maintain that level of loss. In five weeks extended family all get together for a week’s holiday at Rothiemurchus. Self catering, we take turns at feeding everyone. Wonderful cooking all week, and drinking! This year is our 25th anniversary of this annual family event.

    I’ve just booked a cruise to Norway! Yes, sailing from Dundee on 17th April for 8 nights. I will be cruising Hardangerfjord, visiting Eidfjord, Flam Geiranger and Bergen. So busy researching that at the moment. If you have any tips Lunaulv, pass them on. I intend to take my thermal underwear!

    Off to play Bridge now. Keep my mind off eating! Steamed Sea Bass with ginger and steamed vegetables for dinner tonight.

    Take care everyone.

    Hello everyone!

    Yes, we have gone a bit quiet recently: My children were ill for almost a week. The youngest one came home from Kindergarten With sore eyes, and my son and I got it as well. You would think that was enough, but both my kids had high temperature and the Works With no apetite and just in general grumpy and sleepy. So on the fourth day we took them to Our doctor, and both had an infection. My son’s little blood sample showed he was anemic, too. Long story short, we were taking turns looking after the children for almost a week.

    Last week, I think it was Wednesday, I got on the scale for fun, and it showed that I had lost 2,5 kgs! Unfortunately I ate a lot in the weekend when we visited my mother-in-Law Down South. I got back on the scale last night and I was 500 grams heavier. But I am so thrilled to see this is working, because a weight loss of 2 kgs in Three weeks is a lot for me! I am planning on adding another fast day this week – on Saturday- to equalize.

    WeeScotty! I would love to see that belt of Yours! And yes, it will fit you see! Joan57 Your trip will be a lovely one, I promise you! In Bergen, expect rain and further in the fjords, Cold! In Flam you can take an old Train and see some spectacular views! Here’s a link:


    Hardangerfjord is just beautiful. If possible, Catch a tour bus that drives the Trollstigen (troll ladder): A steep and very tricky road that leads you to a viewing point overlooking Geirangerfjorden. Here’s another link:


    I have bought a spiralizer and have tried to make zoodles last week. I forgot to salt and drain it, and when I tossed it a bit in a pan to warm it, it shrunk!

    I am very excited about IF, and I am telling my friends and colleagues about it. I look forward to fast days and I am feeling better in so many ways already. I wish all of you a good Week 9! Take care!

    Hello everybody, hello Lunaluv,

    I visited Norway a couple of years ago with my parents, we were SO impressed with trollstigen and also Geirangerfjord. Really, go there if you can.

    Good luck with your week 9, lulaluv, and hope your children get better soon.

    I love West Norway! There are som many breathtaking Places to visit! Anyone up for visiting North Norway – cross the Arctic circle, visit North Cape and see majestic snow decked Mountains! Aurora Borealis is magical 🙂

    Hello Lunaulv, thanks for the links. I must say, I’m enjoying the planning. Thanks for your recommendations too Austrian.

    Sorry to hear about your wee ones Lunaulv and hope you’re all well on the road to recovery. I think that I need to get a spiraliser too, and do clever things with courgettes!

    Feeling a bit peckish, so I’m going to get out of the kitchen!

    Peckish and need to eat chocolates? I have discovered diet chocolate bars at 90 kcal per bar! I do not eat sweets on fast days, of course, but IF I want to eat sweets, I head towards the diet/low-cal Department at the store and buy one of these (is included in my total kcal on a regular day). It is made out of coconut mass and a very thin chocolate cover (dark and bitter – Yum!) And if I want to drink something sweet, it’s smoothies! I og for the brocolli, apple and kale type at 37 (?) kcal. It’s actually very tasteful!

    Coconut bars – I found it easy to make them myself (I don’t know if they have “Bounty” bars in Norway, mine are a fake no sugar version). Just mix dessicated coconut flakes with the nonfat part of coconut milk (transparent liquid, not the white goo on top) – until the mixture sticks together. I put mine in chocolate molds and pop them in the refrigerator, then cover them with a thin coating of melted chocolate (I use 81% chocolate). You could add some rum to the coconut mixture. They taste very nice, but at 622 cal for 100 g of desiccated coconut flakes, they are definitely a (low carbish) treat for non-fast days.

    Yes, Austrian! We have Bounty bars here 🙂 So I buy a can of cocunut milk and separte the thick goo from the transparent one? I should try this out!

    I think you can mix the liquid and the white stuff any way you want, or just use one or the other – depending on how many calories you want to get in your fake Bounty. 🙂
    I should add that my version is almost not sweet at all since I don’t add any sugar/honey/xylitol/what have you.
    Good luck with it!

    Hello this Sunday night!

    It is now four weeks since I wrote my very first post here. I have till now lost almost 3 kgs! 200 gr short! I am very pleased With the result after four weeks. I emphasize to my surroundings that this is not a diet; this is a lifestyle. I do not see why I should og back to my old ways, when I can see that IF has so many positive effects on so many Levels. Now I feel that something is wrong if I do not eat lots of veggies every day. I have not touched that much Dairy Products in four weeks, and my tummy seems to be happy about it! I spread avocado on my bread instead of butter. I have also cut significantly Down on sugar and sweets. I treat myself to Alpro dark chocolate pudding once in a while, and it is so tasty and low-cal.

    My days are hectic With 90 papers to mark. I still have 60 (English and Norwegian essays). With two children, household chores and therapy (I am in mourning still after my father’s Death), I no longer manage 10 or 12 after work. I am Lucky if I am able to read through 5. So my evenings are spent With lots of coffee and essays.

    I am considering signing up and going to the gym. Something has happened With my body. It needs toning! The question is where to squeeze that in my already jam-packed Schedule.

    I am seeing my doctor on the 21st. I will ask him for this document (I do not know what it is called in English); It is a form on which he ticks boxes and the lab at Our hospital takes lots of blood and checks all these Things the doctor has marked on the form. I want to see how my “figures” look like now. Then I will ask for a New check in a month or two.

    I hope that you are all doing fine. It’s snowing again, and we were all prepared for spring!

    Stay healthy and happy!


    Hi all, hadn’t realised we’d gone so quiet…
    I am reporting 16 lb loss over eight weeks and am pleased.

    Just need to keep slogging on, and, if I am naughty, not to ‘give in’ to a blow out, but to have a big drink of water and take a deep breath.

    Aiming for 5lbs over the next two weeks to achieve losing 10% of original body weight!

    Hello Joan,
    that sounds great, congrats!
    True, the difficulty is sticking to the plan and not giving in to temptation too much and too often 🙂

    Good luck with your next goal!!

    well done Joan. That’s really impressive. I haven’t much to report which is why have been quiet. Am getting out for walks a bit more as weather improves but weight very slow in shifting now after initial ‘burst’. Saw Dr Michael Mosley on tv last week and he has written an eight week 800 calorie plan to fight the diabetic epidemic ( maybe that should be pandemic?) .http://www.bookdepository.com/category/2788/Diets-Dieting
    I don’t have a family link to diabetes but wouldn’t hurt to watch sugar intake etc. Have ordered his book as my library charges so much to suggest new stock I might as well buy it. Haven’t got my hands on it yet. Will report back. Plan is to do the 8 weeks then maybe see if 6:1 would hold me in a good place.

    Lunaluv, how are you getting on?
    I am a teacher, too (although on “baby break”), and I totally feel your pain when it comes to the 90 essays you had to correct. I don’t know about Norwegian students, but students here tend to throw anything at you that is remotely connected to the topic, and then you have seven pages per person to sift through for bits of relevant information or insights. A bit like looking for gold nuggets in a murky stream. Hope your students write only clear and concise thoughts, unlike mine. 🙂


    Hello WeeScotty,

    I phased out sugar two years ago or so, and now rarely eat anything that has sugar in it. What really convinced me to keep away from it is how awful it makes my mouth and gums feel (I looked the word up in the dictionary, it says “oral mucosa”, I don’t know if that is the correct term). My dentist also says my gums are way better, so maybe it’s worth watching sugar intake for this reason, too?

    Please keep us posted about the eight week diet plan, it sounds very interesting!


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