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This topic contains 500 replies, has 36 voices, and was last updated by  AT 5 years, 1 month ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 501 total)

  • Day 7 Canada NFD

    It’s been a 4:3 week for me and it’s gone well, I am planning the same next week.
    Thanks for sharing that link @funshipfreddie, it was a good read. It was interesting to read the about the different types of body fat as well.
    It’s still dark outside here @i-hate-lettuce so I am not sure what to expect weather wise. I will also be doing a ton of catch up chores around the house so will have to make sure I get out for some exercise, will be thinking of you on your stomp. Sounds like a busy day for you @flourbaby as well
    Thanks for reminding us of happy margo’s tips @at simple stuff is often the most helpful
    Have a great day and good luck to the so far solo faster @snowfake56

    Day 7 UK CD

    Yesterday was unplanned FD after allergic response to something left me bright red, nauseous and tired. Helped by GP phone appt, antihistamines, inhalers, lots of water & 12 hrs sleep.

    Today I’m feeling fragile and skinny, virus has added a barking cough. Going to ignore the siren calls of chores & Christmas prep for some good self care – stretch, meditate, shower, eat & lots more sleep. Things will either still be there or they won’t, but I only have one body

    Thank you for kind well wishes @snowflake56 @flourbaby @daffodil2010 @ciren2 @rabbette @at

    @daffodil2020 good call to rest up; hope you continue to feel better

    Whatever today brings, go gently

    Day 7 California FD

    Snowflake you are not alone!

    Pocket list day 7, if you want to join me, please copy and paste and add your name to the list (well, only me until now)

    Off to the DMV today since it’s reportedly quiet on Saturdays around Christmas and I need one of those new federally compliant drivers licenses for flying. Just have to get motivated but that is lacking. I think it’s because I haven’t seen the sun in days.

    Day 7 – Atlanta, Ga -USA FD

    Last day of my water fast. Feeling good. Also a little empty too. Looking forward to getting some broth and soft veggies in my stomach tomorrow.

    2nd post

    @bellyblast thanks for the support. I’m not alone anymore, @rafiki44 joined me.

    It’s easier to do when you’re not alone. My day is done, kitchen is closed, teeth are brushed and I’m heading upstairs with my book.

    @rafiki44 stay strong, I did it, so can you!

    Day 7 US-Utah FD

    Keeping an eye on tomorrow. I noticed my hunger spike the day AFTER my first fast day, so hopefully with some awareness and planning I won’t be tempted to over eat. Have a great weekend all!

    Day 7 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Maintenance going well – 162.3# this morning. Not gaining, but not losing. I can live with that during December. Going out to dinner tonight, but have eaten wisely so far today.

    Oh wow, @michelinme — hope you feel better soon! My DH all of a sudden had an allergic reaction that scared us like crazy, so I took him to the emergency room. We finally decided (after the next episode) that it was an allergy to naproxen (Aleve) pain reliever. No matter what, hope you’re able to get over any illness!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7 Ohio, US — NFD
    Day 5 — MFD
    Day 6 — NFD

    Just a quick check-in. The fasting went well, but the last two days have seen general free eating. Friday saw the end of the semester, and, as usual, things have been pretty unstructured since. Today I was at a Polish Wigilia dinner (slightly early) which lasted all afternoon. Nothing like sitting for a few hours just talking with delicious food sitting in front of you to get a person off track. At least I got my 10K steps in, so that’s about 500 kcal that might help.

    Day 8: Gloucestershire, UK, NFD:

    At last….a rest day! I’ve felt run off my feet the last week or so. In all the 30 plus, plus years I’ve worked at the Royal Mail, I don’t ever remember Christmas Pressure coinciding with a general election! Yes, ANOTHER wad of party leaflets to deliver yesterday… many MORE times!? Roll on Thursday. At least I DID stay dry….a definite bonus.

    Re-reading Michael Mosley’s and Mimi Spencer’s original 5:2 book. Trying SO hard to motivate myself into, at least, missing breakfast twice a week before work….it doesn’t seem like such a big challenge…..but, for me…it IS. I was brought up on “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”….I’ve always had a hearty breakfast.

    Anyway….maybe I’ll begin tomorrow, and continue on Thursday? Basic 5:2.

    @michelinme: Of gosh! How awful for you. Has anybody established what you are allergic to? I hope you’re OK now. Take it easy. xx
    @matpi: With my Polish ancestry I should know this…but what is Wigilia? I’m guessing (only a guess) something to do with St Nicholas’ feast day? The 6th, right?

    Day 8, Emden Germany, NFD

    @michelinme hope the reactions are gone and you fell better now. Do you know what caused it? Take care.

    @matpi that’s an early Wigilia, did they do the twelve courses?

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 8 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @therealwil78 – I watched an interesting documentary last night on YouTube re water fasting. A 32 year old American guy embarks on a 40 day water fast. He’s morbidly obese, weighing 315lb/160.5kgs with a BMI of almost 48. If you haven’t seen it, its called, ‘Facing the Fat: Fasting on Nothing but Water For 55 Days’. After reaching 40 days he decides to try to break the world record & do an extra 15 days. The documentary is from ’90’s, I think; but it really doesn’t seem dated. All done with medical supervision, I should add. I hope your last day went well.

    Happy S🌞nday to everyone

    Aaah…Wigilia; I looked it up, it’s Polish for Christmas Eve. Vigil, yes, of course! It was something @snowflake56 said that made me guess.
    Sorry, @matpi: I was being a bit thick especially as I DO have a Polish-English dictionary!

    Day 8 – Cumbria – NFD

    Good morning everyone, bit late on parade today, was heading out early for walk before rain set in …. plan b, just about to head out of the door, poured with rain so started putting up the (indoor) Christmas lights.

    Nothing much happening today I reckon, but one bit of brilliant news!

    Those trousers that have been hanging in the wardrobe for years, didn’t come close to fitting never mind fastening, but kept them as a challenge, get into them and wear them in comfort.
    Had pretty much forgotten the until last night, thought I’d give them a try ….. incredible, they fit and they’re comfortable, OH was delighted.
    Some of my old stuff went into the charity bag a while ago, now wearing up new stuff that is getting baggy! Just the sort of boost to keep me going.

    Take care all.

    Day 8, London, UK, NFD,

    Another NFD to contend with although I’ll try to make it OMAD, so it may become another CD <1000kcal. We’ll see!

    The biggest thing for me at the moment is swerving the vino! I’m chuffed to bits to have not had a sniff or sip since my brother’s birthday!! Let the shoulder dislocation commence as I furiously pat myself on the back!! Next scheduled drink is the 13th, then the 20th, then the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th ………. You get the picture, I may try to sleep through the silly season, unless my willpower muscle starts flexing!!

    I’m hoping to drown some dragons today, water bottle filled and at the ready, I have no excuses, if I fail I’ll have to consider supergluing it to my hand!! The hourly alarm I set to remind me to walk around a bit & guzzle some water isn’t working anymore ………………. I just switch it OFF!!!

    Onward & downwards folks, enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    Day 8 Canada NFD
    Another busy day getting caught up on things around the house. Will be throwing in some walks and yoga.
    That must have been an exciting moment @i-hate-lettuce , I have a way to go to get into a pair of old jeans
    @flourbaby I haven’t had any wine for over a month and feel so much better for it. I really enjoy a glass with a good meal and use that planning ahead strategy so it isn’t a nightly feature
    You can do it @ciren2! I had the same mindset that breakfast was the most important meal of the day. You have fasted before and I know you will again:)

    Day 8 UK NFD

    Solid NFD today tho had TWO treat Caffe Nero light coconut milk hot chocolates at 164 calories each. it’s like drinking a liquid bounty bar….

    I woke up feeling much better after the allergy incident & 12 hrs sleep. Went into town for church & community gathering, met up with DD for hot chocolate on the way home. Somehow as soon as I got to town I felt REALLY coldy with a barking cough #week FIVE! Back to the sleep/ginger tea routine for the next day or two…

    @songbirdme your DH’s episode sounds scary! Glad you went to Emergency and have worked out cause.
    @songbirdme @snowflake56 @ciren2 Thank you xx I have no idea at all – I was doing OMAD and had only had lots of ginger tea & fizzy water! GP was reassuring and gave useful advice, DD kindly came over with antihistamines – and has given me strong advice to keep some with me at all times! Wondering if it’s something I usually tolerate but immune system overloaded bc virus…

    @i-hate-lettuce congratulations on fitting into your measuring trousers! That’s an amazing achievement and a wonderful milestone to celebrate. Next step, new wardrobe 🙂

    Day 8 – UK – CD
    Day 7 – EFS 👿

    After a fairly naughty week I prepared with a good CD today before pressing my RESET button with a FD tomorrow!!

    @ciren2 – I do feel for you at this time of the year especially when the weather is as dismal as it has been recently.
    @snowflake56 – you always amaze me with your ability to do regular FDs on the weekends 💪 willpower!
    @daffodil2010 – hopefully resting and taking it easy over the weekend has helped you recover from that nasty bug you had
    @i-hate-lettuce – another very wet day in my part of cumbria – what a great trouser moment!!
    @bellyblast – great job on your 4:3 week and no wine for over a month 💪
    @michelinme – sounds like you need a good 🤗
    @rafiki44 – I’m sure that @snowflake56 was grateful for your company on Saturday’s fasting – hope you were both successful
    @therealwil78 – I do hope that you came off your 7 WFD gently and the broth tasted like nectar!!
    @funshipfreddie – after reading your post I checked out that YouTube – amazing will power from that chap but unfortunately I discovered that he put all that weight and more back on and is now trying to lose it by diet and exercise….
    @matpi – I found it very interesting reading up on Wigilia -The tradition calls for twelve traditional courses to be served during the Polish Christmas Eve and the history behind it – thank you for sharing this with us
    @flourbaby – did you slay that wino dragon over the weekend??

    My bed calls as I have my early Monday morning Broga class at 0700hrs – should set me up for my much needed FD tomorrow

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 8 Ohio, US — NFD

    Another holiday potluck today, so I lost count of bites. On the other hand, my first weigh-in since just before Thanksgiving here ( so around Nov 20) showed that I just gained a pound over that time, so not too bad. What I have to make sure of now is to not to gain a pound each week for the month of December!

    Thanks everyone for your responses about Wigilia. In Polish W is pronounced as an English “V” (just like in German), so the word is close to English “Vigil”. In most realities it takes place on Christmas Eve, as the Vigil of Christmas. Since this celebration was being done by the Polish club at a local university, they moved the timing of the celebration to a date before all the students leave for holiday. I think they intended to follow the traditional 12 dishes (one for each apostle), but with people bringing all kinds of dishes, the basic plan sort of got confused. The meal has to be meatless, although fish is okay. I baked a loaf of buckwheat bread and that seemed to be popular.

    Day 9: Gloucestershire, UK: FD?????????????? maybe!

    I have a plan. Today I’m going to work with no porridgey breakfast and I will NOT eat my usual 85% chocolate snack while sorting up my mail (because I’m leaving my chocolate at home today). So, because I can’t get home before (at least) 2pm, I won’t get any food until then, right? So if I remain vigilant after that….
    Wish me luck…it’ll be the first since last April, if so.

    Day 9 Pocket List:


    Day 9, Emden Germany, FD800

    @ciren2 go for it! I’ll join with with a FD800 day.

    Day 9 Pocket List:

    @snowflake FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 9 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    Didn’t have a very disciplined weekend, so today is a much needed FD. It’s most likely the only one I’ll be able to do until at least Saturday because I’ve got friends arriving tomorrow for a few days. Dry til Fri?! Not going to happen! 🤪

    @at – I had no idea that guy regained all the weight?! Such a pity. But it just goes to show – temporary fixes are just that. It has to be a lifestyle. Maybe if he’d adopted intermittent fasting after his water fast…?

    @ciren2 – I’m rooting for you!🤞

    Pocket List – Day 9 🍏

    Day 9 – Cumbria – FD

    Good morning everyone,

    Looks like a bright dry day today, so going to make up for lack of a decent walk yesterday, weather wasn’t fit to be out! FD is needed, had a Sunday roast complete with a bottle of rather delicious red yesterday, combined with a lazy day, well putting up the tree and the lights can’t be classed as exercise?

    So good luck for the week, we can do it!

    Pocket List – Day 9

    Take care all.

    Day 9 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Feeling so much better today. Still a tad snuffly but nothing compared to last week. Aiming for an FD today but will go gently on myself too.

    Yay @ciren2 I am cheering you on and joining you in the wagon.

    Pocket list – Day 9

    Day 9, London, UK, FD,

    Quick check-in from me today, because ……………………. I’m at work!!! Monday’s are usually one of my 2 days off but I’ve had to come in for a meeting, at least I won’t be anywhere near the kitchen though, so I’m looking on the bright side!! However, the meeting is at a hotel which may involve a lunch being sprung on us ………………………. Peppermint tea at the ready!!!

    @ciren2, I’m dragging you onto the wagon today with lots of lovely company ……………………

    Pocket List – Day 9

    Stay strong everyone, we’ve got this!!!

    Day 9 – UK – FD

    Early start with my 0700 Broga class with OH – a good start to this FD

    The sun is out today and no more rain until tomorrow so will be making the most of it.

    Joining that impressive pocket list – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
    Pocket List – Day 9

    “December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come.”
    ― Fennel Hudson, A Meaningful Life – Fennel’s Journal – No. 1

    Day 9, VA, USA, FD

    Yesterday I had super simple delightful supper… a plain (I didn’t put the glaze on it) roasted ham 4oz, mixed veggies of broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels and 4oz of Tequila. 🥃

    Yup just Tequila on the rocks. I suppose I could have salted the rim of my lowball glass but it didn’t occur to me at the moment. I thought after having the Tequila I had blown my FD but after plugging in the numbers. I actually just squeezed under the wire with 493 cal.

    Heck I’ll take it, it’s not something I’ll do often but it was nice to feel all sophisticated with my Smokey Tequila on the rocks (my SO took a taste and was like woah that’s bold!)

    Today I woke at 5am from a bad dream. I’m Not due to get up till 7:30, sigh. My kitty Birdie is snuggled up next to me as I write this post. I can’t creep out of bed b/c then both kitties will want food and while I can ignore them begging the first hour – the second hour they do this chase after each other like one of their tails is on fire and while they are pretty good zooming appropriately through the house. If I’m not on my game… meaning I’m a bit tired they will end up taking one pass right over my feet or legs or lap of course to let me know they are starving and I need to get my butt up to feed them!

    Well here’s to hopping out of bed at first light my “alarm” is a light that slowly gets brighter.

    @ciren2 – I too grew up with the same mentality of breakfast. I also just LOVE breakfast foods and it was my favorite meal of the day. However I tried a couple of FDs with breakfast being my only meal… or one of 2 low cal meals. Totally doesn’t work. And heaven forbid I have porridge/oats. Ha I’m hungry like want to eat an entire buffet hungry my 10am. I had to break the habit and now it’s not that bad. I like just having black coffee or water. Or if feeling like I need a warm pick me up (something cozy not caffeinated) I’ll heat up chicken broth for breakfast. You can do it!

    Pocket List – Day 9

    Day 9 UK FD

    Mmmmm Tequila FD – I like your style @rabbette

    Adding myself to the list 🤞@ciren2
    Pocket List – Day 9

    Day 9 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Pocket List – Day 9

    Day 9 UK FD?

    10 hrs sleep and I’m back to full on cold – week 5? I have so much project work backed up and absolutely no brain to do it!

    Today I’m going to change it up & focus on good selfcare – gentle yoga, meditation, fasting & food to boost my immune system. Lots more ginger tea, some spicy tomato soup with lots of ginger, garlic & curry powder; scrambled egg with spinach (or sprouts), a couple of clementines and a bedtime coconut milk hot chocolate made with raw cacao for zinc.

    @ciren2 yay for your FD! 🙂

    Pocket List – Day 9


    Day 9 Oxfordshire UK FD
    Busy weekend with birthday celebrations (DS & DD in Law) and lots of cake. So needless to say scales are up this morning. So definitely adding myself to the wagon. Probably need to be stuck to it all week. But one day at a time.
    On the plus side, treated DD in Law to a ‘full moon relaxation’ session yesterday which DD & I also joined in with. Two hours of gentle yoga supported with massage. It was really great to step off the Christmas merry go round and take some time. DH cooked so other than the calories nothing to worry about.
    Today seems to reflect my mood, bright and sunny. I feel really positive this morning and ready to get lots done. Yoga first thing, then some small jobs before heading out to my French class this afternoon. Then a dog walk followed by a warming winter stew coming in at around 600 calories for the day.
    DD gave me a tip yesterday for being more productive. Apparently she makes a short list at the start of the day of things she really wants to get done. Having them on a list gives them the ‘importance’ they need to get done. So I’m giving it a go.

    Pocket List – Day 9


    have a great day everyone

    Day 9 – 2nd Post

    @suki2 – you forgot to put yourself on the list! 😉

    Pocket List – Day 9

    @funshipfreddie thank you, glad someone is keeping and eye on me 🙂
    @ciren2 so glad you’re joining us today. Hope it all goes well for you.

    Day 9 – Stratford Upon Avon, UK – FD

    It certainly is the trickiest time of the year, the Xmas treats are piling up in the office and there’s no shortage of social occasions to attend with copious amounts of mulled wine on offer…..however, I’m hanging on to my 2 x FDs like my life depends on it and doing my best to dodge everything on offer the rest of the time!!!!! I mean, I think I probably over did it with the wine at the weekend but if I can navigate this month with a net loss or even a maintain I’ll take that as we head into January
    Phew!!! stay strong every body!

    This weekend saw the onset of a nasty toothache so a visit to the dentist today was required, I might be looking at root canal treatment – hmmmmmm! the pain is under control at the moment but on the plus side it might curtail my festive feasting as it is currently uncomfortable to eat! Every cloud eh?

    @rabbette – you have truly inspired me with your stats! and yes, it’s interesting to see your pattern. I will be keeping at it – striving for progress not perfection @at (I like that!) and will be pulling my own stats together as I go…..maybe this time next year I’ll have my own set of impressive stats!!!!!

    Pocket List – Day 9

    Day 9- Atlanta, Ga.- USA CD

    I made it through!! Saturday was a bit hard so I had bone broth. I’ve read that sodium helps when you’re fasting. Going to go back to my normal FD’s a little later in the week. Happy Monday!!

    Day 9 Canada FD

    @ciren2 you’ve got this! It’s a Monday, Wednesday, Friday fast day week for me

    Pocket List – Day 9

    2nd post

    Just dropped in to see how everyone is doing and especially @ciren2

    Hey, thanks SO much for all your support.
    I’ll call the day a success, in that I went (just about) 24 hours without food! Tempered by the fact that it went from 3.50pm to 3.50pm….so, as I came home from work STARVING…I did eat my normal feast….but, hey, not so bad, eh?
    I’ll do it again on Thursday, if I can.
    OMAD basically, after a 24 hour fast.
    @yo-yo-fletch: Poor you….I’m a complete coward at the dentists. But yes, the silver lining in your case…
    @rabbette: I too would like to have breakfast as my one meal a day, as the timing would be very good for weight-loss….but, as you say, once breakfast is eaten, so then is more….more…so it doesn’t work for me either. Sadly.
    @michelinme: Sending healing vibes to you.

    Day 9 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Going to a Holiday Party this evening that will include wine, ‘heavy’ appetizers, and finger food desserts. Although I am saving up calories for it, I am sure I will indulge.

    One of these days I will get with it and reply to some of you!

    Onward and downward.

    Dec 9, VA, USA, FD

    Munching on 2 carrots for lunch. I was going to have some arugula with just a hint of freshly grated cheese on it, but my arugula had went south. I even tried picking out all the wonky bits and re-washing it, but the smell of the bad scallywags had already gotten to the good guys. (Arms crossed and frowning face) oh well…

    Its cold and rainy I may boil some broth as the dreay days call for something warm and comforting.

    @brightonbelle – ya know some FDs I have to reason with myself and “work a deal” otherwise I know I’ll just jump completely off the wagon.

    @michelinme – brain fog from a virus is terrible. I when I had (what I considered a mild virus) I still could not for the life of me organize my thoughts. My heart is with you and may you get some good moments to do what needs to be done.

    @therealwil78 – Great Job you made it! Yes sodium is super helpful. Its good to do regular FDs for a while, I only do the extended WF once every 3 months or so.

    @ciren2 – you did it! Yay! Keep your water or warm tea near you always during an FD! It can help so much to stay hydrated. Being dehydrated is usually what i noticed makes me feel so much more hungrier.

    @yo-yo-fletch – I think I’m grateful for not having to work in an office and be around goodies. You can use my helpful tip/mantra “if its not made from scratch then its not going down my hatch.” I no longer subject myself to sub par goodies (meaning anything store bought) unless its from a specialty bakery or homemade from scratch! *becoming a dessert snob has kept many a calories from these lips!*

    Pocket List – Day 9

    Day 9 Ohio, US — MFD

    This has been a really tough FD to complete. I’ve felt really sluggish all day and, all in all, not particularly well-focused. This doesn’t happen often, and I’m not sure what it betokens. Well, tomorrow will tell.

    @brightonbelle and @michelinme I can certainly empathize with you!

    @rabbette Your “not from scratch — not down the hatch!” mantra is fabulous!

    Pocket List – Day 9 (for the sake of completeness)

    Day 9 – USA – FD

    Managed my first FD for the month….a few more to keep in maintenance. Went back to work last week, not able to do a lot of lifting or squatting, but energy levels are back up and feeling great one month post surgery.

    Day 10, Emden Germany, NFD

    @ciren2 well done! I hope everyone’s FD went as well yesterday.

    @michelinme and @matpi I hope you both feel better today, take care.

    @metatauta I’m so glad you’re feeling great again!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 10: Gloucestershire, UK, NFD:

    Quick check-in, as I’ll be late for work.

    See you much later xx

    Day 10 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    What a Pocket List yesterday?! We did it! 🥇🏋🏋️‍♀️

    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    How is it Day 10 already?

    Well done to all the fasters yesterday, yup @funshipfreddie, that was some long list…and we did it!!

    I had a good FD yesterday, nice drop on the scales this morning. Now today, well it’s started differently than normal. I tend not to eat breakfast during the week, FD or no FD, but DH is up early today for a doctors appointment and made a pot of porridge. As he made some for me I have just now had it with my coffee. I hope that it does not unleash dragons …..and I think what you said @rabbette about porridge oats making you want to eat the buffet by 10am 😨

    Hydration, hydration.

    @michelinme I am sorry you still have that virus after 5 weeks. Maybe you should get it checked out (especially after your illness last year)? Nevertheless, sending you healing wishes for a recovery soon.

    @ciren2, woo hoo, you did it. See you Thursday for another FD?

    Another storm came through last night, that’s two in as many days, the winds were fierce. I hope it dies down soon, but guess this is winter on the very edge of the North Atlantic 😀

    I am on a half day today as I bring DH to a clinic for a steroid injection in his kaput shoulder and he can’t drive after it. That’s twice this year…..he will be out of work for at least 4 weeks from now so it’s going to be hard to channel FD’s with a generous man who loves cooking sitting at home all day 😱 Wish I could get him to paint the house or something but don’t think that will help the shoulder recovery much 😄 Just going to have to be strong.

    Have a great Tuesday….only two weeks to the big feast day 🍾🍷💃

    Day 10 – Cumbria – CD

    Good morning everybody, big pocket list yesterday ! Hope everybody had an easy FD, I got a big walk in yesterday, Fitbit figures were pretty good for fat burning and calories burned!
    Shame the weathers a bit grim again today, I like the momentum of starting on a Monday, walking every day and starting with FD CD FD CD (Friday feast) then CD CD occasionally throw in an extra FD as well, just the weather means shower dodging and maybe 2 or 3 shorter walks.

    Take care all

    Day 10, London, UK, NFD

    Since I got a FD in yesterday I thought it best to chuck a NFD in today before my B2B tomorrow & Thursday.

    I’ve had a lovely mocha this morning and lunch remains unplanned ……………… I AM living on the EDGE!!!

    I hope we’re all firmly glued to the wagon since the silly season is FAST approaching!!!

    Day10 – Ireland -FD

    Oh gosh this time of year is tricky…. I’m hanging on by a thread…. wishing you all well today… 💪

    We rise by lifting others… 💞
    Onward and downwards ⬇️

    Day 10 – Stratford Upon Avon, UK – FD

    B2B (!) Yay! Go me!!!! Out of sync this week so needs must, feeling doable, might even throw in another FD on Thurs if I’m feeling up to it.

    More and more goodies landing in the office, some very generous work colleagues and suppliers. I like your mantra @rabbette , however, I must confess to not being a ‘desert snob’, lol, I’m not too picky! maybe that’s something I should work towards. I’m not feeling like indulging at the moment though as my current tooth issue is stopping me in my tracks, I’m afraid to poke the beast! @ciren2 me too! I really hate dental treatment – the fear is real! but I’m not so keen on the pain either so needs must I guess…..sob….

    @daffodil – I can sympathise with your DH, I injured my shoulder kayaking last year and have been in pain with very restricted movement, I had a steroid injection into my shoulder last Friday and as if by magic, finally after 18 months I am sleeping pain free (well, except for the tooth….sigh!) I now have physio to do to improve my movement but sadly no 4 weeks off work for me…..hope he feels the benefit of the injection soon.

    Pocket List Day 10

    Day 10 Canada NFD

    The power of a pocket list!!! I had the easiest FD ever yesterday and felt like I had a team of great people with me all the way.

    I’ve finally picked up a live Christmas tree and will get it decorated today, feeling festive:)

    You’re so disciplined @songbirdme I love it

    Hope your self care is doing the trick @michelinme, the soup sounds delicious so I am going to make the same for my lunch

    Have a great FD/NFD everyone

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 501 total)

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