Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 393 replies, has 35 voices, and was last updated by  FlourBaby 1 year, 4 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 395 total)

  • Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    Feeling a little better each day, although the congestion is trying its best to migrate from the head to the chest. I’m trying to stop it with plenty of fluids, rest, zinc, fruits and vegetables with vitamins, and Mucinex. Just got up 30 minutes ago, so I’ll have to see how it goes today (always a little stuffy in the mornings, anyway).

    Weigh in was good: 231 lbs, almost tipping back to 232, which I’m sure will happen before Monday’s FD.

    I was just looking at my 4.5 year chart. I measured the patterns, including those with the short-term weight drops. Had I done nothing during this pandemic, I would have been surely been over 290 lbs by now. At 231 lbs, I’m at the lightest weight on this chart, and likely the lightest I’ve ever been in at least five years. I still have a journey of probably about a year and a half ahead to get to a healthy weight for my height, so I plan to stick with it (and then go into maintenance sometime in 2022)!

    I’ll return to Wesley and Lola’s adventures soon. Have a great weekend. More soup for me!

    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5, BMR or TDEE

    Well, it was fun while it lasted, LOL; after eating a normal amount of food yesterday, I was up exactly two pounds this morning to 147.2. That in itself is a grand thing, however, since 147-point-anything was a delightfully low number just three weeks ago. Slowly, slowly, I’m getting there.

    Today, without fail, I’m putting up the Christmas decorations. It’s a several day project since I have so many things, but I really must start. I’ve been working on a quilted wall hanging as a present for my sister, and suddenly have to finish it sooner so I can mail it with enough time for it to arrive by Christmas; we go to her house for Christmas every even year so I thought I could just take it with me, giving me plenty of time to finish it, but those plans have clearly had the kabosh put on them! I’m also knitting “overalls” for DGD, and a variety of other things are happening (I’m not being secretive, but figure there’s a limit to the details you all want, LOL), so every day I race, and every day I try to figure where the day went. Typical December stuff! Thus, no decorations are up yet, but everything else will have to be patient for a day or two because decorations get priority today. 🎄

    @maya1980 How lovely that you did so well in your calories that when life stepped in in the form of your neighbor, it did so little harm to your total calories. Ain’t this WOL grand?? 😍

    @bellyblast I preened at your comment that the pounds are melting away, but laughed also: they melt every week with my 500-800-800-500 but leap back on come the weekends. The law of averages makes it work, however. Any skiing today?

    @northgeorgia While not pleasant, your symptoms sounds manageable–thanks for sharing the details so we’re all reassured. Do you still have your sense of taste/smell? Prayers that the congestion stays out of your chest!

    Lots of silent people this morning; virtual hugs to you all!

    Current motto, to serve as a reminder and a motivation: “Nothing tastes as good a thin feels.”

    Day 5 – second post

    Just deleting the second copy of my post; not at all clear on how that happened, but it’s simple enough to use the edit option and remove it by typing this instead.

    Hello there,
    Still getting used to this thing.
    Thank you to some of you tagging me and commenting on my post. I promise I will learn how to reply back and start commenting also.
    Beautiful weather here in Calgary, AB. Almost like spring.
    We put up tree and outside lights back in November. Nothing like beautiful tree and lights to lift you up during these weird times. I just hope that for Xmas we will be allowed to reunite with our family, at least with really close ones.
    All I want for Xmas is my family reunion. Time will tell.
    I stayed within my calories yesterday and I felt good. I was satisfied and that’s all I can ask for. Not weighing in till Monday now which is also my FD.
    Have a great day everyone!

    Day 5 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Looks like ZBC for me, light lunch, then getting carry out from our fave Italian place this evening. Illinois is back on mitigation big time with most places closed having take-out only.

    @bellyblast – you are so right that the members of this forum are great for self-control support.

    @maya1980 – welcome! We know that there are wonderful people here.

    @northgeorgia – you continue to amaze me with your positive attitude and great progress!

    @stitchincarol – I see Nebraska at Purdue today. My first B1G football game in person was when I was in H.S. and Dad took us to Purdue for Homecoming (he was an engineering alum). I fell in love with the whole collegiate thing! My ILLINI are hosting those nasty Iowa Hawkeyes today. Now if they could play like they did against NB…. ha ha!

    Onward and downward.

    D5 NFD UK Lake District

    Been for a lovely walk this morning for about 3.5 hours. Back for lunch and a lazy afternoon while DH watched rugby.

    I was quite surprised this morning when I got on the scales to find that I had gained 1.5kg since I last got weighed in the middle of November so I have set myself a plan on a spread sheet so that I can monitor myself for the rest of the month. All I have to do is follow it. Easy peasy. (I hope)

    @stitchincarol My DH is doing very well with his chemo and has got into a three week cycle. Chemo on a Friday then he is OK till Sunday evening when he will go off his food and start to feel tired. Monday and Tuesday are generally tired days and then he picks up again on Wednesday afternoon. In all he will lose about 2.5kg over these few days a mixture of the medication and also going off his food. He then spends the next 2 weeks trying to regain the weight so that he is always back to his start weight for the next round. That is the only side effects he has so he is doing brilliantly. He hasn’t even lost his hair.

    @northgeorgia I wish you a speedy recovery and look after yourself.

    No lists today so I’ll start one

    Exercise List

    Day 5 North Canton OH 20:4 TRE day

    I couldn’t post yesterday, nightmare scenario : DD is 16 and learning how to drive, she hit another driver Thursday evening.The other driver is 17 and also a new driver, we thought her wrist was broken and she was complaining of numbness to her fingers. Thankfully, nothing was broken and she was discharged from hospital. Later found out she’s a gymnast and a member of the cheerleading squad in her high school, so even more thankful that she’s fine.

    My 4 month old BMW looks like a hot mess, and the other car will probably be totaled, BUT this could have been worse. So I’m thankful for health and healthy limbs today.

    I stepped on the scale today and so far the trends is heading in the right direction, I’ve lost all the water and bloat and can now say I’m 12 pounds from goal. Hoping for a steady 1-2 pound loss every week. Next weigh in day is Monday.

    Keep the faith and hope alive my friends 😀❤

    Day 5 Canada NFD

    That slippery slope!! I can see my weight vary by a kilo so was hoping that all that it was a few days ago, now it is up by 2 so time for action. I guess the skiing has been building an appetite. My Fitness Pal time is here 🙂

    @basyjames oh no that must have been terrible glad everyone is ok
    @kazoo sounds like we are in a similar place, or our scales are at least
    @songbirdme sounds like take out is a smart idea, stay safe this will end!!
    @maya1980 my tree is going up today
    @stitchincarol I headed to town early to avoid the crowds and picked up my tree, time for a ski though:)
    @northgeorgia COVID is definitely a serious virus, rest and get help if you need it.

    Ok dry every day and less snacking- everything goes into MFP. I do know how to do this (just get lazy sometimes)

    Day 5 – USA – FD

    Hi all,

    Sorry for being absent over the last 2 days. I found out my grandparents and a few members of my extended family tested postive for COVID so I was checking up on them throughout the day.

    @northgeorgia — good to hear of your recovering health and hope you are completely free of it soon!

    I did a FD of sorts yesterday (Dec 4) and stayed within 500 I think but later at night some friends showed up with a famous Tiramisu cake and I couldn’t resist a few spoonfuls. To make up, I am trying to keep my intake to < 500 today as well and making it a CD.

    Couldn’t do much exercise other than a short 10 minute core workout in the last 2 days (Dec 3, 4) but tried to make up with a power packed 40 minute cardio today. So far, my family seems to be stable but it is too early to say. My grandparents are hospitalized and under observation. Hoping for their speedy recovery!

    @bellyblast I tried the MFP after I found it on this forum, it is really cool, but slightly time consuming to enter. I am sticking to it as much as possible as well!

    Wish you all a good weekend and keep the inspirational stories coming!

    PS: small win for me — seems my plateau may not be a plateau any more?? Scale moved from 56.2 to 55.9 this morning hahah (assumed plateau was at 56.0 but still, small win ;))

    @basyjames -oh so glad your DD is okay. Sad for the car damage, but how much better is the good report from the hospital!

    Day 5 – NSW, AU – NFD

    Today was just a big failure, I don’t want to know my calorie count for the day and it was a no IF day too. Pretty much a whole block of Old Gold Cherry Ripe chocolate, half a packet of Madras Lentils with a piece of Lebanese bread, a Butter Chicken meal, several chocolate chip muesli bars and a packet of sherbet.

    Day 6 – MFD

    A 20 hour fast and then OMAD – Cottage Pie and a packet of sherbet for ‘afters’. After yesterday I needed to control myself.

    Day 6 – USA/GA – NFD

    New FD tomorrow. Weigh-in at 232 lbs (as suspected). Was OK on liquid intake yesterday, but really need to up them today to ensure I keep on the right track to recovery. @basyjames Sorry to hear about the accident but thankful your DD and the other driver are OK. @stitchincarol My taste buds were slightly deadened on Monday, but quickly returned and don’t seem to be diminished. This congestion is hanging in there, but not majorly in my chest and no nagging coughs so far. I did get a couple of small dizzy spells yesterday (also a symptom of a virus), but they passed. Fingers crossed it clears up this week. @maya1980 I’ve been turning on my tree around 4 p.m. each evening to lift my spirits! Something about some Christmas music and a lit tree at night that makes you feel things are going to be OK…

    Take care everyone!

    Day 6- Canada- NFD
    Can’t believe it is day 6 already. Time definitely flies, even though I am not having tons of fun, lol.
    I was very good all day yesterday. Keeping busy is the key as in most of things.
    I can’t help but notice that every time I am trying to watch what I eat, I frantically go through recipes. Because I like cooking and especially baking and because I can’t cook and bake whole lot these days, my escape is checking out recipes. Saving them for future. And if I do bake on those days, then I make sure I share them, send them away to my family.
    30 min a day cardio is going well.
    @basyjames so sorry about your DD. Glad it all worked out in the end.
    Good luck to everyone and we can do it!

    Day 6 – USA NFD

    I missed posting the last couple of days, sometimes the days just seem to escape me.

    Thanks for the encouragement, today I really need it. I had a bad insomnia attack last night, and sure enough I hit the gingersnaps and the Swiss cheese! Also DH and I haven’t been out hiking for a couple of days because he is having some issues with his foot. I shouldn’t complain that much because I managed to loose 1 pound, but I am worried that this fall off the bandwagon will set me back.

    @maya1980: I am also going through recipes right now, especially cookie recipes. This year I want to make Christmas baskets for our friends, I figure everyone needs cheering up these days. I hope I survive the temptation.

    Good luck for the upcoming week everyone, and stay healthy and safe!

    Day 6 North Canton OH CD

    Thank you all for your warm wishes

    @dj757575 bad days come and go, dust yourself off and get back on. You’ve got this

    @maya1980 keeping busy does the trick

    @northgeorgia I’m glad you’re stable and I pray your symptoms resolve soon

    I just found out that the young friend of a friend passed away from the virus last week. God help us all.

    @plantparent MFP builds on itself, the more meals you log, the easier it becomes

    I am looking for a 2 pound loss this week. Today will be CD followed by a 36 hour water fast.

    Happy Sunday everyone

    Go Browns!!!

    Day 6 Canada NFD

    Had a great sleep last night, a bonus from no wine with dinner!
    Yesterday was jam packed and I am taking it slower today. A slow walk and some yoga.

    @plantparent MFP is a bit tedious but it does get easier. I use it to combat the snack attacks that hit me early afternoon
    @dj757575 we all have wobbles and falls, you have got this!

    Sending healing and healthy thoughts to everyone here and their family and friends

    Day 7, OMAD, Aus

    Typically indulgent weekend. Must. Do. Better.

    What an awful start to her driving career, BasyJames; but relieved no one was hurt. (Pity about your new car, though.)

    Gingersnaps and swiss cheese sounds like an interesting combination, DJ57575!

    @toady – I wouldn’t beat yourself up over day 5, esp as you’ve lost 10kg!! That’s a huge success in such a short time.
    Happy Monday everyone.

    Day 6, USA, NFD

    Just checking in to say hi! Thanks @basyjames and @bellyblast for MFP tips.

    Today is a NFD — started it off with a nice powerful 30min Barre class. My fitness app did not log it through so I got no credit for it grrr. Anyways, its good to know that my stamina is increasing nonetheless.

    Two questions for you all —

    (1) Does fasting distract you from other work you are supposed to be doing? Especially the kind you do alone and at a desk so can easily think about food?

    (2) I am considering treating myself and some friends to a nice Christmas cake in the last week of December. Do you have any favorite recipes? I would still like to keep it low calorie, so looking for something without icing like a fruit cake, banana nut, chocolate loaf cake, etc. Starting the second week, I am thinking having an image of what I get to eat if I get through the month will be good motivation 😉

    Look forward to a great second week on this forum with you all!

    Day 6. OMAD. Sorry about this.. Fuertaventura. Canaries.

    Just popping in to say hello. We escaped from a cold and wet London to Fuertaventura a couple of days ago. Nice and warm, and very chilled. OMAD still on the cards, except I’m having gazpacho at lunchtime. I had my varicose veins fixed so my legs look ok again. Life is weird but we don’t have much choice except to carry on. Have a great week everybody. H.

    Day 7 – Japan – WFD #96 in 2020

    Also a trip to the dentist. 🙁

    Day 7 country west Australia NFD
    Woke with every intention of having a good FD today. A small amount of fresh fruit salad and 1 tablespoon of plain Greek yoghurt and then …… a donut!!!!!!
    Sigh , no site records zero calorie donuts so pretty sure I have surpassed my TDEE already . Oh well…
    My weekend trip to the city was remarkably controlled given that we ate out for every meal from Friday breakfast to Sunday lunch ! Plenty of salads and little meat.
    Will try for a FD tomorrow though I am at home and usually cook our main meal at lunch for DH and me.
    @maya1980, I ADORE cookbooks. Have over 300 including cooking magazines etc. And I STILL get recipes off the internet and still pull out recipes from magazines.
    If I cook 10 different recipes and three courses for every meal for the next 50 years I will just scratch the surface.😳
    But what a treat to sit with a cuppa and flick though recipes – heaven……
    Christmas is at mine this year and though the gathering is much smaller than usual ( only 7 ) I have been selecting the menu and have managed to change it several times already. There are so many delicious Christmas recipes.🤔
    Decorations go up 10th December at our place plus or minus tree🎄 which is always a real pine tree and sometimes not up until Dec 20th depending on farm activities.🚜
    @dj757575, please don’t fall off the bandwagon🙏🙏🙏 I did and it is NOT a good thing to do.😲 You are most welcome to attach yourself to my not inconsiderable belt or even just hold onto my hand.🤜 And at the risk of tipping over the whole shebang, I am happy to help you back on .💪
    @basyjames sorry to hear about the new beamer but glad all persons are OK. I remember what a nervewracking time it was when I had 2 learner drivers at the same time. Don’t think I slept much the whole year.
    @northgeorgia, glad to hear you are recovering. I hope the after-effects don’t last too long.
    @toady, no failures on this forum. Just some better decisions than others.🤭 Ditto food – no ‘bad’ food, just some we should eat less of ( ie donuts !!) and some we can easily eat more of without derailing our efforts for health.
    @plantparent, so sorry to hear about family members with Covid. It is such a nasty disease.
    We have been very fortunate in WA. The state government shut our borders very early on and no-one was allowed in or out without an exemption which was very difficult to get.
    It has meant that life has gone on pretty much as normal with sanitising and social distancing.
    For some months we did have strict rules about gatherings – only 10 allowed at funerals, weddings, only 2 visitors to a family home, no visitors to Aged Care facilities etc.
    The down side is that many of have not been able to travel interstate to see family. But they are opening up the border tomorrow and hopefully we will be able to have family Christmasses – providing people do the right thing.
    I am intrigued to hear that so many do not think Covid 19 even exists. Quite terrifying really.
    Anyway all the best to those affected or those with loved ones affected. Thoughts and prayers with you all.
    Have a good day all.
    Remember Nothing tastes as good as thin feels ……..except a white chocolate frangipane donut……….

    Day 7 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Good weekend, ready now for the week ahead, as I will be busy at work covering for a colleague who is off.. Next weekend my two gal pals and I are taking a socially distanced weekend trip and staying in a lighthouse on the west coast!!

    So in preparation for the indulging weekend ahead I plan to be super good this week.

    Thinking of you all.

    Day 7 – UK – FD
    Day 5-6 – NFD

    I had a girlfriend staying in a self catering cottage for a long weekend so she and I made the most of the good weather we had over the weekend with a 16km hike on Saturday and a 14km one yesterday – taking our coffee flasks and a picnic we stayed outside and socially distanced – lovely to actually see her and have a catchup whilst staying safe 🤗

    Starting today’s much needed FD with my regular 7am Zoom Broga class with OH so now catching up here with a cup of tea ☕️

    To all our American friends – hope you are all staying safe with the news of the ever expanding rate of infections with Covid 🤗

    @stitchincarol – my DD shares a birthday with you on the 10th too! We always held off putting Christmas decorations until the weekend after her birthday to try and make it special for her and although she no longer lives at home with us we seem to adhere to that tradition…….
    @basyjames – so glad to hear that both your DD and the other driver were both OK after that incident – sorry about the damage to your car but at least a car can be replaced 🤗
    @plantparent – so sorry to hear about your family members testing positive for Covid – hopefully they will all recover safely 🤗
    @toady – no “F” words on here – that’s the beauty of this WOL – a bad day does not a bad week make!
    @maya1980 @lilymartin – another fellow cookbook collector here I’m afraid and I too just love opening one and going through the recipes……….it does not seem to stimulate me to eat more but strangely perhaps satisfies my needs
    @northgeorgia – hope you are continuing on a straightforward road to recovery from Covid and don’t suffer with any lingering symptoms

    Starting the pocket lists for today – please add yourselves for support and motivation

    Pocket list Day 7
    @dykask WFD #96

    ZCB Day 7

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 7

    We are still missing some of our regulars – hope you are all doing well just busy with life – thinking of you all and stay safe

    One of our previous regulars to these challenges @happymargo (if you are lurking in the background🤗) used to share the following with us – so I thought it apt to share them during this difficult Challenge Month of temptations……….
    1– “BACK TO 5:2 BASICS”
    2– Keep striving for “PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION”
    3– Before putting anything in my pie-hole, ask myself “WILL THIS GET ME CLOSER TO MY GOALS?”

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 7 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    My inner child is complaining that it is cold and she’s tired and doesn’t want to do a FD today, the grown up me is whispering that its Monday so just shut up and get on with it! I’ll let you know who wins 😉

    Pocket list Day 7
    @dykask WFD #96

    ZCB Day 7
    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 7

    Day 7 UK FD

    Quick drop in to add myself to lists , will have a catch up on posts this afternoon

    Pocket list Day 7
    @dykask WFD #96

    ZCB Day 7
    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 7

    D7 CD UK Lake District

    Missed posting yesterday but had a really good weekend Saturday Day 5 was a really controlled NFD first for a long time. Sunday Day 6 a good FD coming in at 799 calories.

    We have done a lot of walking (both days) and so my DH is tired. Going to join the exercise list today as I plan to use my new spin bike

    My spread sheet is working fine and keeping me on track and I can plan my meals on it so makes it easy when I have to do my weekly food shop.

    @basyjames Glad to hear your DD and the other driver are both OK. Could have been a lot worse. The car will mend.

    @bellyblast I made a decision not to get on the scales as they were going in the wrong direction so I have got back on the wagon, gone back to basics (even been reading the books again just to remind me) and I have lost 600g over the weekend. Not a lot but a real boost. I am also filling in the spreadsheet for a bit more accountability.

    @plantparent Hope your family are on the mend. It is such a worry when older people test positive.

    @toady @DJ57575 We all have days when we fall off the wagon. Just grab someone’s hand and they will help you get back on.

    @maya I too love cookery books. Spend hours looking for new recipes to try.

    @emma Taylor Great to hear from you. I was wondering where you had gone. Enjoy Fuetaventura

    @Daffodil2020 Staying in a lighthouse. That sound interesting. Will look for your name on the pocket list this week.

    Pocket list Day 7
    @dykask WFD #96

    ZCB Day 7

    Exercise Day 7

    Have a good week everyone. There is plenty of room on the wagon.

    Day 7 – USA/GA – FD

    Good Monday morning, and what a lovely day for a fast! Weigh-in was back up to last week’s high of 233 lbs, but how nice to have my old record low as the new point in my high range of weigh ins! Can I make the scales hit 230 or lower this week? Hoping so!

    My boss says the Department of Health will allow me to return to work on Wednesday if I’m symptom free. I’m probably going to plan to be out all week. No major issues, but the congestion wants to hang in there, although I’m popping two or three Mucinex tablets a day. Once it has cleared up, I’ll feel better about venturing out. I’m surprised I’ve had no involuntary coughing at all. Maybe this will be my week.

    As we poke our heads outside the gift shop, Lola grabs my hand, yelling “come on!” She excitedly leads Wesley and me in front of a small floral planted fountain in front of a rock wall with the logo of the park in front of it. “Now, come sit here. Wesley, you sit on the other end of the bench, and I’ll sit in the middle. Oh, miss, would you mind taking our photo?” The lady takes the phone and laughs. Why wouldn’t she? I’m wearing the alien antennae. Lola is wearing the fake mustache. Wesley is wearing a cowboy hat. We also have on T-shirts with the logo of the park and a huge phrase on the front. I’m on the left end of the bench and my shirt reads, “Look over to your right” with a huge arrow. Wesley (sitting on the right side of the bench) has a shirt that says, “Look over to your left” with the same type of arrow pointing the opposite direction. And Lola, with a crazy grin in the middle has a shirt in a frenzied-looking font that says, “Don’t OVERLOOK me!” “One, two, three, say cheese,” the woman says before taking the picture. “Thank you so much!” Lola says, jumping up to grab her camera. “Hey, this is one of our best photos yet!” “Great! Let’s go to the restaurant,” Wesley says, taking off his hat and walking to the parking lot. I smile as I glance at the picture, quickly checking my phone for messages and seeing none, place it back in my pocket. “Oh, yes. I need to email this to you and Wesley. I’ll do that in the car.” I pop open the trunk, taking Lola’s knapsack. Wesley places his and hers into the trunk, while I take mine off. “I kind of feel like Italian,” Wesley says as I put my knapsack into the trunk and close it up. “Sounds fine to me. See if you can find a good place in Triplicity while I’m driving down the road.” We hop into the car and I crank it up.


    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Pocket list Day 7
    @dykask WFD #96

    ZCB Day 7

    Exercise Day 7

    Day 7 second post country west Australia
    Having nothing better to do in preparation for Christmas….???? and trying to go right back to basics and where it all started for me, I have been reading posts from July 2016 on !!!!
    Such words of wisdom I had to offer – if only I had taken my own advice….
    Anyway there is a LONG list of names I came across and wondered where they are now.
    At the risk of driving you all crazy I wondered if any of you know what has happened to any of the following, especially as some were hosts of this thread.
    AnneMarilyn; Arvandee ;August 2014; ashwpz; awilson; amandah; anzac65; anna6; arelkade; annnursekirk; allsmiles; and…exhale; Amazon; anna; annypanny;
    belfastsink; betsylee; babs_b; brightonbelle; beththenew; bert1802; Blueinjamum; bigviking; bigbooty; B2tf; bellyblast; believeit; big_bill; biddiev;
    cateaus; ccco; Ciren2; Coda; cboz; cleo120; cinque; Cheshire;
    daffodil2010; ding ping; diver dog; ducks_d; Debster251; Debbie; Diggly; dwellers; diana123;
    Eternally Grateful;
    Fuvvie; fastveg; flour baby; fat rabbit; fatveganchickslims; fat fingers; funshipfreddie; fasting_me;
    granny2ten; gretta;
    Hannahwatto; Happy Now;
    Johnnyr; jojo58; jarbia; just Julie; jai faim; jess your size;
    krisnia; keelseel; kay wester man; kt caroline; krishna;
    lola 907; lynned; lorky 35; louis 05; lindasue; Lael; Laddie; la grande bouffe; lew; lany 36; leggit; Lynz M; Loubelles; luimat; lynzm; Lard; Larry NYC; lizzy Agatha;
    mjrbcd44; miraclelon; msraven; mari 84; miss j 2002; mimigogirl; mama cat; mama tales; molij; metatauta; minke; melanta; Merry Me; Mia 139; m flood; michelinme; merry apple; missy bear; mamajama; matpi; moukinator;
    North rancher; Northern Dawn ; Now Voyager;
    Other half tomorrow!!
    Would just love to hear how they are going and how their 5:2 journey has been and if they are all OK in this crazy year of 2020.

    USA. DAY 7. FD

    Lilymartin, I am still here hanging on! Thanks for missing me! Just waiting for my grandson to arrive!

    Adding myself to the pocket list!

    Pocket list Day 7
    @dykask WFD #96

    ZCB Day 7


    At least when I babysit my grandson, I have little time for eating! LOL

    Stay safe, everyone!


    Exercise Day 7

    USA. Day 7. FD

    I am sorry but I messed up that list. I will try to fix it.

    Adding myself to the pocket list!

    Pocket list Day 7
    @dykask WFD #96

    ZCB Day 7


    Exercise Day 7


    Day 7- Canada- FD
    Here we go again! Monday! I mean is there anyone who likes Mondays????
    Planning to drink lots of water and aim to eat only one fruit and some greens later on.
    I am dreading this Monday already.
    But I am going to be ok. Just need to keep busy and that is almost unavoidable with my 5 year old DD.
    Good luck all in your fasting and in general.

    Day 7 – USA – FD

    I woke up planning a NFD but seeing all the inspiring posts about you all doing a FD, I am joining in! Going for a FD500 today. I am having my morning coffee while I catch up here, will have a greens+fruit smoothie for lunch, and a controlled dinner of under 300. Yesterday’s heavy exercise has made me ravenous today and before logging in I was planning on a pancakes breakfast, but no more!!! Love this WOL.

    My family who tested positive for COVID are doing better today — all of them are on the mend but under strict observation. Next 3 days will tell 🙂

    Good luck to you all on your Monday!

    Day 7 Canada NFD

    A really controlled weekend eating below my TDEE and feeling like I am back on track. I did weigh myself this morning and the scales are still going up. Perhaps they are broken she thinks hopefully? I need to brave the post office today so will get some exercise in later in the day. It’s grey and starting to snow here so the mild weather is changing. The monochrome beauty of a grey and snowy day is something that I do enjoy.

    @northgeorgia and @plantparent glad you and your family are doing well

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    The weekend consumed me with things to do, but it was a lovely time. I finally got my Christmas pudding made yesterday, using a slow cooker to steam it; I was astonished how simple that step was using the slow cooker–that’s something I’d been dreading, trying to make it work well having never seen it done before (I’m American, remember, LOL!). I chose to do the Nigella Lawson recipe; thank you @bellyblast! Turns out finding the Pedro Ximenez sherry was as simple as calling the largest liquor store I know of and having them put a bottle aside for me. This morning I put together some brandied dried fruit to steep for a couple weeks; it’ll be ready just in time to add to scones on Christmas morning and to use in cocktails on Christmas Day. Since 2020 has brought so very many brand-new experiences, I’ve apparently decided so should the food I make be all about brand-new experiences! Or, if I didn’t consciously decide that, I clearly have that in mind because between the Tropical Christmas Cake (thanks @i-hate-lettuce), the Christmas Pudding (thanks @bellyblast and others who gave suggestions), the Brandied Dried Fruit (thanks to the New York Times’s food emails), and a number of new recipes I’ve been making, there’s nothing typical about the food I’m making and eating!

    @northgeorgia, do I remember correctly that you fasted on your actual birthday? That’s Thursday for me, and if I eat that day, it’ll completely mess up this week’s eating. Fasting on my birthday seems a bit obsessive, but I keep trying to tell myself that, since it feels so good to fast (or at least, it feels good the next day, LOL) and it feels so good to be in control of my eating instead of my eating be in control of me, it would actually be a lovely birthday present to myself to fast that day. Our boys are coming for a lovely birthday dinner next Sunday (for a menu I chose that DS24 will cook), so it’s not as if I’d miss out on the special food…

    @songbirdme So sorry that those ugly Hawkeyes had their way with your beloved ILLINI. The state of Nebraska was absolutely thrilled with our Huskers! (And I haven’t forgotten your wine….it’s coming, it truly is!!)

    @kazoo I’m so pleased that your DH is coping so well and has so few side effects from the chemo!

    Oh, @basyjames, what a blessing that the irreplaceables in that accident are entirely fine! So sorry about your 4-month-old BMW…but, it’s replaceable and your DD and the other driver are priceless. I’m filled with joy and relief for you for the blessing that the outcome was!

    @plantparent So sorry about the positive tests for your grandparents; I’ll keep them in my prayers for a full and rapid recovery. And here’s what I’m having for my birthday dinner: I’ll let you know after Sunday’s dinner if it’s as yummy as it appears! And to your first question, no: I have a desk job that I work only on Thursdays, and get so absorbed in my work that I don’t give a single thought to food…until I’m walking home and realize I’m HUNGRY, LOL! I take it you’re finding it hard to work and get distracted by thoughts of food?

    @northgeorgia So glad your symptoms were minimal and that you’re keeping at bay any worsening so far!

    @dj757575 Oh, insomnia is the absolute worst, isn’t it? A quote that I love might resonate with you: “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr. Good luck!

    @EmmaTaylor Okay, you OUGHT to be sorry about that! Here’s how you can make up for it, however: give us details. Describe the scenes. Tell us temperatures. It’s absolutely blissful in my imagination, so I want descriptions to flesh out the details! 🌴😎👒

    @dykask Hope your teeth feel glorious after the cleaning at the dentist!

    @lilymartin 😂🤣😂 Remember Nothing tastes as good as thin feels ……..except a white chocolate frangipane donut……… 🤣😂🤣

    @at @maya1980 @lilymartin – I am another cookbook collector. Curious, I just went to my antique bookshelf where I keep most of them and counted a couple shelves and multiplied. Turns out I probably also have over 300, LOL! My current obsession is finding recipes online, printing them out, and organizing them in a little file organizer until I cook them and put them in my binder of recipes I’ve made and will make again. I actually have three file organizers, and three (huge) binders. Yeah, I’ll bet there are more in this group who are obsessed with recipes! 😍

    Pocket list Day 7
    @dykask WFD #96

    ZCB Day 7

    Exercise Day 7

    @stitchincarol…but maybe only until Thursday…

    Have a grand day everyone!

    Day 7 North canton OH FD

    A grey day over here for me too and I wish I could say that I enjoyed them like you do @belly blast 😁

    After my first controlled weekend in months (maybe years) the scale went up 1 pound. Cruella de Ville she is; I am still hopeful for 1-2 pounds total loss this week though.

    Again, thank you for all the warm wishes, DD is feeling much better emotionally and of course cars can be fixed or replaced – thank God for comprehensive insurance. 2020 continues to show up in grand style

    @plantparent and @northgeorgia, I am glad that the Covid-19 news continues to be positive.

    @lilymartin how were you able to unearth all those names!!!!

    @missybear fingers crossed that your grown up wins

    I completed a 20 min HIIT class and 15 min Total body strength class on the peloton app; serious butt kicking time and oodles of sweat for posterity.
    Adding myself to the pocket list

    Pocket list Day 7
    @dykask WFD #96
    @basyjames WFD

    ZCB Day 7

    Exercise Day 7


    USA. Day 7. FD

    So sorry to be reading about positive Covid tests here in the posts. While I still remain safe, I also have family members who have fallen ill. At this point, I now know so many people with it, that I won’t leave my house without a mask. I wish you all a speedy recovery!

    Day 7 Minnesota, USA. CD

    December is turning out to be as busy as I thought, so I haven’t posted since Friday, Day 4. I am afraid to get on the scales, because last week was birthday week for both my DH and myself. We had a lovely celebration on Saturday with DD and her family. The little granddaughters sang “Happy Birthday” to us and gave us cards they had made. We sat around our fire table on the back patio and enjoyed take out and home made (from DD) chocolate frozen custard. Delicious!

    @basyjames. I am so glad to hear your daughter is ok…..what a stressful time you had!
    @northgeorgia I hope you continue to improve.

    @lilymartin Familiar names on your list…….Including mine! LOL. I’m here, still! Back again, I should say. And you are so right…..I wish I’d have taken my own advice all these years since 2016. Oh well. I guess we are all human, and the struggle with staying a healthy weight is real.

    Day 7 – NSW, AU – OMAD

    Morning weigh in was a surprise after my Saturday binge – 92.3kg, meaning I dropped a bit over half a kilo since the Friday.

    Had some more of the focassia bread but with some peanut butter this time for lunch at work, but by the time I got home I realised I wasn’t that hungry so decided to just skip dinner, and surprise, surprise I didn’t feel hungry at all for the rest of the night. Probably do the same tomorrow.

    Day 7 USA (Illinois) CD

    I’m doing quite well. Sending hugs and prayers to so many of you and yours who may be ill with whatever ailments.

    @emma-taylor – so wonderful you got away for a warm-weather respite! Enjoy the Canaries. They are on our Bucket List.

    @lilymartin – I am Facebook friends with @coda, and I have asked her if she wants me to put in any report. I know she and her DH celebrated 40 years married this past summer. I met up with them in Chicago several years ago when they came to the States on holiday. Delightful people.

    @stitchincarol – thanks for the condolences on my ILLINI. Your Huskers played well! Now we’re focusing on basketball. Our team is very good, but so are many in the B1G.

    Onward and downward.

    I would love to join the Challenge. newbie
    I am 51 I weighed in at 68.7 kg would like to lose 6 kg . I weigh 67 today .
    I live in Tasmania Ausralia
    This is my second week on the 5:2 diet .
    My first week was Sunday and Tuesday. I have now decided to try Monday’s and Thursdays except for xmas week when I may go Monday and Wednesday.
    My fast day yesterday was very long and I felt very tired by the end but I made it through.
    I haven’t eaten anything this morning and dont feel hungry yet. I exercise through an online program and I have even managed that this morning with no issues.
    I hope my next FD is a bit easier than yesterday.
    my goal is to reset my poor eating and live a long and healthy life,

    Day 8, FD, Aus

    Yesterday’s planned OMAD didn’t. I so had the mega-munchies, so I had dinner as well as lunch. But at least they were healthy choices.

    Hi @plantparent. If I’m busy, I find it easier to do a FD. If I’m bored, then I’m definitely more easily distracted to think about food. But I recognise this has nothing to do with fasting and everything to do with boredom. I can so easily eat just for something to do; not because I am hungry. I try to consciously wait myself out (fight through the boredom) or give myself a more absorbing task. Hope that helps.

    So who won, @missybear?

    Glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t yet put up Xmas decorations. OH actually got the tree out yesterday so tonight perhaps we’ll put it together (it’s not real). And maybe the house will be done by the weekend.

    Wow, so many names @lilymartin. I too often think of those who have been AWOL for a while. Anzac65 is active in the Southern Hemispherites post. Bert1802 did pop back in to these monthly challenges a little while ago (September?) but didn’t stay for long.

    Welcome @Tassideveil – so nice to have another Aussie on here.

    News from @coda – she said it made her day to be remembered. Tim is their son who has had awful custody issues with his son and ex that also extended to Liz.

    “Aw that’s nice that I’m still remembered. Tell them I’m still around, and really touched that they still remember me, please pass on my best wishes. I think of the group often.
    This has given me a nudge and I will ensure I make time to log on and say hello.

    On a side note the last few weeks have been quite tough. All the stress and anxiety over the last few years caught up on me, manifesting in pains in my chest. Thankfully no other cause has been found. Fighting through family court takes its toll but I am feeling much better and recognise the signs and ensuring I am looking after me to ensure I am able to support Tim especially. Enjoying walks and taking time to appreciate what I have and getting things into perspective.
    I hope this finds you and all your family well and navigating this strange world we find ourselves in. Probably not being able to socialise didn’t help matters.
    Take care and I hope one day soon you will be back singing with your choir
    Have a lovely Christmas and here’s to a more hopeful and healthy 2021 for all. 🥂 “

    Day 8 country West Australia CD
    Thank you so much to those who have let me know how some of the absentees are going.
    Coda and many of the others were instrumental in giving me such great support when I began this 5:2 journey. And as I noted many of them took the reins to host the monthly challenges.
    @songbirdme , Please pass on our best to Coda. I have friends who have had to do battle with the Family Court and it is a terrible time. Hope all goes well for Tim and his children.🤞
    Apologies@NorthernDawn and @ccco and even @bellyblast ! 😲 I may have got a bit carried away when I started to look at my old posts and to see the very many names listed.
    I need to pay more attention to who is present here!
    Yesterday’s NFD went reasonably well, donut notwithstanding , and today I am back on track with logging on MFP and being mindful. I do not like logging calories but alas I must for a while yet to get back in the groove.
    Hi @tassiedevil, it’s good to have another Aussie on board.👏
    I do love this group and it’s support and inspiration. Smiling just thinking about you all.🙂🙃😎
    Not sure about others but I have always found the NFDs harder to do than the FDs.
    At least with FDs you know you can’t eat much . It’s mostly drinking fluids or eating small very low calorie meals.
    NFDs seem to open the floodgates, for me at least.
    Have a good day – it’s going to be a very hot one here.🥵🥵.

    Day 8 – NSW, AU – OMAD

    23.5 hour fast day today, proud of myself for that! Lunch was some Bombay Potatoes (& chickpeas) with the last piece of the focaccia bread and a packet of Belvita biscuits, all up about 400 calories. I think Thursday will be a tester for me, as I find I tend to want to binge when I’m not working… maybe my willpower will be better and I can see if I can make it a whole 24 hours (or maybe that might be the weekend, or possibly never)

    Day 8 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Yesterday’s salad delivery had way too much red onion, and although I love onions, I am feeling effects in my tum this morning. Just taken kefir and ginger and hope it subsides soon with the amount of water I also plan to take.

    Hee hee @lilymartin, I am another one on the list that’s still here posting away, but it was so good to read over the names and have memories of the great advice that people gave. I know @annemarilyn, @debster251, @funshipfreddie, @matpi all said they were moving on from the forum and trying other things. But so many others just stopped posting ☹️

    @northgeorgia, so glad you are still posting, I feel if we hear from you daily then you are beating this Covid….that sounds like I am putting pressure on you to post, I don’t mean that, but it’s good to hear you are getting through this.

    Have a great Tuesday.

    Day 8 UK FD

    Good FD yesterday and hopefully another today. So happy to hear that Australia has opened the state borders. We are just waiting and hoping that international travel will be allowed soon. Apart from virtual chats I haven’t seen my daughter, son in law and now 2 year old grandson in almost a year. I’m very thankful that they are all safe and well and hopefully won’t be too long now that we have started receiving the vaccine here. Looking forward to a slight lifting of the lockdown on Friday.

    Thanks @lilymartin for reminding us of friends from past challenges.. I must try to try to continue with the forum as I know it’s the only way to keep me on track. I’ve proved that when I don’t, the weight starts to go on again.
    Onwards and downwards.

    D8 FD UK Lake District

    Just starting the list

    Pocket list day 8

    ZBC Day 8


    Have great day everyone.

    Day 8 Melb Aust CD

    Finally getting on board with December. The weight has crept up again like it did last year – fortunately not quite as high, about 4 kg less than this time last year – and now I’m putting on the brakes. It’s so easy to want to stay away when the weight is not behaving (translation – the food dragon is successfully roaring, and self control has disappeared out the window! 🙂 ), but that doesn’t actually help. So, back again, trying to stop the “rot” before it goes any further.

    Thank you @at and @lilymartin for missing me as one of the regulars. By the way, @northerndawn is still posting, so she’s not MIA.

    I will try to be more accountable!

    Day 8 OMAD Fuertaventura

    Brief details – and apologies. It’s lovely and warm here, about 23 degrees. The pool outside our little apartment is freezing. About the same temperature as the plunge pool if you go for saunas! But, like one or two others here, I like cold water. It’s just getting in that takes a bit of time, but once I’m in I love it.
    I started OMAD in mid June, as it seemed easier than other forms of fasting, and so long as I don’t drink alcohol too often, it works well for me. So little decision making. I eat exactly what I want in that five hour window, so nothing is off limits and there are no half measures in the other 19 hours. But! Yesterday, for the first time, I grazed all day. Nothing too rubbishy but still, non stop nibbling. I felt really guilty, which is a feeling I’d managed to eliminate for months, so I’ve decided to pack that in, and just get on with things. I’ll probably still have gazpacho for breakfast, so fasting is not happening, but when I get back I’ll get back on the OMAD wagon.
    For those that haven’t been to the Canary Islands, Fuertaventura seems the best one so far and I think that’s the general opinion. We have been to Tenerife and Gran Canaria and they seem to have been rather spoiled. This island is lovely, and has great beaches. Very friendly people who all say ‘welcome to paradise’. How lovely.

    Day 8 FD800 UK Lake District

    2nd post

    Just a question to the OMAD people if I may

    Do you do OMAD 7 days a week just eating what you want to or do you do 5:2 and so do OMAD on the two fasting days and how does this affect your weigh loss?

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 395 total)

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