Fast and loose with calories?

This topic contains -1 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  andersonkevin19 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi, I’ve been using this plan for around 6 weeks now and I’ve shed about a stone and it feels great!
    Now I’m sticking to 600 cals on my fasty days but I know there’s some suggestion 800 would be OK.
    So, because I work shifts and sometimes go through a whole 24hrs without getting to bed I’m using that extra 200 as a buffer in case I need an extra small meal or so I can prepare what I know is essentially a 600 cal meal but don’t need to worry too much about going over if I’m pressed for time or ingredients (I have two fridge raiding locusts posing as sons)
    Anyone see any problems with this approach?

    Personally, I don’t. Dr. Mosley now recommends 800 calories on fast days. I can’t link on this tablet, but maybe someone will be kind enough to link the two newest Daily Mail interviews with him, where he discusses this. I also have his latest book The Clever Gut Cookbook, where he mentions what he now calls the “upgrade.”

    Dr. Mosley States there shouldn’t be much difference in ingesting 500, 600 or 800 calories on fasting days. I agree. I was reading over the original 5:2 study based on Dr. Michelle Harvie’s 2 day diet. The participants averaged 800 calories on their fasting days and did just fine.

    The thing to do is to try it and see how it affects your weight loss.
    Good luck, Squips. Let us know what happens.

    People may have different opinion on fats, carbs, and everything in between, but everyone agrees that protein is important for health. Eating protein-rich foods helps in building muscle, promoting weight loss and feeling full after eating. It is quite beneficial to eat lots of proteins, but the crux is that you should eat a balanced diet to stay healthy. I have read an amazing article “43 Delicious Protein-Rich Foods You Must Include in Your Diet for Weight Loss” at zovon.

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