Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Evening everyone,

    Seems quiet on here today guess everyone’s enjoying their Sunday.
    Managed a bit of gardening today followed by a little bit of ironing. Husband does love to BBQ so the pork joint i was going to roast in the oven was cooked on the BBQ rotisserie and it was lovely so had it with a bit of salad and a couple of glasses of white wine.Plans for tomorrow are visiting a local garden centre and then I need to make the booking at a pub for our next works get together on the 19th August as it’s my turn to arrange it so husband said we might as well have lunch there. I know he’s not trying to sabotage my fast day but I think it’s because of him having had cancer he just likes to make the most of every day. Although today has been a motorsport fest for him with F1, British Touring Cars, British Superbikes and Moto GP.

    Have a good evening everyone,
    Nana x

    Hi all

    Unusually quiet on here today…I have an excuse for disappearing on a Sunday, so I hope you all have been off having fun. Or maybe just dodging the showers.

    Jean – noticed you mentioned in passing chat about clothes that you’re at your lowest weight…well done!

    The boy is now away for the week, so OH and I are committing to working hard and eating little while we can just hammer through the week…worth a try, anyway!

    The hen night last night lovely…noisey and gossipy as only 25 women in their mid-life can be, but not outrageous. Not long to go now till the wedding…should probably be making sure I know what I’m doing is what my pal wants for the service!

    Last couple of bits of indulgence (Turkish delight!) soon, and then the tough week starts.


    Minols- good luck for next week then- shame you can’t have a week of indulgence with OH next week, but I guess it’s a chance to get ahead with work while he’s away…when is your friend’s wedding, next Saturday?
    Nana- good that hubby wants to enjoy life, but hard when you’re trying to fast!
    Jean- you sound busy cleaning…we are lucky that we live in a quiet area, some petty vandalism is as bad as it gets fortunately.
    Dave- you’re quiet, did you have your usual roast today?
    I have been a little 🐷 today! Made some keto muffins, a new recipe & they were very nice 😉…loved the new peanut ramen recipe too, but son didn’t! Son has talked us into going to see the Fast & Furious film when he’s off next week…other son coming too, a family outing!
    Shall be doing a liquid fast tomorrow on account of the indulgences today!

    Thunder and lightening has just hit us..we took the boy out at 3.30 to miss it!! 😂..poor boy I think he has hives, I can’t say the Dalmatian has spots😂..all over his back and down his sides quite a lot, they are not itchy..I think a touch better than yesterday hoping it’s not a trip to the vets..we have been to different places and he has eaten some different food..so he has had a bland day he ate no breakfast but eaten his dinner

    Bbq, white wine, pork what more do you want…I thought you were a red wine girl…it’s been hot again. Enjoy your lunch out tomorrow maybe Steve will feel the same after his op..I have told him he better not start stuffing his face and put his weight back on…

    Just saying although I am nearly at my lowest, I think the walking has altered my shape, trousers which used to fit are tight then others fit quite well…it’s odd…
    Hope you get all your jobs done while the boys away and have a good food week…lovely to do your friends wedding..ooh Turkish delight, I have a box upstairs from Xmas…not now fasting ☹️..enjoy yours.

    Busy cleaning I have lost my Fitbit..my spare new one is on charge..lost about 10,000 steps..I may find it but been too busy to re trace my steps..they are so tiny.

    You have been a bit naughty today! Joining me on fasting tomorrow…family day out next week lovely..

    Jean x

    First full day down in Kent. Had some oatcakes and marmite about 11 am then four of us off for a walk in the Kent countryside for 2 1/2 hrs. We then went to a tea shop where the girls had coffee and shortbread and Paul had chocolate cake. I had a pot of tea 😇. Then a big dinner and homemade birthday cake, which I enjoyed every mouthful of.

    Very tired now, 11.15 late for me. Night night!

    Hi all

    Fd today… And I really should go for a run, but I slept in with no joy to wake me. Trying to decide if I’m motivated enough to do it before the dog walk…?

    Eye apt too this morning. I hate having new frames to choose but the offers never apply to re-glazing. I currently have ‘invisible’ frame less ones which are light and easy. But do I go for the same or something more dramatic? Oh the dilemmas!

    Anyone else on a Monday fast?


    Minols, Jean & I are joining you…
    Off out this morning after a Xena walk to do a Homestart promotion- we have a stall at a new Costa, coffee for me but no cake! Catch up later…

    Morning All..
    Rain just stopping then off to the park…

    I bought a find my Fitbit app…found it in 5 mins 😀..outside jammed into my decking!!..lost it possibly when I was cleaning the upstairs window frames…I have lost it maybe 5 times and found it again so tiny…

    Fasting with hedgehog and Minols…anybody else today?

    Glad your day well well packing all the walking in…so so strong not eating around the others…just the birthday cake..have another lovely day…

    Did you manage the run?….hard choosing frames I like them to be apart of my makeup going bold, usually I go down the blue line, a bit different this time..

    Be brave at Costa…keep strong..

    Jean x

    Hello everyone, I was missing yesterday.I was bowling yesterday,mixed doubles,the lady I was playing with has dementia so she kept asking me if I was her partner,nice lady.I turned my phone off because I was recording the football and F1 so didn’t switch it back on.I have been asked to play bowls for the Monday team but can’t play today because I am going to Wolverhampton tonight for speedway but hopefully can play next Monday,my fitness instructor won’t be happy,she said she as lost a few to bowling 😄

    Dave- have a good time at speedway! Glad you were patient with your partner!
    Jean- good idea getting the app to find your fitbit, think it’ll come in handy!
    I’ve changed shape too, think mine is age though😂
    Minols- hope you found time for the run, & get lots of work done!
    Mel- well done you 😇, enjoy the rest of the trip!
    Nana- hope lunch out is good if you go!
    Kay- how’s things?
    Am still in Costa & bored…very few people coming in & the ones that do aren’t stopping…one large coffee drunk by me might need another soon to keep awake 😂

    She was a lovely lady,I picked her bowls up for her every time,not sure how bad she is,she said she is married to an Irish man,so maybe only in the early stages.I received a phone call from one of the bowlers checking if I can play next Monday,and he sent me the coordinates for my satnav.

    Dave- you are very popular with the bowls club, you keep saying you’re not very good, but you must be if they keep wanting you to play in the team!👍
    Jean- hope you’re keeping strong?! & have managed to dodge showers for Charlie’s walks!
    Minols- I know you’re good with your cauli rice etc., but the noodles I had last night I thought were nice, they’re low carb & low cal, & they do rice as well- have bought some from Tesco’s to try, hubby is often moaning that we don’t eat many meals together any more, he’s happy to try it, so may have a rissoto one night!
    Waiting for a shower to blow over before I do something with Xena…fasting going okay, I feel quite motivated at the moment!

    Afternoon All…
    Very hot all day today…been busy, park walk then finishing all my cleaning so pleased that’s it’s all done..still have downstairs windows and pvc to clean but I am all done for the day…fruit cake for the hospital boy a must when food is so bad…boiled eggs for tonight…

    Steve has been gathering all stuff together for our legal man, we have left a message but he is out the office so hope he contacts us soon or tomorrow…what a waste of money but we have no choice, it’s getting nasty.

    All strong here with food not really thought about it…Steve is in hospital 1.30 Monday just got all details.

    You seem so busy doing things..lovely you can help someone if she’s loosing the plot..I am sure it will hit us all…you are very popular..

    A long day at Costa..home time soon I hope…I did have a coffee at the park..Steve had a lovely tea Cake too!…no rain here just till 8.30 this morning…hope you find a dry bit of weather for Xena.

    Jean x

    Jean- eek it’s coming round quickly…hospital food is definitely yuk, how they expect people to get better eating it is beyond me; my Dad was the only person I know who looked forward to mealtimes, he did love his food 😂
    Stayed dry in the end, we took Xena for a walk in the woods but she was so loopy at the freedom she was charging through bracken & brambles so we had to put her back on the lead! We’ve had some good games in the garden though & then she tipped over the pile of prunings I’d done quite a few times, not helpful!
    Fasting going very well…

    Already discussing what he wants me to take in…even down to a local chippy/restaurant and if I can get it there hot!..our lovely pork pies from the village and of course their lovely vanilla slices 😂I can see the weight piling on 😂…

    How could your dad like hospital food possibly the only person who can…our hospital is apparently awful.

    I can see why she’s loopy when she has her freedom back and her wood….she must be so excited…have you ever watched her walk from the back?..Charlie is strange, he walks normal sometimes mixed legs then he walks front and back same side together..it’s a bit like two people really close walking, it’s a wonder he doesn’t fall over..hard to explain but funny to watch.

    Fasting going well here too…

    Jean x

    Evening everyone,
    Husband didn’t want to have lunch in the end so today was a fast day in the end which I’m pleased about just hope the scales show a loss tomorrow.
    Hedgehogs , Jean & Minols hope you all had a good fast day.

    We went to a local garden centre this morning and as we were walking back to our car with our purchases the heavens opened and we got drenched saved having to water the buddleia we’d purchased.

    Dave you’re certainly into your bowls and enjoy speedway this evening.

    Nana x

    Got slaughtered at speedway,on coach now coming home.As for bowling I am getting better but I don’t consider myself good enough yet,but any points I score help the team out so I am better than nothing 😁I am always telling Denise off,she always eats in the living room,uses her chest as a table 😁my son takes his food to his bedroom and I eat in my own at the table in the kitchen 😇

    Sociable family then 😂

    Night x

    Night Jean xx

    Morning all!
    Dave- shame about the speedway! My sons don’t always eat with us now, although we don’t eat together as often, they work funny hours & are in & out…I do like to eat in front of the TV, naughty I know. Sunday dinner is different though.
    Nana- you will have lots of butterflies in your garden with the buddleia! Well done on the FD!
    Jean- you are a true hero, fasting & baking for Steve! I said my Dad liked his food- the doctors couldn’t believe that he put on weight when he had chemo! Usually people are so sick they lose lots, not him!!
    Minols- hope you’re keeping strong, you must be missing your son…big hug!
    Mel- are you back home yet?
    Kay- don’t forget us!
    Well, off to the cinema this morning, for our family outing! It’s a bit sad as eldest would normally be seeing his girlfriend on his day off, but she seems to be cooling things- it’s coming up to a year that they’ve been going out, & he’d planned a very romantic present 😢

    Morni g all

    Only a short run yesterday cos the heavens opened half way through. My own fault. I meant to run then walk the dog, but the old boy wouldn’t let me get to the door so I caved and walked him first!

    HH – which noodles? Oh talks noodles to boil up at work… Rice noodles in a black pouch? Haven’t ever done cauli rice – just cauli/bean mash (yum!) so I’ll have to look into that. The mash includes cheese so has tonnes of great flavour.

    Taking moped off for it’s mot today. Usual place has closed so need to head to the next town. Hope there’s somewhere for coffee nearby while I wait.

    Hospital food? You would think we’d have got the message that nutrition is important to health and we’d be prioritising on-site kitchen with skilled people working to aid patient recovery? But no… We wouldn’t want people loving the food so much they try to extend their stay in hospital! So we try to drive them out instead. I’m with Steve… Find the best local takeaways!


    Morning All..
    A lovely morning here..
    Out buying birthday cards, coffee maybe, walking the boy..a few jobs for us both later around the house..nothing exciting..

    Enjoy the cinema lovely going as a family…shame on the girlfriend he will have to talk it though, see if they can sort things out….lovely to be young 😬…loads of butterflies about a bumper season…

    Shame on getting wet or did you manage to get home yesterday…enjoy your ride out and find a coffee shop..noodles not for me…

    Jean x

    Quick post. Still in Kent, home Thursday. Eating going well during the day, but in the eve everyone comes round to the one we are staying with and a different person is cooking each night, I am let off as we are supplying the wine! So three courses, last night we had baklava for dessert which I love! Doing a good walk each day so that should help. Hope everyone is well. Good luck any fasters. My next one is Friday, I am going to do six 800 cal days before the holiday starts. Will need to dry out!! 🍷
    Glad you got your date Jean, let’s get this done.

    I am going to try and do three b2b fast days 😲😮😦.We bought some furniture from IKEA for my son’s bedroom, wardrobe and two chests of drawers, the instructions are vast🤯🤯🤯rocket scientist comes to mind 🚀🚀🚀.The bag of screws and fittings is gigantic and I only opened half of one set of drawers.

    Enjoy your last day and a lovely meal tonight..that’s a good choice to be in charge of wine with no cooking…
    Doing 6 fasts on the trot that’s a hard one…even at 800 cals..

    Remember read all the instructions you men don’t…good luck they can be a pain…

    Daughter and grandson came for a visit a good afternoon a few too many biscuits plus lunch..I would just prefer not to have any biscuits in..😬

    Jean x

    I always read the drawings Jean, I used to be a fitter in engineering years ago,my first job, I was an apprentice then qualified as a fitter.Then did marking out and a bit of welding when I had no work.One done got to do the same again then a wardrobe,may do wardrobe tomorrow when my son is here.Had to do shopping and take Heidi out twice.

    Good Evening Everyone,

    Well I’m pleased to report that one and a half pounds have been lost – despite having a few white wines along the way can’t really drink red wine Jean as within half an hour I get the most horrendous headache😕 We have been asked to go round our friends for a meal Saturday evening which will be nice.

    Lovely to see your daughter and grandson Jean. We’re going to be seeing our daughter,son in law and great grandsons not forgetting Poppy tomorrow morning as usual and then meeting up for lunch with our friends.

    Hedgehogs hope you enjoyed the family cinema trip.

    Dave you’re such an active person.

    Mel enjoy the rest of your time away sounds like you’re having a good time.

    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

    Nana x

    Jean- lots of errands for you to catch up with…got to be done. Hope the walks with Charlie were more fun!
    Dave- very busy, making furniture & shopping! We have quite a drive to shops so it’s a minimum 2 hr trip. Never bought anything from Ikea, none near here.
    Minols- the noodles & rice are Bare Naked, they were on Dragons Den. Hope you get to do more running tomorrow!
    Mel- sounds like you’re having a lovely time, I have baklava envy, I love it!
    Nana- Well done on the weight loss! lovely to see Poppy again- & the rest of the family!
    I feel old- our son booked the cinema, & drove us there, it was a new one, had reclining sofa seats…the film was great, lots of testosterone & hunky actors 😉…kept the fast up until lunchtime, no cinema food 😇. Spent the afternoon helping son with his project- a 1st year scrap book of his time with girlfriend- he’s still going ahead with it😱 His girlfriend is off to uni in September, I think maybe she’s going to finish it before she goes, no rows or anything 😟. Lots of games with Xena too- she is so hyper still! Hopefully when we can let her have a good romp with other dogs at the park she’ll settle down!

    Morning all!
    Fast day for me today; decided to have a change from the 800 cal days – although it does seem to work well for me if I do a few in a row, it gets a bit boring!- so will do some liquid fasts & normal keto the other days.
    Anyone else fasting?

    I am fasting again today.Nana a good loss,is it the wine diet😄.The clouds are very dark so better take Heidi out before the rain comes.Two sets of drawers put together and fit very well,just the wardrobe to do and then finished.

    Feeling very hungry now😟,gym this afternoon and my knees are really aching 😩,Ruby the fitness instructor will be shouting at me when I tell her I will be missing the Monday sessions for a few weeks,can still do Wednesday ones though.

    Dave- hope you get the rest of the furniture done, & don’t get too much of a hard time at the gym…
    Poor youngest son has had someone hit him on a roundabout; scraped all the side of his car, only minor damage but an engine warning light has come on as well so not driveable. Have to get that sorted through insurance now 😰 Son is very fed up.

    Where are you all today?
    Jean- hope everything’s okay?
    Very impressed with son’s insurance company; he has a courtesy car coming this afternoon, & his car’s being collected for repairs tomorrow!

    Afternoon All..

    A busy day going to citizen advice this morning after walking..they basically said we need a solicitor but have a lot of good information..so have been ringing around…first solicitor is off on holiday for three weeks, second one is a £300 just for talking and going through whats happened in the first appointment if letters are then sent out another £300..ouch…waiting for another call back…We have bought the neighbours house plans off the land Registry everything looks as we thought…just really don’t know what to do. They seem to do things when we are not here..put up a new iron railings fence which is a part of ours, along the road boundary, the side party iron fence at the front has now been removed. We now have a camera!

    I am fasting tomorrow haven’t a clue what we are eating tonight.

    Hope you have made all your bedroom things..

    A bit of a shake up sounds a good idea…can get boring…what a shame on sons car he will be upset about it..good the insurance is sorting it out quickly..

    Well done on your good loss maybe it’s Mel who is the red wine girl..

    We are at the pre op tests tomorrow ready for Monday….

    Jean x

    Just home from gym, exhausted 🥵. having a cuppa then try and get drawers upstairs before my son goes to weightlifting, I said to him you should be able to carry the drawers up on his own,but they are heavy, Denise said we can’t do wardrobe until he puts most of his stuff away.

    Drawers safety upstairs 😁. Very hungry now so will take Heidi out again.Cottage pie with sweet potato mash for tea,only 300 calories so not bad😄,could taste nicer though.

    Jean- such a pain with the new neighbours, & expensive too, good to have a camera as well. Shane Charlie’s not a Rottweiler, you could sit him out the front! Hugs to you…get tge wine out?🍷
    Dave- you be careful not to overdo it…hope the dinner’s not too bad!
    Had some good news now- my nephew (only 18, same as my youngest) has just landed a chefs job at a michelin starred restaurant in Yorkshire! He’ll be going up in September, has to find himself somewhere to live…but he’s encouraging my youngest to look for a job there too & they could share a flat, that would be interesting! Son is looking at apprenticeships, reckons there’s more about than here!
    Fasting going okay!

    Evening All..
    We have rung about 12 people no one is interested except the one with the high cost…we are still waiting for a couple of call backs…how can you sort things out without legal help….I wasn’t eating but steve made me egg and chips, which I ate, just don’t feel like it…

    Great news on nephew a fantastic job opportunity, which place is he going too..in the Dales or Moors …loosing your youngest too maybe 😬…I never seem to think there’s many jobs here I suppose it depends what you want to do…

    Late walk here to the park..give him a good run…blow cobwebs off us…it’s quite windy…

    Jean x

    Hi everyone. Last night in Kent, think it’s a takeaway. Most of the crowd have been up at Kew Gardens, there is a glass sculpture exhibition on there. I have walked Jodie, dodging the rain. Feel fat today, broke my self imposed rule and have been stuffing crisps. Oh well, last foodie day tomorrow then FD800s. Jean, I could really do your neighbours some damage. They make me so wild! Dave you seem to be doing really well lately, will pay dividends. HH I love Michelin restaurants but haven’t been to any of the Yorkshire ones. Good for you Nana too on the weight loss. If there was such a thing as a red wine diet I should lose about a stone this week 😂😂. Minols, what beans do you use in your cauliflower/bean mash? Sounds good.

    Jean- hubby & sons have offered to come & sort your neighbours out? (Very good at martial arts!) Nephew is going to be working at the Black Swan near Thirsk…very posh & very expensive! He’s going to look at a house next week, son & a friend are going too 😱 Son has his courtesy car, a brand new BMW?! How crazy is that! He’s very chuffed…

    Evening everyone,
    Jean I’m so sorry for all you’re going through my heart goes out to you. I love that HedgeHogs hubby and sons have offered to come and sort out your troublesome neighbours.

    Mel you’re on holiday enjoy yourself 5:2 will be waiting for you when you get back home.

    Dave if only the weight loss was due to a wine diet had another three glasses today out with our friends for lunch. Your evening meal sounds nice – Hope it was.

    Hedgehogs what a result on the sons courtesy car glad he wasn’t injured in the accident.

    I’m sure Poppy has grown since we saw her last week and she’d lost her two front baby teeth bless her. Great grandsons were a delight to see as always.
    Have arranged to go to our local pub tomorrow evening for a pre birthday meal for our son in laws birthday which is this Friday. The pub does a steak night every second Thursday of the month and it’s really good value a choice of either a 10oz raw weight Rump, Sirloin or Fillet Steak with the usual accompaniments plus a glass of red or white wine, a pint of beer or a soft drink all for £18.
    Off to Ely market tomorrow morning plus visiting aunt and uncle as we’ve not been for three weeks.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    Nana x

    A lovely walk in the park nearly a hour..a lot of running and doggies to play with..he was very full on tonight needed some energy burning off…

    I think I have been to the hotel a lot of years ago before the Michelin Star..always lovely and very posh, I did a lot of morning coffee when we past lovely places…I think a very small village, Oldstead.

    I think I will borrow your boys, frightening tactics 😂..need something…can’t do a lot now we will have to think on it…very posh car will match the Hotel 😂

    You are my partner in red wine crime..thought so 😂 sounds as if you have had a great time..back to 5.2 ! Safe journey home..

    Jean x

    Denise is torturing me, eating chocolate what my son bought her.It was her mum’s 90th birthday yesterday so we are going to see her on Sunday.

    Morning all!
    Mel- safe journey home, & good luck with the fasting!
    Jean- let me know when you want the boys up 😜 I think that Xena definitely needs some rough play with dogs too- maybe next week!
    Dave- poor you, Denise eating chocolate! Congratulations to Denise’s mum!
    Nana- lovely that tou have lots of family to see; have a good day out in Ely! & a nice evening meal out, definitely not a FD for you! 😉
    Minols- hope you’re keeping strong…
    Kay- brace yourself for the storms…
    Seeing my Homestart family today. Will fast til lunchtime.

    Morning All..

    Bright today..
    Walking soon ..I must get my downstairs windows done inside and out..hospital pre op tests 1.30..shower and hair wash..a bit busy..

    Have to prepare for all the visitors coming for visiting..( watch this space 😂!) clean house and all that…

    Chocolate eating in front of you!! That’s naughty….a lovely age 90…

    Have a good morning with your HS family…

    Enjoy your pre birthday meal and catchup with everyone tonight..

    Well must move…keep safe with the storms and wet weather as it arrives, all day tomorrow for us…😲

    Jean x

    Good morning everyone, weather a bit grey but so far dry.Speedway tonight, Leicester Lions,so stay away rain.Another fast day today, I did crack a little yesterday and had toast last night😙. Waiting for my son to come home from work and then we can do his wardrobe,He will have to help me with it,it hurts if I get down on my knees so he will have to do the bottom of it.

    HI all

    Been crashing through work this week and not fasting, but keeping things low. Haven’t made it on here in a couple fo days, but glad to just catch up with everyone’s news.

    Managed a run this morning – bumped into an elderly gentleman I haven’t seen in ages. Ran round a loop so I came to a stop just when I caught him up again. Glad I did – he’s not feeling great about life. I really love it when serendipity puts you in just the right place at just the right time, and you pay attention and make just the right choice so someone has that bit of time from another person that they need.

    Right, back off out for more visits. I’ve had my big tub of skyr and fruit and seeds and sweepings off a joiner’s floor – raring to go!


    Wardrobe fitted together,only one problem,door handle not drilled deep enough so got to find a drill bit and then all ok.Almost bought an ice cream but he drove off just in time 😪.

    Jean- I’m sure your house is immaculate anyway, you don’t need to clean, visitors will have to lump it, you’ll be busy enough visiting Steve & looking after Charlie…hope the pre-op tests go okay.
    Dave- glad the wardrobe’s nearly done, hope the rain holds off & speedway goes well! Well done missing the ice cream van!
    Minols- good to have been able to help someone & done a run!😇
    Had a good visit with my family, we went to a soft play place, the twins loved it (me too, I miss not going with the boys!) Was a longer visit than we should have so didn’t get home to break my fast until 2pm.

    Got to charge my drill🙄, the Speedway is the Colts tonight not the Aces,most of the riders are under 20.Some 15&16.I would have loved an ice cream,it’s very muggy here today but glad now I missed it.Fast day going ok.

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