Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Dear FBB, may I join your group?
    ( I have somehow just lost my original message so I apologise if it was sent and this is a duplicate)

    I started 5/2 in the first lockdown which was a success. I got inspiration from reading your posts on the forum. Unfortunately, early last year I had a bad fall which left me badly bruised and with a broken arm/shoulder. It has taken me a while to get back to full fitness. I only finished physio in the summer. Sadly, half the weight I had lost has crept back on. I hope that by joining your group and posting regularly it will motivate me and get me back on track.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Welcome Bronwyn, as you will know we’re a friendly bunch so please join in with us.

    Hello Bronwyn you won’t go wrong joining us on here. Hope 5:2 works well for you any questions just ask and if we can help we will
    Nana x

    Hi Bronwyn, & lovely to have you join us, the more the merrier 😊 Poor you with your fall setting you back & you’d done so well…whereabouts do you live?
    Dave- enjoy your toad in the hole tonight, hope it turns out okay! I don’t have gravy when I make it…
    Jean- will be nice to have Nat back for a walking friend! Shame about the vandalism, sadly seems to be common everywhere, we’ve had lots in our village…
    Hemmy- I only make Bisto gravy, have traumatic memories of my mum’s home made gravy so never tried making it properly 😂
    Nana- hope you feel better soon, but a silver lining if you’re not hungry!
    Kay- you’ve done really well with your fasts, hope the scales reflect that when you do your end of the month weigh-in!
    Typhoo- sorry, page has turned, I can’t remember which days you fast? Keep strong if it’s today!
    I have no energy at the moment, everything’s a slog, so want to concentrate on eating healthy, keep off carbs & not worry too much about cals, see how I do! Have done okay the last couple of days, had 2 healthier meals each day & no snacking…walked Enoch today, managed to keep him away from a girl doggy who was in season, he’s not been done, was quite interested 😱 No son for hair cut today as he’s busy, I miss him…waiting for my asda delivery, should be here in the next 15 mins!
    Keep strong fasters 💪

    Hi everyone.. Xxxx

    Welcome Bronwyn… sounds like you have had a bad time with your health.. What part of the country do you live.

    I am in a village within 3o minutes of 4 counties.. Oxfordshire .. Northamptonshire Buckinghamshire and Warwickshire ..

    Having a good day decent weather so cleaned my windows.. plodding on with my spring cleaning .. lol

    A fast day today .. So far Milky coffee .. a Bachelors cup of soup slice of toast

    some boiled eggs and Ryvita this evening and fruit .. So should be ok. about 700 cals.

    HH.. I hope you have more energy soon.. . you work so hard. xx

    Hope everyone is enjoying their day .. Together we can do this. Xxxx

    Evening All..
    Two good walks met Oreo this morning, Nat is back next week, I have missed her.

    A good fast day, I had two boiled eggs tonight with toast, I haven’t had them for a while.

    Weigh in tomorrow I don’t really think I have lost this week..

    Lovely to have you join us we are a friendly bunch chatting about anything. Shame on your fall things like that throw a spanner in the works.
    Coming on here every day gives you a bit of commitment.

    How was your toad in the hole.?

    I make Bisto gravy too with add on’s…take it steady have a few weeks off try and hold your own.. you got out with Enoch she answered the phone!! .. it’s not nice quiet houses 🤗

    Hope you are feeling better.. I feel a sore throat coming on and a cough, hope it’s nothing.

    Jean x

    I think we crossed.. I feel it’s too cold for spring cleaning but you are making feel guilty 🤣
    Eggs for me today I didn’t really know what I wanted although I did get to shops.
    Well done on your food ..

    The toad in the hole was very nice, I did buttery mash peas and gravy. Bisto gravy.I think next time we have beef I will nick some of the gravy and freeze it. No idea how many calories so will call it 1000.Weigh-in tomorrow so will see what I’ve lost this month.

    Good morning,
    Thank you for your warm welcome and supportive words. I shall try to post daily. I am planning to go back to basics and do the 500 calories twice a week – Mondays and Thursdays. I hope my body remembers we have done this before. I shall enjoy the weekend and start on Monday.

    I live in West Yorkshire near Wakefield. It is quite an urban area but with beautiful countryside between the towns and cities. I have two small dogs. Poppy is 11 (she was my retirement gift to myself) and Sadie my mum’s dog who we ‘rescued’ when my mum’s Alzheimer’s took hold. I lost my mum in 2020, we call Sadie the Lodger.

    My husband’s birthday today. Going to Harrogate for a walk on the Stray. They have an M&S with a food dept. I will buy two ready meals for my FDs this week. Getting prepared.
    Regards Bronwyn

    Morning everyone, pleased to report a loss of two pounds this week which means I’ve lost three pounds in January.
    Bronwyn enjoy your day. I have a black labrador grandog who’s called Poppy.
    I live in a small village with a pub and a garage no shops six miles away from Cambridge.
    No Friday night meet up with our friends ad we’re both still poorly with the nasty cough and cold that’s doing the rounds.
    Dave Happy Birthday hope you have a lovely day.
    Jean hope your feeling alright today.
    Have a good weekend everyone and I’ll be back Monday morning.
    Nana x

    Good morning all

    It was a very chilly -1 when I woke up this morning and feels like it when I went out a little earlier.

    Welcome Bronwyn to our little group we are all very friendly here and will do our best to help if you have any questions.

    I got on the scales this morning and have lost 1lb this week but I have been enjoying some crusty bread and butter so I’m thinking that is why I haven’t lost as much but it’s still a pound more towards the final goal.


    Well done on your 2lb loss that’s a very good and steady loss and the experts do say it’s better to lose that way as your more likely to keep it off.

    I’ve lost 2lbs this week so that’s a total of 17lbs in January.Very happy with that. Will have the weekend off now birthday chocolate to eat and going out for a meal and a few pints.Bronwyn I lost my German Shepherd on the 30th of December and I now have a greyhound called chloe.my GS was called Heidi and she was 15 years old.My greyhound is 5, she’s a rescue.An ex racer.Her grandad won the greyhound Derby 2 years running so she was a good racer. She used to race at Owlerton, l’ve been there a few times but only for Speedway. So we have 2 Yorkshires girls on here now. I’m from Lancashire.

    Morning All…
    Walked out with a puppy spaniel this morning Fudge he is so good nearly 5 months, he stands his ground with Charlie and the stick they play with.

    Popped to see my friend Sam, she was better than I expected. She has breast cancer had a lumpectomy and under arm nodes taken away. She will know more results in a month she is only 53 quite young.

    No weight loss this month. I moved 2lbs of Xmas weight before new year .. nothing this month I really need a kick up my bum…

    We need a February challenge ..Kay can you get the jar of stones out!!!

    Happy birthday have a lovely day…. 17 lbs is an unbelievable loss in a month so very well done, Heidi would be so proud of you 👏👏

    A very much a dog corner here.. Charlie is my 7 year old Dalmatian he keeps me busy and walking. My sister has just been sectioned for her own safety with dementia she is being assessed in a unit at the moment.. so sad..
    Have a good day in Harrogate and plan in place for next week.. I do 500/600 ish Monday and Thursday.
    I live 4 miles from Goole in a small village.

    Well done on your loss… 3 lbs for the month great!
    Hope you both soon feel better.. I am about the same hoping it goes..

    Well done on your 1lb off it all adds up… crusty bread and butter 😋 too nice..Can I be bothered to go out and get haddock and chips.. I didn’t last week. Friday treat.

    Jean x

    Go for it Jean I’m having lamb steak😋. Bought myself a big birthday cake, so a 2lb gain or more possibly in the cards for next week. But you never know.

    Hi Everyone Xxxx

    Not a bad day here milder than of late but no sun..

    Up early out walking this morning as Hygienist checkup at 10am .. shopping after and feel tired now. lol

    I have lost 2 lbs this month of the 5lb Xmas gain.. .. Ok but thought I could have done better lol Still in Xmas mode I think ..

    Happy Birthday Dave and Bronwyn’s hubby Xx

    HH Lol its amazing how childhood food memories last a lifetime. lol

    Sym.. Yes not really spring cleaning weather as such but these days I have todo it when the mood takes me. I will probably be “Spring cleaning till next winter ” lolol

    Off to play in the garden with my boy.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone whatever you are doing . Xxxx

    I did drive to the chippy it was well worth it, not had any in ages. I have thought but not bothered…
    Enjoy your birthday treats it won’t put that much on..

    I know what you mean go for spring cleaning while in the mood. I am the same as you I put 5 lbs on only lost the 2lbs since Xmas.
    Very mild on pm walk

    Night x

    I got a good birthday present, city won 😆.Roll on April, speedway and bowling start. Cold damp weather is bad for my knees. Next fast day is Monday.

    Morning All…
    A good walk across the fields with puppy fudge ( spaniel) this morning. A different route for me. They were both playing nicely, he wasn’t in Charlie’s face as he was when tiny… I left them at their home and walked a bit longer, he is still limited on his walk time.

    Big wash day..3 Charlie blankets on line, another 3 in the washer and his towel….I have then my 2 to do, see how I go…. a pan of Charlie’s veggies done.

    Settees to vacuum and change them around, needed to be done ages ago.

    No boules today…

    Cuppa time I think!!

    Glad all the sport is starting it comes around quick.. and you enjoyed your birthday day.

    Jean x

    Good afternoon everyone.A dull day here but not too cold. Been out with Chloe, seen a little Yorkshire terrier that we know called Bella so had to cross the road to avoid it. One of Heidi’s friends. It’s a lovely dog but jumps up so Chloe would be terrified. How is everyone doing? No calorie counting until Monday. Jean have you thought about playing boules in a league, in sure you would enjoy it.I never wanted to play bowls in the league but once I did I really looked forward to it.

    Hi FBBs hope all is well with you Xxxxx

    Its a dull day but mild.. Lovely walk with My friend and her King Charles. Wesley is a lovely little dog he is coming up for 11 hes got a heart murmur but such a plucky little dog. Gets on well with Pip.

    Just had a can of tomato soup and some fresh crusty bread ,, not sure about this evening .. I should have made something in the croc pot but dont feel inclined. lol

    Sym … you have been been busy and I have been chatting lol .. Nice to get the dogs stuff all washed.
    Andrew always said dogs that smelt bad.. it was the owners fault as the beds should be kept clean.
    Thinking about that .. fingers crossed as Mr Pip hasn’t rolled in any anything nasty for a while. lolol

    Dave… You did so well the past few weeks .. nice to have a break at the weekend. What is your meal today .

    Enjoy your day everyone Xxxx

    Hi everyone,
    We had a beautiful sunny morning here in WYorks. Two loads of washing done although no wind so had to tumble them. Had some veg cooking in the slow cooker this afternoon. Just added a tin of M&S stewed beef in gravy to the veg. A cheats beef stew. Usually serve with Yorkshire puds but dumplings have been requested. Only had cheese and crackers and a cup-a-soup so far today so looking forward to tea.

    Hemmy … Cup-a-soups a big hit here. Have only recently discovered them from my DIL. Eggs are a life saver too in any form.

    Nana …Poppy is such a popular dog’s name. I quickly realised that but by then she had grown into her name so we kept it. She is never off the lead so I never have to call her name. She has no recall and would be off chasing every bird, dog, squirrel in sight.

    Dave … 17lbs lost, congratulations. That is very impressive. Heidi sounded such a lovely dog. Fifteen is a long time to have a canine companion, you must miss her. Chloe sounds very loving – she may get more sociable with time.

    Jean … sorry to hear about your sister. Alzheimers/dementia is very cruel. My mum’s behaviour was challenging and upsetting but her residential care home and her carers were so good. Once she settled there it was the best for us all.

    The whole family here for a birthday lunch tomorrow. A cake is being baked somewhere as I type. Fasting on Monday will be welcome x

    Bronwyn I had Heidi 15 years before that I had Boots a border collie for 15 years and when I was at home we had Lassie a Manchester terrier for 19 years. I seem to do well with dogs. Also had 3 cats, 2 tortoises, various fish terrapins 😆.Hemmy I had steak and chips for my meal. Going out for a carvery tomorrow night but I don’t pile everything on my plate like some do. Think I’ll go in the car so it will have to be non alcoholic beer 😫😫😫.

    Good morning

    It’s 7c here but definitely feels more chilly than that when I went out earlier.

    I’ve also had various different pets from dogs, cats and a budgie to Terrapins and fish. Not sure if I’m more of a cat or dog person though I did have two dogs around ten years ago a black labrador and a lab crossed with a terrier who was full of energy.

    Probably a roast dinner for me later or at least a vegetarian version before I close the kitchen and begin another fast.

    Carvery for me tonight. And sticky toffee pudding and custard 😋😋😋.Fast day tomorrow, think I’ll leave the weigh-in until the 10th of Feb.Give me chance to lose my birthday stuff. Hope to lose a pound a week.Anything else is a bonus.

    Evening All..
    A lovely walk across the fields and riverbank, the walk I did with Penny yesterday.. I didn’t get lost but so muddy.. my wellies on and poor Charlie’s feet!! 🤣

    I have had lunch at Jacqui’s for a couple of hours so nice..grandson was there with girlfriend don’t see them much they are always working.

    A bit rusty for league playing, I don’t think it’s for me.
    Your meal sounds good tonight…

    Two more knee blankets to wash tomorrow, mine… bedding too.. day looks good… I didn’t manage them the other day… must admit I am feeling of doing some jobs.. sealant in the wet room and a bit in the kitchen, thinking of you skirtings need washing.. maybe spring clean time !!!

    I eat a lot of eggs too… new month nearly, must really make an effort. I must move 3 lbs it seems to be sticking it will take me back to goal. A lot of heartburn naughty Xmas things my mind wants them my body says no!!

    Hope you enjoyed your meal.. our fasting starts again… these days pass around quick…

    Jean x

    Morning everyone. Hope you all have had a lovely weekend ours was very quiet due to our cough and cold,however,yesterday our appetites reappeared so it was beef stew and dumplings followed by plum crumble and custard 😋
    A busy week ahead collection of my new glasses on Tuesday, lunch at the appropriately named The Oliver Cromwell on Wednesday, lunch with my sister and brother in law also another couple who live near to St Ives on Thursday.
    Aiming to do a BTB fast today and tomorrow as I’ll be occupied most of the day that’s my plan anyway.
    Good news Auntie was discharged from hospital Friday morning and seems to be coping alright.
    Dave hope you enjoyed the carvery.
    Jean lovely that you got to see your grandson.
    Bronwyn hope you enjoyed the family birthday
    lunch and the cake.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    Afternoon all

    It’s a chilly day but dry so I went out earlier for a three mile walk so my stomach is now growling like a very angry bulldog.

    I think I’ll be eating something today as feeling a little light headed so at least I have that to look forward to but will keep it under 600 calories.


    Great news about your auntie being discharged from hospital I’m sure she will be alot happier being at home.

    Good luck to all those fasting today and remember it’s only for one day and tomorrow we can eat normally.

    Hi everyone. Xxxx

    A chilly but dry day here .. having a job to get motivated though.

    After doing a big walk on these chilly days then lunch I have a job to get started on anything. lol

    Nana .. glad you are feeling better and Auntie is back home.

    Steve.. You are doing so well .. I am finding it hard to get back into the swing of it for some reason. lol

    Hope every one else is having a good day Xxxx

    Good afternoon everyone, been bowling so aching now. Weather is good, 8°C so not so cold. Fast day today. Only had 2 cups of tea so far today.17 lbs lost in January so would be happy with half that for February.But any lose will be good. Had a nice carvery last night but the sticky toffee pudding was better😋😋😋.

    Evening All.,
    Just lost a big post…😬

    A good fast day today.. very cold here now the suns gone in… I did get all my bedding washed and dry which was good.

    Glad aunties got home hope she can manage on her own.
    You both seem to be a lot better .. back on your visiting again, enjoy.

    I am going on your thoughts ..Tesco today I bought Ryvita and water biscuits .. some satsuma’s..
    A change of thinking and get back on board again.
    Water biscuits and boiled eggs tonight..

    Your meal sounded lovely.. hard to loose 17 lbs again, just some would do.

    It’s always nice to get out for a walk it does you good.. looks like I have worn another pair of boots out, still wearable not lasted the year!!

    Jean x

    I was eating my pasta dinner enjoying it but thinking something was definitely missing it wasn’t until near the end I realised what it was as I’d forgotten to add the tuna. Oh well it will be all that bit better when I have it on Thursday.

    702 calories today, next fast on Thursday.Lamb casserole then. Will try and keep it low in between.My mate who I play bowls with walked 12 miles yesterday and he’s 80 years old. No way I could do that.

    A late post I know. I had a hectic day yesterday with a family party. I have spent today getting the house back in order and recovering. My grandchildren cause havoc when they get together. I didn’t want to miss posting so soon after joining.

    Today was my first real day back on 5/2 since I relapsed when I broke my shoulder. I was determined to keep to 500 but I think I finished about 650. I was hungry tonight before bed. I knew I wouldn’t sleep with an empty tummy so I had a sachet of chocolate Horlicks. It has helped. It was better than having the left over cake. In bed catching up reading your posts.

    Dave, I like reading about your dogs. They have all been long lived. You must have acquired a lot of knowledge over the years. My two are my first and I am still learning. They own me 😊.

    Not a fast day tomorrow but I will try to keep low in the day as we are going to a a pie and pea supper tomorrow night.

    I forgot to weigh myself today. It will be my first job tomorrow. Just once a week in future.

    Morning All…
    A lazy start still in bed.. must move soon. I had a good nights sleep after the awful night before.

    Boules pm must get back to playing again the day looks not bad.

    I had a good fast day yesterday a thoughtful food week ahead, Thursday next FD.

    What you like forgetting the tuna !!!😂

    Goodness 12 miles is good for his age.. I would struggle with that… I do about 8 miles a day..

    What a hectic day but nice having everyone about.
    I have a daughter/SIL and 3 grandchildren in Texas.
    My eldest grandson in Perth, Aussie emigrated in October (23 years old) so I have his brother so only have one grandson 30 miles away with my daughter/SIL.
    I always weigh in Friday, then it’s my day off, it feels like carrot.. treats! 😂…I eat what I want, fish and chips, wine, chocolate, cakes!!! Then go back to thoughtful eating.

    Well I must move and get in the shower hair wash day!.. very late today.. Charlie is still asleep..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone and its a lovely bright sunny one. Yesterdays fast day went well so 🤞 I’ll be able to manage todays. Off to collect my new glasses shortly so that’ll keep me busy for a while and take my mind off eating.
    Bronwyn hope it’s a good result on the scales for you.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    Morning all

    It’s a wet one here so far and unlikely to change as we move into the afternoon.


    I don’t know how i forgot about the tuna for my pasta but it was tasty even without it as I had mixed peppers and spinach in there it’s not a mistake I’m going to make again though.

    Not sure I could walk 12 miles in a day I thought I was doing well yesterday but obviously not.

    It’s very nearly time for me to open the kitchen and enjoy some tasty porridge and a cup of coffee.

    Good afternoon.Bronwyn I have Monday and Thursday as fast days so I get weighed on Friday after a FD.I have to take Chloe to the vets today for her booster. Not looking forward to it.She is so timid even scared of cats, and such a big dog. She’s so powerful.I will ask if I can take her in through the back door so she dosent see the other animals.

    No boules .. gale force winds it nearly had me over on our walk and chilly too..

    Sat thinking what I can do….possibly not a lot 😂

    Hope your glasses are nice, think I am due Feb or March another expense, 2 years so new one’s expected.

    Porridge for me then just had a banana… it will be jacket with cheese and salad tonight…trying to be low and different from usual…

    Hope you get Chloe there and she’s not too upset…

    Jean x

    Hi everyone. Xxxx

    It s a fast day for me today.. Had a milky coffee 2 Ryvita and a banana so far..

    Probably eggs this evening.. omelette with some mushrooms i think.

    Busy with my bedrooms spring cleaning hopefully get finished this afternoon… at one time i would have had them all done in a day lol I have been dragging this on for days I have been through every cupboard and draw though and have touched up a bit of paintwork. lol

    Bronwyn.. you sound off to a good start and determined.

    Sym… I think I will get porridge I do like it but havnt bought or had any for years. What sort do you have

    Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing Xxxx

    Hemmy I get the oats so simple, just add water and eat it. Nice and sunny here today. They keep threatening snow but not had any. Not that I want any. I’m feeling very nervous about taking Chloe to the vets, the other dogs I’ve had never lines going but they got in with other dogs. Chloe is terrified of them.

    I just get basic porridge oats and add milk… 35 gr oats and 150 ml of milk.. stir, in microwave 3 mins stir I half way through.. it’s in the middle not thick not thin , alter accordingly …
    You are doing well with your jobs, I am out and about this week might start next week…
    Sister day tomorrow…

    We don’t want snow!! Good luck with Chloe

    Jean x

    Sym and Dave .. I just fancy having some porridge it will be nice and filling.

    I was thinking of having it for lunch time.. no bread and a change from crispbreads

    I only have my milky coffee in the mornings with a satsuma or two or some nuts. xx.

    Might have porridge tomorrow,I fancy it now, Chloe likes it. She was very good at the vets.

    Jean I will call you Goldilocks 🤣 not to thick not to think but just right.

    You know me…. There’s only me who makes my porridge 😂🤣
    Glad Chloe was a good girl at the vets .,


    Morning everyone, I’m a big fan of porridge for breakfast on my non fasting days.
    Very pleased with my new glasses as it’s been two years since my last one’s- surprised me at how much my eyesight had changed in that thime as I thought my eyesight was alright until I put the new ones on and noticed the difference.
    Lunch with our friends today it’s a nice day but quite breezy so a hard cycle ride one way and looking at the wind direction its going to catch the bus.
    A fairly good fd yesterday but it was hard going I’m not a fan of b2b fds. Forgot to weigh myself this morning so will weigh tomorrow if I remember.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Nana x

    Afternoon all

    It’s dry here and chilly but it’s the first of February and at least we’re that much closer to spring.

    As you all know I’m a fan of porridge which is exactly what I will be eating as soon as I finish writing this little post. It’s 40 grams of oats made with water 2 minutes in the microwave with a spoonful of golden syrup.

    Morning all,

    Sorry I’ve been awol over the weekend. It just seemed to disappear!

    Welcome Bronwen. You seem to have done well getting back to the basics.

    I weighed in on Friday and I’m down 5lbs for January. I was going to weigh in on 31st but after a way too indulgent weekend, I didn’t dare…lol
    It’s definitely the weekend that undos my hard work in the week….I need to find the ‘moderation’ button!

    2 good FDs Monday and Tuesday so an easier day today. I’ve just had some porridge. I buy the sachets of oats and add milk but I do have some normal oats in the cupboard too.

    I have a dentist appointment at 4pm where they are going to attempt to build up the tooth I broke a few months ago. So not sure how I feel about eating later, it could end up being a lower day after all!

    Now that Tara is back to normal from her poorly tummy episode, I need to try and sort out her itchiness…lol

    Not much else planned today. I managed to tidy out the dead stuff in the garden yesterday. No dogs to walk, apart from Tara later.
    End of month invoices to do and a check on the finances. I could continue with the spring cleaning, but I need to be in the mood!

    What were the January totals, then?

    DAVE 17lbs
    KAY 5lbs
    NANA 3lbs
    JEAN 0lbs

    Who else?

    And yes Jean, the jar of pebbles is back for February (if I can remember what we did!)

    So the idea is, for every half pound lost, you earn a pebble to add to the jar with the aim of having enough pebbles to make a bit of a beach for our doggies to run on 😄. Have we all got one ? Or a cat or just for you to walk on.
    You can weigh in weekly, fortnightly or at the end of the month, but final weigh in will be Wed 1st March.
    Remember, though, if you don’t lose, you aren’t helping with the beach and if you gain any, the equivalent number of pebbles gets taken out of the jar!!

    Who’s in?

    Not sure if anyone is fasting today, but if you are then keep strong, and if you’re not, be considered about everything you eat and drink.

    Afternoon All…
    I have been to see my sister she seemed quiet ( drugs).. she was talking and arguing with her friends and receptionist for most of the hour. . Desperately in need of a shower and hair wash it was thick grease… speaking to the ward sister she is trying to get her into the shower..a meeting next week to set a plan out, as her time of stay is about over, she thinks she will go into a home but only her thoughts, it depends on the team to decide and Rich her son.

    Just been to cemetery to give Steve a Spring clean, removed his plant trough and Xmas things… I need to go to the garden centre and sort some plants out…. disappointed no snowdrops or daffs showing as yet??

    What colour are your frames?.. I shall try and get different this time I have had black or dark navy for 30 years, different hair colour so maybe brave and change 😳 I am due Feb/mar I think.
    Hope you had a lovely lunch.

    I must try golden syrup on my porridge… one of my favourites when cooking. Very windy and cold again today.

    We need to do something for motivation.. still I am at the bottom of the list!!
    I am in for Feb I would like to loose 6 pebbles!!
    Glad Tara is better now just her itchy problem .

    I shall be fasting tomorrow

    Jean x

    Hi FBBs a dull but mild day here.

    After walking went to Tesco in town .. A little treat of smoked ham and mustard sandwiches lovely and fresh such a change often buying out from Supermarkets they are often dry

    A good day yesterday no fasting but lost a lb this morning so strange lol.

    Kay.. I lost 2 lbs in Jan.. Well done and thank you for keeping tabs on peeps. Xx

    Ohh so annoyed reading the posts I forgot the porridge at Tesco lol . I love the golden syrup option .. again not had any for yrs but now fancy some lolol

    Sym.. I really feel for you re your sister .. it must be so hard for you visiting. Life does deal some blows at times. Xx

    Not sure about this evenings food maybe just ryvita cheese and Pickled onions .. after my sandwich .. I didnt look at the Cals lolol

    Enjoy your evening every one .. Take care Xxxx

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