My take was there is more result than only weight loss.
I did lose much more fat I believe on 4:3.
Since were not all the same , when igot used to intermittent fasting . I then started to transition my feed days away from unhealthy foods. I have to wear smaller clothes, and endure compliments about how much better I look. I have still a long way to go. I’ve tried many of the most popular diets. I’m grateful that this one works for me. Basically I eat sensibly go bed wake up and only intake 600 calories. Go to bed again and the fast is over. It’s the discipline of doing the doable that invites me to go further with my feed days.
If fat loss was my only goal , there are other ways of course. However I found this WOL way of life) to sate me and lose weight in the same week. So yes I’ve eaten big macs and went to buffets and have still lost a pound on the scale. After 100 weeks with many long breaks. I’ve lost 54lbs . Which more than I’ve lost on any other diet plan. As far as the doable part dragging the fat loss over years of time? I’ll just say my personal doctor approves. And I never tire trying to make my feed days either , cancer prevention foods, calorie restriction days, healing foods , and or health food packed with nutrition dense , anti oxidants, and natural probiotic foods.
The feed days are free to pursue as we wish. Wether it’s a burger or paleo. The point is to practice fasting as a way of life. I believe eventually the weightloss phase is no longer needed, but the benefits of continuing to fast may still have benefits more than just waist management .
For instance from a typical poor diet I was practicing to changing to two fast days and two fish dinner days it wasn’t a big leap to add two health food feed days and leave Sunday open to a buffet. And it has worked. Nothing anyone will ever say about how it effects them will ever change how it changed me. From just the doable to the confidence of what’s achievable. No matter the timetable.
5:06 am
28 Sep 14