Fab Feb Fasting

This topic contains 425 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  timmothysmith01 2 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 437 total)

  • Day 6 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Lovely cooler weather at last! Heavy downpours yesterday, & I thought it may be the tail end of cyclone Batsirai that’s been causing havoc in parts of southern Africa, but apparently not.

    @mariaelena – I’m a Sudoku fan too. I credit that game with helping me to keep my sanity during some very long, quiet voyages on Holland America when I was stuck in the cash desk alone.

    @lilymartin – I’ve done 37 archive Wordle puzzles now, & I failed @ 35. I’m still mad at myself 😅

    Happy S🌞nday y’all, & see you on the pocket list tomorrow 👀

    Day 6 third post
    @funshipfreddie, I have done 2, only TWO, word puzzles today and hoping to keep it at that.
    But it IS a good distraction from eating………

    Day 6 UK NFD

    Lazy morning , just done todays wordle ✅ Thinking about a nice yoga session before this afternoons Rugby

    See you on the list tomorrow x

    DY 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -NFD

    Popping in to say hi. Great day of rugby yesterday (Yay Ireland) and well done Scotland.

    DH went out for breakfast with his friends so I took that opportunity to ZBC on a Sunday, instead I did an hour of Leslie Sansibe, a beginners Pilates class on YouTube, then mopped the floors with gusto!!!

    Just broken my fast now with a teeny bowl of muesli and some brown soda bread. The sun is shining so I plan to do some gardening, pot up some bulbs, enjoy the fresh air.

    See you all on the pocket list tomorrow

    Day 6 UK NFD

    Just popping in for some accountability. Yesterday stayed in TDEE but earned (again!) that the inclusion of popcorn does not for unpuffy body make…Today I’m feeling very inflated again.

    Saturday food was a mid-afternoon brunch of eggs, beans, vegan bacon and the last of the vegan chorizo, later on a couple of avocados and a pudding of apple, mango, plum and clemntine compote with the last of the vegan custard, then popcorn!

    Today I need to stay away from inflatables and limber up for Mon-Thurs FD800 again. I’m feeling Really Tired after a not so good night, planning to be asleep by 9pm tonight. I’ve been up and pottering for a few hours and already yawning away but tons of reading to do ahead of this week’s meetings to do still. First off to make some food, decaf coffee and see if I can get some sunshine before head down for the afternoon….

    Whatever your day brings, go gently

    Day 6 – 2nd Post

    @lilymartin – I should clarify my earlier post; I meant I didn’t get # 35 correct, not that I failed at 35 out of 37 puzzles! I would never confess to that! 🤪

    Day 6 USA – DC FD(sort of, I hope)
    good morning all. stayed up far too late watching the snow boarding at the olympics. Wow! Am happy to say after finding my way back to IF I have lost (for the moment) 2 lbs. :))))
    It is quite cold here, but hoping to go out for a long walk after yoga and then – back to the Olympics.
    Enjoy today. Thanks for being here

    Day 6 about 4th post I think!
    @nellen, congratulations on the downward trajectory. Keep it up! Yes, IF does work when one actually fasts – which I have found out!!
    @funshipfreddie , thanks for the clarification. I did wonder about the 35 !!!
    I have stuck firmly to my resolve of only 2 Wordles today – now I just have to stick to my resolve of 5:2. Looking forward to a good and timely fast tomorrow.
    @michelinme, I love the image of your inflatables !!
    @daffodil2010, it sounds as though you have had busy Sunday morning! And great that you and several other ( myself included) are popping in for accountability. It helps.
    It was SO hot here today that I bunkered down and did office work only.
    Off to catch some much needed ZZZZZZs.😴

    Day 6 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs, at the lower end! The first B2B WFD of February begins! Will I meet my 209 lb goal this week? Time will tell…

    January was a great reset month. It has put me back to where I theoretically would have been in mid-November had that period known as “the holidays” not started up.

    I think I will try on a few old clothes. Not expecting miracles, but a shirt I last wore in 2009 seems to fit comfortably, although it will fit better after losing about 5 more lbs. Yes, a nice “sorting” for “what’s next” might be a nice thing to do today! I’ll repost if anything enters the closet!

    Oh, @lilymartin — a Volunteer Fair is when a lot of non-profit organizations gather together to encourage people to sign-up for as volunteers to help out an hour or so (or more if they would like) per week within their organizations. I had a couple of people sign up and about a dozen others that took some information.

    Pocket list – day 6

    USA. Day 6. FD

    I am celebrating that after stepping on the scale this morning, I am down 3 pounds! Yeah! Maybe all that running around with my grandson turned out to be helpful. I still hear saying every minute “Hurry, Grandma!”. I think my daughter gave him jumping beans for lunch the other day! That means that today, I was going to exercise but it is turning into a day of rest! 🙂

    I was reading about the British actress Jane Seymour who is the same age as I am and is currently appearing on an American TV sitcom called B Positive. She plays a nursing home resident (amusingly) who is very into keep up her beauty! By no means in real life does that woman belong in a nursing home! LOL. In any case, she says she keeps in shape by eating only one meal a day! If that is what she is doing, it sure is working!!

    Anyway, I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and playing your Wordie games. I have never heard of them but was wondering if they are what Americans call crossword puzzles. Soduku I am aware of as my daughter loves playing them. 😎

    Day 6 – second post

    Hmm, 14 shirts will go into the closet. They were mostly short-sleeved “almost but not quites” that I tried on last summer. Half a dozen other pieces of “too small” clothing graduated up to the “almost but not quite” category. Now I’ll need to think about what’s hanging in the closet that might already be “too big.”

    Nice bit of encouragement on a weekend FD!

    USA. Day 6 FD
    Second Post

    NorthGeorgia, love to hear news when people are shifting their clothes in their closets. I can’t wait until I join that group. Congratulations!

    Day 6 – 16:8 CD
    Yesterday report
    – [x] Ate healthy and reasonably – no food past 8pm
    – [x] Cardio
    – [x] Weights – Compound:Farmers Carry

    Well, I will keep including my exercise report here because it is motivating my accountability. Today I will be doubling up my weights (arms and legs) so I can give myself a complete rest day on tomorrow’s FD.

    Dang, every time I try to sit down and write something here I’m getting interrupted, so I had best get at least this up!

    Good thoughts to everybody!

    Day 6 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Lovely time at church this morning, home for a brunch of waffles with chopped fresh strawberries (plus whipped cream for DH and DS25), bacon, and mimosas, and now we’re listening to music and doing various digital fussing. 😜

    I watched The Moonstone last night, which I think was a PBS Masterpiece program I found on Amazon Prime; there are several versions, apparently, and the one I watched was five episodes of about 50 minutes each. So very, very delightful! Based on the Wilkie Collins novel, it’s believed to be the first detective novel, a genre I adore.

    So now for another movie, I think, while I pick up my knitting; must finish the sweater I’ve been slogging away on so I can deliver it to my daughter two weeks from today!

    See you all tomorrow!

    Day 7, FD, Aus

    I don’t sous vide @mariaelena but I want to. Sous vide steak is the best. I’m surprised you do chicken that way; I would have thought it would be quicker and easier to poach it.

    Congrats to you and the family @stitchincarol!

    So true about “People may indeed notice but be wary of mentioning it.” @EmmaTaylor and @stitchincarol. I’m embarrassed to admit it but I have a work colleague I THINK is pregnant, but I dare not ask / say anything in case she’s just carrying some extra weight.

    Sorry busy day ahead and don’t have time to read all the posts.

    Day 7 already!! country west Australia FD turned into a CD
    Was trying for a FD but DH had kindly made me a piece of toast and how could I resist ….. And therein lies the big part of the problem.
    Resisting and being mindful are key for success for me with this WOL. It was very important way back in 2016 and a habit I need to cultivate more in 2022!!
    Do I want it ? Yes I do!! Will I eat it ? No I won’t!!
    However I will not let that indulgence derail me and I will try not to eat anything else and just stick with black tea ( have run out of milk and not been to town for a few days), water and 1 coffee when I do go to town later today.
    @northgeorgia, well done! How gratifying to have almost a whole ‘ new’ wardrobe! Looking forward to a wardrobe/closet clean myself in a few weeks when hopefully a little lighter.🤞
    @penz, hope your busy day goes well.
    @mariaelena, well done on the exercise and other good habits you have developed. Such willpower is something I will aspire to this month. It’s not Fab Feb for nothing!!😁
    @ccco, congratulations on the 3lb loss!😇May the scales continue trending downwards.
    Off to earn a dollar or two.
    Have a good and mindful day. Whatever that may be for each person.🙂
    Oh and it’s only 22ºC today after yesterday’s 41ºC. But still very windy.
    The neighbours might end up with my washing!!
    @stitchincarol, the waffles sound delicious. I love strawberries too. We are enjoying really delicious fresh stone fruit at present. One of the things I enjoy about summer.
    Sunkissed tomatoes fresh from the vine are also a culinary delight.🍅🍅🍓

    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Ready to rock today’s FD. ZBC as usual, then a small Oatbran bread (home made, a throwback to my Dukan Diet days, but it’s filling and low cal) with ham and mustard, then spinach and lentil soup this evening.

    @michelinme, love the idea of the inflatable food 😆

    @stitchincarol…I read The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins when in college and I was so impressed, and hoovered up any other Wilkie Collins I could find thereafter. So long ago that I have forgotten them now 😄

    @funshipfreddie ha ha I really did think that you failed at 35 of the 37 Wordless and was thinking you were brave to admit that!!!!

    Got to go, super busy day ahead, so much so that even my dreams last night were al about being late for work, not being able to find my car to get to work, not being able to find a towel to have my shower before I get to work……so I better get to work!

    Day 7 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Fast day, yuck. I don’t feel like I’m ready to ‘rock it’ at all, @daffodil2010 – but I’m going to do it anyway. I didn’t sleep so well, probably due to a little too much red wine. But here we go…

    @ccco – no, Wordle puzzles aren’t like crossword puzzles at all. You have to try it! https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 – 2nd Post

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone,

    Well as you can see, I’m back 🙂

    Been on a fantastic 16 night cruise from the UK down to Spain, the Canaries and Portugal on our way home. Far too much to eat and possibly a little too much to drink as well 😉 … but boy was it fun.
    From the moment we got on board to the moment we got back home looked after really well, on the dancefloor every night, 60’s to 80’s live band playing. Ports we visited were allowed ashore independently, so walked miles and due to local Covid rules/restrictions, felt safe and everywhere quiet. Most of all, it was warm ! Mrs IHL off for a paddle in the sea in 25 degs as opposed to near freezing back home.

    Come home fully relaxed and refreshed, feeling good, although a little ‘excess baggage’ has come back with me I know that will go quite quickly with a bit of effort.

    Hope everyone’s been OK while I’ve been away, will try and catch up with posts over the next few days, a few things to do now we’re back. Being Monday I’ll be on a FD today.

    Take care all.

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7UK FD

    Welcome back @i-hate-lettuce , trip sounds fab

    Usual Monday FD still feeling enthusiastic 💪

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 Melb Aust CD

    Well, I’ve started 5:2 more seriously now, as of today, and today has been okay. Like @michelinme, I feel really bloated, with swollen hands and feet at the moment. I’m waiting a bit to see if it’s just the poor food choices of last week, but if it continues, I may check in with the doc. because it’s not really usual for me.

    @i hate lettuce, welcome back, and I hope you had a wonderful cruise, without too much food damage 🙂 (A little is allowable on holidays!).

    @northgeorgia, well done with the move to smaller clothing sizes. It’s such a good feeling.

    @lilymartin, hope there hasn’t been too much smoke again near you. And poor you with the 40+ temperatures. That’s as bad as Phoenix Arizona, except that they have the high temperatures for about 6 months of the year. Everything there is air-conditioned.

    @brightonbelle, hope the FD goes well today, and also for the other pocket listers. I’m aiming for CDs or FD800s for a while, just to kick-start some weight loss, but am trying to work myself towards some FDs.

    Onward and downwards everyone!

    Day 7 – Scotland – NFD

    Loving the snow, the music and theatre, the catch ups, grateful for good friends, family and delicious food, not to mention the forum – All the Fs in this fab month of February. 🌼

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 7 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 212 lbs. Going into my next consecutive WFD. Will probably switch out and do Thursday as the last FD of the week as opposed to Wednesday. May switch things around and do a standard 5:2 or a 4:3 next week.

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 – UK – FD800

    Too much good food and wine over the past week so need to press my RESET button this 2nd week – no social engagements this week so planning on B2B2B2B2B FD800 starting today 🤞

    Had a fab weekend enjoying the Rugby 🏉 with friends – Irish eyes 🇮🇪 were smiling, Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿outplayed England and after a brisk start by the Azzurri 🇮🇹- Les Bleus 🇫🇷 came back too strong for them in the 2nd half – Ireland and France both earned bonus points – their encounter next weekend should be good!

    @nellen – welcome back – it’s been a while x
    @ccco – so annoying when you lost a long post – I now tend to open a 2nd window and write in there then copy and paste so if it get’s lost I can copy and paste once more if that makes sense???
    @emma-taylor😲from a large size 16 to a small size 14 – that is a huge difference – I think that people may have noticed but don’t feel able to comment – so happy that you have found something that works well with your WOL
    @jaifaim – hopefully the weather 🥶in Scotland is not too unkind to you! It’s been a bit cold and wet here in the Lakes
    @ccco – why don’t you try yoga on line, some excellent You Tube videos available – I particularly like Yoga with Adriene – she has a wide selection of videos – at different levels and length
    @betsylee – I like your statement “Persevering quietly”
    @stitchincarol – great news for your SIL and DD regarding his job on top of the safe arrival of their daughter 👶
    @lilymartin🏏 Australia Women sealed an Ashes series victory with a game to spare – I managed to catch the highlights here – last ODI starts at 2300hrs English time so will try to stay up tonight to watch the first hour??? I’m a mad cricket and rugby fan here
    @daffodil2010 – I have a mad Irish friend down in Suffolk and we text each other during the rugby – she gets so excited and watches behind a cushion if the game gets tight 🤣 so next week will be fun!
    @northgeorgia – such a feeling of encouragement on that wardrobe change over!
    @i-hate-lettuce – great to hear from you and so happy that you and Mrs IHL had a fab cruise 🛳

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 second post.
    My ‘not quite FD ‘turned into a very good CD – about 800 calories so VERY happy with that.👏
    A big ‘ Welcome back/ welcome home @i hate lettuce. So glad to have you back.
    I love the sound of your cruise – it’ sound fantastic.
    Great that you were able to go ashore and explore. And the enjoyment of the food and wine is to be expected isn’t it??🍷🥮🍷
    @betsylee, this month seems to be the month several of us are ‘ being serious’ about 5:2 or just resetting or trying to be healthier.
    @daffodil2010 it must have been the night for work dreams.
    Last night I dreamt that I arrived at work completely unprepared and realised that I had my ‘ farm’ jeans and boots on – sheep manure and all!!! I was very happy to wake up and find it WAS only a dream.😓
    Good luck for your busy day and remember to take some time to breathe properly. Very important. There is quite a push in health circles here re breathing and also sleeping in recent times.
    @jaifaim, I love all the ‘F’s in this Fab Feb Fellowship Feeling Fantastic For Fasting !!😅
    Glad you had a good catch up.
    @at I almost went cross-eyed when I saw all those ‘B’s and ‘2’s ! Here’s to good planned eating and success.😀
    @northgeorgia, 212 lbs- looks like things trending down quite nicely. Well done.😇
    @brightonbelle and all other Monday pocket listers – happy fasting.
    Well not quite sure it is HAPPY fasting but just good to know that we are all thinking of the fast group.🙂Onward and downward all

    Day 7 – UK – FD(800)

    Hello all!

    Last week I did 6xFD800s in a row which is nothing short of a miracle. DH ended the week having lost 11lb and I shifted 5lb. We were more relaxed yesterday as we had a family gathering to celebrate our nephew’s birthday, but it was significantly more controlled than before.

    Today we’re pushing on for the 2nd week of b2b FD800s. ZBC, soup for lunch and then a recipe from the Fast800 recipe book for dinner. I’d only planned on doing 2 weeks of the F800 before switching back to a 5:2 pattern so will reassess where I’m at this weekend. But I’m now only 2lb away from the next stone bracket which I’ve had my eyes on since last August so that’ll form part of my decision at the end of this week!

    @i-hate-lettuce, that sounds like such a lovely trip!
    @northgeorgia – that must feel so great to see that difference in your clothes!
    @ccco – I also really recommend Yoga with Adriene on Youtube, she’s been a godsend. She really does cater for all levels
    @at – I’ll be here alongside you with the b2b FD800s this week. The only day I may be a little more flexible with is Weds

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    After a week’s 5.2. At this morning weigh in:

    31.1 92.9kg 14’ 9”

    7.2 91.5kg 14’ 6” (-3 lbs).

    Helped a bit by adding in a couple of HIT exercises this week – on top of three walks, and doing an extra no alcohol day (on top of the two fasting days). Think I also benefitted by being lucky on the scales today, as sometimes they are a little inaccurate to say the least. Even so, 🙂

    Day 7 – UK – FD

    Sorry for the radio silence of the last few days.. quite busy with the wedding prep. Lots to think about.
    FDs feel so natural now, I did not have any issues in teaching and working long days.
    Going to the gym now for a 30 minute workout and then back to work!

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 UK FD

    Yesterday was a solid CD, really helpful lead into my usual Mon-Thurs b2b FD800s again this week. It’s heck of a week but I’ve planned in careful eating and going to give it my all.

    I’m in town for a conference 9-7 for the next few days, with additonal meetings at lunchtime and in the evenings. Since covid this is more like spending 3 weeks energy in 3 days! Last autumn I kept going on chocolate and carbs so it’ll be a real challenge, but i’ve signed up for vegan gf lunches, will take in some fruit for snacking and have a freezer full of dal, stew and curry for dinner. Just need to remember to drink plenty and skip anything I don’t have to do…

    @i-hate-lettuce @jaifaim Lovely to hear of your wonderful holidays
    @at @babs_b Great to have company on b2b FD800s – and what an epic start to FD800s, congrats to you & DH!
    @betsylee hope your puffiness settles down, wise to check with GP

    Back to my reading mountain….

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    I had a successful day of sorts yesterday. After brunch of waffles with fresh strawberries, bacon, and mimosas, I lasted until about four o’clock (MUST get past the instinct to start eating so early!!) and poured a glass (well, a very large glass) of wine and heated up leftover roasted butternut squash and Grainy Mustard Brussels Sprouts. I ate them until I could eat no more, and was so content…..for ten minutes. So then I went and got the macadamia nuts and–and this is where the success kicks in–told myself I could eat as many as I wanted, but only one piece at a time, every 60 seconds. So I pulled out my phone, put on the timer for 45 minutes, and it worked. I actually was content long before I had 45 pieces, and I didn’t go back for more later on. I did hunt down two pieces of chocolate two hours later and poured another inch of wine, but that was it. So now for my usual M-Th fasting routine; it will feel lovely.

    @funshipfreddie I too adore Sudoku, although I’ve found I prefer it printed out to digital, like I do all my other games. Nonetheless, I go to websudoku.com quite regularly. My favorite, however, is the five solitaire games from Microsoft; I have accumulated 1,081 points on Klondike, so that tells you how often I play that! Oh, and I understood immediately that you’d done all 35 correctly, and was VERY impressed.

    @ccco How fun to be able to have your grandson around so much; what treasured time!

    @lilymartin Sun-kissed tomatoes straight from the plant to sliced between bread with mayo? My favorite. Absolute favorite.

    @jaifaim What a lovely vacation you’re describing; have fun!

    @i-hate-lettuce Welcome back; your cruise sounds glorious!

    @fastdietkeith Well done last week! What are the days you fast and where are you? I started to add you to the pocket list, but realized you have no header on your post.

    @froby79 Yeah, I do a WF every Tuesday when I leave the house around ten (after ZBC, which I do every single day) and don’t get home until 7 or 8, and never have any trouble focusing on teaching piano lessons. I have a huge water bottle in my car and usually suck it dry by the time I get home; it’s been a huge shock to me just how good I feel when I water fast, and I’m sure it’s the long busy day that makes it so easy to do a WF on Tuesdays (and Thursdays also)!

    @michelinme I’ll keep you in prayer for strength during this conference; I hope it’s also fun on some level!

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    USA. Day 7. FD

    Ugh! I drank too much wine last night! It wasn’t in the plan. My eating went well and I had thought I could drink one 4 ounce glass of wine but it never ends with just one. Fortunately, I can make up for it because I don’t drink all week, just coffee and water!
    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    USA. Day 7. FD

    Just had enough time to read all of today’s posts.
    Thanks, FUNSHIPFEREDDIE! I will check out that website you sent me.

    I Hate Lettuce, I am so jealous of you on your cruise. I am dying to go somewhere, anywhere, preferably where the sun is warm! I still am not willing to travel due to Covid! I can’t wait until it is safer here!

    NorthGeorgia, good luck with your water fast! 🙂

    EmmaTaylor, congratulations on going down in size. That is so empowering!

    Congratulations, Babs_b! That was quite a feat with 6 consecutive 800FDs and lasting 5 lbs. Your husband’s loss of 11 lbs. is very applaudable, too! 🙂

    Good luck to everyone on the pocket list today and may everyone have a successful day!

    Day 7 Manchester. UK

    Having a few days up north. It’s a bit grey but I’m tired of being at home. It’s much harder eating enough food in a one hour window when you’re away, because you tend to eat out, but I’ll try. I managed in Rome, so I should be able to do it here. Boozing is quite an issue. I hate drinking fizzy water in pubs, but the white wine slope is very slippery. And I wake up feeling very down when I’ve been drinking. I should just get over my fear of the scales, and find out what I actually weigh, but I know what my normal response is – if I’ve lost weight I start scoffing, and if I haven’t lost as much as I think I start scoffing. Lose : lose situation. 😢😢😢

    Day 7- FD 500

    Yesterday Accountability

    – [x] Cardio
    – [x] Strength – Legs & Arms
    – [x] 16:8 CD

    Adding myself to pocketlist – but busy now, will try to post later if I can calm down parties in the latest family contretemps. (my family, not in laws, and somehow I have seemed to inherit the peace maker role after my Mom passed)

    Pocket List – Day 7 🍒

    Day 8 AUS FD

    Well t think the scales must be broken at our house, because I’ve had a run of FD800s and not eaten above TDEE this month but the scales won’t budge!

    I did have a hugely stressful week last week, when both my laptops died in the space of 36 hours, and I’ve been feeling full and heavy despite eating very lightly for the last 8 days, so I wonder if that has something to do with it. Although I was so stressed over the weekend I barely ate at all, so I was expecting a big drop!

    It’s had not to feel a bit discouraged when the scales won’t cooperate, but I’m going to be more careful about my calorie counting, and see where the end of this week brings me.

    Day 8, NFD, Aus

    I am not enjoying my new job so what did I do last night? Cracked open a bottle of wine and had a delicious pasta dinner. Well, that’s what I’m telling myself re cause and effect. Bottom line: another failed FD. And I’m deliberately using that word.

    Oh well. Back on the wagon today.

    V envious of your cruise, @IHL! Sounds great.

    Day 7 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    Had a busy weekend with activities (funeral Saturday, opted not to do the luncheon) then an Opera Concert (“Verdi Voices”) in Chicago Sunday. Overall didn’t eat too badly, but doing just chicken chile for supper tonight.

    @lilymartin – my PhD was kind of a continuation from my master’s in Education. I had seen that students in my school were coming into music class with very little knowledge of social studies or history, even in middle school. I surveyed other schools and the phenomenon of it being a “bumped subject” all the way back to the 1960’s. Glad to see your computer is working!

    @northgeorgia – yeah for your closet filling up with ‘new’ clothes!

    @mariaelena – your [X] accountability is brilliant. Glad it is working for you.

    @stitchincarol – we are always looking for Amazon Prime or Netflix shows so will check out “The Moonstone” as I found it. Maybe after the Olympics though?!

    @penz – I have occasionally also wondered if an acquaintance was just putting on weight or pregnant. I always feel like I find out eventually!

    @i-hate-lettuce – your cruise sounds just heavenly! We watched a Shirley McClain movie where she goes to the Canaries, and it looked so wonderful! 2016 film “Wild Oats.” Glad you feel refreshed and back with us.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7 second post

    @penz First off, I’m so sorry to hear the job is not working out to be enjoyable. I’m aware just how tough that can be.

    As to your question about whether it would be quicker and easier to poach chicken breast – quicker yes, easier, well I guess that depends on the individual.

    The biggest advantage to sous vide vs poaching for me is the ‘just forget about it and let it do its thing’ – no worrying about keeping the pan/burner at the right temp, I can put the frozen chicken directly from freezer into Sous Vide, and walk away. We use cold/hot safe pouches for freezing the chicken, so there is literally no prep, just grab the package and drop it into the water.

    This link says an additional advantage is the meat should be skinless for poaching, lol I didn’t even know that. Often chicken breast pieces with bone and skin are on sale when the skinless boneless prepared pieces are not, so that is likely what I will have on hand.


    Day 8 country west Australia NFD
    @babs_b congratulation on the loss of 5lbs and 11 lbs for your DH.
    I am very impressed at your sticking to 800 calories for 6 days. It is often the NFDs that do a person in. Well that was my experience.
    FDs kind of take care of themselves once you put your mind to it but the NFDs…..!!!!😲😳😓
    @fastdietkeith, well done on the 3lbs down. 👏 Any loss on the scales is a good one as far as I am concerned .
    I am down 500g from yesterday ( although I do know the scales bounce around 1 or 2 kgs) 🤔 BUT happy to accept the 500gms down. So motivating. 😀😀
    @froby79, hope wedding prep is going well. There is SO much to think about.
    Keep up the good work at gym etc. Yes, once you are in the groove, FDs can be reasonably easy.🙃
    @michelinme, hope the conference goes well. Out of curiosity ,What is it about ? Good luck with the food options.Sounds as though you are well prepared.💐Question – lat autumn you kept going on carbs and chocolates. As in avoiding them or eating them?? 🤔
    @stitchincarol, I find nuts are very ‘more-ish’ and have to really be strict. I actually count out 6 almonds or walnuts and then. put the jar away. Otherwise, before I know it half the packet is gone and when I check the calorie count….😳😳😳 And vino… well that kind of leaps into my glass so again, trying to be VERY restrained and have about 2cms in a small glass and try to make it last ……🤪
    @ccco , as above re wine!! Actually past few months have been trying to have less as the calories can really add up.😔Hopefully it will not be too long before wee can all start to travel safely again…
    @EmmaTaylor enjoy your time away.
    It can be difficult getting eating patterns right when away from home.
    I often opt for Lemon lime and bitters when trying to curb the wine consumption. Or soda water and lime. Otherwise plain old tap water….☺️
    @mariaelena good luck with your peace making role. Hope it turn out OK.🙏
    @litprof, oh how I hear you !!!!!!! That is what spelt the beginning of the end for me so I BEG you not to lose heart.🙏🙏🙏
    I did all the ‘ right’ things for a couple of months and sat on the plateau with scales firmly super-glued at a number that simply WOULD. NOT.BUDGE.
    Apologies for shouting but I finally gave up doing 5:2 properly and then I had been very half hearted for a few years as I put ON 17 kgs !!!!!!!!!!!
    Now back to where I was in Nov. 2016 – with even more to Lose. So I will hold your hand or even lash you to the wagon just to keep you here.
    Please do NOT go down the track I did😔
    @penz, the wine and pasta sound just right for one night. Sorry to hear the job is not working out.😔
    @songbirdme the chicken Chile sounds delicious. You are so lucky to have all that music in your life. One thing missing in the country .
    Your PhD sounds fascinating. I am really interested in education, especially these day with so many problems ( siblings who are teachers enlighten me.) in the classroom.
    Recently heard stats that 1/3 of Australian youngsters under 18 had never heard about the Holocaust and had no idea what it was!!!😲
    Have a good day. You will never get this day back. 🙃

    Day 8 Melb Aust CD

    Well, the scales have been kind to me today – down 700g from the start of February, despite my over-eating splurge on donuts last week. It’s going better.

    @michelinme, thanks for your concern. The swollen feet (but not the hands) could also be a combination of the heat and spending longer times sitting at the computer, so I’m trying to remember to get up and walk around a bit every hour or so. It’s easy during the day, as my fitbit prompts me to do my 250 steps per hour, but I have to remember in the evenings. I’ve also been avoiding highly processed carbs again (like donuts!).

    Good to read all the posts and progress. Have to be out and about now.

    The recipe I use for Chicken Chili – https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/228650/easy-white-chicken-chili/

    You can add corn or diced celery if you like. Also garnish with crushed tortilla chips. We like cornbread muffins with ours.

    @lilymartin – so the phenomenon is more international than I thought. Our condition seemed to go from the abject emphasis on only reading and math. Guess many thought the readings would cover social studies and history.

    Day 8 -Ireland 🇮🇪 – CD

    Went a bit over my calorie allowance yesterday but happy to see that I am back (almost) to Friday’s weight, so head down now to chip away at the figures and hope to see 165 or less by Friday.

    Today will be, not sure, but well under control. Mackerel and spinach salad with olives for lunch, and keeping the fishy them I think it will be poached salmon with Brocolli.

    @songbirdme I like the look of that chicken chilli, it may well be used this week, thanks.

    @jaifaim and @i-hate-lettuce, lovely to hear of your holidays…either snow or sun sounds like fun right now b

    @michelinme thinking of your busy week ahead, wishing you well in getting through it.
    @at yes, best weekends are rugby weekends eh? Looking forward to the big one in Paris next weekend.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone. Loving your last line there @lilymartin “Have a good day. You will never get this day back” …..very wise words and one that I will use today.

    Day 8 – Lake District UK – NED

    Good morning everyone

    Typical, after such a relaxing break, struggling to get going! However, jobs to be done and things to catch up on so we’ll plough on today, starting with the first real supermarket shop in a long while.

    @penz – Sorry to hear job not going too well, maybe settle down in time?

    @litprof – Don’t worry about the scales not going down, it’ll happen, at least they’re not going UP!

    Take care all

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Successful FD yesterday, despite not feeling 100%. I popped into my local casino in the afternoon. Nothing like losing money to kill the appetite! 🤦‍♂️

    Sticking to low-carb too; calories seem to go further & no real hunger. Still trying to navigate the Carb Manager app, which really takes some getting used to.

    Great to hear of the progress others are making! @babs_b, Mr babs_b, @fastdietkeith, @emma-taylor & @northgeorgia!

    Welcome back @i-hate-lettuce! Your cruise sounds idyllic & it’s heartening to hear that the world is slowly but surely returning to some semblance of normalcy. ‘NED’ – is that a typo, or are you having a No Eating Day? 😳

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋

    Day 3 – SW England – FD

    I was going to say I’m new here – but when I tried to register I realised I joined 6 years ago and gave up! Let’s hope I stick to it this time.

    I feel a sad and overwhelmed today as I weighed myself for the first time wince the first lockdown and have put on a stone, and already wanted to lose weight before that gain.

    Although I’d like to look slimmer, a lot of my concerns are about health. I’ve recently lost a cousin to a health condition and at 31 I feel like I’m wasting time not being healthy and active.

    My job is stressful and I WFH in front of a computer which doesn’t help and I don’t enjoy exercise (seems like an obvious thing to say!). I have a really supportive partner who doesn’t care what I look like, but it’s starting to get me down. It’s depressing to have to dress to hide parts of yourself you don’t like. I think I’m an emotional eater and definitely eat portions that are way too big.

    My aim is to lose 2 stone eventually at a slow pace doing 2 days a week of 500/600cal days.

    I would love to hear from people who also feel overwhelmed and anxious about the task ahead! I don’t like talking to friends of family about it as it makes me feel ashamed and tearful.

    Day 8, London, UK, FD

    After 2 weeks isolating I’m back to work today despite ………………………… my mum testing positive for Covid on Day 6!!!😢😢😢
    Luckily her symptoms appear as mild as mine were the previous week. Of course I was worried, but with fingers crossed and keeping a very close eye on her, I’m staying hopeful…………….. There was a time I would have said “I’m staying positive” …………………🙄🙄🙄

    Anyway, the fasting train slowed down over the weekend so I’m back on the wagon today, soup & salad for OMAD lunch & that WILL be that!!

    I haven’t had time to catch-up on posts but hope everyone is doing well and my fellow returnees are getting back into the fasting groove. As this is the only thing that EVER worked for me, I know it’s all in my mind. I have to be in the right place mentally since actually ‘doing’ this fasting stuff is easier than anything I ever, ever tried before and I tried, I tried and I tried!!!!!

    You can find inspiration from others, but determination is solely your responsibility.

    Day 8 – UK – FD800

    Thanks everyone for the kind words about mine & the DH’s losses last week. I went up by 0.75lb yesterday morning after Sunday’s more relaxed day with a few more cals & refined carbs but yesterday’s FD800 has seen that off again plus another .25lb. I’m enjoying the losses while they come because of course these will slow down a bit when I switch onto a 5:2 pattern. We had a brief chat about that last night – we’d planned just to do 2 weeks with FD800s as a good reset but I’m going to try and push into 3 weeks.

    We had such a lovely dinner last night from the Fast800 recipe book – pan fried pork with leek and apple in a creamy sauce. I served it with mashed swede (mashed with 1tbsp of creme fraiche). It felt like such a substantial meal, I honestly thought I’d messed up on cals but checked the recipe 3 times and weighed everything so it definitely came in under 500cals for the lot.

    @penz I’ve been there before with a new job that has turned out to be completely unenjoyable. It’s not much fun at all. Have you started looking for another? I talked myself out of doing that at first for not wanting to look like a ‘job-hopper’, but there’s no shame in going for a job that’s suited for you. Everyone benefits when people are happy at work.

    @rootforyou – it’s great to have you here! This is such a supportive group, we’ve all been very open with our wobbles in confidence / struggling with the resolve to stick with a 5:2 pattern etc. My advice is just try to get through one day. We all think we need to have tip top motivation to start a new habit, but so often we only become motivated once we’ve started (ie it’s the behaviour that happens first, then motivation follows). Practical tips that have worked for me over the years: have protein, fibre and lots of water on a FD and avoid carbs where possible. I also find I manage a lot easier by skipping breakfast and going as late as possible to break my fast in the day. The moment I eat, it starts the hunger chain. Talking of hunger, it really doesn’t last forever. Keep checking in and posting, it honestly does help.

    I’ll put you on the ‘Pocket List’ – this a list of all of us who are fasting on a particular day so you can check in and know you’ve got some moral support with others who are doing the same!

    Have a lovely day all!

    Pocket List – Day 8 🍋

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Ahem. Weigh-in: 209 lbs! Major milestone! Dec/Jan/Feb goal now met. And, a total of 70 lbs lost while in this WOL! That’s the 95 kg mark, and the “obesity meter” is under 10%.

    Now to drop a couple of more this month!

    Day 8 – 2nd post

    @northgeorgia – Wohooo!!!! Brilliant result – congratulations!!! 😀

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