
This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  JoP 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I am new to the 5:2 and am only on my third week. Just wondered if anyone has any fail safe recipes or tips for fast days? The past two weeks I’ve lost 1.5lb each week but I had a blow out this weekend so suspecting that tomorrow I will have either put on or stayed static! Any help would be hugely appreciated! X

    I’m also starting my third week of fasting. I haven’t weighed myself or measured myself yet but I feel great overall.
    I don’t think it is unusual to overeat at the start of this lifestyle as we find our sea legs (so to speak) so don’t be too hard on yourself if you indulged more than you had anticipated.
    I find Saturdays the hardest day as I feel that I overeat as I’m eating foods that had been off the “diet” for years or were my trigger foods which would cause me to binge eat them. But, I am aware that I am doing this and I haven’t binged but the “guilt” of eating them is making me think that I am overeating them, but I don’t think I am really. It’s all about finding the balance of eating.
    Good luck with your journey to health!

    Hi viberadiant thanks for your post. I was right – I had put on 1lb after my Easter blow out so am back on it with a vengeance this week? Fingers crossed I’ll have better results this week! Good luck xx

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