Fab Feb Fasting

This topic contains 425 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  timmothysmith01 2 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 437 total)

  • Day 22 – 16:8 CD
    Yesterday report
    – [x] FD800
    – [x] Cardio

    Weigh in this morning is 140.5. Very pleased. The last time I was solidly at a weight in my 130’s was about the time we married, more than 25 years ago. I keep wondering if I should try on my wedding dress and see if I can fit in it again, but want to wait til I get to my goal weight.

    Memory time: I do fit into my alternate wedding dress. Lol, I had two. One I found immediately after we got engaged at the local department store – just a beautiful simple a-line ivory dress with an eyelet part around the shoulders. It swung and twirled, and was perfect for dancing. This made my mother sad, though, as it was pretty clear I was her one mother-of-the-bride chance, so she asked me to get married in a formal wedding dress and change into the dancing dress at the reception. I’m so glad I did, we spent such wonderful dozens of hours looking for one then having fittings for that formal dress. The shop we finally found it at was about an hour’s drive from us and we would make a day of it when we needed to go there, and found the most wonderful Italian bakery/cappuccino place nearby. Several older Italian men sat at a card table in the corner every time we went there and we used to entertain ourselves making up stories about their lives. Starbucks was barely a thing then, so a cup of delicious cappuccino was a real treat we had not been able to indulge in since we had lived in Italy. I will never not miss her, but I have such rich memories.

    Basta! On the subject of weddings, @froby79 I look forward to your wedding updates, and did I miss it? Did you get the menu sorted?

    @northgeorgia, Lol Happy 2sday indeed! You are doing so well! Inspiring!

    @flourbaby Enjoy your birthday! Like you, I eat well on my holidays, but often wear out a pair of shoes for my holiday walking! That generally keeps the pounds from piling on.

    @i-hate-lettuce The trick for me is to jump back on 5:2 when I return from holidays! That is when my mojo is weakest but needs to be firm! I’m going to try to keep you in mind next time!

    @daffodil2010 I’m envious of your rural walks (and walking company). I love walking in cities and rural areas, but find myself bored with walking in me extensive residential area. As the weather has been pretty nice here the past couple of weeks, I’ve been doing my hula hooping outside in my yard – I am enjoying the breeze and sunshine.

    @at I ‘virtually’ close my kitchen door (my kitchen doesn’t actually have doors, and is a necessary passage through way so I can’t actually do that) at night. I usually go brush my teeth when I officially ‘close’ it. That makes a huge difference to my mindset.

    Question for the calorie counters among us: I make a lot of stews and soups and my husband makes big batches of chilli and other dishes. I can portion these easily (1 cup frozen servings) but honestly, have no idea how I to count calories because the ‘recipes’ are most often whatever veg is on hand and widely varying meat weight (which often goes in with bones to complicate estimates). I feel like I’m missing something, any tips?

    Warm thoughts to everyone 😀

    day 23, NFD, Aus

    Beautiful memories of your mother and wedding dress shopping, @mariaelena. Thank you for sharing.

    Day 22 – UK – FD800

    Busy day – lovely sunny walk with the regular walking gang 😎

    Managed to complete B2B FD800 so a good start to the week

    Will try to catch up with the posts tomorrow

    Day 23 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Weigh In: 165.2
    Same as yesterday so steady we go. I had an apple when breaking my fast and I was so hungry afterwards…..starving!!! The apple must have spiked my blood sugar, I do often feel hungry after some fruit, often apples….so I will watch out for that.

    ZBC, mackerel and beetroot salad, then konjac noodles and the remainder of the chilli beef dish (tiny portion)….. Tomorrow is my 2nd FD.

    @mariaelena, what wonderful memories to have of your mother. I am so glad that you took the time to go dress shopping and to build up those hours of beautiful memories. My Mam will be 30 years passed in April and we missed all those years of precious memory making. Cherish those memories and thanks for sharing

    Had a lovely walk with DH this morning. It seems the days of storms and rains have chased away the darkness and this was our first walk where we did not need the torch, it was that bright. The crows were doing their morning roosting, all the songbirds were in full flow, clear sky with orange vapour trails from all the flights heading east over us. I love this time of year. My favourite flower is starting to bloom too….daffodils!!!

    Have a great Wednesday. Xxx

    Day 23 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Quick call in, going to see if I can cast a fly today, rather windy but not a gale as there has been recently. Seems like some folk in the areas North of us are still without electricity, teams been unable to sort the cables due to the continual high winds.
    Back tomorrow for my usual FD.

    Take care all

    Day 23 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @flourbaby – I must admit, I wouldn’t have been able to find South Africa on a map before I moved here 35 years ago. I was quite well-behaved on my birthday; just two ciders at lunch time at the Elephant Walk place. Then we went to a Greek restaurant in the evening & I had a Long Island Iced Tea. If you’ve not heard of those – they’re potentially lethal & taste NOTHING like tea! 😵‍💫 But the best meal we had was the simplest & cheapest, the evening before my birthday. Charlies Pizza & Pasta. Upstairs above a small shopping mall, with a sea view. I’d walked past it a couple of times, & hadn’t given it a thought. Then the guesthouse owner recommended it. Awesome place, & the best pizza I’ve ever had. 😋

    Enough about food – I’m fasting today. I want to squeeze in two more FDs before Monday. I won’t reach my target now, but it would be good to get back to 72 kgs.

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 23 🍓

    Day 23 Melb Aust CD

    Brief post. Feeling “off” today. Have managed to lose 0.5 kg of the 1.2 kg gain already, so it’s looking hopeful.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Onward and downwards

    Day 23, London, UK, FD

    Feeling a bit under the weather today, I think I feel a sore throat coming on, I blame the changeable weather/temperature……………………. Last week stormy, yesterday sunny & bright, today I had to scrape the frost from the windscreen!!!🥶

    @daffodil2010, I never knew daffodils were your favourite flower🙄 ………………………. I jest of course😜😜, just like flour-based products aren’t in my DNA!!! 🤣😂🤣

    @i-hate-lettuce, I know patience is a virtue, but I can’t understand why there are still people without power following the storm. There was plenty of notice, so I’m always baffled that it comes as such a shock to utility companies that they need to carry out emergency repairs!!! Enjoy the fishing (Unfortunately, I equate it with golf & cricket🥱🥱, although doing it must be far more exciting than watching!!) I hope the fly doesn’t actually ‘fly’ off in these winds!!

    So, I better get on with work, it’s what I get paid for after all!!!!

    “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dye

    Day 23 – Ireland – CD

    Im feeling soo tired today… it’s a danger! But hoping to stay on track as I’m doing well and want to keep up the momentum now.. only five days to go… some of which will be tougher than today, where there isn’t that much to tempt me, as I will be with mum so resolve is needed today..

    @mariaelena what lovely memories to have 💕 and how fantastic that you fit into one of your wedding dresses! It sounds like a beautiful dress and one I think I’d quite like … perfect for dancing is the most important 👍💕

    @i-hate-lettuce enjoy your fishing… I’ve never tried it but I watch the guys at my local creek wading out and enjoying hours of mindful time so imagine it’s a wonderful way to spend time if you are good at staying still-ish… not my forte 😂

    Have a lovely day everyone and catch up tomorrow 👍

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 23 – USA/GA – ZBC, NFD?

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. Today is a planned NFD, but depending on the office lunch crowd, tomorrow might be the day for lunch instead. If that happens, today will be a FD. Probably not… But, just in case they change their minds, a ZBC this morning! I am certainly not wanting any food. Again, I find it interesting. Two WFDs in a row, then a NFD the next day (yes, I probably go over 2K calories with the meals out yesterday — have to watch myself more), but I quickly am filled by the evening. I could only eat half of my dinner last night. And even more interesting, the following day (today), I really don’t feel hungry at all. Except for the weird blip upwards last week, I’m back on track, with a similar pattern to where I was a couple of weeks back. So, I’ll stick to this pattern for a while. I’ll have to interrupt it somewhat when I have an in-person conference next month in Atlanta, but I’ll still be able to manage either a traditional 5:2 that week or a WF based 5:2.

    Day 23 – UK – FD800

    Hi all,

    I was MIA from the forum yesterday due to an all day meeting but it was a successful FD800 and my gains from last weekend have now disappeared and I’m back to my ‘new’ low. However, I now have a weekend filled with eating and celebrations ahead of me for Mr @babs_b‘s birthday, so today is the last FD800 I’m going to be able to do until next week!

    It’s a very quick post today, but good to see there are a couple of us on the pocket list.

    Have a great day!

    Pocket List – Day 23 🍓

    Day 23 UK NFD

    Minor slip up yesterday, but not catastrophic hoping to get back on the straight and narrow today , then FD Thursday 💪

    Day 23 — FD 800
    Yesterday report
    – [x] 16:8 CD
    – [x] Cardio

    Cold has moved in again so today I make a new soup, Cock A Leekie


    Since I have lost weight, I’m combatting the cold and taking advantage of some larger pants and wearing leggings underneath to keep warm. 😀 it is gonna get icy 🥶 hereabouts today.

    Be well!

    Oops forgot

    Pocket List – Day 23 🍓

    Day 23 — UK – FD 800
    Hi all so sorry for the lack of engagement. Very busy with work and wedding prep.
    Had a cake tasting last night and today I am trying to fast a bit to compensate! Dinner out again today. Fortunately the weight is not increasing. 🙂 I will catch up reading all your messages this weekend

    Pocket List – Day 23 🍓

    Day 23 busy holding a baby and playing with a toddler in Colorado… And eating. Always eating, sadly.


    @i-hate-lettuce Lol, you need a new alarm; I’ve never had one that went off just because the electricity came back on! 🤣😂🤣😂

    @mariaelena Lovely wedding dress shopping with your mom story. 🥰

    It’s lovely being here; if I could only make myself eat with restraint instead of abandon, it’d be perfect, lol!

    Second post

    I’m trying to remember if someone has already volunteered to host March. Yes? No? If not, I can be around for most of the month. But if someone else has already volunteered, that will be great.

    Day 24 country west Australia ( FD-HH) Fast Day – Here’s Hoping!!!
    Apologies again for another MIA period.🤪
    Unexpected extra social activities on the weekend. 🍫🍰🎂🥗
    @stitchincarol – I know how busy it must be for you with a baby and a toddler .
    I had 3 days unplanned babysitting an active 10 month old.👩‍👧 It was hot ( 36º C !!) It was hectic. It was heaps of fun!! Funnily enough I ate less as I was constantly on there go and little time to eat!
    Day 23 Accidental Fast Day. Started work at 9 am and did not stop to draw breath ( which is hard anyway wearing a mask) until 6.30. I was shattered so came home to quick dinner of grilled lamb chop and veggie and then fell into bed for a similar repetition today.😳
    Friday will be a slower day.🙂
    @mariaelena, thank you for sharing about your wedding dresses experience. It sounds like a lovely time for you and your mother. Congratulations too on probably being able to fit into it/them!!💐
    @at and @daffodil2010, the walks sound really lovely. A walk is so good for one’s wellbeing.
    @i-hate-lettuce, I hope the fish are biting!
    Fishing can be so relaxing and enjoyable for some ( me) but others like my DH find it tedious and boring!!🐠🐟🐠😴
    @froby79, what an exciting time for you. I hope the wedding preparation is going well.🤞
    @babs_b, well done on the new low. How satisfying for you.💐
    @brighton belle, that’s the good thing with 5:2 – you can always reset the next meal or the next day.🙂
    @northgeorgia, so pleased for you that you are back on track. Lots of motivation here for a good last week of Feb.🙃

    Day 24UK, NFD

    Well I am pretty proud of myself because yesterday I stuck with my fast day and I achieved it

    It was physically and mentally hard going due to the problems with my injury and I wanted to break the fast on many occasions but I did stick with it and I have to say I’m very proud of myself! Yay! Go me!

    So I have done 2X fast days this week and I will do a third day on Friday. Hopefully I’m slowly Creaking back into my old 2021 routine?!?

    Second post

    @mariaelena – Congratulations on your weight!!! A lot of hard work has gone into getting to that point well done

    Me too, I love to eat well on holiday and exactly as you say the key is to jump) 52 as soon as you get back, which is very much easier said than done!!

    @flourbaby – happy birthday!!!

    @at – Exemplary behaviour… You are an inspiration!

    @lilymartin – wow I am so impressed when an accidental fast day occurs! I haven’t had one for quite some time but when they do have them they are so brilliant aren’t they?

    I do like your new acronym FDHH! That’s brilliant!

    @froby79 – Good luck with all things wedding! What a wonderful time for you …. Do enjoy every second!

    Day 24 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    FD accomplished & my holiday half-kilo is no more 😃

    @high5 – well done for persevering! 🌟 I may join you on the list tomorrow, not sure yet.

    @flourbaby – Happy birthday! 🎉 🥳️ 🎈 🥂

    Article from today’s UK Mail. Eating less can make you live longer. Who knew? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10543451/Eating-really-make-live-longer-study-claims.html

    Pocket List – Day 24 🍋

    Day 24 -Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Weigh in: 166.6
    Booooo. But I did share a bottle of wine with DH and I dud have some ice cream between two wafers so what did I expect?

    On track for today’s FD, it’s going to be a protein packed one, and planning to see a better number tomorrow.

    Happy birthday @flourbaby 🍾🍷. Enjoy your day X

    Day 24 – Ireland – CD

    @stitchincarol – oh I say enjoy your time with baba and time enough to get back to FDs after… such precious times 💕

    @mariaelena that’s been my Covid cold weather outfit… leggings under any jeans or trousers… particularly when hooking up with friends outside ☕️ 👍

    @froby79 – such exciting times for you! Well done for even thinking about fasting 👏

    @babs_b well done on staying around your new low… I’m trying to do the same.. 🤞

    Well done on your fast day @high5 👏

    Have a lovely Thursday everyone – Happy birthday @flourbaby 🎈

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket list Day 24 🎈

    Day 24 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Was woken up by a lot of rattling in the window this morning, hailstones! It’s still blowing quite strongly and rather cold out there, think todays walk will be dodging showers and an extra layer on. It’s been very mild this winter in relative terms, but there have been a lot of back to back storms recently. @flourbaby – being in a rural area we have a lot of overhead power lines that serve local communities. Many are remote and occasionally, when they go down require more than a small section replacing. Just a few places locally have taken 48 hrs to get back on line, so overall the power lads and lasses have done well under the circumstances.

    @stitchincarol – New alarm clock already ordered, this one we got when we first married, 41 years ago!

    @flourbaby@jaifaim@lilymartin – Fishing, I love it, I have done since I was a kid, I often try to explain that it’s not (just) about catching fish?

    I wander around some fabulous places, quiet and away from crowds. Fly rod in hand and a shoulder bag with a drink and snack. Fish a spot for a short while, wander on a bit to the next likely spot, really relaxing (I can’t sit still for long either, couldn’t manage a beach holiday at all)
    Then the wildlife, I’ve watched Ospreys stooping down for fish, kingfishers with young, come face to face with deer (that was funny, I wandered round a lake through a stand of trees came face to face with a pair of fallow deer grazing about 20 metres away. I stopped, they stopped, Mexican standoff for a good minute, I turned and quietly wandered away and they did the same in the opposite direction.) Foxes, badgers, so many different birds and then the flowers and trees, changing throughout the year. I think as much as anything it slows me down, no rush, not a great deal of thinking, when I was working I used it to go off to ‘clear my head’, sometimes I catch a trout for my supper, sometimes I don’t, it doesn’t really matter 😉

    With that, it will soon be my favourite time of year, spring! Lambs are already in the Inby fields, the days slowly getting longer. (Inby – Lakeland word, ‘a field in by the farm’)

    Take care all

    Pocket list Day 24 🎈

    Day 24 – UK – FD800

    Today will be Day 4 of B2B FD800 – I can do this – would love to end the month hitting 57kg or below 🤞

    I need to aim for a more controlled March as Jan/Feb have been feast 😈 or fasting 😇 in spurts – happy that my weight is relatively stable but need to get my mind set onto a more controlled and regular pattern of eating.

    @babs_b – well done on losing the gains from the previous weekend and being back at your new low – so now enjoy the celebrations ahead for Mr @babs_b‘s birthday with the knowledge that any gain can be dispatched swiftly
    @mariaelena – thank you for sharing the story of your wedding dress shopping experience with your mum ❤️ I lost my darling mum in September of 2014 and I still miss her just as much today
    @daffodil2010 – I would never have guessed what your favourite flower was 🤣 I saw lots of snowdrops and some crocus also in flower on a recent walk, the daffodils are fighting their way out so should see some some ☺️
    @funshipfreddie – funny how sometimes the simplest meals in a lovely setting are the best – good pizza with a seaview…….what more do you need……
    @betsylee @flourbaby – sorry to read that you were both feeling under par on Day 23 – hopefully you are both feeling better
    @flourbaby – HAPPY BIRTHDAY today – Enjoy a guilt free celebration involving lots of 🎂🥂🎁🎈
    @northgeorgia – totally with you in how we have to be careful not to overeat after a few fasting days, must be especially hard after WFD – great to hear that you are back on track
    @froby79 – enjoy all the prep leading up to your wedding – great job on keeping on weight on target with all those tastings!!
    @stitchincarol – enjoy those precious times with your the new baby and toddler – I don’t think anyone has volunteered to host March yet…..
    @lilymartin – accidental FDs are always a bonus – but hope work settles down a bit soon – I agree that walking and the fresh air is a real boost for our mental well being
    @high5 – so happy for you sticking to your FD under your current circumstances – you should definitely feel proud of yourself!
    @funshipfreddie – isn’t this WOL great – well done on getting rid of that holiday gain so fast

    Was planning on going out for a walk, but very cold out there with some wet snow falling, a bit staying on the cars but not on the roads yet…..will wait for a bit and see it there is some improvement….

    Pocket list Day 24 🎈

    I’m trying to motivate myself with my mantra this month “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 24, London UK, BD🥳🥳🥳,

    Morning all, Thanks for the B’day wishes!! Should I really be posting on a day I plan to eat copious amounts of cake, chocolate, CARBS!!! And wash it all down with vino, vino, vino??!!!🤣🤣
    Funny how we never have a failed EFS!!! Anyway, I’m rolling with it today, I made cake, I made cookies, my gifts from family were ALL bottles of red …………. What’s a birthday girl to do??!!!😜😜😜

    I hope y’all have a fantastic day whether fasting or not, I plan to NOT even think about fasting today!! Tomorrow??? I’ll be pounding the reset button with a mallet!!!😁😁

    Keep the faith folks!!

    Day 24 UK FD

    Ahh enjoy the day @flourbaby , and press reset tomorrow 🎉🎉🍷x

    Pocket list Day 24 🎈

    @stitchincarol I have a vague recollection someone has already volunteered for March ? But if not you are always the hostess with the mostess

    Day 24

    So far, the day has gone perfectly, with not a crumb passing my lips. Of course, it’s only 9am. 🤣😂🤣

    @flourbaby Happy, happy birthday! You’ve baked a cake AND cookies? Sounds like a perfect day to me!

    @brightonbelle I to have a vague memory of someone volunteering, but if they don’t speak up, I’ll be glad to do it. I tend to eat more moderately when I host, so am VERY happy to step up, lol

    Okay, this is all the chatter I can do on my phone. Tomorrow we head home so things will return to normal. Tonight? Parducci Pinot Noir with a black bean and rice Tex-Mex casserole and steamed green beans. And sugar cookies DD baked yesterday!

    Day 24 NFD UK

    Hello everyone, another exhausting day at work, lots of meetings and also teaching. I am really happy that my old habit to eat sweets after these long working days is over.. even when sweets are in front of me I am not eating them at all.. I have really learnt that if I eat one I will end up eating 15!!!

    @flourbaby Happy birthday!! Enjoy your day with cookies, cake and vino rosso!!!
    @at wow well done with 4 days of B2B. I have never tried to do it. this is a real commitment. Super well done.

    Pocket list Day 24 🎈

    USA. Day 24. FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Pocket list Day 24 🎈

    Have a great day, everyone! 😊

    Day 23- 16:8 CD
    Yesterday report
    – [x] FD 800
    – [x] Cardio

    Cock A Leekie somewhat disappointing but still a good nutritious chicken soup.

    As I start the process of transitioning from dedicated weight loss to maintenance I am making 2 major adjustments to start. My fast days will be 800 days and I’m breaking my fast at 11:00 AM for a cup serving of chicken soup to jumpstart protein intake each day. That means I must stop eating by 7pm instead of 8pm, but that is probably a more healthy window anyway.

    @stitchincarol, I thought about hosting March, but I’m gone at the end of the month, and I have some mid-month commitments, so I better wait.

    @jaifaim – the leggings underneath pants is not the best look (especially on my prominent hips, lol) but it is sure is practical, isn’t it!

    @funshipfreddie Good going saying goodbye to the holiday unwanted half kilo👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

    @high5 – thanks! I’m determined not to do any more yo-yo-ing so I don’t have to put in such hard work again. Now trying to slowly slide into a good maintenance weight. Still unsure where I should/want to land. — good going in a successful fast day while recovering- it is so difficult to not indulge when injured and I’m impressed!

    @lilymartin It sounds like the accidental fast day will come in handy, Enjoy your social weekend!

    @froby79 One of the few things I completely delegated to my husband when wedding planning was the Cake! Neither my mother or I cared much so DH had fun being the designated cake tester. 😀. Have you decided on the type you want? (Chocolate, white, red velvet… etc?)

    Still quite busy here, but happy to have some breaks to check in here and just breathe!

    Day 25, NFD, Aus

    Checking in but have no accountability. My current WOL is not the one I want to continue on. Focussing instead on getting my head in the right space to start March the right way. Glad you’ll be leading us next month, @stitchincarol, your mantra of RESOLVE will be what I need!

    Day 24 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 210 lbs. So far, looks like I’m back on track to head downwards — fingers crossed. Pattern all week looks similar to the two weeks before my weird recent sudden gain, and the low numbers match, too. March 1 may greet me with another 209 if this continues.

    Day 25 country West Australia NFD
    YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! The accidental FD happened ! Yay!!!!!😇
    Obviously I just need more 10 – 12 hour work days and the eating , or not, takes care of itself!!!😄
    @flourbaby, belated congratulations for your birthday. I hope you enjoyed it with nary a thought of restriction of any kind. I’m sure the vino Rosso was just what was needed.🍷🍷🎂🍷
    @ I hate lettuce, I love your description of your fishing adventures. They sound fab and very relaxing.
    The flora and fauna encountered – wow!😁🦌🌸
    @mariaelena the adjustments you are considering sound like a very sound plan.👏
    @froby79, well done on swerving the sweets. 😇
    That is often the problem – one bite leads to so many more……😳
    @stitchincarol, good luck with the crumbs – or lack thereof – for the rest of the day!!!🤞
    @at you are always such an inspiration 😇with your 4B2Bs
    I would like to try but my ‘ won’t power’ is sometimes on vacation somewhere far far away…..🤔
    @daffodil2010, here’s hoping for better numbers today.
    Mind you Cruella is still playing her nasty little games. Yesterday I had the best ( lower) number I have seen for a while. After a very good FD yesterday, I hopped on the scales This morning to see a 500 gm ( 1 whole pound!!! rise . )
    BUT as I have said all month it is just making me more determined. 😬😬😬
    With 4 days to go I WILL weigh less than I did on Feb 1st.
    It’s a sprint to the finish…..
    Work colleagues said yesterday that they noticed I was losing weight – SOOOOO motivating.
    @funshipfreddie, well done on banishing the holiday weight.💐
    @high5 WELL DONE on your perseverance and results. We are proud of you too.👏😇💐🌸🎈
    @babs_b, hope you really enjoy Mr bab_b’s birthday on the weekend.🍷🎂
    I know this is not a political forum – but my heart breaks for the people in the Ukraine.
    Thoughts and prayers with them all at this terrible time. 🙏🙏

    Day 25 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Weigh In: 166lbs

    Better than yesterday but effectively a gain of 0.2lb since last Friday. Our bodies sure do play tricks. So the only way to see a good 1st March number is to attempt an LFD on Monday. Cannot do a WFD but maybe, for the first time in ages, an LFD?

    Whatever, I am still happy to be here and posting. My mood is great, I feel fit and healthy, just overweight 😄

    Visiting two of DH’s paternal aunties tomorrow for the first time, another emotional day I am sure, but looking forward to meeting them and more pieces of the puzzle being clicked back into place.

    Have a super Friday X

    Day 25 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Well that was a turnup this morning, or rather a drop, weigh in day today, down 1kg this week, rather happy. Think it may be that once at home for the day, ie shopping/day out is over, I’ve been drinking a lot more water recently, yesterday was 3 litres.
    I know there is also a bit more walking (and I don’t mean just back and forwards to the bathroom) as well, but nontheless a couple of good FD’s helped.

    Six Nations Rugby weekend again this weekend, so decent walk today, then early walks over the weekend then won’t feel so bad sat watching the games in the afternoons. First walk today, park on the edge of town and in to the monthly farmers market, walking back with a rather full 😉

    Take care all

    Day 25. U.K. FDHH !!!!!

    Thank you everyone for all of the words of encouragement

    Yes it is really really difficult fasting at the moment but I’m having another go!
    Really it should be easier as both of my hands are incapacitated !!!!

    So I hope to complete the third fast day of the week today! I do not feel like the first one or the second one made any impact whatsoever so I’m not weighing myself just yet

    Happy Friday everyone

    Day 25 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Okay, changed my mind. Not fasting today. On a Friday?! What was I thinking? 🤦 But I’ll have to fast either Sat or Sun, because I’ve got a lunch date on Monday.

    @lilymartin – It’s heartbreaking, what’s going on in the Ukraine. Putin’s a madman; or maybe just pure evil. Enough said.

    Wordle drama after yesterday’s very British word! 😅

    Happy Fri-yay y’all 🍷

    Pocket List – Day 25 🥑

    Day 25 – Ireland – CD

    Oh my! so upset by what is going on in the Ukraine. Stayed up late last night watching the news and just cannot believe it. Those poor people. He is an evil mad man. What has our world come to! I can’t help but think that we might look back on this time and wonder at how naive we were. Hopefully that won’t be the case. 🙏 🇺🇦

    In the meantime reporting that I’m still at my lower end of my new low zone which is great and just hoping that I can keep it going through the weekend through FD Monday 28th. My February weigh in will be Tuesday morning 😂 desperate measures!

    @funshipfreddie I didn’t get yesterday’s wordle word… no surprise there i really don’t like it as a word.. don’t ask 🤔 I actually can’t explain 😂

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. Only a few hours of sleep due to my brain stressing out over something at work. Finally typed up something at 3:30 am to try to make it relax. Maybe got another hour of sleep and finally just got up. Ugh. Looking forward to the weekend!!

    Day 25 Melb Aust CD

    Managing mainly CDs at the moment, which is gradually pulling the weight back down. I’m still 0.5 kg up from my lower point this month, but that’s still 2 kg down for the month (so far!). I’m hopeful that the extra 0.5 kg will shake itself loose by the 28th.

    @lilymartin, @funshipfreddie, @jaifaim, agree re the Ukraine invasion. Praying, praying, praying!

    @stitchincarol, so glad you had a wonderful time with your grandkids. Time enough to reduce your food intake once home again.

    @flourbaby, hope the “damage” wasn’t too much with your celebration!

    Hope everyone’s in the swing for a final 3 days of successfully controlled eating 🙂

    Onward and downwards!

    Day 25 –16:8 CD
    Yesterday report

    – [x] 16:8 CD
    – [x] Cardio

    Busy day, cleaning has been neglected in current days due to other things taking up so much time. Catching up on that. Will definitely do my cardio, but probably will get enough movement in with the deep clean. My lazy cats think I have gone crazy 😝 and want the vacuum banned from the premises!

    Warm thoughts to all.

    Day 26 country West Australia NFD
    The good thing about my shrinking waist is that my wardrobe is expanding!!
    Finally able to get into some of my clothes without looking like a squished cushion.😄
    And I have a few more options now than I had at the start of February.
    For the first time in ages I did not weigh today ( Saturday) and record.
    So joining @high5 and @jai faim, I am waiting until Monday/Tuesday to weigh in .🤞
    I have found the accountability of posting, reading others’ posts and doing fasting 5:2 as it was meant to be done has been successful, not just on the scales but with the motivation, mindset and the reset.
    Thank goodness for the appetite reset!!!!!!
    Eating much less than previously and feeling very full.😬🙃
    @i hate lettuce , well done on the weight loss. Drinking more water is one of the ploys I am using this month too. It makes for very efficient kidneys!!😁
    @mariaelena, well done on the deep clean. I am about to do similar.
    There is something satisfying about surveying the house when it is really clean and tidy and smells fresh But Murphy’s law is that no-one visits when it is tidy. They always seem to come when it looks like it has just been turned over and burgled!!!!!😂
    @daffodil2010, really good to hear that you are feeling so well and healthy – one of the main benefits of 5:2.🙂
    @high5, I will hold your hand – or in these Covid times, link elbows – and we will waltz in to Monday together!! 👯‍♀️
    @betsylee, well done on getting rid of those 2 kgs. May they stay away forever!
    You too can waltz into Monday with us expecting Cruella to play nice. 😄
    @northgeorgia, Poor you. I hope the work issue settles itself.
    There is nothing worse than not getting enough sleep. I hope you get a better sleep tonight.😴😴
    @funshipfreddie, you have piqued my appetite re wordle.
    I did it yesterday but can’t recall the word being British ????!!!!!🤔 Preparing documents for 2 AGMs for completely different organisations with a kitchen table covered in documents AND trying to get building speccies and documents sorted means my mind has been a b it pre-occupied!
    @penz, at least you are here and posting, Accountability is a start.
    We are here to hold you hand and help you onto the wagon if/ when you need.
    It took me a few years to really seriously get back on the wagon.🤝 ( closet emoji I could find to holding hands!! )
    A big shout out to everyone on this thread who posts.💐
    It has really helped me start to get my health back on track with eating.🥦🥗
    Just have to up the exercise 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ somewhat – and I am really looking forward to March.
    I can’t remember if @stitchincarol was available to host or not?? If so great. 👏
    If not, I am happy to continue being chief cat herder as we hurtle headlong in to March – as long as you can put up with my occasional MIA. 🤪
    Have a wonderful weekend all.
    Praying for the Ukraine.🙏🙏

    Day 27 Melb Aust CD

    Scales kind this morning – only 0.2 kg off the low point I reached earlier in the month. Hoping Cruella is kind on Monday!

    Have a great weekend all!

    Day 26 U.K. NFD

    Phew, I achieved my third fast day of the week. Again, a bit of a struggle but I did achieve it
    Hopefully it was a Fd750 but as my hands are incapacitated (one in plaster, The other is in a splint) and I can’t Weigh anything I hope it didn’t slip into an OMAD!

    @lilymartin – I am so pleased to read your success story 🙂 love your description of a squished cushion… That is definitely how I am looking in my clothes right now! I am so pleased that your wardrobe is expanding whilst your body is decreasing that is brilliant news!

    Yes the plight of the poor Ukrainians is so upsetting. What a terrible time

    Day 26 UK NFD

    Good morning everyone from the sunny Norwich.
    @high5 great commitment with 3 FDs. I am doing the same and it’s hard indeed! Yesterday was definitely harder than usual. Maybe it was because the day before I also restricted the calories a bit. At the end I managed and today I feel very happy seeing the “objective” measures.
    After days without seeing much progress on the scale, finally it moved. Almost 1 kg in 10 days. Overall I have lost 5kg since January (77.4kg in Jan–>72.6Kg today). Also the body is a bit shrinking “@lilymartin”, my clothes are definitely fitting better although I still have lots of clothes I can’t fit in!!! 🙂

    Today I have guests for dinner and I will enjoy the full southern italian menu I will cook! fave beans cream as a started, spaghetti and stuffed calamari as main, and struffoli as dessert! I might also drink a glass of wine!!


    Day 26 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Amongst a world of madness, I woke up this morning and there was no wind blowing the rain against the windows, it was sunny and bright.

    All I could hear was birdsong, blackbirds chasing around the garden and robins trilling away.

    Світ з тобою, свобода завжди повертатиметься до порядних і добрих людей ….

    How fortunate we are …………

    Take care all

    Thoughts are with the people of the Ukraine …

    Day 26 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @lilymartin – I think it was Thursday’s word, ‘BLOKE’. Not a word that’s used much anymore, I don’t think? Maybe my dad’s generation. Never heard it used here in SA.

    @high5 – well done on your FD hat-trick! 💪 & @froby79 – 5 kgs gone since January?! 🥇

    Trying to stay controlled re the eating & drinking. I’ll have my last February FD tomorrow.

    Have a good weekend! ⛅️ 🌈

    Second post …..

    Sorry should’ve put the translation…

    Світ з тобою, свобода завжди повертатиметься до порядних і добрих людей ….

    Peace be with you, freedom will always return to decent and good people…

    Thinking of a friend

    Day 26 – Ireland – NFD

    Ahh a challenging day 😂 yum treats in mums…. 😬
    Hope all are well! @high5 fair play to you! 💪I hadn’t realised both hands/arms were out of action you poor poor thing!

    @stitchincarol and @lilymartin thanks for offering to host March! I am happy to host April as I do find it helps to keep myself focussed too. March is busy with some holidays 🥳
    and, less excitingly, work 🥴

    Hope you all have a lovely day.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

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