Fab Feb Fasting

This topic contains 425 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  timmothysmith01 2 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 437 total)

  • Day 1 country west Australia NFD
    Hi and welcome to everyone and looking forward to a fantastic month of fasting and generally feeling fab and fine.
    So, here’s how this works (same as it has always been):

    1. Start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are from, and if you’re on a fast day (FD); a non-fast day (NFD) or a controlled day (CD) (e.g. for 1st of December it would go something like “Day 1 – UK – FD”).

    2. Give a quick intro about yourself in the very first post – mostly for the benefit of the newbies. A brief blurb about your journey so far and what you aim get from this way of life (WOL). Also if you wish, your starting weight and any other measurements (waist, hip, bust etc.) you aim to keep track of throughout the month. You can record this on the spread sheet or if you are unable to I’m happy to fill it in for you!

    3. You can add any comments/questions/moans/whinges/triumphs… or anything you feel like you want to share with the rest of the forum. We all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon and days when we hang in there for dear life………so if you want to share it – post it.

    Recipes, tips, tricks and questions can also be shared – most of us are logged on at one time or another and can clarify things, offer advise, support etc. when needed – this is the great thing about this international forum, there’s always someone online!!!!

    Over the course of these monthly challenges, there have been small groups doing their own mini-challenges – called ‘pocket fasters’ or ‘pocketeers’ – they set a target and support each other through it. Anyone can join one of these groups or start a mini pocket fast – it’s entirely optional and flexible.

    5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    ABBREVIATION LIST – useful for those new to the challenges

    Common abbreviations used throughout this challenge and added to on an ongoing basis:
    16:8 – 16 hours fast 8 hours non fast
    5:2 – 5 days NFD:2 days IF
    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc. etc. etc.…….)
    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)
    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate
    CFD – Controlled Fast Day (a FD below your goal weight TDEE, whatever that is!!!)
    DH, DD, DS – Darling Husband Daughter, Son
    DTF – Dry ‘Til Fri (for those limiting the booze to weekend only ………….. & aiming for sainthood!!!!)
    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)
    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (we’ve all had one of those days. Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)
    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)
    HUNGER DRAGON – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce has an inner warthog!)
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones
    K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!………………or Sexy!!!
    LC – Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)
    LOL – Laughing Out Loud
    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)
    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, it’s a FD
    NFD – Non Fast Day
    OH – Other Half (eg spouse/partner)
    OMAD – One Meal A Day
    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of @penz)
    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)
    TRE – Time Restricted Eating
    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)
    WFH – Working From Home ……………….. Covid-19 enforced!!!
    WOL – Way of Life
    WOCA – Women Of a Certain Age
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    Day 0 – Rural Nebraska, USA

    Thanks, @lilymartin, for setting up our Feb challenge; I’m absolutely in. After the abandon of the holidays, the travel of January, and my general lack of restraint, the scale is about where it was last September and I’m ready to drop back down and then further.

    I’m a 63yo woman, married with three adult kids, one SIL, a 2yo DGD and another DGD about to be born. Life is lovely, and my weight is FAR better than is was two years. At 5’4″ originally, my current weight of around 145 was decent; at the 5’2″ I am now, my current weight is still too high.

    I’ve become a huge fan of water fasting, and do it every Tuesday and Thursday when I’m really busy, and end the day by driving into Omaha to teach piano lessons; it makes water fasting almost easy, and water fasting either helps me lose weight, or at least prevents a gain from when I don’t exhibit restraint over weekends.

    I look forward to reading everyone’s intro posts!

    Day 0 – USA/GA

    I am a 47 y/o male in northeast Georgia in the US, and have lost 68 lbs since January 2020 (maybe more on Day 1, we shall see in a few hours!). My goal is to lose an additional 57 lbs to get to a mid-range healthy weight (although truthfully, if I get to the high end of “healthy”, I’ll be thrilled). I am also hoping to no longer be categorized as “obese” before the end of winter or at least by sometime in the spring. This month, I will keep my target at 209 lbs, unless I somehow miraculously hit it tomorrow haha! I plan to do this, and hopefully surpass this goal, by sticking to a basic 5:2 WOL with an occasional 4:3, converting most if not all of those FDs from 500 kCal to WFDs, exhibiting mindful eating on most NFDs, AND by considering the factors mentioned by Jason Fung in his book “The Obesity Code.”

    Hi @stitchincarol welcome to Fab Feb.
    Yes, the holidays and January were not my best effort either since starting 5:2 way back in November 2016. But that is what is so good about 5:2, every day is a new day!
    Congratulations on the water fasts. I get migraines when I try them so just do 500calories on FDs.
    Do you remember Dykask? He was able to do an astonishing amount of water fasts.
    I would love to hear how he is going.
    I have been more mindful recently about my diet and have lost 2kgs so that is a plus!
    One of the main reasons I started doing 5:2 was for the health benefits as well as the weight loss.
    I really feel motivated to have better health all around in 2022.
    About me – A 60+ year old health professional who really should know better, I started This WOL in November 2016, as mentioned.
    Lost several kgs, felt really good, hit the dreaded plateau, took up residence for so long that the plateau became home, lost my mojo big time, started eating and eating ….. and eating.
    Hit my heavier weight EVER and have been bobbing along with a BMI 29/30 ( obese) since.
    I have had a few half hearted attempts at doing 5:2 but am now more serious about my health given age and Covid.
    I weigh daily and record only once a week on Saturday mornings.
    Am using MFP to crunch the numbers. Never did this pre 5:2 but it helps me keep my portions and intake on track.
    When I was most successful with doing 5:2 I found the support of this group and the accountability 2 really big factors.
    So back to where it all started for me 🙄 and hoping for good results.🙏🤞😁

    Congratulations on your progress to date.
    Good luck with the target this month.
    I have decided on a modest and hopefully achievable target of 2 kg weight loss.
    I am torn between having a goal that is possibly achievable or doing what the experts suggest and ‘ go for gold’ with a much higher target . Apparently the more challenging the goal, the more likely we are to achieve it ……. ( not my experience with 5:2 recently but then one does have to actually FAST on at least 1 day a week to see results!)🤔

    I’m in — will post more and introduce myself tomorrow.

    Day 1 AUS FD 800

    Thanks @lilymartin for hosting us this month! And thanks @songbirdme for hosting us in January!

    I’m 52F, 5’3 with peri menopausal and pandemic pounds to shift. I weighed in this morning at 127lbs, and my top weight before the last two years was 117lb. I am posting the actual numbers for accountability.

    I’d like to see 120lbs by the end of the month, or something closer than I am now!

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD 800

    Morning all. It’s officially the first day of Spring here in Ireland, it’s St Brigid’s Day, it’s mild at 10C, birds are singing, ok it’s overcast but it’s time for a new start.

    For accountability….and scared to do this but I am following other’s lead…my start weight this month is a shocking 167.5lbs! Shocking because that’s the weight I started at on this WOL back in 2017, of which I lost 35 of those pounds by summer 2018….maintained for a year, then new sedentary job, pandemic and menopause all combined in a perfect storm to slowly bring those pounds back on…..and that’s despite me being on here daily logging in and trying to fast.

    I am 54 y.o Female, with DH now accompanying me on my morning workouts with Leslie Sansone, and I want to get fit and healthy. Last year took a toll on my health with ruptured appendix, plantar fasciitis, diagnosed with high BP, aches and pains attributed to menopause, and while I am on the road to sort that out…..I have to get my weight down. I have to get away from teetering on the obese.

    I feel this is the month. 16:8 every day, two meals a day…FD twice a week.

    Goal for Feb…to get into the lower 160’s..haven’t been there since April 2021.

    Thanks all for being here. I might use the spreadsheet again for accountability if there is one available?

    Day 1, U.K., NFD

    Hi Everyone, Well after six weeks away I am back!

    I have been moving house!

    Amazingly I did not put any weight on over Christmas simply by doing ZBC but during January my “constant vigilance” wore a bit thin and I can now feel the pounds beginning to creep on 😱

    Will do my first FD tomorrow and THEN weigh myself the morning after that!! 😉

    Really looking forward to catching up on everybody’s posts! XX

    Second post

    Oh yes, I forgot, about me!

    I am a 51-year-old female living in the UK

    I have been doing 52 and IF in various forms since 2013

    I’ve been at my “old” target weight since about 2017 but in between times I could put on 7-8 pounds if I didn’t pay attention! Whoops!!!!

    Last year I set myself a new target weight which is 3 lb under my old target weight.

    I have not achieved that yet ha ha… Hopefully I will get there this spring?!?!

    I am a bit of a health freak, but I do love sugar, but I do try extremely hard to limit myself to sugar only at the weekends!

    I’ve recently made ZBC a way of life and I have to say that has really helped me maintain my weight when not doing IF

    Looking forward to reconnecting with old friends on the forum and making new ones this month 🙂

    Helloooo ladies from downunder.. Well it’s February 22 and I need to join your challenge to kickstart my new journey to lose 10kg.
    I actually did this in early 2019 (lost 11kg in 11 weeks) but have let it creep back on. I know this works so am determined to kick this goal by Easter. I’ve recently come out of an abusive relationship, so am re-inventing the new me! Roll on 2022!
    BTW: 60+++, 71kg; 5ft8″; still working, professional, home office of course.. right next to the ..KITCHEN! ha ha… but it’s ok as, being coeliac, I don’t buy or eat junk food, my problem is actually meal size… eat too big and too often, always hungry.

    Day 1 – UK – TDEE

    Good morning from Cumbria and great to be joining @lilymartin for this Fab Feb Fasting Challenge!

    As promised here is the spreadsheet for anyone wishing to use it for record/motivation!

    About me:
    I am a 63y.o. female living with my DH in the beautiful Lake District ⛰ having moved here since we both retired. We have a married daughter who has 4 fur babies – 3 black 🐈‍⬛ and an adorable beagle called Archie.
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 as I had gained weight during my last couple of years at work and was fed up with being overweight and wanted to enjoy my early retirement and get fitter!
    I discovered and joined the 30 Day November 2016 Challenge with @back2thefuture – best thing I ever did, as it got me to my maintenance weight and has kept me motivated and on track with this WOL! December was my 5th anniversary in maintenance! – Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs. Height = 165cm

    Weighed in this morning at 58kg/128lbs or just above 9st with a BMI of 21.3 – at the top of my maintenance range, so a bit above where I would ideally like to be……..I would love to lose 2kg/4.4lbs over this challenge 🤞

    @high5 – great to see you back – great job in not putting on weight with moving house and over the festive season – any weight that may have crept back on over January will soon be dispatched I’m sure!
    @daffodil2010 – If you don’t mind I will join you with daily 16:8 – ZBC and FD twice a week!
    @linda.b – welcome back and let us be part of your journey in “re-inventing the new me” – You last popped in when @northgeorgia hosted us in September 2020 Monthly Challenge — SALUBRIOUS SEPTEMBER

    My personal motto since reaching maintenance has been “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now” and it has stood me in good stead as a motivator

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Happy first of Feb to all, & thank you to @lilymartin for hosting this month.

    @at – thanks for setting up the spreadsheet.

    About me:- David, 59. Originally from Manchester in the UK, living in Durban, Kwazulu-Natal, on the east coast of South Africa. I started fasting in 2014 after seeing Michael Mosley’s ‘Eat, Fast & Live Longer’ documentary & reading his ‘Fast Diet’ book. I got serious with fasting after I retired in 2018 & realised I was gaining weight. I wasn’t exactly overweight but at one point my BMI was hovering around 25. I’ve been more or less maintaining for quite a while now, with the occasional holiday/festive season glitches. I now follow TRE, seldom eating before noon. I do mostly 5:2 & I don’t eat before 6 pm on fast days. This month I plan to stick to my Mon/Thurs FDs & I’m also keeping an eye the carbs & aiming for under 50 g per day.

    Yes, I did have a very short effort last year but life was a little chaotic back then so wasn’t the right time to kickstart. It is true you must be in the right mindset, but, gee, it does help to have others sharing the same journey too! So I’m full of resolve and had my first IF day today doing the 5:2. Tuesdays and Thursdays work well with my schedule.
    Worked before, so I know it work this time as I’m in a good place emotionally now and committed to success!

    Day 1- UK~ FD
    Haven’t done fasting for a while as losing well on another plan. However my life has become pretty chaotic with moving jobs and house and in temporary accommodation without cooking facilities so eating in work. Need to get some control back and so fasting it is. Coffee with milk for breakfast (essential), and now peppermint tea until teatime, when I have salmon salad planned. Going for a walk at lunchtime to quel the boredom eating 😊

    Day 1- UK FD

    Hello everyone I am Roberta originally from Italy but now in the UK. This is my second month doing 5:2 and I am really enjoying it. I am getting married in June and my aim is to lose other 7kg. January went really well -3kg and some centimeters here and there 🙂
    I count calories also during the NFD to avoid overeating. During the FDs I skip the breakfast (although I drink coffee with milk) and eat a protein based lunch and then minestrone in the evening. Lots of herbal teas during the day.
    thanks a lot for helping me being persistent

    Pocket list

    Day 1 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 210 lbs! The scales were finicky, but if the number appears more than twice, it’s legit haha! That’s a new milestone and a new low — the “15 stone” mark, and a total of 69 lbs lost so far. The obesity meter is just a bit over 10%, nearly 1/4 of my original body weight lost, and 55% of the way to my overall target weight.

    I’ll keep my goal at 209 lbs for February, since it’s a short month and I was just “barely” 210 today. Of course, I’m hoping I blow that 209 out of the water, but still…

    Day 1, London, UK, FD

    Hello my friends!!🤗🤗🤗I’m back!!!! @lilymartin, Thank you for hosting this month of revival for me🙏🏼🙏🏼I’ll do my best to be present & correct every day!

    Soooooo, I’m tired of doing that ostrich thing, but I refuse to follow @daffodil2010’s example and actually put the devastating number on paper!!! Sufficed to say ………………. It’s a Whopper!!!! When you come off the rails and temperance, restraint or moderation are not even in your dictionary, the results surface (on my thighs!!) in what seems like the blink of an eye!!!

    To recap on the steady decline of 2021- There was an injury to my mums foot which had devastating & long term consequences, a flat sale, a dream house find🥰, the loss of said house😥, moving in with my poorly mum, WFH, the lack of time or space to do my regular 3x pilates or 1x yoga per week or even go for a walk without 3 days planning, the rediscovery of the dreaded vino tinto😭, Xmas celebrations/excesses and then I got Covid last week, which thankfully was just a mega-headache that lasted 1 day even though I’m still testing positive😯

    Anyway, I’m still late 40’s Female, civil engineer (semi-retired thank goodness!!), house hunting in London and battling a poor relationship with food which fasting had cured, but only when you actually FAST!!! Unfortunately binge isn’t just something Sean Connery puts his rubbish in!!!!🤣🤣

    Plans for February ………………….
    • Booze free
    • 5:2 or maximum 4:3 – all 500cals
    • 2-3L water/day
    • Utilise the time when my mum has carers or family visits to get out and WALK, WALK, WALK!!
    • Dispatch 5lbs of fat

    There’s no reason why I can’t do this, especially with y’all in my pocket whether fasting or not!!!

    “Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day in and day out.”
    —Robert Collier

    Day 1 UK CD

    Ah welcome back @flourbaby – we’ve missed you And a very good day to all my fellow February Fasters -old and new !

    I’m determined to do well this month , been doing some reflection this morning and fairly shocked to see I have actually been GAINING since June , did well for the first half of last year then it went to pot – either stayed the same or gained , spectacularly in December! so the good news is I managed a 1lb loss last month so hopefully on the right track and want to register a decent loss during Feb

    Bit about me -I’m 60 live on the south coast of England with DH joined @coda back in May 2016 and over about a year or so lost 20lb , maintained for a couple of years got complacent put it back on – I’m finding the older you get the more of a challenge it is – I have about 12 lbs to lose and I’m aiming for the summer ☀️

    Looking forward 💪

    Day 1. USA. FD

    Starting off the month right with a fast. Have a great day everyone!

    Day 1 – UK – FD800

    Hi all! I made it back twice in a row to post… this is a great sign! lol

    Me & the DH managed our first FD together fine yesterday. It’s the same again today too – our plan is to do 2 weeks of FD800 to try and kick start the weight loss in both of us. It’s great having him do this with me. Yesterday was soup for lunch and then a 500cal dinner (chilli on a big bed of plain salad). Today has been soup again for lunch and now just deciding what to do for dinner. We need to plan our meals properly but neither of us want to trawl through the Fast 800 recipe books when we’re a bit peckish because it’ll make us want all the food.

    A little intro for me: I’m based near London and had a really successful weight loss with the 5:2 a few years ago when I was getting married. Then I fell out of the habit and all the weight came back on over the following years so now I’m back looking to shift that weight and feel better in myself. I have a health condition linked to inflammation that makes it tricky at times to be able to exercise to the level I’d really like to, which is very frustrating, but I’ve always been very interested in fasting as a way to overcome inflammation in the body.

    The plan at the moment is to do 2 weeks of FD800, then I’ll be switching to a 5:2 pattern after (and will drop down to 5/600cals on those, no doubt).

    @northgeorgia – CONGRATULATIONS on the new low!! That’s incredible!

    Pocket list

    Day 1 – CD

    Today’s weigh-in 146. I’m a late 50’s woman dealing with menopause difficulties like plentiful hot/claustrophobic flashes and weight difficulties. I restarted 5:2 in August 2021 at 175+ lb. -overweight BMI bordering on obese.

    So yay! exercise (Cardio strenuous hula hoop 5x a week and cardio moderate on my 5:2 days) and 5:2 have brought that weight down 30 lb but I am still in overweight BMI. Normal weight BMI in site – that would be between 141 and 142lb. My February goal is 143 or (🤞) less.

    I start my weight training again today with a schedule – hoping that motivates me to keep that goal.

    My other measurements here for accountability: Waist 27 in/69cm. Hips 40in/ 102cm. Shoulders 40.5 inches/103cm. Height 5’3+”/ 161 cm

    My hope is I could achieve stability in normal BMI (and some cm losses on measurements) by April 1 as I will be seeing my family then. I continue to work hard and check in here mostly daily as I try to get there.

    A big thank you to all participants of this thread, your support has been so helpful! I love reading everyone’s stories the accounts of success and struggle are a true help to me.

    Wishing all well.

    Day 1 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Thanks again, @lilymartin for taking us on this month. FAB February indeed!

    I am Gwynne, 73 y.o. retired school music teacher, and I still do some community, church, and private music. When I began my journey I was pushing 200 pounds (@90 kg) and gaining. I had done South Beach Diet in the late 90’s but it didn’t seem to be working. I read the Dr.’s book and saw it was a sound and reasoned approach to eating. Began 5:2 in March then joined @coda in May 2016. Hard to believe it was that long ago. I lost about 40 pounds in 10 months and have been able to mostly maintain with this forum support. My BMI is about 26-27, but the added ‘fat’ is fine to smooth out wrinkles. I am fortunate to not take any medicines at my age. I take my vitamins, do controlled eating ZBC most days. I am generally doing 6:1 in maintenance.

    I look forward to keeping up with the wonderful friends we have here and meeting the newbies!

    Onward and downward.

    Welcome to all join Day 1 of this FAB FEB.
    I can FEEL it’s going to be a Fantastically Fine month….. enough of the ‘f’s – except for Fasting.
    @songbirdme a big thank you 💐 for hosting January, even though I was MIA for most of it.
    @at, thank you so much for the link and the spreadsheet.🙏💐You are truly wonderful.
    I am extremely technologically challenged so it is great to have someone do that for the group.
    @litprof and other perimenopausal ladies, sadly around this time of your life you will go to sleep one night and in the morning you will find that the FAT FAIRY has visited 😱😱 and deposited a spare tyre around your waist 😲😳where you have never had a problem before.😭
    The spare tyre ranges from ‘muffin top’ to tractor tyre 🙄and it is firmly superglued in place and VERY difficult to budge..🥵. just saying….😳
    @daffodil2010, what a hard time you had last year.😔 Glad to see the end of it for you.
    With your friends on this forum in tow I hope 2022 is already looking better.🤞🙂
    @high5, It sounds as though you have things mostly under control. Only 3 lbs to lose….I wish…..😁
    @linda.b, Wow , what a lot of courage it takes to leave an abusive relationship. Will be thinking of you as you find your way through this year. ☺️
    I found that when I started 5:2 in November 2016, although I was eating fairly healthily, I was eating Far too much.🍎🥦🥑🥑🍞🍌🥪🍰🍷🍸🧀🥚.
    I started to use an entree size or bread and butter plate which really helped me with portion control.
    And I did all the other things our parents taught us – put your knife and fork down between bites; chew your food 32 times; take your time over a meal etc. 🤔 Who knew ??
    @funshipfreddie, welcome to Feb. Good luck with sticking with FDs. Sounds as though you have it fairly well sorted and glad to have you here.🙂
    @croutledge, welcome to the forum. You are in the right space for support . Many of us started Thi WOL because we needed to get our eating habits under control.
    @froby79. Congratulations on your impending nuptials in June and also on your 3 kg loss in January. 😇
    Here’s to a motivated month in Feb and further good numbers on the scale.😀
    @flourbaby, welcome BAACCCKKKKKK! 😃I seem to remember you and I had similar journeys where we had some success with 5:2 and then fell off the wagon and the wagon disappeared round the corner and out of sight. I did manage to pull my bulk back on the wagon from time to time but almost tipped the other occupants off due to increased ballast on my behalf!
    Sorry to hear that you had Covid but I am interested that you do not seem to have suffered overly from Covid. Makes me cautiously optimistic. 🤞
    Re whopper weight numbers ….I got down to 71.5 kgs in May 2017 and then after ensuing years of poor eating habits and now…..gulp…. 85.5 kgs.
    And THAT is having lost a few kgs in January. So there – I have posted the numbers I didn’t think I ever would.😳
    @brightonbelle, welcome to Feb and with you in wanting to lose weight in Feb. You were one of the originals from back in May 2016. That is quite a journey. Would be good to hear from @coda. In 2016-7 we had almost 100 members on the forum as I remember.
    O hope some of them pop in to say ‘hi’!.
    @ccco good to see you here for Feb. Hope its’ a good month.😁
    Again a big welcome to anyone who is joining for the first time or returning after an absence or just following on from January.
    We are all here to help each other. Looking forward to herding the cats this month.😅

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I think—THINK—I may have back my strong mojo. I THINK. It’s all emotional, you know? It’s a mindset that makes it suddenly easy; the tough part is locating that mindset. At any rate, today will be easy enough because water fasting on Tuesdays always is easy, and yesterday’s FD500 (the first in a very long time, actually) came in right on target. I have no idea what my calories were: we had some leftover steak which DH ate and two leftover lamb “lollipops” which I ate, plus some leftover roasted root vegetables which we shared. Then we had a tiny bit of leftover caramelized carrot risotto (like, a pile the size of an apricot). It was nice to get the fridge emptied out a bit, to eat really yummy food, and not to have to go to any effort. Was it actually below 500 calories, however? I made a tiny effort to figure it out, and got a range of 34-233 calories per lollipop, and didn’t try any further, LOL. BUT, it was exactly what I planned to eat, no more, and that made it a success.

    @northgeorgia I love that you are significantly beyond the halfway point of your journey.

    @litprof I am in awe that you and @at are both at such low BMIs. My ultimate goal is 125lbs on some days…but then, on other days, I think I’m nuts to try for such a low number. You two are an inspiration that it’s not unreasonable to shoot for the stars!

    @daffodil2010 Since the first day of spring isn’t actually until the vernal equinox in March, do tell why St. Brigid’s Day makes it the first day of spring for you? So delightful. 😍

    @high5 Welcome back!! So impressive that ZBC made such a difference for you; now that you’re back on the wagon, I just bet the weight will start the shift you want.

    @linda.b Welcome! I’m in awe that you lost a kg a week for 11 weeks–that’s epic. I have a suggestion for you to consider: try reducing your carbs. I’ve found that I’m hungry nearly beyond endurance when I’ve had lots of carbs the night before; perhaps that’s why you’re finding yourself so hungry all the time.

    @at I continue to be in awe that you’ve been in maintenance for five years. I’m hoping that by the time I reach maintenance, I’ll be so in the groove of this WOL that I too will manage five (and many more) years of maintenance!

    @funshipfreddie Under 50 g of carbs a day sounds suspiciously like a low-carb diet, LOL, but I thought you’d sworn off that? What’s up?

    @croutledge Welcome! I love your plan; it sounds sensible, doable, and effective. We’re glad to have you with us and will happily cheer you on!

    @froby One month in and you’re just shy of a third of the way there; you’re doing great!

    @northgeorgia Wow! What a FUN new low for you!

    Awww, @flourbaby, it’s such a JOY to have you back!! Never let yourself think that the forum goes on just fine without you, because you are such a delightful and essential part of this group. Perhaps cutting out all the calories in alcohol would be easier if you read the book @funshipfreddie mentioned a few months back…David, can you refresh our memories?

    @brightonbelle I’m still thinking you and I can hold on tight to each other’s hand! My ultimate goal is a full twenty pounds below this morning’s 145, but 12 pounds would get me to what used to be my holding weight. Today I’m water fasting and you’re doing a CD; let’s report in tomorrow if we both pulled off our plans. Yes?

    @babs_b My DH is also more committed to 5:2 now than he was as he has reached the “shocking” weight of 160.2, LOL. The man is 6 feet tall, but has always been the classic beanpole and a serious distance runner, so that weight is a full fifteen pounds heavier than he ever used to be, and eight pounds heavier than he’s content to be. All that said, he’s now committed again to 5:2 and it sure makes it easier for me on FDs, so I’ll just bet you and your DH will do great together!

    @mariaelena Your diligence is beyond stellar. I’m so impressed at how much you’ve lost, how steadily–rapidly, even!–and how well you’re continuing on. I’m particularly impressed at your 27″ waist. Mine used to be 23.5″ with 39″ hips, and menopause swelled up that waist to 28-29, and the extra pounds have me at 30. It certainly makes finding pants that fit far easier, but I miss my smaller waist, and you have one! Well done.

    @songbirdme How’s the effort to reduce your DH’s sugar going? You do such a fab job for yourself, that I just bet you’ll soon have his weight creeping down.

    @lilymartin I too often think of @dykask and wish he’d check in just to say hello.

    Okay, I think I’ve written an entire book today. I do find, however, that the more I write on the forum, the more involved I am; the more involved I am on the forum, the more closely I adhere to my eating goals. So when I can, I’m going to type away! 😂😃

    Pocket list
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 1 UK FD

    I’m dropping in for quick post as I’ve just ploughed through the epic posts from today – fab crowd in for Fab February!

    Thank you @lilymartin for hosting this month & @at for the spreadsheet

    I’m F57 London. I began 5:2 in Dec 2017 at 182 after significant health issues, stopping smoking and menopause had added 40lbs to my weight. Lost 40lb over the next 10 months and maintained until Oct 2019 after the sudden death of a close friend. Finally fell off the waggon when I caught covid early in pandemic and came back on last month. I’ve had long covid for almost two years and I’ve just picked up project work again after a gap with cognitive dysfunction and severe fatigue, heart and POTS issues still under investigation/treatment. Meanwhile DD has started having treatment for breast cancer. So I’m tackling the thing I can – my weight.

    I weighed in 31 December at 189lbs, 7lbs more than when I started here! But made a good start in January with Mon-Thurs FD800, 2 x CDs and one feast day to stop me undoing all my work over the weekend 🙂 I’ve made a solid start,losing 7lbs and 2″ from hips & waist so I’ll try the same again for Feb. Also aim to have more water, sleep and gentle adapted yoga. I know I can do this because i’ve done it before and I’m now tracking myself on the tracker!

    Welcome back @flourbaby and @high5! And warm welcome to newbies.

    Pocket list Day 1
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 1. USA. FD

    Glad to be back here. I’ve already lost 2 lbs., so I am on a roll! I hope I can keep it that way. I stopped drinking wine, which will go along way to help me. It was easy to give up this time because it give me indigestion! LOL. I have acquired a new bad habit, though, but it is so new that I think I can squash it in the bud. I need to stop eating my grandson’s snacks!!!

    Stitchincarol, I think it was you who added me to the pocket list. Thank you!

    Day 2 AUS FD800

    I’m awake bright and early here as it’s too hot and humid to sleep!

    Great to see such resolve on board this month. I just know we are all going to encourage each other towards our goals.

    We are back at the beach for a last hurrah before the academic year starts in earnest, and today is a Big Day for us as OH is taking early retirement, and today is his last day!!!! I think there’ll be a celebratory meal out, so might have to OMAD it. I’m allowing myself one glass of prosecco, but otherwise planning a very dry February.

    Yesterday ended with a swim in the warm Coral Sea, under a light tropical rain. Bliss.

    Day 2, NFD, Aus

    Thank you for the fabulous @lilymartin for hosting and keeping this great forum going. Nice to see some old faces back again and to welcome some new names.

    Day 1 – Ireland – FD

    Happy St Brigid’s day everybody! I’m just checking in before I hit the hay here it’s been a busy day and I’m soo tired but thank you @lilymartin for setting up the challenge. 👏♥️

    Starting weight for Fab Feb is 161.6 – getting close to my lower end of my current scale and hopefully can bob to 157-160 this month and not bob back up again. 👍 I feel that I can do it… it’s only been a few years trying …🤣

    Back soon 😁

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 2 country west Australia CD
    Why I hate computers!!!!!
    Just spent an hour replying to posts.
    Went to submit my post. The internet connection dropped out and I lost it ALL !!!!
    I will not get cross. I will not get cross. I WILL NOT GET CROSS!!!
    But I must go to work so will catch up with you all later.
    Welcome to all the newbies, those continuing and the returning.

    Day 2 U.K. – FD

    OMG! Fast day has arrived!🙈🙈🙈

    I haven’t fasted for six weeks and I’m dreading it!!!

    I feel like I’ve totally forgotten how to fast!

    I’ve been feeling starving every single day by lunchtime… How am I gonna make it through?! 😱😱😱

    I must remember to drink lots and lots of water this morning that will help….

    I’ll log in at lunchtime to get some inspiration from reading all of your posts!! Xx

    Day 2 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Great start to Februaru yesterday with lots of posters, old and new. The spirit is high for Feb!

    @northgeorgia super congratulations on the new low. Well done.

    @stitchincarol well, vernal equinox is March 21st and officially Spring, but here in Ireland, what with our mild maritime climate due to the Gulf Stream off our coasts, signs of Spring are everywhere, and even our Met office classifies St Brigid’s Day, 1st Feb, as Springtime. It’s great to get it so early 😄

    Today is NFD but egg salad for lunch and some chicken dish made by DH for dinner. Dry till Fri, ZBC, and 16:8….. Feels good.

    Happy Wednesday 🐫

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Welcome to the new joiners, & welcome back @flourbaby & @high5.

    @northgeorgia – Congratulations on the new low! 🥇

    @stitchincarol – nothing gets by you 😅 Yes, I’m trying low-carb again. I’m a natural sugar-fiend, & I think that’s partly why I fell off the wagon recently. I’m thinking maybe I didn’t try low-carb for long enough last year. And maybe I was too strict with myself. I’m still tweaking the numbers; maybe I’ll try 60 – 70 g per day. But even 100 g is still considered low-carb. It’s tricky at first. Yesterday I sprinkled some innocent-looking pomegranate kernels on my plain yogurt, only to later discover they contained 10 grams of carbs!

    @songbirdme – since you mentioned the word puzzle ‘Wordle’ recently, it seems to be everywhere! This article about the inventor was in the UK Mail yesterday: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10461765/SCORE-Brooklyn-based-engineer-created-WORDLE-sells-five-letter-brain-teaser-seven-figures.html

    @high5 – you can do this! It’s like riding a bike; sort of. Have you ever tried to munch on a sandwich whilst riding a bike? 🤪

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍓

    Day 2, London, UK, FD

    Thanks for the ‘welcome backs’, I shouldn’t have let that wagon get sooo far ahead of me, anyway I’m strapped in tight today!!

    Day 2 WILL be a FD, because yesterdays’ FD wasn’t actually a FD😟, I’m trying to do OMAD and have my meal at 1pm, so pretty much the middle of my day, it’s been working well when I actually get on with it, but last night, I was up late watching a (disturbing) documentary about Gabby Petito😭😭 and worked my way through half a bag of Wotsits ……………….. not bad I hear you say, they’re 82 cals/bag!!! No, No, NO …………….. I mean the Wotsit Giants at 710 cals/bag………………… Uurgh, rookie mistake!!!! I’ve got to keep that kitchen door firmly bolted after my OMAD!💪🏼💪🏼

    @lilymartin, you’re a brave lady, as are you @michelinme, but I KNOW this is a safe space, so here goes ……………….. current weight 191lbs, just 3lbs below where I started in Nov 2016😞😞😞 It’s utter madness, I tell you, MADNESS!!!! Anyway as @songbirdme says, “Onwards & downwards”. This wagon better be on a steep slope with a gale force tailwind!!!!

    @litprof, I’m with you for a very dry February, it’s my birthday month, so there may be a glass on the 24th, but I’m determined to knock the vino on the head, I was using it as stress relief after putting my mum to bed or after a difficult day with her 😢. It’s never the answer, so I’m swerving it for the foreseeable future👍🏼🙏🏼

    When I went MIA in October 😲😲, there was much discussion about ridiculously big salads, my OMADs lean towards big salads (not so sure how ridiculous they are!!🤣🤣). Howdid that plan work out for y’all trying it?

    Anyway, it’s time to get to work then prep my lunch of chicken with sauteed cabbage & Brussel sprouts!

    Have a great day folks.

    “Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.”
    — Oprah Winfrey

    Day 2 UK NFD

    Good day everyone
    Yesterday the FD was a bit tough but I managed to get distracted with all the wedding preparation!!
    Tonight menu tasting… Looking forward to it!!

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍓

    Day 2 – Ireland – FD

    Hi all.
    Down another 1lb today so thrilled with that… so 3lbs down for January which I’m very happy with. 😃🎉

    I can see loads of posts 👍 but don’t have time to read them at the moment but look forward to catching up on them all… I see some friends are back! Hi to you all and to anyone joining the challenge.

    Work projects are driving my week but time off for fun and friends soon ✈️ so I don’t mind 🎶 🎭😍

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍓

    Day 2 UK CD

    Loving the start of the new challenge positivity ! @stitchincarol your hand holding is definitely spurring me on , this months goals DTF , M&Th <500 FD , T&W CD – now this is the biggie for me and I fully accept it’s what’s I need to address – weekends !! It’s tricky as I don’t want to get into the full on psycho mode , obsessed with what I can’t have but I REALLY want to lose some flab so I’m thinking over the next couple of days how best to approach

    I was contemplating joining @funshipfreddie on the low carb journey but think still a bit nippy here for me to give up bread completely- but maybe in a few weeks ?

    Anyway must dash , catch you later Happy 🐫 day all

    Day 2 – UK – FD800

    Hi all, I have another FD800 under my belt from yesterday – that’s 2 in a row. I think possibly only the 2nd time I’ve managed to do something fasting-related b2b. It definitely feels a lot more manageable this time having DH involved. He hopped on the scales last night to keep motivated through a hunger pang… I warned him it may show a higher number because of being a different time of the day & having eaten (we originally weighed Monday morning first thing), but he was showing 3lb down. I’m showing 1.5lb down from Mon morning.

    Randomly we both woke up at 3:30am this morning seemingly completely naturally. Neither were hungry, we just both woke up & got up thinking it was morning. Thankfully we managed to get a couple more hours of sleep but it definitely wasn’t the most restful night.

    Still, today we’re sticking to our FD800 all the same. It’s ZBC, soup for lunch and another recipe from the Fast800 recipe book for dinner. DH planned all the meals from the book and went out with the shopping list yesterday… it was the cheapest food shop we’ve done in a long time and he said he was convinced the guy behind him was staring at our items on the conveyor belt because it was literally just veg, fish and a couple of bits of meat!

    @stitchincarol – your DH definitely sounds very lean!! 160.2lb at his heaviest and he’s 6ft is very impressive.

    @jaifam I can feel the motivation too! Definitely feels like a lot of us have turned the corner again.

    @funshipfreddie – good luck with the low carb! I need to check mine… I think I’m pretty low carb at the mo but I bet I’m having more than I think.

    @froby79 – Well done on the FD!! Enjoy the menu tasting!!

    @brightonbelle – I completely hear you re the weekends. I’ve been in exactly the same boat. I’m hoping this 2 weeks of FD800 will help to reset my appetite a bit so weekends in the future won’t be so indulgent every week. I’ll let you know if that’s the case!

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍓
    @babs_b FD800

    Day 2 – USA/GA – NFD(?)

    It’s 2-2-22, and I’m under 222 lbs, which I couldn’t say a year ago! Today’s weigh-in: 214 lbs. I’m not planning a FD today, as we typically may go out to lunch in the office, but I had a pretty big meal and also ate late last night, so I’m just not hungry. Definitely ZBC today, and I’ll play it by ear whether today or tomorrow will be my FD.

    Day 2 – FD 500

    Ate controlled yesterday with an emphasis on protein- I’m worried I am not getting enough. Did my cardio AND strength training (arms) and today is an exercise light day schedule as I always try to do in my regular fast days.

    We are extra busy today as we are expecting it is again likely to lose our power as weather moves in. We had 7 days without power (5 last winter, 2 last summer) last year and have thus stocked up on firewood, a tent we can pitch in the living room in front of the fireplace and two all weather sleeping bags. Our device chargers need to be topped off, drinking and cleaning water needs to be stored, laundry and dishes completely done, coffee beans ground, batteries replaced in flashlight and emergency lights and radio must be charged up etc. We had hoped to save up some money for a small portable generator, but such an investment is still beyond our budget currently. Local warming shelters last winter were only open in the daytime and would not accept pets so I need to be as prepared as possible.

    Busy does certainly help for a fast day, and I add my name to today’s pocket list.

    Warm thoughts to all.

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍓
    @babs_b FD800

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Yesterday’s WF went fine–except by evening I was freezing and I was starving, even when I went to bed. And in the middle of the night, I woke up briefly and realized I was cold and I was hungry. That NEVER happens! The scales this morning were 141.8, so that’s a lovely reward for persevering through yesterday. Today, it’s a tuna sandwich for lunch and ribs/more leftover caramelized carrot risotto/veggies for supper. I’m feeling FAR more empowered to use my RESOLVE and stick to the plan, so it’s lovely to be past the awful behavior.

    @litprof Oh my, that does sound like bliss! Congratulations to your DH!

    @lilymartin Oh, you poor thing! I know how frustrating that is. Two solutions: before you hit submit, copy all your text; that way if it gets lost, you can just paste it again. OR Type it all in a word document, and copy it to paste; again, if it gets lost, you can just copy it again.

    @high5 Something I’ve tried on the days when I was struggling to power through is to heat up a can of chicken broth. It’s amazingly effective: it tastes like chicken noodle soup without the chicken and the noodles; it’s hot, so it warms you; it fills you enough to help you persevere; and it’s only a handful of calories!

    @daffodil2010 Lucky you to have spring already; thanks for the explanation!

    @funshipfreddie Yeah, carbs are very tricky to cut down so low. Plus, I have a really hard time thinking of all carbs as evil. Despite my plan to have a sandwich and rice today, I’m cutting back on as much white flour carbs (and sugar) as I can, limiting rice, etc., and using veggie carbs like butternut squash and sweet potatoes to plump out meals. It’s not real low carb, but it’s doable and I don’t feel deprived much.

    @flourbaby Hmmm…sounds like yesterday was about 1200 calories, then? Or did you not eat the whole bag and come in closer to 1000? Not the success you wanted, but also not EFS calories, so you can call that good, I’d say. And now we’ll all cheer you on for today’s FD! And the ridiculously big salad (RBS) has been embraced by @emmataylor and she’s down two sizes and LOVES the approach. Go to eatlikeabear.com for details if you’re interested.

    @brightonbelle I was also thinking lots yesterday about Friday-Saturday-Sunday. I’m like a Jack in the Box: I get all wound up during the other four days, behaving with stellar control–and then I POP! out of the box and go nuts. So today I’m actually eating “normally,” and I’m spending lots of time thinking about what normal eating used to look like, back when I was BMI 21, and resolving that I’ll simply embrace the same “rules” as I gave myself back then. Sounds easy. Isn’t. But I’m thinking hard about it all, and I’ve learned that my thinking is what gives me success in my efforts. So good luck to you for the same results!

    @mariaelena Fingers crossed that you don’t actually lose power, but you sound like you have everything planned out in case you do.

    Okay, very busy day today, so must desist from chattering. Have a great one, everyone!

    Day 2 USA. FD

    Mariaelena, Sounds like you are out west in the U.S. I saw the weather news forecasts for new storms. I see no new snow storms for my region, for which I am grateful. Despite the cold, the last snow is melting but we didn’t get the ton of snow the north east got. I have in the past spent the night without electricity sleeping in front of a fireplace with my husband and children, still wearing our coats and hats. Not fun! I hope it doesn’t come that for you!

    Adding myself to the pocket list:

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍓
    @babs_b FD800

    Oh, I need not to have acquired a new bad habit. Yesterday went so well and then evening came and I again ate my grandson’s cookies! Oh why do we have to lose one bad habit only to gain another! LOL. I don’t even like cookies and I wasn’t hungry. I store them so I don’t have to go to the grocery to often and to make sure when I do go, they will be on the grocery store shelves. We have both supply chain problems and too many clerks out due to covid, so often no one to stock the shelves. My eating those cookies before the little guy gets here surely doesn’t help!!! 🙁

    I love reading everyone’s different approaches to their diets and often gain some insight to add to my own regimen. I had read that one trick to keeping from getting hungry is to eat a little bit throughout the day. Supposedly, this keeps your insulin levels from dipping, which should keep you from getting hungry. It’s worth a try and seems to be working. Only bad habits like cookies work against me! I am working on that, too. 🙂

    Have a great day and good luck today!

    2nd post

    @coco while my weather right now is gloomy, the cold won’t come through til tonight so I send you warm thoughts and very sincere wishes that your electricity returns pronto! I am so grateful we have a fireplace, and are well stocked with several days worth of firewood.

    Day 2 UK FD800

    Yesterday’s FD800 morphed into closer to a control day at 1000 calories. I went to bed after a warming bath but was much too cold and hungry to sleep. Unlike @stitchincarol I got up and had a date bar and a handful of cashews – then slept through to 7am. Still weighing in at 182 but my clothes are fitting better. I will persevere, drink more water/herbal tea over these last two FD800s for the week and see the score on Friday.

    Another full day which somehow i had expected to be quieter. Lots of email & DM catch up, 3 zoom meetings and an afternoon adapted yoga class. I broke my fast with baked eggs spinach and a little gnocchi at 3.30pm, and am about to make a quick stir fry with pak choi, field mushrooms, quorn ‘chicken’, onion, ginger, garlic and perhaps some stock for broth – like a noodle soup but with no noodles or chicken!

    My fortnightly fruit and veg box came today so I’m awash with squash, spinach, red kale, swede, spring greens, green peppers, avocados, salad leaves, red potatoes, mangos, apples, clementines, plums and limes, plus red cabbage and sweet potato to use up from last box. I forsee many happy healthy rainbow meals ahead!

    Lovely to catch up with posts but I’m wiped now. Off to cook, eat, bathe and zzzzz ahead of another full day tomorrow.

    @mariaelena praying that your power stays connected. You sound really well prepared!

    @flourbaby – well done brave person! That’s you, me and @daffodil2010 all revved up close to the starting line… but this time round we have so much experience to bring to the journey, and we know we’re in wonderful company

    Pocket List – Day 2 🍓
    @babs_b FD800

    Day 2 – UK – TDEE

    Not a bad start the challenge – coming in just below TDEE on both days and also completing a fair bit of exercise!

    Went to my bookclub meeting yesterday, ate a healthy dinner at home before going and had kept the calories required so I could enjoy a large glass of red wine with the group and really pleased that I came in at TDEE!!!

    A great strength Yoga Class this morning, I think every muscle in my body felt it!!!!!! followed by an afternoon of volunteering.

    Back home to make a Coffee and Walnut Cake for a friend’s birthday tomorrow – her favourite! then cooked a lovely Dhansak Prawn curry for dinner, served it with a small serving of rice and some red cabbage, carrot and spring onion salad – managed to swerve some wine despite really fancying a glass!!!

    @croutledge – welcome to our monthly challenge – we are small international group, some have been here since the first challenge way back in May 2016……..lots of support provided
    @froby79 – stay with us and we will help you achieve your goal for your June wedding 👰‍♀️
    @flourbaby – welcome back – we have missed you 🤗 you certainly had a rather challenging 2021 – let us hope that 2022 is your year and life settles down and that you soon test negative for Covid – so glad to hear that your symptoms have been minimal x
    @babs_b – great that you have the support of your DH on this journey, especially with your 2 week plan for FD800 as a starter x
    @mariaelena – what a great result since the start of your journey last August!!! I have no doubt that you will achieve that normal BMI fairly soon
    @songbirdme – we are so grateful for your continuing presence on these challenges – you are such an inspiration to all!
    @high5 – here’s hoping that your first FD in 6 weeks is going well 😇
    @flourbaby @lilymartin @michelinme @daffodil2010 – Remember that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER 🤗 a first big step is acknowledging where you are and where you want to be – we will all be here to support you!
    @litprof – congratulations to your DH on his retirement and it certainly is something to celebrate 🥂 Enjoy your last hurrah at the beach!

    We are missing a few regulars still – hopefully to see your posts soon……

    Day 3, FD, Aus

    I’m all at sea – I’m absolutely convinced that today is 4 February but the rest of the world is telling me I’m wrong. Still, it’s Thursday which means it’s a fast day.

    @flourbaby – so good to see you back. @EmmaTaylor is a complete convert to the daily epic big salad. I hope she’s lurking so she can tell you about her amazing success with it.

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for the thread link Carol – far more encouraging seeing how everyone else is also doing.

    I’m a 58 male with a ‘South Yorkshire’ food history. ie always lots on the plate, always seconds and always pudding! Once tried a ‘are you addicted to sugar article / quiz’ in one of the national newsapers and scored 15/15. Probably means I have a ‘very sweet tooth’!

    I’ve been reasonable active for the last 40 yrs, but hasn’t helped the weight pile on!

    Started 5:2 in August 2021

    30.8.21 96.2kg 15′ 3″
    20.12.21 90.6kg
    So, yeah: 5:2 works!

    Then came putting a bit on at Christmas (as expected) but not too much.
    Decided then to have January off the 5:2 diet: as I needed every spare ounce of emotional energy I could lay my hands on!!

    Still going to use August’s 2021 starting weight as a benchmark – because it makes me feel good 

    31.1.22 92.9kg = 14’ 9” (-8lbs)

    Started 5:2 again two days ago, and it’s good to get ‘back on track’. Doing 600 calories x 2 days per week: 300 cals for breakfast and 300 cals for eve meal. I find it fairly easy to stick to, but boy do I feel the cold on fast days and get a fuzzy head if I don’t drink enough water.

    Target is 89.0kg = 14’ 0” so 9lbs to go!

    Be good to lose 4-5 lbs in Feb and 4-5 lbs in March.

    Will pop back and read everyone else’s stories and keep you all updated.
    Many thanks.

    Day 3 AUS FD

    Yesterday came in just around 800 calories, as the restaurant we ate in last night had some very healthy and light veggie options.

    After 2 FD800s, I’m down a pound this morning. My work laptop- which is pretty new – just died, which means I’m leaving the beach for the city to get it fixed. As we are WFH due to the covid surge and I’m super busy, this is so stressful I’ve completely lost my appetite. So I may as well make it a FD!

    After this week, I’ll probably move to a 5:2 pattern, but am trying to kickstart the weight loss this week.

    I’m enjoying everyone’s posts and the energy on the board this month!

    Day 3 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Yes, let’s do this. Planning a good FD today, good old fashioned one like the olden days of 2017 😆

    Great to see the bravery @flourbaby of stepping up to the plate and acknowledging that dreaded number on the scale…putting it in writing and stark reality is a scary thing to do, but once done its there, but safely in this private space.

    Loving the encouragement from everyone here. @at, I cannot seem to see the spreadsheet…There is a blank sheet called February 2022 🤔

    Welcome @fastdietkeith

    Pocket list Day 3 -Together We Are Stronger

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