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This topic contains 393 replies, has 35 voices, and was last updated by  FlourBaby 1 year, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 395 total)

  • Day 22 country west Australia NFD
    Have been more mindful recently which has been good all round but not planning any FDs before Christmas. Too much cooking and too many tempting treats. Life is for living so going to try to be mindful over next week and then think about a FD before New Year.
    Looking forward to Rejuvvie Jan !!👌
    @dykask, congratulations on reaching the ‘ton’ with water fasts. Whew!💐
    @stitchincarol, thank you for the lovely pattern. I have downloaded it and plan to start in autumn ( March here). Too hot beforehand.🥵
    @i-hate-lettuce, glad to hear of the progress and solid food. May it continue. It is interesting hearing about the cold in the northern hemisphere.☃️ We are facing today 32C; tomorrow 38C; 40C !!! ☀️☀️Christmas Eve; 34 ºC Christmas Day☀️.
    I sometimes cook the hot food on Christmas Eve and re-heat as there an 8.30 am church service Christmas Day. But cooking in 40ºC ……….
    To all those in countries where there is a lockdown , commiserations. It will be a very different Christmas for so many people this year. But it is a matter of perspective I guess.
    We were discussing our changed circumstances yesterday and one of the group later sent us a photo of Christmas Day in the trenches in 1914 and it makes us realise how lucky we actually are.
    As to being glad to see the end of 2020, there are no guarantees that 2021 will be better!!
    Just one day at a time doing the best we can with the resources we have in the place we are.😌
    Have a good day all. Thinking of you wherever you may be in this crazy, wonderful world.💐


    Day 22 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Ohh @at I wish I had seen your post yesterday, I completely forgot about the Jupiter /Saturn alignment and it was photos from my sister in the Hamptons in the US that reminded me of it. DOH! I would have been out with the telescope if I had remembered 😀

    Hope it was good wherever you are. There might be a chance tonight if it’s not cloudy.

    And we need this, as the news just keeps getting bonkers. Going to be more restrictions announced today, literally three days after coming out of a long long down…..numbers flying up…..we are OK in Ireland compared to others, but still, it’s flipping scary and tiring to just have to constantly deal with it.

    There is talk of repatriation flights from the UK back to Ireland, hoping that the youngest can get on one. It’s mad. Even the word “repatriation” sounds mad these days.

    @flourbaby fingers crossed for your mums vaccination

    @likymartin, but you are so right that despite it all, we are lucky. There was a generation 100 years ago that had the First World War, Spanish Flu, the Second World War, infectious and dangerous diseases like TB, Measles, Polio…..

    On that note, gave a wonderful Tuesday everyone. Me, I work until Christmas Eve but glad to be able to do so. 😀

    Day 22 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Amazing when you start eating proper (solid) food again, the improvements come quite quickly.

    Saying goodbye to the liquid diet pretty fast, still have to watch what I eat, nothing spicy or acidic as yet, but plenty to be going along with. Even heard the ‘Inner warthog’ growling yesterday, (don’t think he was a fan of high protein drinks instead of ‘food!) never though I’d be glad to hear him rattling the cage.
    Actually back to calorie counting on MFP app again, which is an excellent sign!

    Yet another walk yesterday and a look around the garden to see what needs attention, still a shrub or two to prune but otherwise pretty good. Quite a few spring bulbs starting to show through and there’s a Hellebore, (Christmas Rose) which is flowering like mad, that will keep going now right through until spring.

    Take care all

    Day 22 – USA/GA – NFD

    Well, FD went well yesterday, but my body is still clinging to that invisible 230 lb barrier this morning. Fingers crossed for the 220s by Christmas Eve? LOL

    @stitchincarol Yes, January will be a lot easier without all the holiday goodies and weird schedules around. I guess if I just maintain throughout December, I’ll be happy! But it sure would be good to see a couple of pounds drop, nonetheless! We still have 1/3 of this jolly ol’ month left, so we shall see how it goes, particularly after December 25!

    Now to tempt myself more. I will probably make a short-cut Pastel de Tres Leches cake today to add to the Christmas fare. At least I know I won’t be cutting that one until Christmas Eve, so no temptation (OK, maybe a taste of whipped cream) until then!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 22 – UK – TDEE

    A lovely early Christmas Day spent with my DD ❤️ so grateful to have been able to spend some time with her

    Planning on OMAD today and so keeping to below TDEE

    I had booked to watch a live online showing of the Royal Opera House ballet “Alice in Wonderland” this evening – a replacement for the live telecast of Nutcracker that had to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions in London

    @flourbaby – I hope you managed to get a vaccine sorted out for your mum – it would be one less worry for you
    @i-hate-lettuce – what lovely news to hear that you are enjoying some solid food once more and tasting it too – take care 🤗
    @emma-taylor – I had been thinking of you – such a shame that you had to return from your holiday to such a situation in your home city – stay safe 🤗
    @ccco – thinking of you too over this festive season – having to spent it on your own – but as you say thanks to zoom or it’s equivalent you can at least stay in touch with family and friends 🤗
    @northgeorgia – as you say staying on a plateau in December is a win – we can all buckle down in January for the next step down
    @basyjames – unfortunately our numbers on this side of the pond are no better than yours and I don’t think any of us here will be surprised if we don’t go into another lockdown fairly soon after Christmas 😢
    @lilymartin – whilst you will be having very hot weather it looks like we will be having some cold and frosty days – I have a sister who lives in Melbourne and it’s always strange when we talk to each other on Christmas Day about the extremes in temperature that we are each experiencing!!
    @daffodil2010 – unfortunately we had heavy cloud cover and could not see anything of the Solstice Star last night……but perhaps tonight or Christmas Eve when we are expecting a sunny day??

    “What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future” Agnes M. Pahro

    Day 22 North Canton OH FD

    I just completed a 44 hour water fast and I feel great. I have five more to meet The Zero app challenge of 20 fasts this month.

    @dykask I agree with you; fasting works! Once it becomes a habit, it is a no brainer. At the beginning of the shutdown, I struggled with Waterfasting. However (as with all things) after some tweaking, I was able to adjust to my new situation, and thankfully I feel like I am back on track with a system that appears to be working for me. The scale dipped a bit lower this morning; so far 14 pounds dispatched – 9 to go.

    @northgeorgia short-cut Pastel de Tres Leches cake for the win! I love those- so delish!

    @i hate lettuce, for once I will celebrate the appearance of the inner warthog with you as a sign of your progress – yay!

    @daffodil2010 a sign of the desperate times we live- we are hearing words that we never thought we would hear

    Stay safe my friends, one day at a time

    Day 22 USA (Illinois) NFD

    DH made breakfast of scrambled eggs and Costco cheese Danish. Costco is a huge warehouse store, but they have an amazing bakery. Also, they find quality meats from around the world- includes wonderful lamb from NZ. I am thankful for a big freezer to avail myself of their goods.

    Maintenance going fine. Christmas train set is up (LGB train, @snowflake56 – it is made in Deutschland!) and wrapping will continue. Families have received their cheese boxes and sugar scrubs for the girls. They were excited to get Midwestern cheese (mostly from Wisconsin) and cottage industry items!

    Onward and downward.

    USA. Day 22. FD

    I have been trying to get online all day! Soooo busy today. Weighed myself this morning and am happy about how I will be ending this month and year. Down another 4 lbs.! All I did is give up my evening wine and continue with my diet. Very happy. I will have as glass of wine on New Year’s Eve to wish good riddance to 2020.

    I am sorry for everyone who has to endure severe restrictions this holiday season but we all know it will help. We know we just lived through a year like no other and now we have a vaccine. If the world continues to work together, next year will eventually be better. I may have to spend Christmas alone but I can live with that believing the this will probably be the last time I will have to live through something like this again in my lifetime! Bless you all!

    Day 22. London OMAD

    @at – thank you for your kind thoughts. They are much appreciated. It is very strange to come back to self isolation but I know that I have very few worries compared with other people. I think of my friends on this forum a lot and am very thankful you are all here. I know we only know each other online but we are in contact every day and I think it’s probably keeping us all sane this year. I hope everybody has a safe and happy Christmas and let’s hope next year eventually improved.

    Day 23 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Going to be a busy work day so preparing to start early so I don’t have to work late. We have our 4 year old grandaughter for a sleepover tonight as her mum is very busy with Christmas Eve hair do’s in her salon and no childcare, and after that, she has to shut her salon, AGAIN, for another few weeks at least.

    Everything will be shut and restricted again from mid-afternoon Christmas Eve until at least 12th January.

    But we are safe, warm, family and friends all healthy, just get through this. I echo @EmmaTaylor and I am thankful for you guys here on this forum giving perspective on these trying times wherever you are in the world.

    @i-hate-lettuce so happy that your inner warthog woke up ☺️ And you reminded me to check in my own hellebores, it’s so dark before and after work that I often don’t get to see my garden until the weekend. I still have a hollyhock blooming though!!!

    Have a great day, Hump Day before Christmas 🐫, stay safe and well everyone.

    Day 23 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Brilliant, home delivery of main groceries etc yesterday, just before 8am this morning the special Christmas goodies from local store. All set and sorted out without any hassle!

    Yet another giant leap for me and the Warthog, finally baked some bread yesterday and I’ve just had freshly made toast for breakfast, simple things that I’ve not had for well over a month! I’ll be heading into ‘the den brewery’ soon and be tempted by a beer!

    @daffodil2010 – It’s amazing what is still growing and sprouting in the gardens, yes it’ll likely get knocked back when we do get some cold weather, but the garden does come good despite all. I moved a rather nice Bay tree about this time last year, they really don’t like disturbance, all year it looked gloomy, but in September it suddenly had a burst of growth and is now looking good.

    Take care all

    Day 23, London, UK, NFD

    @i-hate-lettuce, congratulations on the breakthrough, you and Mrs IHL are doing a fantastic job of getting you back to your fighting weight💪, a baked potato can only be a good thing and welcome back inner warthog, your presence is required …………………… temporarily!!! The weather is a bit ‘meh’ at the moment, so gently on the modified-MOAM walks!!🙏

    @ccco, you’re so right in looking forward to a NYE celebration, where we all leave 2020 in the dust, just seeing it in our rear-view mirrors, I really need to wave goodbye to 2020 …………………………. There may not be a Christmas as we know it, but I can’t wait to welcome 2021 with hope!!!!You’re not entirely alone this Xmas, we’re all with you and we’ll be wishing you a fabulous day of self-care, pampering and doing your own thing ……………………….. just because you can!!!!

    No vaccine for my mum I’m afraid, after 3hrs hitting the redial button😭!! They’re saying it was ‘fake news’ despite it being advertised on the Kings College Hospital official twitter page!!!😤 Who knows? We just have to be patient and keep her wrapped up tight and distant!!

    @dykask, I find fasting relatively easy too, thanks for the reminder. The problem comes via temptations, motivation, laziness and procrastinating in general😏!! Perhaps I’ll start planning an entire month ahead and actually sticking to it, no more saying ……. “I’ll have that biscuit and fast tomorrow” after-all ………………………………. tomorrow never comes!!!!!😕😲

    @northgeorgia, been there, done that, crossed fingers as well as any other handy appendages, however, you soon resign yourself to the fact that those extra 10lbs will take 2-3 months of fasting …………………………………or a major amputation!!!!!😱 To be honest, 2-3 months is nothing, a year ago you and I would have grabbed that with both hands!!!!

    Take care everyone, stay strong, stay vigilant…………………….. stay safe!!!

    “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” – Nelson Mandela

    USA. Day23. FD OMAD

    Thank you, @flourbaby, for that sentiment. At least I can say about this month that I think I am going to meet my December weight goal! Yay! If I can make this month’s and January’s goal, I think I will finally be able to go to maintenance! Wow!

    Daffodil2010, I am so sorry that Ireland has to do a Covid backup but I am glad you are able to help out your daughter with your 4 year old granddaughter. Since I am happy that I can help out my daughter in a similar way, so she can work, I think it’s wonderful. Enjoy! That you and your family are safe and healthy is everything!

    I Hate Lettuce, sounds like grocery delivery is going well in the UK. I have not tried it yet here but I have signed up for it. I think it is safer and will begin using such a service after Christmas. I may do pickup because if I order online and pick it up outside, I omit the delivery fee but still don’t have to be near anyone. It has gotten tricky here trying to stay 6 ft. away from people while shopping since not everyone goes along with the rules.

    Everyone, continue to stay safe and healthy! Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, so have a great Christmas!

    Day 23 USA (Illinois) FD

    Gonna bite the bullet and do a FD today so I don’t have to in the next several days. Am I alone in this today?

    Onward and downward.

    USA. Day 23. FD

    No, SongBirdMe! I am with you! 🙂

    Day 23 – UK – TDEE

    Planning on a TDEE before an indulgent weekend starting tomorrow – yesterday was just below TDEE!

    Another drizzly grey day today, however the weather forecast promises us a frosty but sunny day tomorrow so a long walk is planned after an 0830 Broga class to start me off on a good note!
    For Christmas Day we’re told more cloud cover but remains dry and frosty so another good walk is guaranteed – will need the exercise to undo some of the damage from all the food planned……

    I was up early this morning and in the supermarket by 8.30 so a hassle free food shop covering our needs until the middle of next week was done in no time at all – once I had unpacked I walked into the village to our fantastic delicatessen for some fresh sourdough bread and some treats!

    Christmas Eve eve dinner tonight – I’m trying a new recipe from Britain’s pastry king Calum Franklin:- a Hot and Sour Curried Cod Pie served with steamed broccoli tossed in a little butter and sprinkled with toasted almonds.

    Our Christmas meal treat is from “Rogan at Home” and was delivered late this morning as promised – which we will have tomorrow evening. In our house we also celebrate Christmas Eve in homage to my French background so our main Christmas meal will be our evening meal tomorrow “Réveillon” although I admit not as late as they tend to eat in France!! and YES we will also have a special meal on Christmas Day evening too…..

    @basyjames – well done on your 44hr Water Fast 👍
    @ccco – enjoy spoiling yourself this xmas – being on your own means you can do what you like and when you like and zoom your family/friends when it suits but remember we will all be here and you will be in our thoughts and looking forward to having you join some of us in maintenance
    @i-hate-lettuce – so happy for you that your inner warthog has started to awaken and especially that your taste buds have returned
    @flourbaby – unfortunately it seems that the vaccine roll out will not be that fast – does not appear to have hit our local area at all yet….

    It’s fairly quiet on here but it is Christmas week so not unexpected – great to read some posts and I intend to post daily until the end of the challenge, should help give me some focus……

    I hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy too and “May the spirit of Christmas infuse your life and that of your family members with hope, positivity and joy”

    Day 23 North canton OH TRE

    Hi everyone

    @ccco congratulations o your progress
    @at that soup and meal sounds yummy
    @flourbaby have you noticed that cravings delayed usually lose their draw when you can finally have them

    grocery pick up is sounding more and more attractive, I have also noticed that people do not keep their distance in the store like they used to.

    Stay safe everyone, one day at a time

    Day 23 – USA/GA – FD

    Rocking scales settled on 231 lbs today (story of the month LOL), and I have a whole day of Christmas prep to do (none of which involve cooking; yay!) Just nine days left of 2020; let’s hope 2021 will eventually calm down and bring us peace, health, and togetherness.

    @flourbaby LOL! You are so right. I would have never thought last December that in a year’s time I would have completely eliminated the result of four to five years of weight increases, much less packing up my clothes and unpacking the ones that had been in storage for five or six years! On December 31, I’ll report on how much weight I have lost this year, and it will make me feel proud!

    @basyjames My cake is in the refrigerator now with cool-whip for icing LOL Waiting for tomorrow evening for us all to slice into it!

    @at That’s how I view December, too. I’d like to lose some weight, but this time of year (especially THIS year) is a little challenging to bake and stay away from those uneaten treats on the NFDs. Maintenance is definitely a win!

    Too early to ask what everyone’s 5:2 resolutions (targets) are next year? I want to:

    * Watch what I eat on NFDs: choose more healthy options like those naughty high-calorie fruits and vegetables I can’t eat on FDs while staying within/under my constantly lowering TDEE.

    * My mid-year 2021 goal is to no longer be considered officially “obese,” as labeled by the CDC/NIH/WHO, by sometime next summer. “Overweight” label, here I come!

    * To get well into the 180s range by mid-autumn 2021 and begin some focused muscle-building exercise twice a week.


    Day 23 Pocket List


    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA

    It was lovely to read all the posts just now. Merry Christmas, everyone! Our DD, her husband and their 14 month old arrived around one o’clock this afternoon, and it’s a total joy to have them here. Baby is fighting going to sleep right now, but hopefully she’ll finally get there and wake up far more cheerful tomorrow. The overalls I’m knitting for her are almost done; my goal now is to have them done in time for her to wear on Sunday. DD loves them, so that was lovely to hear her delight.

    I’ve been baking and not fasting and so far the scales are staying 147-something. I’m sure by the time the weekend is over, my weight will have jumped, but nothing that a return to 5:2 can’t fix–and then, with continued focus, improve! @northgeorgia, I too have been thinking about goals for the new year. I’m not there ready to spell them out, but I’m sure thinking about them!

    We’ll be listening to the King’s College BBC broadcast; for us it’s at 9am tomorrow morning. For breakfast, I’ll be making scones with my Brandied Dried Fruit, and we’ll enjoy those with coffee while I weep with joy to hear the boy soprano start off the whole thing singing “Once in Royal David’s City” and all the rest of the amazing music…I’m truly that sappy about music. 💞🎶

    Merry Christmas, my friends; I’ll check in again as I can over the next few days; things will return to normal for us next week.

    Day 24 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Christmas Eve!!🎅

    We have a little 4 year old who stayed overnight but couldn’t settle due to not having a Sleepover with us all year (blame Covid restrictions) but mainly because of excitement that Santa Claus will be coming tonight. I had almost forgotten the sheer open eyed wonder and thrill of small children at Christmastime ☺️

    I also hope she doesn’t notice that Mom forgot to pack the Elf on the Shelf as he isn’t here!!! Grandad will have to concoct some story about that no doubt. 😀

    I am off to work, half day, then later on we will drop our Grandaughter home and visit my brother in his new home that we haven’t seen yet, and see Dad who us staying with him for the festivities. So a good family time today.

    Have a lovely Christmas season everyone.

    Day 24 – Lake district UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Lovely to hear about those with little ones visiting and managing some form of family time together.

    Suddenly yesterday I started to really feel better, I’ve generally felt deep down physically sound, although a bit bashed about. But yesterday felt as though a mountain of progress has been made over the last week. Still a few rough edges and slow healing to continue, but certainly even more positive! Would just like a beer to top things off, but that will come in due course 😉

    Mrs IHL has been baking little treats and I’ve been testing them, munchies that I’ve avoided for the last 18 months, home made tiffin, various cake and tartlets, mince pies, the Caribbean Christmas cake (just to check I can manage some)
    Some odd recordings being kept on the MFP app, but the dietician keeps wanting to know what I’m eating, some of the recent ones will make her sit up!

    Take care all and have a really Happy Christmas

    Day 24 UK NFD

    Nice to see some good news @i-hate-lettuce in this depressing holiday time I’m taking a few days off my phone see you all very soon and hope you all have as nice a Christmas as possible🎄

    Day 24 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went very well. Keeping busy with home tasks.

    SIL (Doctor in Utah) just got results that he has COVID, feeling like a bad cold DD tells us. That will throw a wrench in their plans and life.

    Let me say a Very Merry Christmas to you all, my virtual International friends.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 24 – UK – NFD

    What a glorious sunny winter’s day – so lovely after the grey and drizzly weather we have been experiencing – went for walk up Wansfell Pike following an unusual path – great views but very cold wind and very icy in places!!

    The new recipe last night was a success for OH and myself – we both enjoyed it so definitely one well worth repeating 😋

    @northgeorgia – 5:2 resolutions (targets) are next year – stay in maintenance for another year 👍
    @i-hate-lettuce – so nice to read your post with such positive news 😊
    @songbirdme – sad to read about your medic SIL – hope he has a mild dose of this dreaded virus and stays safe 🤗

    Wishing all our friends on this challenge a very Happy and Healthy festive season – Joyeux Noel 🎄
    “Nothing ever seems too bad, too hard, or too sad when you’ve got a Christmas tree in the living room.”

    Day 24 – USA/GA – NFD

    Well, I think just the thoughts of the food today and tomorrow converted miraculously into calories, despite my good FD yesterday haha! No, no surprises. My body is still teasing me at a 230 lb weigh-in this morning. No more fasting under after Christmas weekend!

    I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and a lighter new year! 🙂

    USA. Day 24. FD

    Another FD today! I weighed myself and found myself up 1 lb. I don’t know why but I will immediately fix that!! LOL

    Daffodil2010, it is wonderful to have the grandchildren over. Four years old is a precious age. With all your family, I can see you will have a lovely Christmas, despite Covid.

    SongBirdMe, sorry to hear about your SIL getting Covid.

    Merry Christmas to you all! 🙂

    Merry Christmas everyone. No fasting for me today and tomorrow. I’ll pick it back up on Saturday.

    Prayers for your SIL @songbirdme.

    So happy about your progress @ihatelettuce

    Joy to the world and happy holidays!!!

    Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all have a happy day and able to make the most of whatever the situation allows.

    Take care all.

    Day 25 – UK – NFD 🥂

    Just back from a brisk 9km walk on this frosty Christmas morning – OH is out doing a high fell run and we will be having a late lunch/early Christmas dinner when he returns…..

    Merry Christmas to everyone – even though it is a bit of strange one – “Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart.” — The Polar Express

    Day 25 – Rural Nebraska, USA

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    @i-hate-lettuce, so lovely about your huge and sudden improvement! Just like weight loss, eh?? 😂 I must give you a report on the Tropical Christmas Cake…although I like your “Caribbean Christmas Cake” name almost better! My children are all here, and I sliced it up and served them last night, with them all wearing their most polite expressions. We all took a bite…chewed it…and our eyes got wide with delight. It is flat-out GLORIOUS. DS29 said, “Mom, I was prepared to eat it, and be polite and tell you it was good, but I really mean it–this is amazing!” The others concurred, and they all agree I should make it again. So thanks ever so much for mentioning that and sharing the recipe! And today is the Nigella Lawson Christmas Pudding; I’m hoping it gets the same delighted response!

    @songbirdme So sorry about your SIL; I hope it’s a VERY mild case for him and his quarantine is pleasant for him!

    We had a tiny disaster yesterday. Got home from our candlelight service and started putting out our feast, including turning on the oven for the three things that needed baking…and the oven had decided that was a good moment to quit. It’s gas, so we kept trying to light it with a lighter, but nothing is working. Thankfully, church is a block away, so DH and DH29 carried our oven food over there and used an oven there, but no working oven is sure wreaking havoc with our Christmas dinner plans, so I’m menu planning on the fly to make things that only require the stove, not the oven. I’m looking on the positive side, however: I’m SOOOOO thankful DS24 had already baked all the Christmas cookies that were in the freezer waiting to be thawed and baked. So I’ve been eating a bunch of cookies (well, a bunch relative to what I normally eat, but very few compared to past times!) and the scales sure reflected it this morning. But that’s where January will serve its purpose, so it’s all good.

    @brightonbelle, I’ll keep you particularly in my thoughts, with warm fuzzies racing across the Atlantic to you, to give you joy and smiles.

    Merry Christmas, everyone!

    Hi everyone!

    Merry Christmas to all of you!

    Sorry for not being around this month. We’re having sad times overhere, we’ve lost our adorable cat to bone cancer and all I can do is cry.


    P.S. @metatauta I seet you a mail but I don’t think it worked. A very happy Christmas to you too!

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 232 lbs, ho ho ho

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Day 25 USA (Illinois)

    Merry Christmas, everyone! We’ve had a quiet day so far with gifts opening and nice breakfast/brunch. DH & I will have cheese fondue, appetizers, etc. with some wine for our Christmas dinner.

    I was able to sing at our Christmas Eve service last evening – nice to have a great accompanist for the spiritual “Sweet Little Jesus Boy.”

    The Velvetiser hot chocolate was a huge hit for DH – can’t remember which Brit here recommended it.

    @stitchincarol – hope your oven issue is an easy fix! A local friend woke up to no heat with furnace repairman there on emergency call. Looks like mechanical issues are not mindful of Christmas!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 26 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Well what a really successful day yesterday was, about ten days ago we were wondering how and what on earth I was going to eat and drink for Christmas dinner. A combination of clever planning and selection of appropriate goodies, (and feeling much better the last few days) I had my traditional smoked salmon breakfast, a full Christmas dinner ….. and …. and …. BEER

    Couldn’t manage any wine though or either apple or cranberry sauce, but managed everything else there was available. Mrs IHL was chuffed to bits.

    We had a great video call with ‘the kids’ in the afternoon. Son and his wife invited his little sister round for the day and they’d had a great time, quite handy they live in the same city and lovely they got together.

    So I hope everyone had as successful a day as we had and you managed at very least to be in contact with family and friends.

    Going to have to be a walk today !

    Take care all

    Day 26 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WILL THE FOOD EVER STOP???

    I’ve learned something really significant. As much as I like to eat, I truly don’t like over-eating. I do it, and even do it with alacrity, but I sure like how I feel when I’m eating very little food! Naturally skinny people eat very little food all the time, and that’s why I’m not skinny, because I’ve lost that skill. But as “fun” as it’s been to eat whatever and whenever, it hasn’t truly been fun, because I’m paying the price in how I feel. I keep searching for the food that will make me happy: a date nut swirl here, a Mexican wedding cake there, a piece of Chocolate Billionaire candy, a few Macadamia nuts, perhaps a beer, oh!, maybe some smoked salmon?? And I’m feeling gicky, and I’m still wondering what will be the perfect food to make me happy.

    Sound familiar?

    So I’m going to work at not eating today. LOL, that should be a challenge, but eating freely has certainly not made me happy over the last two days! 🤣

    I’ve just spent a half hour searching online to see what stores near me have the gas range I’d be happy to buy. The range I have isn’t in all that good of shape, and it’s 14 years old, so there’s little sense in putting very much money in it. The repairman I’ve used in the past will be open at 9am today, so I’ll call him and ask what he thinks it would cost to repair and then make a snap decision on how to approach this. It’s so ironic that our oven quit working this Christmas: on December 22, 2019, our washing machine quit working! I wonder what will quit working next Christmas????? 😁

    @i-hate-lettuce How absolutely lovely that there was some normalcy in your Christmas food, that you were able to enjoy it, and that you even got to have–and ENJOY–beer! Congratulations and an extra Merry Christmas to you!!

    @snowflake56 I’m so very, very sorry about your beloved cat. I know the pain of losing a beloved pet, and know how your heart is aching. 💕

    @songbirdme That’s such a beautiful piece, and I’m sure your congregation was thrilled to have you sing it! I chuckled to read your comment about having a great accompanist. Over the years, I’ve played for some singers who weren’t particularly skilled at all, including not even knowing the proper rhythm of the song they were singing, so I’m usually commenting how wonderful it was to accompany someone who actually knows how to sing a piece–that makes my job as accompanist so much easier and more fun! Two sides of the same coin, eh?

    Which leads to what I’ve been considering. I know this group is largely anonymous, but I’ve decided to say that the name of my church is St. Matthew’s Lutheran in Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska. I’m telling you because, if you’d like to google the church, you can find us on Facebook (you don’t have to be a member to find us there) and you can listen to our services. DS24 played trumpet for me at our Christmas Day service and if you’re as geeky as I am about music, perhaps you’d enjoy listening to the service. 😍🎶🎚🎵🎹🎺

    So, Merry Christmas, everyone!

    Day 26 – UK – NFD

    Meant to say that OH returned from his run yesterday having had a fall on an icy grassy slope and managed to end up with a couple of cuts between his eyebrows and not a scratch elsewhere……How did he manage to do that??? Hopefully he returns today with no further damage🤞I had opted out for a low level walk as when I set out I realised how icy paths were in places and did not want to risk a fall on Christmas Day of all days!!!

    Despite that incident we ended up by having a perfect Christmas Day together – his surprise present was a lovely pair of silk pyjamas crafted from a Liberty print fabric inspired by artwork from their archives, it features calm waters peppered with blooming irises, peonies and chrysanthemums – The design is printed on a lustrous navy blue silk satin – he can choose good presents ❤️

    As today is windy and mizzly, it’s a perfect day for lounging around at home wearing those PJs and feeling rather spoilt.

    @stitchincarol – so lucky that you could have access to the oven at your church – saved your Christmas!
    @snowflake56 – no words just the biggest of 🤗 coming your way
    @i-hate-lettuce – how wonderful that your recovery was so well timed to allow you to enjoy a lovely Christmas Day with dear Mrs IHL 👩‍❤️‍👨 BTW we also loved your Tropical Christmas Cake aka “Caribbean Christmas Cake” – it’s almost Christmas pudding like which suits us both – it’s perfect with a cup of tea or as a dessert with some rum flavoured cream 😋

    Before he set out for his Boxing Day run I asked OH what he fancied for dinner and without even thinking he said “Yotam Ottolenghi’s Spicy Mushroom Lasagne please” so that’s what we’re having tonight……….

    Time for a cup of tea and a slice of that Christmas cake I think……..Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy and enjoying their Boxing Day

    Day 26 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Another day of taking it easy. Anyone here take advantage of after-Christmas sales? I never have been a big fan of either Black Friday or 26th crowds looking for bargains, but I know there are those who do!

    I hope everyone had a safe and somewhat healthy Christmas.

    @i-hate-lettuce – so glad to hear your digestive system is allowing some sense of normalcy in eating! I bet Mrs. IHL was indeed chuffed.

    @snowflake56 – sorry to read of your losing your dear cat companion. Cats do indeed become such parts of our families, don’t they.

    @at – sure hope your DH didn’t suffer any long-term effects of that fall! Whew … had to look up “mizzly” as that doesn’t seem to be much of an American form of precipitation. Although ‘drizzly’ was listed as similar in my search.

    @stitchincarol – your church service was beautiful! You as organist have a real lead part in most all of it, don’t you? That rendition of Handel at the end was a workout too. Whew! Fun to see you. I always admire organists who have to pedal almost as much as play the keyboard. Had to laugh about accompanists as well — my high school choir director taught me as much about accompanying as anyone, and I still remember him telling me various techniques!

    If you can stand my old-lady vibrato (which I hate hearing) then here’s our Christmas Eve service link. It seems to start with 15 minutes of ‘lead time’ then the service. One of our pastor’s sons plays a ‘cello prelude then the service of “Lessons & Carols” — I am singing a hymn at about min. 23, accompanying one of my piano students at min 27, then my solo is about min 44.
    We are a little church congregation meeting at a big local church during COVID so we can spread out.

    Onward and downward.

    2nd post
    @songbirdme – “Mizzle” = To rain in fine, mistlike droplets; drizzle. A mistlike rain!
    I’m not one for all the sales either – lovely day spent indoors being lazy apart from cooking – batch of scones this morning for OH who seems to inhale them 🤣 and currently simmering that mushroom sauce for the lasagna….

    Day 26 – USA/GA – NFD

    Oops, my post didn’t work this morning. Weigh in at 232 lbs. As @stitchincarol said… Way too much food around! I think things will calm down by my next FD on Monday.

    Day 26 – NSW, AU – NFD

    Well as expected I fell off the wagon over my Christmas break, even my fasting periods have decreased, mainly cause too much food and a worried mother.

    But I did join in a group fast run by a FB group, we were to start at 7pm & go for however long we wished but I started at 3pm. Aiming for 20-24 hours but we’ll see, apparently lamb roast for dinner tomorrow.

    @stitchincarol, @at and @songbirdme thanks for your sympathy! He was such a big part of our live, the house feels so empty without him.

    Day 27 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    After ‘storm’ Bella yesterday, a quiet calm morning. It went through very quickly yesterday evening and torrential rain came (and went) with it.
    Today going to be a walk again, slowly increasing the distance and the pace.

    @snowflake56 – understand what you mean regarding not having a pet around the house, they do bring that something extra, with no strings attached. We always had dogs around both as pets and working dogs. When we both retired and the kids had flown the nest, we decided we wouldn’t have any more, but it is fun when daughter comes to stay and brings her ‘house cat’ with her.

    Sales, hmmm, I actually need to get out and buy more clothes again, not just yet though, see where the weight settles at. I am putting some back on after the recent quick drop, but need to find a reasonable compromise. Which reminds me,

    Take care all

    Day 27 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 definitely NFD

    The novelty of too much rich food is losing its appeal, I went to bed feeling uncomfortably full last night. Despite saying my next FD would be 7 January I think I want to do Monday FD tomorrow!

    @snowflake56 I know the pain and grief you are feeling and I cannot find words that will lessen your sadness but I am thinking of you and sending love and virtual hugs xxx

    Day 27 – USA/GA – NFD

    @missybear I will join you! Going to start transitioning back to normal food today, hopefully. Definitely looking forward to a good FD tomorrow. Still at 232 lbs, basically the same as I was at the start of the month. I’ll have to readjust my monthly targets based on where I am Friday morning.

    Day 27 – UK – TDEE

    Aiming for a below TDEE day in preparation for B2B2B FD800 before New Year Eve so will be joining @missybear @northgeorgia and no doubt many others on a FD tomorrow 😉

    Being very lazy again today – weather not too enticing so did not go out for a walk but the next week looks more promising if colder so planning on daily walks and more controlled eating/drinking apart from New Year Eve when OH and I have plans for another tasting menu 😋

    Have not been brave enough to step on the scales like you @northgeorgia but will do so on the last morning of this December 2020 Challenge and make any adjustments required in January to ensure that maintenance remains my game…… I know that “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 27 Minnesota, USA. NFD

    I hope most of you had a Happy Christmas. It was very quiet here, just DH and myself, but we did get a lot of videos and pictures from the children, grandchildren, and extended family.

    I have not caught up on posts in the last week, but I do see that @snowflake56 has lost her pet…..and you have my greatest sympathies, my friend!. My older cat is laying here beside me as I type, and I don’t want to imagine how empty the house would be without him. Our kids accuse us of spoiling him far more than they ever received. They become such a true member of our lives, and the loss of them is so real. Hugs to you!

    @songbirdme Prayers for your SIL and hugs to you, also.

    FD tomorrow, and I will start on the Rejuvenating January 2021 Challenge page in the next day or two. I don’t believe in re-inventing the wheel, so I hope it’s alright with @at and others if I copy and paste some of the usual instructions for posting and the abbreviations, from your previous challenge introductions?. I have no experience in adding people to the spreadsheet that @at has generously offered to set up, so I hope others here will help me out with that!

    I am determined to start the year with a commitment to improving my health and well-being in every way I can. It seems like now is the time!

    See you tomorrow!

    2nd post

    @lilymartin How right of you to bring up the sacrifices of the 1914 horrible WWl, and so many events since! My Great Grandmother passed away during the second wave of “Spanish Influenza” (we know now it didn’t originate there at all!) so, I never had the privilege of knowing her, as I did my GGrandmum on my mother’s side. WWII was a sacrifice for so many, with rationing, with the bombs in the UK…….the depression of the 1930’s…..I don’t know, but it seems these days people have forgotten the real sacrifices and the “We are all in this together” spirit of the past. It makes me sad. And it worries me that if something worse comes along, people will not stick together and help each other.

    third post

    @stitchincarol You are truly an open and loving person. You remind me of a good friend I had, before she passed, too young. You are always kind and attentive to everyone on this forum. I hope that next month, Rejuvenating January, I can count on you to bring your cheerful, open, and kind comfort and care to all of the posters. I know I will be able to depend on you. xxxx

    I really appreciate you!

    Wow, @northerndawn, what a lovely thing to say! Thanks so much for your kind words, and of course I’ll be here in Rejuvenating January.


    Day 28 – WFD #101 in 2020

    I decided to do one more water fast this year. However like last Friday I’ll be skipping this Friday. New Years day is a big deal in Japan.

    I wish everyone here a successful and lighter New Year!

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