Hi simcoeluv, I’m exactly in the position which you aimed your initial posting. I’ve been doing a bit of exercise in order to improve my core strength and have put on about 3kg (of muscle, you can tell by where the shirts are getting tighter).
Then I decided to start 5:2 and am on my first fast ‘weekend’.
I would normally have gone to the gym this morning, but when I woke up I was not feeling ‘right’ and decided to stick to extra sleep. If I had gone and over-exercised (easy when on 500cal/day) or made myself sick – then my mindset would have automatically gone to “bad diet, let’s quit!”
As it stands, I’ll probably try again next Thursday and will definitely go on the Tuesday (which is a non-fast day) and continue do the low impact, everyday stuff. The exercise is not to help me lose weight, it never has been, it’s about allowing the Adonis to evolve from the Ablobis.
Good post, no justification required.
3:38 am
25 Sep 14