doing the 4.3 diet, could exercise cause me to gain weight?

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doing the 4.3 diet, could exercise cause me to gain weight?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  VibeRadiant 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • ive been doing the 4.3 diet and lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks. im 134 pounds and 4 foot 11 and want to be 105 pounds.

    im doing the 4.3 diet and was thinking about changing it to mon,tue, thu and fri fast. what do u guys think about this? will i lose weight quicker? i go on holiday in 3 weeks and i want to fit back into my pre pregnancy clothes.

    also i exercise a lot, i do 30 minutes hiit workout,1hr and 30 mnutes on the bike and then 30 minutes of weights a day and sometimes i go for a walk at the night. is this too much?could too much exercise cause weight gain?

    Hi Hannah, the weight gain might be muscle, and not fat. It seems to me that based on the many exercise you do, you may be losing fat but gaining muscle which might make it seems that you are gaining.
    What does the measuring tape say? Are you only weighing yourself as your guide? Can you weigh yourself on one of those scales that measures fat and lean muscle? That way you can see the fat number decreasing and the lean muscle number increasing.
    Also, fat loss is a marathon not a sprint. Slow and steady wins the race.

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