Food for Thought on a Fast Day – Losing weight and drinking water

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Food for Thought on a Fast Day – Losing weight and drinking water

This topic contains 117 replies, has 86 voices, and was last updated by  Slimone123 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Yay! Congratulations, ArtEURO, for your first Fastiversary and your wonderful success of 27 kg. Well done. (Insert: FANFARE.mp3 ๐Ÿ™‚ )

    I know how this feels, I had my first anniversary on 1st of August this year. I had started my losing process with Slim in Sleep (insulin aware food combining) before I heard about 5:2.

    And thanks for sharing your thoughts! They say that also moderate sports do something for you, especially when on fast days. I do 50 to 100 km biking per day every day. It has an impact healthwise in any case.

    Hey, celebrate yourself today ๐Ÿ™‚

    Re my question: I have done the 3 liters a day for about two months now. My weight has stayed up so there must be a correlation between the two. Anyway. Maybe someone knows what is happening there.

    I seem to be the only failure – sad to say. Starting off I was 110 kg and being a male of 5’6″ aged 76 my target is 70 kg
    I am enjoying the LCHF way of eating as well as 5:2 on Monday and Thursday but having been as low as 95 kg I seem to float around the 97/99 weight range all the time.
    Weigh every morning and record measurements every Sunday – feel extremely well but cannot lose weight.
    Post all meals on both Myfitnesspal and Cronometer which are both connected to my Fitbit and scales.
    My wife watches my diet like a hawk – Norma is on the same eating plan but not 5:2 and she has lost over 20 kgs when we started off together last January
    Merry Christmas to all
    kind regards

    I’m just starting out on the 5.2 and was reading your post and was wondering how things are going for you now

    Hello i believe it works drinking water to loose weight as i found out by a side effect from treating a light form of Psoriasis on my face after having skin allergy test which i had to remove some foods out out my diet. I was drinking 2 to 3 litres a day from a seagull water purifier i found the weight ran off this was around 15 years ago and i only wish i had the same dedication to do so today to get rid of around 5kg of unwanted fat

    Search FitBit causes weight gain.

    A friend here in town gained 14lbs since receiving a FitBit for Christmas. I can’t prove it’s the product but there seem to be lots of reports out there.

    Quietone, I’ve got a Fitbit and I suspect I know why. When it registers your steps or exercise it increases your calorie allowance for the day. I ignore that because I’m in 5:2, but if you weren’t you’d probably eat the extra. Two days ago it said I could have 2,400 cals. I know I can’t have that without putting on weight. To top it all, since you’ve done the exercise in the day and probably synched with your computer later in the day, it would give you your extra allowance in the evening. There’s plenty of research showing that you burn calories less efficiently in the evening, so you’ve a double whammy.

    That’s my hypothesis anyway.

    Its true water is very important when it comes to losing weight. According to a new German research study, increasing your intake of water by 1.5 litres can make your metabolic rate soar by about 30%. Drinking water during workouts like running also helps our persistence.

    Do you have to have 2 days together for this diet or can you separate them?


    Hi Tom,
    no, you don’t have to have 2 days together. You do it as it suits yourself and your daily routine. I for example fast on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Others do it Monday and Friday. It’s really all up to you, you don’t have to do the same days every week either. It’s just easier to remember. Good luck!

    It’s based on 5.2!

    I’m thinking if you change it you won’t be successful.
    It’s not too difficult to do the 5.2. You are going to be eating normally for 5 days which gives you an incentive.
    Try it and see, you can always revert back to the proven method which has much research behind it.
    Good luck.

    If you want to lose weight you follow the plan.
    If you plant to pig out on food days the obviously you will have difficulty losing weight.
    The idea is to eat how you would normally, with the occasional treat, fast food etc. Maccas…yuk!
    The fast days are limited calories. I do Tuesday Thursday, always aware the next day after a fast day is a normal eating day.
    There are no magic bullets to weight loss, but this is a good one.

    Did I miss where this thread went? The first post says they would be covering the myths from an article by Dr Michael Mosley on the ten myths about weight loss. I only see # 8 covered here.

    I now consciously increase my water inhale on both fasting and non-fasting days. Not to increase weight loss. But to prevent the constipation I started getting.

    Seems there was a lot of water I was getting from food that I no longer am.

    You don’t need to drink 2 liter water.
    Actually the amount of water you should drink per day depends upon your current body weight, workout intensity and any current medical conditions.

    Drinking water on right time of the say surely help you lose weight.

    If you drink water before each meal, you are going eat less than you would. As water works like a appetite supressant.

    Drinking 500 ml extra water per day can help you burn 17000 calories per year. And burning lots of calories means you are going to lose weight.

    Use this tool to know, how much water you should drink


    You know, I decided long ago to join the ranks of veggie, one person advised me to start, for my health and to lose weight.
    I just trudge from the fact that I do not eat fish, meat and seafood. I started to cook, at what I did not like before, and cooking now delivers a pleasure, and it turns out magically delicious. For example, today we have a red lentil stew for dinner.
    Need lentils-1 glass, rinse and boil for 10 minutes, then take and cut the squash, eggplant, onions, carrots rub and cut the greens. Carrots with onion fry a little in a pan. After the lentils are cooked, add all the ingredients there, and after the final cooking add the greens

    Hi Cleo,

    I have been on the diet now for 1 week, i also do Monday and Thursdays my partner does it as well with me.I started at 74.6kg im now 71.6kg I have lost 3kg and my partner has lost 2.4kg its going great so far ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi Littlemissfatty,
    I Have also been on this diet for a week and have lost 3kg, dont give up persaverre it will come off everyone’s body is different your body needs to adjust ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hey! Here [url=]happybody[/url] you can find some advices concerning water drinking.

    Well, if you don’t eat bread, potatoes, rice, pastry, etc., then you can get constipated quite quickly…. water might help alleviate constipation (but a small portion of wholegrains or a dinky jacket potato would usually suffice).

    But if you drink lots of water you might negate the effects of a low carbohydrate diet, which causes you to lose water weight…

    Then again, if you drink water, and eat protein, the water might help you lose fat. Water also helps you to feel more full. On the whole, drinking some water seems to be a good thing!

    It’s all the toxins that cause the headache – it gets better as the weeks go by. Also body reacting to fewer ca!orirs. Hang in thefe!!

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