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This topic contains 393 replies, has 35 voices, and was last updated by  FlourBaby 1 year, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 395 total)

  • Day 11 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Good FD yesterday at about 550 calories. Taking it easy today with rain – snow due tonight & tomorrow. Ah yes, December in northern Illinois. It was indeed nice to have line dried bed linens yesterday for the last time this year. We broke records for the warmth.

    @flourbaby– great to have you back in the mix! Look forward to staying on track with you.

    @northgeorgia – sure do hope your father’s cousin is able to beat his ailing.

    @plantparent – may you and your family continue getting better.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 11-Minnesota, USA CD

    Well, interestingly, I was down a pound this morning so I guess I’m only up 2 lbs since November 1. Forgive me for not remembering who said this, and to paraphrase, but I wonder if now, after having followed this WOL for awhile, that when I think I have really overindulged in a big way……well, maybe, not as much as I think? Maybe nothing like I use to do? Hmmm. 🤔
    Also, my waistline is smaller, but I haven’t been measuring (I should) but I can tell by the fit of my clothing.

    I have been keeping under TDEE and usually under BMR as well, even when I wasn’t capable of a real FD500. And I did throw in there a couple of “around” 800 calorie days in the last 2 weeks. I guess it does go to show that if you balance those big calorie days in a mindful way, and they are infrequent, you won’t totally blow it. Also, I was DTF all week.

    @northgeorgia Thanks for the feedback re: “Rejuvenating January”. Still, if you or anyone can come up with something else…..I’d be glad to hear it.
    I have been wondering about your parents and how they are doing with this virus circulating around so much? And I’m sorry to hear of your cousin….You never know; he may come out of this dire situation. I pray he/she does.

    @basyjames I know what you mean about looking forward to 2020 and then having our hopes dashed upon the rocks, so to speak. I think this next year must be better; at least for getting the virus under control and being able to be with loved ones again. Who knows what else will come along: considering the craziness going on in our country and the absolute hatred of “Those who disagree with us” from people of both major parties! People use to be civil in their disagreements. I feel like taking care of family and friends has never been more important.

    @flourbaby I’m so glad for you that you are settled in to where you are living now. Whatever we call home, if even temporary, needs to be our refuge. I’m very glad you are back with us- we have missed your voice!

    @lilymartin I have read that Australia has the most numerous and most venomous snakes (and spiders?) 😨😱. I don’t think I could go back out in my garden if I discovered something like that, until I had someone come and kill them all. I’m all for conservation of species and “Live and let live”, except–Not in my own backyard. As the saying goes. Not for poisonous creatures. 😉😂

    @ccco I also saw the dividing line in the US for UPS and FedEx…..My thoughts were that that will be a much larger population for UPS to deliver to than for FedEx. Kind of interesting. Do you think they feel UPS is better equipped? They could have moved that line one state- border east, north to south, without any problem. So, it makes me wonder if that is a judgement on the competency of the two companies. Don’t worry so much about your grandson’s experience this Christmas. I think your little grandson will enjoy and remember the next couple of years more than this year, anyway. So, let’s hope next Christmas, when he is 3(?) will be a family Christmas!

    @plantparent Well, there is such a thing as a “set point” for weight. Now, some articles you read say that isn’t a real thing, but most say it is. When you exercise and fast and your body thinks it is suddenly in need of calories to stay “status quo”, or at the same set point, you WILL be hungry. It’s just the way your body tries to stay the same. When I am hungry after several good FDs, I know I will lose weight soon if I just stick to it and don’t increase calories.
    I eat raw veg to get some fiber and crunch, and drink plenty water to quench my thirst. If you can get over that hunger without overindulging calories, after awhile your body accepts that you aren’t starving or dehydrated, and it will lower your set point. Also, when you exercise, the muscle tissue does retain fluid as it swells a bit with inflammation. But then it builds up new tissue, and that makes a bigger muscle.
    I do recommend reading up on the basics that have been posted a long time ago by @simcoelove on this forum. @at posted it on the first day, but it is always a good reference to re-familiarize one’s self with the basics.

    @songbirdme Won’t you sing a belated “Happy Birthday” to me as well? I had been looking forward to it. 😂😀 Is it because of the Hawkeyes beating your Illini??? As I told you….we cheer for the ISU Cyclones, my DH’s alma mater, and where oldest granddaughter will be going next fall (with the Grace of God it will be open) as she’s been accepted, and will hopefully be on the Dance Team-If that will still be an option and a scholarship. Either way, she will be there. Architecture Design. Isn’t it sad that so many college sports have been unfairly cut this year?! Anyway, I also wanted to tell you that today I pre-ordered some of the best popcorn in the Twin Cities metro for Christmas gifts. I’m sending it to my grandkids who absolutely love the popcorn from this little “mom and pop” store, and I’m giving it to myself as well. 😊 I know that YOU, a lover of popcorn, can understand how happy it makes me to know I have that to look forward to for Christmas! lol.

    @stitchincarol I’m glad you enjoyed your Birthday! Now, remember what you said a couple days ago? This is a way of life, and so…….you’ve got plenty of time to do FDs and get those pounds down. Enjoy your life, and your big days. I hope you enjoyed your cashmere sweater!
    So…Brandied Dried Fruit…..did I miss this recipe somewhere along the line? Can you share that with me, please? I would really appreciate it!

    @bellyblast How was the haircut? I’m going to do my own in a couple of hours, or tomorrow. I’ll let you know how that works out…..😳

    Stay safe and positive. Stay strong and determined for the long haul.

    @northerndawn – WOW! I am SO SORRY!! Must have just slipped past me:
    Happy birthday, dear Dawn ♫♪♫ 🎵🎶 happy birthday to YOU! Pray it was a blessed day! 🥂💐🎁
    How exciting for your oldest granddaughter to go to ISU! Those Cyclones are certainly good. Dance Teams are wonderful! One of my Illinois sorority sisters (who now lives in Iowa, kids are Hawkeyes) started our team at Illinois back in the late 60’s. And yes, I do love popcorn, especially caramel or cheese, but will eat about any kind. Freeport, IL, where I taught all my years, has a terrific mom & pop place called Mrs. Mike’s. Most people like their potato chips, but my faves are their popcorns. What’s the name of yours? If you send me an email with your address, I will send you some of ours. is me

    @northerndawn -it will be a belated birthday present. 🙂

    2nd post

    Thank You, Sweet @songbirdme …..It made my evening! I can hear you singing! 🎶🎶
    Gosh, lady, how can you give out your email with such abandon? I have such problems with that. I am so reticent to give too much personal information here or anywhere. Hackers can get into this forum so easily!

    But the big reason is that I have had 3 stalkers in my life. Two were just annoying in the end, as it turned out, but when it starts, you can’t know how it will end. There is still the fear and stress.

    One of the 3, though, was such a terrible situation and full of violent threats towards me and my children: police were involved over and over (always sympathetic). But they couldn’t do much at that time, except warn him (This was early “90”s before the stalking laws). Lawyers were also involved, but at that time, nothing could be done. My neighbors warned me when he came around, and watched out for me when they saw him around my home. That experience has changed me forever, sad to say, and it has made me so much more reserved than I would normally be. So, I hope you will understand why I will not be posting my email. Or even sharing it offline.
    Sorry, to have gone on about this when I have been posting to you personally, but I wanted you to understand why I am not participating in the “Sending a wine to the winner” thing with the collegiate football games, Gwynne. After all of these years, I hope you know I respect you immensely and consider you one of my best online friends. God bless you and your family.

    @northerndawn – perfectly understand your position. So sorry you’ve had to deal with stalking and anything untoward! It is so sad – you have every right to be cautious!

    This forum has been safe for me for many years, and I am undoubtedly too trusting by nature. My SongBird email is used all around locally for publicity, so likely I am more free to use it in general. I’ve met several 5:2 bloggers in person over the course of my experiences, too, so forgive my cavalier attitude.

    And yes, I consider you a dear online friend, Dawn!

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5/OMAD

    That to-do list that’s ruling my life is getting tamed into submission. The tree is trimmed (FINALLY!, lol), the large Christmas wall hanging I’ve sewn for my sister is finished and ready to ship, the Christmas apron I made for another sister is nearly done, I’m making progress on the knitted overalls for DGD, the house is still tidy…I’m still busy, but the stress is pretty much eliminated. Whew! And, to my joy, even after two NFDs I weighed in at 147.0 this morning. My progress is slow, but it’s still progress. And although I allowed myself that red cashmere sweater on my birthday, I’m waiting for 144 before I get to wear it again, so it really checked some of my eating-impulses yesterday, just the way a carrot is supposed to!

    @northerndawn and @songbirdme I loved reading your exchanges. @northerndawn, I’m so sad that you’ve had three stalkers in your life, one of whom was terrifying. I too was concerned that @songbirdme was so comfortable giving out her email on this forum, because we’ve seen the fake posts even within our group. On the other hand, I’m guessing that, like mine, her handle is very searchable on the internet, and her email can be found that way just as easily as posting it here. (In other words, search my handle and you’ll find me.) So, in the end, never having had the fear of a stalker, I can understand her willingness to post it. And all of your exchanges just prove what friendships we can build even on this forum, and then treasure.

    We had about an inch of snow overnight, so it’s a winter wonderland out there without much annoyance since it’s only an inch, perhaps less. I never did get groceries yesterday, so I’ll head out and do that this morning, and then come home and light all my candles and enjoy the day getting things crossed off that ubiquitous to-do list.

    I hope all your days are/have been wonderful!

    Day 12 country West Australia, almost a FD
    Today turned out to be a pretty good CD but not exactly a FD . I try to keep under 500 calories for a real FD and I went over today with a toastier my DH made for dinner to go with the salad.
    But feeling pretty upbeat that I am eating less and being more mindful over the past few weeks than I have in a long time, so it’s on the up.
    @flourbaby, so good to see you back here. Sounds like you’ve had quite a time of it. Hope everything is on a more even keel now.
    Re snakes…. I spent the morning yesterday and today with DH clearing away a lot of debris, weeds etc. I often pull out the weeds and if they don’t have seed heads, I leave them as green mulch.
    BUT I have now got rid of a lot of that so the ground is quite bare so I can see anything that creeps or crawls.
    I also crashed and bashed around in the garden making a lot of noise as noise is believed to make the snakes go/stay away. Here’s hoping!!
    We also have bobtails or blue tongued lizards that stroll around the garden.
    They almost give me a heart attack when they appear out of the garden beds but they are harmless creatures and I don’t mind them.
    Nearly the 13th and I will try for a FD but church morning teas are usually pretty scrumptious and ate Christmas time…. ‘Delay don’t deny’ will be my mantra….

    Day 12 Second post

    @lilymartin Here’s hoping, indeed, that your crashing and bashing made the snakes go and stay away!

    I just remembered that someone asked about the recipe for Brandied Dried Fruit. I can’t remember who, but here it is:

    8 ounces/225 grams currants or raisins
    8 ounces/225 grams dried cranberries
    4 ounces/110 grams dried cherries
    2 ounces/55 grams dried pears, finely chopped (couldn’t find pears so used mango)
    2 ounces/55 grams dried apricots, thinly sliced
    1 orange
    1 lemon, sliced thin and seeds removed, chopped
    2 tablespoons fresh grated ginger (from about a 2-inch piece)
    1 teaspoon anise seeds
    1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    ½ teaspoon grated nutmeg
    ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
    ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom
    About 1 cup/250 milliliters brandy

    In a large bowl, combine the currants, cranberries, cherries, pears and apricots. Zest the orange and add the zest to the bowl. Add the lemon, ginger, anise seeds, black pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon and cardamom.

    Juice the orange and add the liquid to the bowl. Add the brandy and stir to combine. Transfer the mixture to a jar, cover and refrigerate. (If you don’t have a jar that’s large enough, keep the mixture in the bowl and cover with plastic wrap.) Allow the fruit to sit in the liquid for 2 to 14 days before using. The flavor of the fruit, spices and brandy will improve with time. At least once a day, turn the jar upside-down (or thoroughly stir the mixture if it’s in a bowl) to make sure all the dried fruit gets coated in the brandied liquid. The mixture keeps in the refrigerator for months, stored in an airtight container.

    There you go! If you make it, do let me know if you love it as much as we do!

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    End of a meh week. 232 lb weigh in makes me a pound heavier over last weekend, but hey, at least I am finally out of COVID quarantine. The congestion is lighter but lingering; still, it’s the only symptom I have at this point. Wearing a mask whenever with family, too, at least for another week. Hopefully, I’ll be off this plateau and start drifting downwards again next week.

    Have a great day!

    Day 12 – USA – CD

    @stitchincarol and @northerndawm — thank you so much for your kind, encouraging, and supportive words!! I am very thankful to see your replies.

    @sitchingincarol I think you are spot on about the overwhelming hunger being a fluke. In the past, I have felt these fluke pangs either when I fasted too long or if I was sleeping less/drinking less water. Upon closer attention to what was happening with my body this time, I do notice extreme bloating, especially in the midriff, which could be due to exercise, and hence the added water weight. For the past 2 days, I am back to my regular controlled meals and will continue that for a few days added with controlled cardio too. Thank you for reminding me that I am not back to my old eating habits. 🙂 🙂 <3 <3 It feels good to pick myself back up and get back on the journey :). Onwards and upwards!

    @northerndawn – I love what you mentioned about controlling when pangs hit — it is really motivating. I am going to tell myself, “I know the pang is hitting because I am about to lose weight, and if I just control now, I will see an improvement in my weight!” I have read about the body’s “set-point” before too. To counter whatever happened to me, I am deciding to continue controlled meals, with controlled 30 mins of cardio. This will help me stabilize I think. I did read the FAQs for newbies posted by @at when I joined, but I guess it is time to refresh the details!

    Thank you all, and hope you are having a good weekend!

    Day 13 FD country West Australia
    Feeling strong about being able to do an under 500 calorie day today.
    Delay don’t deny !!!!!!!!
    @northgeorgia, the gain is not so much. Just glad that you are so much improved. Hoping the congestion goes and maybe with a kg of weight.
    @stitchincarol that drunken fruit recipe does sound delicious!
    Once I made something similar and gave it to friends for Christmas gifts but it is a different c recipe from yours so I plan to try this recipe this week. Delicious with fresh vanilla ice cream ( and obviously not on a FD!!)
    @northerndawn, what an awful experience for you being stalked. I don’t mind giving out my email but I am very careful not to divulge personal info ( except here!) and especially on FB.
    The joke is that many years ago when I started my FB account they wanted all these personal details which I just made up because of privacy reasons.
    Now every year on -it’s NOT my birthday – I get well wishes from people on FB and acquaintances. My real friends know when my real birthday is!!
    Off to water the garden , sans snakes.
    Have a good day everybody.
    Nothing tastes as good as thin( healthy) feels.

    Day 12 Minnesota, USA CD

    It’s about 5:45 pm as I type, and I have had a fairly low calorie day. I plan to be done eating by 7 pm, and will have a small salad and a cup of soup. Perhaps I will come in under 800 calories.
    @lilymartin I’m glad to hear you have the snake situation well in hand. How clever of you to have had the foresight to give false info on your FB page! I wish I would have thought of that.
    @stitchincarol It was me that asked for the Brandied Fruit Recipe, and I thank you fo taking the time to write it out for us……..It sounds delicious! I’ll have to order the dried fruits this next week. I do intend to make it. Can you give me an idea of the size of jar I would need?
    @songbirdme Thank you!🥰🤗
    @northgeorgia what great news that you are almost entirely recovered. You will be able to get to your goal this month, I’m sure, now that you can get back into the 5:2 swing of things.
    @plantparent I’m glad you found the thought of hunger pangs as a sign of weight loss motivating. It really has always has been my experience.

    Have a good weekend, everybody!

    Day 13 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    One step forwards and two steps back! Was warned about post treatment, but it really is frustrating. Christmas moving ever nearer, have had to cancel most of our food order! Not even off liquid diet yet, just can’t manage solid food, so decided to be sensible and not push. Have lost quite a bit of weight since end of October so when things do improve … actually need to put some back on!
    However, don’t feel as ‘wobbly’ this morning so see how we go!

    Being a keen gardener I’m reading with interest the activities some of you are having in different parts of the world, especially those with various wildlife and snakes etc.

    A very good pal of mine, we fished together for nigh on 40 years, decided to ‘up stumps’ and head off to Australia to go live near ‘the kids’. Well, me being the helpful sort of mate decided to help him ‘prepare’ for their new life ‘down under’.
    Every day for weeks before they left, they got a morning email, with attachments about snakes, spiders and all sorts of ‘bitey’ things. The sort of thing a mate will do to ‘help’.
    We were out one day and he asked me to stop, his Mrs was getting a bit worried about going suddenly. They’d visited so many times and were used to the wildlife (seldom saw much, as much wildlife does, they tend to shuffle off out of the way of us humans)

    Take care all

    Day 13 Canada NFD

    Happy Sunday! Things have been going well for me eating wise the last few days which is great, logging everything into MFP is a bit tedious but a huge help. Have been managing a ski or walk everyday which is great. For me the time between lunch and dinner is the danger zone and I have to be extra careful I don’t snack away the afternoon.

    I have missed posting the last couple of days as I have been finishing my Christmas shopping online. What a rabbit hole that is but I feel like it’s my best option this year. Nearly done and ended up with some nice gifts, for me it’s about the giving not receiving 🙂

    @basyjames thanks for the reminder to appreciate the non-scale victories
    @plantparent I don’t think you have made any mistakes and am sure you will figure out the balance of meals after exercising. I find that if I eat something within 20 minutes of the activity I am fine, I think it is often recommended by sports scientists
    @songbirdme I love line dried bed linen as well. During winter I take the sheets out of the drier when they are damp and put them on the bed, smoothing them out. It means waiting a couple of hours to finish making it but the sheets feel crisp. If only I could find a hack to replicate the smell of sunshine
    @northerndawn the occasional big calorie day is always going to happen for me as well, it’s the other days that make a difference. I am so looking forward to 2021, Rejuvenating January works for me:)…..haircut was great, changed things up a bit!
    @flourbaby welcome back
    @stitchincarol your hand made gifts sound beautiful, glad that list is shrinking
    @lilymartin I share your appreciation for just being happy about eating mindfully…the morning tea does sounds good
    @northgeorgia so glad you are feeling better
    @i-hate-lettuce take care it is good to hear that you aren’t pushing things but listening to your body.

    Day 13 second post.
    Am very happy to have almost finished this FD properly!! I had forgotten how many gallons of water I have to drink to keep those dreaded hunger dragons at bay. They are almost all drowned by now so am off to bed early to stop them firing up and heading me to the kitchen….🤭😇🥛🥛🥛( no emojis for water only milk??!!)
    @Ihate lettuce – what a friend indeed!!! 🕷🦎🦟🐍🐍There are a lot of nasty creepy crawlies here in Oz but one gets used to being careful round about the place. I do hope your mate and his wife enjoy being in Oz and near their children. 🙃
    @bellyblast, with you on MFP. Its a chore but definitely keeps you on track. Who knew how many calories there are in so many innocent looking serves of food ? I’ve had to cut down/ cut out my large flat white coffees on FD s 3 or 4 a day and too many calories start to add up.☕️☕️
    Off for a good night’s sleep in a freshly vacuumed , dusted , tidied bedroom …… bliss.

    Day 13 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Woke up yesterday to about 3″ of snow that has left everything looking very white and Christmas-y. Winter in northern Illinois is beautiful at times.

    I purchased some gift items from a local gal (cottage industry) and have to figure out how to ship to daughters and granddaughters. I hope they enjoy scented sugar scrubs!

    Off to play piano at church. Hope to respond to posts later on.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 13 – USA/GA – NFD

    I was sooo tempted to make this a FD, but I think I just need to concentrate on upping my water intake, stop any unneeded snacking, and prepare some healthy meals for today before going into tomorrow’s first FD back at work. Weigh-in is 232, but really wanted to jump into 233 this morning. Going to up the liquids today, and stay away from the empty calorie types. It’s almost mid-month, yikes!


    All eyes fall upon Rita, who despite being friendly and polite, just seems a little down. “Hi, I’m John,” a young man says, extending his hand to me. I take it and introduce myself, Wesley and Lola. “This is my fiance, Rita, and her sister, Megan.” “It’s nice to meet you,” Lola says. “You, too,” Megan says, before giving Rita a worried look. The server returns to our tables and John says, “Tiramisu all around the table, and any coffees?” I decline, but Lola and Wesley nod yes. “Oh, and please put their meal, ours, and the dessert on my tab. Here’s my card.” John hands the server his credit card and the server responds, “certainly. I’ll be back with your coffee and dessert.” “Oh John, you didn’t have to do that, we…” Rita takes Lola’s hand and smiles, “No, please. It’s our treat. We need someone to talk to. I’ve had an awful day.” “What’s wrong?” Wesley inquires. Rita folds her napkin nervously in her lap. “Let me tell them,” Megan says. “You see, my sister and John were planning on getting married tomorrow.” “Oh, congratulations,” I interrupt. “That’s wonderful news!” John and Rita thank me, but Megan holds her serious demeanor through her smile. “But there’s been a snowstorm and a lot of our guests and participants just aren’t going to be able to make it in time.” “Oh, Rita, I’m so sorry,” Lola says in sympathy. Megan continues, “yes, it’s terrible. We’ve already booked the hotel rooms, the reception, the venue — they won’t postpone anything. You know, the Overlook is just such a popular area, there is little wiggle room.” Megan pauses and looks and John, who is about to speak when the server says, “Tiramisu all around,” placing the desserts in front of everyone at the table. Another server quietly slips cups of coffee to those that requested a cup and places carafes of cream and milk and a small bowl of sugar in the middle of the table. The server that provided the dessert also puts down the leather-bound booklet containing the check beside John and says, “Thank you. No rush; whenever you’re ready.” John thanks him and looks up at us. “Well, this is going to sound odd as we have only just met, but there is something we’d like to ask you,” he says.


    Have a great weekend, everyone. Let’s have a good 5:2 week ahead!

    Day 13, London, UK, NFD,

    Late check-in from me today, it was a slow start after a disturbed nights sleep ……………….. I really must remember to stop drowning the dragon at 5pm, otherwise I spend the entire night up and down to the loo!!!!

    Today was a relatively controlled NFD, although a couple of bags of crisps and a snickers slipped in somehow, I suppose when I say relatively controlled, I mean booze free!!!! Pretty good vino swerving as I visited my mum, and my brother had opened a bottle of my favourite, so some well deserved halo polishing tonight!!

    As usual, it’s a quite weekend, so I’ll join my fellow Monday fasters on the (no doubt) lengthy pocket list.

    Stay strong everyone ………………… We’ve got this!!!!!

    Day 14 FD country west Australia.
    Yeeha!!!!!!! Finally a proper FD without cheating AND with a good result. The scales are ever so slowly inching ( or is the centimetering if you use metric??) downwards.🤔
    It’s only a small downward dip but enough to motivate me want to try for a B2B. And it’s been years since I’ve tried that.😇
    @flourbaby, so agree about drowning dragons. Does tend to make for very efficient kidneys. I love the image of ‘ vino swerving!!’😇😇just for you.
    @northgeorgia, all the best for your first day back at work.🤞 Hope it goes well. I’ll have to come to the forum tomorrow for the next instalment – it’s just like 1001 Nights !😃
    Have a good day all – nothing tastes as good as thinner/thinnish feels!

    Day 14 – Japan – WFD #98

    Missed a week of posting but I’m deep into this water fast day. More than normal because my stomach was upset last night so I skipped dinner.

    I don’t think I’ve ever done so many water fasts in a year, but I’m sure I’ve done more days total before. Still it is a lot of fasting for a year, at least for me.

    Day 14 – Sweden – FD

    I’m joining you in the middle of the month as I feel I can’t wait for January to start. I hope this is ok! This is my first FD in 1.5 years and my health has been deteriorating quickly this past year. I’ve tried regular calorie restriction for some time but I just can’t seem to stick to it. Fasting has worked in the past and hopefully I will be able to stick to it for life this time :). I will however modify the FD a little and only have a small dinner of 250 kcal on my FDs.

    D14 FD800 UK Lake District

    Not a very good weekend food wise but today is another day so trying for a FD800.

    Just checking in for accountability and to start of today’s lists

    Pocket list Day 14


    Welcome to @zenga. It doesn’t matter when you join, you are here and are very welcome.

    Have a good day everyone

    Day 14 UK FD

    Morning Quick check in, determined to have a good week – lots of exercise, eat healthily to get myself in tiptop shape , will catch up on posts this aft x

    Day 14 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in today puts me squarely back at last Monday: 233 lbs. But today is a new FD, so looking forward to tomorrow’s results.


    John clears his throat nervously as he looks at Megan and Rita. “We were wondering if you would do us the honor of filling in for us at the rehearsal and wedding?” “Pardon,” Wesley asked? “I know it’s crazy,” John continued, “because we don’t really know each other. But you seem like decent people and we …” “Are desperate,” I think to myself, but don’t say out loud. It’s not so flattering. “…would really appreciate it. We don’t want to postpone our wedding,” John finishes. Now I feel bad for thinking that way. They’re just trying to patch up their special day; this is certainly no bride-zilla situation. “We’d love to,” Lola says.

    Rita suddenly looks surprised and her face lights up. “Are you sure? How about you fellows, are you okay with this?” Wesley nods and I say, “yeah, why not. We’re glad to help out.” Rita lets out a shriek of joy and says, “oh, thank you so much! You don’t know how much this means to me!” Megan looks past her sister to our faces and asks, “where are you staying tonight?” I cough and say, “well, uhh, we haven’t actually made any reservations yet, but we …” “We already have a couple of rooms reserved at the Admiral Hotel in town. They’re yours!” John adds, “all of your meals, lodging, and transportation are already paid for. Our friends aren’t going to be able to get here, so there’s nothing to worry about.” “Where is the venue?” Wes asks. “It’s here in town at the Convention Center,” Rita says. “Very close by. And it’s tomorrow afternoon!” “Wow!” I say accidentally. “Yeah, I know. We’re cutting it close. You can see why I was so worried,” Rita responds. “Rita, we’re very happy to be a part of your special day. You can count on us,” Lola says.


    Pocket list Day 14


    Day 14 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    So busy with housework today haven’t had time to think about hunger….. but now I have looking forward to basa and broccoli for dinner.
    Is it just me or is December flying by?

    Pocket list Day 14


    Day 14 Canada FD

    Thankfully the scales are heading in the right direction and I am halfway towards losing the extra 4kg that appeared! Finished my Christmas shopping, all online over the weekend. I actually enjoy being in the stores leading up to the holidays and finding the right gift, not this year tho:)

    @missybear yup December is rocketing along
    @zenga welcome, you are in the company of a few 5:2 lifers here:)
    @dykask 98 WFD’s is amazing
    @floubaby I am vino free at the moment as well and sleeping like a log…maybe I need a bit more water tho
    @songbirdme glad you have snow, any skiing yet?
    @lilymartin MFP sure is a good wake up tool, I have been eating these little Swiss Delice chocolates which are tiny….anyway a few days ago I counted the wrappers in my pocket to enter them and 21 added up to 634 calories, yikes who knew

    Day 14 North Canton CD

    @northgeorgia I am so glad that you are doing better and well on the mend

    @zenga welcome to one of the most supportive and informative internet groups ever!

    @dykask you have inspired me to track and count my water fasts next year, kudos

    @flourbaby always a pleasure to read your posts. Vino swerving is very @flourbaby-inspired. Polish that halo!!!💥👼

    @songbirdme supporting local artists and small business is always important but even more so in the year of our Lord 2020. Scented sugar scrub gifts sound divine and I am sure will be greatly appreciated

    @northerndawn what a horrible experience! Nobody can blame you for being cautious with your info. I used to be a lot more accessible than I am now; however OH is a lot more reserved and cautious about sharing information and his influence has led me to pull back a bit

    @ I hate lettuce, slowly does it – One day at a time 💛 this to shall pass

    Daily workout complete and kitchen closed for the day. My 40 hour waterfast starts now.

    Day 14 – NSW, AU – CFD

    After the weekend of indulgence I managed to fit all my eating into an hour, including a tasty fruit mince pie and a square of fudge given to me as a Christmas gift from one of my co-workers. And only had one of each so still fitted under the 800 calories.

    Day 14 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    Yesterday was a lovely day with DS29 and DS24 here; we had brunch after church and played pinochle until late afternoon, then had Clams Casino for an appetizer, and Rack of Lamb with a dried fruit relish, green beans, and an Israeli Couscous dish, and then a Lime Cranberry Pie for dessert. There was beer, there was an excellent wine, and the scales were 150.4 this morning, and I don’t regret a single bite. But today I’m struggling to fast because I’m HUNGRY, LOL! I’ll make it to supper because I’m determined, but it sure would be lovely to wander into the kitchen and start nibbling on leftovers!

    @northerndawn, the recipe says it makes 5 cups (I think I left out that detail on accident) but it fit into a jar that says it’s 4 cups. I do find that, as I’m turning it each day, I’m wishing the jar were a bit larger so that the fruit had an easier time moving around and mixing up, so that’s the direction I would suggest you go. I hope you like it as much as we do!

    @zenga We’re always happy to welcome new people at any point in the month they join us! Good luck with your goals!

    I finally finished the gifts for two of my sisters and they’re wrapped and mailed, so that’s lovely to have finished. I’ve done a bit of cleaning up in the kitchen throughout the day, but now I’ll get a bit more serious and see if I can’t finish it all. We also had the boys go through some games and books and STUFF (you know how kids always think they can leave all their treasures at Mom’s and Dad’s!) and have a huge pile of stuff to take to Goodwill. It’s slow going, but we’re going to lessen the packed shelves and cupboards eventually!

    So, off to tackle those projects. Have a grand day, everyone!

    Day 14 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Quick check in. @stitchincarol Thanks! @zenga Welcome. Trying to finish online shopping and making DH supper. Expecting to have a FD tomorrow. Had a great but cold Sunday with DD and family on the patio yesterday…….

    Best of luck everyone!

    Day 15 country west Australia NFD
    So. Eating to or under TDEE and being very mindful on NFDs. Fasting under 500 calories on 2 days and …… off comes the weight. Who knew ???????!!!!!!😲😁
    I am officially the lightest since Feb 14th this year!!👏
    This has done 2 things. Got my Mojo back and reset my appetite to a more reasonable level.
    @stitchincarol, that dinner sounds delicious. 🤤
    @toady , such restraint with Christmas delights ! 😇It’s a difficult time of year to be mindful but so worth the effort, at least in my case!
    @basyjames, hope the water fast goes/went well.
    @bellyblast, yes MFP is such a wake up call. A few days ago I decided to weigh some of my food as an idle experiment. Something I have not done before. Not. Ever.
    Wow!!! 2 tbsp greek yogurt – 50 gms; 1/4 cup home made muesli 100 gms; small amount of milk 60 gms. Yikes!! All the time thinking well this isn’t much but it ( weight of food) does all add up.
    And when you plug the numbers into MFP the hard cold truth is revealed. So I do use MFP to keep me on track at times and will continue to do over the festive season.
    @missybear, yes even the young ones are saying how fast this year has gone. I thought with Covid restrictions it might make the year slow down a bit but no.
    @zenga, welcome. Everyone is welcome here and very supportive.
    Have a good day all.

    second post.
    Cleaning out my wardrobe – too many clothes – and came across some lovely garments I had completely forgotten about.
    Sorted, threw some out, folded and put the rest back with this pledge – what I cannot fit in to by Christmas 2021 has to go !!
    So with recent 5:2 results and a lot of clothes sitting waiting, my motivation and my mojo just got a whole lot more enthusiastic!. 😄

    Day 15 – Japan – NFD

    My water fast was good. This morning I was around 40 hours and felt I could easily do another day. After the pandemic … I might just switch to fewer but longer fasts.

    @lilymartin I have some older (bigger) clothes I sometimes have to use. However I never could have fit into them before I started fasting. My waist size is now 33 to 34 inches, in college I was 32 inches. Not quite there but I’m in my 60’s so it doesn’t bother me too much.

    This week I started switching from pushups to pullups. I still do some pushups to rest from pullups and I can only do a few pullups right now. However I’m a lot stronger than I was last time I started doing pullups. For me 1 pullup is worth about 10 pushups. Probably more than 10 times the pain!

    Day 15 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    I read all posts yesterday then forgot to post myself!

    Had a great, relaxing, weekend with my two pals staying in a lighthouse keepers cottage on a headland in the far west of the Irish coast. The lighthouse at night was beautiful. The wind coming off the Atlantic was super strong at night so we enjoyed cozying up by the wood stove and just relaxing.

    I seem to be maintaining at this weight for ages….but at least not gaining. Trying to switch up my foods a bit. I also have this terrible feeling that TOM is making an appearance soon, after many months, so I am anxiously waiting. Oh well, at least it is near the end now, I hope, ☹️

    Have a great Tuesday…..only 10 days until Christmas and so many countries going back into super lockdown for the season. 2021, you have to be better.

    Day 15, London UK, FD

    Yesterday was super controlled, probably 8-1000cals so almost a FD, bumped up to a CD mainly by wine-gums …………………….. substituting for the real stuff????!!

    Anyway, 1.4lbs dispatched so a not too shabby return to the wagon!!!

    @northgeorgia, I finally caught up on posts only to find you’ve gone and done the whole Covid thing and emerged unscathed on the other side💪🙌💪!!! Still sending you some healing vibes though🙏!!!

    @lilymartin, my kidneys were high fiving each other in celebration of a few water filled & vino free days, the poor things were worked off their feet during Not-So-Sober-November!!!! @bellyblast, my only advice is to get the dragon drowning done & dusted well before bedtime, otherwise you’ll be up and down like a yo-yo!!!

    Welcome @zenga, nothing but love, support & advice here!!! You’re definitely in the right place!!!

    @daffodil2010, I think you’ve just jinxed me!!! Whenever you mention the re-emergence of the dreaded TOM ……………………. I follow suit!!!! I………… Will …………… Not ……………… Be ………………….. Happy!!!!!! Your stormy lighthouse stay sounds right up my street, fabulous!!!!

    10 more dry days then mindful boozing (i.e. 1 glass of vino 🍷 followed by 1 glass of water💦)!!

    We can ride this hormone fuelled rollercoaster and reclaim our health, no more sleepwalking towards obesity, we’ve got this!!!!! …………………………………………………………

    …………………………………. “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

    Day 15 – UK – ?FD800

    Apologies for being absent since my last post on Day 8 and not commenting 🙏
    I’m still here but life has just been busy both at home and volunteering……I’m not sure where the days have gone but here we are halfway into the month already!!!!!

    Happy to report that I’m still staying in maintenance although at the top end of my range but hey it’s December so I’m happy with that……

    @i-hate-lettuce – It was great to see a post from you and you are right to stay focused on your recovery and taking it easy – this is such an important phase of your health recovery after such traumatic treatment – you and your family can have a delayed Christmas celebration sometime in the new year when you are feeling more like your old self and this virus has been tamed by widespread vaccinations
    @northgeorgia – great to hear that you have recovered from the virus
    @zenga – welcome as others have said it’s never too late to join and you have taken that first important step
    @northerndawn – so sorry I missed your birthday – hope you had a fab one!

    Apologies if I have missed out any important milestones/news but just can’t go back and read all the posts I have missed but will try to log in daily from now until the end of the challenge to stay focused and motivated

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 15 almost 16 ( which will be a CD) country West Australia
    The virtue is positively pouring out of me 😇😇-and hopefully taking some weight on the way.
    Posting now as I have to be up with the crows tomorrow and a busy day 8 – 6pm without a break.
    Had to go to town for some important business papers which had to be signed, witnessed and sent by …last week ( the vagaries of snail mail in Covid with Christmas post and parcels added – it’s not fast!).
    DH decided to stay in town for dinner so we went to the local pub.
    Rang some friends at the last minute and had quite a crowd turn up.
    Whilst they all ate chicken parmy or fried fish and chips I virtuously had grilled fish and veggies. It was delicious, filling and for once I didn’t overeat and actually left some food and hd only 2 mouthfuls of DH’s wine. Yes truly only 2 mouthfuls. It CAN be done when absolutely necessary. 😅
    @dykask bravo on the pull-ups. I agree re strength. Not sure I could manage one pull up , even with my feet on the floor!!!! And the pain……
    @at yes time does get away especially at this time of year. Good to have you around and I love your quote. Am using all the positive quotes I can ATM to stay focussed.
    @flourbaby, your descriptions make me laugh. I am such a visual person and I can just picture those high fiving kidneys!!
    @daffodil2010, that lighthouse stay sounded fab.
    Off to catch some zzzz’s. Night all.

    Day 15 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD800

    Well, I made it through yesterday almost unscathed, LOL. I’m sure the calories were not under 500, but the slice of leftover cranberry lime pie was a skinny slice, so I didn’t bother to feel guilty but chalked it up to WOL…I can’t just throw away that pie, after all!! 😂🤣😁 This morning’s scale reading was 3.2 pounds down from yesterday’s shocker–always a relief even when I know it’ll happen.

    @lilymartin YAY for the landmark weight!! And how fun to have found some lovely clothes you’d forgotten!

    @dykask My DH (also in 60s and wears 32-34, so tall and very thin) started doing pull-ups a few years ago three times a week and he too was only able to do a couple to start, but is far stronger now; I’m sure you’ll show the same progress.

    @daffodil2010 Your lighthouse stay sounds perfect.

    @flourbaby Nice job on the 1.4 pounds!!!

    @i-hate-lettuce Still thinking of you, and praying that you feel far better very soon.

    I was all ready to use the recipe in my latest issue of Cook’s Illustrated to make Beef Wellington for Christmas Day dinner…and then I reviewed my to-do list for the next ten days. Nope. Not going to happen, LOL. So instead, we’ll do a 72-hour sous vide chuck roast. Any of you as passionate about sous vide as I am?? It’s handy and helpful and wonderful in so many ways, but with chuck roast, it absolutely transforms it, and turns a Tuesday-night-supper meat into a Christmas Day Dinner meat.

    Off to walk with Leslie and then continue on with that to-do list that never seems to get smaller…’tis the time of year!

    Reminder to self: nothing (NOTHING) tastes as good as thin feels. Keep remembering that, self!

    Day 15 Canada NFD

    A quick check in this morning, the snow is falling and there is some shovelling to be done! Half way point of the challenge today, so glad to be focussed:)

    Take care everyone

    day 15 North Canton OH FD

    Posting late today for accountability, busy season !!!!

    Day 15 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Got so busy yesterday that I am sorry I didn’t get here. Taking care of home items, etc. today. Still maintaining.

    @zenga – welcome to you! My father’s family all came from Smaaland to Chicago back on “the boat” in the early 1900’s. Dad never would let any of my mother’s heritage have any weight. I was Swedish. Happy to say, I guess I do resemble Swedes more than Mom’s Scotch/Irish, English, and German.

    @bellyblast – we don’t really have enough snow to ski yet, but it has also turned cold, so likely our area slopes are finally making snow. Our closest slope used to advertise their lift ticket price as the same as the day in December. I.e. today, you could ski for $15. Haven’t seen that lately!

    @stitchincarol – I also abhor throwing out food! That must come from my mother’s side of ‘waste not, want not’ or having lived through the Depression. That pie sounds wonderful.

    @lilymartin – you are so right! Who knew 5:2 would work so well?! I also love MPF (unless it really tells me how awful a fast food menu item has in calories! ha ha!). Congratulations on your lowest weight in 10 months!

    @basyjames – I saw our local cheese store was offering gift boxes they package and send, and other items could be included. The sugar scrubs went in their quite nicely. Each family got 4 (2 daughters, 6 granddaughters – well, one is a step-GD) so 2 boxes. The husbands will eat all the cheese & sausage! Usually I just send a check, but this will be nice, I hope. Other 2 kids aren’t really cheese eaters… gotta still figure out what to send them.

    @at – always good to see you around. You are such a terrific support for all of us.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 15 – USA/GA – NFD

    Sorry for the late post. The hyper-spam filter wrongfully shut me out all day, so can just now log in.

    Weigh-in back down to 231 lbs; would love to see the 220s this week, but realistically might be next week. Being back in the office this week should help curb snacking, especially with so many still working at home (not a lot of holiday treats this year).

    Yes, glad to be over the COVID mess, although still some light congestion that I understand can linger for a couple of months. Looking forward to the holidays with my parents and brother’s family who live next door.

    More Lola and Wesley soon!

    Day 15 Minnesota, USA 2100 NFD

    Today, I focused on my DH….darling Husband. He has not slept well for the last several days. I think he is feeling some stress about the vaccine that he will get this week. He just found out about this on Saturday, he had no input into when he could have the shot… He, like many other doctors, had to scramble to change their schedules. From what I understand, they will schedule shots every 5 minutes. If you are late, you are skipped.
    Also, I can tell my DH is feeling the general stress of how covid has changed everything they do, as doctors, to see patients and to try to help them. He says it is awful now, to try to line people up with help in rehab areas, long term areas.

    He will get the First of two shots (jabs), tomorrow. We do believe in the science of these vaccines. But, still, it’s kind of scary being the first ones to get it. Well…we will let you all know how it goes, and what DH feels, and how he does.

    Best of luck to everyone.

    @northerndawn – hugs to you and your DH both. Our SIL is a family practice doctor in Utah, and we have heard about some of his struggles too. Can’t imagine the stresses. 🙏🙏🙏

    Day 16 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    It will have to be an FD as yesterday was an eating mess due to me feeling glum that TOM might be arriving (it hasn’t yet) and then chocolate sweets dotted all around the office calling me, and THEN we went for a pre dinner 5km walk on the track in the local sports club and decided to have fish and chips from the chip shop on the way home !!

    Today it’s zero breakfast, spicy salmon salad bowl for lunch, then spinach soup and avacado salad for a light dinner.

    Thinking of your DH @northerndawn, do let us know how it goes.

    @flourbaby I hope I haven’t mixed you… you….I would not be pleased either…AT ALL….and I thought I would be well rid by now at 53 😱

    Happy hump day everyone 🐫

    Day 15 & 16 – NSW, AU – CFD

    Was going for an 800 both days before the tasty treats my co-worker made pushed me over the limits. Oops. But I did lock my keys in my car today and had to get the roadside assistance to come out and unlock it, so think I deserved some chocolate after that.

    Day 16 UK NFD

    Its funny reading the posts how there are many traits common to lots of us – Cookery book hoarding , abhorrence of food waste Who’d have thought

    Over the years I’ve got some really good tips from this forum This years winner has to be whoever introduced me to Leslie Sansome with the poor weather and gyms being closed her sessions have been great for me so thanks whoever mentioned her first 👏

    Struggling with my December goal but it’s still 10 til Christmas aiming for good day and fast tomorrow and take it from there

    @dykask Very impressed with pull ups I’ve been working on trying to perfect my push ups – chaturanga for you yogis out there and it’s hard !
    Happy 🐫day all

    Day 16, London, UK, NFD

    Good FD yesterday, maybe just over the 500cal mark, but as that was Greek yoghurt rather than chocolate fudge cake, I’ll take it and continue polishing the halo!!!😇

    @brightonbelle, cook book hoarding – check; member of the clean plate brigade – check, waste not want not life goal – check!!!! No wonder there’s an ‘issue’ with food!!!
    I started with Leslie way back in April, I wish I had continued as I started😰😟!! I was doing 2 walks per day, even when I had my 1 yoga & 3 Pilates classes per week💪!! I’ve got to get back into it ASAP since I’m settled into the new place …………………….. I do love a good walk, walk, walk💜💕!! Have you been consistent this entire time😲???

    I’m off to make my lunch salad, I make it very, very slowly, then enjoy it more when I finally break my fast at about 2pm😁!!!

    Onward & downwards folks!!!

    Day 16 – USA/GA – FD

    Rough night; couldn’t get to sleep until around 3 a.m. for some reason. Anyway, going to go ahead and plan for a FD today as planned with a weigh in this morning of 232 lbs. Fingers crossed!

    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

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