Fasting and carpal tunnel syndrome

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Amber8884 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I am experiencing almost complete freedom from carpal tunnel since fasting. I have had the condition for many years and over the last few have had cortisone injections when the discomfort has become severe, these have worked very well but I am needing them more frequently. I am sceptical that the fasting has cured my condition, it has tended to come and go in past although this hasn’t been the case for the last couple of years, until now. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Could the two things be related?

    Hello floss and welcome to the fast diet forum

    I can’t help you with information on carpal tunnel syndrome but I’m always interested to hear of experiences like yours.

    How frequent have your episodes been in the last couple of years? If they have come to a halt for some time then they would definitely seem to be related to your fasting.

    Have a look back at threads/posts on this site; they may not refer specifically to your syndrome but there are lots of other conditions that have either disappeared altogether or improved sigficantly.

    Why not? My very bad psoriasis healed when I started fasting in January. I have just had a teeny tiny flare up but have just had 3 weeks off the 5:2 combined with the heating on. I am back onto the 5:2 to see if it will get rid of this teeny tiny flare up…….I’ll let you know.

    Hi Floss. My fiancé has suffered from carpal tunnel. His treatment was as follows; First – he rested and modified his daily routine. Second – cold therapy. He used what is called a ColdCure Wrist Wrap. It will reduce the inflammation of the tendons beneath the transverse ligament, opening up the tunnel and giving relief to the pinched nerve. This will also help alleviate the pain and swelling. Third – promote blood flow. He made sure the pain and swelling were gone before using the what is called the BFST wrist wrap (blood flow stimulation therapy). The BFST will stimulate nutrient rich blood to circulate through the tendons and the transverse ligament at an increased rate. This will repair the damaged tendons and ligament, giving you the relief you need and heal your carpal tunnel….just as it did for him 🙂

    Because of what I know about Carpal tunnel it is hard to imagine that fasting would have an effect. But you just never know. If you are curious I have attached a link that talks more about these things. It will prevent you from having to get anymore shots.

    Morning. I have both CTS and psoriasis so am intrigued as to the effect the Fast Diet may have on these conditions. I agree with Amber that it’s difficult to see the correlation but you never know! Here’s hoping! I have just started today so will report back if I notice any changes in either condition.

    Hello Amber and thanks for your info. I checked out the link, very interesting. Here in the UK its seems the choices for treatment for carpal tunnel are a bit limited, just cortisone injections or an operation, I have never been told that is is curable with any other treatment. At present I am pain free and have been for a couple of months, long may it last! I know from past experience I will decide to take a break from the 5:2 and it will be interesting to see if the carpel tunnel returns and how soon after the fasting ends.

    I’m very glad to hear Floss that you are pain free! Hopefully you don’t get any reoccurrences. If you do get any tinges of pain here and there, put a cold compress on it. It will reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain.

    Hi blissbaby. I’m routing for you during your fast diet 🙂 Definitely let us know how your wrists end up doing.

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