hello form any one form cornwall

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  • hello all im in cornwall. ive just turned 35 now to lose the flab… help where do i start…. how do i get a weekly food meals infor form.. can some help me… im on a low income…

    Hey Cornish Bear!
    Well if you can’t afford the book, there’s still other ways of getting the information you want. You’re already on this site, did you consider checking the “why fast?” and “how?” pages on the top of the page? There’s also a FAQ with a lot of answers, and after that you can just go ahead and read other people’s stories and stuff, to learn more. A lot of questions have already been asked (and answered!) on the forum.

    Enjoy your read, it’s free! 😉

    Hi cornishbear…. Welcome

    ….the best way to start is by reading the Fast Diet book and/or watching Michael Mosley’s horizon programme. The book is probably available at your local library or from Amazon and the programme is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xfi1dBd9y4.

    There are no set foods you have to eat, no weekly menus to follow, no weekly food information form, no forbidden foods. It’s not so much a diet as a completely new way of eating.

    You need to calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) You can do that by following the link in the right hand column on this page. there is an explanation of what it is and why you need to know this.

    When you have done that it is a simple matter of eating 25% of your TDEE calories on two non consecutive days every week. On the other 5 days you can eat up to your total TDEE calories of whatever you like. Ideally all days should be a balance of foods with plenty fruit and vegetables.

    When you start you may find it useful for the first 2-3 weeks to use an app like ‘My Fitness Pal’ or ‘Lose It’ (just google these) to help you track your daily calories so you can learn about portion sizes and the calorie values of foods.

    That may sound complicated and it takes a couple of weeks to ‘get into the swing’ but when you do it’s really simple and straightforward.

    There are NO ‘forbidden’ foods…you just have watch quantities of the higher calorie things like chocolate.

    The forums are really supportive and helpful…anything you want to know just ask and someone will be able to answer you.

    You will see people talking about ADF (alternate day fasting); 4:3 (three non consecutive days fasting per week); 16:8 (only eating during an 8 hour ‘window’ every 24 hours). Don’t worry too much about these to start with..just try 2 days fasting and 5 days eating normally to begin with. You can change later if it will suit you better. Everyone finds the best way for themselves.

    If you have diabetes or have ever suffered from an eating disorder or have any concerns healthwise about fasting then you should definitely speak to your GP before starting.

    Do read the book and watch the programme first.

    Good luck and do keep us posted about how you get on. We’re all going in the same direction.

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