Funny Food Stories

This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  fastEddie 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • It helps to keep in touch about difficulties with this popular diet, even when not struggling, so thought collecting stories and food facts would make an interesting topic.
    Like the story I read that you should lose half a pound in weight between the ages of 30 and 60 to ensure health, or that vegetarians should not wash their hands after toilet to ensure they got correct vitamin b amounts!
    The best I have so far was in the news years ago re a society which claimed to eat nothing and live off liquids. They were 5000 worldwide and became known because one of their number, a woman, being caught eating a chicken pie on a flight. You’d think it would be at least a lettuce!
    Sure I have more I can pull out to create interest and variety.

    Another piece of advice, in The Four Hour Chef, is that if you eat 30g of protein within 30 minutes of getting up then, keeping everything else equal, you will automatically lose weight. This could be protein powder so could be incorporated within the Fast Diet.

    then there’s the ‘blokes’ diet of ten cans of beans a day! Successfully lost one bloke five stone, with gas problems only encountered once he came off the diet since he was then mixing other food with the beans.
    One can gives you 90 cals so he was on 900 cals/day, though I would be over-faced with that amount. Blokes like such diets as they are simple and don’t involve saute this and fricassee that, and the calorie counting is automatic.

    I think the body is a very capable synthesizing machine which can survive on any amount of food just so long as it actually gets something. Thus the lady who ate only cereals with the odd bag of crisps or the lad who could not be weaned of jam sandwiches yet still grew to his normal six foot frame.

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