despondent lady

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi all am new here & amazed by the results some of you have had, I have been doing the 5.2 diet for 2 months & no change in weight loss but maybe I am not doing it right?

    following a heart attack 5 years ago had to retire and also change my diet because of high cholesterol,
    so I eat healthily & it is now 4.7 which is great
    I never eat fried food or dairy stuff although I have the odd sponge pudding a week or fruit & cream

    on my 2 fasting days I eat usually scrambled eggs & smoked salmon for breakfast fruit for lunch and a small meal in the evening , those day I do not have my usual coffee just water all day or probiotic drink

    being on 6meds a day has caused some weight gain and I exercise twice a week but my tummy has grown fat beyond believing and it makes me terribly miserable ,

    having always been around 9stone am 5ft 6. and size 12 , am now a size 16 and I could cry am so unhappy, now I am 12 stone , can anyone please advise properly what to eat on the 2 days and what else I can do to shift the tummy weight, am useless at calorie counting but on the 2 days have a tea plate for meals instead of a dinner plate

    thank you

    If there is no change in your weight after 2 months, then you may well be undoing all your good work on the other 5 days, with food that is calorie dense. I suggest that you write down everything that you eat and drink for a week and work out the calories. Use can simply search for the food and the amount to get an approximation of the calories in each.Portions may simply be too big, so you could always try eating on a tea plate for all 7 days and see what happens.
    Do you know what your TDEE is? Do you eat up to that level on the other 5 days? If you look at ‘resources’ at the top of the page there is a drop down menu and the last one is ‘BMI indicator’, follow that link and fill in the Q’s and the magic TDEE figure will be revealed. Have a look at the FAQ’s too.
    It might be worth looking at how much sugar you consume. WHO guidelines are just 6 level tsp per day, so just 24g. If you avoid all food that is more than 20g per 100g(ignore figures per portion as we rarely eat such teeny amounts)that may well help with reducing the tummy.
    Any help?

    I agree with annette’s advice, you need to count calories every day for at least a week until you have an idea of how much you should be eating. It is not difficult to do as there are numerous apps such as myfitnesspal that take the chore out of it.
    I would guess that you are eating too much every day including FDs.

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