Hello from France – first week completed -'' yihaa'

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Hello from France – first week completed -'' yihaa'

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lalasharni 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    First weigh-in this morning and I am thrilled to say to who ever starts this 2:5 regime, it certainly seems to work (Okay, it is only my first week) started 2nd week today. 🙂

    Weight loss 1.5 Kilos. 23.02.2015

    overall object is to loose between 8 – 10 kilos this year.

    I have not been able to go without anything at lunch time 🙁 … so I have opted for the wonderful apple and large glass of water which has kept me going, until I can conquer going without anything until supper, which I’m sure in time will happen.

    A Bientot, la semaine prochaine pour ‘le weigh-in’ 🙂

    Hi et bienvenue! I’m in England. I began two weeks ago and am too seeing progress…3kg so far! Keep going, and if you’d like a diet buddy, email me velaseven@gmail.com
    Best regards
    Lal xx

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