February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

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February 2018 – Monthly Challenge

This topic contains 1,590 replies, has 123 voices, and was last updated by  ccco 7 years ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,351 through 1,400 (of 1,595 total)

  • Day 23, Leeds, UK, FD
    Starting weight – 82kgs (Jan last week)
    Weight as of today – 76.6kgs
    #Mission 70kgs by May

    Love fasting days, mind and body in saint mode..stay away from food it says.. 🙂
    Good luck buddies!!

    Day 23 UK – Reading – FD

    I’m doing a third FD this week to ensure I meet my goal for February. And to allow for a bit of relaxation over the weekend. That’s what I like about this – you sort of pay it forward.

    Day 23, Newcastle, NFD

    Day 23….Florida….FD

    Wow, time flies when your having fun, just 5 short days and will be moving right on into March. If I remember correctly, I think we have quite a few birthdays this month too. I really only remember this because it happens to be my birthday month as well.

    I was slightly over TDEE yesterday but today will be a solid FD as it is meatless as well. I’m having a tangerine and strawberries for lunch and eggs for dinner. Got to get protein in some how!

    I’m trying for a solid end to Feb., can’t wait to see the results!

    To all my struggling friends, a day is but a moment in our lives, don’t allow a 5 min. Hiccup derail the entire day for you! Get right up, hit the reset and start over from that derailing moment.
    Yesterday this happen to me, I got the hiccups, hit the reset and jumped immediately into fasting. Instead of a 16 hour fast, it may end up being longer but I will benefit from the extended fast. I will not be defeated by a hiccup!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Day 23- USA – NFD

    Day 23, NFD, US

    Hello all. I went to an interesting talk last night by Dr Masley (you can read more here if you’re interested: drmasley.com) talking about his 5 steps to a better brain. It’s all stuff that you’re familiar with: eat good food (ie. vegetables, leafy greens, avoiding flour, bread, pasta etc), exercise, keeping the brain active (engage in a new learning activity for at least an hour a day), avoid toxins (excessive alcohol – he did say 1-2 glasses of red wine was good!, tobacco) and stress management (he recommended 10 mins of meditation per day).

    Anyway, he also recommended a form of intermittent fasting, but what we 5:2ers would recognise as 16:8. Interestingly, he described why people feel like they have a clearer, sharper mind after fasting. I’ve felt this before and I’ll see if I can remember how he explained it.

    In essence, when the body’s blood sugar is high, the brain’s cells are “full” of sugar and this makes them sluggish. When you fast, blood sugar decreases, and thus the brain’s sugar stores are also depleted. Therefore, the brain can operate at a more optimal level. I hope I’ve got that right! It made sense at the time.

    Anyhoo, have a good weekend everyone!

    Day 23 – UK – FD
    Day 22 – NFD

    Tried for another controlled day yesterday but a couple of 🍷🍷with dinner put paid to that but at least it did not end up with a feast day!

    A lovely walk this morning with my usual group – sun was shining and we did not mind the cold as we were well rugged up🧣

    @ccco – I think you are making the right decision – a lot of us can attest to the fact that the basic 5:2 diet does work if you stick it to it………..
    @maayyaa – Please hang on to us and don’t give up – might be worth checking you are correct in your portion size/calorie count and ensuring that you are drinking enough water. Reading this link for people that either start out OK and then stall, or don’t lose weight right away at the start from @simcoeluv might be useful – http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/really-no-weight-loss/
    Have you thought of hosting the March Challenge – sometimes doing that role helps us to focus on our own journey??
    @xrox – nice to hear that all is good with you after your ‘I GOT MY BOOST’ post ☺️ Have a fab time in NYC
    @flourbaby – hang in there you are doing great
    @songbirdme – had a similar day to you yesterday – just over TDEE but on my 2nd FD today – been loving the Winter Olympics too……
    @scribbleartist – great job on eradicating that 6lbs so far in February!!!!!!!!
    @cornish-jane – you are great – over halfway in your loss journey now 👍
    @suresh3101 – Also doing a great job this month

    If you are struggling know that you are not alone – read some of the posts on here for inspiration and don’t berate yourself for having an off day or two – “Weight loss is like driving: If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-Turn and head back in the right direction”

    Who else is fasting on this beautiful Friday **If you want to join just copy, paste and add your name** – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER

    Have a good weekend everyone wherever you are in the world and whatever your are doing – enjoy life and make the most of each day as this is not a rehearsal……..“Stay committed to your decisions; but stay flexible in your approach.”

    Day 23- USA – FD

    I changed my mind. Gonna finish this month strong. Gonna make today a fast day. Normally I reward myself on Fridays, but I’m gonna make today a FD to challenge myself. Onwards and Downwards!

    Day 23 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Must make today a very CD. Two glasses of lovely red blended wine last evening left me oh so hungry. So I not so smartly fed that hunger.

    @annemarilyn – love your travelogue!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 23 – Massachusetts – nfd

    The scales are down to my lowest right now, but still 2 pounds away from this months goal. Not sure I’m going to make it when I haven’t even been averaging a pound a week. 😩 but I did get my fast days in this week successfully unlike last week. I monitored my weight every day and it seemed to help at keeping me on track despite some slip ups. That and getting to the gym every day. Seems like I know what I got to do.

    Today is the free Thai food for lunch, which I’m debating what to do there. Will try portion control. Also resting today, so no gym.

    Good luck my friends!

    Day 23 Stevensville Maryland USA CNFD

    Good Moring everyone, I am so happy right now, I stepped on my Yunmai scale today and I am down 1.5 pounds for the week, and for the month so far 3.5 pounds down. My goal is a pound a week. Whew!!

    I feel great coming off my CFD yesterday, but still have 3 more hours before I break my fast as I do 16:8 every day and Monday’s and Thursday’s I fast for 36 hours.

    I want to thank @at for her tip of keeping my TDEE’s set for my goal weight and not my current weight. I still have about seven pounds to go to reach my goal. My daughter’s wedding is May 27th and I want to look and feel my best for the big day. Dress was really tight when it arrived the first week of January and now if feel a lot better on me. If I reach my goal it should fit like a glove.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind and have a great day/night.

    Day 23 MI, USA FD

    Weekly Friday check in – 144 lbs, hopefully won’t see a bounce up again!

    Been very busy with kids activities and work, but helps keep me otherwise engaged and not giving in to snack cravings.

    Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, everyone on this thread helps give me the mental support I need. Thank you😍

    Adding myself to the list:

    Who else is fasting on this beautiful Friday **If you want to join just copy, paste and add your name** – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER

    Day 23 Akron OH FD

    I had breakfast today, which I normally don’t do. I think that will get me through the day though and I might not eat anymore for the rest of the day. Usually I fast all day at work and eat when I get home. But I do not have any meals pre-planned which is usually a disaster waiting to happen. It is just easier to avoid the kitchen altogether…

    Day 23 – UK – Reading – FD – second post

    Feeling wobbly – probably because I’m tired – so am going to put all the fasters in my pocket for motivation. If you guys can do it, then so can I 🙂


    Day 23 NFD Oregon USA

    Well a successful FD yesterday (finally) and the scale was friendlier this morning.

    Will be challenge to hit the February goal but with any luck I will still show a small loss for the month. And as the 🐢🐢 club knows–we have to be grateful for plateaus or half pound losses… it’s keeping us from going up!
    @flourbaby–is this your birthday weekend? If so I hope it is as wonderful as you. Your continued humor, motivation and just general good nature is so genuinely appeciated. My geography issues aside if I ever do make it over to the UK, I sincerely hope to find you and share some wine gums. 🎂🎉
    If it isn’t your birthday…well it’s still all true!
    @annemarilyn it sounds wonderful in Peru. You have missed all the snow here. And this morning is bitter cold! (well for us) Low 20’s.

    Just realized when looking at the tracker that I haven’t seen @happymargo around…are you still with us?

    It seems like this month has been a roller coaster for many of us. And I love your quote this morning @at. It is exactly what I was needing this last week. Definitely staying committed to my goals but flexible in my approach. That doesn’t mean throwing caution to the wind. Simply means I am going to keep trying things to reach my goal. Also remembered that I have a vacation at the end of March and would be so great to have shed a few more pounds before then. Not focusing on the “final” number but setting a smaller goal with a shorter timeline seems to be motivating me.

    Who is going to take the helm in March from our lovely @daffodil? Btw–I love that you are starting a plan for your next bucket list trip! How wonderful. 🌻

    Definitely going to find a good quote for March. Want to be inspiring and not so whiney!!

    Have a great day and weekend ahead everyone. ❤️

    Day 23 UK CD

    Feeling thinner but scales aren’t budging – somehow I’m sitting back where I was at the start of the month. Pretty disheartening but read @daffodil2010‘s fabulous post from this morning & caught myself in time – thanks!

    There are so many ways that our bodies respond to this WOL and shedding pounds is only one of them. I’m feeling healthier, not counting the current plethora of ailments! I’m less less puffy overall – despite the sugar dragon attacks mid-Feb. And my fat suit’s definitely shrinking – i remember being uncomfortable yesterday bc my trousers were too big! Feeling pretty rough so will save the full-on measure and marvel for another day.

    Well done to everyone who is seeing progress, and to those like me who are hanging in there. We are achieving better health with every single positive choice we make, and that’s what makes the difference in the end.

    Day 23, Emden Germany, NFD

    Day 23, Rocky Mountains, US, CD

    Day 23 – Fife, Scotland – NFD

    Better result on the scales this morning than I expected, maintained my weight from last week. After a funny week where my routine changed a bit I had expected to have put weight on. Onwards and upwards.

    Have a great weekend folks!!


    Day 23 – USA – FD

    Adding myself to the list:

    ccco USA Day 23 FD

    Sticking strictly to the rules of 5:2 is working for me! Stay strong everyone!

    Day 23, UK, NFD

    Its been a busy week and I don’t have much time for cooking which is a problem since I’ve gone no processed food. Combine that with being not a talented cook and you get a picture. Thank god for eggs 😂 .

    @cornish-jane my first few sourdough breads were so rock hard they could have easily been used as a weapon 😂 . The last one I baked was so much better, really nice and just how it should be 😊 . I’m not sure what did the trick exactly, it could be the kneading (I didn’t do it long enough before ? ) or maybe the fact that I left the dough in the fridge overnight …. I found this technique helped me:
    Good luck! Let us know how it comes out 🙂

    @ccco glad to hear you are sticking with 5:2 and its working better for you, I think its a good decision 🙂 . Remember, we are not just trying to lose weight here, we are trying to teach ourselves how to eat better and be healthier for good 🙂

    @coda I’m thinking of you this weekend, keep strong ❤

    Have a great weekend everyone 🤗

    Day 24 – Japan – NFD 83kg

    14, 36+ hour water fasts done in 2018 so far. Now I have a two week break from 5:2, but I’m actually looking forward to the diet and workout change. I’m not so excited about being in China. At least the China colleagues are very nice and fun. I just don’t like being away from family so much.

    I was trying on pants this morning and I fit into the smaller pants I was saving! So while I’ve been beating myself up about my stubborn belly fat, I’m actually a little trimer than I was last summer when I bought those pants. They are US size 32 x 32. When I went into college I could wear 30 x 32 … so I have room for improvement but just a few years ago I was popping buttons with 38 x 32 pants! When I went into college I was still working out on the farm during the summer. Very hard physical work, my weight was typically around 75kg by the end of summer. I hit 75kg when I water fasted for 7 days. I think that is pretty much my bottom end weight unless I stop working out for a few years. 32″ is 81.28 cm.

    While I’m struggling in the low 80’s kg … I’m somewhere where I couldn’t even get to for a couple decades. Fasting works wonders.

    I’m really looking forward to the warmer weather. I think it is much better for me while fasting. I tend to feel cold around 20 hours into a fast and typically it lasts until the next morning. Sometime while sleeping my body warms up. In the summer it is nice. When the room is under 20 C, it isn’t so nice. I think it is a zone where my glucose is a little low and my fat burning hasn’t ramped up enough. I notice that when I even do a light workout on the second morning before breaking a fast I breath hard. That is a clear sign that my body is burning a lot more fat at that point. You can get there by just working out intensely too while eating, but really what I want is more of the fat to be burned while at rest which is a more normal state of activity.

    So weight up a little bit, size down a little bit. It probably means I’ve converted some fat to lean body mass. At least I’m not really losing ground, although I’m walking on a knife edge with my diet/workout. I do know I could cut back on food a little. Right now I’m just trying to shift in more vegetables into my diet. There are some pretty muscular bodybuilders that are vegans, so vegetables can’t be that bad for muscle development. That being said, I think about 80% vegan diet is enough for me! Over the next two weeks I’ll be eating every day so I’ll cut back or just stuff myself with mostly vegetables and fruit. Mid March I’ll be fasting again.

    Day 24 Newcastle UK NFD 🇬🇧.
    Still treading water at least I’m not putting weight on.
    8/16 going well two fast days too but non fasting days hopeless. Need to restart the exercise now the cold/flu has finally gone and refocus on my NFD.

    Hello all day 24 slow day in NO

    Yesterday was an emotional eating day – I know I said I wouldn’t but I did. I could feel it building as I was a bit stressed in work – hind sight is a wonderful thing and I should have used exercise as a means but…..
    Haven’t caught up on the last few days of posts but just called in to wish @flourbaby a very happy birthday 🎂🍷
    My little bird flies off on his adventure tomorrow!

    Day 24 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @flourbaby HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎁🎂🍾🎉🍷wishing you a fabulous fun day/weekend!

    Only one more FD for me this month, on Monday. I’m reading Longo’s Longevity Diet and thinking it would be good to try his 5 day fast (with fresh foods, not the packaged ProLon), for the health benefits but also in the hope that it will nudge me towards my target weight.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone ☺️

    Day 24, Newcastle, NFD

    Wishing you a fabulous birthday with cake @flourbaby 🙂 🙂
    Thank goodness for skype, facetime, video calls @coda. Safe travels for your son.

    Day 24, Emden Germany, NFD

    @flourbaby Happy Birthday, enjoy it, it’s only once a year!

    @coda emotional weekend but try to enjoy every minute of it, it’s a good thing you can keep in touch through the internet.

    @dykask have a nice time in China!

    @okeydokey did your father’s surgery go well?

    Have a nice weekend everyone!

    Day 24, Guildford UK, CFD

    Gym today and possibly dancing


    Day 24…..Florida……NFD…maybe a FD

    Just a quick drop in, headed to work this morning. I’m not sure how I’m feeling about the day right now, so it could be a NFD or FD.

    Happy Birthday @ Flour baby!

    @dykask……. I hope your journey is both fun and safe! I’ve never been but a friend of mine has gone and she says they are a very proud country and take their customs very seriously.

    For my northern friends who may or may not be flood prone areas please be safe….. Remember possessions can be replaced……You, however, can not!
    Floods scare the heck out of me, so please be careful!

    I talk a lot of smack for someone who tips over while trying to put on their underwear!

    Day 24 – Ireland – NFD

    Emmm, I admit, a wee drop of wine fell into my glass last night…but it WAS Friday.

    Quick pop in to say Happy Birthday @flourbaby and enjoy the cake!!!

    I have spent the morning in my garden, cutting back things in readiness for the horrendous weather conditions that are due to come our way from the North East over the next week. Snow is almost definite with significant accumulations they say, temps of minus 6….argh! Its going to be unreal in work in the Glasshouse.

    Right, I am off now to sow some seeds for summer blooms, what a nice thing to do on a Saturday morning. Then its 6 nations rugby, beer and snacks. hey ho.

    Have a great day all

    Day 23 & 24 – SW WA USA in Cusco, Peru NFD

    Days are so full eating as needed as expending lots of energy on all the walking & going up and down many uneven stone steps at various sites. Yes. Machu Picchu was so amazing yesterday! It’s so immense and mind boggling as to how it was accomplished. The train ride was a great way to see the terrain with such verdant foliage. Such variety grows here. By turn I’d see cactus with prickly pears ready to be harvested, or avocado trees, then orchids and so much more. There were terraces in abundance up the mountain sides & at times folks planting crops by hand. Our tour guide, Elias, was full of information about the Andean culture. We’re only here a week but so worth it!
    Something that touched my heart was when my son & I were finishing up buying souvenirs, we had decided on a set of coasters and the price we settled on took the last of the “soles” I had. I mentioned that out loud. The woman selling the goods to me had a look of compassion come over her face and commented “So nothing left for food?” I was just glad I had enough local currency for the purchase. Her response really touched me. So many experiences in a short time.
    Just a few hours left.

    Day 24 UK NFD

    I’ve gone back to weighing what I did last Friday. I’m going to choose to see that as progress – my week of being sick and completely inactive hasn’t added weight. My body has been busy healing, and hopefully will turn its attention outward soon.

    Lazy morning with a slow start but up & tweaking my oat & yogurt seedy loaf, ready to bake a second one for bring & share tomorrow. Not quite got round to sorting out the stodginess but don’t want to inflict it on anyone else! I’m planning to restart my gentle adapted yoga & meditation, get a bit of sunshine then settle down with the 6 nations. Speed-kntting some hats for homeless people ahead of the cold snap will hopefully keep my fingers away from snacks – I’m always better when there’s an external motivator!

    Icy weather and snow due here next week. We’re just not set up for snow in the UK, plus my health conditions mean I get stuck really easily. So despite living in zone 3 I may have to miss a number of interesting meetings and a rare, precious weekend away. Keeping fingers crossed and will try to live with what comes rather than railing against it.

    my keffir seeds have arrived today too – looking forward to learning and listening

    @flourbaby Wishing you a very happy birthday – enjoy the cake!
    @annemarilyn thank you for sharing your travel adventures
    @daffodil2010 I hope we’re cheering for the same team 😀
    @coda travelling mercies for your son, & thank goodness for the internet for keeping connected
    @dyask safe travels. I was in China for a month 20 years ago – it was amazing and prob the most alien i have ever felt

    Day 24, London, UK, NFD,

    Late check-in, I’ve been pampering & primping!!

    Well it’s my Birthday, thanks everyone for the good wishes, particularly @mjrbcd44, @coda, @missybear, @strawberriesandcream, @snowflake56, @bert1802, @daffodil2010 & @michelinme ……………Have no fear my friends ……………… there WILL be cake,…………….. there has already been WINE and …………… I’ve still got a glorious Thai meal to come……. BUT …………………. There will be NO shame!!!!!!!

    I’m feeling particularly bloated today after a lovely lunch yesterday prepared by my aunt; it may have been, as is typical in our family, no meat Friday; but she sure made up for it with the carb dense veggie curry!!!! This week is a bust but it IS my Birthday …………………… Birthday week!!!!! As long as it doesn’t become a Birthday month, I’m sound!!!!!!!

    I’ll fill you in later on the soft shelled crab, red curry, Phad Thai & wine etc, etc, etc……………….. or maybe I won’t be so cruel & just discuss tomorrows’ planned water consumption!!!

    Day 24 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Did pretty well yesterday. Off to Bible Study this morning held at a lovely coffee shop. Debating now if I want to get their quiche for breakfast or not… decisions.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 24 – USA – NFD
    @flourbaby, happy birthday! Blew my FD at 6pm yesterday, but saw a low today on the scales: 162.8. Not bad for only 3 FDs so far this month.

    Day 24 – UK – NFD

    Not had a great week – will press the reset button on Monday – maybe not soon enough to hit the February target….

    Settling down now to an afternoon in front of the log fire with the rugby for company. Love the Six Nations… always feel that by the end spring will have sprung – seems a long way off on this very chilly day!

    Day 24 – London – NFD
    Brrrrr wrap up warm, it’s cold here in London.
    Have succumbed to the bugs swirling around, it was inevitable I guess but feeling awful just can’t get warm and can’t face the thought of going outside to get medicinal supplies! Not hungry so NFD likely to turn into CD.

    Happy celebrations to those celebrating and wishing everyone else happy times x

    Day 24, Rocky Mountains, US, NFD

    Happy Birthday @flourbaby! Have a wonderful birthday weekend! 🎈🎉🍾

    Very snowy and cold here. Surviving with lots of hot tea.

    Back to watching the Olympics! 😊😊😊

    Have a good weekend everyone!⚘⚘⚘

    ccco USA FD Day 24

    Happy Birthday, Flourbaby!
    Yesterday was a fasten day for me but lately I have a problem getting through the evening! 🙁 I am perfect all day and then bam! Evening comes! I am trying again today! I will make this work! I lost half a pound this week but I am not upset about that! I have been gaining and finally I lost! Have a great weekend everyone and stay strong! 🙂

    Day 24 Stevensvile Maryland USA NFD

    Have family coming with the little darlings from out of state to spend the weekend. Going to try not to feast too much but with butternut squash mac and cheese, Maryland crab cakes and salad, well it is going to be a challenge for sure.

    Happy Birthday @flourbaby enjoy your weekend.

    In a world where you can be anything, be kind and have a great day/night.

    Hi folks, On my 1rst 16-8 day today 🙂 I’m inspired by you folks on your journey and enjoying your posts 💖 I’m hoping for some information and support to get me started on my weight loss journey 🤞I have only found out today about this plan and I’m hoping it suits me. I have tried slimming world and find I’m not able to do it because I suffer from IBS 🙁 I treid for the past 6 weeks and I have had a flare up on average twice a week doing it 😩 can’t cope with the pain so often. Do you have to incorporate the 5-2 plan into the 16-8 plan for weight loss of is it ok just the 16-8 and eat low calorie? Any advice would be very much appreciated ☀️🌈💖😘

    Day 24 NFD Oregon USA

    Sounds like a fabulous birthday celebration @flourbaby! Enjoy!!🎂🎂

    @coda-thinking of you and fellow “boymom” hugs. And yes thank goodness for technology today that allows for so much “virtual” contact. It eases things when you can at least lay eyes upon them in real time. ❤️🤗

    Had a different IPA then I usually have last night. It was very cold and tasty but only the one and I have woken up with a doozy of a headache.🤕

    Hopefully warming up today so I can get a run/walk in later and after my headache clears.
    We shall see. A week off of running this early on probably means I will be starting from square one. 😡 But I am doing it.

    Happy Saturday everyone!!


    Hi mood and welcome:

    16:8 is not a diet in any sense of the word. First, there are no calorie restrictions of any kind, so it is not a weight loss diet. Second, there are no food requirements, like LF or LCHF, so it is not a diet in the type of food you eat sense.

    At best, it is only an every day reduced calorie diet, and it is only that if you count your calories and make sure you eat less than your TDEE every day. 16:8 carries with it no known benefits, and recent research indicates it carries significant risks if followed for extended periods of time – especially if you skip breakfast as part of following it.

    I recommend you forget about eating by the clock and follow 5:2. 5:2 is a weight loss diet and has been proven successful for those that follow it. Here are some 5:2 tips: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Good Luck!

    Happy birthday @flourbaby


    Day 24 – Massachusetts – NFD

    Working today, sadly. Happy birthday @flourbaby! Your posts always make me smile. Hope you have a great day!

    My birthday is also in March @bert!

    I won’t be enjoying this Saturday, but I hope everyone else will!

    Day 14-24 NFD Las Vegas NV

    Did I mention I hate antibiotics? I’ve been on a 10 day course of strong ones and it has been very unpleasant. I’ve had so much gas and my feces stink to high heaven! My appetite is out of control as well. I’m up 4.5 lbs. My gut is very unhappy and so am I. Today is the last day and tomorrow I’ll be taking probiotics, eating sheep yogurt and sauerkraut every meal!

    The OH says the honeymoon is definitely over the way I’ve been farting under the covers! LOL

    Day 24 North Wales NFD

    Happy Birthday @flourbaby hope you have had a lovely day.

    Day 24, Gozo Malta 🇲🇹, nfd

    Yesterday I was 68.3 kilos and today I’m 67 kilos.

    I had seafood spaghetti with Konic spaghetti, a yogurt at 230 calories, and veal escalope with vegetables and some chips today plus decaf coffee with honey..

    Have a great weekend everyone.

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