going really well

This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Stef. 11 years ago.

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  • Hi I am in my 3rd week,lost another 2LB this week,grand total of 8LB IN 3 weeks,had a blip on my birthday but got straight back on the next day,i also made the mistake of going for a bike ride on a fast day,that is a no no for me as i came back absolutely famished,went to bed so i would not eat lol.hope you all doing ok.x

    Hi Ladybird53! Well done on losing 8lbs in 3 weeks, thats brilliant! I am in my second week, 5th fast day (as I am doing 4:3) and when I last checked a few days ago I had lost 4lbs so fingers crossed I can match that this week 🙂

    I can imagine you must have been absolutely knackered after your bike ride, but take comfort in the fact that you must have burned pure fat during that ride! Its all about beating the blubber baby 😉 ha ha!

    NB, I am also a fellow biscuitholic, chocoholic and cakeaholic. I share your love and feel your pain!

    oh bless u natashad,it is a nightmare stopping myself from eating all the bad stuff.hope your doing well.x

    let me know how you get on.i am also menopausal nearly post hopefully,which does not help with all the hormones or lack off flying around,x

    It is so difficult if you are inclined towards those types of foods. As a self-proclaimed comfort eater, I know its so hard to stop yourself having one more (it never is just one more) because it is an instant shot of pleasure whenever I felt cold/lonely/tired/angry/sad/happy…..(insert relevant emotion here!). With the ups and downs of menopause I can imagine that it is doubly difficult, but you seem to be doing fantastically so keep going. I am currently battling severe hunger pangs (18 hours into my fast) so we can struggle through it together! My mum is doing 5:2 and has been for a year now, and she is also going through the menopause but isn’t any of the ‘-holics’ we discussed. She has done really well though, and she has never dieted in her life. She also happens to be an amazing cook (she is Italian, a thoroughly fabulous home-made-pasta-making Mama) so if she can do it, you absolutely can.

    Keep me posted my lovely!

    Comfort eating… it’s a curse isn’t it??

    Congratulations on the weightloss Ladybird, those are some very good numbers!!

    you guys are doing great ive just joined today and now deciding what day shall I start eeekkk…do you guys count calories on the regular eating days?
    thanks carole

    Hi Carole.

    Personally I don’t count the calories on regular days. Others might. I never saw the need for it as the plan worked and still does without doing that.

    Best of luck!

    “do you guys count calories on the regular eating days?”

    Never liked counting calories.

    I seem to count the days until fasting.

    I then count the hours that I fast, sometimes they are fast hours, so to speak.

    Sometimes counting the fast minutes.


    Hi Carole, I do calorie counting on non fast days, at least for now. I need to get a feeling for “hidden” calories. The other day I munched some little caramel sweeties at the hairdresser, only to realise that each of them had around 40 calories. Little xmas cookies can have tons of calories and I can easily munch ten of them before dinner.

    It helps me to be more conscious. I use tge app LoseIt! on my ipad and this helps me to get an understanding about how much I eat. With a bit more time though I will probably leave the calorie counting as I do not want it to run my life.

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