Here it is…the February Challenge!
Maybe you’ve been following us during January and already know what to do, or maybe you’re new to this.
We are a friendly, supportive, international group of people following (or, in my case, trying to…) the 5:2 way of life, as set out by Dr Mosley on this site, in his book and on his 2012 BBC Horizon TV documentary, still to be found on the web.
@coda first set up these monthly challenges in May 2016 and many of us owe her a great debt.
On Day 1 (Saturday the 1st) tell us a bit about yourselves. Try to post every day if possible, which will help you stay focused, as follows:
“Day 1: Gloucestershire, UK, NFD” for example, in my case.
It’s good to know where you come from and whether that day is a FD (fast-day) or NFD (Non Fast-Day) for you. The day is always the same as the date, regardless of where you are, and when you, personally, started the plan.
On fast days we usually create a “POCKET LIST” of fellow
fasters for that day…for motivation, knowing you are not alone.
So, sign up below and join us….
5:32 pm
29 Jan 20