Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Thanks ginette may be off to tesco later to pick prescription up so will have a look for them. ..

    I only need one sweet with aspartame in it to give me stomach cramps. … I can’t eat sugar free polo mints or chewing gum! A lot of sugar free food contains aspartame so I have to be very careful. ..

    I am enjoying my food day much better than yesterday hehe 😇😇


    Hi All

    This is an article about detoxing on sugar and how it might effect you. The 80/20 rule sounds good to me (80% good food and 20% not so good). Also some youghurts have uo to 8 teaspoons of sugar in


    This is another one about drinking water and how it can help weight loss.


    Thank you for the links G. Xx

    I am not really too bothered about sweets… Pleased about the ice cream. though.

    The water is win win I reckon. Its remembering to drink it is my problem. Although I am more conscious especially FD days.

    I always feel a lot better with the water … skin does too. Noticed also I drink so much more tea now. Only always had one .. now I can drink about 3 straight off a times. No sugar and just a dash of full fat milk.

    Oooh .. just love this thread and you lovely peeps… will be here for ever . Xx

    Just to pick up on the comments about yogurt – I love the yogurt / muesli from the book, whether it’s a FD or not. I’ve made up a tub of the muesli and I keep it in the cupboard for spooning over fat-free natural yogurt (the coconut gives it a bit of sweetness) and some fruit – rasps out of Tesco are gorgeous just now. Makes flavoured yogurts taste cloyingly sweet.
    Meanwhile…today’s FD continues. I’m trying a slightly different method, and I’ve just lunched well – big fat fish cake (226 cal)and a tonne of veg. Feel very full, and hoping this will get me through the rest of the day!

    Afternoon all

    FD for me done my 10.000 + this morning but forgot to wear my Fitbit never mind I know I’ve done it.

    Mum settling nicely her nibbles nearly all gone so she’s gonna write a list for Tesco for when I finish tomorrow to get her lol

    Going to buy the ice cream will be nice with sugar free jelly for a treat.

    Been busy in the garden grass cut and veg patch turned over ready for planting mum brought me out a glass of water as I look hot it was lovely big pint glass that went down a treat.

    Lynda x

    Lynda ..

    Well done on your 10,000 steps on our FD..help to burn off the weight. We have had egg and bacon dinner with sugar free jelly tonight, making my day at 793 calories leading into my FD tomorrow.
    Might look at the ice cream next time we are shopping..


    Good luck with your day, fish cake sounds different but nice. Hoping your FDs are getting easier as they should.


    I have had a reasonable day today. Getting ready for yet another fast day tomorrow. … they come round really quick on ADF…

    I have sorted out the food for the holiday plenty of fast day meals to take. ..
    Have a good evening everyone and see you all tomorrow. ..

    Hope all you fasters are doing well today


    Hi Min

    It will be very interesting to hear your report on having the big meal at lunchtime instead of evening.

    Always willing to try a new take on this way of life. … If it works well I would imagine it would be better for sleeping.

    Looking forward to your opinion. The fat fish cake sounded lovely. Xx

    Hope everyone is doing okay whether on FBD or 52…or AFD…. FD or normal day. Lol Xx

    Kristy and I are having a cheese and ham omelette salad… some creamed rice and strawberries. So probably over a bit today . Xx


    Glad to hear you are all organised for next week, weather looking good for us both..☀️☀️☀️☀️
    How does the AFD work with your hubby, does he join in with you or does he have something different?

    I have a few things of mine frozen which go with us but if the weathers so good the BBQ will be out and I will have to re think. Think fasting also!

    Joining you fasting tomorrow


    Hi Jean

    Ian just eats normally through the day then eats whatever I am having for evening meal plus sweets after! !

    We taking bbq food too… weather looking really good ☺☺


    Hi everyone

    Just a quick pop in to say I’m still in the land of the living 🙂

    So many posts its impossible to keep track of them all but glad you are all OK and upbeat.

    FD today so having a Quorn cottage pie (266 cals) and veg later. Only had 2 coffees and water so far today so on track.

    Speak later X

    Hi Hemmy

    I like sweets occasionally but like to gave the odd one in the house. Been giving the odd mint imperial as I gave been tidying. I know these are very old as well, I bought them a long time before 2005. Found an Everton mint as well at least 5 years old. Not one to waste things. So I think when I visit Tesco which is rarely I shall get a couple of packets of these.

    Now ice cream I think of as a rare treat (youghurt previously about 5 times a week) I shall keep the impulses light youghurts and the skyr. Muller light are really good on jelly or rhubarb, just a couple of spoonfuls. Not too much sugar in these and they will last me for 4 lots of toppings. I shall certainly get some ice cream in when I get the space in the freezer. I need to find a litre of ideas cream that us low in calories and sugar, I will have it with a wafer.

    I always drink more cold drinks in the summer and if I ever go out for a meal I tend to gave two pints of tap water, what a cheap date! If I go out and don’t have a meal I will have a very weak squash.

    Hi Mino

    I love museli but a little doesn’t satisfy me so I don’t have it in the house. I have always eaten my main meal at night, if I didn’t I am sure I would pick non stop. I agree the fat fish cake sounded lovely. Did you make it yourself?

    Hi Lynda

    So many people cutting their lawns today. A nice pint of water, just right especially when hot. Hope you get to have some ice cream as well.

    Hi Jean

    Lovely that you and Audrey have got good weather. Nice for the ready of us as well but especially when you go away.

    My fast day today, all went well, helped by me falling asleep in the chair all afternoon. A very short eating window for me today.

    Tomorrow food day for me. I shall also hope to have a busy sorting day as I didn’t do any today.

    Hi Cofffee

    Our hours are completely out of kilter with everybody. Glad fast day went well.

    Hi Audrey

    Yes planning is the key to success, even if you go a little astray with the barbeque. Always remember this wol is all about enjoying the journey as well.

    Enjoy the time away. The weather is really shining on you 🙂

    Hi all this just a quick fly by at 2:30am! Little ones collic has become really bad over the last few days and its been really terrible for him bless him. He is now on formula and im switching to a sensitive blend over this week….fingers crossed it works! He’s had a few tester bottles and its already made a difference 😀

    Anyway….well done on all your weigh days, mine is mon so i will let you know how week one goes!

    Re sweet cravings….i have real trouble with this and bread cravings so i have tried to go cold turkey to get rid of them. Its working so far! I found a lovely green Tea blend by twinings which is fudge flavour and works as a lovely 0 cal treat!!!

    Take care and speak soon x

    Hi Meli

    Another night owl, although not by choice. There is nothing worse than a baby with colic in the middle of the night. Tea sounds interesting. I hope he settles soon and the new formula does its trick.

    Well done on the cold turkey, it does get easier. I have changed go is dramatically from when I started.

    I’m off to bed now.

    Hi Meli

    Hope the little one has settled down. It’s really upsetting when they are in pain and nothing seems to work. Hopefully the new formula will do the trick. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you as well.

    Yes the tea does sound interesting. Does it actually taste of fudge? It sounds as though you are doing really well cutting out the sugar and the bread so Good Luck for your weigh in result on Monday. 🙂

    Yes Ginette I’m up again! I often wish for a normal life, but it’s not going to happen so I’ve got used to being a night owl..LOL Hope you have a decent sleep.

    Speak later.

    So it all went well yesterday. The fat fish cake is from Tesco, gorgeously cheesey and smokey (haddock, I think), but I’ve had similar from both Asda and M&S. I’ve not worked out the calorie content of the carrots, but I just piled them on, with a tiny bit of salt. I could be wildly optimistic, but I think it left me enough for a couple of nibbley things later…didn’t really need them, but I was being sociable. If the scales like it when I weigh in on Sunday, then this late lunch/early tea might become one of my strategies!

    Morning All,

    What a lovely day…I do love these days 😀

    All you night owls not by choice I know…you are a little growing band..lol

    I don’t know how old your little one is, I always think by three months everything settles down…one of mine was like this fortunately at 6pm to 9pm for two months! I used to cry with her as I got past myself..hope he settles soon.

    Sorting on such a lovely day…maybe too hot for you? All these old sweets you are finding lol

    You must get used to getting up but you work also…you must be shattered..I feel for you. I am always a very placid person but I know I snap if anybody wakes me!

    These fish cakes sound tasty…I do like a haddock fish cake usually make my own but must be a few years since I have…hubbys not too keen. Daughter says M & S are very good but not tried them yet.

    Next week I am looking forward to a Cromer Crab they are so lovely, just with lovely fresh bread and a touch of salad cream…my mouth is watering..or maybe two crabs!

    Panic on yesterday …my 2 year old granddaughter has water collecting in her ears, she can’t fly as its dangerous for her. The specialist yesterday said she has to have tubes ( gromits I think) in her ear. Her operation is on Monday and she will be clear to fly by the end of the month. A big sigh of relief…

    Have a good day everyday…good day to the fasters us included..

    Speak later
    Jean x

    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours .

    And what a beautiful one it is too.

    Off shopping today.. rather be at home in the garden really. Still should be fun as Mum and Kristy act quite childish when together. I have to be the strict one. Lol

    Min I will give that a go having the meal earlier in the day. In fact I have a feeling that’s how I started… will do the fish cake too. Lol Xx

    Mel .. nothing worse than a baby in discomfort. Very tiring for you too. Hope the new formula works well. Hard for you to concentrate on yourself I am sure. Xx

    Aud and Sym .. what wonderful weather to look forward to while you are a way. Lots of BBQs I bet. xx

    Sym glad your granddaughter will be ok for flying. Good job it wasn’t at the very last minute. Hope you have a good FD today with Aud. Xx

    Gine and Coffee our late night owls. Try to get some rest during the day. There doesn’t seem to be many people getting a straight 8 hrs like they used to years ago.
    Everyone you speak to seems to say they don’t sleep well. Have a good day.Xx

    Lynda … hope you are not too tired today after all your garden work yesterday. Xx

    Karen .. CC … KT hope you are ok and enjoying the weather. Xx

    Brit lovelies
    Always remember that there were many times in the past when we thought it couldn’t be done, but somehow together we have found a way to do it.” Xx

    Morning all

    Have just been to town to buy bbq food for the holiday…..

    Also bought some new t shirts and a pair of lightweight trousers…. size 12!!!!

    The Sun is shining here and its a lovely day.

    Fast day today for me. Hope all you night owls managed some sleep. ..

    Have a lovely day



    Wow size 12, really showing now! I am still in a 14 but getting loose was very tight before should of been a 16 really!!

    We are going out tomorrow for BBQ stuff, making sure the weather was staying good. Got to be thoughtful.

    We have had a busy house work morning, busy in kitchen and even cleaning the double oven, hubby in and outside windows…cleaning tomorrow upstairs…him grumbling to nice for work!

    Stopped at 1 pm. Sweating buckets hope to of burnt off calories!!

    Have a lovely shopping day with Mum and Kirsty..have a lovely lunch..


    Hi Coffee

    I thought you might be crack on last night. Managed to turn the light out at 5. I’ve got a shopping delivery between 2 and 4 so I must get my second cup of tea in by then.

    Hi Mino

    I have heard that Marks and Spencer’s fish cakes are lovely. I have never tried Tesco, I will have a long shopping list next time I go into Tescos. One of the best. I went out for a meal a couple of years ago and had a lovely fish cake, I must go there again.

    Hi Jean

    Yes lovely weather, it’s a good job that sweets don’t go off! They get a bit sticky though, if they are too far I have to throw them out. That really hurts, not because they are sweets but because I hate throwing things out. I find that youghurts last well past their date but I won’t eat a blown one.

    I have been known to cut and freeze cheese as well. I don’t eat It too often. I love it though and this is the easiest way of keeping it.

    I still have some of that left over barbeque steak frozen. I’m doing some mince in the slow cooker today, I needed to free up some space in my freezer, next time I shall try Turkey mince, I think I also have some quorn mince to use up.

    My friends daughters ended up with a speech impediment through bad hearing. She had grommets put in at about 10 I think, speech improved so much that you wouldn’t ever know she has had problems. Not a bad operation and at 2 she probably won’t even remember it. Much better to do these things earlier.

    Have a good fast day.

    Hi Hemmy

    Have a lovely day out, if they misbehave sort them out. 🙂 lovely to have three generations together.

    Enjoy the sun garden will be there tomorrow or later.

    Hi Audrey

    Size 12 just a slip of a thing now, how well you have done. It must feel good. I know that as I go down through the sizes it does. Only really gone down bow to two sizes though, it must be because I am so much bigger to start with, I want to go down another one this year.

    Yes I did get sone sleep thanks, about 7 hours so not bad.

    When are you going?

    Hi ginette

    Glad you managed to sleep eventually. … we are off 1st thing on Saturday when ian gets home will get sorted out then he will grab a couple of hours kip in the caravan….

    I hope the weather stays hot n sunny would be lovely to live on bbq for a week or so….

    I have attempted to make a low calorie rhubarb whip today I will let you know how it turns out, it should tastes a little like a mousse I have used sugar free jelly, sweetener and carnation milk….plus rhubarb of course ☺ used to make it for the girls when they were little a sneaky way if getting them to eat rhubarb from the garden! Hehe . Should be set soon it comes in at about 82 kcals per serving!


    Hi all, didnt manage any FD this week as we were visting day on Sunday ( first time since February) and yesterday had intended to have FD but we got up muvh earlier to have a another bash at the living room. By 11 am I was ravenous. Had small bowl of muesli and skimmed molk followed by banana and walnut (raw) butter sanwhich, that did keep me going until tea time.Stu wanted fish and chips and so we had small chips and split haddock which was plenty. One of the cats must have bought a mouse in as somethings chewed one of the sofa cushions. Managed not to lose temper and refrained from exploding at Stu re continuing to live in a mes of boxes. I had wondered if there was something as Mouse the Border Terrier had been in hunting mode. Seta couple of traps behind the sofa. Longing for normality a tv and not living in the bedroom . Hope every ones ok. Think we will have a FD tomorrow

    Ooh forgot to say I get the smoked haddock fish cakes from tesco they are lovely….morrisons also do them….

    Cc glad you are ok…. hope you get rid of the pesky mousey!


    Recipe please for your mousse sounds lovely…if it works

    Can you tell its smoked haddock? Is it different from plain haddock?

    Jean, yes I will post recipe if it turns out ok… the fish cakes are definitely smoked haddock you can tell it’s smoked but they are VERY tasty. ..I think it gives them a bit more flavour. .. we usually have them once or twice a month..

    The mousse is still deciding if it’s going to set or not…. I usually make it with full sugar jelly!


    Good afternoon all

    Glorious day here. I find it makes such a difference to my mood when the sun is shining 🙂

    Oh I do envy you, Jean and Audrey. We used to have a 5 berth motor home that we could just go off in when the fancy took us and had some marvelous times in it. The weather forcast looks good so hopefully you’ll all be able to relax and enjoy the BBQs and chill out.

    Wow Audrey, Congrats on size 12, it must have given you a thrill and rightly so. It must be 15 or so years since I could fit into that size, but hey, we’re all going down in size so eventually… who knows! LOL

    So pleased that Granddaughter is going to be OK Jean. My friends daughter had grommits in and they made a massive difference to her hearing. Fantastic to think what a small piece of tubing can do.

    Hemmy have a good shopping day. The weather is supposed to stay good so you’ll be able to enjoy the garden for a while yet. You’re right about the sleeping, though in my case it seems as though my day and night have been turned on their head. Friends know not to phone until late afternoon! LOL

    Well done on a good FD Min. Trial and error usually finds us the best way to deal with them. I manage better if I don’t eat at all until later (which for me is sometimes 9/10pm – but I never said I was normal! LOL

    Hi CC. I think under the circumstances you did very well yesterday. When things are in chaos it’s not always easy to think about what you can, and can’t, have to eat. Hopefully the traps will get rid of the pesky little problem and nothing else gets destroyed. With any luck you’ll soon get sorted out and life can return to normal.

    Hi Ginette. I think we are both in the same boat as regards sleeping! Hopefully you’ve got your delivery by now and can relax and enjoy a peaceful cup of tea.
    I meant to say, in regards to an earlier post, about the good news from your niece. It must have been a great relief to them all. Bad enough being bereaved without having to worry about losing the family home on top of it. It’s great that it had a nice ending.
    You put me to shame with your thrifty ways. I’m annoyed with myself for the amount of food that I throw away. As usual full of good intentions that never get acted on.
    Sounds as though Mum has had a good time Lynda. I laughed about the list of goodies you have to bring home for her. Lovely times… enjoy.

    Don’t know if you’re still popping in KT, but if you are let us know that you’re OK. Xx

    If I’ve missed anyone my good thoughts are still winging their way to you. X

    It’s set…..

    Here is my rhubarb whip recipe

    1lb rhubarb ……………………….95 kcals
    4 fluid oz of water
    3 desert spoons of canderel or other sweetners
    1 hartleys sugar free strawberry jelly …36 kcals
    3/4 can carnation milk 410 size………402 kcals…
    ……………………….total……..533 makes 6 big portions 89 kcal each plus sweetners mine is about 10 kcals overall..

    1. Put carnation milk in fridge or freezer you need it very cold…
    2. Cook rhubarb in water and sweetners until it’s soft
    3. Add pieces of jelly and stir well until dissolved
    4. Leave to go cold but not set.
    5. Whilst jelly is cooling whip up the carnation milk until it stiffens I use an electric whisk.
    6. Fold the milk into the jelly mix
    7. Leave in fridge to set overnight if possible.

    Hope you try it..


    Thanks Audrey will give it a try..maybe after holiday. We both love rhubarb.

    Do you think you could use frozen rhubarb..?

    Nice refreshing for summer.

    am still around – sort of
    use tracker, although weight is just going up
    not much else to say really
    except well done on all your losses

    Hi Celtic

    Not nice having mice, they are so destructive. I sympathise with you that the boxes haven’t got sorted, I had a lot of things like this but I am gradually sorting. I was meant to do this today as well but instead spent time with a neighbour.

    Nice couple who have lived here for over 25 years I think. She is Scottish and dies not put up with fools but is very kind to people in need.

    Hi Audrey

    Weather today says the temperature will be 26 all weekend in the south phew….getting too warm. But looks like a good weekend all around. So hot in the south that we hay have some thundery showers. Mad when you think people had snow a week ago. Not enough time to adapt.

    Thanks for the recipe.

    I may get fish cakes from Morrisons when I have run down stocks. I have just made a bolognese and had it with vegetables. Three pieces of fruit today and a thick slice of my lovely granary with watercress.

    Tomorrow I am trying to do an 800 day although today was pretty low. 2 cheese biscuits, I mint sweet and 2 sugar free eclairs (sweets) from my neighbour. He is diabetic and had bout some, he ate the whole pack apart from 2 and got the runs. It does say on all sugar free packs that eating too many will act as a laxative.

    I am pleased to say that this week is one of the first weeks that I haven’t needed to take a laxative at some point. Probably the combination of fruit and vegetables. Sorry you probably don’t need to know that 🙂

    Hope you get those problems sorted out soon and get back on track next week.

    Hi Coffee

    I have always been careful. I had a period where I wasn’t earning much and was forced to be, even when earnings went up I didn’t change. I had a good influence in my grandmother. She always had an extra box of tinned food, maybe from the war days. I have two cupboards stacked with these and pasta etc. I rarely eat pasta now and keep meaning to start working my way though the tins. At the moment I don’t use many. The odd tin of beans, tomatoes, very occasionally tinned fruit. I won’t throw any out. I will give some soups away though as I really don’t like tomato and basil soup.

    Hi Jean

    I have never made this but when I cook frozen rhubarb I do the whole packet and add touch a touch of water to the bottom of the pack. You really need to wait for Audrey for an answer.

    Hi KT

    Lovely to see you here. Maybe if you have the fast diet book reread it again to give you inspiration. As you know sweet things were my downfall. Although it was me who brought up the fast beach diet I started it really reluctantly, I really did struggle the first week, the secon it got easier and this week I can honestly say I am enjoying it. I am not even missing the sweet things. I do have a couple of pieces of fruit a day and maybe also some strawberries or cantaloupe melon, this is my Favorite the last two are both low in calories and I will have the strawberries with a couple of spoons of youghurt. The melon on its own.

    Try and be strict. It is really hard at first but you will reap the rewards. I have lost 5lbs in two weeks like others on here. I am really pleased because before that I hadn’t lost in ages.

    Chin up, try to get back into routine you will feel so much better for it.


    Hi KT

    So glad you are ok. It is hard to get back in the swing after a lapse. We have all been there at times.

    Try to start back at the very beginning. Try to get yourself thinking of why you got here. .. Back to basics. No pressure though in your own time completely it is not a race at all. Xx

    Dear friend .. you can do this .. together we are stronger dont forget. A trouble shared is a trouble halved. Xxxx

    Hi all flyby entry again….😄

    Little one is 3 months today but was born 6 weeks prem so his corrected age is 6 weeks. Collic has been a generational pattern but thankfully he has managed to enjoy baby sensory and massage classes today and has conked out for most of this evening!

    Fudge green tea smells really fudgy, it doesnt taste as strong as it smells which is a little dissapointing but it does have that sweet kick!

    Non fast today, feels very odd eating high number of calories as my allowance…. Looking forward to my first weigh on monday! And enjoying all the lovely sunshine ☀ ☀ ☀

    Morning All,

    A cloudy day this morning but it will improve.

    Weigh in this morning is not looking good for Tuesday 😁 I have really stuck at it and not cheated…plateau again maybe! I think I had one day at 1400 calories all others were under 1000 plus two 500 days.

    It is strange this eating it never matches up to what you eat…maybe my body is holding on again…I never have things in transit!

    What a wee boy you have..he has to get used to the world, I hope things settle down for you soon.

    Lovely to hear from you. Hope the FD goes well and you start joining us again. Let’s hope the mouse departs, I think they are hard to get rid of. My friend had them for 4 years and my daughter has them at her school but she has had the public health in to set traps..they think they are winning but not gone.

    Have a good 800 day, much better to do when the weathers good.

    Looks like we are off on the motorbike for a ride, doing our treasure hunt again. Packing up and taking coffee for a picnic. A lovely fresh air sort of day usually come back shattered. Hope it’s not too hot…I like it about 18 but could get higher.

    Hemmy, Audrey, Lynda, Karen, minols, KT sorry if I have missed anyone.

    Have a good day and weekend all,

    Pop by later
    Jean x

    Good morning friends hope all is well with you and yours.

    Another beautiful day in store.

    Definitely doing nothing but reading and pottering in the garden today. Hopefully dropping off to sleep along the way.

    Still in my dressing gown a nice treat with no walking today.

    I supposed to be fasting today… but Kristy already just said egg bacon and homemade chips for lunch made by her. Oh dear. She is supposed to be a veggie too. Lolol Oh well.

    Have a lovely day Sym … scales will be great by Tues… maybe our bodies and meant to have a rest from losing at times.

    Love the thought of that bike on a day like today. Enjoy… Maybe hubbies Fish n chips are called for to get things moving… just a thought. Lol Xx

    Aud .. That whip does sound lovely … used to do similar years ago with cream.
    Thank you for sharing. Xx

    Ooh CC I am a country girl but so terrified of mice even the little field ones. Had convinced myself they wouldn’t come in with Mr Pips here. Oh blimey… hope its caught soon. I have heard that bread is better than cheese for attracting them. Xx

    Coffee and Mel hope you are not too tired today after your night duties. Xx

    KT … things look better on this lovely day. Xx

    Lynda … stay away from the treats.. you are doing brilliantly. Xx

    Gine So glad that fruit is working for you and no need for laxatives. That is wonderful news. So much healthier.

    I too am trying to use what food I have in the cupboard or freezer. Trying to adapt things to suit without going to my local shop so much. Like you and hate waste . Everything goes in my soup I permanently have on the go. Rolling stock pot is what my gran called it. Lol Have a good day. Xx

    Brit lovelies… Life is trying new things to see if they work Xx

    Morning all

    Ian has decided he wants to eat tomorrow at the van so I am attempting a B2B. … not sure how it will go as I have done alternate days for 2 weeks now. …

    We are off 1st thing so I will not be in touch as much until a week on Wednesday. … I will weigh I Tuesday and post my loss…

    Be good and keep in touch, together we are stronger


    Hi Hemmy

    For a change I didn’t cone back on last night. Yes I’m glad things are moving of their own accord, sometimes up I had to take laxatives two days in a row. So nice that eventually the fruit is working. I try to keep it to two or at the most three pieces of fruit in a day, either strawberries or melon today before I go out. Fish later I hope if Pam doesn’t trip me up.

    Hi Meli

    What a worry that must have been to have a premature baby. Mine was born at a time where mothers could stay in hospital for a few days if they wanted and a nurse fed them the first couple of nights. Also we didn’t need yo supply anything of our own people do now I hear.

    Tea sounds intriguing.

    Good luck for Monday, I hope you have a lovely surprise.

    Hi Jean

    I really hope you lose, even if it’s just a pound. You know that in this hot weather we hold onto liquid as if we have need of it. I hope that is the problem. My ankles always get swollen in the warm weather, a side effect of the tablets I have been on for years but I have learnt to live with it. Sonetimes it makes knees painful and I start taking sea kelp supplements, this gets ripped of some of the exess water. I can buy them for a £1 so not bad. Not to be taken if you are on thyroid tablets though.

    I hope it sets itself right and lowers by Tuesday. I showed a slight loss after Wednesday fast day. So hoping to add a bit more to that.

    I can remember being at slimming clubs when I had had a really good week and even out on weight and a bad week and lost!! All very strange…. It will show up sometime, just keep faith and carry on.

    Lovely day for a treasure hunt as well. Enjoy your day. I am off to Pams later.

    Hi Hemmy

    Lovely for you to have a rest and be waited on with breakfast served up even if it is meant to be a fast day. I hope you enjoy it and can maybe turn it into an 800 day, isn’t that what Friday is meant to be?

    I love having a bit more leeway on a Friday and it helps when Pam trips me up. I have fruit at or soup at lunch time which gives me a lot of leeway with Pam’s ‘surprises’. It is seeming to work. Last week I wasn’t good as you know. This week I’ve been an angel in comparison. Although I haven’t logged calories apart from mentally I know I am well under if perhaps slightly over on fast days.

    I hate killing mice, well anything really but I do sonetimes flys and certainly mosquitos, I really don’t want to be bitten. Spiders I rescue and take out to the garden. Mice I have been known to catch and take outside. I’m not frightened by any of these, I would draw the line at a scorpion, not that I have seen many of those and when gardening in long grass opinion France wear boots as there are some snakes occasionally.

    Hi Audrey

    Good luck in b2b. You have done this before and it will give you freedom when you are away. Did the rhubarb whip set?

    Have a lovely time, we miss you when you aren’t here. Good luck for Tuesday as well.


    How are you doing are you managing to keep on track?


    Just a note to everybody, I made a bolognese in the slow cooker, intending to put it into a container to cook before going to bed. I completely forgot. I got up to go to the loo before going to sleep and remembered. Just as well I did. The slow cooker was on high as I had turned the control too far. There was no light on it and the temperature know which sets at off, low, high and warm is almost the same both ends with no red line to show which is which.

    The food burnt although I did manage to save a portion fir Saturday. I poured cold water in the bowl and gear a slight crack. Then turned it off on the wall. I hope the bowl isn’t cracked. Mine is a 3.5 ltr Morphy Richards a bargain on Amazon at £15. I am going to wash it out in a minute and will let you know. A letter to Morphy Richards I think. I shall always turn it off at the plug in future.

    Hi ginette

    Though I put at top of the post last night with the recipe for the rhubarb whip it did indeed set.. i had some last night it is very nice… Ian said of I hadn’t said he wouldn’t have known it was made with sweetners and sugar free jelly!

    Hope your slow cooker is ok. We have 2 tesco slow cookers one here one at the van. Very good quality . I got Katie one from asda that was rubbish so ended up getting her a tesco one also. ..☺

    I am EXTREMELY HUNGRY… hoping to make it through today will probably go to bed very early … I can eat tomorrow thank goodness..

    I went to the local co-op and got a load of salad stuff reduced that still looks ok so bbq at caravan tomorrow night sounds likely..

    Hope you have a lovely meal tonight.


    Afternoon All,

    Just got back from our ride, not too hot or cold perfect. Had our sandwiches and coffee outside an old church in a village…must own up to a chocolate eclair..really nice.

    We went through a village called Winterton at the side of the Humber…they sell the best pork pies ever, I have not had one from them in 15 years…er yes I bought one for tonight, but that is all I shall eat…I just couldn’t resist. We will share it..it’s a bit big!! Back on track tomorrow.

    Have a lovely break, remember your scales hope they are kind…b2b is hard going good luck. I shall try and keep on track ish, hubby in holiday mode but he will do FD’s…hope we don’t put on too much!
    Have you used frozen rhubarb in your mousse?

    Enjoy your garden a bit of pottering and a sleep in the sun. Although bright here we have high cloud cover. Having a lazy afternoon a bit of reading..

    You were lucky remembering your slow cooker..it could of caused a fire. Hope it’s not cracked. I don’t like spiders at all but could be OK with a mouse. They do a lot of damage I am always concerned that they may get in the caravan…although I never leave food in and is always clean before I put into storage.

    Speak later
    Jean X


    Enjoy your break also. ..

    I am hopping on scales first thing so will pack them after that.

    Ian has had a good idea of putting clothes etc. in car tonight now we have 2 dogs crying at door saying we are ready…. he is of to work soon it’s me that’s going to have put up with the moaning and crying. …

    I haven’t eaten yet but I am starving….



    Keep going ..have an early night.lol..lol

    Safe travels

    My pork pie is the same recipe of 15 years ago….talk about Mr and Mrs Fluffy Tail….half each…if I put my pound on it was worth it!

    Very very naughty…stopped counting my calorie gone well over the top….hubby agreed, first time he has had one…as he said next time passing we will get a couple…glad it’s 40 miles away lol..lol


    Lol I love your stories… Beautiful Brits Xx

    Pictures of Gine peaking into the kitchen seeing what Pam has in store for dinner.

    Auds doggies at the door crying to go on their hols. Ian off and Aud left to hold the fort.

    Sym whizzing along .. delectable pork pie in hands.

    After our fry up for lunch which was lovely being cooked for me…. Tonight we are being naughty with cheese salad sandwiches and some chocolate munchies. No wine for me though .

    A lovely restful day … Only washed the throws in the lounge.. then called it good for the day.

    Aud … safe journey tomorrow… Have a wonderful time in this lovely weather. Xx

    Hi all

    Well I have made it through the day just over 500 kcals….

    Off to bed now….

    Will post when we get settled at the van tomorrow.

    Have a great weekend all


    Well done Aud… sleep tight. Xx

    Hi all, hope your all ok? I can see from your posts you’ve been having some lovely relaxing days 😀

    Bike ride sounds lovely as does gardening although i was out in the sun for about an hour, mostly in the shade earlier this week and got sunburnt!

    I dont do animal traps either….when I was younger my mums bf put down traps and i went round and collected them all and binned them! It was the source of many debates!

    I had a major slip up today and went well over my allowance….no sleep and crying baby….i caved and ordered a takeaway. I was so hungry i started stuffing myself but stopped halfway through and couldnt bare to eat anymore grease! Feeling ok as i think i deserve a little slack and also quite pleased that i had an internal debate before stuffing my face rather than jumping head first, baby steps!! Possibly adding a third fast day tomorrow to make myself feel better…

    What is an 800 day? I thought we had to do our TDE allowance and then 1/4 of this for fast days?

    Hi Audrey

    Sorry I was so busy reading the recipe I must have missed it. Slow cooker looks alright I have needed to give it another soak though as food well and truly burnt at the bottom.

    I was no so fond of the chunky haddock but I did but some smoked haddock fish cakes with cheese and leek filling for tomorrow. My son true done and said they were lovely. These were from Aldi.

    I know that I’m safe to talk about food as you must be safely tucked up in bed by now. I hope the day went well in the end. Horrible to feel hungry. Just read that you have made it through, well done.

    You will have two happy dogs tomorrow.

    Hi Jean

    Weather sounded just right for your ride. Yes wants I lucky. I hope you enjoyed your pork pie. Just as well that shop isn’t local.

    Hi Hemmy

    Luckily Pam was waiting for me and I only put fish in the oven and she made a sale, I came in around 800 I think. Looking forward to tomorrow an eating day although the 800 days seem so much better than a complete fast day. Only fruit salad and fish so a healthy day. I must polish that halo.

    I’m glad that you had a nice relaxing day.

    Hi Meli

    Yes that sun is hot and we are not used to it yet. A person after my own heart with the traps.

    Those of us who have done two fast days and want to be a little strict came up with an 800 day, way below normal days but a bit more than a fast day. It seems like luxury to me. I used to do three dpfastfastfast days a week but ate completely the wrong foods the other days. I didn’t really put on but I didn’t lose either.

    Now I am managing to keep the other days under control, mostly because quite a few of us are on the fast beach diet. I am way off of going to beach and not really a beach person anyway. It is just what they call it. My days of bikinis are over and I wouldn’t subject anybody to the sight of me in a swimsuit for a few stone either.

    I hope you both get a better night, it is just a matter of sleeping when you can.

    Coffee are you around?

    I’m off to bed now. See you all tomorrow

    A little something about portion sizes. Much smaller than I imagined


    Hi All

    Another late night for me. Been inundated all day with phone calls and visits!

    Hi KT, so pleased you’re still popping in. I hope you’re getting help from the mh team and are starting to feel a little better. Don’t beat yourself up about putting some weight back on. You’ve been through a very traumatic episode and it’s bound to have an effect, and let’s face it most of us are on this site because we eat when stressed. Keep in touch with us, but give yourself time and when you feel up to it you can maybe think about losing some weight then… we’ll still be here for you.

    Sorry I missed you tonight Ginette. I’ve had a good FD, about 500 cals, and will be trying to keep to a minimum tomorrow. Isn’t it strange how some days it’s quite easy and others it seems impossible!

    Audrey have a safe journey and a fantastic time while you’re away. It’s amazing how some sunshine and a bit of peace work wonders for us.

    Hope everyone else is OK and enjoying this wonderful weather. Xx

    Ginette forgot to say I checked out that site about porion size :-O I know that in the 50s the food portions were small because of rationing, but I very much doubt that they were THAT small. If nothing else they would have filled up on veg surely. It seems really OTT and filled me with horror. LOL

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