Get off me

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  • Morning all,
    Saturday morning, day 6, my story so far. Can’t recall exactly where I came across 5:2 but it was shortly after I stood on the scales and they screamed out “get off me you fat &*%$#@”. Like most I’ve put back on all 10kg’s I lost on WW but to be fair it’s taken me 8 years. Given I work in the wine industry I consider that to be quite impressive; tastings and dinners are an occupational hazard.
    I’ve fasted on Monday and Thursday this week. I found the whole thing more physiological than physical and if my other half hadn’t interfered while I was making the most incredible 600cal salad known to man, the day would have gone without a hitch. As it turns out we had a massive screaming match in the kitchen that just fell short of a food fight and ended in me sitting down to the worst 200cal salad known to man.
    It’s the wine that’s the hardest to give up. Not that I’m a raging alcoholic (professional alcoholic would better describe me) but I just can’t remember a meal outside of breakfast that I haven’t had a wine with for a very long time.
    Thursday was great. I actually looked forward to it. Much like Monday I didn’t get particularly hungry although my stomach was playing a symphony for most of the day. I actually enjoy the massive stomach growls….I find them sort of weirdly funny and satisfying at the same time. We had agreed on what was for dinner the night before which was sensible as it went a long way towards avoiding Kitchen Wars Part II. In case you hadn’t figured it out my partner is also my fasting buddy. Her problem is she can’t stay off the scales and weigh’s herself every 2 minutes, religiously. I told her it might take a bit longer the 6 days to look like Bo Derek but she couldn’t hear me while she was hammering in the hook for the new full length mirror in the bedroom.
    I have been far more restrained. Weighed in on Monday, 102kg’s, 114cm. Going to weigh myself once a week if I can wrestle the scales off the misses. There will be a small window of opportunity while she’s looking at herself in the mirror I reckon. I don’t really have a target weight. I’m figuring about 90kg’s will have me looking like Magnum PI again but we’ll see what happens. And if I’m going to match that whole half your height round the middle thing, the tape measure needs to read 93.5. I’ll keep you posted.
    Just want to say a big thank you to Michael Mosley, my new super hero.

    I’m glad you clarified that 114cm was your waist and not your height measurement. You will find a few wine drinking sympathisers here. You are not alone.

    I’ve got a new technique I call ‘sippy’. Because it is the pouring of a glass at certain moments, like on walking into the kitchen, that is part of the problem I still go through the motions. But I reach for a smaller glass, an elegant little georgian twisted stem number, and I pour a small amount – about two sips. And then I just let it sit there on the bench while I cook, and I really only have two sips.

    I half fill the glass to have with my meal, and when I’m really naughty I might have another half. At the end of the night I’ve probably had a full glass and a half but that is way better than the whole bottle I used to drink every night.

    Thanks for the tip RoBa but in our house if you take the cork out you might as well throw it in the bin. I’ll just have to look forward to my non fasting days.

    P.S My first post was supposed to read psychological not physiological….didn’t spell check my spell checker

    Hi RoBa and FastKiwi, up here in England, (not the UK or Britain, ENGLAND I am proud to be English not British) I too enjoy my wine, in fact this week two bottles have past my lips so yes I have a bit of an issue with. I tell my wife wine goes off within 24 hrs when opened so needs to be enjoyed quickly. (Yes I know, its sad). RoBa, I think you have something there. I have a routine at home including sitting in my favourite chair. I crack a bottle, pour a large glass and sit in my chair. Same routine. Susan, my hairdresser, who cuts what hair I have left loves her wine, same routine each evening after work, she had a couple of glasses. She told me that by sitting in a different chair at home broke the routine and her nightly drinking habit. Strange isnt it how a simple change in routine can trigger off a positive change in our drinking habits?. Not sure if I want to try it though.Before I retired, many yrs ago a collegue at work was a recovering alcoholic. He kept a full unopened bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale (also known as Dog) on his desk in front of him. It worked for him, it was there for years. So yes, little changes can and do work……for some.
    Good luck.

    Guys, who said you have to cut out the wine? Bugger that! I don’t drink on the fast days, but have plenty on the non fast days and have dropped from 85 to 79 kilos in 2 months. I don’t have much more to lose. In fact I’m putting on muscle so may stay around the same, just leaner. I have found that I am naturally drinking less since doing IF but still drink heaps by most people’s standards.

    I’ve also cut out the grains, using the primal diet and exercise program as a bit of a template and that’s worked really well for me. Google Marks daily apple.

    I know there is calories in wine, but I really can’t see the harm in a few glasses on the normal days.


    G’day West Oz Bloke – we meet again on a wine related thread! I’m coming round to your place with a big bottle of Margaret River red next time I’m over that side of the country and we can swap fasting stories. Don’t bother cooking anything.

    I thought the whole idea of this lifestyle was that we make small sacrifices (not eating 2 days a week) and then live the rest normally! I drink wine every evening (non fast days) and with lunch at weekends. The real revelation for me is that I now eat less on “eating” days than before, I’m just not as hungry (greedy?) as I used to be. The fasting days are alcohol free. Wine is a major interest for us, our holidays are to Italy or NZ wine regions. Since January I have lost 17.2kg (from 90.8 to 73.6) and am now convinced that this can work long term. I am 63 (and managed to keep fasting even through a pretty cold Hobart winter) and plan to fast in some way permanently. The main reason I have never succeeded in losing weight and keeping it off over the last 30 years was the feelings of guilt (if you touched alcohol, chocolate, potatoes, whatever!) and deprivation. So have the wine (and that piece of Lindt) and ENJOY it.

    Yup Robba, if you are in Perth weekdays, or Gero weekends would love to share some margs red with you! Just let me know and we can catch up and enjoy.

    Vicki, that’s unreal.

    Please let me clarify….I’m abstaining from wine on fast days only. Too many good bottles in my cellar to give up completely. Besides, I can’t, it’s my job. It’s not my preference but I got through the first two fast days with that well used phrase on this forum “there’s always tomorrow”. I keep telling myself my liver is probably enjoying the small holiday’s too.

    Abstaining from wine would be like abstaining from life!

    And yesterday I had a beer-o-clock moment that was very very hard to resist.

    Whatever goes on in your head when you embrace the 5:2 thing, it really seems to help reduce cravings consumption and that, for me, is a good thing. I’m sure my liver is healthier too – no evidence but I just feel healthier.

    Drinking less, enjoying more.

    “Abstaining from wine would be like abstaining from life!”

    It’s called marketing lies and many have bought into that.

    The truth is that our bodies love fruits, in it’s pure form.

    So go strait to the raw fruit source. Fresh and not fermented and rotted.

    I’ll toast to your health with fruit blended fresh.

    I do it daily on feed days.

    It’s long living.


    What is it with 5:2? I totally get the whole reduction in cravings and what’s been an automatic switch in thought process of what’s going into your mouth when without any hardship. Looking forward to a fasting day tomorrow…how weird is that. First weigh in on Tuesday morning for me (if her indoors hasn’t busted the scales from over use). I feel trimmer and my belt has had to be adjusted so here’s hoping.

    Have a good day FastKiwi. Yesterday my watch band broke – too loose and kept catching on things. Suggestion: Put the scales in front of the loo and weigh the missus before and after poo. That will break her fixation.

    Hi FastKiwi, nice to see another fellow kiwi on here. I just started yesterday so looking forward to results that everyone is experiencing. It’s also good to know how to work in the alcohol into the diet when you like to have a glass of wine or 3 πŸ˜‰ plus I do have a weakness for Honey Jim Beam. I hope you have a good day and look forward to hearing about your progress on Tuesday if you get a chance to get on the scales πŸ™‚

    She can’t hear me, too busy looking at herself in the mirror.

    How long do you 5:2 before you get skinny arms?

    Ha ha sounds like you may need another buy another set of scales.

    Kia Ora betalean. Started yesterday? You fasting on a Saturday? I wouldn’t recommend that…..keeping in mind I’m a one week veteran and perhaps in no position to give anyone any advice.

    Kia Ora Fast Kiwi, thanks for your advice. I don’t plan on making my Saturday a standard fast day. I only saw the video documentary on Friday so wanted to get one fast day in this week. I will be making my fast days on Monday and Thursday starting next week πŸ™‚

    Hey FastKiwi – how is it going? You ready to tell us if the tape measure is giving up any inches? Are the scales (assuming you had access) telling any stories? What are your fats days like?

    Hi RoBa,
    You’ve got me at a good time. Just finished a wine tasting of 12 Bordeaux Blends which was an awesome way to break my fast from yesterday.
    Yes I did manage my first weigh in after my first week and 3 fasting days Monday through Monday…very pleased to report a 3kg drop from 102kg to 99kg and a waist measurement drop of 5cm. Didn’t quite expect that much and know that a lot of others have experienced big early losses so I expect the weight may come off in smaller increments from now on. I have been very cautious on normal days not to blow out but to be perfectly honest haven’t felt as hungry as I thought I would so it’s been easy.
    My better half has gotten over her scales fixation now and managed a few days off them. As it turns out she has dropped about 3.5kg and similar in the waist to me. She will have new energy now to keep going. She had a crap day yesterday…her third fast like me….very tired in the afternoon, grumpy etc etc but the weigh in today will give her renewed energy.
    I’ve got a tricky week to manage and have to fast again tomorrow because Thursday I have a presentation of wine and food matching and Monday is a public holiday and I can’t imagine myself having a day off work and a day off food so going to have do this Wednesday and next Tuesday to stay on track.
    All good news from down under.
    Cheers FK

    Just noticed I wrote ‘fats days’ instead of ‘fast days’ tee hee.

    Congratulations. I reckon you are in danger of becoming and M&M disciple and a faster for life.

    As for being grumpy on fast days, that can happen, ask my Beloved.

    BTW I want your job.

    You’d hate my job. I’ve just managed to squeeze in a very healthy sandwich (ooh the bread was sooo gooood)and now have to meet a Master of Wine from Sweden to show her through our range of wines for the afternoon. Don’t know how I’ll cope.

    “You’d hate my job….Don’t know how I’ll cope.”

    Tell us how it really turns out?


    Hi Fast Kiwi, well done to you and your missus for the weight loss this week! It’s so great how you can still enjoy your wines and still lose weight. My partner would be envious of your Bordeaux wine tasting. He lived in Bordeaux for ten years and fell in love with their red wines.
    I did second fast day today and I managed to cope without any carbs bread etc. I felt really hungry this afternoon but the thought of my chicken salad I had ready to be served when I got home kept me going. I am getting used to sound of my tummy rumbling and think to myself that is my body using up fat cells I don’t need πŸ™‚
    I’m looking forward to a full breakfast tomorrow though! All best for this week. Look forward to hearing about your next progress report.

    Wooh! I think I would love your job, but be at severe peril of being a lush. Well even more lucious than now.
    Working for a mining company means only a few drinks in the evening, and must be good for the morning.

    I cut loose a little on Friday and Saturday, but also do a lot of kitesurfing then as well so am too buggered to drink to much before I conk out.

    But the concept of making a living producing, and marketing wine is very attractive. Envy !

    Hi betalean, congratulations on getting through day two. I’m on my 4th fast today because of the shuffling with my schedule and must say that day three was the easiest and although it’s only early morning a pork chop with loads of veges last night (washed down with a Chardonnay of course) is going to see me right for day 4 before a two egg mushroom omelette tonight I reckon. Busy day planned as well , so that will help. Bit worried about having to go right through to next Tuesday before my next one though. Might have to suck it up and review that dammit.
    Let me know how your weigh in and measurements go.
    Westozzybloke, producing, and marketing wine is a fantastic lifestyle so long as you don’t want to make any money out of it πŸ˜‰
    Stay strong people. Or as we say over here Kia Kaha.

    Just saw the reply tab…probably should use that I think?

    Wine lovers on her just like me! Fab! I’m loving hearing the success stories without having to give up wine.. Today is my first fast day and I’m sat here 21:35 in the evening for the first time in 3 years without a glass of red in my hand. I feel slightly strange without the warm fuzzy feeling and don’t feel tired enough for bed yet where normally after my evening bottle I get sleepy.

    I am feeling hungry but know that tomorrow I can eat normal and have my wine if I want it although I’m hoping this diet encourages me to only have the wine at weekends!

    Gosh I sound like an alcoholic! I’m not, but wine is also the reason for my weight gain, 3 stone in 3 years! Getting the weight off is now more important than the warm fuzzy feeling plus loads of savoury snacking following it!

    How did you all manage to have the wine on none fast days but still lose weight please? Calorie counting including the wine ???

    Hi vivkimum, I don’t count calories on either fast or non fast days. If I eat on a fast day it’s something like fish and salad. And I don’t eat any grain based food on eating days. I limit my wine to the amount that will allow me to wake up with a reasonably clear head the next morning.

    Hi vickimummy and congratulations on your first day. I was worse than you….I can’t even remember the last time I went without a wine with my evening meal and then happily polish the bottle off. I have now had 4 nights in the last 10 days without wine! I absolutely can’t believe I’ve done this and how easy it has been. The first night was rough but the others have been fine.
    I’m still happily going to enjoy wines on my normal days because without it I might as well throw myself under a bus but what I have noticed is I haven’t been nearly as tired as I would normally be. In fact I was at a point where I was sick of being tired all the time and blamed work but was probably in denial about the wine.
    The other thing I have noticed in 10 days is how much more conscious I am of what I’m putting in my mouth with regard to food and haven’t been eating nor needing nearly as much and making much smarter decisions but again it as been without hardship and a 3kg loss of weight after 3 fasting day’s was very satisfying. I’m not incredibly over weight at now 99kg and 187cm but if I didn’t try and do something about my man boobs I’m in serious danger of needing a bra or frightening small children.
    Enjoy tomorrow and good luck.

    Hi FastKiki, its so refreshing to hear you’ve gone 4 nights in 10 days, well done! I know exactly what you mean about the tiredness, even after my 1 day fast(no wine)I didn’t end up in bed at 21:30/22:00, I wasn’t actually tired when I went to bed near 11pm. I got sick of being tired too and I blamed work as well, I’d get in from work on a Friday night and if I hit the wine & takeaway about 7pm, I’d be in bed by 9pm without fail and would usually have started onto bottle no2 just because I thought ‘its weekend’ so I’m allowed as much drink/food as much as I want. My outlook has totally changed after just 1 fast day, I actually don’t want to over eat on my normal day today and I also don’t want wine tonight either because I had the best nights sleep ever last night and had no muzzy head or guilt this morning. I am going to continue with no wine during the week and see how I get on. Its the wine that makes me over eat too so it makes sense.

    I hope I feel just like you do in 10 days and feel a bit of weight loss.

    My man worries about the man boobs, yet he’s not overweight, he’s an ex boxer who has ‘like me’ let himself go a bit (with me!)over the last 3 years! he got some tablets that do something to your hormones to help reduce them and he’s now back in the gym. His drink is beer though. He’s considering trying this diet with me, I’m sure when he see’s results on me, it will encourage him.

    Good Luck with your next 10 days and hold off from buying that Bra! ha ha


    Hi Westozzybloke, that’s very wise thinking thanks. I need to get myself out of the mind set that I don’t need to calorie count today! Vicki

    Hi Vickimummy, I like your attitude and your story is exactly the same as mine (accept that I’m a bloke and don’t date an ex boxer with big tit’s of course). I’m going to bed now and at the end of successful 4th fasting day. I’m hosting a wine and food pairing dinner tomorrow night down country so I’ve got that to look forward to.

    One thing that’s annoying me with the forum is so many people are calling their “normal” days a “feast” day. For my mind that’s not a good way to look at the 5:2 lifestyle change. Most people who are annoyed at not loosing weight or slow weight loss then confess to overdoing it on “feast” days….HELLO
    Love your positive approach….keep it up.

    Hi vickimummy from Vicki (the Hobart one)
    No problem with wine, I do my 2 fast days with water only, wine every other night and with weekend lunches (have to get through that 90 dozen sometime!) The thing is to enjoy life! Don’t calorie count, I have found that I am eating much less on feed days than before. The hunger (or greed) has really diminished. I fast from after dinner Sundays and Tuesdays until lunch Tuesday and Thursday (2 x 40 hours – water only). For me, its easier not to eat at all, no stimulation. Gym Monday to Saturday 7am – 1 hour on crosstrainer, nearly kills me but feels good to finish. Since January I have lost 17.2kg (from 90.8 to 73.3 this morning) and am now convinced that this can work long term. I am 63 and plan to fast in some way permanently. The main reason I have never succeeded in losing weight and keeping it off over the last 30 years was the feelings of guilt (if you touched alcohol, chocolate, potatoes, whatever!) and deprivation. So have the wine (and that piece of Lindt) and ENJOY it.

    Hi Vicki, howcome you do your fasts for 40 hours? I kind of get what you mean about the no food, I could have gone longer yesterday on my fast day before I ate anything. You’re doing fab with your exercise and weight loss, well done! I’m the same as you and have failed every diet I’ve tried because of guilt but I know I can stick to this one. I feel like I’ve finally found the right thing for me! I’m easing into exercise with 3 gym classes a week. Got body pump tonight which is a weights class.


    “I’m still happily going to enjoy wines on my normal days because without it I might as well throw myself under a bus ”

    Is that the drama or the wine talking?


    Rockyromero … Your point being?


    β€œI’m still happily going to enjoy wines on my normal days because without it I might as well throw myself under a bus ”

    ” Your point being?”

    Buses can be heavy, sometimes deadly.


    Hi Fast Kiwi, I hope your week has gone well and you’re enjoying the long weekend. I did my first weigh in yesterday and although I didn’t lose weight (actually put on 100 grams) I lost 1.2% body fat so back under 30% now! My waist has gone down by 1.5 cm and thighs lost 2 cm. So I’m happy with progress so far and looking forward to next fast day on Monday. I’m so glad that I took my measurements as scales do not tell you everything and can be misinterpreted when you put on muscle like I did this week. All the best to you and your partner for the week ahead. Keep me posted with your results it inspires me to keep going.

    Hi betalean, I’ve been working harder than a turkey plucker at thanksgiving so been away from the forum for a bit (shit…there I go talking about food again….mmmmm turkey).
    I actually haven’t fasted since Wednesday because we knew we had a long weekend (which means busier than normal for both of us) coming up and I had a wine dinner to host on Thursday night so did Monday Wednesday instead and doing Tuesday Thursday next week.
    My next weigh in will be Wednesday morning when I’m at my streamline best after not eating for 36 hours.
    Because we’ve been so busy we haven’t thought much about 5:2 but have been extremely cautious about what’s going in because we don’t want to undo the great gains we’ve made (by gains I mean losses of course).
    Glad to hear your shrinking so keep it up!

    Hello all you Antipodeans. Any of you watching the rugby league World Cup,while you’re swilling all those gallons of wine?!

    Hi Toms
    Only litres!! And its all about the cricket, particularly George (I am Tasmanian after all)
    17.8kg as of this morning!

    Hi Vicki, sorry, am old and haven’t converted to metric yet, apart from money cos I had to!! Congrats on your achievement! Love the cricket too. Oddly, hardly drank at all, but the last few weeks have seen me guzzling just a couple of glasses with my weekend meals! Not going to feel guilty though. Still losing weight, drink or not. Fast well.

    Reporting in. 16 days into 5:2 and 5 fasting days under my belt. Have been very disciplined on normal days but don’t feel like I am missing out on anything. Nervously shuffled my fast days to suit appointments I had but am excited to report a loss of 1.8kg for the week and 4.8kg since I nearly squashed the scales. 102kg to 97.2 in such a short time is exciting. My man boob’s (moob’s)are shrinking as is my second belly.

    My better half had a small loss of weight but a good loss of cm’s round the middle so she’s happy too.

    This is too easy and I have my sights firmly set on 87kg’s now. I’m 42 and I reckon I haven’t weighed that since I was 17.

    Congratulations Fast Kiwi on your loss to date! Sounds like you are on track to your goal weight and won’t need a bra for your moobs ha ha lol. I’m weighing in and taking measurements tomorrow so will be interesting to see what it shows. I know my waist has gone down my jeans are looser this week which is always a good sign. I’m focusing on body fat % rather that weight. When I started I was 30.4% which was wake up call to do something. I know I was emotionally eating and feeling depressed about my body and life. After starting the 5:2 fast way of life I have noticed a marked difference in my mood and relationship with food. Now I eat when I am hungry and don’t feel the need to eat when I am sad or stressed. I am enjoying food more and don’t feel guilty when I have a glass of wine (or three). All the best for the weekend and week ahead!

    Hi all, reporting in with my changes. This week I lost 1.5 kg, 1% body fat, 2 cm from waist, 4 cm from hips and 2 cm from thighs. This is lost even though I had nachos this week and a few Jim Beam Honey drinks along the way. I love this way of eating. It’s the only thing that has worked so far and that I know I can keep up for rest of my life. I never feel deprived knowing that I can have something I crave the next day. Usually by then it’s gone or I eat it but not the whole portion.

    I have more energy, and feel so much better about myself and my relationship with food is a lot healthier. I hope everyone else is having a great week. Happy fast and non fast days hope to hear of your continued success soon.

    High 5 betalean.

    Nice work Beta!

    And FK, 4,8kg is a great loss in two weeks! Keep it up and you can always start doing some pushups against those moobs πŸ˜‰

    I lost 1,4 kg in the last two days, but I think that’s mostly fluids as this is my 4th day on IF. I’ll just see what the scales say this monday and the second monday after that (my weigh-in days!). I am dreading the trip to Honk Kong I’m taking with a friend in two weeks though, all those carbs… I’ve been cutting them so far. But I guess I’ll just look at is as a weekend of carbloading.

    I see IF as the main tool, cutting carbs for a few weeks is my way of getting back into it and cutting out bad foods. Then, when I allow myself carbs again, pasta and stuff will be a treat on itself instead of reaching for cookies ^^
    I’m confident I can do it! I was doubting myself yesterday but I stuck to it and this morning the scales showed me 87,4kg (192lb). My goal weight is somewhere mid 60kg, but I’m aiming for 69 first (just to break that 70kg barrier). 69kg is 152lb by the way, for you weird non-metric people πŸ˜‰

    Pushups? Way too much like hard work. I think I’m a non responder anyway

    Well done guys, good work. Since starting 5.2 I’ve gotten into a good wake up routine doing pushps,pull-ups, planks and squats and its feeling really good! I hate gyms and weight lifting, but body weight exercise seems to work for me and you can do it anywhere without any equipment. And you do improve, fk, I started struggling with 10 push-ups and now happily crank 50.

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