everything a newbie might want 2 c, use & read

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everything a newbie might want 2 c, use & read

This topic contains 31 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  wiltldnrUSA 10 years, 11 months ago.

Viewing 32 posts - 1 through 32 (of 32 total)

  • WELCOME!!! 2 this FDL (fastdaylifestyle)

    if u want 2 c the trials & tribulations & topics & replies click on the name it will give u all

    we encourage u 2 post ur thoughts, daily foods & write a profile

    if we do not get back 2 u right away do not be disappointed
    this forum is growing super quickly & we do eventually reply it might take 4 months or that day just keep posting or even keep bugging us. make us feel guilty!! we really have a nice family
    not a rude one.

    or try 2 go 2 unanswered Welcome to The Fast Diet forums & answer someone (link below)

    there r over 50 people unanswered right now (i use the find tool on my computer 4 the word welcome)

    many of us work & have another life
    dr michael & mimi r super busy travelling & answering questions
    w/ the press or tv

    however, they do post once & awhile
    under tools u can c all their replies link way blow

    all posters should keep adding tools this topic that might help

    the newbies                
    “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” 6 August 2012
    Michael J. Mosley has set himself a truly ambitious goal: he wants to live longer, stay younger and lose weight in the bargain. And he wants to make as few changes to his life as possible along the way. He discovers the powerful new science behind the ancient idea of fasting, and he thinks he’s found a way of doing it with the 5:2 diet that still allows him to enjoy his food. Michael tests out the science of fasting on himself – with life-changing results.

    “The Truth About Exercise” 28 February 2012
    Michael Mosley investigates recent scientific research that could change the way people exercise, including a study that suggests many could benefit from just three minutes of high-intensity activity a week. He also discovers the health benefits of seemingly innocuous actions, such as walking and fidgeting, and learns why some people do not respond to exercise at all.
    “The Truth About Personality” 10 July 2013
    Michael Mosley explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience to find out what factors shape people’s personalities and whether they can be changed. Michael tries two techniques in an attempt to make him worry less and become more of an optimist – with surprising results.
    Diet and Disease FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four
    The lengths doctors go to to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.
    The Truth About Vitamins (16 Sep. 2004)
    Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health.
    And it remains possible that high dose vitamin
    supplements will one day be proven to protect
    against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
    But so far, definitive evidence for these claims
    remains largely elusive. And as we discover more
    about some vitamins, it is increasingly clear that
    in large doses they can have unexpected,
    and sometimes dangerous consequences.
    michael’s replies
    his dr wife clare replies
    Body frame size & weight chart Body Fat Content Chart 4 men and women
    Body Fat Content Chart for Men and Women Age-Adusted 

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or atf w/1 or 6/1 :D ♫♥♫                         

    Thank you for putting this together. Very interesting read/watch on all the topics. Amazing what type of research is going on out there. Wish this type of stuff made it to mainstream TV in primetime instead of the trash (reality TV) that is usually on.

              WELCOME!!! 2 this FDL (fastdaylifestyle)           
    if u want 2 c the trials & tribulations & topics & replies click on the name it will give u all
    we encourage u 2 post ur thoughts, daily foods & write a profile
    if we do not get back 2 u right away do not be disappointed
    this forum is growing super quickly & we do eventually reply it might take 4 months or that day just keep posting or even keep bugging us. make us feel guilty!! we really have a nice family
    not a rude one.
    or try 2 go 2 unanswered Welcome to The Fast Diet forums & answer someone (link below)
    there r over 50 people unanswered right now (i use the find tool on my computer 4 the word welcome)
    many of us work & have another life
    dr michael & mimi r super busy travelling & answering questions
    w/ the press or tv
    however, they do post once & awhile
    under tools u can c all their replies link way b low
    all posters should keep adding tips & tools this topic that might help the newbies                
    “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” 6 August 2012
    Michael J. Mosley has set himself a truly ambitious goal: he wants to live longer, stay younger and lose weight in the bargain. And he wants to make as few changes to his life as possible along the way. He discovers the powerful new science behind the ancient idea of fasting, and he thinks he’s found a way of doing it with the 5:2 diet that still allows him to enjoy his food. Michael tests out the science of fasting on himself – with life-changing results.
    “The Truth About Exercise” 28 February 2012
    Michael Mosley investigates recent scientific research that could change the way people exercise, including a study that suggests many could benefit from just three minutes of high-intensity activity a week. He also discovers the health benefits of seemingly innocuous actions, such as walking and fidgeting, and learns why some people do not respond to exercise at all.
    “The Truth About Personality” 10 July 2013
    Michael Mosley explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience to find out what factors shape people’s personalities and whether they can be changed. Michael tries two techniques in an attempt to make him worry less and become more of an optimist – with surprising results.
    Diet and Disease FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four
    The lengths doctors go to to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.
    The Truth About Vitamins (16 Sep. 2004)
    Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health.
    And it remains possible that high dose vitamin
    supplements will one day be proven to protect
    against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
    But so far, definitive evidence for these claims
    remains largely elusive. And as we discover more
    about some vitamins, it is increasingly clear that
    in large doses they can have unexpected,
    and sometimes dangerous consequences.

    another thing not 2 forget is 2 measure urself many people lose inches & not weight yet & then both 😀
    michael’s replies
    his dr wife clare replies
    Body frame size & weight chart 4 men and women
    Body Fat Content Chart for Men and Women Age-Adusted 
    happy nonfastdays & fastdays or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or atf w/1 or 6/1 😀  ♫♥♫  


    welcome & thanks

    if u have any tips 2 add

    please do

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    Thank You for sharing this info! Great tips and videos. 🙂


    another thing not 2 forget is 2 measure urself many people lose inches & not weight yet & then both 😀

    Thanks, the scale is evil…lol

    Okay I’m a noob and here’s something I want to see: more photos of Michael!! There’s not nearly enough on this site.

    noob good nickname

    there is facebook & twitter which is way up 2 the tippy top 2 the right they have many b4 after pics



    & if u r that horizon or bbc person

    u probably have seen that one of dr mosley

    in a corset
    u can c how much he lost

    Yeah, I’ve harvested (for want of a better word) all the Mosley-porn from those links. What’s this talk of Mosley in a corset?! Link to that bad boy!

    Mosleys Bit On


    Blood and Guts A History of Surgery Fixing Faces – 104

    Ahhh yes, that episode. BUT Michael’s tasty (albeit slightly psychiatric-looking) physique in that episode has nothing to do with 5:2. Blood & Guts was made way before he cottoned on to 5:2.

    And there was me thinking you had found images of him in lingerie!

    more stuff 4 u the newbies welcome!

    u can eat anyway u want on fastdays

    either nibbling all day like one of the authors mimi


    breakfast & dinner like dr michael skipping lunch

    or lunch & dinner


    1 dinner only like me (usa) i like my 500 in 1 day

    somehow it works 4 me

    now the timing i usually do it 36 -50 hours but u can do it differently whatever works

    i use this link

    Time Duration Calculator: Time between two dates/times



    saturday 10/19/2013 dinner nonfastday 7pm

    sunday 10/20/2013 dinner fastday 500 cals 7pm

    monday 10/21/13 lunch nonfastday

    41 hours fast

    there r nice google extensions like countdown timers u can c while on ur computer the numbers getting (right now watching that 18hrs have counted)

    also google play has apps 4 ur devices

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    let’s say u messed up

    u r / we r human

    just congratulate urself that u have even started

    the fdl (fastday lifestyle)!!!!

    just start another fastday

    u can have & onfastday offnonfastday & so on alternatively (that 1 is hard & not recommended 4ever)


    a 4/3

    4nonfastdays/3 intermittent fastdays


    a 5/2
    5nonfastdays/2 intermittent fastdays

    a 6/1 (michael is now on this because he has achieved his weight goal & so many others on this forum i call them the elite group 😀 )

    6nonfastdays/1 intermittent fastdays


    a 4/2/1

    the 1 being a complete feastday

    a 3/3/1

    the 1 being a complete feastday

    some of us have 2 count cals on nonfastdays


    some of don’t have 2 count cals on nonfastdays (luuuuuuuuuucky them 🙂 )

    whichever the goals r the same & side effects

    mental acuity increased

    freedom from being a prisoner 2 food

    joy in eating healthily w/out thought

    not being hungry

    save allot of money!

    enjoying ur taste buds

    manageable 2 ur lifestyle

    everyone & u may add more!!!!!!!!

    wish u all success

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    welcome newbies/posters

    please understand that even sometimes new topics/

    or replies

    r not responded 2 immediately

    it is never personal on this forum it is just that the person is busy & lo & behold a wk/mnth later they reply

    2 ur thoughts

    now we have a good tool

    Notify me of follow-up replies via email

    the 1st post of this topic has many things 2 help

    read through or contribute whichever will help someone

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 or 6/1 😀

    if u like research or science studies concerning

    diabetes cholesterol insulin

    obesity diets dietary fats

    what r the best diets 2 follow w/ this lifestyle if u have 2

    especially a poster eddy http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/users/eddy/

    gave this specific part

    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains – Fat …


    this is mind blowing it will help u understand urself & the misconceptions of fat & what foods 2 eat in the world

    what foods 2 eat 2 reduce high risk diseases

    wiltldnrUSA, you’re so hankering to be a moderator aren’t you?

    bump! thanks to USA for taking the time to put all this info in one place x

    fast for life

    thanks 4 bump 😀

    please could u contribute a thought/tip/advice/link

    2 this topic/post/link?

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) 😀

    some new videos we now think r required 2 c

    to help u w/ this lifestyle is here is what r posters r saying

    posters reviews so far
    ♥ruthi♥ http://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/users/ruthi/

    “Right, I have watched Part 1 and I am in heaven – scientific proof for all that I know to be true!!!”
    “need to watch the whole series! Its amazing!”
    “It is really, REALLY worth investing the time, because then you will understand properly what is happening to your body and why.”
    “I think its required watching for all, but especially if you have a lot of excess weight and/or type 2 diabetes.”


    “I’m loving the Jason Fung series”



    “Hi all-you on this link got me interested in Jason Fung series on you tube so just finished watching the Obesity #4
    where he talks about sugar, wheat and intermittent fasting in regard to insulin resistance. Very well done, I plan to watch more.
    So, thanks for that!”

    wiltldnrUSA (known as usa)


    “i can not get over this video that eddy introduced
    it is mind blowing & the conclusions r so surprising
    it really explains so much & will be the healthiest way of what 2 incorporate on nonfastdays & fastdays
    it really explains what diets/foods have caused such diseases as well as what will keep us away from those diseases”
    “this is worth repeating again & again again & again again & again ad infinitum”

    this dr understands fasting & belies in dr michael mosley

    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6: A New Hope
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 2 of 6: The New Science of Diabesity
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 3 of 6: Trial by Diet
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 4 of 6: The Fast Solution
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 5 of 6: Diet and Disease
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains – Fat Phobia
    Insulin Toxicity and How to Cure Diabetes
    Dietary Villains – Part 2: Salt Scare
    & worth repeating

    part 1 The Real Cause of Heart Disease
    October 25 16:24 in Failed low fat diets, Heart Disease, Saturated fat

    have not watched this one below yet

    Part 2 of ABC’s Heart of the Matter series – ‘Cholesterol Drug War’ is now online:

    wish u all success again

    u r also welcome 2 join the reversal diabetes site
    the dr has replied 2 our email u do not have 2 b a diabetic but we all have been struggling w/ weight high blood pressure etc
    ur welcome 2 post ur story

    reversing type 2 diabetes & the fastday lifestyle


    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) 😀


    tool 4 figuring out nutrition & what food is the highest in

    Nutrient Ranking Tool


    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) 😀

    The Men Who Made Us Fat
    Around the world, obesity levels are rising. More people are now overweight than undernourished. Jacques Peretti traces those resp…
     PART 1 - 3       


    The Men Who Made Us Thin Episode One

    As obesity escalates, the diet business is booming. Jacques Peretti investigates the connections between obesity and weight loss, and confronts some of the men making a fortune from our desire to become thin.

    In the first of this four-part series, Jacques examines the scientific reasons why so many diets fail long-term and why – in spite of this failure – we go back to them again and again.

    Travelling to the US and speaking to industry insiders, he discovers some of the secrets of the industry.

    The knowledge that dieting is problematic was realised by scientists back in the 1940s and 1950s. Jacques asks whether this research influenced the modern diet industry, which often relies on returning customers who blame themselves for failure when the diet doesn’t deliver a long-term solution.

    Jacques speaks to a former director of Weight Watchers, who admits that customer failure was a significant factor in the company’s profits: people have to keep coming back.

    In addition, Peretti meets other industry leaders, including Slimfast billionaire Danny Abrahams and Pierre Dukan, of the Dukan diet, to question them about the strategy behind the fortunes they’ve made.

    PART 1-4



    Wow wiltldnrUSA you are amazing!!

    2all noobs/newbies/posters
    more 2c 2 c, use & read
    WELCOME!!! 2 this FDL (fastdaylifestyle)
    u may call me usa
    if u want 2 c the trials & tribulations & topics & replies click on the name it will give u all
    we encourage u 2 post ur thoughts, daily foods & write a profile
    if we do not get back 2 u right away do not be disappointed
    this forum is growing super quickly & we do eventually reply it might take 4 months or that day just keep posting or even keep bugging us. make us feel guilty!! we really have a nice family
    not a rude one.
    or try 2 go 2 unanswered Welcome to The Fast Diet forums & answer someone who has not been answered (link below)
    or answer a no replied topic
    many of us work & have another life
    dr michael & mimi r super busy travelling & answering questions
    w/ the press or tv
    however, they do post once & awhile
    under tools u can c all their replies

    michael’s replies
    his dr wife clare replies

                U MESSED UP
    let’s say u messed up
    u r / we r human
    just congratulate urself that u have even started
    the fdl (fastday lifestyle)!!!!
    just start another fastday  

               TYPES OF FASTING
    u can have & onfastday offnonfastday & so on alternatively (that 1 is hard & not recommended 4ever)
    a 4/3
    4nonfastdays/3 intermittent fastdays
    a 5/2
    5nonfastdays/2 intermittent fastdays
    a 6/1 (michael is now on this because he has achieved his weight goal & so many others on this forum i call them the elite group 😀 )
    6nonfastdays/1 intermittent fastdays
    a 4/2/1
    the 1 being a complete feastday
    a 3/3/1
    the 1 being a complete feastday
    some of us have 2 count cals on nonfastdays
    some of don’t have 2 count cals on nonfastdays (luuuuuuuuuucky them 🙂 )
    whichever the goals r the same & side effects
    mental acuity increased
    freedom from being a prisoner 2 food
    joy in eating healthily w/out thought
    no alzheimer
    not being hungry 4 long
    increased adrenalin
    no muscle loss
    save allot of money!
    enjoying ur taste buds
    manageable 2 ur lifestyle
                                          U CAN EAT ANYWAY U WANT ON FASTDAYS
    either nibbling all day like one of the authors mimi
    breakfast & dinner like dr michael skipping lunch
    or lunch & dinner
    1 dinner only like me (usa) i like my 500 in 1 day
    somehow it works 4 me
    now the timing i usually do it 36 -50 hours but u can do it differently whatever works
    i use this link
    Time Duration Calculator: Time between two dates/times
               FASTDAY EXAMPLE
    saturday 10/19/2013 dinner nonfastday 7pm
    sunday 10/20/2013 dinner fastday 500 cals 7pm
    monday 10/21/13 lunch nonfastday
    41 hours fast
    there r nice google extensions like countdown timers u can c while on ur computer the numbers getting
    also google play has apps 4 ur devices                          
    The Fast Diet, quickly DR michael & mimi luv this vid
       he has a great sense of humor dr mosley :D                              
    i don’t b long 2 facebook but u can still c
    he has a great sense of humor
    some very funny pics
              dr michael’s VIDEOS                           
    “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” 6 August 2012
    Michael J. Mosley has set himself a truly ambitious goal: he wants to live longer, stay younger and lose weight in the bargain. And he wants to make as few changes to his life as possible along the way. He discovers the powerful new science behind the ancient idea of fasting, and he thinks he’s found a way of doing it with the 5:2 diet that still allows him to enjoy his food. Michael tests out the science of fasting on himself – with life-changing results.
    “The Truth About Exercise” 28 February 2012
    Michael Mosley investigates recent scientific research that could change the way people exercise, including a study that suggests many could benefit from just three minutes of high-intensity activity a week. He also discovers the health benefits of seemingly innocuous actions, such as walking and fidgeting, and learns why some people do not respond to exercise at all.
    “The Truth About Personality” 10 July 2013
    Michael Mosley explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience to find out what factors shape people’s personalities and whether they can be changed. Michael tries two techniques in an attempt to make him worry less and become more of an optimist – with surprising results.
    Diet and Disease FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four
    The lengths doctors go 2 to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.
    The Truth About Vitamins (16 Sep. 2004)
    Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health.
    And it remains possible that high dose vitamin
    supplements will one day be proven to protect
    against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
    But so far, definitive evidence for these claims
    remains largely elusive. And as we discover more
    about some vitamins, it is increasingly clear that
    in large doses they can have unexpected,
    and sometimes dangerous consequences.

               VIDEOS WE RECOMMEND

    DR FUNG SERIES c what our posters/viewers say

    “Right, I have watched Part 1 and I am in heaven – scientific proof for all that I know to be true!!!”
    “need to watch the whole series! It’s amazing!”
    “It is really, REALLY worth investing the time, because then you will understand properly what is happening to your body and why.”
    “I think its required watching for all, but especially if you have a lot of excess weight and/or type 1/2 diabetes.”

    “I’m loving the Jason Fung series”
    “Hi all-you on this link got me interested in Jason Fung series on you tube so just finished watching the Obesity #4
    where he talks about sugar, wheat and intermittent fasting in regard to insulin resistance. Very well done, I plan to watch more.
    So, thanks for that!”
    wiltldnrUSA (known as usa)
    “i cannot get over this video that eddy introduced
    it is mind blowing & the conclusions r so surprising
    it really explains so much & will be the healthiest way of what 2 incorporate on nonfastdays & fastdays
    it really explains what diets/foods have caused such diseases as well as what will keep us away from those diseases”
    “this is worth repeating again & again again & again again & again ad infinitum”
    this dr understands fasting & believes in dr michael mosley
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6: A New Hope
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 2 of 6: The New Science of Diabesity
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 3 of 6: Trial by Diet
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 4 of 6: The Fast Solution
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 5 of 6: Diet and Disease
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains – Fat Phobia
    Insulin Toxicity and How to Cure Diabetes
    Dietary Villains – Part 2: Salt Scare
               OTHER VIDEOS
    Sugar: The Bitter Truth
    documentary investigation into sugar and its impact on consumers,


    The program considers the sugar “bliss point” used by the food industry to find the optimal amount of sugar required to maximize the appeal of any product, the amount of hidden sugar in common food products (even many labeled ‘healthy’), the correlation between sugar consumption, obesity, type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.

    It has a contribution from Dr Robert Lustig who explains that sugar has been “1,000 worse” for us than dietary fat and why it causes harm and also input from Gary Taubes on how the food industry has discredited those in the past who have questioned sugar.

    There’s an interesting segment on cancer and suggestions of a link between sugar, diabetes and Alzheimer’s (which is called “diabetes of the brain”).

    this 2013 video has caused an uproar w/ the heart foundation in Australia people r not happy w/ also the american heart association                      
    part 1 The Real Cause of Heart Disease
    in Failed low fat diets, Heart Disease, Saturated fat
    Part 2 of ABC’s Heart of the Matter series – ‘Cholesterol Drug War’ is now online:
    however it has
    The Men Who Made Us Fat
    Around the world, obesity levels are rising. More people are now overweight than undernourished. Jacques Peretti traces those resp…
     PART 1 - 3
    The Men Who Made Us Thin Episode One
    As obesity escalates, the diet business is booming. Jacques Peretti investigates the connections between obesity and weight loss, and confronts some of the men making a fortune from our desire to become thin.
    In the first of this four-part series, Jacques examines the scientific reasons why so many diets fail long-term and why – in spite of this failure – we go back to them again and again.
    Travelling to the US and speaking to industry insiders, he discovers some of the secrets of the industry.
    The knowledge that dieting is problematic was realized by scientists back in the 1940s and 1950s. Jacques asks whether this research influenced the modern diet industry, which often relies on returning customers who blame themselves for failure when the diet doesn’t deliver a long-term solution.
    Jacques speaks to a former director of Weight Watchers, who admits that customer failure was a significant factor in the company’s profits: people have to keep coming back.
    In addition, Peretti meets other industry leaders, including Slimfast billionaire Danny Abrahams and Pierre Dukan, of the Dukan diet, to question them about the strategy behind the fortunes they’ve made.
    PART 1-4



    tool 4 figuring out nutrition & what food is the highest in
    Nutrient Ranking Tool
    Body frame size & weight Chart 4 men and women
    Body Fat Content Chart for Men and Women Age-Adusted 

    google has a tool 2 convert anything
    unit converter
    now we have a good tool when replying 2 a post checkmark
    Notify me of follow-up replies via email

    all posters please keep adding tools 2 this topic so that it might help the newbies/posters 
    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) 😀


    thanks. ur post r funny really enjoy

    i added more stuff u r welcome 2 also

                    4 POSTERS 2 😀
            WELCOME!!! 2 this FDL (fastdaylifestyle)

    u may call me usa
    if u want 2 c the trials & tribulations & topics & replies click on the name it will give u all
    we encourage u 2 post ur thoughts, daily foods & write a profile
    if we do not get back 2 u right away do not be disappointed
    this forum is growing super quickly & we do eventually reply it might take 4 months or that day just keep posting or even keep bugging us. make us feel guilty!! we really have a nice family
    not a rude one.
    or try 2 go 2 unanswered Welcome to The Fast Diet forums & answer someone who has not been answered (link below)
    or answer a no replied topic
    many of us work & have another life
    dr michael & mimi r super busy travelling & answering questions
    w/ the press or tv
    however, they do post once & awhile
    under tools u can c all their replies
    michael’s replies
    his dr wife clare replies
                U MESSED UP
    let’s say u messed up
    u r / we r human
    just congratulate urself that u have even started
    the fdl (fastday lifestyle)!!!!
    just start another fastday  
               TYPES OF FASTING
    u can have & onfastday offnonfastday & so on alternatively (that 1 is hard & not recommended 4ever)
    a 4/3
    4nonfastdays/3 intermittent fastdays
    a 5/2
    5nonfastdays/2 intermittent fastdays
    a 6/1 (michael is now on this because he has achieved his weight goal & so many others on this forum i call them the elite group 😀 )
    6nonfastdays/1 intermittent fastdays
    a 4/2/1
    the 1 being a complete feastday
    a 3/3/1
    the 1 being a complete feastday
    some of us have 2 count cals on nonfastdays
    some of don’t have 2 count cals on nonfastdays (luuuuuuuuuucky them 🙂 )
    whichever the goals r the same & side effects
    mental acuity increased
    freedom from being a prisoner 2 food
    joy in eating healthily w/out thought
    no alzheimer
    not being hungry 4 long
    increased adrenalin
    no muscle loss
    save allot of money!
    enjoying ur taste buds
    manageable 2 ur lifestyle
    either nibbling all day like one of the authors mimi
    breakfast & dinner like dr michael skipping lunch
    or lunch & dinner
    1 dinner only like me (usa) i like my 500 in 1 day
    somehow it works 4 me
    now the timing i usually do it 36 -50 hours but u can do it differently whatever works
    i use this link
    Time Duration Calculator: Time between two dates/times
               FASTDAY EXAMPLE
    saturday 10/19/2013 dinner nonfastday 7pm
    sunday 10/20/2013 dinner fastday 500 cals 7pm
    monday 10/21/13 lunch nonfastday
    41 hours fast
    there r nice google extensions like countdown timers u can c while on ur computer the numbers getting
    also google play has apps 4 ur devices                          
    The Fast Diet, quickly DR michael & mimi luv this vid
       he has a great sense of humor dr mosley 😀                               
    i don’t b long 2 facebook but u can still c
    he has a great sense of humor
    some very funny pics
              dr michael’s VIDEOS                           
    “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” 6 August 2012
    Michael J. Mosley has set himself a truly ambitious goal: he wants to live longer, stay younger and lose weight in the bargain. And he wants to make as few changes to his life as possible along the way. He discovers the powerful new science behind the ancient idea of fasting, and he thinks he’s found a way of doing it with the 5:2 diet that still allows him to enjoy his food. Michael tests out the science of fasting on himself – with life-changing results.
    “The Truth About Exercise” 28 February 2012
    Michael Mosley investigates recent scientific research that could change the way people exercise, including a study that suggests many could benefit from just three minutes of high-intensity activity a week. He also discovers the health benefits of seemingly innocuous actions, such as walking and fidgeting, and learns why some people do not respond to exercise at all.
    “The Truth About Personality” 10 July 2013
    Michael Mosley explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience to find out what factors shape people’s personalities and whether they can be changed. Michael tries two techniques in an attempt to make him worry less and become more of an optimist – with surprising results.
    Diet and Disease FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four
    The lengths doctors go 2 to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.
    The Truth About Vitamins (16 Sep. 2004)
    Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health.
    And it remains possible that high dose vitamin
    supplements will one day be proven to protect
    against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
    But so far, definitive evidence for these claims
    remains largely elusive. And as we discover more
    about some vitamins, it is increasingly clear that
    in large doses they can have unexpected,
    and sometimes dangerous consequences.

               VIDEOS WE RECOMMEND
    DR FUNG SERIES c what our posters/viewers say
    “Right, I have watched Part 1 and I am in heaven – scientific proof for all that I know to be true!!!”
    “need to watch the whole series! It’s amazing!”
    “It is really, REALLY worth investing the time, because then you will understand properly what is happening to your body and why.”
    “I think its required watching for all, but especially if you have a lot of excess weight and/or type 1/2 diabetes.”
    “I’m loving the Jason Fung series”
    “Hi all-you on this link got me interested in Jason Fung series on you tube so just finished watching the Obesity #4
    where he talks about sugar, wheat and intermittent fasting in regard to insulin resistance. Very well done, I plan to watch more.
    So, thanks for that!”
    wiltldnrUSA (known as usa)
    “i cannot get over this video that eddy introduced
    it is mind blowing & the conclusions r so surprising
    it really explains so much & will be the healthiest way of what 2 incorporate on nonfastdays & fastdays
    it really explains what diets/foods have caused such diseases as well as what will keep us away from those diseases”
    “this is worth repeating again & again again & again again & again ad infinitum”
    this dr understands fasting & believes in dr michael mosley
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6: A New Hope
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 2 of 6: The New Science of Diabesity
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 3 of 6: Trial by Diet
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 4 of 6: The Fast Solution
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 5 of 6: Diet and Disease
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains – Fat Phobia
    Insulin Toxicity and How to Cure Diabetes
    Dietary Villains – Part 2: Salt Scare
               OTHER VIDEOS
    Sugar: The Bitter Truth
    documentary investigation into sugar and its impact on consumers,
    The program considers the sugar “bliss point” used by the food industry to find the optimal amount of sugar required to maximize the appeal of any product, the amount of hidden sugar in common food products (even many labeled ‘healthy’), the correlation between sugar consumption, obesity, type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.
    It has a contribution from Dr Robert Lustig who explains that sugar has been “1,000 worse” for us than dietary fat and why it causes harm and also input from Gary Taubes on how the food industry has discredited those in the past who have questioned sugar.
    There’s an interesting segment on cancer and suggestions of a link between sugar, diabetes and Alzheimer’s (which is called “diabetes of the brain”).
    this 2013 video has caused an uproar w/ the heart foundation in Australia people r not happy w/ also the american heart association                      
    part 1 The Real Cause of Heart Disease
    in Failed low fat diets, Heart Disease, Saturated fat
    Part 2 of ABC’s Heart of the Matter series – ‘Cholesterol Drug War’ is now online:
    however it has
    The Men Who Made Us Fat
    Around the world, obesity levels are rising. More people are now overweight than undernourished. Jacques Peretti traces those resp…
     PART 1 - 3
    The Men Who Made Us Thin Episode One
    As obesity escalates, the diet business is booming. Jacques Peretti investigates the connections between obesity and weight loss, and confronts some of the men making a fortune from our desire to become thin.
    In the first of this four-part series, Jacques examines the scientific reasons why so many diets fail long-term and why – in spite of this failure – we go back to them again and again.
    Travelling to the US and speaking to industry insiders, he discovers some of the secrets of the industry.
    The knowledge that dieting is problematic was realized by scientists back in the 1940s and 1950s. Jacques asks whether this research influenced the modern diet industry, which often relies on returning customers who blame themselves for failure when the diet doesn’t deliver a long-term solution.
    Jacques speaks to a former director of Weight Watchers, who admits that customer failure was a significant factor in the company’s profits: people have to keep coming back.
    In addition, Peretti meets other industry leaders, including Slimfast billionaire Danny Abrahams and Pierre Dukan, of the Dukan diet, to question them about the strategy behind the fortunes they’ve made.
    PART 1-4
    many posters have seen the lectures above u might like the written series they think this series is helping them fast healthily & lose weight intelligently c reviews way above
    How do we gain weight? Calories part 1
    By Dr. Jason Fung on August 27, 2013
    This is the single most important question in obesity. It is impossible to adequately treat any disease without having some understanding of the cause (the aetiology). For instance, if you understand the cause of infections to be bacteria, then you can target bacteria in its treatment. This leads to hand-washing as opposed to, say, leeching. So, how do we gain weight – or […]
    Read more
    A Calorie is a Calorie – part II
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 4, 2013
    A Calorie is a Calorie This is a continuation of our discussion of calories – click here for Calories part I. A calorie is a calorie. This is obviously true. Just like a dog is a dog, a dollar is a dollar, or a desk is a desk. There are many different kinds of dogs and desks but the simple […]
    Read more
    Key Assumptions – Calories part III
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 9, 2013
    Here’s how we conventionally think about obesity. Assumption#1 Calories in and calories out are independent The first key assumption is that calories in and calories out are independent of each other. That is, if you reduce calories in, calories out are not affected. This is crucial. If a reduction of […]
    Read more
    Why Caloric Reduction doesn’t work – Calories Part IV
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 16, 2013
    You can start here for part I, and part II. We were discussing assumptions in the Caloric Reduction as Primary model… Conventional Theory of Obesity Assumption#4 Fat stores are essentially unregulated All systems in the body are regulated. If you consider any system in the body, it is a regulated system. For […]
    Read more
    The Biology of Starvation – Calories Part V
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 23, 2013
    So, here’s our conventional view of obesity. Eating too much makes you fat. Eating less should cause weight loss. However, as we saw in the last section (part IV), things are not quite so simple. In 1917, experiments showed that reducing calories severely reduced Total Energy Expenditure […]
    Read more
    How Caloric Reduction Wrecks your Metabolism – Calories Part VI
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 30, 2013
    Click here for Calories part I, part II, part III, part IV, and part V. In previous posts, we have reviewed how eating less does not result in permanent weight loss. In the classic studies of caloric reduction the result was a significantly lowered metabolic rate or Total Energy Expenditure (TEE). Let’s now fast forward to the modern era, and […]
    Read more
    Why Diets don’t work in the Long Term – Calories Part VII
    By Dr. Jason Fung on October 7, 2013
    Click here for Calories Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Part VI. We have explored the body’s adaptation to reducing calories and weight and seen how the body acts more like a thermostat than a scale. The body acts as though it has a Body Set Weight (BSW) and strives vigorously to defend that weight […]
    Read more
    How Dieting makes us Hungry – Calories part VIII
    By Dr. Jason Fung on October 14, 2013
    Click here for Calories Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, and Part VII. We’ve looked at energy expenditure over the long term. What are some of the hormonal changes that accompany weight loss? For that let’s look at this study: Long-Term Persistence of Hormonal Adaptations to Weight Loss N Engl J Med 2011; 365:1597-1604 […]
    Read more
     The Cruel Hoax of the Low Fat Diet – Calories part IX
    By Dr. Jason Fung on October 21, 2013
    How can we lose weight? We all think the caloric reduction is the key, but so far, it doesn’t seem to be working. Here’s our conventional view of obesity… Let’s now see what happens in the real world. Can […]
    Read more
      The Astonishing Overeating Paradox – Calories Part X
    By Dr. Jason Fung on October 28, 2013
    Remember when you were in high school? You could eat and eat (pig out). Chips, pizza, soda pops. Later beer. And you’d never gain weight. You were as thin as a brief, forgotten dream. Slowly, it faded away. […]
    Read more
      Smash the Fat – Calories part XI
    By Dr. Jason Fung on November 4, 2013
    So, here again is our conventional Caloric Reduction model of obesity. It turns out that part of eating too much was entirely hormonally mediated and not personal choice at all (gluttony). It turns out that […]
    Read more
    tool 4 figuring out nutrition & what food is the highest in
    Nutrient Ranking Tool
    Body frame size & weight Chart 4 men and women
    Body Fat Content Chart for Men and Women Age-Adusted 
    google has a tool 2 convert anything
    unit converter
    now we have a good tool when replying 2 a post checkmark
    Notify me of follow-up replies via email
    all posters please keep adding tools 2 this topic so that it might help the newbies/posters 
    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) 😀

    Why do you keep posting the same thing I wonder? It’s such a huge wall of text, it’s a bit tedious to scroll past it all the time to see if anyone else replied.

    W-USA – where do you find time 🙂

    This is really useful. Thanks and appreciate your efforts in helping everyone.

    Hi Nika, I understand what you say but since starting to post and do some little research I have learned that there are some posters here that simplify my efforts to learn. I simply click on the 5:2 forum and have info at my fingertips.
    Good luck to you all out there.



    please add also what u may feel 2

    that will help a newbie or poster

    once in awhile i repost because i have more 2 add from everybody then it is all in one place

    it make sense 2 put it all 2gether frequently

    we know how things get lost quickly 😀

    there was someone who 4got 2 put

    the colorful way of their goals it had measurements etc

    now don’t have any time 🙁 back 2 working

    take care


    hi kathjul

    here it is


    2all noobs/newbies/4 POSTERS 2
    more 2c, use & read
           WELCOME!!! 2 this FDL (fastdaylifestyle)
    u may call me usa
    if u want 2 c the trials & tribulations & topics & replies click on the name it will give u all
    we encourage u 2 post ur thoughts, daily foods & write a profile

    ★also new if u hover over name u will c the profile★

    if we do not get back 2 u right away do not be disappointed
    this forum is growing super quickly & we do eventually reply it might take 4 months or that day just keep posting or even keep bugging us. make us feel guilty!! we really have a nice family
    not a rude one.
    or try 2 go 2 unanswered Welcome to The Fast Diet forums & answer someone who has not been answered (link below)
    or answer a no replied topic
    many of us work & have another life
    dr michael & mimi r super busy travelling & answering questions
    w/ the press or tv
    however, they do post once & awhile
    under tools u can c all their replies
    michael’s replies
    his dr wife clare replies
                U MESSED UP
    let’s say u messed up
    u r / we r human
    just congratulate urself that u have even started
    the fdl (fastday lifestyle)!!!!
    just start another fastday  
               TYPES OF FASTING
    u can have & onfastday offnonfastday & so on alternatively (that 1 is hard & not recommended 4ever)
    a 4/3
    4nonfastdays/3 intermittent fastdays
    a 5/2
    5nonfastdays/2 intermittent fastdays
    a 6/1 (michael is now on this because he has achieved his weight goal & so many others on this forum i call them the elite group )
    6nonfastdays/1 intermittent fastdays
    a 4/2/1
    the 1 being a complete feastday
    a 3/3/1
    the 1 being a complete feastday
    some of us have 2 count cals on nonfastdays
    some of don’t have 2 count cals on nonfastdays (luuuuuuuuuucky them )
    whichever the goals r the same & side effects
    mental acuity increased
    freedom from being a prisoner 2 food
    joy in eating healthily w/out thought
    no alzheimer
    not being hungry 4 long
    increased adrenalin
    no muscle loss
    save allot of money!
    enjoying ur taste buds
    manageable 2 ur lifestyle
    either nibbling all day like one of the authors mimi
    breakfast & dinner like dr michael skipping lunch
    or lunch & dinner
    1 dinner only like me (usa) i like my 500 in 1 day
    somehow it works 4 me
    now the timing i usually do it 36 -50 hours but u can do it differently whatever works
    i use this link
    Time Duration Calculator: Time between two dates/times
               FASTDAY EXAMPLE
    saturday 10/19/2013 dinner nonfastday 7pm
    sunday 10/20/2013 dinner fastday 500 cals 7pm
    monday 10/21/13 lunch nonfastday
    41 hours fast
    there r nice google extensions like countdown timers u can c while on ur computer the numbers getting
    also google play has apps 4 ur devices                          
    The Fast Diet, quickly DR michael & mimi luv this vid
       he has a great sense of humor dr mosley                               
    i don’t b long 2 facebook but u can still c
    he has a great sense of humor
    some very funny pics
              dr michael’s VIDEOS                           
    “Eat, Fast and Live Longer” 6 August 2012
    Michael J. Mosley has set himself a truly ambitious goal: he wants to live longer, stay younger and lose weight in the bargain. And he wants to make as few changes to his life as possible along the way. He discovers the powerful new science behind the ancient idea of fasting, and he thinks he’s found a way of doing it with the 5:2 diet that still allows him to enjoy his food. Michael tests out the science of fasting on himself – with life-changing results.
    “The Truth About Exercise” 28 February 2012
    Michael Mosley investigates recent scientific research that could change the way people exercise, including a study that suggests many could benefit from just three minutes of high-intensity activity a week. He also discovers the health benefits of seemingly innocuous actions, such as walking and fidgeting, and learns why some people do not respond to exercise at all.
    “The Truth About Personality” 10 July 2013
    Michael Mosley explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience to find out what factors shape people’s personalities and whether they can be changed. Michael tries two techniques in an attempt to make him worry less and become more of an optimist – with surprising results.
    Diet and Disease FIRST BROADCAST: 11 Sep 2008 BBC Four
    The lengths doctors go 2 to uncover connections between what we eat and what we die from.
    The Truth About Vitamins (16 Sep. 2004)
    Vitamins without doubt are vital to our health.
    And it remains possible that high dose vitamin
    supplements will one day be proven to protect
    against illnesses like heart disease and cancer.
    But so far, definitive evidence for these claims
    remains largely elusive. And as we discover more
    about some vitamins, it is increasingly clear that
    in large doses they can have unexpected,
    and sometimes dangerous consequences.
               VIDEOS WE RECOMMEND
    DR FUNG SERIES c what our posters/viewers say
    “Right, I have watched Part 1 and I am in heaven – scientific proof for all that I know to be true!!!”
    “need to watch the whole series! It’s amazing!”
    “It is really, REALLY worth investing the time, because then you will understand properly what is happening to your body and why.”
    “I think its required watching for all, but especially if you have a lot of excess weight and/or type 1/2 diabetes.”
    “I’m loving the Jason Fung series”
    “Hi all-you on this link got me interested in Jason Fung series on you tube so just finished watching the Obesity #4
    where he talks about sugar, wheat and intermittent fasting in regard to insulin resistance. Very well done, I plan to watch more.
    So, thanks for that!”
    wiltldnrUSA (known as usa)
    “i cannot get over this video that eddy introduced
    it is mind blowing & the conclusions r so surprising
    it really explains so much & will be the healthiest way of what 2 incorporate on nonfastdays & fastdays
    it really explains what diets/foods have caused such diseases as well as what will keep us away from those diseases”
    “this is worth repeating again & again again & again again & again ad infinitum”
    this dr understands fasting & believes in dr michael mosley
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6: A New Hope
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 2 of 6: The New Science of Diabesity
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 3 of 6: Trial by Diet
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 4 of 6: The Fast Solution
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 5 of 6: Diet and Disease
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains – Fat Phobia
    Insulin Toxicity and How to Cure Diabetes
    Dietary Villains – Part 2: Salt Scare
               OTHER VIDEOS
    Sugar: The Bitter Truth
    documentary investigation into sugar and its impact on consumers,
    The program considers the sugar “bliss point” used by the food industry to find the optimal amount of sugar required to maximize the appeal of any product, the amount of hidden sugar in common food products (even many labeled ‘healthy’), the correlation between sugar consumption, obesity, type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.
    It has a contribution from Dr Robert Lustig who explains that sugar has been “1,000 worse” for us than dietary fat and why it causes harm and also input from Gary Taubes on how the food industry has discredited those in the past who have questioned sugar.
    There’s an interesting segment on cancer and suggestions of a link between sugar, diabetes and Alzheimer’s (which is called “diabetes of the brain”).
    this 2013 video has caused an uproar w/ the heart foundation in Australia people r not happy w/ also the american heart association                      
    part 1 The Real Cause of Heart Disease
    in Failed low fat diets, Heart Disease, Saturated fat
    Part 2 of ABC’s Heart of the Matter series – ‘Cholesterol Drug War’ is now online:
    however it has
    The Men Who Made Us Fat
    Around the world, obesity levels are rising. More people are now overweight than undernourished. Jacques Peretti traces those resp…
     PART 1 - 3
    The Men Who Made Us Thin Episode One
    As obesity escalates, the diet business is booming. Jacques Peretti investigates the connections between obesity and weight loss, and confronts some of the men making a fortune from our desire to become thin.
    In the first of this four-part series, Jacques examines the scientific reasons why so many diets fail long-term and why – in spite of this failure – we go back to them again and again.
    Travelling to the US and speaking to industry insiders, he discovers some of the secrets of the industry.
    The knowledge that dieting is problematic was realized by scientists back in the 1940s and 1950s. Jacques asks whether this research influenced the modern diet industry, which often relies on returning customers who blame themselves for failure when the diet doesn’t deliver a long-term solution.
    Jacques speaks to a former director of Weight Watchers, who admits that customer failure was a significant factor in the company’s profits: people have to keep coming back.
    In addition, Peretti meets other industry leaders, including Slimfast billionaire Danny Abrahams and Pierre Dukan, of the Dukan diet, to question them about the strategy behind the fortunes they’ve made.
    PART 1-4
    many posters have seen the lectures above u might like the written series they think this series is helping them fast healthily & lose weight intelligently c reviews way above
    How do we gain weight? Calories part 1
    By Dr. Jason Fung on August 27, 2013
    This is the single most important question in obesity. It is impossible to adequately treat any disease without having some understanding of the cause (the aetiology). For instance, if you understand the cause of infections to be bacteria, then you can target bacteria in its treatment. This leads to hand-washing as opposed to, say, leeching. So, how do we gain weight – or […]
    Read more
    A Calorie is a Calorie – part II
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 4, 2013
    A Calorie is a Calorie This is a continuation of our discussion of calories – click here for Calories part I. A calorie is a calorie. This is obviously true. Just like a dog is a dog, a dollar is a dollar, or a desk is a desk. There are many different kinds of dogs and desks but the simple […]
    Read more
    Key Assumptions – Calories part III
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 9, 2013
    Here’s how we conventionally think about obesity. Assumption#1 Calories in and calories out are independent The first key assumption is that calories in and calories out are independent of each other. That is, if you reduce calories in, calories out are not affected. This is crucial. If a reduction of […]
    Read more
    Why Caloric Reduction doesn’t work – Calories Part IV
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 16, 2013
    You can start here for part I, and part II. We were discussing assumptions in the Caloric Reduction as Primary model… Conventional Theory of Obesity Assumption#4 Fat stores are essentially unregulated All systems in the body are regulated. If you consider any system in the body, it is a regulated system. For […]
    Read more
    The Biology of Starvation – Calories Part V
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 23, 2013
    So, here’s our conventional view of obesity. Eating too much makes you fat. Eating less should cause weight loss. However, as we saw in the last section (part IV), things are not quite so simple. In 1917, experiments showed that reducing calories severely reduced Total Energy Expenditure […]
    Read more
    How Caloric Reduction Wrecks your Metabolism – Calories Part VI
    By Dr. Jason Fung on September 30, 2013
    Click here for Calories part I, part II, part III, part IV, and part V. In previous posts, we have reviewed how eating less does not result in permanent weight loss. In the classic studies of caloric reduction the result was a significantly lowered metabolic rate or Total Energy Expenditure (TEE). Let’s now fast forward to the modern era, and […]
    Read more
    Why Diets don’t work in the Long Term – Calories Part VII
    By Dr. Jason Fung on October 7, 2013
    Click here for Calories Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Part VI. We have explored the body’s adaptation to reducing calories and weight and seen how the body acts more like a thermostat than a scale. The body acts as though it has a Body Set Weight (BSW) and strives vigorously to defend that weight […]
    Read more
    How Dieting makes us Hungry – Calories part VIII
    By Dr. Jason Fung on October 14, 2013
    Click here for Calories Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, and Part VII. We’ve looked at energy expenditure over the long term. What are some of the hormonal changes that accompany weight loss? For that let’s look at this study: Long-Term Persistence of Hormonal Adaptations to Weight Loss N Engl J Med 2011; 365:1597-1604 […]
    Read more
     The Cruel Hoax of the Low Fat Diet – Calories part IX
    By Dr. Jason Fung on October 21, 2013
    How can we lose weight? We all think the caloric reduction is the key, but so far, it doesn’t seem to be working. Here’s our conventional view of obesity… Let’s now see what happens in the real world. Can […]
    Read more
      The Astonishing Overeating Paradox – Calories Part X
    By Dr. Jason Fung on October 28, 2013
    Remember when you were in high school? You could eat and eat (pig out). Chips, pizza, soda pops. Later beer. And you’d never gain weight. You were as thin as a brief, forgotten dream. Slowly, it faded away. […]
    Read more
      Smash the Fat – Calories part XI
    By Dr. Jason Fung on November 4, 2013
    So, here again is our conventional Caloric Reduction model of obesity. It turns out that part of eating too much was entirely hormonally mediated and not personal choice at all (gluttony). It turns out that […]
    Read more
    tool 4 figuring out nutrition & what food is the highest in
    Nutrient Ranking Tool
    Body frame size & weight Chart 4 men and women
    Body Fat Content Chart for Men and Women Age-Adusted 

    google has a tool 2 convert anything
    unit converter
    now we have a good tool when replying 2 a post checkmark
    Notify me of follow-up replies via email
    all posters please keep adding tools 2 this topic so that it might help the newbies/posters

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) & now add alternative day diet by dr krista varaday

Viewing 32 posts - 1 through 32 (of 32 total)

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