Day 26 Dublin Ireland FD
Doing my best but not a lot happening for me this month. Hoping to stay under the 140 mark for the end of the month and then kill it in March! Have a fab day everyone
This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by ccco 7 years ago.
Day 26 Stevensville Maryland LFD
Broke my goal by stepping on the scale today. To my surprise no weight gain after a weekend of going over my TDEE’s.
Going to be a LFD in hopes of losing another pound by Wednesday.
In a world where you can be anything, be kind and have a great day/night
Day 26 Hampshire, UK. FD
How’s everyone doing?
@at – wise words and congrats on the Fell Run!
@flourbaby – Happy Birthday!
I’ve not had great success this month with FDs as I have had chronic sinusitis which makes me feel too lousy to fast!
Anyway, never mind, I’m planning three FDs this week. Mon, Wed and HOPEFULLY Fri.
So I’m adding myself to the pocket list for today
Good luck to everyone!
Day 26…..Florida….FD
Ugg! I don’t want it to be Monday, can. We just slip back a few days, I just really don’t want to go to work!
@at…….March must be your month……Your a great host!
So most of the old timers will remember, the skirt story! You remember the one that I fell over trying to get off, knocked the stand over while the dog stared at me in disbelief……
well, I still have that skirt and I tried it on again last night……. oh my gosh, that sucker fit….. and it fit so well. I had room to move, sit down and breathe…… getting it off was a breeze too…… Holy crap! Talk about a mood booster!
To the newbies….. I welcome you to read my journey…… maybe it will inspire you!
Okay well….. Darn Monday is moving fast……
I talk a lot smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!
Day 26 UK NFD
February has been a bit of a disappointment. I’ve had a few FDs but too many NFDs. Bad habits have crept in, wine and chocolates have appeared in ever increasing amounts. I blame my OH, since he left work in November, on my days off he keeps suggesting lunch out or stopping for coffee and cake! It’s like we don’t have a routine any more. Need to fix that.
@flourbaby belated birthday wishes to you. Sounds like you had a great time.
@coda hope you’ve had contact from your son, you must be so proud of him, you’ve given him the confidence to spread his wings so far. It does make you think how small this planet of ours really is.
I have a week off work this week, we’re down at the cottage and were planning on lots of walks. If the snow comes as predicted, looks like we’ll be making a run for civilisation on Wednesday.
I’m really enjoying Yoga classes, it’s only been a few weeks but I can tell I’m getting more flexible. Unfortunately I still can’t stand on one leg though!
Congratulations to everyone celebrating success, this WOL really works. Happy Monday everyone.
Day 26 UK FD
Day 25 UK NFD
On the bright side…. Saturday’s baking worked well. I nervously took my extra loaf to the bring & Share lunch yesterday and not only was it not under-baked it got eaten all up and I was asked for the recipe! I started baking bread along with this WOL in Dec 2017. A helpful reminder for me that perseverance and attention to details can produce good results.
On the not so bright side – I think I ate 400g bread yesterday, and another 200g on Saturday! Seedy, gluten- and wheat-free, low GI or no, it’s puffed up my fatsuit nearly as much as sugar did earlier this month. Oops. Clearly not all calories are created equal, and I have more dragons to slay than I knew.
Which might explain why I’m a member of the February Yo-Yo Club! After nearly 4 weeks of mostly mindful effort, I’ll be lucky if i’ve lost 2lbs and 1/2in off my bust, waist and hips. I’m going to count as success the fact that I’ve not put weight on, and I’ve mostly shrunk my inflated fat suit back down again. Onward & downward.
Thank you @at for volunteering for the March challenge, and look forward to sharing more of your wisdom. I’ll be happy to volunteer for April or May, depending on wrist surgery.
Day 26 Pocket list – add yourself if you are fasting today …
Day 26 Belfast FD
@coda, Strawberriesandcream, Mjrbcd44. Thank you. That is just what this WOL is about and why posting honestly on this forum is about. There is no quick fix for a problem that probably took years to develop. Cup half full…Even if we are on that dreaded plateau, our weight is not up. If I look at my own journey, I am close to my second anniversary on this WOL and definitely a tortoise. 🐢 I’m two stone lighter, have reduced my waist by 6”. I no longer take inhalers for my asthma, I’ve cut my meds for my stomach problem and I exercise daily. Yes my last 10 lbs are hard to shift, but this a WOL not a diet. I’m grateful for my skinnier body, for my better health and above all, for my amazing virtual friends in this forum. So stay strong one and all. If your results aren’t as you’d like, tomorrow is a new day.
Day 26 Pocket list – add yourself if you are fasting today
Slow progress is better than no progress.
Day 26 – UK – NFD
A FD planned but after a VERY CHILLY walk around beautiful Arnside (NW England) we popped into a lovely cafe to warm up and I ended up having a delicious sourdough mozzarella, palma ham and pesto toastie…
So FD transferred to tomorrow! So that will end up being B2B as Wednesday FD also… after a poor performance last week I think I’ll need that to achieve February target… fingers crossed. I’m aiming for your achievers list @suresh3101!
Thanks for hosting March @at – I’m in!
@toddybear Good luck to you.. Its an amazing feeling to see the weight reduction. Be strong in mind and see the results!!
Day 26 – Iceland – FD
Days 16-25 NFD 🙈
I am planning to fast Mon-Wed, in an attempt to minimize the damage done during the past ten NFD’s…
Wish me luck!
@flourbaby – happiest belated birthday wishes! 💐
Looking forward to March with @at! Always love your posts!
Day 26 Pocket list
Good luck fellow pocket fasters!
Day 26, Rocky Mountains, US, FD
I also plan to fast today.
Thanks @at for taking the lead for March. 💐
Have a good Monday everyone! 🥀🥀🥀
Day 26 USA (Illinois) NFD
Good CD yesterday – Silver Sneakers and music rehearsals today and tonight. I have my 8 week blood-giving appointment tomorrow morning, so I won’t fast today or tomorrow. And I’ll really keep up my fluid intake both days ahead of giving.
It’s hard to believe February is nearly over! I’m confident someone will take over, right? I just cannot put anything else on my plate.
Onward and downward!
Day 26 FD Oregon USA
Already added myself to the pocket list for today.
The weekend was a real mess–(eating and exercising). Snow,rain and that stupid headache on Saturday means it’s been more than a week since I have ran. NOT good. I am right back to starting over when I had built a good string of success.Hmmmm…sounds familiar. But the goal is still there and achievable so definitively running today.
And fasting.
Body feels like the crap I have been feeding it and I need to quit imploding on the weekends.
Thank you so much @at for hosting March. I am happy to take another month soon. But I know your wisdom is so appreciated by all. ❤️
Happy Monday all!
Day 26–USA—FD
I am a newbie this month, starting mid-month. I had only done 2 FD when we went off on a one week trip with friends who are big foodies and wine experts. I didn’t want to try any fast days during the week, but even in this short period of time, this WOL has made more aware of what I ate. Way more vegetables, no sweets, (can’t say that I held back on the great wine that flowed). We got back home yesterday and I was very afraid to weigh myself this morning. I was happily shocked to see that I was down 2 pounds!
FD today, and I’ll be back to Monday, Thursday FDs. On all my days I am going to try to eat loads of veggies.
Day 26, UK, NFD
The day has been fine food wise so far 🙂 , the weight is the same though. I definitely wont make my February target, far from it. Its disappointing, but we carry on! March is almost here.
Its so freezing here and I feel even colder because I’m fasting, so I’m going to curl up and wrap up on my sofa and watch some TV 📺
@at thank you so much for stepping up to host March challenge 💐
Have a lovely day/evening everyone 🤗
Correction: its a FD!
And forgot to add myself to the list, so here we go:
Day 26 Pocket list
Good luck fellow pocket fasters!
Day 26, Emden Germany, FD
Day 26 Pocket list
Take care everyone!
Day 26, Surrey (UK), FD
Have made good use of my FD by writing a letter to myself, to encourage me if – when! I should ‘fall off the 5:2 wagon’. It is on my ‘Fatfingers’ thread. (Warning: it’s a long read!)
Added myself to today’s Pocket list:
Onward and downward everyone! March is nearly here!
Day 26 – SW WA USA – FD
@at – yes, Peru was such a great experience & got home yesterday afternoon after 24 hours plus from Cusco-Lima-Dallas, TX – Portland,OR @daffodil2010 – I enjoyed Peru through to the last minute.
There were several school closures and delays in Battle Ground, WA while I was gone @mjrbcd44, due to snow. I think I was gone the right week.
@Strawberriesandcream – I’m sorry your foot is still messing with you. May you heal well and regroup. I appreciate your input into the foot situation & am glad to report that my foot fared quite well. In fact it feels better after getting home than before I left for Peru.
@songbirdme – how lovely to have not only your children in musical theatre, but also your grandchildren
So jumping into a FD after all NFDs on the trip. Glad to report that my weigh-in on this 1st morning home shows no gain while away. I think keeping so active used up all the calories tucked away on the yummy Peruvian food.
Adding to the Day 26 FD list:
So glad to be part of this group. @flourbaby I hope you stay part of this forum even as you regroup. Love having you part of this supportive group.
Remember, together we are stronger!
2nd post
I am not very good at B2B. Then again, as anyone going back through my story can attest, that was not how I did it for the last 11 months. That was another Day 2 that crashed in wine and carbs.
Ok, B2B is jettisoned.
So, I do not want to be the old guy patronising anyone new, but listen to your body. Find your own pattern. This WOL is flexible, so construct it the way that works for you. Some people enjoy the original 5:2. I did AFD. Others do their fasting days together. B2B, B2B2B,…
Rice bed warmer – terrific answer to a cold bed! I have made these as gifts and for myself. I use 5 pounds of (cheap) white rice and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes. If you have a sewing machine, a funnel, and a measuring cup, you can make this out of an old sheet. (Just make sure the sheet doesn’t have any holes!)
Fasting makes me cold too.
I have made it out of various fabrics as well – flannel, calico, etc.
Day 27 country west Australia NFD
yesterday was my first FD in weeks.
Been MIA most of Feb due to all day and all night vigils at my beloved mother’s bedside but she tragically died last week. Terrible experience for mum and the whole family.
Won’t go into details, just hope no-one has to go through what we did.
Suffice to say days and nights at a time in a hospital without anywhere to eat meant 3 weeks of snacks, fast food, rubbish WOL really.
Anyway finally back on track and will reset for March.😔
Day 27 – UK – FD
Starting a pocket list for today… Feeling positive but cold (I’ve been feeling the cold this winter more than ever before)
@lilymartin sorry for your loss – prayers for you and your family.
Pocket List Day 27
Day 27, Finland, NFD
A successful FD yesterday, wasn’t hungry at all! Hope to have a great end to this awful month!
@lilymartin very sorry to hear your mum passed away. Losing a parent is tough. Sending strength your way.
@at thanks for hosting the March forum, can you please add me to it.
Hope yesterdays fellow fasters had a successful day.For those of you being attacked by the beast from the east this week stay warm! Finland is finally getting some proper winter….beautiful clear skies and -20 deg. cel.
Have a great day everyone.
Day 27 – Ireland – NFD
@lilymartin I am very sorry for your loss.
Yesterday I had a good FD and facing into the last NFD which I hope to be controlled… I doubt very much that I will reach my February target but I’m back on track and that’s good enough after a tough month…
I’ll try again in March. Thank you @at for hosting.pleaae count me in.
Keep warm everyone – about to get up and face the day and cold temps.
Onward and downward!
Day 27 – Fife, Scotland – NFD
Fasted yesterday, stood on the scales this morning and was disappointed as my weight had increased. As Friday is my usual weigh in day I’m still hopeful of a weight loss by the end of the week.
Visiting the doctor this morning for blood tests so no breakfast this morning either.
Snow falling here just now, with more forecast throughout the day and over the next few days so the soup I made last night will be most welcome over the next couple of days.
Day 27 – Fife, Scotland – NFD
Fasted yesterday, stood on the scales this morning and was disappointed as my weight had increased. As Friday is my usual weigh in day I’m still hopeful of a weight loss by the end of the week.
Visiting the doctor this morning for blood tests so no breakfast this morning either.
Snow falling here just now, with more forecast throughout the day and over the next few days so the soup I made last night will be most welcome over the next couple of days.
Day 27 Belfast NFD
Lilymartin – I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your lovely mum. It’s not easy to lose a parent.
@kerryn73 Ha! -20 deg makes us in the Uk and Ireland seem like wimps!
@annemarilyn sounds like you had a great trip.
Off to Pilates and hopefully a good CD.
Stay strong everyone!
Day 27 Wales 🏴 NFD
@lilymartin so sorry to hear of your sad loss. Take care x
Yesterday’s FD was a success but again I felt so very cold. I’ve been more disciplined on the daily exercise this month, but that might change this week if we get the forecast sub zero temperatures, snow and ice.
Keep on keeping on everyone.
Day 27, Leeds, UK, NFD
Starting weight – 82 kgs (Jan last week)
Weight as of today – 76.0 kgs
#Mission 70kgs by May
@lilymartin so very sorry for your loss. Stay Strong!!
Have a good day everyone..
Last day of the month tomorrow, looking forward to see our friends adding to the Feb month Achievers list below :
@lilymartin Sorry to hear your mum has died. How sad. It must be a terrible time for you.
I’m in for the March challenge, please. H
Day 27, London, UK, FD.
Just arrived at work to find an enormous chocolate cake thing sitting in the kitchen, my boss thinks it’s the 20th anniversary since he started the company, it’ll be fun to explain it’s actually the 19th anniversary!!!!!!LOL
Feeling more positive today, mainly because I’m at work, away from the kitchen/food at home ……………… I seem to have rediscovered the delights of cheese!!!! Another positive, for those who remember the Epic Face Stuffing (EFS) I went through for my B’day last year, (7-course tasting menu with wine pairing led to severe leg cramps that night and I actually thought my tummy was going to pop, so a sleepless night!!!)THIS year, although not mindful, I ate a normal meal, didn’t hoover up everything, just ’cause it was there, and left the restaurant satiated, comfortable and without any gastric distress(!)…….result!!!!
@lilymartin, I’m so sorry for your loss, sending my heartfelt condolences to you and your family along with my prayers.
I’m so far off of the wagon that I haven’t weighed myself for several days!!!! Maybe it’s a good thing, ‘cause I’m not stressing, I know you and I, @daffodil2010, are sharing that oar less & rudderless boat floating in that stagnant pond, slowly going nowhere – I’m guessing I’ve still got my entire Feb target to go for me to meet my goal too!!!! But – NO stress, it’ll happen when it happens, ‘cause I don’t intend to go backwards, just dancing with @coda & @ccco doing that 2-step forwards followed by 2 back!!!!!! Can we say PLATEAU!!!!!!
@annemarilyn, way to go in breaking even, I’m glad you didn’t stress about eating and then had such a lovely result!!!! Thanks for looking out for me, it was just a small rant, feeling sorry for myself …… again!!!! You know me, I’m NEVER ….. Not EVER, leaving this forum, if I said ½ the things I say here to friends and family, they would seek some form of ‘professional’ help for me!!!!! They’re too skinny to understand!!!!
Roll on March, although I do recall saying the same thing about February!!!!!!! I’m stealing @at ‘s quote once more for encouragement …………………..
“If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”
Day 27, Newcastle, FD
Another good FD yesterday although ended at 670 cals. The day before was 330 cals. Another pretty huge drop on the scale this morning – now 137.4lbs. I am feeling mightily relieved that @simcoeluv‘s ‘easy on, easy off’ theory is working for me.
Having read a great post on another thread entitled ‘My 15 tips having lost 22kg/50lbs through the fast diet in the last 8 months’ – I am now going to weigh myself every day. I have Yunmai scales which measure various stats, so by focussing on my body fat percentage (which was my strategy a few weeks ago anyway) I will find my ideal weight when I get below 30%. Right now it is 32.6% and that’s too high for my height and frame. I think facing reality every morning will help my motivation and determination through each day.
@debster251 – How did I miss the fact that you’ve been doing this for 2 years?! Testimony that this WOL is sustainable.
@flourbaby – you really had me worried for a moment – especially as I was feeling exactly the same way. Soooooooo glad you’re staying – so am I.
@borealis – how you doing?
@dingping – I feel for you – it’s been a particularly bad season this year.
@hyacinth – great start – you must feel chuffed!
@fatfingers – really interesting post on your thread – I’ve responded on there.
@bigviking – what’s this about ‘the old guy’ – I think you’re one of the young-uns on this thread….. Thanks for sharing your insight.
Very sorry to hear of your loss @lilymartin – I was wondering where you were xx
@scotrodg – just keep on keeping on – you’ll look back in a few months and see how far you’ve come.
Btw, don’t think I mentioned I wound up my part-time gardening business last Monday and am now fully retired. Sadly, I came to the conclusion the time was right and so it was a bittersweet decision. Think that also added to my derailment last week.
As the saying goes ‘When one door closes, another door opens’ and for me that means more time with OH who is retired and more flexibility to travel.
Fasting today – add your name below:
“Nobody can go back and make a new start, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
Day 27 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.
Anyone mentioned the snow outside 🤣.
First chance to post, been up since 6 a.m. cup of tea time obviously black with one sweetener.
@lilymartin sorry for your loss.
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11:05 am
26 Feb 18