Feast Days?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Day 2 for me and I love the plan so far. I was surprised to struggle the day after my first fast. I wasn’t hungry but I wasn’t sure how to eat. I’m accustomed to trying to be moderate EACH day. I’m 5′ 2″ and weighed 132 when I started.(66years old) In the past few years I have tried to be conscious of keeping carbs to a minimum and have been pretty successful in maintaining my weight that way. It seems that part of the success of the 5:2 plan is that one dos not have to be constantly vigilant and in deprivation mode. So, I found it difficult to know how much to consume on feast days. I have read the book and now feel like I need some guidance in how not to be a constant dieter-but at the same time continuing to eat in a healthy way.

    Hi there Fastana!

    I am 5’2 as well, we shorties lol have to be so careful because any weight gain really shows uh!!

    have you calculated your TDEE? this will tell you roughly how many cals you should be consuming on feast days…I don’t really count cals on normal days but I am mindful though… and you will find your apetite will really change, so am sure you wont go over!

    take care and let us know how you are getting on!! good luck 🙂

    Angie x

    Hi Fastnana47
    There is a tool here
    which helps to decide how much you should be eating on a normal day. Some of us have found our tastes change over the weeks and we unconsciously eat less and more healthily on normal days and only count calories on fast days.
    Counting calories is a chore I have always found, so its great to find a way of life to lose weight and enjoy the other benefits fasting provides without have to worry too much about that!
    One thing I like to do on my fast days is to check the posts on the forum, find some great tips, check how everyone else is doing and feel the support. An hour flies by!

    As I posted this I see Annette has beaten me to it 😛

    Hi Angie-
    I like the idea that I can have contact with others doing this plan. A lot of my friends think I’m nuts. Is there a link you can refer me to to calculate my TDEE (and what is that?)


    Just what I need -thanks. It may take me awhile to figure out the posts on the log. But this forum is going to be a BIG help. I also like the hint of getting on the forum on fast days for encouragement and support. Time for a cup of tea.

    Hi Fastana!

    if you look at the top of the page on here you will see a drop down menu called “how?”, click on it and you will see a BMI calculator and TDEE, just click on that and it will take you to the page.

    hope that helps, TDEE just means your total cal daily expenditure lol, correct me someone if that’s wrong but in a nutshell that’s what it is 🙂
    mine is something like 1800 cals, which I don’t think I have ever eaten lol!! I have tried to re introduce good fats in my diet, as prior to 5,2 I was a low fat diet forever lol, so its still a little weird for me to actually eat some fats and know that it wont do any damage!!

    anyway good luck with it, your friends have no idea lol, its not nuts at all, its simply great!!!!!!!!!!!!! they will soon be jealous, you’ll see 🙂

    all the best

    Angie x
    ps anything else just ask!!

    TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure yeah 😛

    And also hey Fastnana, good luck with everything and if there’s anything else just ask 😉

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