December 2017 Challenge

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December 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,190 replies, has 97 voices, and was last updated by  Maayyaa 6 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 1,192 total)

  • Day 2 USA (Utah visiting) – NFD

    Managed a 16:8 yesterday but barely at TDEE. Had a beautiful mushroom Swiss burger and onion rings as a treat with daughter and granddaughters here last evening. It was oh so delicious. Best thing I have done is gone to the gym 4 days in a row while out here. I want to be ready for ski season! I will be back here right after Christmas.

    @pashaw – I remember you and am so sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers that you can manage all you have to do without too much difficulty.

    @penguinflk – how exciting to have someone from the Falkland Islands! Welcome to you.

    @navymom – welcome! Most of us here manage with calculating our TDEE with the site’s guide or for me, I use My Fitness Pal (MFP) to see what my Total Daily Expenditure should be. Often we try to stay under that on a NFD. Then on a FD we, as women, use 500 calories or under as a guide. For me, I also am quite careful with my carbs and sugars on NFD’s. I hope this WOL works for you! How much more do you want to lose? Losing 60 already is terrific!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 2 North Wales NFD

    @pashaw so sorry for your loss.

    This month is going to be my hardest since I started the 5:2. Youngest daughter is visiting and already I am in Christmas food mode. Hopefully it will only last the weekend and then I can get back on track. Have a good weekend everyone. X

    Day 2 UK – NFD

    Struggling this afternoon – perhaps my first B2B has caught up with me! Going to enjoy my Chicken Shashlik this evening.

    @navymom – I think the TDEE on the Dietfast website would be a good guide…. I use MFP to track my intake but it seems that whatever your weight/goal it recommends 1200cal which is low for me and my activity level. However, others may have a different experience…..

    Day 1 – Cumbria UK – NFD (currently in Suffolk)
    Day 2 – NFD

    Day 1 – Weight 52.8kg/116.4lbs – well below my target weight of 55kg so lots of wriggle room for my visit
    to Suffolk – lots of meals out and will most certainly involve lots of 🍷and 🥂catching with friends for a pre xmas visit (I used to live here before retiring from work and relocating to Cumbria). I’m hoping to stick to my 16:8 days during my visit here……..

    December is a special month for me – I’m celebrating my first year anniversary at or below target weight with this WOL 💃
    I’d like to share my story to encourage anyone new to this WOL to let you know that it works if you see it as a permanent way of eating (WOE) and way of life (WOL)
    I am a 59 y.o. Female – married with a grown up daughter
    Height = 163cm/5ft 4in
    *January 4 2014 = BMI: 28.2 Wt: 75kg/165.3lbs – retired and moved to Cumbria so started fell walking and being more mindful about what I ate. Lost my darling mum in the September so flew back to Australia a couple of times spending several weeks there over 2 visits
    *January 3 2016 = BMI: 25.9 Wt: 68.8kg/151.7lbs – for health reasons started 5:2 WOL on my own
    *October 30 2016 = BMI: 22.4 Wt: 59.5kg/131.2lbs – had plateaued for last 3 months so decided to join the Nov Challenge = best decision I ever made!
    *December 1 2016 = BMI: 20.8 Wt: 55.3k/121.9lbs – so near to that target of 55kg! I achieved it a week later on 7/12/16!!! and have maintained below that since!!!
    *October 1 2017 = BMI: 20.2 Wt: 53.5kg/117.9lb
    *December 1 2017 = BMI: 20.0 Wt: 52.8kg/116.4lbs
    *I still do 2 x FDs each week (mainly for the long term health benefits) and I follow a 16:8 eating pattern daily – no breakfast as I never feel hungry on waking, but usually break my fast late morning or early afternoon depending on social circumstance or when I feel hungry! This allows me to indulge a bit on my NFD and enjoy some 🍷🥂 without putting weight back on…………

    @coda – so lovely to have you with us again 🤗
    @quebecoise – Hello lovely to see you joining us again ☺️
    @pashaw – Hugs my cyber friend – we will be here for you whenever you need us “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal – Love leaves a memory no one can steal”

    Lovely to see so many from previous challenges joining in again and a big WELCOME to those new to this WOL!
    This WOL does work if you follow it and give it time – it is not a DIET but a permanent change as to how we lead our lives……
    The best advice I can give to anyone new to this WOL is to stick to the basic 5:2 for the first month – The following link by @simcoeluv might prove helpful and answer a lot of your questions:–

    To lose the weight and keep it off we cannot go back to doing what we did before when we gained the weight! “IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT LOSING THE WEIGHT; IT’S ABOUT LOSING THE LIFESTYLE AND MINDSET THAT GOT YOU THERE” Steve Maraboli

    My personal motto for this WOL is “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 2 – McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    I had a good FD yesterday, had only liquids until 3:30 and then a lentil salad and scrambled eggs for dinner.
    My goal today is to have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch and a lean protein and veggies for dinner. I’m trying to plan my NFD carefully so I don’t go off the rails. I’m also going to track my food calories today.

    @tsubaki – Your post made me laugh and brought back memories, porcelain God indeed!!
    @Strawberriesandcream – I’m cheering you on for a dry December!!
    @pashaw – I am so sorry to hear of your husbands passing. Please take care of yourself and don’t stay away to long as this group will miss you. 💕
    @bert1802 – Hope you’re feeling better. 🤒
    @at – You are an inspiration!!

    Day 3 NZ FD

    Hi all, It’s been a few weeks since I signed in. I began this WOL in September (which was a good month) October was ok but November went down hill. I have been ill for the past 5 months (meningitis) I was upset as the doctor wouldn’t allow me to go back to work. (Teaching Principal) but he was right and I finally received my clearance and am about to head back. Unfortunately the person who stood in for me is making it difficult to return even to sit in my office and catch up on “the past 5 months’ disappointing! Any how I’m feeling energetic and happy so look out world I’m back. December is going to be a fantastic month.

    Merry Christmas to everyone around the world.

    Day 2 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Working to keep it a day of mindful eating as someone else also mentioned. Isn’t it something that one can come to an NFD and start eating even though not hungry? I’m trying to stay tuned in to what my body needs.

    Welcome @penguinflk – I think you’re the 1st from that part of the world. This is a wonderful international forum, full of wonderful support for the 5:2 journey.

    @Strawberriesandcream – your preplanning for this holiday stretch sounds wise. We’re more likely to be successful when we do so.

    @pashaw – so sorry to hear of your hubby’s passing. Sending (((hugs))) and prayers!

    @saffy420 – yes, let’s keep encouraging each other on this journey; as long as we don’t quit, we’re winning. Everyones journey is different. I remember that @fatrabbit and I were at the same place briefly. She was able to keep losing while I plateaued. Yes, she has lost 100 lbs but you know at least we’ve lost 50. I like to remember @at‘s motto about being happy about where I am because I sure don’t want to go back to what I was. I was packing out an American Size 18 and am now comfortable in Size 14. Yes, I’d like a smaller size but it’ll only happen if I keep on. It was good to see some movement in November again.

    @navymom – welcome. Yes, some of us have lost 50 but others have lost more.

    @mema02 – glad you’re feeling better. Hopefully things will go better at work.

    Remember together we are stronger!

    Day 2 – Colorado – NFD (3rd post)

    Definitely a NFD today as I have not one but 2 Christmas parties to attend tonight! There will be 🍷🥂🍾🍷 happening for sure!
    Hope to fare better than @tsubaki … my OH wouldn’t appreciate me arranging a date with Cliff. 😜 (Staying tuned for the update on that situation. This is such an entertaining group! Hope you’ve recovered from the festivities & feel better now @tsubaki )

    Tonight is our work party. While I was out on medical leave there were loads of changes that happened, including personnel turnover. I’m hoping there’s enough familiar faces that I won’t suffer thru too many awkward wall-flower moments (I’m terribly shy in big crowds. In small groups I’m comfy & normal. Get more than 6 people in front of me & I morph into Captain Awkward. I force myself to socialize in order to practice working thru this issue.)

    Before the big work party, my friend is holding a “pre-game” party at her home. This will be fun! She’s a lovely silly goofy lovable nutty person. Lucky to call her a friend. This will help me relax for the work do.

    All I know is OH is looking forward to the catered food from Carrabba’s Italian Grille. Me too! (Take that NFD!) Plus, the White Elephant gift exchange is usually a hoot.

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

    Day 2 – USA – NFD

    @Strawberriesandcream, thank you for responding…yes, I think I mix up body fat and basic metabolic rate. @pashaw, I remember you earlier in the year and I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. @bert1802, feel better.

    Day 2 Mexico

    Itt feels good to be back on the 5&2, I feel better, both physically and emotionally, eating less and staying committed to my personal goals. One day at a time….Mexico is a mixture of fresh, healthy foods and then tacos, enchiladas and of course margaritas or cold coronas! I have to be careful especially at restaurants when they bring you bowls of chips and salsa before your meal. They can be gone in an instant! Mindless eating! Got to get a handle on that!

    Thanks for sharing in your posts, provides great entertainment and encouragement.

    Happy Saturday Everyone!

    Day 2- rural NY, USA NFD

    Woke up and went for a walk until I reached my goal 10,000 steps. My goal this week is to work in exercise. I usually swim every day after work, but the pool is closed until December 11. I got no exercise in after school this week.

    Excited to say I am starting the December challenge after losing a little over 2 pounds on my first week of this WOL…Looking forward to what else might come off in December…

    Day 2 UK NFD

    This is 2nd ever day on 5:2, and my 2nd ever day counting calories. I had a vague idea of the theory but have been so surprised at how many calories there are in various things – so few in raw carrots, so many in cheddar cheese!

    I’m inspired reading the posts, and really enjoying learning from and about you all. Thank you for warm welcome from the “old hands”, and good to be alongside other newbies too.

    Started with FD yesterday, so today feels like a doddle. Woke up feeling more energised and more brain. I actually forgot to eat until lunchtime and didn’t feel hungry as usual – I wonder if I really recognise what hunger feels like now. Looking forward to learning more about my body and appetite in the same way I have about mind thru meditation and movement thru yoga.

    Made Christmas puddings today for the first time ever – realised I had all the ingredients in, so why not? I already feel more confident bc I’m doing something about my weight, which had felt out of control. And I ws able to decide exactly what goes in, which was amazing.

    Also made some oat & seed bread – I don’t usually eat much bread but this will be handy for grab & go sort of food bc my mother’s in hospital so rushing around a bit more than usual. It’s GF, reasonable amount of protein and hopefully filling & tasty too.

    Amazed to find how many calories are in my current fave quick supper – microwaved rice, baked beans, scrambled eggs and cheese. Around 1400!!! No wonder I’ve been putting on weight this last couple of months. But strangely today I found myself eating much more slowly than usual and felt full after just over half.

    Sorry to go on so much. This feels like an amazing & steep learning curve, but v glad to be here.

    So sorry for your loss @pashaw

    So sorry to hear of your loss @ pashaw, please know we are all thinking of you and your family at this difficult time. 🙏

    Day 2 – 🇬🇧- FD

    FD was completely unplanned – it would appear keeping busy is key for me & I certainly had one of those days today. Amazing really this WOL has really changed my mindset before I would grab food on the go or perhaps reward myself & have a blow out at the end of the day.

    Not now…..just keep going & then 🤔 i’ve just managed a FD 😀

    Day 2, Germany, NFD
    @pashaw I wish you all the strength and trust you need to deal with this difficult situation!
    My NFD went quite well. I don’t count calories on NFDs but stick to my bottom lines that is 3 meals a day/ nothing in between and not eating sugar!
    I love this forum, yet I feel that I am spending too much time with my cell phone because of it! 🙈
    I somehow feel the obligation to read all posts and don’t want to miss anything!! I also really find all your shares so helpful and interesting and would like to comment on so many things. Yet I realize that it can’t be right to think more about this forum and my fasting and eating than about my family!
    I must find a good and sound compromise that will work for me!
    For sure I have to let go of my perfectionism! What I do know is that this WOL is wonderful for me and that I want to continue with it and also want to be with you all in those challenges!
    Wish you all a wonderful 24 hours, good food choices and many happy moments!
    Together we can do it what we could never do alone!

    Why did I buy mint M & M’s today while out shopping?! They are so addictive!

    Day 2, Québec, FD

    I fasted on Thursday and was so happy to see my weight go down by about 1 pound.
    It gaveme the gutts to fast again today.
    I bought a cute dress for Christmass time and I want my belly to get as small a possible so that the dress fits nicely.
    I also went for a good walk in the snow.
    Looking forward to weighing tomorrow morning.

    Wishing you all a very nice Sunday tomorrow.

    Day 1&2 NFD Oregon USA

    I swear I posted yesterday…but now not seeing it? Phantom internet monster eating posts again.

    My second month at 5:2 and going to put my goals on the sheet, but hoping to make it to
    174.5 this month which would be a 3 lb. loss. Other goal would be actually measure myself and start getting more active. Also just want to maintain my 2 day/week fast and have less days of exceeding TDEE.

    @pashaw so sorry for your loss. Prayers of comfort.
    @crazymomfourboys I’m your kind of crazy! I have four boys too. Well they are sort of young men now, but still. 🙂

    @fatrabbit, @at, @songbirdme, @bigviking, @onahealthyhigh, @metautau, @debster251, @happymargo, @strawberriesandcream( I know I’m forgetting some of you, sorry for it) and finally @coda (who I’ve not talked to but heard of a lot!!) Thanks for keeping up with the challenges–you really do inspire the newbies, like me.

    @flourbaby–I loved the reference to the Bailey’s Christmas. You make me smile.
    And @tsubaki-that sounds like a rough night.

    I had a business lunch on my FD this week (ugh) and was at a very nice restaurant. Instead of eating a big meal I stuck to a salad made of roasted beets with chevre cheese. It was round slices of beets stacked with round slices of chevre in between with a cider vinagrette. I didn’t eat most of the cheese but still had little tastes of it here and there and drank coffee instead of wine (while my client had a nice tempranillo) and you know what? I did it!! And I didn’t even feel deprived. Vegetables can really be a life-saver and I’m definitely on the lookout for interesting ways to eat them.

    Trying to think of a new tag line for December and here is what I’ve come up with…
    “May your holidays be blessed and your pounds be less.”.


    I’m new, male, UK 40 something (and late to the party!)

    Currently at 200lbs, would like to get out of December at 186. I know that’s going to be hard what with the festivities!

    Today was an FD. I don’t find fasting that hard to be honest unless I have an alcoholic drink. And then everything (and I mean everything) goes out of the window.

    Done 5:2 many times. Can generally get down to 176 but then put it all back on. This time I need to maintain the loss. I tend to do 4:3 to be honest after an initial kick start of a week or so of fast days. It works for me…

    Tomorrow (Sunday 3rd) I’m going to treat myself though. This time last week I was 204 so I’m going to have a few glasses of the hard stuff and then get back on the diet until Thursday which is the staff party. Where all bets are off!

    Aiming eventually to be 168 but will gladly take 186 on Jan 1st!

    Please add me to the December Challenge. I thought I’d done that but I’m not getting the posts.

    Day 3 NFD Brisbane, Australia

    I am in for December, thanks for hosting @bert1802. I have added my name to the spreadsheet. Thanks @tsubaki for organising.

    I have 1.4kgs to lose to achieve my goal of 68kgs and I would like to see them gone by Christmas Eve. I will revise my goal when I get there. I will continue to do 5:2 and if I lose some more well and good…a little bit of wiggle room would be good before we take our annual 3 week holiday at the beach in January.

    Good luck everyone and stay strong.

    Day 3 – Perth, Western Australia – FD (B2B)
    @pashaw I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. My condolences to you and your family.
    @bert1802 – I hope that you feel better soon.
    I am feeling far less fragile today. It takes far longer to recover the older you get. Hangovers do help with keeping within a quarter of your TDEE.
    I only realised that I had a date based on text messages. It would seem my date is on Friday and I really don’t remember what he looks like. Or even being chatted up! James Bond would be nice (visually at least) I’m hoping that “Cliff” is a pseudonym for Hugh Jackmann and he finally understands that I’m the one for him.

    I’ve read something about a spreadsheet. Where can I find it? I’m new to this environment and am having problems to navigate my way around it.
    Yesterday was a NFD but I really behaved. Ate just when hungry and made sure to have plenty of vegetables and som fruit. Today it will be more difficult since, as good Spaniards, we are going to have lunch at my mother in law’s.
    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Day 3/NFD/Melbourne Australia

    My lovely guests have left and will be missed but it’s equally lovely to have time to catch up with so many new faces and old friends.
    @pashaw I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your husband. My sincerest condolences
    @bert I hope you feel well soon. Looking forward to the return of the hostest with the mostest. @molij glad to hear you’re recovering. Gastro is no fun. @meme02 wishing you positive vibes for your return to work. To all who are feeling less than well I admire your determination to stick around and embrace this WOL.
    @coda and @okeydokey lovely to see you popping in. Looking forward to seeing more of you in the future. Miss your inspirational posts but understand the need for a break.

    For those who don’t know I’m a long term maintainer now in my 3rd year of maintenance. If I can give one piece of advice to newbies it is to stop thinking of this as a diet. After all diets don’t work that’s why so many of us are here and trying to lose weight by embracing intermittent fasting as a WOL. After 40 years of yo-yo dieting I’m so happy to have found something I can stick to and it works.

    @cornish-jane I’m also a huge fan of not counting calories. Counting points and calories were part of the reason I could never stick to other eating plans. It used to do my head in. But can I echo @bellyblasts reminder to eat smaller portions? This was one of the crucial strategies I adopted. I taught myself to recognise what a normal portion looks like. It involved lots of weighing and measuring foods in the early stages. Now I know what I should be eating and no longer eat huge portions. I’ve also popped measuring cups into lots of dry ingredients like oats, rice, muesli … so I can easily serve myself the amount I should eat. It really saves thinking and time!
    @navymom lots of us have lost considerable weight and no longer have much to lose. @fatrabbit is a true inspiration having lost 100lbs. I had less to lose but still lost 43lbs. Many of us have been where you are and with the support of the wonderful people on the forum are now reaching our personal goal weight or maintaining.
    @key welcome to the wonderful support of the pocket winos and dry winos on this thread. Wine is my downfall. It always releases the cheese and biscuit dragon. I can definitely identify with all you are going through. My personal commitment is to not drink till the 20th December now my guests have left. (Confession – I’m enjoying the last of a delicious white wine as I catch up with posts.)
    @emmataylor did you tick the notify me box to receive emails?

    Have a great December everyone. Together we are stronger.

    Thank you @onahealthyhigh! But the link doesn’t seem to work “Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist.” Let’s see if some one else can help.

    Hi @evasietetres hopefully someone else will post a link. My aging ipad no longer allows me to access the Google spreadsheet.

    @onahealthyhigh – probably not! Thanks for adding me in. Still not drinking, but last night was tough, and I got carried away with some sourdough bread and butter to compensate. Must try harder. Never mind, I’ll just get back on track. Good luck with your dry- ish December. There’s so much that goes with wine. Nuts are my big downfall…

    Day 3 Newcastle UK 🇬🇧 NFD.
    7lb off in 21 days? Realistic goal if I can get my head in the right place and don’t start feasting before the 24th 😕

    Day 3 Germany, NFD
    Will be careful about my portion sizes for lunch and dinner. Breakfast was bread rolls and an egg, a little fruit and some veggies… I usually have muesli but on a Sunday I sometimes treat myself 😀
    Stay strong everybody!

    Day 3 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    I popped on the scales after work yesterday and had lost another 3/4 pound so was at 9 stone 12! Delighted 🤗

    Then went food shopping with DH, demolished a bar of fruit and nut milk chocolate, and the evening was spent relaxing with wine and pate and crackers. Lovely roast beef dinner with a robust St Emilion premier cru 🍷

    Ah sure look it, isn’t that the great thing about this WOL, we can enjoy the good stuff knowing that a reset is waiting on Monday?

    Have a great Sunday all. Me, I am going to have a cooked breakfast, first breakfast in ages with my DH. Looking forward to my day off ☺️

    Day 3, UK, NFD

    Oh dear, I still can’t be let loose near food and drink.

    Yesterday was nicely controlled right up to evening time. Then there was wine, beer, pizza, breadsticks and a pot of chive dip, crackers, cheese… I know the majority of it will be water, but I have now gained 3.2kg/ 7lb/ 1/2st in 2 days. The FDs next week better work!

    Day 3 UK NFD

    Did it again 🙁 But at least there is no more chocolate for me to be tempted by. And I am still under ten and half stone so not too much harm done.

    Day 3, Cornwall UK, NFD

    I too had a lovely cooked breakfast, Mediterranean style, with cooked tomatoes and mushrooms and wholegrain toast. Thanks for the reminder on portion sizes @onahealthyhigh, as I have a history of saying yes to the second piece of toast! Why do some people always say yes to seconds (thats me, from childhood) and others really can’t be bothered with seconds? When uncontrolled I can eat as though there will no food available for months.

    @navymom – I too am quite new to 5:2 (five months in). I did hesitate to join the forum at first seeing the small amounts of weight some people want to lose compared to me, and other lean people fasting for health and not weight loss. But I soon realised most have been on long and successful weight loss journeys and I had something to learn from tagging along! In summary, I needed to lose 90lbs of weight. I’ve lost just over 30lbs and have another 60lbs to go.

    Now for that walk to use up all that excess blood sugar from my breakfast…

    Day 3, Newcastle UK, NFD

    @pashaw – condolences on your loss – prayers for you and your family at this sad and difficult time.
    @anna6 – have a wonderful holiday – you know this WOL works in every situation.
    @tsubaki – I sincerely hope you are feeling a LOT better today. Looking forward to hearing all about Cliff in due course…..
    @metatauta – after my 4th alcohol free day in a row, I can tell you I am feeling so much better – both physically and mentally. All the best to you and your OH as you do the best you can on avoiding alcohol this month. So long as OH’s diagnosis is for type 2 vs type 1, then I’m sure he knows he has every chance of reversing that with this WOL.
    @daffodil2010 – woohoo for you – well done!
    @califdreamer – I have watched you do so well and you have achieved the goals that I set myself and have not met so far. If you don’t mind, I’m going to sit you on my shoulder as a constant reminder and motivator 🙂 And @flourbaby & @bigviking – you have both showed me what’s possible when controlling wine. Thank you.
    @irishtrier – we have a cruise booked for January 26th. The thought of putting on weight by early January is going to play a big part in keeping me on track this month. If you think about it, an FD on Christmas day shouldn’t be too hard because turkey and vegetables are a good choice. I may give myself 800 calories though – lol!
    @saffy420 – I refuse to give in to the marketing machine this year. If it’s in the house I’ll eat it and regret it. If it’s not in the house, I won’t give it a second thought. You too have achieved such a great result in just 10 months – I feel inspired to really get my act into gear and try to be as good an example as so many wonderful people on this forum are to me.
    @songbirdme – you’ve got this WOL off to a tee – another great inspiration for all of us still looking to reach maintenance. And ditto to you @at 🙂
    Thanks @awilson and @AnneMarilynn – each and every comment is strengthening my resolve. Caveat – I did say the odd beer and port on New Year’s Eve will be allowable. Just NO wine!
    Glad to hear you are recovered @mema02 – take it easy – maybe your stand in is just looking out to make sure you don’t overdo things too quickly.
    I hope you and your OH enjoyed a lovely evening @happymargo.
    @metatauta – lol – I think there may still be a little confusion as I think it’s your BMI you were thinking of – not your BMR. Suffice to say, if you use the calculator on this site for your BMI and BMR and TDEE, you should be safe.
    Yes @michelinme – working out the calories in a meal can be a real eye-opener!
    @Mjrbdc44 – So much of this WOL is about mindset. Mind over matter is very powerful if we choose to employ it. The more we do, the positive results we achieve serve to make us stronger. That’s my strategy this month.
    There are so many more of you that I want to respond to today – but I’ve been at my PC for well over an hour and really need to get dressed and out. The sun is shining and I need to deliver a birthday card to a lovely niece.

    I had a good day yesterday – really enjoyed my alcohol free lunch with girlfriends (only one out of 5 had an alcoholic drink). Enjoyed nuts, cheese, apple, and dried fruits for supper. Absolutely did not need Wine. I’m enjoying how much better I’m feeling without it.

    Keep on keeping on folks.

    Day 3, London, UK, FD

    So, I’m getting this ADF business going with a FD on a Sunday, THE day of roasts, (meat AND potatoes!!!) wine and dessert, well, the sacrifices today mean Xmas dinner will be guilt free!!!

    @bigviking you’re officially a lightweight, cheap date, so ½ portions of that curry and ½ portions of booze to avoid the “I’m about to POP and my head is BANGIN’ too!!!!” feeling.

    @leggit – You said it – Mmmhh Cheese!!!! Also, some of the quotes resonate so deeply within me. I stole this from @at and it’s what I need to focus on, on ‘those’ days, ….
    ……. “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    @songbirdme, an M&M of ANY variety is a complete calorific bomb!!!! I bought a pack of peanut m&m’s a while ago, the package said it contained 6 portions………………… well, there weren’t 6 of me and the pack didn’t last 6 days!!! So I now know, they trigger that automatic ‘hand-to-mouth’ response I can’t control, so ALL m&m’s are banished from the house!!!!

    Way to go @strawberriesandcream, it’s good (and surprising) when you realise you’re in the majority when you DON’T drink!!! That good feeling will only continue and when you do have a drink, you’ll ask ‘why & what for??’ then question life, the universe and all that you thought you knew!!!!!!!! That doesn’t last long though, but a bit more control will set in!!!

    There have been a few posts this morning about my biggest struggle…………CONTROL.

    @bigviking ‘can’t be let loose around food’,
    @fatrabbit ‘did it again’,
    @cornish-jane ‘always says yes to seconds’ (not this time though….yeah you!!)…………….
    I try telling myself that they will still be making pizza/wine/lindt hazelnut chocolate/cake – any type will do/shortbread or malted milk biscuits/cheese&onion crisps/did I mention wine?? WHEN I reach my goal weight/BMI. It doesn’t always work and although I never feel deprived on 5:2 (there’s always tomorrows NFD) I sometimes trick myself into thinking……………. I AM deprived, I deserve ’it’, I’ve earned ‘it’. I’m still trying to retrain my brain, but I didn’t get my handle because of my love for binging on carrot, cucumber or celery sticks, so currently, I CANNOT have any trigger foods in the house…………… soon, just not yet!!!

    Well my phone alarm has just gone off, so I’m off to drown some dragons in 750ml of cool, cool, water!!!! This week I’m concentrating on flushing the fat and getting a weekend whoosh!!!!

    Keep the faith people!!!!!

    Day 3 UK NFD

    Stayed at a friends house last night. Although there was a considerable amount of eating and drinking done, the food was all from Slimming World recipes so not too calorific and I only had a few glasses of wine. So overall an ok day.

    Went shopping yesterday for Xmas booze and goodies. I was expecting to have a trolley full but I didn’t buy half as much as normal, with virtually no chocolates bought at all. I just kept looking at things and thinking I didn’t really want them. You’re right @strawberriesandcream if they’re not in the house they won’t be missed.

    @navymom I’ve got about another 40lbs to lose, there are a few of us that are in the process of eradicating large numbers. This forum is really supportive, especially those people who have hit maintenance and stayed with us.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

    Day 2 – Iceland – NFD
    Day 3 – Iceland – FD

    @flourbaby – I like your way of thinking 🙂 will try to keep this in mind when I feel tempted: “they will still be making pizza/wine/lindt hazelnut chocolate/cake – any type will do/shortbread or malted milk biscuits/cheese&onion crisps/did I mention wine?? WHEN I reach my goal weight/BMI.”

    Not feeling great today, maybe the “ketosis flu” which I read about on another thread here. Upset stomach so FD is given 🙂

    Day 3 – USA – NFD

    @Strawberriesandcream, confusion is the norm for me these days, lol! I still cannot wrap my mind around it, but it’s a moot point now. I simply cannot explain it well enough.

    Regarding OH’s diagnosis, it’s type 2. Sadly, he has never been open to hearing any info about IF, LCHF or the Blood Sugar diet. It’s just another fad to him. Now he wants to make dietary changes his own way and that’s fine with me, but I giggle when I realize he is coming to the same conclusions I did when I started – sugar does terrible things to your body! So we are eating the same things lately. He also realizes alcohol doesn’t help, especially on a regular basis. He notices that his readings go down when he eats lower carbs! Makes me feel quite smug, but that’s our little secret, haha!

    @mema02, glad you’re back at your job; I agree that maybe your substitute thinks he/she is doing you a favor easing you back into it. @bigviking, I’m sure you will have a whoosh soon! @anna6, enjoy your holiday!

    Day 3 USA (UT visiting) – NFD

    Yesterday was okay, but more empty calories than I usually consume. Hopefully today will be better. A storm is due here in Utah, so hopefully I can still fly home to Illinois on Tuesday. I have stuff to do at home too, although I really enjoy being with daughter and GD’s. I took the girls to “Coco” last evening. They thoroughly enjoyed it, and so did I. Great messages about love and family. We all shed a happy tear at some point. Yes, buttered popcorn was mu supper.

    This whole group is such an encouragement to me. I know we are all fighting the same 🐉 dragons at different times, so the wisdom and understanding is so supportive.

    Love your mantra for December, @mjrbcd44 about our blessed holidays and less pounds!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 3 – Massachusetts – nfd

    Yesterday ended up being a CD day since I was so busy. My Fitbit said I burned 2300 calories! 😳 Today will be a nfd so that tomorrow’s Fast will be easy.

    Tried to talk to a friend about how I want to lose some pounds but she was really unsupportive. Because I am a healthy BMI now she doesn’t understand why I want to keep going. I don’t dare tell her about 5:2 or about the forum, she would think the WOL unhealthy and the everyday posting obsessive, not understanding how great you all are. 😔

    @mjrbcd44 – I love your tag line! Still trying to think of mine
    @tsubaki – very excited for your date. I’m hoping he’s Hugh Jackmann too!
    @fatrabbit – sometimes it just has to be finished off so you can move on. You got this!
    @cornish-jane – I also can’t help myself with seconds! I don’t know how other people have conquered this problem. Even on 5:2, I know some of you say you aren’t hungry so you don’t feel the need for more but I am always hungry.
    @flourbaby I also love @at’s quote! So inspirational because it is so true.

    Still working on my mantra 😩 will get back to you all!

    Day 1 NFD
    Day 2 NFD
    Day 3 – USA – FD

    Hello everyone. I’m new and I’d like to join the challenge by posting my goals and progress each day. No need to add me to the spreadsheet.

    My goal today is to complete a successful FD. I also plan to bike and complete strength activities with weights and resistance bands.

    I’m a woman from the USA – wife, mother, nana, nurse and yoga teacher. I have fasted and visited the forum occasionally over the past few years and have lost (and gained back) over that time.

    I’m routinely active through walking, biking and strength training, as well as through the classes I teach. My problem areas: I think of them as the “c” words: cookies, crackers, cheese and chocolate.

    Whenever I come back to the forum and read your great posts I’m inspired to begin regular fasting again.

    Losing about a stone will bring me to my goal, but, more importantly I would like to regularly practice fasting for the lasting health benefits.

    I know being active on the forum will help me reach my goal, and I hope at some point my posts help others.

    Take care everyone – Markie

    @toddybear Thank you! This one works 🙂

    Day 3. Belfast NFD

    For those of you who know me from old, I did my foundation training this weekend for the Red Cross. Hopefully after Christmas, I’ll actually get started volunteering. I’m looking forward to it.
    First Christmas party done and dusted. No alcohol but FAR too much sugar ☹️. Too many beautiful deserts on offer. Had a BIG wine gum moment today too, so now the sugar fest is over and a huge reset tomorrow.

    @pashaw – it’s good to see you back, but not in the circumstances in which you find yourself. I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your husband. I’ll be thinking of you in your pain during the long wait until the funeral. Take care of yourself. Xo
    @Philippians4-13haven’t had bread pudding since I was a girl! We always used to have it on November 5th firework party.
    @mema02 I’m glad you’ve recovered from such a serious illness. Returning to work is never easy after a long break, without people making it even more tricky. Yours is a particularly busy job; good luck and look after yourself.
    Welcome @key and @Markie99- you’re in a good place for lots of support.
    @evasietetres – this spreadsheet has been drawn up by a forum member (Was it you, @metatauta?) and updated every month. Here’s the link if the other one doesn’t work.

    @daffodil2010 how do you do it?!! I remember when we were the same weight. I must do better!
    @Strawberriesandcream – you see, I read ‘alcohol’ for wine, so I though you had gone completely tea total! Your resolve is still awesome! And yes, you are totally right about mind over matter. However this weekend, the matter has definitely won 😢

    So after my EFS episode (a ‘why do I do this ‘ moment) I now need to get back on that wagon. -Bert, can you grab my hand there and pull me up?

    “Weight loss is like driving: If you ever veer off the road, just make a U-Turn and head back in the right direction”

    Day 3 NFD Oregon USA

    So many great posts and I feel your pain @miraclelou as I want to respond to everyone and feel like checking in often to read…need to set a timer I think which someone else mentioned doing. Might help me stay on track with other obligations but at least reading and writing in the forum is calorie neutral. 😊

    @navymom This is my second month and I have 30 more pounds to lose. At least. That would be a comfortable number for me not my thinnest in recent years. But as @songbirdme said I have to balance thinness with not wanting more wrinkles.
    I think there is some saying about post-menopause women having to choose between face or *ss because you can’t have both a skinny behind and a non-wrinkled face?! I want to find a happy medium. 😁

    @bigviking do you weigh daily?
    I just can’t do that. Seeing all the fluctuations would quickly derail me.(and always has) I am trying to weigh in only once a week but have been tempted after each FD. I certainly wouldn’t want to weigh in after a fun NFD!! 😃

    @flourbaby appreciate your thoughts on trigger foods and you not getting your handle from binging on carrots… Lol.
    I have tried to retrain my brain too many times to count that carrots taste like tortilla chips but so far it isn’t buying it. That is why I am loving this way of life so far because I can allow myself chips and salsa on NFD. When that combines with alcohol all bets are off of course and zero control so keeping them out of the house is best. I haven’t got the strength to do it yet. 💪
    We are all on our own journeys and @leggit I understand how people may be jealous or even angry by their “healthy weight” friend who wants to lose more. But here’s the thing. I have felt that before looking at a couple of my long term friends who are truly skinny and what it came down to is IT IS NEVER ABOUT them. They are skinny because they manage their diets and work on it. Always have. I feel badly about MY decisions that have lead me to where I am and my “angry” thoughts are a reflection of my anger at ME.
    I am sure you already know that intellectually but just my two cents.

    I am focusing on forward. Can’t go back but with 5:2 hope to undo some damage and create my own management system. 👍

    Looonnng post. Sorry all. Will keep it more brief on the weekdays for sure if even out of necessity.

    🎄May your holidays be blessed and your pounds be less.⛄

    Day 4 NZ CD

    Thank you for your supportive comments. I’m off to work Yahoo! It’s going to be a great day.

    @mjrbcd44 Yup, daily weigh-ins. That’s how I’ve known when to throw in a B2B. So far it’s been ADF with B2Bs for good measure. Until my maintenance weight stabilises, extra FDs will be called upon!

    Day 3 – USA – NFD

    Second post: @debster251, you flatter me, but no, I did not draw up the spreadsheet. I’m lucky I know how to type.

    Day 3 NFD Pacific NW USA

    Hello forum buddies! It’s an absolute joy to see so many familiar names from one year ago November and December 2016 when I hosted and then some of us go even further back to May 2016 when Coda invited us to the starting block!

    Anyone new – welcome to the club – it must be obvious that the 5:2 way has many benefits or we wouldn’t all still be here. I recently told Coda I would check in after my long ago last post sometime over the summer – my excuse is hubby and I retired, we had a family reunion 95th birthday for my mom, we had a total eclipse of the sun, we welcomed a new grandchild, hubby had surgery, and one result is I added about 10 pounds since then.

    I am fully habituated to 2 day fasting per week but keeping track of my 5 day totals is where I have had the slippage since my steady loss of about 90 pounds over my first year with 5:2. Another slip – I took a break from my tracker and weekly weights and measures. The biscuit top has returned and vanity says I need my friends on this forum to help me not let it go any further!

    I was compulsive about checking in daily, reading each and every posting and commenting when I thought I had something to contribute when I started in May 2016 and I know that had a very positive impact for me. This morning I’ve skipped breakfast and heard a grandson ask where I was so I will turn a new page and not over-stay my screen time with you all and check in when I can to get your collective support and wisdom going forward!

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