Fresh start September 2021 challenge

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Fresh start September 2021 challenge

This topic contains 406 replies, has 27 voices, and was last updated by  jaifaim 3 years, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 428 total)

  • Hi all,

    Firstly I’d like to say a huge thank you to @stitchincarol for her fantastic hosting of August’s challenge where so many of us used her mantra of ‘RESOLVE’ to keep our commitment to our FDs. Some of us joined in on 1st August not knowing if we’d even make it through 1 successful Fast Day (FD), but with the support of the group and knowing we’re checking in with each other on a regular basis, we’ve managed many successful fasts throughout the month.

    I thought a good theme for the month should be ‘new season = fresh start’. 1st September is the start of meteorological Autumn in the northern hemisphere and meteorological Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Here in the UK, the children are going back to school after the summer holidays and many of us are settling back into a bit more structure, so what better time to wipe the slate clean and enjoy a fresh start? 🍂🍃🌅

    I’m really happy to be hosting this month and looking forward to chatting with everyone!

    More details are coming in the next post….

    The first challenge was started by @coda in May 2016. Any and all are welcome to join, at any point in the month you choose; when you let us know you’ve joined, we’ll gladly welcome you. Here’s the information you’ll need for your posts, and to understand everyone else:

    1. Start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are from, and if you’re on a fast day (FD); a non-fast day (NFD) or a controlled day (CD) (e.g. for the 8th of the month it would go something like “Day 8 – UK – FD”–this is only a calendar reference, not where you are on your 5:2 journey).

    2. Give a quick intro about yourself in the very first post – mostly for the benefit of the newbies. A brief blurb about your journey so far and what you aim get from this way of life (WOL). Also if you wish, your starting weight and any other measurements (waist, hip, bust, etc.) you aim to keep track of throughout the month. You can record this on the spread sheet or if you are unable to, someone is likely to volunteer to fill it in for you!

    3. You can add any comments/questions/moans/whinges/triumphs… or anything you feel like you want to share with the rest of the forum. We all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon and days when we hang in there for dear life…so if you want to share it – post it.
    Recipes, tips, tricks and questions can also be shared – most of us are logged on at one time or another and can clarify things, offer advice, support, etc., when needed – this is the great thing about this international forum: there’s always someone online!!!!

    Over the course of these monthly challenges, there have been small groups doing their own mini-challenges – called ‘pocket fasters’ or ‘pocketeers’ – they set a target and support each other through it. Anyone can join one of these groups or start a mini pocket fast – it’s entirely optional and flexible.

    5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    Here’s the list of common abbreviations used throughout this challenge and added to on an ongoing basis:
    16:8 – 16 hours fasting 8 hours eating window
    5:2 – 5 days NFD:2 days IF
    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc. etc. etc.…….)
    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)
    BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate
    CFD – Controlled Food Day (below your goal weight TDEE, eg 1000 calories)
    DAFD – Day after fast day
    DH,DD, DS – Darling Husband Daughter, Son etc
    DTF – Dry ‘Til Fri (for those limiting alcohol to weekend only)
    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)
    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (we’ve all had one of those days – or several!)
    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)
    FD800 – Fast Day (800 calories) – see also MFD
    HUNGER DRAGON – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce has an inner warthog!)
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    Keto – way of eating that generates ketones
    K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid!
    LC – Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)
    LOL – Laughing Out Loud
    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)
    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, it’s a FD
    NFD – Non Fast Day
    OH – Other Half (eg spouse/partner)
    OMAD – One Meal A Day
    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of @penz)
    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)
    TRE – Time Restricted Eating
    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)
    WFH – Working From Home
    WOL – Way of Life
    WOCA – Women Of a Certain Age
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    @babs_b – Thank you so much 💐 for taking up the hosting baton for our Fresh Start September 2021 Challenge – you are a ⭐️
    I aim to change the names from a red colour to black as folks join in – I hope I have set the access so you can all edit the spreadsheet as required
    See below for the link for the spreadsheet for those that want to use it.

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 1 AUS FD800

    A fresh start is just what’s in order! It’s spring in these parts.

    The huge COVID surge around here combined with winter conspired to make me a quiet participant last month, but I’m looking forward to getting back into the swing of things for this challenge.

    My aim this month is really just to feel healthier and more energetic, although I am also currently 3k from goal so.

    Day 0 USA/GA

    I’m in for September! I’ll list my bio information tomorrow 🙂

    I’m definitely in for September. Thanks so much @babs_b for taking on the reins!

    Day 1, U.K. – NFD

    A pinch and a punch for the first of the month!!

    @babs_b – You are a legend – thank you very much for hosting!

    I am high5, formerly known as @fivetwofan5252!

    I am female, aged 50, and have been doing intermittent fasting since 2013

    However I only found this forum several years later and it has helped me so so much!

    I have often been at my target weight since 2016 but I struggle incessantly with losing that final half a stone (seven lb) over and over again! I blame holidays! 😃😃😃

    I have read every single book going on intermittent fasting and I absolutely love Dr Jason Fung and also Dr Michael Mosley.

    I believe in the power of intermittent fasting for longevity and health and not just for the weight loss

    My biggest issue is that I do love sugar and carbs and until recently I was able to indulge in those very successfully at the weekend and run a 5:2 regime alongside it

    However with age comes a slowdown in metabolism and now I have found out that I need to consistently run a 4:3 regime in order to successfully lose weight 😢

    Yesterday (last day of August) I had an absolutely amazing fast day …. it was super easy ….probably because my entire body was filled up with glycogen from all of the EFS!!!!!

    Anyone wanting to know more about Dr Jason Fung, here is a really nice summary that I found online that pretty much says it all!

    Day 1 – UK – FD

    Hello everyone! I cannot believe it’s September already. Yet another year is flying by!

    It’s so lovely to see people already joining in on this thread, so I should really give a little backstory to my 5:2 life… I saw Michael Moseley’s BBC documentary back in 2013 and was fascinated by 5:2 from that point. I dabbled with it for a few years every now and then, minimal discipline and effort so wasn’t really properly doing it and never really lost anything. Then I found myself nearing my wedding a few years later and needing to shift a stone to feel happy in my dress. I turned to the 5:2 properly that time and it was a huge success. I lost 14lb within a couple of months!

    Then I didn’t keep it up, and my appetite seemed to just grow and grow as the months & years went by, until I had gained over 20lbs back. 👎

    So I’ve used the August challenge to get myself back on track. It’s been relatively successful…. my weight is fluctuating a lot (I need to check my carbs!), but the bigger success story is the behavioural change in that I’ve actually managed some proper fast days across the month!

    I’ve written down 3 words for the things I would like to be doing in September which are all based around behaviours which I know will help keep me in the right direction:

    • Read (just 5 pages a night and more if I want to – this has nothing to do with weight loss other than stopping my hands putting food idly into my mouth!! 😂)
    • Fast (2 x 500 days a week)
    • Walk (at least 7k steps a day)

    The long weekend in the UK just gone has undone quite a bit of my good work over the rest of August and I find myself here on the 1st September at the same weight I was at on 1st August, so I’m definitely having a 1st of the month, new season fresh start with a fast day. Who’s with me?

    @at – thank you so much for the spreadsheet link and the kind words!

    @litprof – it’s lovely to have you here. I understand that feeling of the sudden Covid lockdown all too well – I think I was shell shocked when it happened here in the UK last year and my mind most certainly was not on fasting through that first month. Keep checking in and keep safe.

    @northgeorgia – Great you’re here too! Here’s to a successful September 🙌

    @high5 – thanks so much for the link to Dr Jason Fung, I have heard so much about his book and it’s the one I haven’t read. I’ll be adding that to my (now groaning) bookshelves too. 🙂

    Pocket list for Wednesday 🌟

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Than you @babs_b for hosting September, I am in…..this is my 4th year of this WOL!
    I lost a nice 30lb when I first started in July 2017, more or less maintained for a couple of years, but 2020 onwards has seen my weight slowly creep up.

    I have a couple of stone to lose and nothing I do seems to work. Yes, I do eat relatively healthy, exercise every day, but at 54 I am now only just post-menopause and I think that is the reason for the sluggish metabolism.

    I was at my doctor yesterday and got bloods taken for various things, hopefully it will pinpoint something that can be managed. Unfortunately my BP is high again so back on meds, plus on ibuprofen for the excruciating heel pain..could be gout the doc reckons 😱…shocked if it is as I drink so much water and don’t eat rich foods or drink hard liquor or beer much….gout always makes me think of rich old guys in quilted bathrobes sipping brandy 😆

    I am so going to get that Jason Fung book, maybe it’s also what I need to kickstart my month, as I start September 2lbs heavier than August, and I really tried in August, (well, maybe a tad more wine than usual 🤔).

    Looking forward to September with you all.

    Day 1 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Firstly thanks to @stitchincarol for hosting August, although I was away for most of it, managed to get back into the swing of it towards the end of the month!
    Also thanks to @babs_b for hosting September, I’ll be around, although we’re off on another walking holiday again this month, making up for lost time!

    I ‘found’ this group in July 2019 and never looked back! I’m a 66 year old bloke who over the years had put on a lot of weight, but thanks to this WOL have now lost a load, feel and look (so I’m told) a lot better!

    Since joining the monthly challenges in July 2019 have lost 60 pounds / 28.6 kg BMI down from 38 in July 2019 to 29.4

    I have found the help and encouragement of the members of this group fantastic. The 5:2 WOL really does work, especially with help of my forum friends.

    Hobbies, walking, brewing craft beer, baking bread, rugby union (watching these days, my playing days are long over) and gardening.

    Aim for the moment is maintaining, this WOL has become a habit for me and just simply works! I also have one day a week ‘off’ eat anything I want, beer, pizza, cake, just not to excess, then straight back on the 5:2 wagon, it works for me.

    After a fabulous break last month I had put on some weight, but already back to well within my ‘buffer’ zone, just need that last couple of pounds to go and back to where I was pre holiday!

    Take care all

    Day 1 UK NFD

    Morning all – quick intro I started these challenges back with @coda in May ‘16 Lost the extra 20lbs or so I’d accumulated and happily maintained for a few years – then wham! Holidays Complacency and Menopause the 20lbs were back I’ve managed to ditch most of them but August saw me going backwards, I don’t mind standing still but I can’t be gaining so September is another fresh start for me my key aim is to be more consistent I need to ditch the binging weekends . Looking forward to our September journey

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Spring at last! 🌹🐞🐝 🐣 Well, down here in the southern hemisphere anyway. Thanks again to babs_b for hosting, & to @at for the spreadsheet

    About me:- David, 59. Originally from Manchester in the UK, living in Kwazulu-Natal, on the east coast of South Africa. I started fasting in 2014 after seeing Michael Mosley’s ‘Eat, Fast & Live Longer’ documentary. I follow TRE, seldom eating before noon. I do mostly 5:2, I don’t eat before 6 pm on FDs & I will sometimes do an extra FD if I’ve taken my eye off the ball. I’m at the upper end of my maintenance weight now, but it wouldn’t hurt to lose another kilo for a bit of wiggle room.

    Wishing everyone a successful September!

    Day 1 – Canada 🇨🇦 – NFD

    Thanks @babs_b for hosting this month. I’m determined this month to to reach my goal – 127 lbs – I’ll be 61 in October and I’d love to start my ‘new year’ off right.

    I found 5:2 a while back and lost a good amount of weight. Then life intervened – I had been living in the Emirates for many years and moved back to Canada and over a year I gained about 30 pounds. Urggg Then I joined Michael Mosley’s FD800 online programme and lost that same 30! Now I’m about 5 lbs from my goal and finding it tough to break the plateau. My plan this month is to continue to play tennis, walk and add 2 resistance training sessions per week. I love this international community of supporters and wish you all well.

    Day 1 – USA/GA – NFD

    I am a 47 y/o male in northeast Georgia in the US, and have lost 59 lbs since January 2020, and gained about 5 lbs back in the past couple of months. My goal is to lose an additional 70 lbs to get to a mid-range healthy weight (although truthfully, if I get to the high end of “healthy”, I’ll be thrilled). I am also hoping to no longer be categorized as “obese” before the end of the year. This month, my goal remains 217, but more than anything, to get into the 210s. I plan to do this by sticking to a basic 5:2 WOL with mindful eating on most NFDs, AND by considering the factors mentioned by Jason Fung in his book “The Obesity Code.”

    Today, I weighed in at 225 lbs, which confirms a slow average trend of gaining back a couple of pounds over the past few months. I have remained steadfast on the 5:2, and the year-long plateau has been disappointing. So, I want to try some additional things. After finishing the book last night, I did come away with a few tips.

    1. Stop snacking. I removed everything except mint and gum from my desk yesterday, and plan to stick to the meal times.
    2. Get plenty of sleep. I try, but I can do better.
    3. Reduce sugar (whew, how? But I can cut out soft drinks more, and get rid of candy).
    4. Reduce over-processed carbs. This is my real weakness. I’ll have to find replacements. But truthfully, most of these would be considered more snack foods for me.
    5. If you do have carbs, you can reduce the effect with fiber and vinegar. Here come the pickles with my sandwiches and the fruit will replace the sugary cravings.
    6. Eat more natural fats. I mean, to be given permission to enjoy full dairy is nice!
    7. Consider fasting longer or more frequently. Yeah, well, that didn’t work so well for me before, but I have found on many 5:2 days lately, I wait and have OMAD.

    I’ll keep these reminders on my refrigerator. I’ll do some small changes first and see what happens. Added to my August resolve is a plan in September. I’ll give it a go.

    Day 1 Canada NFD

    A quick check in, will post tomorrow. So glad to be here 😊

    Day 1 OMAD London

    Hello all. Please count me in for September. New plan is proper OMAD, so no cream in my morning coffee. Eating window around 5 pm to 10 pm, but obviously NOT eating for a solid five hours. That would be silly. Easy on the alcohol – trying for just at weekends, and going to try for two 500 calorie days a week. Not sure if I can do that! I can’t believe it’s September already. 😳😳😳

    Day 1 Melb Aust NFD

    @babs_b thank you for hosting us for September.

    Lovely to see so many folk reaching or still persevering towards their weight goals.

    I didn’t persevere through August, so let’s see if I can do better in September. I’m “in it to win it” this month! 🙂

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Today I begin a new approach. I’ve been concerned that my TDEE has been far lowered, and according to Dr. Jason Fung, that’s because my calories are down. (FASCINATING book with sufficient details to persuade me he’s correct.) So I’ll keep on with a proper FD on Thursday, probably one on Monday, and perhaps even a LFD on Tuesday, but at the minimum a proper FD. On the other days, I’ll eat LFHC. We’ll see how it goes!

    I weighed in at 147.8 this morning, so I’m feeling all sorts of excitement. I’m also feeling the press of time, because I must leave in 15 minutes for a routine doctor’s appointment, so I’ll chat later.

    Day 1 Minnesota CD

    @babs_b Count me in for the September challenge, please! Thank you so much for stepping up to host this challenge. I love the theme of a new season and a fresh start. Now that summer is in the rear view mirror I feel that I can get back into more of a routine at home, with less travel. I need to reset and restart.

    The plan is to lose 5 lbs this month. Three of those I have just added back on since August 1, and my clothing is feeling a little snug. Not a good feeling.

    I plan to do basic 5:2, with two days under 500 calories, and the rest between 1300 and 1400 calories.
    Only coffee until at least noon.
    No food after 7 pm. Not even sugarless gum. I aim to have at least 12 hours each day (night) as a true fast. Maybe a bedtime herbal tea.
    Daily exercise will not be a problem…..this is the time for planting all those things that need to establish a root system before winter, and there will also be yard and garden clean up, and some DIY landscaping.
    Wine allowed 1-2 times a week, at most. With cheese or a protein to decrease any carb craving it may bring on. Still staying under TDEE for the day.

    I am hoping to do some canning and freezing this next two weeks, and intend to have lots of roasted and grilled vegetables along with healthy proteins and fats this month. We have an abundance of produce and I hate to see it go to waste. It will be a busy, busy month.

    I’m hoping that by staying so physically busy I will be able to control the tendency I have to eat more as the days get shorter. I watch the birds, squirrels and chipmunks scrambling around collecting and storing their food, and I feel only empathy. I feel like my body is calling for me to do the same thing…… but I will NOT start this winter with my usual extra 5 lbs!

    @stitchincarol Thanks again for your wonderful hosting last month. If not for your encouragement, and the support of everyone on the forum, who knows how much more weight I would have put on!

    Wishing everyone a super September!

    Day 1 USA – NFD

    Another month together with some of the most wonderful people in the world! My name is Gwynne, I live in Northwest Illinois (near Wisconsin) and have been on these challenges since @coda began them back in 2016. I had been on 5:2 since March, and over the rest of that year, I lost nearly 40 pounds. I went from almost 200# down to 160# – and being now 73 years old, female, I decided that weight (right at BMI 25) allowed most of my wrinkles to puff out. I am fine with keeping this weight at maintenance.

    WITH THE SUPPORT OF THESE FASTERS I have been able to keep at maintenance doing mostly 6:1, or 8:12 hours fasting. Often OMAD is working as well, even if that one meal is not truly a FD but well under my TDEE. I would be lost without MyFitnessPal (MFP) to keep track of my calories, and I do that daily.

    One of these days, we might start singing again. Our Illinois governor has mandated indoor masks again this month, though, so singing as a choir that I have directed seems to be out. UGH! We need to work our lungs! My townspeople choir is hurting. 🥲

    Enough. Wonderful to be with you all again. Here’s to a Slimmer September. @babs_b – great to have you leading us!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 1 North Canton OH FD

    hello everyone, I am glad to be on this journey with you guys; the support on this forum is wonderful.

    I am a 46 year old female who has been intermittent fasting for about 5 years. When I first started fasting, the weight and inches fell off quickly and I lost about 30 pounds in 10 weeks. Losing the weight so fast gave me a false sense of security and I was not as diligent in maintenance – actually I was pretty careless with my choices. As a consequence the weight came back on gradually.
    I have also made peace with the fact that getting back to my all time low of 153 pounds with my 5’9″ height may not be ideal at this stage in my life. Earlier in the year I dropped to a low of 158 and was concerned with how angular my face looked at that weight. 160 pounds may be a better goal for me, and I will reassess when I get there. As it is, my current weight places me at a normal BMI, so an additional loss of 5 pounds will give me the buffer that I prefer to have.

    I seem to fast on Day 1’s a lot and I am ok with that. My preferred fasting regimen is ADF with OMAD on Sundays. Prior to being menopausal, I used to have more leeway with my dietary choices on NFD, a luxury that I cannot afford now. However, I am thankful that I have this WOL to keep me at a healthy BMI.

    Thank you so much for hosting us this month @babs_b, looking forward to what September has in store for us- this year is flying right by.

    Cheers to a healthier and slimmer September

    Pocket list for Wednesday 🌟

    Day 1 – UK – CD

    Busy day volunteering so a quick check in to say hello and lovely to see so many joining already.

    Happy with my weight this morning at 57.7kg despite falling off the wagon in the 2nd half of the August Challenge but managed a strong finish over the last 3 days

    A FD800 yesterday followed by a good CD today – need to fit in another FD either tomorrow or Friday??

    Will catch up with the posts tomorrow – off to make a last cup of tea and close that kitchen door until tomorrow.

    Day 2 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Not truly a fast as I must eat breakfast to take my meds but it was healthy fruit, I have a lovely bean salad for lunch and spinach soup for dinner.

    The ibuprofen is slowly working on my heel pain so if I can get rid of THAT pain then I know my BP will lower and I can get back to normality which doesn’t involve constant pain.

    Exciting weekend for DH. He is off on his motorbike to the UK tomorrow and is meeting his birth Mum on Saturday for the first time. Nervous, excited, he cannot wait to meet her and hug her. He will also meet his half sister, her husband and two kids, so it’s a nerve wracking time but he is a strong man so I hope he doesn’t become a blubbering mess. 😀😀.

    We have discussed every aspect of his arrival, using the theme “what would James Bond do” and know that James Bond would not be struggling with keys, gloves, boots, earplugs and a helmet in an unfamiliar drive with people looking on 😆 So he will find a nearby services to his mum, change into his shoes and trousers, kept his motorcycle jacket and helmet of course for safety, then coolly arrive, dismount, take off the helmet and ring the doorbell 😀

    Let’s hope it goes to plan!!

    Have a lovely Thursday everbody.

    Day 2 – UK – NFD

    @daffodil2010 – I hope you get the results through soon from the tests. I understand that mental image of gout you have, but it seems to be a surprisingly common condition! Having a pretty clean diet should surely help you avoid it though?

    @I_hate_lettuce – Lovely that you have a walking holiday coming up. I need to convince my DH to go on one with me! My side of the family are avid walkers, many live in Scotland and think nothing of a 6 hour trek up a mountain & back, which horrifies my husband no end!! ⛰

    @brightonbelle – Great to have you here. I’m carrying @stitchincarol’s ‘RESOLVE’ mantra through to this month to stop me from going backwards. Keep on checking in 🙂

    @funshipfreddie – You’re going to have to give me some words of wisdom for getting that extra FD in every now and then. I don’t think I’ve ever managed a successful 4:3 and boy, I think I could do with that sometimes! 🙈

    @dvw – Working towards a birthday is a brilliant goal! Have you bought anything nice for yourself yet as a little treat for when you get to 127lb? ✨

    @northgeorgia – you, @stitchincarol and everyone else have definitely convinced me to read The Obesity Code! This sounds great and from reading through your list, I can already see some things on there that I was definitely doing back in 2016 when I successfully lost weight with 5:2 which I am not yet doing now, such as having vinegar with carbs. I ate so many pickles back then! 🥒

    @bellyblast – Hello! Good to see you 🙂

    @emma-taylor & @northerndawn – consider yourselves counted in and part of the Fresh Start crew! We’ve got this! 💪

    @stitchincarol – that is already a huge drop! Your resolve mantra combined with Dr Fung is seriously doing the trick! 🌸

    @songbirdme & @basyjames – It’s so lovely to have you both here. It’s great we’re all together for September, it’s a great group 😀

    @at – Good work on the strong August finish and the volunteering too. Thanks also for the reminder to close the kitchen door (mine doesn’t have one so I have to do it figuratively), that helped me no end last month 👍🏻

    Today is a NFD for me and one thing I’ve noticed is that my usually varied diet has stagnated a bit. my fibre intake has definitely dropped (something I’m usually quite good at) and my carbs have increased on NFDs too, so my plan today is ZBC as usual then make myself a lovely rainbow salad at lunch, followed by adding one extra veg to my evening meal. It seems almost alien to be adding things when the focus is always limiting things, but it makes a nice change!

    Have a brilliant day, all!

    Day 2 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Good old Thursday FD today and a lot on so dashing through this morning, quick pocket list and away!

    Take care all

    Pocket list day 2

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @babs_b – nor sure I can offer you any words of wisdom re 4:3?! It’s like Nike say – Just Do It! ✔️ I hear some people regularly do Mon, Wed & Fri FDs. Or just pick a day when you know you’ll be especially busy; & plan. Decide what you’ll eat the day before, & stick to it. I’ve never done b2b FDs though; for me that would just be asking for trouble 😳

    @daffodil2010 – ‘What would James Bond do?’ That’s funny! 😅 Or the Milk Tray guy? Whatever, your hubby is in for an unforgettable weekend!

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍒

    Day 2 – Ireland – FD

    Hi all and thank you @babs_b for offering to host this month!
    Also thank you @stitchincarol for your care and encouragement last month.
    I’m here and will be here for the month…. 💪
    New month – new mojo!
    I’ll come back and introduce myself later or tomorrow.
    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 2 UK FD

    First FD of September and these aren’t my problem , it’s weekends but I need to tread carefully if I over think it I know it will be counter productive I’m going to go back to basics and pre plan – log it in MFP and then stick to it !!

    Oh my @daffodil 2010 – what a weekend I’m sure he’ll do JB proud 💕

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍒

    Second post – day 2

    @daffodil2010 – this is so exciting! I cannot believe how much has changed since this time last month when just the first bits of communication were going through! Also love the ‘WWJBD’ mantra, absolutely perfect.

    Day 2 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 224 lbs. Keeping some Jason Fung concepts in mind. Results of yesterday’s regular NFD:

    What I did right.

    1. Zbc
    2. No snacking (except #1 in Goofs below)
    3. Lunch…water and a small bacon quiche
    4. Small dinner portion…avocado, cheese, milk, small serving of hash, brazil nuts, apple, buttered popcorn
    5. No soft drinks


    1. Final bowl of Cinnamon Life cereal at night
    2. Strawberry Quik in half a glass of milk

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍒

    Day 2 – UK – FD

    As we’re now over half way into the day and all I have consumed is 2 cups of tea and I have a hair cut appointment early afternoon which I have to drive to and then going on to do a supermarket shop whilst I’m out with the car – I’m now planning on making today a OMAD FD

    No time for a walk today despite it being another lovely sunny day but I have my group walk tomorrow so will make the most of it.

    @daffodil2010 – feeling the nerves for your DH and yourself – loving your support in helping him prepare for this hugely emotional moment in his life 🤗
    @babs_b – I too have an open plan set up so the kitchen door closing is done in my head but it seems to work……most times 🤣

    Right off to get ready for my hair appointment – wishing all on a FD strong RESOLVE
    Pocket List – Day 2 🍒

    Day 2, UK – FD

    I was well-behaved on my NFD yesterday but I am SOOOOO hungry today!

    This week it is just a 5:2 for me as here in the UK we only have a four-day working week this week.

    Next week back to the old 4:3s….

    Right I am off to have a miso soup (29 cals) to try to get over this hunger-hump that I am experiencing today!!!!

    Day 2-UK-NFD
    Decided last night that I really needed a fresh start rather than the stop/ start approach that I always seem to have. I have never really tried the Fastdiet before although bought the book and recipe book several years ago. I gave it a go but was nearly dying of starvation on the few FDs that I did, so quickly gave up.Having stayed with a friend earlier this year who is a devotee of fast days and regularly, with her husband, has one fast day a week I am now determined to give it a go. She cooked us a great meal from the recipe book which was delicious so have dusted off mine. Hopefully reading the posts on here with help me get through September!Need to do some planning now so that I can have my first FD.

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    Let me describe my HFLC day yesterday. I meant to have lunch around two or three o’clock because of TRE, but I was using one avocado between DH and me and didn’t want to deal with it getting brown between noon for my hubby and two or three for me, so I ate at noon. I cut it in half. I made tuna salad from one can of tuna, plenty of mayo, one stalk of celery and a couple squirts of sweet relish (that’s what provided the 3gr of carbs per serving). I divided the tuna salad between the avocados. Yummy, very satisfying, and HFLC. (I often use chicken salad, but we both prefer tuna; I used to add some sort of lovely bread, but that’s clearly out now.) For dessert I had a tiny handful of pistachios.

    For supper, I made salmon with some leftover rub with brown sugar in it. I really hesitated to do that, but decided this is LOW carb, not NO carb, so did it. I made a fresh pea and cauliflower salad with Ranch dressing and sour cream, a cup of slivered almonds, half a red onion diced up, and dill. (The cauliflower was just the flowers, broken up until nearly the size of the peas.) My point in describing this is to show how high the calories and the fat are; there are plenty of carbs also in both the peas and cauliflower, but not processed, and partially offset by the fiber. I was going to do a caprese salad, but discovered the only tomatoes I had were awful, so we skipped it. For an “appetizer” I cut three thin slices of a baguette for each of us, slathered each with cultured butter, and put on generous pieces of either sardines or smoked trout, both tinned in oil. I had one and a half glasses of wine. For dessert I had (way too many) fresh blueberries.

    And this morning? I was only up 1.5 pounds, and was still below 150. If you don’t weigh yourself as frequently as I do (generally more than once a day, and have done so for decades), you won’t realize how significant this is, but it’s a WAY low number to be up. I’m very aware that one evening does not give ANY sort of proof that HFLC works, but it’s sure reassuring that the first meal where I “simply ate merrily” didn’t shoot me up over four pounds, as many other lovely meals have done.

    And, let me explain the wine. I thought about it long and hard, and decided that, since DH and I both fast on Mondays, I fast on Tuesdays because I’m gone to Omaha for piano lessons, and we both fast on Thursdays, that wine on Wednesdays was not unreasonable. I’m determined this will feel like an easy life, if that’s at all possible.

    So I’m set up for a reasonably easy FD today since I had limited carbs yesterday; I’ll report tomorrow if it turns out to be easy or not. And I’m toying with attempting another LFD today. Again, I’m not trying for resolve because it’s still new, and it’s a skill to be learned, not a failing if I don’t make it through. (And I ended up not making it through on Tuesdays, giving in to a handful of pistachios around 9:45pm. But that handful felt like a full meal!)

    I’m kind of excited. If this HFLC diet is really going to be the key to steady weight loss, and if long stretches of fasting is going to be the key to resetting my insulin set-point (so that I burn more calories each day), then I’ve finally found the solution to getting back down to 132 or thereabouts. I’ve resisted HFLC because it was so deeply counter-intuitive, but after reading The Obesity Code, I’ve been persuaded by the science and the proof behind it. So here we go; let’s see if this works!

    And, I sure used resolve yesterday in not snacking at all and avoiding any sips of the beer DH poured for himself, so don’t think I’ve abandoned my August Aspirations!

    @daffodil2010 I’m so excited for your DH! He must be beside himself to get through this day!

    @babs_b Loved all your chatter, both in general and to specific people. Thanks for hosting this month!

    @northgeorgia Love that what you did right far out-numbered your goofs yesterday!

    @high5 Did you have an abundance of carbs yesterday? That always makes my FD far more difficult.

    @caoimhe Welcome to this group! We’ll lift you up and shout encouragements and generally praise and prod you, so check in daily, and I’ll bet you find a way to move into a 5:2 WOL quickly!

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍒

    Day 2 North canton OH NFD

    Its hubby’s birthday today. And the scales registered a new post vacay low of 163.2 pounds so yay and yay!!!

    @stitchincarol I am excited for you, and can’t wait to see how your new regimen works to get you to goal

    @caoimhe welcome to this merry group of supportive fasters, you are well on your way

    @high5 drown the dragon with water, you can do it! I have also noticed that drinking iced sparkling water laced with a couple shots of apple cider vinegar works very well as a crutch to get me through difficult fast days.

    @daffodil2010 how adorable! I think tears are called for in this situation, I would be a one massive blob of tears. Its so heart warming to see how supportive you are of him and I bet this meeting will fill a hole in his heart that he may not have known existed. This entire situation reminds me of Randall in “This is us” once he found out the truth about his parents and realized that he was loved and wanted, he felt whole. What a beautiful story, thank you again for sharing it with us.

    Have a wonderful day and please keep the people affected by Ida in your thoughts.

    Day 2 Minnesota NFD- TDEE

    @daffodil2010 – I’ll be thinking of your DH! I hope and pray his meeting is a very joyful experience.
    @basyjames – Happy BD to your DH and congrats on your post vacay low!
    @caoimhe – Welcome! It’s great to have you here.
    @high5 – Hang in there! You can do this FD. And you will be so happy with yourself tomorrow!
    @stitchincarol – Good for trying something new! I read Jason Fung’s book 5 years ago, and I often seek out his youtube videos to keep me motivated. I think he has really impacted the medical community with his work with Type 2 Diabetes.

    FD for me tomorrow, and I am planning my meals for it today. Off to the garden now.

    Visualize your goals. Stay strong and persevere!

    Day 2 USA – CD

    It is just so wonderful to read your posts, success, failures, plans for the future. This is such a terrific group.

    @daffodil2010 – SOOO exciting for your DH and his epic meeting with family newly found! I am sure it will all go just wonderfully.

    @caoimhe – you will find support and help here. Try to be a daily visitor and poster to get the best results.

    @stitchincarol – Your HDLF emphasis sounds so doable. I wish my DH liked fish more, but your tuna in avocado does sound good. He tolerates some fish dishes, but tuna is almost always okay.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 2 Canada FD

    I am a 60yr old women who has been fasting for a few years on and off. The on time really works well for me, there has been too much off time for a while thanks to the pandemic and some health issues. Thankfully I feel that I am ready to get back on with things and lost 3.9kg last month. I need to get stronger and fitter as well as a bit lighter so am ready to start on all 3 this month.

    Starting the challenge at 60.85kg this month and would be thrilled to get below 60kg. A FD today and then on Tuesday and Thursday each week is the plan:)

    Great to see everyone here for the month and welcome to @caoimhe- this will be the best decision you have made, the FD’s do get a lot easier if you hang in there. Keeping busy and drinking lots of water really help.

    Off to can tomatoes! I picked 60lbs on the weekend and have the last 20 to deal with!

    second post

    @songbirdme I’ve tried every combo I can think of, but HDLF is escaping me. I’m sure I’ll be embarrassed when you explain, but could you do so, please? 🤔


    HFLC of course is what I meant to type — fingers in the wrong position?? No excuse 😃

    Day 3, U.K. – FD

    Sorry I am still being utterly rubbish in catching up with everybody else I am hoping for a lull soon and it will be nice to catch up with all the posts

    @basyjames and @northerndawn – THANK YOU!

    @babs_b : me too… no idea what the D in particular within HDLF stands for! I would love to know…!!

    @basyjames – you were absolutely right it was definitely first that was driving the problem

    I secretly knew (but wasnt admitting to myself!!) that thirst was the problem but I was just in one of those moods and I couldn’t be bothered to drink any water because by then I have decided that I was going to break my fast day. So I had a late lunch….

    So I am on a fast day again today, luckily I can only fit in TWO fast days this week, so no real harm done except that after my extremely healthy break-fast I then had some cake in the afternoon!!!

    BUT no dinnerlast night!

    So I am starting out today’s fast day against the backdrop of not having eaten anything since 4 pm yesterday, so I feel that I did pull some of the potential cake-damage back!

    I absolutely know that I must start each fast day with 3/4L of slighted salted water and TODAY I WILL do that!!!!

    Good luck to anyone else fasting today

    Pocket list for Friday/ Day 3


    Second post

    THIRST not “first” made me break my fast yesterday!

    @songbirdme – oh of course! That makes sense 😀

    Day 3 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Sorry going to be AWOL again! Just off now to set up for MRS IHL’s fundraiser weekend, it really is like herding cats, an awful lot going on! Roll on Monday when we depart up to Scotland for a few days break.
    Had an easy FD yesterday and glad I did, slept like a log last night and raring to go this morning, so coffee done and I’m away. Catch up and call in when I can.

    Take care all

    Day 3 _Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, feeling healthier, getting stronger in my workouts, sleeping like a log, onwards we go.

    Just waved my DH off on his epic trip to the UK. On top of everything else, this is his first time leaving the island of Ireland in two years, pre pandemic times, oh how much has changed. I am on standby for encouragement and calmness ….we were joking that it’s like the movies where he is the “asset” going to meet his “objective” and I am back-ops providing detail. ☺️ Whatever works to lighten these momentous times for him.

    It will be tomorrow morning when he goes to met his mum, so he is meeting his youngest daughter for dinner tonight (she lives in Manchester). I am looking forward to that first selfie with his mum.

    Thank you all for supporting me while I support him. It’s so fantastic and yes, @basyjames I really do think he will feel whole after this, and there will be tears.

    So I have the weekend to myself 💃 I was supposed to go curtain shopping with my sister tomorrow but I might postpone that until next weekend and just spend some much needed ME time.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @caoimhe – welcome! I had to Google your username; I was thinking it looked like a gaelic word, but I see it’s Irish, pronounced ‘Keeva’?

    @bellyblast – Well done on the 4 kgs down last month! 🏅

    @stitchincarol – reading about your supper in the middle of my FD was sheer torture 🤦

    But I survived. Skipping breakfast as usual today, but off out for lunch with a friend & aiming for a sensible weekend.

    Day 3 OMAD ( although I had two yesterday) London

    @daffodil2010. – I really hope your DH has a great time meeting his birthday mother. Let us know all the details you want to share!

    @ brightonbelle- I was on your territory yesterday. Thursdays are seaside days still, so we were in Brighton. We thought we might go for a lady swim at Saltdean lido but it was a bit chilly (wusses…) so we just walked to Hove and back instead. And had lunch at Iydea, which was lovely – veggie and very garlicky, and later, fish ( and a few chips) at Harry Ramsden’s. I’m meeting a friend at lunchtime today and she seems very put out that I won’t be eating, even tho she knows I usually do OMAD. But I’m so full after yesterday’s indulgences. 😳😳 Have a good Friday all. My favourite day….

    Birth mother, not birthday mother. 😳

    And last swim. Not lady swim 😂😂😂 must proof read before sending….

    Day 3 – UK – NFD

    @funshipfreddie – The Nike mentality is just what I need…. Just Do It. It really is that simple sometimes ✓

    @jaifaim – Good to see you here 👋

    @caoimhe – Welcome aboard! It’s great to have you here. I only got back into the swing of 5:2 last month after so many months/years of eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. You’ll find your own groove with it, but I’ve learned protein and water are my best friends on a fast day…. Also, never underestimate how much 1 boiled egg can stop hunger for a good few hours! I’m sure you’ll be fine but if you don’t manage it one day, don’t worry just try again the next 🙂

    @stitchincarol & @northgeorgia – I have now downloaded Dr Fung’s book on Audible so I’ll be listening to that on my walks! I am still stuck in my plateau so really hope that helps. 🤞

    @high5 – I also forget the importance of water on FDs sometimes and boy, doesn’t it make a difference? Sounds like you’ve got it all sussed out and today will be a good one. 🙂

    @at – Glad I’m not the only one who can only ‘psychologically’ close the kitchen door and not a physical door which I’m sure would be a whole lot more powerful! It also doesn’t help that my sofa points towards the kitchen 🙈

    @basyjames – Happy birthday to your hubby and great work on the new low on the scales! I hope you had a brilliant day 🎉

    @northerndawn – I hope the FD goes well today 🌿

    @bellyblast – I’m in awe of your tomato harvest! I have a tomato plant sitting in my office here alongside me and it’s given me the bumper crop of 4 tomatoes this year!! (Admittedly, it would’ve fared far better had it been grown outside but still!) 🍅

    @songbirdme – it really is a terrific group, it’s helped me no end being a part of it this past month 👍

    @i-hate-lettuce – I hope the fundraiser’s successful and you have a lovely time in Scotland, it’s such a beautiful part of the world 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    @daffodil2010 – wow, I bet you’ll be poised by the phone all weekend! The action movie analogy is just perfect. The biggest adventure of his life. Great work on the fasting too. 🎉

    I managed an ok NFD yesterday. I was in the ZBC til lunch and grabbed a chicken & lentil salad for lunch, with some carrots and hummus, plus also had some kefir. I have definitely felt the need to redress the balance after last weekend’s indulgence. This is one thing I’ve found a lot more over the past few years – if I have a few days where I eat highly processed foods, my stomach just feels so heavy and groggy. It doesn’t make me ill as such, but I don’t feel great either. I’ve also found that my mood can take a bit of a hit with it too, again nothing terrible but enough to notice a difference. I am an avid follower of the scientific studies relating to the gut/brain link and there really is something in it. It’s just a shame I forget about that side of it at the point when I’m putting the high carb / high processed foods in my mouth and only remember a couple of days after when I don’t feel quite myself and wonder why!! (D’oh!). 🤦🏼‍♀️

    So as part of my fresh start for September, I’ve been working on adding one extra source of veg into my meals on NFDs and planning on having kefir a few times a week to keep everything ticking over well!

    Have a wonderful Friday all!

    Pocket list for Friday/ Day 3 🍋

    Day 3 UK NFD

    time to put my revised weekend plan into action, I dont think I can tackle everything in one go so this weekend I’m concentrating on reducing my alcohol intake , I’m setting a limit the tricky part is sticking to it but here goes🤞

    Was a bit meh here yesterday @emma-taylor but glad you had a good day , great that Idyeas is back open

    Have a great Friday all

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