First Fast Day…. Melbourne, Australia

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Julie64 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I read / researched 5:2 last night whilst I was at work (night shift) because my bf expressed interest in it; to support and inform him in the do’s / dont’s. His work life doesn’t allow him the time to do the research. He also likes to eat things that I try to keep cut out of my daily intake or don’t eat at all.

    I’m not unfamiliar with IF and was already vaguely aware of the principles behind 5:2.

    Personally I eat keto most of the time (when I’m not having a carb loading moment…. Like I did yesterday!) and train at least 4days a week, free weights and spin classes for cardio. My exercise is usually in the AM and fasted, but I have done 2 a days also, splitting cardio and free weights session.

    My plan is to incorporate 5:2 into what I already do (to support my bf) however ADF plus exercise sparked my interest too.

    So today is my first fast day, post night shift. Sipping on green tea.

    Awesome for you to be giving it a go. I like a cup of Chicken Noddle Soup on my fast days to make my stomach think that it has had something sustaining. Its only 46cal.

    Good luck on your journey.


    Welcome Shredher!
    hopefully both you and your bf will find 5:2 suits! The best thing about it is that it can fit easily and sustainably into every day life. And it should work in with the other things you are doing for your health.

    Do ask any questions or share any difficulties. The forum can be a lovely support.

    I am also in Melbourne Australia! It is a lovely morning. best wishes!

    Hi Everyone,
    I’m also from Melbourne. Hubby and I started Day 1 fasting yesterday-he coped better than I did which surprised me as he grazes on food normally and I thought he’d find it very difficult. I can go without food but realised yesterday that NOT being able to eat is the issue-it’s all good and well to not eat when you’re busy and think “I will get a snack when I have time” but the fact I can’t do that really got to me on occassions. I had to remind myself I was fasting and keep thinking of the big picture (health benefits etc..).

    I felt waves of hunger, cold (had to have a warm shower half way through the day) and found it REALLY difficult to concentrate – I was studying an online course and think I read the same sentences 3-4 times before it sunk in.

    It’s Monday morning (I am working a late shift) and all I could think about was toast so up I got at 6.30am even though normally I would sleep longer when I work late.

    Good luck Shredher, I hope the next few weeks get easier and easier!


    Hi everyone,

    I also live in Melbourne and attempted to start my first fast day today. It was all going well until about 2pm when the woman I work for offered me a biscuit and wouldn’t take no for an answer. She is an italian grandmother who doesn’t speak much english and couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t eat so it was easier to just give in. In hindsight, days when I work with her are probably not the best days for me to fast so I will go with tomorrow instead.

    How is everyone going with it so far?

    Welcome Marlee,
    your work colleague sounds a lot like my Mother-in-law ! My husband and I are on the diet and thought we would fast today but then decided to visit his Mum, so now we are going to fast tomorrow….it just isn’t worth the arguments we would have if we refused to eat. I think it sounds like a good idea to pick another day.
    We have done 2 fasting days now… both were tough but we got through them. My husband found himself quite vague at work though and did not feel his normal sharp self (he is very senior so he needs to be on the ball). So you do have to pick your best days.
    Its worth the effort – we are losing weight and the enjoyment of having a bit of chocolate and not worrying about the calories is worth fasting for !
    Good luck with re-starting… let us know how you go ! You may feel very very hungry, spaced out at times, physically cold, headache-ey (take Panadol if you have a headache as it will go away) and do drink lots of water, black tea, black coffee, herbal tea, diet cordial, diet coke etc.. it will help you if you’re struggling.

    Hi fellow Aussies, …Just letting you know that there is a dedicated ‘Southern Hemispherites’ thread that you are all welcome to join in on.

    Would love to see you there! Here’s the link…

    Hi fellow fasters,
    I’ve just started today and am looking forward to finding my younger self – at least physically.
    Started the day with a walk, planning on having two meals – one at 11am and one tonight.
    Wish me luck!

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