First day on FD – on my galzillionth new diet

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First day on FD – on my galzillionth new diet

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Ribbon_of_Highway 10 years ago.

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  • Hey guys! Happy new year. Happy new diet! I am trying to be positive but I have had a life of diets that haven’t worked for me. THe latest I tried was the LCHF which ended up in me putting on more weight. I have abused my body a lot through overeating and stupid diets. I so want this to work – I received the book last night and read it all in one sitting, deciding to start today. I am used to starving myself so it has been a really easy day and I haven’t eaten all day – just about to go and make a healthy salad for 450 calories. I am hopeful but I am just worried that as I flip flop so much in my eating habits my body might just think this 5:2 is the status quo. Does anyone else have a similar story to me? What I am hoping is that the STRUTURE of 5:2 is what will make the difference as I go through periods of overeating and periods of eating not enough. It was interesting that the book said the 2 fast days will positively influence the other 5 as it makes you aware of your eating and triggers. Anyway I am waffling! Hello everyoe. Sarah xxx

    It was interesting earlier in the kitchen as I walked in and found pasta bake on the side. I automatically reached for it to try some! It’s scary how you don’t even think what you’re putting in your mouth. When I realised what I was doing I felt surprised at myself

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