Fat Busting Brits!!

This topic contains 36,327 replies, has 413 voices, and was last updated by  hedgehogs 5 hours, 43 minutes ago.

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  • Evening!
    Feel free to keep the rain Steve, we’ve had enough šŸ˜‚
    Dave- really well done with your loss, hopefully into the next stone next week?
    Jean- hope you feel better soon & the painters work a bit harder!
    Hemmy- are you working on getting the little extra off?
    Nana- hope you’re okay šŸ¤—
    Jabba & Slider- it helps to keep coming on, gives a bit of accountability…
    Had a liquid FD here today, was really hungry this morning but kept busy so this afternoon was a bit easier! We did shopping, voted, saw younger son, cleaned out the crockery cupboard (it was really dusty?!), & finally got round to cleaning up my old jewellery, very pleased with that…
    We’re only going away for a couple of days next week but I’m getting the holiday feeling!

    Morning everyone,
    Finally getting back on here after two upsets. My daughters marriage has ended and so she’s moved back home with grandog Poppy.
    The other upset is that my Friday night friend had a stroke two weeks ago we’ve been friends since 1969, her recovery is going well albeit slowly with her needing rehabilitation, fortunately her speech has not been affected. We’re going to visit her husband as usual this evening so it’s a kebab and OH’S turn to drive.
    I’ve been keeping to my 18:6 ,1300 calorie days and managed to loose two pounds this week, however, we’ve an 80th afternoon tea to go to on Sunday, a curry night with our Newmarket friends on Monday and then we go on Thursday for a two day break in Norwich .
    Jabba & Slider welcome to this site we might only be a few members but we’re really friendly.
    Will post again on Monday.
    Nana xxx

    Good afternoon

    I can categorically deny any responsibility for the rain that may have occurred in Manchester or any other areas of England in the last 24 hours as we have had enough of our own.


    Well done on your loss this week 2lbs is a very respectable result.

    I’m not sure what I’ll lose this week but anything other than a gain is a positive.

    Good afternoon and Happy Friday everyone. xxxx

    Another on and off damp day here we did manage an hour and a half dry walk but soaked from the long grasses. lol

    I have lost a pound of the two I had put on.. I definitely eat more in company.

    its busy on the road here as F! at Silverstone this weekend.. Helicopters will be going over tomorrow taking the rich and famous lol.. A good weekend of sport with Englands game too.

    I am just keeping local and off the roads.

    Nana .. Well done on your 2 lb loss that’s brilliant so very sorry to hear your news re your daughter marriage . and your friends health . a worry for you I am sure. Xx

    I hope everyone is having a good day.. what ever you are doing.

    Do not underestimate the power of a single step. When you achieve your goals, you will realise that it was one of the steps that led you to success. Xxxx

    Lovely weather today, been bowling, it’s nice in the sun. Hemmy a good few days of sport. Will watch it tonight and tomorrow then the F1 on Sunday. I’ll have to cut back had to much last two days. I might try what you’re doing Nana. I’ve bought some pea pasta , one of the ladies was talking about it on Wednesday so I’ll give it a try.

    Sounds like the rain came from Steve, bypassed Dave & descended to us! I woke up at 3am, gave up & got up at 4am, was out with Xena at 5am so at least we were back before the rain started. Only lost a couple of ounces, it does seem like if I don’t do a 3rd FD even doing 2 liquid fasts aren’t enough to lose šŸ˜• Been hard today, tired & could’ve eaten lots of sugary stuff! Trying to plough through a book about the thyroid a friend lent me, & saw mum this afternoon.
    Nana- hope tonight’s not too sad without your friend & hope the rehab helps her. So hard when your children are upset, your poor daughter šŸ˜¢ Well done on your loss though…
    Hemmy- well done with a pound off, hope the helicopters aren’t too loud tomorrow!
    Dave- enjoy all the sport this weekend! Unusual for you to have the best weather!
    Steve- do you watch much sport?
    Jean- hope you’re feeling better šŸ¤—
    Have a good weekend everyone šŸ„°

    Evening All..
    I am feeling a lot better now more my self..
    A walk with Natalie this morning on the riverbank.

    The painters finished but coming back Sunday to see me , there are a few things I am not happy with. Workmen are a lazy lot never do things right. I am fussy I would rather do it myself.. but I canā€™t this!!

    I canā€™t seem to get back into fasting I am finding it really hard.

    Well done on cupboards and haircuts! Have a nice break.

    So sad for your daughter especially when you canā€™t really sort things out.. your friend too hope sheā€™s ok.
    Well done on 2lbs off..

    No rain here, a bit chilly but the sun did come out pm..

    Well done on moving your poundā€¦ I canā€™t get into the fasting zoneā€¦Steve loved his F1.. all be busy near you.
    We have lots of helicopters flying and rescue boats, police, looks like someone gone in the Ouse River, itā€™s very fast flowingā€¦sad.

    Pea pastaā€¦ youā€¦ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ with cheeseā€¦

    Have a good weekend everyone..
    Jean x

    Definitely not with cheese, I’ll try a bit with Kung Fu chicken(as I call itšŸ˜) Can always bin it if it’s not nice. Denise won’t have it but my son might, he likes pasta. The sun is out here but very milky.

    Good evening all

    Not been a bad day here weather wise but that could change very quickly.


    I do watch rugby more union than league but enjoy both, trying to enjoy the football but hasn’t been easy the way England have been playing. And it’s the Tour de France again so happy to watch that too.

    Had spag bol with garlic bread for tea so definitely grated cheese on that was lucky to find a small container pot of grated cheese
    in tesco.

    Yes it’s hard work watching England. But they are in the semis again. I recorded the F1 so will watch that later, Chloe just fell asleep on my leg, she has all four of her legs on mine. She’s a big dog even she does this I get shoved to the end of the sofa.

    Steve- football very frustrating! I’ve never got into rugby…I do like the cycling but never get round to watching it …Hope you enjoyed your dinner!
    Dave- hope the pea pasta is nice, is it an extra protein one? Hope the F1 is good tomorrow, I think it’s on C4 so might watch it.
    Jean- very annoying with the painters, hope they put everything right…
    Hemmy- have a good weekend, avoid the crowds!
    A wet day here again, did some cleaning, trying to get through a book a friend lent me but I keep falling asleep! Have done a FD today, 600cals.

    Good morning FB Brits hope all is well in your world.Xxxx

    I am hoping for a calmer day today . and to enjoy F1 from Silverstone. Traffic busy all around the area.

    Yesterday was hectic.. had planned an easy day to watch the footie… On returning from our walk ..I met a village lady.. in tears had lost her little terrier .. he had chased after the deer .. So took Pip home and returned to help her .. 2 hrs later we found him in brambles..but safe. thank goodness.

    A naughty day with treats and wine.. lol but enjoyed the footie. xx

    H H .. I keep feeling tired too so have sent for some Yeast Vite tabs.. I had them years ago and they were good.

    Enjoy your day every one whatever you are doing. ..

    Sunday is a day of rest Xxxx

    I’ve gained over 3lbs so I have recalculated my TDEE. Will see if that makes a difference. So glad they found the lost dog, it really gets to me if I hear any bad news about dogs. Denise said I should care more about humans but dogs are very close to my heart. Got the F1 on the telly so I’ll watch it all, got beef cooking in the pressure cooker then it will be going into pastry for a nice pie. Will do back to back fast days Monday and Tuesday.

    Dave.. Oh the smell of the beef cooking.. and F1 to watch.. Wonderful lol

    Just had BLT sandwiches .. and will have wine and some snacks while f! is on.

    A naughty few days but you have to relax Sometimes …I am enjoying my food again..

    I absolutely agree about caring about dogs.. They are more loyal than many humans.

    Come on Max for Red Bull … Xxxx

    When times get tough the tough get going. xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A lazy day still not feeling 100%..

    I am trying a fast day I feel the weight going on..

    Chilly with rain here managed a dry walkā€¦ a bit of drizzle about.

    Did you enjoy your king fu chicken?
    Enjoy your beef it sounds delicious.. ham salad for me.. it doesnā€™t have the same ringā€¦.

    I used to like Rugby Union, I havenā€™t seen any in ages.
    Watched the footy, quite exciting at the later stages.

    Just finished my book, lazy hereā€¦ no sign of the painter yet.. I hope he comes.

    How lucky to find the dog such a worry. Hope he was fine. Yeast Vites tablets my Mum used to take them years ago šŸ˜‚ you will be bouncing about!

    Jean x

    I’ve been to watch Sale Sharks and Salford red devils at the ground I prefer rugby union to league. The F1 was very exciting. Beef was tasty but I will have to cut down now, good job I don’t go to MoreLife this week.

    Good morning everyone the sun is out but according to Alexa it’s going to be showers all week. Will get a dry walk in with Chloe before it comes if I can wake her up. She must sleep 22 hours a day. When I take her out for a walk they all laugh at me, I have to drag her round she walks at about 1mph and that’s her top speed. Get some chews out and it goes to 100mph.I literally have to put my knee up her bum every time just to push her off the doorstepšŸ¤£

    Afternoon All..
    A lovely sunny dry walk it makes all the difference.

    Trying for a second fd a B2B..

    Just played my semi finals boules match ..
    13.10 Peggy
    13-9 Jean
    Last match down to last throw 11-11
    13-11 Peggy won
    A brilliant hot sweaty match. We both were so close.

    I have no problem walking here.. he was very naughty we had walked for a hour and he wouldnā€™t come home!! He kept running away from me.. he is in bad books.

    Jean x

    Hemmy, I have never heard of yeast vite tablets, hope they help! I’ve tried some for helping the thyroid, will see.. brilliant that you were able to find the dog, such a worry otherwise…
    Jean- I think you needed some lazy days, take it easy with the fasting while you recover! Naughty Charlie…
    Dave- hope recalculating your TDEE works, you’ve done well, would be good to keep that up …poor Chloe, a shame she doesn’t enjoy her walks!
    Had a baking day yesterday, made brookies for the firemen (& 1 each for us!) All packed now & leaving shortly for our couple of days away, hope there’ll be plenty of gaps in between the showers or it’ll be miserable! No fasting here but will try not to eat too much!
    Have a good few days!

    Good afternoon everyone. Xxxx

    It started out a lovely day .. but its now very dark and looks like the dreaded rain again.

    A new day re eating and drinking.. after weeks of not being bothered about food at the weekend .. I ate and drank lot of rubbish watching the sports. lol.
    This morning I was amazed to see I am up 3lbs now on my best weight which I had kept for a good while. It goes on quick when left to run riot . lol

    Sooo today new broom and all that and back to basics.. Soo milky coffee and satsuma for breakfast.. .. late lunch of soup and 2 ryvita and a little bit of cheese.

    This evening its 2 eggs on 1 toast.. fruit.

    H H .. Yeast Vite is old .. I had them years ago when run down.. they are suitable for vegetarians and vegans.. look on Amazon.. You can take 2 every 4 hrs up to 8 a day.. I am just having 4 to start this week then will cut down to 2 until I feel perky again lol.

    I hope everyone is having a good day

    Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. Xxxx

    Chloe is mad, if I say are we going she goes banana’s. Then once we are out she just walks behind me. She likes all the sniffing just not other people or dogs. She’s fast asleep on my sofa with her legs dangling over my thigh.

    I came home from boules and had asleep.. just so tired. Itā€™s not me at all breathless too. Itā€™s coming up to 10 days now.
    Ahh cookies so nice. Enjoy your trip away interesting the Shepardā€™s hut.. tell us how it isā€¦will Xena sleep on the bed, there wonā€™t be much room.

    You have to have time off.. we donā€™t do holiday breaks like the rest of them. I was 4 lbs up from February cruise just canā€™t get it off ..plus some more.. scales on Friday.!!šŸ˜¬
    Are the tablets working yet?

    Wet weather is on the way.. walk while you canā€¦

    Jean x

    Good morning all

    From an overcast morning here so wouldn’t be surprised if we get some rain some time during the day.

    I weighed myself this morning and nothing has changed so on the positive side I haven’t gained anything which is a bonus.

    I had some Tunnock’s teacakes over the weekend so that probably hasn’t helped the weight.

    Good afternoon everyone. xxxx

    Its a dull day here but dry so far .. “where is summer”

    Its such a shame as lawns need mowing but too wet today.. hopefully we will soon have some sunshine again.. I have gone back to woollies again.

    Still being erratic with my eating… I seem to be all or nothing… lol I must pull my socks up as they used to say. I blame all this exciting sport of late .. Come on England tomorrow evening. Xx

    Steve .. Well done staying the same this week ,

    Dave ..how is it going for you.

    Nana .. are you still away.

    H H .. enjoy your away days.

    Sym… I started the Yeast Vite yesterday..you can have upto 8 a day .. 2 every 4 hrs. I am just having 4 a day 2 at 8am .. 2 at 3pm already I feel perkier today lol.

    Enjoy your day everyone what ever you are doing.

    Motivation can make
    you start the journey,
    determination can take
    you to the end. Xxxx

    Hemmy plenty of sport still and the speedway world cup is on Tuesday Wednesday Friday and Saturday all close by. I can hear the engine’s from our house.I normally go bit it’s Ā£200 if I went to them all.I have recalculated my TDEE so knocked a couple of hundred off it.

    Hello one and all. A dull day here, footie tonight and speedway. I’ll watch the football and I can get the speedway on catch-up I think. Feeling hungry now but will try and hang on until tonight. I think I’m having Korean chilli and rice, it gets 3 peppers so must be šŸ”„. Well check out the calories in case I have something now.

    Good afternoon friends.. Xxxx

    Its the best day here today for a while.. Dull morning but sunny now and blue sky and NO RAIN> lol

    A good walk then was going to my neighbours for a natter .. but decided to come back and do a line full of hand washing.. Then I made a pan of chicken.. bacon and odd bits of veg soup.. I am making it the old way on the top of the cooker. It smells and tastes absolutely delicious .. I swear it is much tastier than the croc pot.

    So that’s easy dinner this evening. Its England FOOTBALL Yay.

    I think this week I am writing off ..putting myself on holiday with Nana and H H lolol Start next Monday again.

    TBH I am soo glad to have my appetite back I know Kristy was worried about it. I think I had been a bit down missing those that have gone. Life goes on though.

    Time to book some lovely outings I think ..I will look at Blenheim Palace see what s on there.

    Dave… Are you making the curry? Come on England. A few wines and treats tonight.. lolol …

    Sym.. How are you feeling today.. These Yeast Vite seem to really be bucking me up thank goodness.

    Steve .. what are you up to today. Step away from those teacakes please lolol

    Have a good day everyone..

    Happiness is in the small things. Xxxx

    Afternoon All..
    A busy day a bit of shopping at different shops, chatting to a few friends.
    Walked with Natalie very humid walk.. wonā€™t see her for a bit sheā€™s away in a camper and away flying.

    I think I am coming around nowā€¦ I have had a chicken dinner tonight, I was going to have it with chips but I did a Yorkshire pud dinner and Charlie joined me.

    A nice meal for you, I just decided today to have a dinner and one a glass of šŸ· too.. I have not had a dinner for a while.
    Strange how memories come and go, I miss Steve terribly and our fun times. Itā€™s not nice on your own although I donā€™t mind my own company itā€™s a balance. I just miss him.

    Footy tonight I will sort of watch. Enjoy your speedway.

    A few people away hope everyone is enjoying their breaks.

    Jean x

    Had a really lazy day today just reading a good book with some music on in the background.


    I have no choice but to stay away from the teacakes as I have none left but not something I would recommend doing too often if trying to lose the pounds.

    England are playing tonight so will see what happens and if Sunday will be another day of nerves waiting to see if we can end the 58 years of hurt. Unfortunately I missed the world cup win as I wasn’t born until the December of that year.

    Good afternoon friends.. Xxxx

    Ohh not a good day today.. after the brilliant match result last night feeling very under the weather today lolol

    Drank too much wine.. so glad i am on holiday from fasting this week.. Sunday to come yet !!!

    After walking which was hard lol . I had planned to go to Bicester food shopping as I am out to Leamington Spa tomorrow with Pam lunch and charity shopping.. so because feeling rough … just popped to local shop and got what I needed today.

    Just had a big bowl of the lovely soup I made yesterday .. it was hard going though as feeling full lol.

    Mum would have said.. ” That will teach you” lol

    Sym… that dinner probably did you the world of good.. When alone its easy to skip proper ones.

    Dave.. Whats on your menu today..

    Steve… Hope you are having a good day..

    Just off with a struggle to mow the lawns while dry ….. A positive mindset leads to success because it motivates us to overcome obstacles instead of giving up. Xxxx

    Hemmy it definitely won’t be curryšŸ¤® I’m having Korean chilli chicken and rice, might throw a few chips in with it.Steve I went to the world cup in 1966 ,I attended 3 games at Old Trafford.I went with my dad and uncle. I’m trying to stick to 1500 calories each day and see where that takes me.

    Hello everyone,
    Have been bad at posting this week, but, I’ve had a busy few days.hHave been sticking to my 18:6 1300 calories every day apart from the 80th birthday party on Sunday.
    I weighed myself this morning before coming away to Norwich for a two day break and I’ve lost half a pound. Will undoubtedly have put some on by the time we go home on Saturday.
    Will be back on here again Monday.
    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.
    Nana xxx

    Hemmy- hugs to you, hope you’re feeling better!šŸ¤— Have a nice day out tomorrow…
    Jean- hugs to you as well, you & Steve were so close, of course you miss him šŸ¤— Good to have a proper dinner & glass of wine…
    Nana- have a nice break in Norwich! Well done losing a bit more…
    Dave- how hot was the chilli chicken?! Hope you lose with the 1500 cals, you should do šŸ¤ž
    Steve- what sort of books & music do you like? The footie was a bit nerve wracking! Sunday will be more so…
    We had a nice break, sunny when we got there so enjoyed time outside, a lovely space & view. Xena was so happy, all very secure so we just let her out the car to explore while we unpacked, she played for ages with her ball. It was bigger than most huts so had a sofa & she slept on there at night, a very good girl Wednesday was really wet, got out in the brief dry spells, lazy the rest of the day. We were left lots of goodies so not eating too much didn’t quite happen! We didn’t have big meals though. Have done a liquid FD today, did well as me met youngest in a cafĆ© & I resisted the cakes. Rang my HomeStart families & caught up on the washing.
    Meeting my friend & her dog for a walk tomorrow, we’ve not met up for a few weeks…

    Evening Allā€¦
    We walked at our local big park, Charlie does like it I really must go more. A bit damp so not many people about, so nice.

    Faffing opening a new on line bank account, I did very well. I can transfer money from my main Santander to Skipton building society.

    A good fd about 500 cals.

    Like you this awful weather reading a good book which I have now finished tonight. A new one to start.

    I donā€™t cook big dinners now more snacks or jackets with something. Just canā€™t be bothered.
    Good homemade soup is tasty did you have bread too?
    Enjoy your ā€˜ holidayā€™

    Enjoy your break away.

    Your trip away sounded lovely and with tasty treats . Nice Xena could roam freely.

    Hope your new recipe was enjoyable and didnā€™t go in the bin!

    Jean x

    Evening Allā€¦
    We walked at our local big park, Charlie does like it I really must go more. A bit damp so not many people about, so nice.

    Faffing opening a new on line bank account, I did very well. I can transfer money from my main Santander to Skipton building society.

    A good fd about 500 cals.

    Like you this awful weather reading a good book which I have now finished tonight. A new one to start.

    I donā€™t cook big dinners now more snacks or jackets with something. Just canā€™t be bothered.
    Good homemade soup is tasty did you have bread too?
    Enjoy your ā€˜ holidayā€™

    Enjoy your break away.

    Your trip away sounded lovely and with tasty treats . Nice Xena could roam freely.

    Hope your new recipe was enjoyable and didnā€™t go in the bin!

    Jean x

    The chilli chicken was lovely, definitely have it again 500 calories so not too bad. It’s not very warm at the moment and rain predicted for tomorrow.When will summer arrive?

    Good morning all


    Definitely envious of you going to see England during the 66 world cup I’ve never seen them win anything but hopefully that’s going to change on Sunday.


    I like to listen to rock,metal and very much a blues fan though I do like some pop too. I read horror, thrillers and alot of autobiographical books I’m currently reading My effin life by Geddy Lee from Rush.

    It’s another cloudy morning here so not looking too promising for the rest of the day.

    Good choice of music Steve. I like pop,rock in fact most music.I have lots of the Moody Blues,Black Sabbath,Deep Purple.Creme I also like some classical music.Miserable day here lost at bowls, will I ever win againšŸ«£. Rain most of the day.I had baked beans on crumpets šŸ˜quiet filling.

    Jean- well done sorting bank accounts…good job you got plenty of books from the charity shop a while back!
    Steve- I like thrillers too…not so keen on autobiographies, I did enjoy John McCarthy’s story though.
    Dave- shame about the bowls, good you liked the chilli chicken!
    Put on 1.5lbs this week, not too bad with being away…
    Had a good long walk with my friend & Juno, he was quite naughty…but Xena’s a pain pestering for treats! Saw Mum this afternoon, am taking her to get her ears syringed next week but it was such a palava booking the appointment online!
    It’s Xena’s 6th birthday tomorrow, hoping the weather is nicer so we can take her to the beach!

    Morning All..
    These weekends come around quick!
    Looks like another rainy day dry at the moment.

    After Katie being here on her hols and me ill for 12 days.. I weighed I am 1 lb up but that makes me 5 lbs from goal .. I am not happy..
    I am still not right I wake up with a wazzing head each morning although feels better after walking.

    Glad you enjoyed the chillie chicken, I like that.

    Have a good weekend anything planned?

    Happy birthday Xena thatā€™s passed quick.. a lovely beach walk. I donā€™t think anyone does ear syringing I think private only around here.
    Charlie runs on his belly all the time.. if I have a treat he does!.. I always have a pocket full of treats.

    Rain forecast thereā€™s an open garden with tea and cakes in the next village..for charity.. Fays asked me to go.. I have left if open at the momentā€¦I donā€™t know if any of the other ladies are going..

    Have a good weekend..
    Jean x

    Good morning Friends. Xxxx

    Ohh tired again this morning .. a long day out yesterday .. out to lunch and shopping 12–5pm .. tack on to that 1 1/2 hours walking Pip before hand .. then straight out in the garden for an hours play after. Soo a long day on my feet.

    I am now 4lbs up on my best weight .. I haven’t been weighing every day as I have got complacent being the lowest weight.

    Wellll after the footie tomorrow .. things will change.. Back to eating 3 small meals a day no rubbish .. Wine e no no.

    It made me think yesterday and brought it home to me about this weight as my friend has really gained pounds..she has a sweet tooth and hasn’t been well.
    She is struggling to get in her clothes .. its such a shame as she loves fashion

    I reckon lololol this ole weight lark for me is either not eating enough and weight going low.. or eating too too much and spiralling lolol

    Right A line drawn under .. from Monday a fresh start …

    My favourite music.. is Barbara Streisand .Motown .. Classical . I love it all not mad on Jazz though.

    Dave .. what is the Chicken chilli receipe?

    Steve.. Have you got any treats in for the footie ..

    H H you did well with the scales this week after being away.

    Nana .. Well done losing this week.

    Sym.. I think the most important thing is to feel A1 again.. .. When low its easy to revert to treating ourselves….Thing is when we have the extra lbs it makes you feel more sluggish .. Be kind to yourself and rest up get your book out feet up. Xx.

    Enjoy your day everyone..


    A very busy day for you yesterday but itā€™s nice sometimes to have a change.
    I did get my garage sorted out yesterday with a tip run, so looks better.
    Itā€™s hard we have been at goal awhile and as you say you get complacent.
    My few pounds went on at my holiday cruise and then Katie here for 10 days.
    As you say a line drawn on Monday! For both of us!
    Have a good weekend.

    Hemmy the chilli chicken recipe is go to Sainsbury’s and buy it in a boxšŸ˜.I will be getting out again though only takes 25 minutes to make. When I had my hearing aids done at the hospital they said they never use an ear syringe. That said it’s a thing of the past and they said absolutely no water should be put in the ear. They said it is bad for your hearing. They used a machine to suck out any wax. When I’ve been to my own GP they did the same. Just been out with Chloe and it’s trying to rain. It’s spoiled the speedway and it’s the main event tonight so hope it stays away. Chloe will be 7 this year, I’ll get her a nice meal when it’s her birthday.I never liked Motown but quiet like it now, still prefer rock though.

    Happy Birthday Xena .. I bet being spoilt Xxxx

    Steve in 1966 I went to 3 games at old Trafford, unfortunately England played at Wembley.I did see Eusabio play though and he was the top scorer in 1966 world cup finals.It was the first time I went to old Trafford.I started watching Man City in 1962 and typically they got relegated.My dad used to go to watch City one week and United the next. When I was born he stopped going to watch United.We won what is the equivalent of the speedway world cup last night so come on England tonight at the football. I’ve ordered a smart ring and a new phone which comes with a smart watch and ear buds. So I will be able to track all heath things.

    Evening All..,
    Everyone ready for the footy?

    A couple of dry walks. I then decided to do some scrambled eggs to freeze to try out for when Charlie goes into kennels. I have cooked veggies and frozen they worked out very well. So quite sorted for him.
    ( itā€™s for next year just getting organised)

    Come on England šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁄󠁮󠁧ó æ

    Jean x

    Not finding it easy to watch the footballšŸ„ŗ
    Had a lovely day yesterday with Xena, stayed dry for our beach walk & breakfast at the cafe, we went to a village show & car boot near us, got some plants & a few bargain toys for great-nephew. Got the plants in, washed the toys & popped them round to sis. I did some scent work with Xena in the garden which she loves, then hubby took her to the park where she had a play with one of her boyfriends! She was shattered in the evening! Not done so much today, Church & have done pulled pork as youngest came for dinner. He had to go home to be on call so will watch the football at home…
    Re syringing ears, the ‘hoover’ thing some places use now just isn’t strong enough suction to clear ears out, that’s why alot of places use water still…our GP practice don’t do it anymore so have to pay, a nurse has set up a clinic nearby & charges half the price of the private one who tout for business at our GPs!

    Morning all

    A very nice sunny morning here so far hopefully it will stay that way.

    Another disappointing end to a major football tournament and beginning to think I’ll never see the England team win anything but maybe the next world cup will be the one.

    I couldn’t decide yesterday evening what I should have for tea so settled for a medium pizza with some very nice vegetarian chicken bites from Dominos.

    It’s Monday so fasting again today so no food until tomorrow morning’s breakfast.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Good afternoon everyone.. Xxxx

    It started off a lovely day this morning its now drizzle and quiet chilly.

    What a disappointing end to the game for England yesterday.. so sad and not meant to be .

    Well thats the end of a week. of treats,, Back on the straight and narrow today..

    Just a big milky coffee and a satsuma for breakfast .. cheese and cucumber sandwich lunch and eggs on toast this evening..

    Tomorrow its the monthly meet up for lunch with Chris at the Garden Centre.

    Enjoy the afternoon everyone..

    ā€œAll you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesnā€™t hurt.ā€ Xxxx


    Yes England failed miserably. Think it’s time for a more attacking manager.Maybe we should do it like the Americans and have an offensive coach and a defensive coach. We won the speedway world cup and not a mention anywhere.HH I have had my ears done twice and trust me it’s very powerful. They are clean as a whistle after they are done. The aurologist of that’s what they are called check them straight after. I think some GPS charge Ā£50 to do it.

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