Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening All..
    Up and out at 7.45 and again tomorrow… its like going to the office.. Natalie is doing shifts so I am joining her..nice for the boys….

    Lazy day finished my book, ironed my bedding and cooked Charlie’s veggies..sorted through my makeup I bought some new, my own Xmas pressie to me.

    Dentist checkup and hygienist but dentist is cleaning them, tomorrow and hopefully get my fresh food too.

    Good fast day not sure if I will make Friday…

    Good the spuds worked well..thanks Dave you are all so good with me, just a downer day I don’t have so many now. Feel much better today.

    Hoping for some veggie bargains tomorrow.. your chicken was a good size..hoping for good dates on cream and milk…
    Anniversary of mum passing yesterday, Dad early January always feel it at Xmas, it’s such a long time ago now but memories are always there.

    It’s not good to feel ill at this time I hope your neighbours soon feel better. Enjoy your lunch out tomorrow..

    Jean x

    Got soaked taking Chloe out, it’s been raining all day here, sick of it now but at least it’s warm. 12°C now so can’t complain. I’m fed up of cyclists riding in the pavement, almost got flattened he was to busy 9n his mobile phone to even notice me and Chloe, felt like pushing him over. A few weeks ago one of them actually called me for being in his way on the pavement,I told him if he’s afraid to ride on the road like he should do he should walk, he just ignored me.

    Good morning looks like another wet day🦆🦆🦆. Good job it’s warm or we would have had a lot of snow. Going to Sainsbury’s soon I expect it will be packed out. I’ve not bought any booze for Christmas, not sure if I will, it’s very rare I drink in the house and I hardly ever go to the pub, so if I see something I fancy I’ll get it otherwise I’ll stick to chocolate 😁

    Hi All..
    An early start then at the dentist. Decided to go straight to the shops, I have done everything, except cream dates not good.

    It feels like the calm before the storm, everything on hold for a few days.

    Hoping to fast Thursday, last weigh in of the year friday.

    All dry here but it seems to be getting dark early.. poor you with the cyclist, you take care…

    All quiet on here everyone getting busy…
    Think I will get the boy out I am going to collect a tray of eggs off Natalie’s mum, she gets them from a farm.

    Jean x

    Don’t drop them Jean. Just took Chloe out and it’s dry but very windy, a few big branches are down off the trees. Got plenty of chocolate now.I was looking for beerI fancy Bombardier but couldn’t find any. I’ll look again on Thursday and if I can’t find any I won’t bother, I’ll just drink tea.

    Hi F B Brit friends how is your day going so far. Xxxx

    Sooo sick of the wet weather it s soaking here again over our walk…. Oh so very muddy to.

    Christmas seems to have been going on forever lol .. I keep thinking of things I should do but don’t have the interest .. Hopefully when Kristy arrives Friday I will feel more inclined.. I soo miss past Christmases. but must as Mum would have said ” Pull my socks up ” and get on with it lolol. Good old Mum.

    Weight staying good as yet nothing naughty as such as I haven’t had anything untoward since those mince pies. After eating the box lolol as so often I dont fancy them anymore so those I have for Christmas are quite safe.

    This evening its a jacket potato with one of the chilli’s I have made from the freezer.

    Dave.. Treat yourself to some beer for Christmas..with your chocolate you have done so well. We do have to relax though at Christmas and celebrations enjoy life. then we go back to fasting as we know it will come off. .

    Sym… What are you doing for Christmas day.. going to your daughters or staying at home with Charlie.

    H H and Nana Is it a good day for you Xxxx

    Enjoy your evening everyone. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.Xxxx

    If I don’t have beer I will eat chocolate until it comes out of my ears. Bought 2 very big dairy milk bars today, still got 2 big tubes of orange smarties.plus a big tin full of toffees and I mean big, it’s got 2 tins worth of Christmas toffees plus I’ve added a couple of bags to it, surprised the lid shuts. I’ll look for beer on Thursday I just fancy Bombardier, could always have Hob Goblin but I have that most years.

    Eggs safety in the garage.. although I locked the car and left the passenger door wide open 😲.. my neighbour knocked… I am stupid!

    Just Charlie and I for Xmas day.. we will be walking with Natalie…am
    My daughter is coming Boxing Day I thought for a few hours but she’s told me getting dropped off at 8.30 to join me walking, hubby collecting her after work, about 2 but he may stay for a sandwich … a very big surprise ..it will be nice.
    I have been eating naughty bits, you are very good much stronger than me….you do think of past xmas’s, we are getting old…. We have to enjoy we don’t know how many are left….

    Jean x

    Hi all!
    Jean- glad you are feeling a bit better today, hard with the anniversaries of your parents as well 🤗 I’ll be on here Christmas day as it’s just hubby & I…
    Dave- maybe you should ‘accidentally’ trip & knock the cyclist off! Not good when you have to be on the lookout for them in the dark … How much chocolate you’ve got 🫢
    Hemmy- funny you’ve had enough of mince pies now, I get a bit like that with Christmas cake by the time I’ve tasted the trimmings & then decorated them!
    It has poured here all day, got too wet walking Xena to walk Enoch. We did a big shopping trip, so busy every where, we gave up trying to get into the town as the traffic jam was 5 miles long…have got all the presents now apart from flowers for a neighbour, still will have to go shopping for chicken, cream & veg on Friday. Was so busy I didn’t eat until dinner tonight. Walking with my friend tomorrow, might treat us to an almond croissant each!

    Hi FB Brits hope you are having a good day. Xxxx

    A very interesting walk this morning ..we were out for 2hrs.. We met a botanist who works for our county council . He was taking pics of the hedgerow as a rare plant had reappeared after many years.
    An interesting man .. very chatty ..

    Its a funny weather day here one minute very dark then brightens and a bit of sunshine. mild at 11deg
    Hopefully stays dry as bedding on the line.

    Just had a cup of soup and cheese and Branston pickle sandwich. .. Not sure about this evening.. Maybe jacket potato.

    Still keeping lowest weight .. not that hungry .. will be interesting to see from Friday when Kristy comes how i feel then.

    Dave .. you are soo funny about your chocolate .. do you like milk choc or plain.
    I like a cup of Cadburys drinking chocolate .. not bad on calories. Have you tried that.

    HH… You sound organised and all done. .. did you and your friend have your croissant

    Sym… At least you don’t have to cook a big meal for people.. Infact a lot of people I know are just staying at home this year and keeping it low key.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone.

    When times are tough the tough get going Xxxx

    Hemmy I like all chocolate except for white chocolate,I used to have Cadbury drinking chocolate every night when I was at school. Denise makes it occasionally.I have the options praline chocolate drink 40 calories depending on if you add milk or not It’s very good. Only had a wagon wheel to eat today, not fasting until next year now. I will get weighed on Friday then again on new year’s Day then the Friday after it, that’s when it all starts again. Thinking of making a Sausage and pickle crumpet now, sausage meat and a few pickled onions chopped up.

    Evening …
    I decided against fasting today I might try one tomorrow.. I caved in and had egg and chips… a few naughties too…

    Meeting Natalie in the morning then it will be Xmas day.. she is very busy.

    You are on your own Xmas day, will it be the first time?
    Things change not always for the better but just different..

    Which virgin olive oil do you have.. is it ordinary off the shelf or expensive?
    I am doing a full dinner for me and my boy with a special chocolate dessert (for 6 people).. I think the turkey is for 8 people 😂.. I still buy for a family meal, Steve used to laugh about it.. my mind never got down to two of us and not even now for one..
    Is Kirsty’s partner joining you?

    You are calling Christmas now… I was then changed my mind…so must fast tomorrow…

    Jean x

    Hemmy- you are doing so well! I might sound organised but am definitely not, lots to do…
    Jean- will be nice to see Jacqui on Boxing day. A few lazier mornings if you’re not meeting Natalie early for a few days! We were on our own last Christmas day, we enjoyed it, time to do Church & no big dinner to cook, we will have nibbly stuff again 😄
    Dave- you could’ve made it a FD if you’ve not eaten til 3pm! Hope your sausage & onion crimpit thingy turns out nice …
    Nana- hope you’ve had a nice day, lunch out?
    Had a nice long walk with my friend, gave Xena a quick run at the park early too so she was tired this afternoon…last call to HomeStart family for a couple of weeks, & finished my Christmas cakes this afternoon – not the best I’ve ever done but was running out of time!
    My sister finished work today, she’d worked at a primary school for 20 years, am hoping we can walk the dogs together more but she’s having knee trouble, has already waited 3 weeks just for an x-ray & no appt yet! Crazy!
    Enjoyed my croissant today, just had a small dinner tonight, then last FD tomorrow…

    Hello, just decided tonight to do the fast 800 tomorrow. Have cooked some fritata and weighed some oats , not sure for the final meal. Need some inspiration to stick to it. Have done it before successfully but have found it hard to get back on the wagon.

    Afternoon All…
    The gales are very bad I was doing a 40 degree walk this morning fighting in the wind although was better when I turned round to come back…

    Last fast of the year, weigh in tomorrow…

    I have been making sweets not the best of days and the marzipan was out too.. some licky fingers but I was exceptionally good considering…

    Walking with Penny in the morning then a few lie ins before Xmas…Charlie sulking as I have been busy in the kitchen he likes me sat with him!
    I won’t see Katie till June or maybe September…looking forward to Jacqui coming nice just the two of us… sister finishing work that will be nice to see her more and walking out too…

    Welcome if you are coming to join us. After Xmas maybe would have been better… I think there will be some group fast to get rid of the Xmas pounds…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon F B Brits .. I hope all is well in your world.

    Ohh blimey it was soo windy across those ole fields this morning..I feel worn out lol. I have got bedding blowing in that wind though nailed down with loads of pegs lol ..

    Trying to relax today and let all the pressure of Christmas just wash over me.
    A friend rang this morning she was soo stressed.. had been to M&S in Banbury this morning for opening time. ..All jam packed. Parking horrendous.

    Just had marmite on toast for lunch with a cup of soup and satsuma. . Not really hungry at all .. a bit sort off fed up with thinking about rich food.

    Lin 48.. Welcome to our little corner .Xxx. Did you mean you were on this thread before or just the forum in general. We did have a lovely lady called Lyn a while back. Stay with us it does help with others and sharing their problems and successes.

    Dave .. Funny as I don’t like e white choc either.. Did enjoy the sausage and pickle Crimpet.

    HH.. That will be lovely your sister being retired you can spend more time together. Did you say you live very close.. I am sure your cakes will be wonderful. Does your sister bake too.

    Nana .. Hope you are having a good day..

    Sym… I normally cook with Flora oil .. but I bought Napolina Extra Virgin for the tablespoon in the mornings first thing.So not any really expensive stuff. I see Dr Moseley is now saying about it. I am definitely not having any cravings. Eating full fat butter and whole milk.

    No Phil is cooking lunch for his Dad and old aunt at his Dads.. Last year he came here Christmas eve ..his brother did the lunch for his Dad and Aunt. ..I did say that my neighbour had invite me But as its my Birthday Christmas Eve.. and Kristy’s Boxing day she like to come here. Other half will probably come Boxing day.

    Enjoy your afternoon everyone.. Focus on being the happiest, healthiest, best version of yourself.-Xxxx

    It was good all blowing this morning, very hard walking…
    All done here.. my car needs cleaning may go tomorrow to our little men to do it.. well worth it.
    My sweets have turned out well and my kitchen wasn’t covered in chocolate I was very careful this time..last time I made them it looked like a child had been in!!😂🤣

    I have bought some virgin olive oil from Lidl seemed to be good on the label , I keep forgetting to try it first thing.. I must get it out the pantry… lots of write up about it. I always eat butter and full fat milk..much better for you.
    Nice to have Kirsty to yourself I am looking forward to Jacqui on Boxing Day.
    Fancy you both have your birthdays at Christmas..

    Jean x

    Good afternoon welcom Lin48. Keep coming on here it does help. Can talk about anything, we nearly all have a dog so they get mentioned quiet a bit. I might make the Crimpit now, the sausage meat was frozen yesterday. Been to Morrisons and bought my beer for the festivities. Got Bombardier,I like that. It’s very windy here was blowing me about and that takes some doing. Planes were having trouble landing at Manchester airport.

    Hi Lin,welcome & nice to have you with us! A difficult time to start the fasting…I find it easier to eat just one or 2 meals on FDs, but if you’ve done it before you know what you’re doing!
    Dave- hope the crimpit is good! Glad you got your beer…
    Jean- nice to have Jacqui on Boxing day & not too long with SIL! Well done with your cooking not eating any 😄
    Hemmy- good that you’re all done & not got to brave the shops again, nice that you do see Kristy. I still have to shop tomorrow for the meat, cream & veg, dreading it!
    Had a very successful day today- walked Xena, Enoch & then cut eldest son’s hair. Then cleaned my oven, that was a long job! Washed kitchen floor, I make so much mess…fasted today, another liquid one, that’s 3 again this week, I hope the scales are good for the last weigh in tomorrow!

    HH you will be disappearing all the liquid fasts. I’ve thrown the towel in until the new year. Sat here munching biscuits. Will have to get the toffees out tomorrow but Denise said she won’t tell me where that are until Saturday 😱 so I may have to buy some goodies at Sainsbury’s tomorrow.

    Up early by my standards. Got to go to Sainsbury’s for last minute things. No rain at the moment but the car is wet, it always rains when we go shopping🤬. Had to kick Chloe off my sofa so I could get on it, she’s so long. I said to Denise if she was human she works be a model with her long legs😂. Afraid to get on the scales but will do it for the last time this year.

    Morning All…
    Still very windy in gusts… put some washing out not a lot double pegs..

    Finished my year off at goal weight I am so pleased.
    A few times in the year up a bit and it’s been really hard to move the last few pounds. Last year I was 2 lbs up at this time but still in the wriggle room of 2 lbs up or down.

    One of my boules lady had asked me to call for a coffee, her hubby has had a knee replacement, so a bit of company for both of them. It looks as his knee hasn’t gone well it’s wobbly, screws not tight enough??!

    Glad you sorted your favourite beer out.. I have all sorts in, I work on the theory of 4 in the house of yester year not just one!
    I must go careful.

    Hope the oven and jobs are all done.. I don’t envy you shopping now.. I am all done… just some biscuits to bake and choc pud to do.

    I am starting to do olive oil on the 1st Jan… see how I go 🤢

    Jean x

    Rather you than me Jean, I can’t even have it on salad. Think I’ve over indulged already put half a stone on, it shows when I stop fasting and don’t keep an eye on what I have. It will only get worst because I have a giant tin of toffees and smarties to eat yet and 11 bottles of beer to drink so that should add another half a stone or more. I will get weighed in the 1st of January and carry on from there

    Jean- well done finishing the year at goal! What a good feeling!
    Dave- go steady until Saturday 😂
    I’ve lost another pound, only just back into normal weight range according to the BMI calculator Dave, so not disappearing yet!
    Hemmy- & Nana, hope you both have a good day…
    Hubby & I both woke at 4am so we got to Tesco’s just after it opened at 5am, got most of what I wanted, it was mayhem though as the aisles were full of their boxes of stuff to be put out! Walked Xena & Enoch, then delivered a present for my friend’s girls, but she’s still having a rough time so didn’t stop. Hubby delivered one to a neighbour, & her cake. Seeing Mum soon, will take her cake as well, I’m getting there!

    Hi F B Brits Xxxx ..I Hope all is well with you.

    Dull and windy day but at least dry. Today is my boys 12th Birthday .. he is still

    very active we do those long walks. Long may it continue.

    This morning scales were still at my lowest weight .. hopefully I can come out of Christmas .. with only a small gain..

    Dave Enjoy your treats .. You know you can take it off.

    H H Well done on the pound loss Xx I am trying to be laid back this Christmas thinking its only a day.. Our village coop opening boxing day. Take it easy now.,, early shopping you will be tired later.

    Sym… Well done with keeping your weight stable .. it s a good feeling.. When I put some pics on Facebook this morning of Pip Kristy and I in Dorset .. Sept.. I again was amazed how far I had come over these years. looking better in my seventies than I did at 50s lol

    Kristy arriving about 5pm providing all ok on the motor way.. Need to glam myself up a bit now. lolol

    “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I’ll drink the red.” Xxxx

    Afternoon everyone, a very busy week ending with a very busy day today.
    Forced myself to have breakfast this morning as I had a blood doning appointment booked for 10am only to be sent a text by them at 9:15 cancelling it.
    Delivered all of our Christmas presents to our family and friends and then we had our army grandson call round to see us and he’s only just left. So lovely to see him.
    Was pleased to have lost a pound this week despite having a lovely Christmas dinner on Wednesday but I’ve made myself have three low calorie days this week which has helped.
    Jean well done and also Julie, what an early start though Julie. Dave you’ll be more motivated in the new year.
    Ely was exceptionally busy yesterday and Waitrose was packed but luckily we managed to get the last bits and pieces needed.
    Auntie continues to be well.
    Hemmy hope Kristy arrives without to much
    trouble on the motorway.
    Have a lovely Christmas everyone🎄
    Nana xxx

    Hemmy, happy birthday to you & Kristy if you’re not on here over Christmas, have a lovely time, & happy birthday to Mr Pips too 🎂
    Have a lovely Christmas as well Hemmy- & Nana xx

    Good old Mr Pips, hopeful a few good years left in him. My last 2 dogs were both 15 and the one before was 19.Chloe is 6. I’ll get the weight off next year, going to really go for it.

    Hemmy They’re is a Facebook fatbustingbrits group,I started it but it never took off really but we did look at each others dogs. Or cats. Think it’s still going but not been used for a while, have a look and see if you can find it and I could add you to it just to see all our dogs.

    Morning All..
    Christmas has started here a few chocolate bits and a Baileys last night ..
    Very windy again I think a village walk, it gets very blowy on the river bank.

    A quiet day with the boy, car needs cleaning we might both go and get it done. Busy day tomorrow .

    Love your quote..😂
    Hope Kirsty arrived with not too a long drive. Have a lovely Xmas.. Happy Birthday to all three of you enjoy being together.

    Slow down you busy girl, it’s time to relax!!
    Well done on your 1 lb off and getting in a good bmi range.

    Nanna ….
    Lovely to see your army grandson hope he is well and staying a little while.
    Well done on your 1 lb off .. soon to be time to relax.

    I forgot about the Facebook group.. we did that a while ago.
    Are you all ready for Xmas…we all will have to move the Christmas weight…

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone rain again here🐥🦆🐤.I think Chloe’s fur is becoming waterproof at least her head, the coat covers her back. Hemmy if you look on Facebook my name is David Bradbury, look on fatbustingbrits.i can add you to the group and you would be able to see all the dogs,I would have to add Chloe because it will still be Heidi my German shepherd in there. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Soon be Christmas, We have 365 days to lose the Christmas excess weight🤣

    Dave- your dogs have done really well, good ages! Josie was 13, she’d had alot wrong…
    Jean- you’re mad, taking the car to be cleaned, so busy everywhere 😂
    Poor Mum has been getting herself in a state, worked up & in a muddle over Christmas, upset over her plug hole getting blocked & the stair lift not working (mum doesn’t need it, my dad did)…helped her get things sorted, she was okay when I left & has got upset again over the same things today, so hard, my sister’s turn today …
    Lots of cleaning done, eldest was out today & then away to gf’s tonight, no point doing much while he was around! Last walk for Enoch for a few days, he was very scatty in the wind!
    I have squeezed in an extra FD, will be about 700 cals, felt in the right frame of mind & we’re not starting the Christmas chocolate until tomorrow!
    Have a good evening everyone 🥰

    Happy birthday Hemmy.Its raining again here so fed up of it now.We all have webbed feet now.We have a buffet tonight and I’ll have a few beers. Not doing much otherwise, just the three of us tomorrow, so a quiet Christmas.

    Evening All…
    All sorted and finished, quite a bit of rain but two dry walks.

    Merry Christmas to everyone, enjoy and have a good week of treats.

    Back to fasting in the New Year

    Jean x

    Have a very happy birthday and a lovely Christmas

    Happy birthday to you Hemmy🥰
    Busy day today, cooked chicken, sausage meat stuffing, veggie & meat pigs in blankets, sausage rolls & a nut loaf for cold on Boxing day, bubble & squeak & leeks in cheese sauce ready to cook, coleslaw…Took presents round to youngest, he’ll be on call for the fire service over Christmas. Popped in to Mum’s to drop her presents off, hubby sorted her stair lift, he didn’t do anything different to me yesterday but at least it’s working! Had a very nice cheese souffle for dinner & can finally put my feet up!
    Happy Christmas Eve!

    Hi F B Brits.. Hope you are all enjoying this Christmas Eve ( Very Windy here ) xxxx

    I am enjoying my Birthday.. A lovely Lunch and dinner made by Kristy .. very enjoyable. Now a glass of wine or two or three and chocolates lol.

    Sym… Brads .. HH Nana .. Have a wonderful Christmas and thank so much for your company this past year. Merry Christmas to you all Xxxx

    Merry Christmas everyone xxx

    Merry Christmas everyone. Got lots of chocolate so will have to eat it all before New year’s Day. Or fasting will be impossible.

    Merry Christmas everyone….

    Feel stuffed why do we eat all this stuff… a different carry on next year!!!!


    Happy Christmas 🎄☃️🍾
    A very nice day here, apart from Xena being a bit off colour & then sick, seems to be better now…been given loads of chocolate, it’ll keep! Not eaten too much here, just picky stuff…
    Enjoy the rest of your Christmas everyone 🥰

    Good afternoon everyone just dropped in to see how you are all doing, not eaten to much🤣.I never had the chocolate last night so must start on it tonight. Denise is not well and as gone back to bed so just me and Chloe here, my son is still in bed, I don’t blame him he had to be up at 4am all last week.

    Hi F B Brit Friends.. Hope you are relaxing and enjoying this boxing day.

    So many people not well .. its such a shame.

    We are having a relaxing day .. just eating bits and pieces.. Weight still holding up well .. I do notice with others here my appetite has shrunk a lot. lol Weight this morning not increased at all so far.

    Interesting though as in Past years I have piled on pounds eating up left over bits after Christmas. So I will see how that goes.

    Dave .. Hopefully Denise will soon feel well again. So many peeps ill in families.

    H H How is Xena today..she didn’t manage to sneak some choc did she.

    Sym.. What are you doing today.

    I need to go into the garden with Pip for a play but it will be hard going today .. Kristy out to see her friend.,, she took him walking this morning.

    Enjoy your afternoon my friends.

    “Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart.” xxxx

    Evening All..
    I had a lovely day with my daughter Jacqui, a good riverbank walk and a chatty day. Eating bits and pieces but not overboard.
    She was dropped off before 8 collected at 3.30, hubby was working.

    I have had enough of food. I shall finish the turkey off tomorrow. Freeze any left for Charlie.

    A lazy day tomorrow, a lie in…..

    Hoping Denise improves..

    Poor Xena hope she has come round too.

    Eaten far too much here…. Happy birthday to Kirsty, hope she’s had a good day.
    Very bitter out this pm walk…cosy under my electric throw now.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon, I’ve been bowling.Had 2 hours then as we walked off it started raining. Denise is better today not 100% but improving.Heavy rain now so we timed it well.Chloe just finished off the Christmas food. I didn’t think much of the Christmas TV, loads of very old films.

    Afternoon All..
    An awful day here drenched this morning and coat still wet pm.. just emptied my very wet pockets which I should have done this morning….yukky, wet tissues and melting dog biscuits!

    Last day of eating .. turkey and chips this evening, then thrown away, trifle will be thrown too I am totally eaten out.. I just don’t eat like this now…..

    Fast day tomorrow….

    Grandson seems to be enjoying his self, lots of lovely photos…on the road toddy going further north. He had been in Ozy a month now… last two weeks on his trip then he has to decide what he is doing .. going to Perth to see his brother or straight back to Sydney..I know money is getting short, possibly his last £2000.. he really needs a job!!

    Braving the weather with bowls, I think sometimes you need to just get out….hoping Denise is feeling better.

    I shall get a lie in tomorrow and another lazy day… going to see Jacqui on Friday for a few hours and off load some of my homemade sweets.

    Jean x

    Good evening FB Brit friends.. hope you are enjoying your day xxxx

    It hasnt stopped raining here all day.. Lucky it was my last day of not taking Pip out.

    Kristy gone back now.. hopefully doesnt catch Phil’s heavy cold.
    I think for many its been a strange Christmas with lots of family ill again.

    I haven’t eaten that much so far .. the danger period now with the left overs. Sent Kristy back with un opened stuff a lot of wasted buys this year ..

    Just cheese and biscuits later .. I am not bothering cooking much till after New year ..

    Dave .. Glad Denise is recovering. I agree TV is rubbish old hat.

    Sym ..Later I will tackle the last bit of trifle and some blueberries and raspberries can shovel in too lol.

    I just haven’t been in the old Christmas mood this year. I did try I do think many others the same though. .

    Everywhere you go take a smile with you Xxxx

    Good afternoon,a lie in Jean that will be 7am then, still the middle of the night too me. The only time I ever get up early is to go fishing. Had 2 dry walks today but it as rained on between them. Just good timing on my part😇.

    Morning All..
    Looks like a dry start.. a cuppa in bed and a lazy day.

    Walking local after a lazy start.

    I am trying for a fasting day… so sick of food..

    A portion of trifle is being thrown… cold turkey with salad and it will be finished.
    Bought far too much. Like you easy meals cheese crackers, omelette…. No cooking as such…

    😂 it’s 8 am and still in bed.. up shortly for a shower.. village walk so no mud!
    Hoping Denise feels better.

    Jean x

    Sym.. Its another wet day here .. will be my first walk for 5 days.. will be hard going. I am going to just be kind to myself put myself on holiday till new year

    Like you lots bought and not needed.. .. I have 18 mince pies none opened at at. Lots of cheeses // a tiny sliver from the Xmas cake all the rest intact. Its all soo silly.

    From now on I am buying for a single person. keeping freezer full and fresh stuff to the minimum. I am still buying for 3-4 ..
    Not shopping now till I really have too then just taking a list which I am going to keep running on my kitchen shelf.

    Have a relaxing day .. hopefully a dry walk Xx

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