Fab Feb Fasting

This topic contains 425 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  timmothysmith01 2 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 437 total)

  • Day 11 Country West Australia NFD
    We know This WOL works ,right ?? Of course we do – we just have to actually DO it!!!🤪
    Very very happy to see a drop on the scales this morning! Yee ha ! FINALLY heading in the right direction.
    @i hate Lettuce, yes earthquake is probably more apt. My scales have almost made me dizzy with their yo yo-ing this week. But very happy atm !! I bet the trout tasted delish. Nothing better than fresh fish.😋
    @froby79 congrats on the promotion . Work Psychology sounds a fascinating field to be in.🙂
    @daffodil2010, I think it is the motivation of others’ successes and the daily posting and accountability that are helping my resolve this month too. It all helps. Well done on swelling the shops and the willpower. 👏😇
    @funshipfreddie, thanks for the resolve. Knowing others are fasting certainly helps my resolve – and I had a very good FD yesterday 😇and Cruella de scales rewarded me this morning!😁
    @flourbaby, good news about your mother not being so badly affected.
    WA is just starting to get more cases of COVID but after 2 years of being shut off from the rest of Australia and the world it has hopefully bought us enough time for most of the population to be double/ triple vaxxed.

    Day 11 AUS FD

    Well the scales still aren’t cooperating here, but I’m determined to stick it out. I’m gaining so much inspiration and motivation from all of you! Yay for Friday’s, and tbe weekend ahead.

    Day 11 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD and TGIF

    Weigh in; 164.2
    So that’s two pounds down from last Friday and nearly 6lbs down since start of January. My DH is down 4lbs too…I didn’t realise it but he has been intermittent fasting during the day, he will have breakfast then nothing for 12 hours until dinner.

    I could not do that. That’s why ZBC works for me, but not for him….he says it’s a throwback to his days being a continental truck driver…if he had lunch or a big meal during the driving hours it would make him drowsy, so he just didn’t eat until he had parked up for the night.

    Cold morning, frosty, but gorgeous out there.

    Long Lost Family update ……My DH’s birth father (who has passed and who he never met), it’s his 32nd anniversary today. DH is going to the grave this morning with flowers and a card from him and his half sister in NZ. So sweet of him.

    Then tomorrow his birth Mum, plus his other half sister and brother are arriving over for a week…so there wil be dinner out tomorrow night, but then as I must work all next week I will be able to dial back on al the “visiting” and just let them all get on with it together 😍

    Have a good weekend all. I will aim to pop in for accountability. I certainly plan wine and a Katsu chicken curry tonight so hope the scales won’t be too cruel.

    Day 11 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Another successful FD & a 9 hour sleep! Great to see so many others on the pocket list! 🤝

    @mariaelena – congratulations! 🎉 🥇

    Happy Fri-yay y’all! 🍷

    Pocket List – Day 11 🥕

    Day 11 U.K. FD

    I WILL fast today!!!

    More later! Just wanted to make the commitment …

    Day 11 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    What a glorious sunny morning, the sky was clear overnight, the downside, very frosty, but the Aurora borealis was visible last night, a few photos on the village web-page this morning!

    Scales, this morning my weekly weigh in, only 2 lbs to go and back down to where I was pre cruise, so not much damage done with all the overindulgence over those 16 nights. Think all those visits to the hydrotherapy suite and steam room helped, plus the couple of hours on the dancefloor every night … and the long walks ashore! Almost healthy 😉

    @at – Trout, easy, sprinkle of lemon juice in the cavity, wrapped in foil, immersed in strongly simmering water for 15 minutes, done! Half eaten off the bone hot at lunchtime, the other half cooked in an omelette for evening meal. Easy and healthy FD.

    @mariaelena …. Result, happy days 🙂

    Rugby weekend … Six Nations, happy times!

    Take care all ….. beware the weekend wine.

    Day 11 – UK – NFD
    Good day from the sunny Norwich. Very nice surprise on the scale. -0.7 kg from last week (total of 4kg since the beginning of this journey in January).

    Yesterday I had food only in the evening after almost 24h since the last meal.. it was not easy at lunch time but after the painful 1h I felt absolutely normal. Any pros or cons on this approach? I’ll try again next time and see the sustainability of the approach!
    It’s nice to try different approaches to fasting to see what works best for me

    Hugs and kisses 🙂

    Day 11 – UK – FD800

    What a lovely bright, frosty morning it was this morning. I had a bit more of a spring in my step after hopping on the scales and seeing I’ve lost that extra 1lb I’d put on after the NFD on Weds plus a bit more and I am now only 0.25lb away from getting under the next stone bracket!

    DH is out tonight, so I’ll be cooking a F800 recipe for myself (I think I’ll be going for pesto lentils). My big jeans are now definitely too big for me – I’m having to pull them up after walking more than 10 steps. They were already a size larger than my normal size, I bought them when my other jeans were getting too uncomfortable but they were quite generous in sizing. Now I’ve lost a good inch from my waist & hips they’re definitely loose.

    SO, all in all, it’s a good result. I can’t wait to get under that stone bracket, it’s such a mental milestone and has been for years now!

    @mariaelena thank you and huge congratulations to you!!
    @froby79 I know that @stitchincarol and @emma-taylor have had really good results on eating One meal a day. I don’t go quite as long as you did but I never eat breakfast and try to stick only to soup (less than 150cals) at lunch time so my only full meal is in the evening. I definitely found it easier to stick to by doing that.
    @i-hate-lettuce – those 2lbs will be off in no time. I’m looking forward to the six nations this weekend 👍
    @high5 – I’m putting you on the pocket list with me!!

    Have a great Friday

    Pocket List day 11 🌼

    Day 11 – 2nd post

    The ACTUAL pocket list is here! (D’oh! Didn’t see @funshipfreddie‘s post above – apologies!)

    Pocket List – Day 11 🥕

    Day 11 – USA/GA – NFD

    Well, thank you, thank you! In today’s mysteries of the weird body, I’ve managed to gain 7 lbs in a single day (weigh-in: 217 lbs). I had a Chamber meeting breakfast, then an invitation to lunch at a Japanese restaurant, and for supper, I ate my 2 cups of lunch leftovers from the Japanese place and two baked chicken steamed tacos from Tuesday. Some sugar snuck back in due to Valentine’s Day proximity, but probably only the equivalent of a candy bar all day long, which is more than I usually eat these days… No, I think it must be the fault of that John Candy movie I watched last night haha! I did wake up earlier than normal yesterday and went to bed later than normal; then all the extra salt (and certainly sugar in the noodle sauce) in restaurant food, combined with the carbs. It was all a bad combination that hit with a vengeance.

    I guess the bright side is that this should be my highest weigh-in period of the month, and even eating normally, I ought not to gain more than 217 until my next FD on Sunday. My goodness. I don’t know if I have ever had a 7 lb gain in a single day before LOL

    Oh, ridiculous body.

    Good luck to the pocket-listers.

    Day 11-USA-VA 800 day

    It is so helpful to me to see everyone pulling together to try to get each other “over the line” on this site!
    Today I expected to see no progress, but am actually down a pound from last week, total 3.5 pounds from start in January. So slowwwww but going the right way. I really do have to avoid breads, which I love; I avoid sweets, too, but that is not as hard for me.
    Stay focused, everyone!

    second post.
    Just trying to get a bit cool after a 42ºC. It has been HOT!!🥵🥵
    Today has morphed into an accidental FD.
    So hot that I ate very little for breakfast. Medium salad for lunch and my wonderful DH said that since we had been inside most of the afternoon – fire and movement of vehicle ban so couldn’t really do much – he wasn’t hungry and if I wanted to fast then he would too.
    We’ll have a cup of tea in a while and that will be it. Woo Hoo !!
    And if Cruella de Scales is up tomorrow ( weekly weigh in day) for once I don’t actually care as my clothes are already less snug around the waist and I just feel generally better.🤩
    @penz, look forward to seeing you on Monday. Enjoy your weekend.
    @songbirdme I hope you and your DH enjoyed the cake and his birthday.🎂
    @mariaelena, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Great effort.😇
    @bab_b and Mr Babs, great results. I love reading posts like that. It is very motivating this month.
    @at sounds as if your reset button should be well and truly reset with FDs, exercise etc.
    @brightonbelle, @northgeorgia and @betsylee, Cruella de scales is so-named for a reason. 😡
    As mentioned during the month, the scales get more exercise than I do bouncing up and down with strange variations from day to day!
    Off for that cuppa.
    See you on the flip side – well tomorrow. 😅

    @jaifaim, so glad you enjoyed your break.
    @ccco, hang in there. The boat will eventually be lighter!!
    @stitchincarol. WF and music… interesting combo !! But being busy certainly helps when fasting. And you gotta do what you gotta do re posting, reading, etc.🙂

    Second post

    @lilymartin – I second that! Such a great way of life but you do actually have to do the fasting piece as well… And I am only on my second fast this year! 😱

    @babs_b – thank you for thinking of me and putting me on the pocket list… I did have a mini wobble at about 1245, but I had a miso soup and a coffee and I am on the straight and narrow now!

    I must admit I have really really struggled with lunchtimes this year.

    It is weird because although I am now doing ZBC every single day of my life(and that is really helping to control my weight) it is not making fasting any easier.

    In fact it is making fasting more difficult because my body has got so used to having lunch (i.e. breaking my fast at lunchtime) whereas before if I could get over the breakfast Hump, then I would sail through the rest of the day!!!

    Also what is making it difficult for me is that I am working until 7:30 pm and I would like to break my fast at 6 pm!

    Luckily today it is Friday and I can definitely break my fast at 6 pm! Psychologically this makes a huge difference to me at lunchtime, as I know that I only have to wait another 4 1/2 hours before I can have something to eat!

    I must admit I feel a little bit of a sissy by comparison to everybody else! I see everyone else doing amazing water fasts and all I can manage is a FD700 (and even that is limited by the fact that I need to eat at 6pm!!)

    What else is weird is that I am really quite an experienced faster and yet I am encountering so many struggles at the moment, both psychological and physical!

    Anyway today I am really in the zone, so that is great news!

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Whew, I’m back! Those were some crazy-busy days that were worse than usual. I had an appointment with an allergist on Tuesday morning (no dramatic allergies, but the inhaler he prescribed is helping) and a meeting to lead on Wednesday and I overslept on Thursday…it’s good to get to stay home today! My WF yesterday was tough and I didn’t quite make it because I had to chew some gum to persuade myself to keep going. I always wonder how much that breaks the benefits of fasting. I’ve done some research, and the sugar in gum (even if it’s sugarless) does break the fast…but by how much? There are no hard details I’ve ever found. Anyone know more than I do? Tonight, I’m doing a sous vide pork loin with a Korean barbecue flavor profile, along with broccoli salad and baked sweet potatoes and there will be wine with that!

    @rootforyou Welcome! Many of us have found the singular most effective tool to staying on a losing track–or at least, not to start regaining–is to check in every day to post; I hope you find this group as helpful and wonderful as I have! I restarted my own journey on 2-26-20. It was wonderful to be focused on weight loss during the pandemic so that I didn’t gain the weight many did. My goal was to lose about thirty pounds by that Christmas. I still haven’t reached that goal, and I’ve adjusted my goal even lower. So do I feel overwhelmed? Sometimes, for certain! On the other hand, I’m twenty-plus pounds lighter, I’m not going back up, and I’m still making the effort, so I figure that’s a win, and I know I WILL reach my goals eventually, even if several years later than planned. As to exercise, I’m right there with you. It feels like a colossal waste of time to me (even though I KNOW it’s not) and I struggle to make time.

    @flourbaby Awww, I’m so sorry you and your mom both had covid, and so thankful neither of you had severe cases!

    @northgeorgia How joyful to have reached that milestone weight this week!

    @mariaelena I did sew for myself quite a bit, but mostly dresses and skirts; pants are notoriously tough to fit nicely. Once in a while–back in the days of 112 lbs when the waist was 23.5 inches–I’d find jeans that fit, but I’ve never had more than 2 or 3 pairs at a time because then I couldn’t afford more than a single new pair and now I don’t wear them enough to need them. I do have slacks that fit decently now, but I’ve always preferred dresses because they’re easier to fit, and they hide my thick thighs. Even back at 112 lbs, my thighs measured 22″…it’s the way I’m built, and even being skinny does not give me thin thighs. 🤷‍♀️

    @lilymartin Awww, that darned Cruella!!!

    @daffodil2010 What a lovely weigh-in you had yesterday!

    @brightonbelle I too was stopped in my tracks by @flourbaby ‘s quote; it’s a terrific one!

    @mariaelena CONGRATULATIONS! Below 25BMI is such a lovely feeling and such a tremendous health benefit!

    @froby79 Since I know you have very little to do and spend most days twiddling your thumbs, trying to think of things to do so you’re not bored (🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂) let me suggest you read Dr. Jason Fung’s “The Obesity Code.” It was a game changer for me last fall, also helpful for @northgeorgia, and has been read by many on this forum. It will answer your questions (but the short answer is, yes, a fast as you described is VERY helpful to weight loss and to health, both) and motivate you in a tremendous way, and it’s actually easy and fascinating to read.

    @northgeorgia LOL, yup, that’s a big single-day-gain! I think, in fact, that it’s so impressive you deserve an award, so here you go: 🥇 At least you know it will go away as quickly as you snuck up on you!

    @excelsior12309 Congratulations on another pound down!!!!

    @songbirdme Happy birthday to your DH!!!

    @high5 NO COMPARISONS ALLOWED, LADY!!!!!!!!! We each do what we can, and that’s reason to celebrate, so stop the feeling of being a sissy; each of our bodies is made the way it’s made, and you can’t scold yourself when your body is made to be what it is. You can, however, find workarounds, and you are, so celebrate that!!! 😍🤝 There: do you feel scolded and loved all at once?

    I’m terrified to see how long this post is…I had LOTS of things to read and even though I tried not to chatter too much, I know it’s long, LOL. Sorry!

    second post

    I just wanted to get that thing done, but here’s the rest of what I’m thinking about:

    Sunday is the Super Bowl, and we’re going over to some friends’ to gather with other friends, so there WILL be food and an over-abundance of it. I’m taking a cucumber-stuffed-with-smoked-salmon thing so there will be at least one low-carb yummy to enjoy.

    Monday is Valentine’s Day and this year DH and I are going out, so it won’t be anything resembling my usual FD.

    Tuesday is supposed to be a WFD but I’m meeting up with some girlfriends when I’m done teaching piano, and there will be soup, salad, bread, and wine.


    So much for the progress I’m making, because I’m in VERY short supply of will-power and self-control.

    My plan is to be somewhat reasonable on Sunday, not worry in the least about Monday because we rarely go out for such a special dinner, and maybe…maybe…maybe tell the gals I’m WF and simply have water while they eat. Can I do that?? Dunno. But I’m thinking I’ll work myself up to it. And that I’ll do a FD tomorrow (Saturday) to help compensate for the abundance of calories on Sunday and Monday.

    Yeah, it’s life, and I need to just shrug, but I have so MUCH life, LOL!

    Okay, there’s my sad story for you all.

    Have a grand one, and, as @flourbaby said:

    Although I’m aiming for perfection, I have to remember ………………………..

    “Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day in and day out.”
    —Robert Collier

    Day 11, London, UK, NFD,

    Trying to control this NFD, but as y’all know, it’s actually the most difficult part of this WOL!!! So It’ll be no surprise when I say ……………….”I despise NFDs”!!!😡😡😡 There, I said it!!! I suppose I went 40+ years with ALL NFDs which led my thighs to where they are now😲😲, so no wonder I DESPISE NFDs!!!!

    I need to take a few deep breaths and not weep into my stir-fry as the fat fairy 😈whispers in my ear ………………. “But you lurve food, don’t you?” Uurgh, I thought I had got rid of ‘Her’!!!!

    Congrats @mariaelena &, despite the blip (that’s ALL water), @northgeorgia, you guys have definitely ‘Got This’!!!!

    @high5, TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!! As experienced fasters you think this would be a doddle!!!🤷🏽‍♀️ But, NO, it appears to be more difficult than when I first started!!!😢 I think this is an actual ‘THING’ as I know that if I started smoking again, giving up 2nd time around would be 10x harder, I always said I would never completely stop fasting as the restart might just prove too, too difficult!!!!!😱😱

    Stay strong everyone, I’m certainly resolved to be a ‘lifer’ and why wouldn’t I be, when this is my WOL!!!!

    @stitchincarol, I’m glad you’re enjoying the quotes, I keep them in mind for the day during those ‘trying’ times, like when I’m walking past my favourite bakery!!! So here’s another of my fave’s ……………….enjoy

    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis

    Day 6 – SW UK – FD

    Hi all – been very busy with work and some family stresses but just checking in!

    Have been sticking to things pretty well and seem to be down 2.5lbs which is heartening. Although I’m not sure if I trust my scales!

    Have been going for 500-800 cals every day as a jump start, but on Wednesday converted to a controlled NFD because I ended up at the pub! No regrets.

    I am in an extremely busy time at work atm and so bought some AllPlants vegan meals for the freezer which I think I recommend. Not the best things I’ve ever eaten but nice enough and some of them are really low calories (eg 250) without feeling like it so good for fast days when you’re out of energy. Most of the time I’m on proper food and veg I promise!
    Hope you’re all keeping well, great to see your inspiring posts.

    Day 11 – 16:8 CD
    Yesterday report
    – [x] 16:8 CD
    – [x] Cardio
    – [ ] Weights
    Yeah. I didn’t do weights yesterday- the day’s chores snuck up on me and I felt under the weather last night so I chose an early bedtime. I feel better today, so I think that was the right choice.

    So many thanks for the shared congrats and rejoicing on my ‘healthy BMI milestone. It was indeed a big one for me. Now I’m deciding what weight to have as my maintenance mid-point, and have a tentative idea 137 lb +/- 3 is a good place. I’ll reassess at that goal. Now that the healthy weight box is ticked I am not really sure where it will be best to maintain.

    The weather is so beautiful today that I took my phone and a speaker outside and did my hula hoop exercise out there. I’m trying to practice walking while hooping, and need more space than my home allows. The random shuffle music picked Michael Jackson’s Thriller and that was perfect to practice to, because my hula hoop walk IS more of a zombie shuffle like they did in that music video 😂 than the way actual human beings walk.

    @stitchincarol I have those thighs too! In the cruel way brothers can have my older brother called me thunder thighs, actually. I have only lately in life learned how to dress and what to wear to try to minimize them. I find dresses difficult, even if if the waist is the correct width or elastic gathered, it rarely sits at my actual waist, often inches lower. Skirts, tho, these are my friends!

    @stitchincarol Oh, MY! Monday is Valentines Day! That will impact my fasting days next week as DH and I have a date. I’m not a fan of sports, so do not have to worry about Super Bowl snacking – it will be a regular old Sunday for us. But Valentines Day, yup that impacts me. 🤔 must come up with plan.

    @lilymartin “Cruella di scales” Indeed! 😂 I love it!

    Oh, I really wanted to take time to reply to so many of you, but just got a text from my brother asking me to give my Papa a call. When he makes requests like that, I know to be prepared to be on the phone for hours. 😀 so I had best run.

    Happy thoughts to all!

    Day 12 country West Australia NFD
    Cruella de Scales was playing silly buggers this morning and after a very low FD yesterday – about 300 calories – the reward was only 200gms down.
    BUT it was down AND ….. drum roll…… I have lost 2 cms around my waist !!!!!😇😇
    So I am very motivated to ramp it up for the next week. 😁
    As extra motivation, Im look like a shaggy dog atm and desperately need a haircut.
    I have decided I will treat myself to a haircut when I lose another kg. 🤞
    My DH (He is 6′ and thin as a whippet and weighs 17kgs LESS than me …….😢)
    mentioned that it was funny that after not eating for a while he didn’t feel hungry .

    I told him that that is why it can be difficult to miss the first meal but then can be easier to miss the next few meals. I think it is due to the leptin and Ghrelin . Then found this explanation for him :

    “Ghrelin is released by your stomach when it is empty, signalling your brain that it is time to eat. Ghrelin is fast-acting and should decrease dramatically when you are full.
    It is at its highest right before you eat, and its lowest about an hour after a meal.

    Leptin, on the other hand, means “thin” in Greek, and lets you know when it is time to stop eating. It is a hormone released by your fat cells that tells your brain when your body has had enough fuel and can start burning fat to create energy. It is a longer-term energy balancing hormone and is thought to be the more significant hormone out of the two in terms of appetite, energy production, weight gain and weight loss.

    “In a perfectly working body, ghrelin tells us to eat so we don’t die of starvation, and leptin tells us when to stop,” says Dr. Michelle Sands, hormone, metabolism and epigenetics expert, and author of Hormone Harmony over 35. Unfortunately, hormones aren’t always in such perfect balance. Obesity, genetic predispositions or health conditions, diet, sleep and lifestyle can throw our hunger and satiety out of whack, as well as compromise how efficiently our hunger hormones function. The good news is, there are many modifications you can make to get your leptin and ghrelin levels back to where you’d like them to be.

    What Is Leptin?

    Leptin is a hormone that lets you know when you’ve had enough food. It decreases your appetite, and signals your body that it is OK to start burning fat for energy. It is released by fat cells into your blood stream to let the hypothalamus, a part of your brain, know your body has enough energy stores in the form of body fat, and that you don’t need to eat anymore and can start making energy out of stored food.

    “Leptin is a bigger player than ghrelin when it comes to weight gain and energy balance,” Dr. Sands says. “It’s closely tied to your thyroid and brain.
    When leptin is working well, we have a better metabolic rate, mood regulation, memory, brain function, mental sharpness.
    When it’s not, it can play a role in obesity, mood swings, and brain fog.
    A lot of symptoms we attribute to low thyroid can also be leptin resistance.”

    Unfortunately my Leptin seems to have moved to another continent for the past few years!!😲😳😬
    @high5, I think that sometimes the body adapts to our WOL whether with eating or exercise.
    I know with the class I take I often have to change it up completely and do very different exercises as a change otherwise the women stop making progress. Someone else might have a better explanation.
    @stitchincarol I have NEVER been able to do complete WFs.
    I always, as in ALWAYS, end up with a terrible migraine that pole-axes me for days so now accept the fact that hypoglycaemia and I are not compatible and just keep FDs as low as I can.
    Lettuce, eggs, tomatoes, cucumber, celery, hot Vegemite drink, miso soup etc. Lots of lovely low-cal foods and drinks available.🥦🍎🍅🥬
    @flourbaby, yes it was always the NFDs that did me in. I find that I have to be far more vigilant on NFD. The FD kind of take care of themselves.
    Also I use MFP far more than I would like to.
    But it does keep me on track and remind me that those pesky little calories hide themselves in the most unlikely of places and jump out to surprise you just when you think you are doing OK. Portion control is also key.
    1/4 cup of cereal ?? 1/2 cup of pasta???? Who knew? I was consuming about 3 times my daily TDEE at times cheerfully unaware of the self sabotage and all the while thinking I was ‘ eating mindfully and well’ !!!!😳
    I think I am going to invent a calorie swatter ( like a fly swat) to just bat them away before they become problematic.😛
    Off to town for the weekly hop.
    Hopefully I can swerve the chocolate aisle…. and the fresh bread……. and the chips. ( crisps) ….and the bottle shop….🤞🤞🤞
    @flourbaby, love the quote from C Lewis.
    Need to apply that to my life generally!!🙃
    Enjoy the weekend and remember – life happens.
    BTW @ I hate Lettuce, was it you who told me about the Wordle site ??????
    Very very VERY bad. Now I am not just addicted to food but that game as well…😳😲😲😳😛

    Day 12 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @stitchincarol – not sure about sugar-free gum & fasting, but I think if it helps you get through a FD then just go for it. This was from the healthline.com site “Most types of gum have calories. However, while chewing multiple sticks of sugary gum may break your fast, chewing a stick or two of sugar-free gum is unlikely to have a significant impact.”

    @lilymartin – it was @songbirdme! We all have @songbirdme to blame for inflicting Wordle on us 😅

    I’m away next week, & I doubt there’ll be much fasting going on. I’m going to squeeze in a FD tomorrow, as I’ll be travelling for much of the afternoon anyway. I still need to break it to Boo Boo that she’s off to the Cat’s Whiskers later today 😱

    Wishing everyone a happy weekend ⛅️ 🌈

    Day 12 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Weigh in: 164
    Despite a delicious Katsu curry and red wine I am down another 0.2lbs this morning. Yay.

    Terrible rainy morning. Myself and DH will do a Leslie walk now, then there will be breakfast (I like weekend cooked breakfasts), a few chores to do, then we are out to dinner tonight with DH’s family over from the UK, and then not sure how the next few days will go.

    As I will be in work however I can be mindful during the day and lightly sociable in the evening albeit early night as work the next day……that’s my plan and hoping that next week will be under the 164 mark.

    Have a great day.

    Day 12 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    @lilymartin – Not guilty… (this time) 😉

    Had a quick session out on one of the lakes yesterday, very cold and still, but beautiful. Back home for a light lunch and a lazy afternoon.
    6 Nations rugby weekend, saw last weeks games but was a struggle to focus, had just been delivered home from holiday! So going to enjoy this weekends games.

    The 6 Nations was started as the 4 UK teams, then became 6 as France and Italy joined. Looking to extend this in future years to go to 8 including South Africa and Japan, extra games covering a longer period.

    Take care all.

    Day 12, London, UK, NFD,

    Another minefield to navigate today.😫I guess I just need to pull up my big girl pants & get on with it, not panic and not stress too much, I’ll have to strengthen my NFD muscle so I’m not petrified of facing food choices. Now I live with my mum, the cupboards are a carb lovers dream and I could never deny her a biscuit or crumpet or cake, but it does make my life that wee bit harder than before!!

    I too have succumbed to the Wordle addiction, it’s getting competitive with my friends to see who does it in less attempts!!!😍 I think @songbirdme & @funshipfreddie (despite passing the buck, I remember!!) have a lot to answer for …………………. Or a big thanks, since I really love it!!🤓🤓 Although there was an American spelling the other day that threw me for quite a while!!!! Honor – Honour

    I hope this weekend confirms my position back on the wagon, I need this to become automatic and to love that empty fasted feeling as much as I used to!!🤞🏽🤞🏽

    Stay strong folks, we can & we will!!!

    “Be present in all things and thankful for all things.” Maya Angelou

    Day 12 UK NFD

    Yes @flourbaby I’m pulling up those big girl pants Rugby and dinner out at friends to navigate today – just have to aim to be “sensible “ I’m also hooked on wordle – just the one a day though , took me ages today , it all depends on your first choice I think

    Anyway have a great weekend all , will try to be a bit more present next week , nearly finished on the decorating- pulled up a stair carpet for the first ( and last time ) not a pleasant job

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Yesterday flew right on past the CD goal into who-knows-where, but I’m determined to do better today. In my eternal quest to reclaim the behavior that kept me at 132 for years, even while birthing babies, I continue to think over what exactly was different then, and I realized yesterday that the snacking I do–I like to call it “appetizers”–while I’m cooking supper would absolutely never have happened when my three kids were little. I was really good about training them when was and when was not appropriate to eat, and an hour before supper? “Oh, no, you’ll spoil your supper!” Plus, I’m sure I’m eating way, way, way too much, so it’s time to return to MFP.

    @rootforyou Sounds like you’re living the plan exactly right, and having freezer meals on hand when you just can’t cook is perfect. You might want to change your header to reflect the day of the month when you post, rather than how many days you’ve been started; you’re welcome, however to put your personal day in your post! (This really is helpful, because many of us have gone back to old posts, and if you’re looking for a post by date, you’ll more easily find it.)

    Wow, @lilymartin, what an impressive change on your waist!!! Well done! And I’m with you on my leptin no longer living with me…too bad we can’t just buy a bottle of leptin and take one three times a day!

    @funshipfreddie Thanks for that. Did you notice, as I did, that it “may” break your fast? And this is a site that says sugarless is less likely, but other things I’ve read say sugar is sugar, whatever version you’re consuming, and they’re all evil. Well, maybe not quite that, LOL, but to that effect. I think you’re right, however, that if that’s what it takes to get through the fast, it’s a reasonable option.

    @daffodil2010 Have a grand time with your inlaws! Have you begun calling them that yet? 😍

    @flourbaby “I need this to become automatic and to love that empty fasted feeling as much as I used to!!” I sooo look forward to WF days because I know how good I’ll feel. So why can’t I show the same attitude and resolve to the weekends? Because, at this point, I know how BAD I’ll feel. Our brains are truly the most stubborn and independent element of this lifestyle!

    @brightonbelle I bet you just adore the improvements you’ve been making, and I too am aiming to be “sensible” today!

    I have a zoom meeting this morning, so better get a move on so I’m ready in time.

    And the quote I’m hanging on to: Although I’m aiming for perfection, I have to remember ………………………..

    “Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day in and day out.”
    —Robert Collier

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Odd body continues doing its thing this weekend — I ignore it. I woke up at 218 lbs this morning, and after three hours of shopping and ZBC, it’s down to 216. Excessive water, I’m sure. I had lots of leftovers the last two days that were from all week long. I should have frozen a couple of helpings of homemade stuff from last weekend. But I ate it, along with leftover dinners and lunches from restaurants throughout the week (more dining out than normal). So, the portions were a bit larger than normal, but I think the big thing was the excessive amounts of sodium and who knows what else in the restaurant take-homes. I’ll just be patient. I’m actually not too far off my regular weekend weigh-in anyway, so all will be well. And tomorrow’s another FD!

    Take care.

    Day 12 – Ireland – NFD

    Hi all, well I have had a read through on posts and there is such a positive vibe here! 🔥
    I was as controlled as I could be when I was away but did allow myself to have delicious meals. Particularly a delicious UK curry 😋 & some alcohol even though I am mainly on the dry except special occasions but I’m amazed that since I’ve got back I’ve dropped back to where I was before I left.

    I’m definitely on a downward trend now and hoping that it continues 🤞.

    Another weekend of sport here both Irish and international (bien fait la France 🇫🇷) which is great as the weather is rubbish. A good early walk and quick swim (it’s cold 😂)and then sat down to enjoy the sport with mum. She has lost interest in most things now and is tired much of the time… but sport is great to watch with her.
    @flourbaby I’m not living with mum but am here more than ever and completely understand the carb fuelled cupboard issue. 😠😂 I generally allow myself a few bits and pieces when I’m here but for some reason I have resolve this weekend which I’m amazed about. Oh I hope this will last 🙏

    @daffodil2010, it’s incredible how much has changed for you in the past few months having all of this extended family. Just amazing and fantastic that you have more in-laws now and more dates to celebrate.

    @lilymartin that really interesting info on ghrelin and leptin… I’m hearing a lot about both at the moment but your explanation made it much clearer. Like you, I can safely say these were not firing correctly for me for most of my life…I feel maybe now they are or maybe being more aware of what they do might help 🤞

    I’m another Wordle lover… was very stuck today… but got it in the end! 😥

    Hi to everyone else… I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 13 NFD country west Australia

    Since I am contributing morning tea for church this morning 😇I am not even going to attempt a FD BUT I do plan to be controlled. ( Well I’ll try….)
    Taking egg sandwiches, tomato sandwiches, chicken sandwiches, Tim Tams and a plain cake with orange icing …..🤞
    Reverting back to offering the food around. It is much more difficult to eat when you have a plate in both hands😁
    Good luck to everyone. Hope you are enjoying the weekend no matter where you are on the journey.

    Day 13 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @flourbaby – the American ‘HONOR’ almost stumped me too last week. Although I should be used to those spellings, after spending 8 months on the Carnival Splendor & frequently spotting the Carnival Valor in various ports.

    Off to Port Elizabeth today! ✈️ Which was officially renamed ‘Gqeberha’ about a year ago. Most people still call it ‘P.E.’ though, & if you watch this very brief yet amusing YouTube tutorial on how to pronounce Gqeberha, you’ll understand why 🤦‍♂️

    Pocket List – Day 13 🍄

    Day 13 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Wet and gloomy outdoors this morning, so staying indoors where the sun will be shining, holiday planning 😉

    Some good rugby yesterday, another game this afternoon!

    Take care all

    Day 13 – UK – FD800

    @funshipfreddie @flourbaby – I’m another ‘Wordler’ (is that a thing?) and the American spellings have thrown me too! ‘Humor’ the other day was particularly ironic as I managed to get it after 5 frustrating, prior attempts!

    Yesterday ended up as a NFD, lack of sleep on Friday night contributed to that somewhat! Back on a FD800 again today and am definitely going to go for a 3rd week on this pattern.

    Going to finish my black coffee and get out the door for a decent walk before the rain hits us here. I’m very much in the ‘no such thing as bad weather, just poorly chosen clothing’ camp but still, I’d rather walk without having to have a hood up the entire way.

    Have a lovely Sunday!

    Pocket List – Day 13 🍄

    Day 13 – Ireland – NFD

    Have a good Sunday everyone!

    We are nearly half way through the month 💪

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 13 UK NFD

    Lazy day today , will be on the list tomorrow and ready to smash the 2nd half of the month 💪

    Day 13 UK FD
    Good day everyone..
    I’m fasting today to enjoy an amazing Indian dinner tomorrow night… Tomorrow will be 2 years from the day I proposed to my future husband 🙂 can’t wait!!

    This morning gym but now lazy afternoon watching TV.. I’m aiming to eat only tonight.. let’s see if I will manage!

    Pocket List – Day 13 🍄

    Day 13 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. Time to end this insanity and get back to the low 210s/upper 200s again. I completely lost the plot from lunch to dusk yesterday, snacking on whatever I want, whenever I wanted. It’s the heaviest I’ve weighed all month long, and there was no major holiday or gathering involved. I won’t berate myself over this, but here are a few things in reflection I should think about going forward:

    1. Water. I need to increase intake. I am avoiding soft drinks most days, but are opting for them more at restaurants. At home, no issue at all — they are not in the house, but I decided Gatorade is OK (and it is great for re-hydration after illness, but NOT as a NFD drink of choice). I have to stop the sneakiness.

    2. Snacking chaos. It may be the season for it, but it is horrible, according to Fung et al., to graze all day long when you’re trying to lose weight. Insulin resistance and all that. I need to move the healthier cravings to be part of mealtime.

    3. Magically disappearing carbs with extra salt and calories. The excessive amounts of restaurant leftovers, though just a little portion here and a little portion there, probably contain two or three times the number of calories I imagined, and they definitely have more salt than a home-cooked meal. However, when I think about all the meals this weekend, there were some major carbohydrate components: rice, tortillas, pizza dough, noodles, sugary sauces, potatoes, and hamburger buns. If these were minor components of a larger, healthier meal, I don’t think the effect would be so pronounced. But I now think of refined carbohydrates as components that quickly enter your bloodstream, get pulled out of it and stored away, and then leave you feeling hungry (if not hungrier) a few hours later. The more refined carbohydrates in a meal, the more calories you’re going to want to eat later on.

    I already know all of these things, but an overindulgence on restaurant food in a week can easily cause disaster. Thankfully, this all was caught in a single NFD weekend stretch, and it is easily fixed. There was only a slight bump upwards, but actions can form habits, so I want to be sure I train myself into the right kind of habits!

    So, here I am at the reset button. Two WFDs back to back, starting with today, and another FD later in the week.

    Pocket List – Day 13 🍄

    Day 14, NFD, Aus

    We’re going out for dinner so no FD for me!

    I have become a Wordle fan too – thanks to whomever first mentioned it on this site. I thought of @mariaelena and her family when I entered the word CRUEL – I had all 5 letters correct and I admit it took me a little while to re-arrange to ULCER. The American spelling throws me too.

    Day 14, London UK, FD 💘

    Valentines day, but feeling a bit Meh! I can take it or leave it since received a house plant & bottle of Chenin Blanc one year😱………………. Even you guys know it’s vino ROSSO in my veins😡, same ex once gave me a Steven King book for my birthday ……………………. The 3rd of a trilogy & I hadn’t read parts 1 nor 2!!!😒😒 Thoughtful …………NOT!!! Anyway, it’s just another day, but I must ask the expert, (@funshipfreddie) but does a month have a hump day, if, so, is today it??

    Musings over, today WILL be a FD, the run of weekend NFDs are proving tricky to say the least, @jaifaim, keeping mum happy is EVERYTHING these days, so if, at 55kg, she can plough through 2 or 3 packs of biccies a week plus crackers & cheese, daily porridge, soup with buttered bread plus a hearty dinner, I’m all for it!!! Is it possible that being in close proximity means she’s eating a carb mountain and the weight is finding it’s way onto my thighs????😁 What kind of evil magic or wizardry is this????😱🤣🤣

    @northgeorgia, to paraphrase Robert Collier, I suppose ……………………….
    …….“weight gain is the sum of small portions — repeated day in and day out.” – Flourbaby …….
    You know what to do, as we all do, it’s just DOING it that seems tricky, sometimes I catch myself nibbling & have to have a word with myself – “Did you forget what you’re doing, are you mindlessly grazing, is that your OMAD????”😧😧😧

    Must dash, I can hear my mum pottering downstairs …………………. No doubt searching for the custard creams!!!🤣🤣🤣

    Keep the faith folks, Onwards & Downward!!!

    “If something isn’t blatantly impossible, then there must be a way of doing it.” Nicky Winton

    Day 14 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Weigh in: 165.8

    Up 1.8 since Saturday morning but pleased with that, all water weight I hope.

    The in-laws are staying with us,(yes @jaifaim it’s kind of natural to say that now, and I love DH’s Mum and sister, we have lots in common ☺️) so no point even trying for an FD until perhaps Thursday. But I will be mindful. And as I have to work all week too there will be no late nights for me, late nights mean wine and chatting nights.

    Not sure how I will get around the evenings but good healthy dinners prepped and planned for the next couple of days.

    I hope to log daily, but routine might be out of sync, but I am determined to log a new happy number on Friday. Have a good day.

    Day 14 – Ireland – FD ♥️

    I need a good FD today… mum’s Alzheimer’s means that she is always hungry or is at least is always ready to eat… (she never had a huge appetite so this is the disease for sure) she doesn’t always eat much once it’s given to her so it helps with main meals to make sure to eat with her… so my resolve was there and I avoided many of the treats but we ate her favourite dinners/desserts etc. As you say @flourbaby the most important is that they are not stressed and as happy as possible. Mum is very quiet now most of the time so shared moments with good food are important. 💕

    Feeling good and hoping this week will be another good one.
    Go gently everybody! I’m also not a huge Valentines fan as why just once a year but do like a good red heart ♥️😃

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket list Day 14 ♥️


    Day 14 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    FD today for me as usual on a Monday, but making it easier, off for a trip to another of our trout lakes, only half hours drive but in a beautiful location. Raining at the moment but rather still and mild. No fancy meals for us today, did that over the weekend, nice pot of soup made yesterday, easy to knock together while making Sunday lunch.
    Success of the day yesterday, another week away sorted, area of the UK we’ve not visited before 😉

    Take care all

    Pocket list day 14

    Day14 UK FD

    Fast day and want to have a really good week and achieve my Feb goals and we are half way through !

    Pocket list day 14

    Day 14 – UK – FD800

    Just a very quick post this morning! It’s another FD800 – Saturday was an NFD, yesterday much better and came in at 800cals *but* I did have some bread so not 100% angelically perfect day. Today will be another ZBC, soup and F800 dinner recipe day.

    Hopefully catch up properly later!

    Pocket list day 14

    Day 14 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Day 14 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs (almost 213) and I know the body needs a good tidal wave of water. Anyway, I’ll work on better behavior this week. I won’t see any new records this week, as I was a pound heavier yesterday over last Sunday, and two pounds heavier today over last Monday. I’ll just have to be patient and do the right things. Also, I have to realize in the month and a half of 2022 so far, I’ve ranged from a high of 219 to a low of 209. My body is probably a little scared of such a huge weight loss and is trying to average things out.

    Pocket list day 14

    Day 14 UK FD

    Weight 182lb. I’m back after an epic week of project work and no posts. Tues-Thurs were exhausting 12 hour days so very little time to do anything at all, but proud of myself for everything achieved, esp event hosting and two talks.
    Being at conference isn’t great for fasting but made easier by commuting from home. Weds & Thurs included lunch but healthy options consumed albeit a bit more than I’d usually eat.

    I’ve been pretty much sleeping since I got home on Thursday night but still feeling wiped out, struggling to sit up for very long at all. An indulgent weekend of easy food and more sleep, not counting calories but not over-indulging except with popcorn, which is increasingly becoming my nemesis. I feel understandably puffier and weighing in at 2lbs up but tbh really pleased it’s not more.

    The trick now is to eat well, drink lots of water and get plenty of rest and sleep over the next few days, rather than resisting rest, pushing myself and reaching for carbs for fuel. I’m aiming for a Mon-Thurs FD800 which set me up so well in January and the beginning of this month. Just two weeks left to try to lose 4lbs – that should focus the mind 🙂

    I also didn’t love the publicity photos of me looking so much bigger than 2 years ago. But i’ll hold onto the sense of achievement and use the images for motivation!

    Food today will be eggs and baked beans for lunch, then a veg stew or dal from the freezer for early supper, with apple and blueberry compote for pudding. Tomorrow I’ll be batch cooking again, probably dal with butternut squash, sweet potato, swede and red lentils – it feels like comfort food.

    Pocket list day 14

    Day 14 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Probably not much

    That’s a strange one, huh? Well, after our lovely Super Bowl party yesterday, I woke up at 5am with gastrointestinal woes. I eventually went back to bed, slept for more than two hours, woke up thinking I was fine…and I’m not. So I cancelled our restaurant reservations and am trying to sort out simultaneously feeling icky in the gut and starving to death, LOL! Sure solves the problem of eating too much on too many days in succession, right?

    @jaifaim How lovely that you had such restraint around snacking while with your mom!

    @lilymartin WOW! When you said “morning tea for church” I was assuming it would be similar to what we do: coffee plus some goodies such as cookies or bars. But you have sandwiches???? I want to come to morning tea at YOUR church!! 😍 Is that typical every Sunday?

    @funshipfreddie Loved the video, and fully understand why it’s still called PE! Have a grand time!

    @flourbaby Not only a perfect quote, but a perfectly funny quote for us all!

    See you all tomorrow!

    Day 15, NFD, Aus

    Despite going out for dinner last night, I chose healthy options and did not over indulge on the vino.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon @stitchincarol.

    Day 14 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Quick check in before starting pork chops for dinner (and watching Jeopardy!) I hope to get to read former posts tomorrow. Been gone quite a bit for various activities.

    @stitchincarol – prayers🙏🙏🙏 you are fit as a fiddle soon. 🎻

    Onward and downward.

    Day 15 – Ireland – FD

    Have to laugh… my red hearts came out as black hearts on the pc yesterday 😂 Says it all really!
    Hope you all are well! @brightonbelle I’m with you in focus for the second half of February 💪

    @stitchincarol i hope you are feeling better!

    Going for another FD today… yesterday’s was not great as came in around 700…

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket list Day 15


    Day 15 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    I ate way too much yesterday, but l also clocked up almost 20 000 steps/15 kms. I’m only about 900 km from home, but the climate feels completely different and I’m loving the cooler weather.

    @stitchincarol – I hope you’re feeling 100% soon!

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