Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Sorry Dave!
    Mel- have been used to liquid fast days or the original MM 500 cals, so 800 seems quite generous, especially for one day…how you’re dealing with it sounds like it’s working! I used to find tellibg myself it’s only one day, you can eat more the next…helped, & having Monday always as a FD- starting a diet always on a Monday seems right, so fasting does too!- worked for me. Until I got about to goal weight & then I’d eat too much the day after a FD, still working on that one! ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Jean- thinking of you & Steve…
    Had a really yummy stir fry tonight & a few cals left for a taster of almond butter, delish! Don’t feel too hungry, so if I feel like this tomorrow I’ll do another 800 day…

    Evening All..
    Update on Steve..
    We got to the hospital for the 4.30..two hours delay, got back home at 7.30!
    He is going into hospital on the 12th Aug, having the operation on 13th, he will be in 5 to 7 days depending on how he is…hoping to do key hole which will be a better recovery but maybe not…8 weeks recuperating..12 weeks no driving..up to a year before totally better…( hoping all goes right)
    We are on a cancellation list too, ring us up to a day before…

    I managed to fast and then another tomorrow….a late walk for Charlie …feel quite shattered..

    Trust me to twist the name around ๐Ÿ˜‚..typical!…it is very nice all varieties..

    A teddy bears picnic..hope it was inside…

    I ate the same as you..kitchen closed now….

    Jean x

    Jean, thanks for letting us know, looks like you are in for a long haul. Sending virtual hugs to you both.
    HH nice to hear from you but ……. what about the seaweed things. Is it a secret?!

    Jean- poor Steve, but good that they can get him in quickly …๐Ÿ™ lots of these for you both. Well done fasting, you’re amazing!
    Mel- sorry, forgot about the seaweed! My mum bought it, I don’t think she’ll remember ๐Ÿ˜‚. I’ll have a look about for them, it may well be Holland & Barretts. Will let you know!

    Morning Everyone

    Jean a long day for both of you – you’re amazing doing a fast day with all that was going on yesterday – not to long to wait for Steves operation and hopefully key hole surgery.

    Hedgehogs and Mel – I’m shattered from puppy but she’s being really good only one accident in the house. Both nights put her to bed in her crate around eleven and not a peep out of her until five next morning but gosh is she raring to go then. We’re very lucky to have nice walks on our doorstep so she’s been our both mornings at six likes other dogs she meets on her walks , however , this morning we met our friend out with her miniature Snaucher and he didn’t like her at all so she barked her funny little bark back at him so funny. Daughter and Son in Law due to pick her up later on today.

    Well have to confess yesterdays fast day didn’t happen – having been up so early I just got to hungry and caved in. New month new start time to reset and get serious starting with proper 5:2 way of life.

    Have a good day everyone from.

    Nana x

    Nana- those 5am starts, I remember them well, Xena was like that & going straight for toys too, ugh! Sounds like you’ve had fun though & she sounds lovely! (Not sure how long you’re walking her- you do have to be careful with labs because of their joints, 5mins per month of age once or twice a day we were told) It’s great that she’s meeting so many other dogs & being socialised tbough! Don’t blame you not fasting either, I’m the same with an early start!
    Mel- I had a look online for the seaweed, they do them in Holland & Barretts, & Waitrose, you can buy multi packs on ebay too, it’s quite expensive. It’s called Itsu , the flavour I like best is the sweet & salty one, the packets are 20g, don’t know if they do bigger ones…Hope you’re weigh in goes well!
    Dave- hope you’re not flooded, looks bad again your way? Are you watching cricket today?
    Jean- hope you can have a bit of a lazy day today after yesterday…hope your B2B FDs goes okay, you are so strong! I’d be comfort eating like mad!
    Minols- hope you’re doing okay? I guess your son’s excited about going off to camp again?
    Kay- hope you’re doing okay too…
    Xena did okay at the vets yesterday- we can start doing a bit more with her, got a little while before she can really play or be off lead, but at least she can go for longer lead walks & also I can do scent work again which she was really happy about yesterday!
    I’m feeling hungry but determined today, will stick to 800cals again. Mum’s coming for dinner tomorrow, so will have a day off…& maybe make a pudding again๐Ÿ˜‰! Seeing a friend this afternoon, but she dabbles in fasting & keto too, so hopefully no cake about!
    Have a good day everyone!

    Morning All..
    All bright going to the park and biggest rain shower..will wait a bit to go…

    Fast day number 2..yesterday was fine, on the road and sitting waiting a long way from food..although Steve said chippy as we arrived home..I told him he could but I wasnโ€™t..so he joined me…thinking of prawns tonight as a prawn cocktail, careful on the sauce…

    Oh 5 am is a bit early, we normally do 6 am start these light mornings..looks like you are burning the calories with the puppy..they are funny when they are reacting to different things…..still we have already had play time too…I need to get serious again about no bread and potatoes, hard when away. A few pounds to blast away really hard the last few pounds..

    Relaxing day you must be joking…loads to do here with the drive builders and dust and grit…and we have had ants in while away, Steve said from the sand they used!!…magic spray out!…ironing, house cleaning and then windows inside and out, I never seem to have the time with Charlie about…no time for baking too which is a bonus.
    Good news on Xena able to do a bit more walking, she will be happier….you and your puddings!!..enjoy mum time too..and your friend catchup…

    I donโ€™t fancy seaweed..Minols eats it too..

    Hope you have no floods where you are..it looks awful

    Raining slightly hope it stops soon….pile of washing to hang out..

    Jean x

    Morning everyone, well I had my weigh in and I have lost 5lb in July, funny it looks like more on my body but I am happy with that. 16lb total since 23rd May. I am the lowest I have been in years. Paul said my shoulders look thinner (?!). HH thanks for info, I have looked at images on iPad so know what I am looking for. Going to Waitrose tomorrow so will have a look out. Quite fancy the idea of them on a FD, just for a little savoury taster. On the dog front, we have had two standard poodles now and right from day one they just slept until we were ready to get up. Think I will stick to the breed ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. They love a lie in. Nana, do you think you will miss puppy when she goes? What is her name, we all just seem to call her the puppy ?
    Good luck fasters, NFD for me then tomorrow FD before we go to Kent for five days (no fasting then!)

    Well done, Mel, that’s great! I lose from my shouldes too, & bust!
    Jean- oh dear, sounds like you have lots to do! Like you say though, less time for baking! Keep strong!

    HI all
    Just about to go and get a bit of lunch with the boy – hoping to come in at about 800 today as I’ll have salad tonight. He’s been great ‘entertaining’ himself (youtube!) while I worked this morning, so we’ll go and have a bit of fun now.

    Jean – glad we’re on to a bit more of a ‘plan’ with Steve…really hope for keyhole for him.

    Mel – I love seaweed (it’s the punchline to one of the boy’s jokes, but I can’t remember the set up line just now!) and used to have amazon deliver loads of Selwyn’s to the door. Got a bit of a stock pile just now as I’d forgotten about it, so thanks for the reminder!


    Well done on the 5lbs off this month brilliant…you must get so pleased with the 16lbs since May…2 standard poodles lovely..we are all very doggie ๐Ÿ˜‚…mine is going to have a shower shortly he doesnโ€™t know it yet! ๐Ÿ˜‚..too many muddy puddles/ditches..he stinks…!

    Been to the park, having a cuppa, spoken to neighbour not struck a bat yet!..where does the time go…

    Enjoy your fun afternoon with the boy..especially him being good this morning…

    Jean x

    Well done Mel that’s a good loss.The sun is out but had rain too.No fast day today I am resigning myself to gaining weight this week ๐Ÿ˜ฉ. Chocolate is still in the fridge though๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡.Took Heidi out in sunshine then it rained just after we got home๐Ÿ˜ƒ.The fitness instructor sent me a text saying come to the park because there was no gym on Wednesday, I said nice try Ruby but I will be missing Monday also,going to Wolverhampton for speedway.I was asked if I would play bowls for the Monday team but told them I have already booked my seat on the coach for speedway.I then got asked to play on Friday against the men who are decorating the bowls club room so I said yes,they always say you get a free lunch and cuppa,only problem is IST usually ham or cheese which I don’t like.

    It’s absolutely pouring down again,think I will have webbed feet soonโ˜น๏ธvery heavy.And it’s gone very dark,hope the Speedway us on tonight.

    We caught the rain too..only in tee shirts at the park but nearly at the car…everybody wanting you must be nice together poplar ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Sun here at the moment..looks pretty good..very humid though..got half the washing dry…

    Jean x

    Dr Dachi…
    Go sell your goods elsewhere..we donโ€™t need you!!


    Absolutely, Jean!

    The boy is now shorn and I’m beginning to gather his bits and pieces ready for camp on Saturday… This will be his first week-long camp. He’s not fussed – his mother, however…!

    Just realised I don’t have salad dressing so will need to have a salad day tomorrow and keep today just a low day.

    Sorry to tell all those who have been rained on that our wee spot has been stunning all day. It is getting a little close, though, so I’m expecting a thunder storm just about the time I head out to the office this evening!


    Hi all,

    Jean, glad that there is a plan in place for Steve and if he gets in sooner, then even better. Well done with fasting whilst all this going on, Id be in full on comfort eating mode!

    Mel, well done with the weight loss and feeling better in your clothes.

    Hope everyone is ok.

    We had a nice short break and managed a 13 mile walk including a section of the SW coastal path. We managed to pack up on Tuesday morning, just before the rain started, so that was a relief.
    Today has been glorious again!

    I dont hold out any hope of a loss this week. I was up 3lbs after my mini break, in spite of the walk!

    Kay x

    Minols- my youngest cried when he got home from his 1st trip away, while I missed him like mad! Shame about the salad dressing!
    Kay- glad you had a good trip, the walk sounds great! Never mind if you don’t lose this week, as long as you’ve had a good time!
    Dave- Mr Popular! You should be proud, you keep getting asked to play for the teams!
    Jean- poor you getting wet, have you got much cleaning done? How’s the b2b FDs going?
    Had a nice visit with my friend although she said she was feeling ill as soon as I was through the door, hope I don’t get it ๐Ÿ˜ฑ. Not eaten yet…

    Still raining ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜– happy Yorkshire day Jean,just got the Yorkshire tea bags out๐ŸŒน

    Hi All…
    Kitchen closed here now..a lovely prawn cocktail, a tad more sauce maybe but enjoyed it…walking in a nearby new wood to us later, the boy will be excited..hoping no mud as heโ€™s had a shower ๐Ÿคž

    I really just loved girl guide camp..we used to get a furniture van, pack it for a week with everything tents and all, everybody sat on top of it , the back of the van was left half open…wouldnโ€™t get away with it now..happy days…he will so love it, I envy him even now…never really washed for the week, my Mum used to have my bath running as I came down the path home..

    Lucky you to get packed up before the rain..we got drenched …first time that wet…a good 13 mile walk thatโ€™s a long one, burning the calories off..any news on doggies yet or is it a just waiting game…

    B2B gone very well..finished now…I have got my washing dry ๐Ÿ˜‚…thatโ€™s it!..oh food shopping done…time just flies..we are hospital again tomorrow…goodness must do something this weekend…I have made some beef and mushroom in gravy a few boxes for the freezer…

    Oh the TV…Goodness this dam is going to break open..so frightening for the village..poor poor people. We need some prayers please..

    Jean x

    Jean- not seen the news, is the dam near you?
    I hated, hated, hated guide camp- making stupid things like sleeping bag racks out of canes, & too many rules! Loved the trips we did through school hiking in the Cairngorms though.
    I seem to have managed a liquid FD today,so far anyway, kitchen can’t close until 9pm ๐Ÿ˜ฃ

    Evening everyone,
    Mel a good weight loss puppy is called Poppy and she was picked up about half an hour ago.
    Hedgehogs – we only walked her ten minutes then let her rest then another ten minutes so twenty minutes actual walking in all. One of her stops was initiated by her it was so cute we walk by a field with horses in and they walked up to the fence as we got near and she just sat down totally entranced by them.
    Jean you certainly pack a lot into your days.
    Minols – know the feeling when our baby goes away no matter how old they are you never stop worrying.
    Kay glad you had a good time away and lots of walking as well.
    Dave you are in demand.
    Am now going to chill and relax for the evening – but we’re both missing Poppy already.
    Nana x

    Evening All..
    We had a most lovely walk, the wood was very nice..lovely mud free paths and tree cover..it says you keep reasonably dry in the rain. Quite a few dog walkers, a bit up and down but managed..1 hour 10 mins in a circle route…

    The dam is Whaley Bridge Derby…between Stockport and Buxton…6,500 evacuated …itโ€™s cracking on the top and all metal is falling off the side of dam…
    We always had fun at camp a good job we are all not the same..

    Poppy is a lovely name..I bet you have enjoyed having her..have a lazy relaxing evening..

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Finally saw about the dam on the news ladt night- can’t believe that a major UK story should come after the US politics latest debate- do we care? Their election is over a year away; we don’t need to know about every little squabble of their opposition party!! That bugs me! Good at least that tge dam has help overnight, do feel for those people…a you say Jean, prayers needed.
    Nana- I’m sure you’ll be glad of the rest, but will miss Poppy; she sounds gorgeous!
    Jean- hope the hospital appt. goes as well as it can do…must be such a syrain for you both, so pleased tgat you made the most of the chance for a break last weekend, you definitely have the right attitude to get through it ๐Ÿ‘ Fish & chips as a treat for Steve tonight?
    Mel- have found a new technique to keep focused on a FD- wear tight clothes that you want to be looser! Did that yesterday, & it helped!
    Dave- have a good day, can’t remember if it was bowling or speedway today?
    I’ll enjoy a more relaxed day- is it me, or does anyone else find the calories counting/ working out what you can or can’t eat stressful? 1lb more off for me this week, but awake early as usual after a liquid FD!
    Have a good day everyone!

    Morning All..
    A bright morning..

    A busy morning before leaving at 10.30…blow hair, a hours walk then get changed to go…I think I need mummy helper from Scotland shame he is going to camp!

    A pound down for me today pleased on that one..I think if I get over 16,000 steps a day it helps with the weight loss for me….

    We may go out tonight to eat..as we will be in for a bit after op…

    I donโ€™t count calories these days roughly know what we have..very same…I do know my shopping has decreased loads, bread and potatoes are down..I get flappy when cooking a full meal, thatโ€™s not me maybe age!

    Dam looks awful thanks for the links..

    Must fly…..hi to everyone else..catch you later

    Jean x

    I was right put on 4.5 lbs,I did cave in and eat the chocolate last night though ๐Ÿง. Don’t think the beer on Friday and Sunday helped too๐Ÿค”.Never mind tomorrow is another day.Bowling today so shopping first then I can go .

    Sorry if I’ve passed some lbs over to you, Dave! Oh well, you’ve got to enjoy yourself sometimes!
    Shopping done, some tidying to do…I’m pleased that son chose apple & oats pud for tonight that I make, so I can resist that one & I won’t make myself anything ๐Ÿ˜‡
    Hope it goes well, Jean…

    Im 2lbs up! Not surprised though. I need to find my fasting willpower, not managed a proper one for ages.

    I dont normally count cals as I can roughly count mentally what Ive eaten until I go over and then I miraculously forget ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Going to count them on MFP today see if that helps me gain control!

    New month,same target! 11lbs to goal but August should see me half way there I reckon.

    No work today as car still only drives in emergency mode and thus only short distances. Working Sat, Sun but aiming for a coastal walk on Monday.

    Must drink more today, Ive not been good recently.

    Lovely day here so I will potter around in the garden and do a bit of reading now Ive done a tidy up inside.


    Last FD800 before break in Kent. Jodie was supposed to be at the groomers today being made beautiful for our holiday. She emailed last night – a sash window slid down and crushed her hands! Broken fingers and bruising! Sounds so painful. So I am going to give Jodie a go later, goodness knows what she will look like but she is getting so hot. So no Waitrose, no seaweed snacks. However, today, for the first time in a while my FD is going swimmingly, really finding it easy. No reason.
    Kay, like you I have not been good with drinking enough. Will make up for it in Kent though ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท. Oh is that not what you meant ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Need to up the walking too, have been very lazy lately.
    HH – could work. I have plenty of tight clothes to chose from….
    Jean, yes you should definitely go out for a meal, make the most of the next days.
    Dave, you can soon knock that gain on the head, now you are back on the chocolate diet ๐Ÿ˜€.
    Hi Nana, hope you are OK? is it a FD?

    Afternoon All..
    Back from hospital..we went in early so that was good.. ..the surgeon will pick up results next week….stopped at Costa for coffee and toast no cake!…collected Steveโ€™s new glasses and back now..

    We have decided to take the boy on the new forest walk again tonight, then collect haddock and chips from one of our good chippys…we were going out but we seem to get disappointed a lot, canโ€™t be bothered …so maybe a wine in too..a bag of buttons each…

    Pounds on after your social weekend, itโ€™s expected it will soon move…weathers very mixed here…

    Ironing boards out for me after a cuppa..been playing with the boy and giving him a good brush as he had been left for three hours on his own…try and keep strong tonight..

    2 lbs up isnโ€™t too bad after a break away..itโ€™s just getting the balance…I would like 2 or 3 lbs off this month, letโ€™s see how we go, maybe MFP will remind you were you are going wrong or heavy with the portions, we all do it….enjoy your coastal walk sounds lovely..

    Jean x

    Mel-have a lovely time in Kent! Hope Jodie doesn’t look too bad, poor dog groomer, she’ll be out of action for a bit? Looked in H&B for seaweed packs they didn’t have any ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
    Jean- glad you’re all done, & resisted the cakes…the walk & chippy sounds like a good idea!
    Kay- I call only 2lbs up after a break very good ๐Ÿ˜‚…it’ll soon come off! How long before you can get your car sorted? A pain if you’re missing out on work!
    Minols- hope your son gets off okay & you enjoy some peace!
    Nana- hope you’re having a lazy day?
    Been pretty good for me on a day off so far!

    HI all

    Nearly done for the day – going to have some of that salad in a wrap -not particularly counting at the moment, but I think I’m keeping well within TDEE and some days keeping below 800. Certainly feeling slimmer. I’ve logged weight for the start of August – below my worst weight, so reasonably happy cos the holiday treats are essentially done for me. Still running, even though I’ve officially finished the app and achieved the 30mins goal. I ran with my fitness watch on the other day to log distance and I’m only making it to 2.5 miles or 4 km, so my new goal is to push for 5km in the 30mins. This morning I managed to push it to 2.7miles. Nice to keep a goal, otherwise I’d probably give up!

    Cakey – did you find yourself at the 5km mark when you achieved 30mins?

    HOpe everyone manages a good weekend – calm when you need it, and fun when it’s not calm (especially with Poppy, Nana!)


    Afternoon Everyone
    Just got back from blood Doning – not many donors there due to it being holiday time. Next one booked in for 20th December. Am now taking it easy before meeting up with our friends for our usual Friday take away and drinks but I’m going to be driving so no alcohol for me. We’ve decided on a curry this time. So definitely not a fast day for me but will do one tomorrow and then plan on another Monday provided husband doesn’t want to go out for lunch.

    Mel enjoy your time away with Jodie.

    Jean glad things went okay again today and well done on another loss enjoy your fish and chips.

    Dave never mind – life is for living and you’ll soon be back on track and have those extra pounds dispatched in no time.

    Hedgehogs you guessed correctly am being lazy ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.

    Nana x

    Well I have been bowling for around four hours,they had a compation where it was a bowler and someone who has never played,it was over three games and the team with the most points wins,and guess what I won or should I say we won,the lady I played with really enjoyed it and might even take it up๐Ÿ˜„.The women were shouting me come and have some food so I went over and it was tater-ash with crust so I had a small bowl ๐Ÿ˜‹.They are always trying to feed me up.After all that Frank who I know from fishing and bowling asked me to have a game so I played with him for an hour so shattered now, still got to take Heidi out,my son’s gone to gym for weight lifting so it’s up to me to take Heidi out.

    Evening All..
    A lovely 50 min walk through the forest slightly raining but not on us…the boy does enjoy it…he is so different in the car, instead of sleeping so alert and watching where we are going…called at chippy, haddock for all three of us and chips, smaller portion for the boy with kibble…very enjoyable much better than Whitby.

    Cuppa now, a glass of wine and some buttons…then day off over ๐Ÿ˜‚…working for another pound next week.

    Your poor groomer, looks like awhile out of action…hoping Jodie looks lovely when you have finished with her, love the smell of them after a shower…you have just reminded me, I am manicuring Charlie, I foot done and three to go! ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ ๐Ÿ˜‚…enjoy your break ๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿท๐Ÿทget plenty of wine down ๐Ÿ˜‚..I would .

    Enjoy your curry with friends tonight..all relaxed and ready to go…

    You will be shattered tomorrow what a lot you have done today…a hot bath needed?..sounds good fun with new friends..

    Enjoy your weekend whatever you are up to…forest walk yet?

    Hope the boy has got off to camp and he has a lovely time…relax a bit yourself..

    Have a good weekend everyone and the ones we are missing..

    Jean x

    Morning all!
    Nana- hope the curry was good- love them but don’t have many, takeaways too carby for me! need to cook myself more…
    Dave- well done with the bowling, nice you’re not the bowling newbie any more! Hope you’re not too stiff today?
    Jean- does sound like you have some lovely walks close by! No forest walks just yet, can’t let Xena off until Tuesday, so not much point going to keep her on a lead, she’d get too excited. Hope the ๐Ÿท & ๐Ÿซ were good!
    Minols- you’re doing so well with the exercise, & really good that you’re feeling slimmer! Hope you don’t miss your son too much…
    Kay- hope the work this weekend doesn’t upset your back…
    Mel- have a good trip! ๐Ÿท
    Taking mum out to a market this morning, it’s a strange mix of vintage stuff, craft & food; must keep away from all the cakes!!
    Back to a FD for me, planned another day off Sunday as I have a new recipe to try!

    Morning All..
    Nice day…we are going out for some slippers for Steve and tee shirts for us both, before the season changes and we wonโ€™t have them for the winter…Steveโ€™s are looking tatty!

    Walk out then get ready….on the 18th we have a Dally rally at York, we missed the last one..Steve will be in hospital but he really wants me to go, so we are looking where I need to go…then I will see how he is before I decide…( I am humouring him at the moment)

    Itโ€™s not long before your forest walks can start again, our forest is small circular hilly route just 50 mins but lots of smells for him..not as lovely as yours…

    Enjoy the market look but donโ€™t buy ๐Ÿ˜‚..cooking a pork dinner today, lowish tomorrow..fasting Monday.

    ๐Ÿพfeet done and ๐Ÿพ to go…he got fed up as he was trying to sleep…hope you got your grooming done and it all worked our you….Enjoy your time away…

    Hope you are not to sore today..

    Hope last night went well and the curry was nice..

    Good your clothes are making you feel slim..strange some of my trousers are tight others fine but I am at my lowest weight..I think my walking is altering my shape??

    Can they sort your car for you, will it be expensive…where you are you will miss it….

    Have a good weekend..

    Jean x

    I think I am getting used to all this bowling,not stiff so that’s a bonus.A light day today,no beer this weekend ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ,not had anything to eat but will do later, watching the ashes.Mixed doubles bowling tomorrow so may give it a miss today.

    No cake or cookies bought, but oh my, did they look amazing! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ Mum wanted to get me something, so let her get me some goats cheese, being good with keto, will have it tomorrow…
    Have a good afternoon!

    We found some slippers..no tee shirts, couldnโ€™t be bothered..I hate shopping…both feeling a bit low, thinking itโ€™s hitting us a bit…

    Going to try and get some jobs started and put dinner on…Steve doing some bike jobs next week, keep his mind off things, so I can push on doing inside things..Thursday is his pre op tests at Hull…

    Glad you are feeling fine..enjoy the cricket..

    Cheese sounds good and it fits it…no cakes ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Jean x

    Sorry you feel low Jean, itโ€™s hard to be strong all the time so be kind to yourselves. HH I love goats cheese!
    Dave, you are doing so well on the bowling, do you wear your Fitbit, I bet you would be surprised how the steps add up?
    Have to say Jodie looked good after our ministrations but the kitchen not so good. Poodle fur everywhere.
    Down in Kent now looking forward to the barbecue.

    Enjoy your break and bbq…glad Jodie turned out presentable…and the poor kitchen or should I say you..hope you keep the better weather…

    We came back to neighbour knocking and causing us hell yet again…all about the boundaries yet again now at the back garden and the path at the side of our house, their house lines our path..we are going to try and find a legal boundary surveyor who can help us…I donโ€™t want trouble while Steveโ€™s in hospital…really could do without it but they are causing so much trouble…

    Going to the park after our dinner settles..still I never ate much, so chewed up so a bonus for 5.2..Charlie ate some of mine…

    Jean x

    Mel I do ware my Fitbit, I use it as a smartwatch ๐Ÿ˜„,not really interested in how many steps I do.It has an heart monitor on it so I look at that. It’s gone dark all of a sudden,and my phone is saying rain not far away.Lemon chicken and Jersey potatoes for tea.My son’s gone to watch cricket at Old Trafford.

    Evening everyone

    Well I think I’ve come in under calories for my fast day – thought I’d try not writing down everything as I’ve found doing so makes me think about food all the time. Nothing to eat until this evening which was a BBQ one homemade burger and salad plus a few potatoes.

    Jean I’m so sorry your neighbour is being a pain – sending you a virtual hug xxx

    Hedgehogs well done on avoiding the cakes.

    Mel enjoy your break.

    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.

    Nana x

    Jean- poor you, was hoping the neighbour hassles would die down, a big grrr for you. Can’t be cheerful & strong all the time; feel free to have a moan about things on here, so you can be brave for Steve…hugs to you both ๐Ÿ’
    Nana- well done to you for the Fd. I have to write it all down or I’d under estimate & eat too much! Just under 800 cals for me too.
    Mel- enjoy the bbq, have a lovely weekend. Hope all the dog hair was cleaned up okay ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Dave- your dinner sounds yum, even from a vegetarian ๐Ÿ˜‚…just a salad for me.
    Caught up on some jobs this afternoon & some time to ourselves; the boys both work funny hours so seem to be around alot!

    The lemon chicken is my favourite now,ever since I watched Davina McCall do it on TV.Its beautiful.

    Morning all!
    Forecast is good for unlike up north, really hope that those storms miss Derbyshire… & that shooting in the US made me think of your daughter, Jean, she’s in Texas now, but I guess nowhere near?
    nothing planned other than dog duties, Xena is so hyper at the moment, only a couple of days, yippee! And a thai peanut ramen recipe to try tonight for eldest & me, I’ve been given a packet of low carb noodles to try. The other 2 are having steak & chips, which I know some of you would rather have! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Have a good day all!

    Morning All..
    Bright day now but the rain and thunder on its way…have to work my walks out..he may miss his late one I am not keen to be out in thunder and lightening, he is frightened too…

    Some window washing yesterday just one more upstairs, then down…found some brilliant PVC solvent cleaner they are back to nearly pure white!..a bit difficult hanging outside to do it, missed a couple of bits which I will do again later. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Katie is a long way away but it happens too much, she lives just north of Houston. Everybody has a gun, still if things donโ€™t get back on track here we will be following..all the knife crimes and the scooter attackโ€™s, itโ€™s the same but different ..very sad world.
    You are very good counting but your keto I think you would have too…..you do better than most of us..

    Lemon chicken sounds delicious…still my dinner yesterday I ate a quarter just too much…

    I think sometime writing down is good see where your calories are then you can tweak..I am not at the moment but then I start again to remind myself..

    Have a good Sunday…

    Jean x

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