Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Body Weight loss

This topic contains 393 replies, has 35 voices, and was last updated by  FlourBaby 1 year, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 395 total)

  • Welcome to this DECEMBER 2020 CHALLENGE – LAST ONE FOR 2020!

    I’m delighted to be your host once more for a December Challenge as it will be the 4th anniversary of my reaching maintenance 😇 with this WOL – I wish everyone good luck and a successful month in every way.

    It’s hard to believe that @coda started this series of monthly challenges way back in May 2016 and so many of us have had amazing support to start and continue on our 5:2 journey.

    So, here’s how this works (same as it has always been):

    1. Start your daily post with the day of the month, where you are from, and if you’re on a fast day (FD); a non-fast day (NFD) or a controlled day (CD) (e.g. for 1st of December it would go something like “Day 1 – UK – FD”).

    2. Give a quick intro about yourself in the very first post – mostly for the benefit of the newbies. A brief blurb about your journey so far and what you aim get from this way of life (WOL). Also if you wish, your starting weight and any other measurements (waist, hip, bust etc) you aim to keep track of throughout the month. You can record this on the spread sheet or if you are unable to I’m happy to fill it in for you!

    3. You can add any comments/questions/moans/whinges/triumphs… or anything you feel like you want to share with the rest of the forum. We all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon and days when we hang in there for dear life………so if you want to share it – post it.

    Recipes, tips, tricks and questions can also be shared – most of us are logged on at one time or another and can clarify things, offer advise, support etc when needed – this is the great thing about this international forum, there’s always someone online!!!!

    Over the course of these monthly challenges, there have been small groups doing their own mini-challenges – called ‘pocket fasters’ or ‘pocketeers’ – they set a target and support each other through it. Anyone can join one of these groups or start a mini pocket fast – it’s entirely optional and flexible.

    5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet – let me know if I have given you proper access

    My personal motto for this WOL is:-
    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    ABBREVIATION LIST – useful for those new to the challenges

    Common abbreviations used throughout this challenge and added to on an ongoing basis:
    16:8 – 16 hours fast 8 hours non fast
    5:2 – 5 days NFD:2 days IF
    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc. etc. etc.…….)
    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)
    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate
    CFD – Controlled Fast Day (a FD below your goal weight TDEE, whatever that is!!!)
    DH,DD, DS – Darling Husband Daughter, Son
    DTF – Dry ‘Til Fri (for those limiting the booze to weekend only ………….. & aiming for sainthood!!!!)
    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)
    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (we’ve all had one of those days……………. Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)
    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)
    HUNGER DRAGON – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce has an inner warthog!)
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones
    K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!………………or Sexy!!!
    LC – Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)
    LOL – Laughing Out Loud
    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)
    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, it’s a FD
    NFD – Non Fast Day
    OH – Other Half (eg spouse/partner)
    OMAD – One Meal A Day
    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of @penz)
    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)
    TRE – Time Restricted Eating
    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)
    WFH – Working From Home ……………….. Covid-19 enforced!!!
    WOL – Way of Life
    WOCA – Women Of a Certain Age
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    You know I wouldn’t miss any challenge. Thanks @at for leading us!

    Count me in. Thanks for hosting @at


    Thank you Coda for hosting us again in December. I congratulate you for being able to maintain for so long, especially since I am still trying the get of this rollercoaster of up and down gains and losses. Count me in for December. Just maybe this will be the month!


    Sorry! I meant to say AT. I don’t know where my brain is today!!! Thank you AT!

    @at you are a star to take on the December host mantle. Thank you. See you tomorrow ☺️

    I’m definitely in!! Thanks @at for hosting!!

    Thanks for picking up the reins @at See you tomorrow x

    Welcome to @songbirdme @kazoo @ccco @daffodil2010 @toady and @brightonbelle – great to have you all on board 🤗

    “Remember This December, That love weighs more than gold!” – Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon

    I’m in for December!

    Feeling under the weather, but feeling good about December. I’m in. Bring it on!

    @at thanks for setting up December 💐

    First time joining in on the challenge, but not first time fasting. Great to find a place for moral support. EOD works best for me, with zero calories during fasting days. Working towards getting insulin under control and peri-menopause brain fixed. Traumatic brain injury recently has me wondering which symptoms are from that and which are from age/insulin. Fasting 36+ hours helps a lot. I need to make several lifestyle changes to help my brain function again.

    Day 0 USA FD

    29 years old
    252 lbs
    6 months post baby

    Hi! Total newbie here. I’ve been reading about this and decided Monday/Thursday will be my FD. Then I saw this challenge group and wanted to join, so today is day 0 for me. I’m a mom of 2 and have struggled with my weight for many years. I’ve tried all the diets and just can’t stick to the strict rules. This seems totally doable and I’m actually excited to start!

    Welcome back to @stitchincarol @northgeorgia @missybear and also to the two newbies to these challenges – @nelsonaf9 @kelliet – I have added you both to the spreadsheet in case you want to use it for motivation and you will lots of advice and support given willingly by participants to these challenges and TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Day 1, FD, Aus

    What better way to start the month!! Thank you @at for hosting (and many thanks to @basyjames for November). I wish I’d seen your last November post @at re B2B FDs. But yesterday was pretty controlled and my mojo is back today. I’m wearing a dress I’ve not fit in for a few years and that’s always a mood lifter!

    Happy December everyone and welcome to the newbies. @kelliet – I’m usually a Mon/Thurs faster too so I’ll think of you this week.

    Day 1 – Japan – NFD

    Water fast went well. I’ve been thinking of changing up my routine and maybe doing something different as weight isn’t really an issue now. However I’ll probably wait until I can get a covid-19 vaccine.

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    A new month brings such promise…seeing out this year, celebrating and giving thanks for good health, friends and family, and even if we have had to live a more virtual life than we wanted to this year, we have made it through strong….lets do it for the last few weeks of 2020 👍

    I am 53, F, petite at 5’2″, living in rural Ireland with DH and our cat Missie, no kids of my own but 4 grown up stepchildren and 1 granddaughter. Never had a weight problem until I stopped smoking in 2002 ( still the best health decision EVER), but it started to pile on in 2003 when I stopped being a vegetarian and met future DH…in that order…and the wining and the dining of the wooing process meant I gained 3 stone in as many years 😱

    I found this WOL 2017, having been a veteran of WeightWatchers and other schemes, and in 6 months I had lost over 30lbs. I have never gone back to scary weight of 2013 (3 stone overweight and obese) but the past year I have been struggling with weight gain despite all my efforts.

    I know now that it’s most likely menopause so I am following a course which is making me understand that I need to change the way I do things, what I eat, how I exercise, in order to facilitate my changing hormones. It’s quite exciting and I feel so well already.

    I also swear by my grounding sheet on my bed, 8 hours uninterrupted sleep most nights, plus the odd bit of barefoot 7am morning coffee drinking in the garden….😆…

    Great to be on board. The new regime recommends Intermittent Fasting but I would have continued with this WOL anyway…as this is such a great way to good health.

    It’s a B2B FD for me today. Have a great first day of December

    D1 CD UK Lake District

    I am 64 years old, 5’4”. and female. I live with my DH in the north west of England, the Lake District. We have no pets but love our next neighbours dogs. They call to see us every day for a cuddle and play. In a couple of weeks they are having a new puppy so that will be exciting.

    The Lakes is a beautiful place to live @at would agree as we live very close to one another and often do similar walks. I do try to do some form of exercise most days, walking being the main the one at the moment (we gave up the gym due to Covid and don’t feel ready to go back yet). In the summer months we open water swim in Lake Windermere.

    I started my weight lost journey this time round early in 2019 calorie counting. I started TRE in May 2019 and in October 2019 found this WOL and did the Fast 800. I got to my goal weight of 60Kg in January 2020. Since then I have struggled to maintain and have put on a few pounds that needs to come off so doing the challenges does help.

    Looking forward to December. Welcome to all the newbies just make sure you keep posting.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.

    Day 1 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    @at – Thanks for hosting December, I’ll be here again, although probably looking to try and recover some recent weight loss, followed by getting firmly back in the 5:2 WOL.

    I’m a 65 year old guy who over the last 18 months, having ‘discovered’ the Monthly challenges has managed to lose 50lb, 22.2 kg! Love gardening, baking bread, brewing ale, long walks and generally being in the outdoors. In fact, another ‘Lakelander’ here, just a little further South than AT & Kazoo.

    Have lost quite a bit of weight recently (not in a good way unfortunately) so will be looking to try and build up a little, then get settled back down into the 5:2 WOL properly once again.

    Take care all

    Day 1 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Another month over and a new one just begun. A bit about me – I’m a 38 year old woman, about 5’7″ and my heaviest weight was 106kg (234lb) although I had lost a bit since June it wasn’t a lot. I started doing Intermittent Fasting again (and a loose Fast800) at the beginning of October this year after putting on way too much weight due to poor diet choices. In the past 2 months I’ve lost 10kg (22lb) and as of my weigh in this morning I’m currently 93.7kg (206lbs).

    Don’t ask me starting measurements as I don’t have those, but took the idea I saw elsewhere of using pieces of strings with knots to represent future measurement and after I got out of bed did my first measurements, we’ll see how those change over the next few months.

    My goal weight is between 65-70kg (143-154lbs) and I hope to be there by this time next year.

    Today I fasted for 20 hours, and meal wise for lunch I had a serving of Bombay Potatoes with a slice of the turkish focaccia kind bread, as well as a fruit scone… it was a warm one down here in Australia and not wanting a hot dinner I ended up having the exact same as I had for lunch (but cold which was just as nice) and got in under my 800 for the day.

    I feel like Christmas time is going to be a hard one for me, I’ll be visiting my mother back in my hometown and no doubt she’ll be worried I’m not eating enough. I’ll just have to wait and see.

    Day 1 – UK – FD

    Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on where you are in the world – First day of the final challenge for 2020!! Lovely to have @penz @dykask @i-hate-lettuce joining our merry band!

    For those new to these challenges a little bit about myself:-
    I am a 62y.o. female living with my OH, we have a married daughter who has 4 fur babies – 3 cats and an adorable beagle called Archie.
    Height = 165cm
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 as I was fed up with being overweight and wanted to get fitter!
    I decided to join the challenges in November 2016 as I had plateaued for around 3 months and managed to reach maintenance in early December 2016 with the help of these challenges and have remained in maintenance range of 54-56kg/119-123.5lbs and a BMI of just over 20 since then!
    Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs
    I retired in December 2013 and moved to the Lake District – best decision we ever made – OH and I love our new life here!
    In my retirement discovered a love for exercise, currently doing yoga 🙏 which I discovered over 5 years ago and it has just been the best thing for me, both physically and mentally. I also do Broga, Pilates, Aerobics and Hiking on the fells in my beloved Lake District ⛰ and in my spare time do some volunteering in my local community
    My personal motto since reaching maintenance has been “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    @penz – I have to admit that yesterday turned into a just below TDEE day and not alcohol free either 👿but today is a new day and a new month so trying to start the December Challenge on a positive note with a FD too
    @dykask – “as weight isn’t really an issue now” does this mean you have joined our small but merry band of maintainers?
    @daffodil2010 – did you mean that the menopause course you are doing recommends Intermittent Fasting – isn’t that just not fabulous!
    @kazoo – great to have you on board – I’m volunteering with the lunch service at the PC today but will try to fit in a brisk 8km walk this afternoon
    @i-hate-lettuce – Lovely to have you on board – I’m sure Mrs IHL has plenty of nutritious plain food planned for you until your mouth/throat heals – Relax and take it easy whilst allowing your mind and body to recover

    Pocket list Day 1

    ZBC Day 1


    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    “How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flew. How did it get so late so soon?” – Dr. Seuss

    Day 1 – USA/GA – ???

    I was going to do a 4:3 this week and today was going to be my FD. However, since becoming ill on Sunday, I’m thinking of just doing a normal 5:2 and waiting until Thursday to fast. I was ravenous yesterday, but probably drank 30 glasses of water or so throughout the day. I only was up by a little under half a pound this morning to 233 lbs.

    To introduce myself anew, I am a 46-year-old man in the northeast suburbs of Atlanta who never struggled with any major weight issues until about 15 years ago. I finally realized about four or five years ago that this was becoming a major problem and felt helpless to stop the weight increase. I recorded my weight every day, thinking it would keep me accountable. In January of this year, I reached 279 lbs and felt so disgusted, I just stopped recording my weight for nearly a month, which means I could have easily topped 280 lbs.

    After losing about ten pounds between January and early May, I felt concerned that once again, I would reverse course and slowly begin adding weight back. I looked on YouTube and discovered intermittent fasting, and in particular, 5:2. I thought, “there is no way that works. Or could it? These people are showing their before/after photos and it certainly appears to have worked. I wonder why I’ve never heard of this? If it does work, I think I could actually stick to this for the long-haul.” I needed something long-haul. I knew the weight didn’t pile on overnight, and I wouldn’t lose it overnight, either. So, on May 11, I began my first week of 5:2. The first month or so, the weight comes off fast, then it slows with some weeks being flat plateaus, some weeks showing a smidgen of a loss, and some weeks surprising me with a “whoosh.”

    I’m back down to a size 42 in pants and an XL in shirts (with some variations, as always with pieces of clothing). I have lost 47 lbs so far this year, and plan to continue this WOL into next year and probably the year beyond that, when hopefully, I’ll be getting close to maintenance. My goal weight is 154 lbs, but even if I don’t quite make it to that goal, I’ll be satisfied to come within 20 lbs of it!

    Most of all, I want to share a word of appreciation for all the members of this forum. We are a diverse and supportive group that I think is unique on the Internet.

    Day 1 UK NFD

    Hello all , I’m a lifelong (failed) dieter – actually that’s not strictly true but I’ve always been conscious of my weight and at various points have knuckled down and shed some pounds but they usually find their way back . I joined Coda and the gang in 2016 lost around 20lbs and thought I’d finally cracked it Then 2019 too many holidays celebrations etc saw me put it back on , 2020 has been like no other – very little opportunity for travel and socialising has made me reevaluate, I’ve been exercising more than ever and for the most part eating healthy and with only a few exceptions been dry til Fri most weeks , Weight wise I’m hovering a few pounds above my goal so for December I’m concentrating on reducing my waist and if I can lose a couple of pounds that will be a bonus – Looking forward to entering 2021 healthy happy and in the right mindset

    Day 1 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Another month to be “with” you all in our wonderful cyber journey. I am Gwynne, 72 y.o. female, a singer, choir director, retired school music teacher, pianist and instructor living in northwest Illinois. We get all the seasons here. That’s what I like about our climate.

    I began 5:2 in March 2016 after getting near to 200# (90kg) at 5’6″ (1.67m). I had been down to 160# about 15 years before and thought that was a good goal. South Beach Diet had long since stopped working for me. I found this forum for the May ’16 challenge with @coda and found this international band of travelers to be most supportive and excellent companions. I got down to 160# (72.5kg) by the end of the year doing a strict 5:2 with very controlled eating and the help of MFP (My Fitness Pal) to count calories. I still maintain the free account and find it wonderfully accurate for calories. I don’t use it for exercise tracking. This weight puts me right at 25 BMI, and I’m happy with some extra fluff to keep some wrinkles away.

    I like to cook for me and DH – kids and grandkids all live pretty far away. Maintenance takes careful work doing a 6:1 regimen. I have found Silver Sneakers to do an hour routine 3x a week with occasional yoga.

    It’s great to have @at at our helm, so many familiar names and stories, and I look forward to getting to know the newbies.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 1 UK FD

    Coming back to the forum after trying to do this on my own and failing! Got to my goal weight of 60 kg several times this year and sadly fell off the wagon also several times and am now hauling myself back on with just over 4 kg to lose.
    Looking forward to the encouragement and support of this amazing forum and once again getting to my target.

    Day 1 Minnesota, USA FD 800

    I’m a 63 y/o (last day I can say this! ) female, living with DH in the “Land of 10,000 Lakes” in the northern-midwest of the US. I am currently 165lbs (oops-yep, I gained a couple last month, it seems), and 5ft 6.5 inches (169 cm). Eventual goal to be decided, but 143-147 lbs is probably right for me.

    I first started 5:2 fasting in March of 2016 after watching a video of Dr. Michael Moseley on YouTube, which had been in several news stories. I joined the first monthly challenge set up by @coda in May of 2016 and went on to lose 30 lbs. in 6 months. I have since gotten complacent at various times over the years, and stopped fasting…..which always resulted in weight gain, then a re-set and a re-start of 5:2 and posting on/reading this forum.

    * When I do 5:2 and participate in this forum, I lose weight and can maintain. When I tell myself I don’t need to fast “this week” or “this month I can take a break”, I start sliding down the long, slippery slope towards weight gain, and the resultant disappointment in myself. Very tired of that roller coaster!

    So, here I am for another monthly challenge that will keep me on course. This is the best WOL for me…..It’s the most flexible program of any I’ve tried (and I’ve tried a lot over the years, as being very slim was important to me most of my adult years). Age does add an extra challenge to keeping fit and staying within a healthy weight (BMI 23?) range. Being very slender is no longer the most important thing to me. Aging well is the goal, now.

    My goal is to lose 3 lbs at least, this month, while still enjoying the various celebrations that come with December.

    Thanks again @at for hosting. Welcome to all the old friends and new people to the forum. I’m so glad we will be on this journey together!

    Day 1 North canton OH CD
    Hello everyone, I am back home and ready to get organized and on track.

    I was MIA in November because I was juggling too many things, and out of my comfort zone but I feel like I am now in a good place mentally to begin a new routine

    This month begins my long journey back to maintenance. I stumbled on this WOL about 4 years ago, quickly lost 29 pounds and was at my lowest weight since my teenage years, I was in maintenance for a about 3 years and completely lost the plot this year. I am also pre-menopausal and that does not help! Which reminds me, @daffodil2010 I really would appreciate the link to the course you are taking, because I want to sign up for it too.

    On my last serious go at weight loss, I succeeded in reaching my goal within 4 months- I am curious to see how long it takes to reach maintenance this time. This forum is amazing and I am glad that I found it. Let the good times roll 🙂

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD800

    I was so astonished–and delighted!–to get on the scale and be 147.8 this morning. Whew! After yesterday’s 150.8 (or was it 151.8??), I wasn’t expecting such a lovely drop. I’m good this week with B2B2B2B FDs (500-800-800-500), so that will definitely help that scale present lovelier numbers than the Thanksgiving feast presented. I put the turkey carcass on to simmer for several hours yesterday and got all the meat picked off the bones before I went to bed, so our turkey noodle soup for tonight’s supper will be easy to finish up; I always know I’m nearing the end of Thanksgiving leftovers when I make that soup.

    My background is that I weighed 132 much of my adult life until DH went to seminary; two major moves and complete life changes shot me up to 146 and it wasn’t long before I hit 166. I lost it in 2015 by using 5:2, but gained it back by 2018 by only pretending to use 5:2–familiar story, right? Last February 26, I returned faithfully to 5:2 and have been slowly losing. I’d lose faster, but have too many hiccups that are life. Part of me finds that incredibly frustrating, but the rest of me figures it’s training for when I reach maintenance, so I shrug and continue to work the plan with a goal of getting back to 132 and perhaps even lower…time will tell. I’m a 5’4″ 62yo woman (OOPS! not for another nine days, LOL!) who will officially be Not Overweight when I reach 145, so perhaps 132 is lower than I’ll want. Or perhaps I’ll decide on 125. Can’t know until I get there.

    I’ve been thinking about the DTF commitment I’ve been making, and the Kahlua and cream I love to have each evening during Advent. I can skip it for now, but I believe that by the end of the second week, that’s a treat I’m going to allow myself. We’ll see if I even care, however, when that time shows up. 🤔

    @nelsonaf9 and @kelliet Welcome! This is a terrific group, full of encouragement, kindness and wisdom, so you’ve chosen a wonderful group to help you stay on track! @kelliet, I sure wish I’d known about IF several decades earlier than I did! Congratulations on that baby! (Oh, and BTW, while it’s day 0 for you in this lifestyle, it’s the day of the month we always put at the beginning of our posts so that this very international group can keep track of when a post was made.) @nelsonaf9, it’s amazing to me that fasting even helps traumatic brain injuries; I hope you’re able to find a perfect balance of fasting and nurturing your body with food.

    @mia139 Welcome back! It’ll be good to have you with us again.

    I’m so glad we always reintroduce ourselves each month; I forget some of the details and it’s a delight to be reminded of each of the journeys we’ve been on.

    My goal for today is to be: “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

    Good luck, everyone, with achieving today whatever defines success for you!

    second post

    Where are my manners? Thank you @at for hosting us in December, and thank you all for being so supportive and forgiving of my hosting skills in November.

    Any takers for January? I would like to make up for it 💞

    USA. Day 1 FD. 🇺🇸

    Welcome back, everyone! 🙂 I didn’t see a pocket list yet, so I will begin one.

    Day 1 Pocket List


    Have a great day!

    Day 1 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Happy new month everyone. We might be scattered all over the globe but there are so many of us on the same path, doing the two steps forward one step back and so forth, but hanging onto the 5:2 wagon in our ambition for a long and healthy journey.

    Me….I am 61yo woman, 5ft 5”, currently weigh 138 pounds. Live in Pembrokeshire with DH and our beautiful elderly cat. After a lifetime of yo yo dieting I discovered 5:2 in summer 2017 and within a year I had lost 30 pounds and then managed to maintain my goal weight relatively easily by continuing 5:2. Something changed this year….maybe feeling low and anxious about the pandemic was the root of my struggle to maintain…… since March I have gained a few pounds that I have lost then gained again. I am 5 pounds over my goal weight and desperately don’t want to gain more…..which will be a challenge in the month of mince pies and Baileys!!

    Day 1 Second post

    Hey, @basyjames, @northerndawn already volunteered for January, so perhaps February looks good for you? And here’s the link from @daffodil2010:

    Day 1 Canada FD

    @at Thanks so much for hosting this month. I wouldn’t miss a challenge as it’s the only way I can keep my weight under control. I love cooking and good food, my DH can eat all day and not gain a pound so I have to watch I don’t keep pace with him 😊

    Going to be working on managing emotional eating this month. We aren’t able to visit indoors at the moment due to Covid so many of the holiday traditions are up in the air

    Hi @at

    Can you please add me to the spreadsheet when you can. Many thanks.

    USA. Day 1. FD
    Second Post

    Well, finally closed the kitchen at 513 calories, which I consider a successful FD. I am a DTF but am considering a more permanent plan for while, since I lose weight more easily when I don’t drink.

    Anyway, hope everyone had a lovely day!

    2nd post

    Welcome back @mia139 – it’s great having you join us once more and I have added you to the spreadsheet 🤗
    Welcome @basyjames 🤗 so happy to see you here – hope you had a fab time with your sister and new nephew (perhaps you might like to do February?)
    Great to have you with us @northerndawn (thank you for offering to do January)
    @bellyblast – lovely to have you with us and I’m so like you in that I too “love cooking and good food, my DH can eat all day and not gain a pound so I have to watch I don’t keep pace with him 😊”

    Day 2, OMAD, Aus

    Yesterday’s FD was successful in that it was under 500 calories (even including the naughty spoonful of peanut butter – hello out there @flourbaby!) but I seem to have lost all mojo again. Another bad night’s sleep, which is becoming a bad habit. And to top it off, I get to work to receive an email which pretty much blames me for not doing stuff. Which I did a month ago and somehow the boss’ staff lost it. Grrrr! I am the sort of person who has no problem owning up to my own mistakes; but I so hate being blamed unfairly!!!

    OMAD today.

    And, if I read your post correctly, happy birthday @northerndawn!!!

    Thanks @at for this challenge!

    USA. Day 1. 16:8

    Hi everyone! This is my first post on this forum — so glad to have found this in my weight loss journey right when I was feeling the PLATAUE!

    I am a 26 yo 5ft 1in female, eternally stressed student. Before I started my graduate studies in 2016, I was a healthy 51 kgs (maybe 2kg overweight but meh). At the beginning of this year, Feb 2020, I was 61kg. The maximum I have been in the last 4 years is 64kg. I attribute it to stressed PhD life grrr. TODAY I AM 56KG — something I never thought was possible 10 months ago.

    I keep motivating myself by reflecting on how far I have come in this year of the pandemic. But currently, I have plateau’ed at 56kgs. I have been doing the 16:8 intermittent fasting for the past 4 months which has helped me go from 61 to 56kgs. To break the plateau, I am adding in 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week (fingers crossed for results!!). My daily calorie intake with the 16:8 is close to 900-1100 calories.

    I am happy to join this December challenge (thanks again @at for leading us!) and aim for a 54kg target at the end of this month. I would love to have your suggestions on how to come out of this plateau and what to change. I am so excited to be here!! Apart from my first post on this forum, this is also my first post on any online forum, so please forgive my posting mistakes!! Look forward to getting to know you all this month!

    Day 1 -Canada- FD
    Hello everyone! Newbie here.
    Decided to give this a go. Let’s hope this will work for me. I am doing day 2 (consecutive) of fasting.
    Need to lose about 10kg.
    I am 40 year old female. Current weight 63.3 and would love to be 55 again or maybe even 50 (pre-pregnancy weight).
    I am a mom to an amazing 5 year old.
    It did go well in general these 2 days of fasting.
    Thinking if I will benefit in anyway if I don’t do it consecutive days? Probably easier to break it up, no?
    Best of luck yo everybody!

    Day 2 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Morning all.going well with my new food regime, ie, more plant based, nuts and seeds, loads of soups and salads, and currently following a cleansing of my liver which involves lots of lemon juice and alkaline foods.

    I can’t believe how well my insides feel after a couple of glasses of water with lemon juice. Mind you, a lot of things are going well, I feel great, less bloating……but weight is not shifting as quickly as it did a few years ago.

    So I think I have joined Club Tortoise……but hey, it’s all about healthy ageing now for me, so if I feel this good and can lose some kilos I will be very happy. Something is obviously working with this new menopause routine b

    And hey@stitchincarol, thanks ever so much for posting that link for @basyjames, it’s very much appreciated
    @at, yes, the course I am following certainly does recommend intermittent fasting as a way of life if one wants to follow and even quotes the Dr Lungo etc etc…..I think we all know by now that thus WOL is a great health decision.

    If we can continue it as a WOL ….like a lot of us I got to goal briefly then slowly gained again……just jeep on keepin on.

    Today it’s break my fast at lunch with spinach and kale soup, and kefir with walnuts and seeds. Tonight I will have a white bean and spinach salad.

    Have a great Wednesday all….happy hump day 🐫

    Day 2 London. OMAD

    Hi. Please count me in for December. I’m back on the Dry till Fri wagon, and OMAD still working for me, so the scales should start moving a bit faster now. Have a good Wednesday all.

    Day 2 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Nice to see the Monthly Challenge gaining impetus and a few newcomers as well.
    I do think the ‘monthly challenges’ make the 5:2 easy to manage and not over facing.

    Just looking around the garden yesterday, we had our first frost of the winter, but what was noticeable was the lack of berries! There are four holly trees around the boundary, non of which have a single berry on them this year! That really is a first, however none of the other shrubs are bearing fruit either. Especially the two large low growing Cotoneaster plants in the rockery which are normally covered, not a single berry! Hopefully it’s a sign of a mild winter or the birds will struggle.

    Take care all

    D2 FD800 UK Lake District

    It is great to see so many doing the December challenge both new and old and the various reasons for doing it. But one thing we all have in common no matter where in the world we live is that we are all here for the same reasons.

    I had a good FD on Monday and an OK NFD yesterday (could have been better) so have decided to do another FD today. Meals planned and ready to go.

    Due to Covid we have given up our gym memberships as my DH is clinically extremely vulnerable. I do miss the classes especially spin. However I am now the proud owner a spin bike (my two DS’s bought me one for my birthday earlier in November). So watch this space.

    @penz peanut butter I could eat it out the jar. How great do you feel when you have had a successful FD. Hope you get your work problem sorted.

    Looks like I need to start the pocket list off.

    Pocket list Day 2

    ZCB Day 2

    Exercise Day 2

    Have a great day everyone.

    Day 2 UK FD

    As my usual plan, trying to start the week with FD to kick start the month. I just have to get my head round not gaining some of the weight back when I reach my target. Maybe this time!!
    Thanks@AT for adding me to the spreadsheet. I find it really helpful.

    Day 2 – NSW, AU – CFD

    I started off alright, an 19.5 hour fast and the last of my Bombay Potatoes and a slice of Turkish bread, plus a couple of fruit scones afterwards. Dinner was Chilli Con Carne with rice which had put me about 1000 calories for the day… then I found Cherry Ripe dark chocolate and low CFD went out the window. Oops. Still 1550 calories is much less than the 1700 goal weight TDEE, so a win. We’ll see if tomorrow I can be good, got some interesting sounding cuppa-soups that I might try, have a soup day or OMAD.

    Day 2 UK NFD

    Need to address my bread addiction – once I start find it very difficult to stop, think I need to join the ZBC again, break the habit of having a lovely slice of buttered toast with my morning coffee Don’t think I can go cold turkey , after next Monday’s FD I’ll be on ZBC.

    Nice to see some returnees and welcome to our new faces 👋

    Day 2 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Cat woke me early this morning wanting her breakfast so I took advantage of an early start and went for a brisk walk and now feel energised to tackle some housework. I want to have a tidy up before getting out the Christmas decorations. I also want to drop a couple of pounds before the Christmas feasting starts so I’m being careful and controlled on NFDs 😇

    Happy hump day everyone 🐪🐫

    Day 2 – UK – FD

    Welcome to @plantparent @maya1980 to our Monthly Challenges – just for ease of communications as we are from all over the globe we start our post with the actual day of the month hence 2nd December is always Day 2 no matter how long you have been on the challenge 😊 I have added you to the spreadsheet in case you want to use for inspiration – here is the link

    Still waiting for some our regular friends to log in for December……..hope to hear from you soon 🤗

    After a damp start to the day we have some sunshine, but as I’m waiting for a delivery between 1230-1330 I have to postpone my walk until this afternoon – hope the weather holds out!

    Trying for a FD again today as even though I started out with the idea of a FD on Monday and Tuesday – both ended up as CD so not too bad a start to the month

    @penz – shame about the work issues – not nice to be blamed for something that is not your fault!
    @plantparent – my advice is to calculate your TDEE for the weight you want to be and not to overestimate your exercise level!! Eat to that on your NFD and stick to FD500/800 – when I plateaued in the past I found reducing my white carbohydrate intake very helpful – good luck!
    @maya1980 – you have taken the first important step – Yes it probably is easier to break up your FDs when you are new to this WOL – remember to drink plenty on FDs
    @emma-taylor – lovely to have you join us – I have been DTF in November but I suspect that December may turn out as 4🚫:3🍷………….
    @i-hate-lettuce – good to hear from you – hope you are taking it easy and listening to Mrs IHL 😉
    @brightonbelle – you have my sympathy – freshly baked sourdough bread is one of my several vices!!!

    Pocket list Day 2

    ZCB Day 2

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 2

    “Yet my heart loves December’s smile as much as July’s golden beam; then let us sit and watch the while the blue ice curdling on the stream” Emily Jane Brontë

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