Fat Busting Brits!!

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  • Morning all,

    Welcome back Minols! Glad you had a great trip, sounds wonderful 🙂

    I’m fasting with a vengeance today, back on track for me, and need a loss this week!

    Welcome Shellbates, nice to have you here 🙂 Good luck with your first day!!

    Anyone else fasting with me today?


    Morning All…

    Another dull day and rain later….off to Specsaver’s later đŸ˜Ŧ

    We are fasting today with Lynne, Dave, DF, shellbates and hubby, Kay?, Minols?

    Glad to have you back..safe and sound..looks like you have had a fantastic time, food cooked for you great!
    You will have to write up about it for us, in stages…lol…hope the boys managed without you but I am sure they were waiting your return..

    I put 6 lbs on over my holiday đŸ˜Ŧ..so mine is slowly moving 2 lb of it off already..Steve back to pre holiday weight and another pound…how can men do it so quick..

    The wedding is very challenging but it is what it is..one day with a grin ..look big can cope..đŸ˜Ŧ..third time lucky!!….feeling down when you can’t change things is a waste of time…we are OK, we are together..

    Let’s make it a good one we both need it..😀

    Have a good FD everyone…

    Jean x

    Jean, give them what for at Specsavers!!

    Yes, lets definitely make this a good FD!!

    Together we’re stronger 🙂

    Glad your trip went well, Minols- sounded amazing, back to earth with a bump probably now, but I’m sure you’re glad to be back with your family!
    I didn’t get my lunch out today, so am being good & trying to keep low, soup for lunch. I really need to get serious again now, the weight loss has slowed, so it’s good that quite a few of us are being determined!
    Good luck for today’s fasters!

    Jean – hope all has gone well at Specsavers.

    DF – are you surviving? I was up really early, so had my ‘main meal’ just before lunchtime as still a bit ‘wabbit’. I really needed something hot and tasty. Thank goodness for Heck sausages – had a couple with bacon and lots of bacon and I’m sitting at 300 so far for the day. The difficulty will be time with the boy after school. Planning on using the rest of my allocation for soup while they have ribs, and then hoping to line up a visit this evening that will take me out of the way of temptation before an early night. One day I’d like to go back to doing fluids only, but it’s a bit of a dream at the moment.

    Keep strong!


    Hi Minols,

    Going okay so far. Your doing great, keep going 🙂 Maybe when you work up to fluids only, I’ll join you with this. I’ve always wondered how people do it! Your soup will taste delicious later, and is filling 🙂 No problem 😛

    Hedgehogs, I’m trying to get serious again myself, I don’t actually know what happened last week lol.

    Jean, how did it go at SS?? Hope you and Steve are holding strong with us fasters 🙂


    Hi All..

    Goodness where has the day gone…out at 11am and back at 3pm….

    Collected Steve’s new glasses…we put the old ones on the machine and she showed us how wrong they were….then went to SS..asked them to look at both pairs he had got…they said they were both fine….we said look again…and she saw the problem…they took them to the director upstairs…after about 20 mins…she said they had them on another machine and they said they were fine its the etchings on the lens which were wrong….
    For good will gesture they are replacing with new frame, lens, reactor coating and eye test…if they were fine would you do this?…still pleased with the replacement…

    Just to complete the spend on the day Steve has bought me a new phone..😀…glasses and phone ouch!..early Xmas present…

    We haven’t had time to think of food..just had a cuppa….chicken not out of freezer so egg, tomato and bacon, one slice of bread for tonight….must count up….

    Everybody seems to have a plan of attack today..and all going well…😀

    Soon we can eat…

    Jean x

    I’m FD today too, but I’ve been feeling queasy all day so didn’t really want to eat anyway.

    Kay did you hear anything back about the job today? What an @rsehole of a boss, he should be kicked out, especially if he’s done it to other people before.

    That’s it we have finished….enjoyed our meal …really touched the spot..slightly over by 30 so not bad…

    Keep going everyone..we are all strong together….

    Jean x

    Hi all. Hi Minols. Yes I was working today. Got as much dine as I can. Still a bit to do but really just refining and pulling out evidence for appendices.
    Friend from work text last night that she has spare ticket for tonight to see London grammar and would I like to go?! If it wasn’t fir that unpleasant boy she wouldn’t know I like them as she came to my room as I’d asked someone from management to drop into the lesson. We got chatting about all sorts and I’d said I liked them.
    Just about to go now!! We’d struggled to get tickets ourselves. Craig very jealous!!!
    Hair appointment tomorrow and packing. Then off on Wednesday. Can’t wait.
    Fasting tomorrow.

    Hi everybody, FD today and it hasn’t been too hard, until now. I think I’ve ‘hit the wall’. Luckily it’s almost dinner time and then I’ll have my 400 calories left.

    I have a question: I know increasing one’s fluids content helps with the fasting days but I struggle with balancing that and not peeing like a horse all day. Sorry if that’s TMI!

    To be honest I don’t really increase my fluid intake, though I probably should.

    Enjoy your evening a lovely surprise ..

    Like Pseu..I never do lots of water…as you its trotting to the loo all the time….lol

    Jean x

    Morning everyone,

    Got through my FD yesterday, feel so much better for it this morning 🙂

    Rowena, hope you had a great night 🙂

    I drink SO much water during the day, I always have done. It does help, although toilet trips are more frequent, it means I’m moving about more at work! Its worth it, and it does help with weight loss/prevents retaining water. All good 🙂

    Hope everyone has a great day, to those fasting, stay strong!


    Hey. Not feeling 100% today. Probably just pmt related. Looking forward to having my hair done at 1230. It’s mad how dark it’s gone over last few years. Most people go lighter so it doesn’t make sense.
    Need to pack my stuff too. Lots of snuggly jumpers. Will have to dig gloves out too!!!

    Hi gommine. I drink lots during a fast days but mix it up as I couldn’t drink just water all day. I’m a hot drinks person, so I use some calories to have tea and coffee, plus herbal tea, water and diluatable squash. I find that after a while of drinking lots of fluids, my body gets used to it and I don’t constantly pee! Even when I am not trying to lose weight, I drink a lot of fluid as I am prone to headaches and get a bit dehydrated very easily. I’m back to fasting again as I have followed fasting regimes twice before in the past, very successfully. I struggle with starchy carbs and eating them in a sensible amount. Basically I love potatoes! I’ve also done 4 weeks of the blood sugar diet too, just to try and blast my dependence on carbs. I’m fine while following a regime, but slip back into old habits when I am not following one. I fasted yesterday, so eating normally today but will keep an eye to the carbs.


    Joined the 5:2 tribe 2 years ago, but had to stop due to acid reflux issue (doctor recommended I didn’t fast). All OK now, so starting again as I loved it!

    I worked out that my body type doesn’t not like carbs (endo/ectomorph). There is a body type survey online if you want to check your body type – Google it.

    As I am off to Florida 8 Nov, a few weeks ago, I started a very low carb plan – suits me beautifully as I dropped 12 pounds – fell off and I wasn’t hungry due to the protein intake. Like 5:2, the very low carb plan keeps my energy levels very high all day, no late afternoon carb crash. Love those yummy carbs, but they don’t even like me!

    I am now hoping that I can combine the low carb and 5:2 plans to keep the weight at bay. What do you eat on your non fast days?

    Shera – I think most people look forward to having their hair done but I HATE it!

    Hi all

    Too much going on at the mo and my heads all over the place. Just can’t find the strength to fast and keep the cals low on a NFD so Im going to bow out from here for a little while.
    I’m away on Saturday for a week so perhaps I feel better after that.

    Take care all and keep being losers!

    Kay x

    Kay- hope that things get sorted out for you, and that you have a good holiday!
    Hi timetochange! I have to drink loads of water as I have dry eyes and mouth, if not I get dehydrated easily too. Lots of loo trips in the evening, but the rest of the day is okay. I’m with you on the carbs!! And the same with slipping back into bad habits straight away! I have a long way to go before I’m at a weight I’m happy with- if I do get there I’m hoping to stay on this for maintenance this time!
    Hi beadybliss! Never heard of the body type thing- I will check it out! Well done on the weight loss!! I’m veggie, so do eat eggs a lot on FDs- you can have a 2 egg omelette with a little bit of cheese with salad on FDs (I fast all day and just eat in the evening) I have tofu and veg stir fry sometimes, and a lot of soup with beans or lentils in them. Otherwise I guess some roasted fish with roast veggies, or chicken and veg/ salad would give you a good amount of protein and no carbs. I have a weightwatchers recipe for salmon, marinated in soysauce and a little chilli dipping sauce, and you can grill it or stir fry with spinach and pak choi- I’m going to try it with quorn some time. I don’t really feel like cooking much to be honest on FDs as I don’t want to be around food, so it’s quick and easy stuff for me!

    Hi Kay – we’ll miss you, but sometimes a break is just what you need. Just don’t go away forever!

    I’m a constant coffee drinker (decaff, now, though!) and because I work pretty much by myself, loo breaks are a welcome distraction.

    Having a NFD day today, and love not thinking too much about what I eat. I’m planning another pot of chorizo/skipper soup for Thursday, though…seems like ages since I made it and it used to be such a staple for me on a FD. Fish for after swimming tonight, so hopefully will keep things within bounds today.


    Morning All..

    A dull day here messing with my new phone downloading everything…most is done now…

    Then a computer day sorting photographs out….makes you realise why you are on 5.2 when seeing old photos…quite frightening really ..I really did look awful..

    I have my jug of water out and by me, a litre, with a slice of lemon…I will try..I will try….I only drink tea..đŸ˜Ŧ

    Have a relax at the hairdressers…then find all the snuggly jumpers don’t forget the scarf..just got mine out..when are going?

    Welcome to our group…we do no carbs when fasting…a large mixed salad with 100 gr / 4 oz of protein, meat, fish, 2 egg omelette, egg, bacon and tomatoes, keep with us and pop by…

    Welcome too ….hope you manage to get back into the 5.2 again…keep popping by..

    Have a break and see how you feel…..you will be missed if you disappear …it’s hard when we have been doing it for 3 years or more..blogging every day and keeping the fasting under control, getting to maintenance and wavering a bit, holidays and trips getting in the way…please watch your weight as you know I came off site and put it all back on it’s so easy…keep popping by as you can…

    Have a lovely holiday and find your new job…hope Ellie keeps strong..💕

    Jean x

    Enjoy the swimming with the boy…getting back to normal…keep off the custard creams while you are in the car waiting.

    You are so good drinking water…I have only had one glass but plenty of tea!

    Sat all day sorting photos loads more to do…more tomorrow….Steve is struggling with new glasses…hope these are right…giving them a few days to settle after wearing upside down ones…lol

    My post has been sat in limbo for 5 hours I forgot to post it…so return posts are late sorry.

    Jean x

    Jean- hope that Steve gets used to the new glasses quickly! I have a huge pile of photos I want to sort into albums- I like to keep them like that rather than on the computer, old fashioned like that!- but no room in the cupboard for more albums… It was a couple of photos of me back in the summer on holiday which prompted me to knuckle down to a serious diet!
    Have been good today on my FD, not been too hard, thankfully. Next one Thurs- is that when you’re doing your 2nd FD, Jean?

    Steve pushing on for another day with glasses…we only have a few packs of photos all the rest are on line…we have a favourite picked out of each holiday and getting a collection on the wall in our spare bedroom..a few from the bucket list holidays..
    I may get some printed out when I have got them into files..
    Strange talking to my daughter in Louisiana today…she was doing the same as me, sorting through photos…she has photo books printed..doing one for the youngest, she is a bit behind..Charlotte is asking where her book is….lol

    Glad your FD went well..we will be fasting Thursday so will join you..we will be having a low day tomorrow ..eaten a full meal tonight a bit much really…

    Have a relaxing evening
    Jean x

    Hi all. Well I went for my meal out this evening. I’ve logged the calories so I have an overall week view. I will fast again tomorrow, second one of the week, plus I plan to do very low carb Thurs and Fri to compensate for dinner out tonight with my dad and my daughter. It was lovely and worth every calorie! I need the flexibility of being able to have a meal out and keep an eye to things, but also eat a good meal. I’m hoping that I get back into the groove and see the weight come off again as easily as it has in the past. Have a good day tomorrow everyone! I’m waiting in for a bathroom delivery ready for it to be ripped out next week and a new ones put in after many years. X

    Half way through the week! Had a sneaky weigh yesterday .. I’m at my lowest weight ever, and was actually jumping around like a crazy person when I saw it lol … in reality I should be at maintenance now, but I think I’ll push on and see if I can lose a little more, now its started moving again! I’d been the same or up and down for what seemed like forever!! So happy 😛

    Having a low day today, and fasting with Jean tomorrow, anyone else fasting Thursday?

    Jean, hope Steve’s getting on ok with the glasses, I know how I struggled with mine!! I’ll be upgrading my phone in January, like you say its a huge job transferred everything, sometimes I wonder if I can be bothered lol. Not been happy with the one I have though, its been a bad choice this time. Hopefully I’ll get something better in January.

    Kay, you probably won’t read this now, but if you do, have a wonderful holiday. Sometimes I think a break is needed. I hope you come back here though, you will be missed if not!! Take care xx

    Hope everyone has a good day, Jean .. drink that water!!

    Together we’re stronger! .. sending love to Aud xx

    DF- well done you! I can see the top of the ‘normal weight range’ for my height getting very close now, but am still a way off my ideal weight! Hope that things carry on going well for you!
    Timetochange- glad you had a nice meal out. That’ll be lovely, having a new bathroom to look forward to! Hope your plumber doesn’t have a mishap like ours did- he dislocated his shoulder when he was in the far corner of the loft doing pipework! We had to call an ambulance, and they called the fire service- who wanted to cut a hole in the ceiling to lower him out. Luckily hubby took charge (used to be in the ambulance service himself)and made them give him pain relief and wait until it worked so they could put it back in for him and he could move himself! Lol!
    Good luck to all you fasters today- stay strong!

    Morning All..
    A brighter day I think…

    We are back to the opticians this morning…very thing is fuzzy except the reading bits ok…why can’t anything be right first time……a low day for us today hopefully before fasting tomorrow…

    Sorting more photos later into files…

    I think it’s lovely to have a meal out, enjoy it, and it’s worth every single calorie……that’s my philosophy…every calorie has to count…if it’s not worth it….don’t have it!….especially out with cakes or desserts, what you shouldn’t have but sometimes a treat…Are they worth the calories??…lol

    Meals out with loved ones are special…

    Lovely new bathroom to look forward to…

    I am so pleased for you…the feeling is great…well done with a Audrey dance…lol

    Like you I got to maintenance and then pushed on for another 7 lbs….my body not really liking that…is it vanity pounds?…I am limbo with that but still pushing on..a bit yo yo ing ..I will bl@@dy win !…..I am still trying to loose those holiday pounds yet to put be back in maintenance …

    I sorted the phone out yesterday thinking I was all done, then last night realised I had to re do loads of pass words on my Apps ..which then they sent me text messages with other codes to put it as well..done now I think.

    I will drink water..must remember….not many yesterday..three glasses and 5 cups of tea…

    Creeping to normal range..well done to you too…nice when the clothes fit you better…

    I found a photo yesterday of some work trousers with my fingers in the waist …about 4″ too big took about a year after I started the 5.2.. wished I had kept them…they would be much bigger now…lol

    I can picture that plumber..poor soul stuck in the corner in pain..in the loft..lol…hubby sounds like Steve er let’s think this through….

    Audrey has lost 7 lbs on her new plan so things are going well for her…I miss her I hope she comes back at some stage…

    Hemmy is doing well too…her life is going well and back to enjoying herself..her weigh is stable at a pound up and down…

    Jean x

    Jean, thanks for the update on Aud and Hemmy. I do miss them!! So glad to hear they’re doing well though, that’s really good 🙂

    I think I’ll push on for another 7lbs too .. definitely vanity pounds, and it will give me some leeway for the ups and downs (which drive me mad!!)

    Thanks Hedgehogs 🙂 I have everyone on here to thank for helping me get there. You can too! I’ll be here for a while yet, as I want to lose more now LOL!! Oh my word, the poor plumber! Sounds so dramatic. Hope he was okay!

    Have a great day! x

    I was reading on line don’t know where…it said you need to be lower than 3 lb of your target weight…as when starting on maintenance expect a 3 lb rise before you settle etc…water will be up…

    The other thing you have to keep at maintenance for a year before you won’t gain again…

    Off out now…

    Jean x

    That means my target weight has to e even lower than I thought to maintain it. Argh!

    Jean, thanks. That makes sense 🙂

    Pseu, you can do it, no problem: Had to giggle at your post!!


    Back from the opticians…when he got there his eyes looked as if you had thrown sand in his eyes…so it was good to see how he was last night..

    Steve has to have another eye test, have the lens checked or see if they are not sitting on his nose properly….she said they would sort it ..only very occasionally there’s a problem..so covering all again…

    So back Saturday when the eye test lady and manager is in…nothing can ever go right…

    Shame on the weight having to go lower to get to your right weight..đŸ˜ŦđŸ˜Ŧ..even holding tight for a year..đŸ˜ŦđŸ˜Ŧ

    Jean x

    You all reaching target/ maintenance weights makes me envious!! Have been good this week keeping much lower on nonFD’s, and had a lovely long walk with my sister today- my back felt good, but tendonitis in the hips flaring up instead as I’ve not done much recently! I’m hoping that I’ll lose a couple of pounds this week.
    Jean- if Steve has dry eyes does he have eye drops? There’s some good ones you can get on prescription if his eyes are sore. And a warm compress can really help.
    Re our plumber; he was okay- his shoulder dislocates regularly but being self-employed he can’t afford to take the time off to have it operated on. Poor chap was shouting for help for a while as we were outside and couldn’t hear him!! He still comes here to do work, no hard feelings towards our loft!!
    Jean thanks for Audrey’s news- pass on congratulations to her! How long have you been posting on here?

    Hi. We are in Cornwall. Lovely converted barn. Just chilling out at the mo. Brought lots of red wine!! Even though it will be difficult to break my bad habits,I’m looking forward to get fit again and eating much more healthily. Might start c25k again.
    Jean I miss Audreys posts too. Glad she’s being successful on Ww. Xx

    Thanks he does use eye drops for dry eyes..but never uses them!!…I put them in if he’s really bad..he has gone back to old glasses till Saturdays checkup…

    I have been on here for nearly two years…November 24th 2015 I first posted…

    I started in 2013 and was another thread for about a year, we both lost 28 lbs each…I stopped posting, we stayed the same and then it slowly all went back on..I think not posting you don’t stay in the right frame of mind. Steve had two partial knee operations, chocolates arrived and no excerise and greed and back to old habits…no excuse..

    I get concerned when people leave because most people put it back on…I know some will keep the weight off but most don’t.

    We have stayed about the same for a year…a bit of up and down with holidays, Christmas etc…I am about 4 lbs up after my holiday so I need that off before my Fat busting Brits birthday…lol

    I am chasing my 33 lbs off my lowest this time…these 4 holiday pounds must go…I don’t think we have had a good week, a few naughties, last weekend bottle of wine ( when I was down) …must get stronger..Steve copies me..

    Steve has been slower this time he still needs another stone off..I really need to do something to help but not really to sure..he only eats what I give him ..so really it’s my fault..he does eat more bread than I would like but I have to keep him happy or he wouldn’t do it at all..

    I think I will be on here for ever as I think we all need support…even on maintenance…it’s the up and down of weight…we are all the same…

    Jean x

    Have a really brilliant holiday ..the converted barn sounds lovely…the red wines sounds even better…lol
    Have some lovely walks and a relaxing time..

    Jean x

    Shera – Did you finish C25K? I tried doing it this year, gave it a fair crack, but when it got to the point it was getting dark before I get home I don’t feel safe enough to go running outside on my own. On the C25K forum most people seem to say running outside is more effective than on a treadmill – I might give it another go next year when it starts getting lighter again.

    Pseudonym yes I’ve finished it a few times!!!!! First time outside. 2nd inside. Not sure which ill do. Definitely going back to spin before work but might do some treadmill sessions too during winter.

    You found it hard to keep up once the program was finished?
    I’ve never tried spin though I’ve considered it a few times.

    I don’t remember what happened pseudonym. I think I was so used to challenging myself each week when I completed it I did a few weeks of just running the 5k each time then something must have got in the way. Then time passed and I just didn’t get back into it. I love spin. It’s a killer at first but once you get used to it, it’s brill!!

    Sorry I’ve not been posting much. My job is very crazy and by the time I get home o have no further inclination to type!

    Please know that I read everyone’s post (I get email alerts for this thread)

    Continue to progress well on this diet. I am 4.5 weeks in and have now lost a stone! Much better than I expected.

    However, long way to go (4 stone before I’ll be at my desired weight) but if there was ever a diet I could stick with for a year (I calculate that’s how long it will take to lose the weight), then 5:2 appears to be the one!

    Speak soon, Dave x

    FD for me today 🙂

    Had such a wonderful evening yesterday. OH cooked a lovely dinner, wine, bath .. it will keep me going today, I love evening like that 🙂 Just what I needed too, the traffic was horrendous getting home, so I was so wound up with it all!! Was the worst thing ever when my firm moved to this area because the commute is a nightmare every day 🙁

    Have a good day everyone, stay strong anyone fasting!


    DF- I’m with you today! Soup made already for lunch/ dinner, will see how I feel later.
    Dave- well done you! A stone off already is great!
    Jean- glad you’re still on here to encourage everyone. Keeping it off has always been a problem for me too, but the last few years losing it again is getting increasingly hard, so I really need to get the hang of maintenance! Sneaky ‘halfway through the week weigh-in’ was very encouraging today!
    Rowena- have a great time!

    Morning All..
    A dull day…rain expected for us all day….doctors chasing us for a flu jab so going this morning…

    FD for us today…

    You have done really well a stone so quick you must be so pleased…I agree it’s one of the easy diets if you stick to the rules …

    I think we are coasting a bit really must pull the belt in …a few naughties this week…

    I really love those sort of evenings…very relaxing….we used to do them on a Saturday night, ring everybody up early so no phone calls, no tv, low music, wine, talking, candles…we used to alternate who cooked…it was really nice…must remind Steve it’s a while since we have done them…I think it keeps you close..

    My daughter always swears by soup when dieting..she always moves her weight ( she needs to at the moment)..lol
    I think maintenance is the hardest bit…and I think now older it’s a lot harder than first time round..we did the 2 stone off in 4 months this time it’s taken me a year..đŸ˜Ŧ..I think we are just slowing down in all directions..

    Reading my old blog on here, really making me think now, just wondered if we were more focussed then, we had to get the weight off to get into summer clothes,/ evening clothes for a cruise…we did swimming twice a week…Walking round the village….I don’t know…we must have a re group about it..

    Have a good fasting day…

    Jean x

    I keep getting prompted to have a flu jab because of my asthma, but I’m terrified of needles so I’m not doing it. I think I’m just about young and sprightly enough to get away with it.

    I’m doing an FD today, but I’m already thinking about changing it to tomorrow. I’m so hungry this morning! I don’t normally get hungry first thing. :S Maybe I’ll go make a big coffee and see if that takes the edge off. I feel like I’m having a ‘fat day’ which doesn’t help with the motivation, plus I’m in for a long boring day in work.

    The grim weather doesn’t help with my generally grim mood.


    Go for your jab it doesn’t hurt at all…honest…when did you have the last jab of anything…they really have changed a lot…

    Dentist is a different matter…☚ī¸

    Hope your hunger settles and you manage today then you can eat tomorrow….

    Feeling ok up to now…having another cuppa before I batch bake some Yorkshire puddings for the freezer…the day is really miserable we were going to walk to doctors but went in the car couldn’t be bothered to get wrapped up….

    Chicken salad for us tonight not the best on a cold day…Must do water today…how much liquid do you all take??

    Jean x

    Hope everyone’s doing okay.

    Pseu, I’m quite hungry today, but will keep going. Fill up on water if you can. Work is quiet for me too, it makes it much harder I know 🙁

    Hedgehogs, glad your with me .. we can do this!

    Jean, you definitely need to remind Steve about those evenings 🙂

    Soon be half way through .. think of the end results 🙂 🙂

    Keep going!!


    Pseu- hope you’re getting through it? A hot drink can sometimes take the edge off…
    Jean- how do you do it- you always seem to be cooking batches of stuff for the freezer on your FDs- that must be tempting?!
    Lovely & bright here, but some numpty a mile down the road has a huge bonfire going, so it stinks of smoke everywhere! Good things today to keep me focused- I can now comfortably wear a pair of jeans which have been stuck for a year in the cupboard, & the coat, which was too tight, I can now wear with a jumper underneath & it fits fine- yay!!

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