December 2017 Challenge

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December 2017 Challenge

This topic contains 1,190 replies, has 97 voices, and was last updated by  Maayyaa 7 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1,051 through 1,100 (of 1,192 total)

  • Day 27 Akron OH FD. @flourbaby so easy to wander off the right psth. I ate so badly the last week, I can’t even believe that I fell that far off the wagon, clothes still fit but without that streamlined look I have come to love. up 5 pounds on the scales, so time to get the whip cracking.
    OH has been out of the country for the last 3 weeks, he returns tomorrow- Thank God! I did use the opportunity to declutter, paint and renovate my entire home. He’s in for a huge surprise when he walks in the door tomorrow 🙂

    Day 27 Akron OH FD.

    second accidental post.

    Day 27…..Florida….FD

    Good Morning…….

    @dykask…….you will be missed greatly! I am proud that you are giving your self the time to increase your abilities and plan for your future. That my friend is one hell of a nice gift to give yourself! I do hope you stop by just to say hi and let us know how you are doing! Please take care of yourself and don’t forget your health and body need to a priority to! Best Wishes!

    Wow, just a couple more days and Dec. is on record. Just a reminder there are only a few days left to treat yourself to something…… I got my treat yesterday….. Bath and Body was having a fantastic sale on their candles. I went outside my comfort zone and bought 4 scents that I’ve never tried before. I’m such a creature of habit, I normally would have just bought my favorite and moved on with my day. I also went to Rue 21 and bought a pair of leggings to match a shirt my bestie gave me for Christmas to wear to work….. plus 3 pairs of joggers, a pair of jeans and a shirt.
    On my behalf, I did get some awesome deals with sales and coupons, my total would have normally been $205.00 plus change but I only paid $47.00 for everything!
    Rue 21 used to do this coupon deal back in the day where the would give you thing called Rue bucks. Example… so if you were to spend 40$ they would give $20 in Rue bucks. They disconnected the program about 2 years ago but this year have decided to bring it back for Christmas starting this year. So, I was able to partake.

    Today, is busy day for me, just before my vacation, I started a to do list or an accomplish list and it has grown to one full page. So today, I’m starting on that said list. So, I will be a busy beaver and will make it a FD. Last night, I also decide our guest bath needs a makeover. Now that we’re stuck in the guest quarters, it needed some sprucing up. But I have until Feb., to complete this as we have my MIL coming for her annual visit. She’ll be here for 2 or 3 month. Such a sweet women, we all love it when she’s here. I am very blessed that I did not get a mean ole MIL.

    I did weigh my self this morning, I’m not exactly at my lowest weight any more, but not far from it. I have however notice I’ve got some extra fat pockets that were not there before. So, starting today, I’m going to start drinking more water and maybe, now remember I said maybe get some good ole exercise in……I did say maybe right?

    @strawberries and cream……. Congrats on your gift to yourself as well as going dry. Come on you can sit next to me, as I do not drink. There are a lot of fun things you can still do with out a drink in your hand. I have been to many a night club, parties and get together and have not drank. I can also tell you I’ve had tons of fun, able to keep friends and family safe and woke up remembering what I did the night before. So, proud of you!

    @basyjames…..Oh I wish I was a fly on the wall to see your OH face when he comes home!

    Okay, it’s time to get a crack a lackin!

    Since Santa’s now on vacation and we all know why he’s jolly! I’ve got to think of a creative ending for the last couple days of the month…..bear with me there going to be bad!

    Day 27,Germany, NFD
    I’m grateful to tell that all Christmas days went fine with my food. @at @flourbaby it was a big help to omit breakfast!!!
    Today we’ll visit my grandma for coffee and cake but I won’t have any cake. Just had a healthy and big lunch so I should be fine with just coffee or tea!
    @bigviking I am a bit worried about you! Don’t give up! Firmly press the reset button, you were doing so great and were so happy and proud of yourself!! I wish you strength!

    Day 27 USA (UT visiting) – NFD

    It’s been a great family time so far. Texas daughter and her boyfriend flew back home yesterday, and 2 granddaughters went to their dad’s for the rest of vacay. I’m going to do a water aerobics today – really good low impact workout.

    I’ve managed to only eat one substantial meal per day each of the last couple days. That seems to have allowed me enough ‘saved’ calories to have fun holiday eating with family. Still trying to limit sweets and carbs.

    @dykask – hope your programming is successful! I admire your abilities. Yes, feel free to pop in here as you’re able.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27 NFD/CD Oregon USA

    Oh how I needed all of your posts this morning. I have been feeling mighty sorry for myself and reading through has helped me so much.
    @strawberriesandcream—your quote ‘if it costs you your peace and happiness, it’s too expensive’ really ringing in my heart. So many areas I can apply that to in my life right now (not the least of which is alcohol).And your decision and commitment to stop drinking is so incredible. I wish you nothing but total success.
    @Debster251–I needed the reminder that yesterday can’t be recovered but we can win today and tomorrow.
    @basyjames and @flourbaby–pretty much the poster child for how easy it is to fall off the wagon this week.
    But perhaps as @fatrabbit suggests I should look at not gaining weight in December as a win. Not that I plan on stepping on the scale for at least three days… Lol.

    I hope being hostess in January doesn’t mean I have to be perfect at this WOL because clearly I am not!!

    For those of you who haven’t gone on the January challenge page yet but are planning on being there, the spreadsheet is up and running if you want to add yourself (I added many that mentioned continuing here but probably missed some).

    I do feel the need to apologize for negative feelings/comments regarding my Christmas day interaction with My MIL. I am usually a fairly optimistic person but she really set me in a tailspin for 36 hours or so.
    I am reminding myself that I am in charge of my happiness and hitting a mood reset button this morning. Firmly. What a waste of time to allow her to impact time spent with my wonderful boys. ❤️

    Here’s to all of you across the world for helping me start my day with a smile.

    🎉May your New Year be blessed and your pounds be less. ⛄

    Day 27 California NFD

    Somehow, miraculously after yesterday’s FD, I am back to last week’s weight of 58.7. That’s not a lot lower than the 59.3 where I started the month, but it’s something. With just 700 grams to my final goal of 58, I think I have a shot at it. So today will at least be a CD, and maybe another FD, depending on how the day goes.

    @strawberriesandcream, I am so proud of you! Losing and maintaining weight is going to be so much easier without the alcohol. And you will soon realize that you never really needed it to have fun and be happy. Because it never really did that to begin with. Drinking doesn’t really make anyone more fun, it just fools them into thinking they are and makes them look sloppy. And the older we get, the more detrimental effects it has on our bodies. Don’t overthink it, just stop. We are all here for you.

    Good luck to all the fasters and maintainers today. We still have a few days to make a good difference at year end. This is going to be a great (and hopefully quiet) day!

    Day 26 – nfd
    Day 27 – nfd

    Well my cold just keeps getting worse and I have not been fasting as I need to eat to take medicine. There goes my plan to fast right after Xmas… but it is ok. I will start anew once I am better, my health has to come first!

    I agree no net weight gain in December is still a big win! Give yourself a break and start fresh when you are able. It will be hard in the beginning because we are becoming used to simple carbs again (or at least I am), but keep trying until you are back on your wagon completing FDs! You guys can do this – I read and admire your successes all the time. Over the past two months your many handle names have become familiar to me and I look forward to reading about your days. As many on this site say, keep on keeping on.

    Also, @mjrbcd, didn’t you just post that it is okay for long posts, that it is okay to rant? You said nothing wrong about your mother-in-law. You are allowed to be frustrated and upset by people! You are allowed to tell us about it! And we all understand how those emotions can affect how we eat. As you said, this forum is a safe place to vent our frustrations. No need to apologize. 😊

    Day 27 McMinnville Oregon USA – NFD
    Day 26 – NFD
    Day 25 – NFD
    Ice storm set in on Christmas Eve so I spent an extra night at my friends, so a solid 3 days of feasting. Arrived home to find the neighbors have left a box of chocolates on the doorstep. 😩 Can I just throw it in the bin??

    Day 27 WFD Las Vegas NV, USA

    LESSON LEARNED! Although I ate quite reasonably over my four day Christmas holiday I added things I don’t normally eat much of: grains, pulses, sugars and cows milk to my diet. Yesterday was a WFD and in the evening I had huge cravings for guess what? Grains and sugars, even though I wasn’t really hungry. Since I don’t have those things in the house I didn’t eat anything. But my brain was begging me to go get some of those awesome drugs I had been taking! LOL I’m continuing my B2B WFD today and the cravings have passed. I also noticed some discomfort in my knees. Inflammation??

    Weight today is 163.0 lbs equal to my all time low.

    Day 27 – SW WA USA – still visiting on the east side of the state. NFD

    @dykask – I wish you all the best. Hopefully you’ll pop in on occasion.

    @Strawberriesandcream – I wish you well in conquering alcohol. I appreciate your quote “If it costs your peace and happiness, it’s too expensive. ”

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 27 – USA – FD

    Day 28 NZ NFD @diverdog I know how you feel, I too have been eating way more sugar and carbs than I normally do and guess what? I have been craving them especially in the evenings. Its awful and somehow I have to curb myself. The grandchildren are here for a few days so will try CD as I think fasting will prove too difficult. We’ll see. Off to the library soon and maybe the swimming pool this afternoon. That should tire them out. They are really good kids and a joy to have. Perhaps I’ll just concentrate on beginning the new year running (so to speak). Have a great day people.

    Day 27 NFD
    Day 26 NFD
    Day 25 NFD

    Hmmm. Very glad to have read the posts about being kind to ourselves, and especially @fatrabbit re weight equilibrium over Christmas as a victory in itself.

    Had an exhausting few days. All my usual self-care went out the window, along with sleep and pacing. By Christmas Day I was wiped out and tbh pretty snappy with family. I’ve got so much to learn and model around expectations, boundaries and self-care.

    Christmas food has been reasonably healthy versions of cake, pies and pudding, and not too much cheese. I got on top of my drinking some years ago and now only drink occasionally despite usually having plenty in the house – something I couldn’t previously imagine!

    But once family had gone I found myself eating all the sweet things, and not listening to my body when it was full or indeed thirsty or tired.

    I know i’ve gone backwards and then some, tho not yet weighed myself. I can feel the fat returning where last week there was energy and less bloating. Now feeling like father Christmas! I’m going to make tomorrow CD then Friday a FD, then see where I am.

    I may have gained what I lost but I’ve also gained knowledge and compassion, and the shared wisdom and support of this forum. It’s a slip, and a useful reminder of what I’m working for. Great to have it so early in the journey.

    Thank you everyone for your amazingly helpful stories and ideas. I’m inspired to pick up and continue.

    Day 25-27 NFD

    It seems like posts I edit just disappear, rather than reappearing with the edit!!!! I just wrote a long post and went back to add a couple of paragraph breaks to make it easier to read. Phone nearly flat now…

    Emotional and exhausting few days, no self-care or sustainable load. Much to learn! Eaten too much sweet stuff since family went home. Definitely undone work of this month, feeling like father Christmas – bloated and fat filled up again.

    But not lost new knowledge and understanding picked up here over last month. So back on the waggon with self compassion and a bit more planning.

    Tomorrow CD then Friday a FD. Then weigh myself, and see if I’m ready for my first b2b or back to Mon/Thurs FD.

    Thank you everyone for your stories and ideas. Hugely glad to be learning alongside you. Here’s to self-compassion .

    To all of you that did well following your plan this month congratulations!

    To those of you that struggled, please let it go and don’t beat yourself up. What’s done is done!

    However; I’m sure there are lessons learned that you can apply moving forward.

    Number one for me is to give away or throw out all trigger foods. If it’s in my pantry sooner or later I’m going to eat it!

    @diverdog well said!!!
    I’m in a way glad the Christmas festivities are over and things are getting a bit more “normal” again.
    My OH surprised me for Christmas with a skitrip on January 2nd (for 3 nights).
    I find it really sweet and am very happy – yet also a bit scared, because I am not a good skier. The kids never went skiing yet, we’ll see, whether they are willing to go to ski school… . That makes my idea about a dry January a lot harder yet… A ski trip without Jagertee or Gluehwein… hmmm… I remember, one of you writing that going to parties and everything is well possible and fun even without alcohol. I’m sure you’re right but find it sooo hard to make this decision…
    We’ll see…
    Tomorrow I’ll skip breakfast again and will stick to 2 moderate meals.

    Day 27 – Algeria – NFD

    I hope everyone is well. I have not posted for a while now. I am on holiday back home but have been fasting 2days a week as usual with only one day missed as I was traveling.

    Good morning/Day 28/NFD/Perth Australia

    Days going according to expectations. No FDs, lots of prosecco and fresh, delicious meals with cheese and my favourite small goods. Enjoying everything in moderation.

    Will be back on track in 2018. Gentle reminder to self – fast for the health benefits, weight loss/control is the bonus.

    @bert1802 you and me both, ha ha ha. Ooh is he going to be surprised!! This will either go very well or very badly, can’t wait 🙂
    @onahealthyhigh thanks for the reminder on the health benefits of fasting; I think we all sometimes forget that there’s more to this than the scale
    @miraclelou what a sweet surprise, I’m sure you will be fine though. Enjoy!!
    @awilson I’m sure you can find someone to regift that to, share the love…and the pounds
    @mjrbcd safe space to vent always with no need to apologise. And no you don’t have to be perfect to host. Thank you for taking on the January challenge.
    Today was my first successful fast day in 10 days, I’m so thankful for the members of this forum and this WOL.
    My best to you all. Night night

    Day 28 – Perth, Western Australia – NFD

    Day 27 second post

    @leggit and @basyjames thank you for your kind words. Really I think I was apologizing more for the awful things I was thinking about her! 😂

    Today will end up at TDEE due to an evening dinner with friends for the holidays but being back at work was actually good for me and kept me NOT thinking about food. Looking forward to hitting the ground running on January 2.

    You all are so valued. I read all of your posts and feel supported, soothed and encouraged. We can do this!!

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    2nd of B2B2B. Successful FD yesterday, almost, but not quite, a full liquid fast day, but by bedtime I was cold so I made up a quick oat bran porridge, drop of milk….really helped settle me. I also gave a head cold, hoping to get rid of it soon before my trip next week, so hot drinks and Lemsip yesterday.

    And a 3.5 loss on the scales this morning! Whoosh!!

    It’s a normal 500calorie FD today. It’s cold in work (which actually helps the head cold as no central heating or air conditioning to aggravate the sinus), but I do require some hot soup at lunch. I have made a turkey curry from the leftover bird for dinner. It’s going to be frugal this week until the weekend.

    I work with lots of teenage boys (they do all the heavy lifting and grunt work in the glasshouses), but they are GREAT this time of year as I am bringing in all the biscuits, sweets, cakes…..and the boys are mopping them up. Ha ha….soon my home will be treat and temptation free again.

    Happy fasting today. Great to hear from you all. We are doing this together.

    Day 28, UK, FD
    81.8 kg. Weight down a couple of pounds since yesterday, but way up since before Xmas. Time to get back on the horse and look for the 70s again.

    Day28 Belfast NFD

    I’m feeling a little flat now that my boys have gone back to their lives. Rosa is missing the stimulus too but it’ll keep me on my toes.
    I’ve actually had time to sit down and read your posts and I identify with many of them. Today’s FD went out of the window. I agree mjrbcd44. This week does seem so much harder after all the excess of the last few days. And yes, no gain will be a plus for me too.
    @Strawberriesandcream – the trouble with alcohol is that over time it becomes the backbone of your social life hence I have tried to expand my repertoire of non alcoholic events. While I’m not a regular drinker, when I go out, I really let my hair down. You’ve inspired me to download the book. I admire your honesty and will be following your progress. A big thumbs up 👍 for your resolve and yes, @califdreamer’s right. We’re all here for you. Your final quote is so true.
    My goodness @basyjames you’ve been busy! I’d love to be a fly on the all when your OH returns!
    @diverdog – I know just what you mean about those sugar cravings – I’m back sugar dragon slaying after just a small slice of cheesecake and a mouthful of Christmas pudding.
    @michelinme – I write my post in ‘notes’ on my phone or iPad, or Word on the laptop then copy and paste. I’ve lost too many posts to mention and that seems to work.
    @miraclelou – the one big regret in my life is not learning to ski. Now I have a bad back, so it’s a non starter. I’m envious of your trip. Enjoy every moment, with or without the glühwein!
    Good to see you back @taraga
    You’ll get there @bigviking. Stay strong!

    I shall finish now be of @dykask’s quotes:

    Fasting does not win all the battles, but it is winning the war”


    Day 28 UK NFD

    Day 28, UK, FD

    Thank you so much for the numerous comments of support. Every word said is something that I have either said myself or even experienced. My longest dry spell was 9 months and I felt great. Without the paranoia that alcohol triggers and feeds, life is so much better. I have to thank @emma-taylor again for recommending that book. It’s a life-saver.

    @basyjames – I’m excited to hear your OH’s reaction to your epic cleaning and decorating session.
    @mjrbcd44 – I echo @leggit‘s comment re sharing frustrations and offloading in general.
    @awilson – pass on the love – along with those chocolates (or maybe eat all the nutty ones first).
    @michelme – your toast to self-compassion is very timely.
    What a lovely gift @miraclelou and not far away either. Do they do hot chocolate apres-ski?

    My FD yesterday morphed into a different version – the Feast variety. The scales are not looking good this morning but I know it’s temporary. A good fast day today should get me back on track. I know for sure that by the time our cruise comes around in January I shall be very happy with my state of health in general.

    Onwards and downwards – together we are stronger.

    Day 28, London, UK, NFD.

    I really need to get back to work (not ‘til the 9th!!) ‘cause temptation is kicking my behind!!! Must Try Harder!!! I hope my boss never gets wind of those thoughts!!!!

    Still holding steady at Dec 1st weight, Oh well, the bouncy-bouncy scales aren’t anything new to me.

    @daffodil2010, I WAS going to write that I wished I could surround myself with teenage boys with healthy appetites, but once I wrote it…………. It just didn’t look or sound right!!!!!!! LOL.

    I’m considering my January target at the moment; it will involve additional exercise & toning and maybe a few LFDs with juices or smoothies………………. I need the nutrition after the choc-fest of Xmas!!!

    Onward & Downwards people!!!!!

    Day 28 Akron OH FD.
    I locked my keys in my office and had time to read all your posts this morning while waiting for security. I just have a warm feeling in my heart for you all. The support, the encouragement and the camaraderie is incredible. Thank you all for being so amazing.
    @flourbaby Lol,you put a smile on my face this morning. Great catch!
    @strawberriesandcream, you can do it, we are all cheering you on. I’ve never been much of a drinker. I actually had my first alcoholic beverage after I met OH, I was 25 at the time. I couldn’t handle it and I used to be careful around it, lately though I have been over indulging and it makes me feel like crap. Plus I eat worse when I’m drinking. I would like to download the book too. It may be the kick I need to give it up.
    My tip to slay the sugar dragon, hot water with lemon juice first thing in the morning, it kills the taste buds and cold crunchy carrots anytime i get the urge to stuff my face.
    Good times 🙂

    Day 28 – Cumbria UK – FD definitely

    @flourbaby – I’m sorry to report that yesterday’s FD did not happen – friends who had popped up to Cumbria for a visit called and we went out instead – well it would be rude not to have a toast and enjoy the evening together – As we we have said time and time again on this forum that is the beauty of this WOL it is so flexible!!
    Today is a definite FD even though my weight remains below my trigger point – this will be my first FD since last Friday!

    @dykask – as others have said you will be missed but feel free to drop in when you have time or feel the need for some support – but as you said sometimes you need to prioritise to ease pressure on yourself.
    @miraclelou – glad that missing breakfast has helped, I’m sure it’s one of the main reasons that I have been able to indulge on my NFD and stay below my target weight for this past year! lucky you – Enjoy your ski trip!
    @mjrbcd44 – (((Hugs)))
    @califdreamer – great job!
    @strawberriesandcream – You can do this, remember you proved it to yourself already!!!! If it offers any support I’ll be holding your hand for an alcohol free start to the year as I have decided to be alcohol free for the first two weeks of January before I head over to Australia on 14/1 for my niece’s wedding – I know that my 3 weeks in Australia will not be alcohol free but I will not fall in the trap of drinking every day with my DS!!!
    @leggit – hope you start to feel better soon x
    @awilson – give the chocolates to someone who will enjoy – OH and I got given a hamper with lots of goodies we don’t tend to eat so I took it to a homeless centre to others who need it and will enjoy it 😇
    @taraga – nice to see you again – sounds like you have been keeping with this WOL – are you joining us for the January challenge?
    @onahealthyhigh – love your gentle reminder to self – totally agree x

    The sun is shining here but it is still freezing – OH and I are about to set off for a 6mile hike – that should work off some of yesterday’s over indulgence😉

    I saw this quote today and it resonated with this WOL ☺️

    “NEVER QUIT. If you stumble get back up. What happened yesterday(last week) no longer matters.Today is another day SO get back on track and MOVE CLOSER to your dreams and goals. You can DO IT!

    Day 28…..Florida…….FD

    I was so busy yesterday, that I was able to do a FD with out much thought. While today isn’t going to be as busy, I’m striving for another FD. I even was able to drink more water than normal, which I think helps considerably in the weight loss department. And since I was painting a majority of the day, I’m considering that enough exercise to kill a horse. Today, I will be putting the final coat on the walls!

    I do want to congratulate every one who is just thinking about decreasing their consumption of alcohol. I know it’s a hard feat to endure, so just contemplating it, should be congratulated!

    I have decided my Jan. goals and what I hope to accomplish in Jan. I have also reached a number on the scale that once I reach it, I will go into full maintenance mode. I will share that with you all in the next couple days.

    I also wanted to share a bit of something with you all…… I consider this place to be a safe place for everyone to share their hopes, dreams and struggles. About 5 months into my journey, I had a major struggle in my life, the man who contributed to the birth of me passed on. While I had ever met him, never had a relationship with him, his death hit me harder than I ever could imagine. It brought many feelings about him, my own mother and my life that I had buried for years to the surface. Don’t get me wrong, I had a beautiful wonderful women who I love with my whole being raise me with love, grace and class, that would be my older sister, but at 42 yrs old coming to terms with knowing the people who contributed to your birth caused so much heart ache come to the surface was life altering. This safe place helped me through it….. without it I am sure I would ha e down spiraled. So my thought, is if it there spill in on these pages, keep your self on an upward spiral. As members are jobs to love and support you through the tough times, to keep you heading in the right direction!

    Okay those are my thoughts of the day!

    Keep on keeping on!

    Day 28 – USA – NFD

    Due to my Christmas eating of sugary treats sent over by a neighbor, and my EFS consumption of the entire tin of homemade low carb shortbread cookies, along with copious amounts of light beer, yesterday’s FD was a lot harder. I still managed to be under 500 calories (456), thanks to large ACV/water jugs all day, a small late brunch and a cheese-less salad toward the evening. I couldn’t resist weighing myself to see what the damage was: 172.4!!!! Up from the beginning of December at 166.4. Today I weighed again out of curiosity to see what 1 FD would do, and sure enough, was down to 169.4, a 3 lb. whoosh in 1 day! Tomorrow will be another FD and we’ll see if I can cancel out any gains and make it a wash for December. @bert1802, what is said in the forum stays in the forum!

    Day 28 trying to be a FD Oregon USA

    @bert1802 thank you for resharing that story and your words of wisdom. As @at gave me this morning ((Hugs))
    @at thank you for both the hug and the fantastic quote.

    @strawberriesandcream–can you remind me of the book title shared from @emmataylor? I want to read it.

    Also I know a few of you have mentioned finding great non-alcoholic products (some wine I think and a good beer?) If anyone can share I would appreciate.

    @flourbaby–you have a great gift of humor and I LOLed with you at the teenage boys comment.

    @michelinme–well said.

    @leggit–feel better!

    @basyjames love the lemon water advice. Used to be better about water and have fallen off.
    And clearly as@daffodil2010 is showing it is an important part of losing weight!! (Great job BTW @daffodil2010!)

    @debster251 I totally understand the “flat” feeling. When my boys disband again next week it will leave me melancholy for a couple of days. Being a mom never gets easier does it? I want them to grow up and have wonderful lives of their own but when they are all under my roof it reminds me of all the years past and it is so bittersweet.

    @awilson and @annemarilyn my local “friends” hope your travels and holidays have been wonderful. And yes @awilson you have permission to get rid of the chocolates however you see fit.

    @onahealthyhigh I appreciate your simple wisdom in “days have gone according to expectations” I think I will be better prepared for the holiday season next year after completing a year on this WOL.

    Thank you all again for your support and thoughts. Lots of struggles in my world these days and taking control of my food life/improve my overall health will help me in so many ways. Looking forward to a great year ahead.

    🎉May your New Year be blessed and your pounds be less⛄

    Day 28 USA (Utah visiting) NFD

    Excellent water aerobics yesterday that really worked my legs and torso especially. Today will be Silver Sneakers. That’s one thing I enjoy about being here with daughter: the great variety of gym workouts. Ate fairly well yesterday, except the supper that was pecan pie… oh well. I had saved the calories for it.

    This is such a wonderful little band we have here. Support for each other seems to be our strong suit. I love the idea that NOT gaining in December is a victory!

    @bert1802 – your story of having support is ever so meaningful.

    @mjrbcd44 – we all have tailspins, sometimes without even realizing that’s what’s happening to us.
    Yeah for you being so in touch with your feelings. We’re here for you, even when we might not say so.

    @miraclelou – maybe you can make all the rest of January dry? I know I love to indulge in some midday warmer (gluhwein, Peppermint Patty [hot chocolate with pep schnapps], or even Irish coffee) when I ski. The majority of the month will follow your ski trip. Where will you ski? I’ll be skiing next week here in Utah after most of the holiday crowds have gone home.

    @debster251 – so sorry you’ve got a bad back and unable to do all you want.

    Onward and downward!

    @mjrbcd44 – The book is called Alcohol Explained by William Porter. I ordered my copy from Amazon. However, if you go onto his website, you can read the first five chapters there.

    The great alcohol free beer I found recently is called St. Peter’s Without. I enjoyed two bottles at a pub so looked it up online and find that Tesco stock it. However, it can be ordered online to. It’s £1.30 for a 500ml bottle in Tesco – comparable with other bottled beers. The wine I found at Tesco is Rawsons Retreat Cabernet Sauvignon. In comparison to other alcohol free wines such as Eisberg and Fre, it receives a 5 out of 5 review.

    I’m told ginger beer is a good substitute too. xx

    Day 28 UK NFD

    Today’s not going brilliantly, but definitely better than the last few days! Beginning to gently plan for a FD tomorrow – it would be great to get back into the swing of this WOL before the busyness of the weekend sweeps me up again

    There’s very little left in the house in the way of tempting treats now, mostly just unopened cheese that I can freeze. But there’s plenty of lovely veg that will make great soup or stew, hopefully a good activity for tomorrow. I’ve got some serious writing to do tomorrow too – the first in a while – so hoping I can clear space in my head by fasting and work well. This is defnitely back-on-the-waggon time, complicated by virus and fatigue. But there’s no time like the present for making something happen….

    Day 28 California FD

    Yesterday I didn’t eat much until around 5pm, but then ate all kinds of junk. Even so, my weight this morning was 58.9 so I guess the net result wasn’t that bad. Today is a FD. I would really like to see 58 on my scale tomorrow morning, but that’s quite a bit for one FD.

    Stay strong! It’s almost year end!

    Day 28 McMinnville Oregon USA – FD
    Chocolates went in the bin! I know I should have made the effort to regift but I just needed them to be gone ASAP. 😐

    @strawberriesandcream – I identify with your struggle and I’m impressed with your resolve. I will support you in any way I can. I also ordered the book and read it in one sitting. I will be joining the dry Januarians, and I hope you will hold my hand.
    @bert1802 – ((((HUGS))))

    Day 28 NFD, Las Vegas NV

    Thanks to all of you for posting your challenges this month. It’s very easy to assume that you are the only one having a tough time when in fact the majority of us are having difficulties sticking to plan.

    My B2B WFD’s are successfully completed. Day one was tough because of the carb cravings set up by four days of unrestricted eating. Day two was much easier.

    I’m pleased that I hit a new low of 161.6 lbs 73.5 Kg @ 5’10”.

    The carb cravings and joint inflammation I experienced from unrestricted eating is pushing me to make better food choices.

    The 2 day water fast is a good start to my next self experiment, following the plant paradox eating plan on NFD’s. Mostly veggies with the exclusion of all grains, fruits, pulses and nightshades. No cow dairy products. Pastured eggs, goat & sheep cheese, small fish and shellfish for protein. Plenty of avocado, gee, olives and coconut for fat. Sweet potatoes and other resistant starches. Fortunately I love all of these foods! FD’s will continue to be water fasts.

    Day 27, Germany, NFD
    @awilson wow! So good you could let go of the chocolate! I find it sooo hard to throw food (or anything else 🙈) away! You were taking good care of yourself! Wish I could do that, too!
    Thank you to all of you commenting on my skitrip. Yes, it might be a good idea to generally go for an alcohol free January except for the trip. Or to at least leave it open for those 3 days. I might also manage to not drink there as well. My OH isn’t a big drinker anyway.
    @songbirdme we’ll go to Felder, in black forest (Germany), it’s only 2 1/2 h away.
    @strawberriesandcream I skimmed through the first few pages of the book – very interesting! I am glad to be confronted with this topic and my head is rattling already… I think I will need a bit more time until I am at the point where you are but am glad that I may share your experiences! Good luck to you!
    Only a couple more days of December! I’ll go for a CD tomorrow!
    Onwards and downwards!


    Some of you may soon get on the scales and see you have experienced a rapid and substantial weight gain. This story provides some hope:

    Please don’t let the weight gain cause you to say the heck with it and give up. The new pounds may go away faster than you think if you just keep going with 5:2!

    Good Luck!

    Day 28 2nd post

    Thanks @strawberriesandcream–definitely checking into that info.

    And happy to report that I’ve made it to 1:30 in the afternoon without eating for my FD…strength needed for the evening as I am definitely feeling my stomach. It’s been so used to me eating non-stop for the last week no wonder it’s in shock! 😳

    Wish me luck to get through the evening.

    Day 29 NZ CD Thankyou for you encouraging words @simcoeluv I will read the link shortly. I certainly have gained a few kilos but set to go in the new year.

    Day 29 NFD Brisbane, Australia
    Day 28 FD
    Day 27 FD

    I am happy to report I have reached my goal of 68 kgs (165cm tall). My BMI is 25.0 I wanted to achieve this before the end of this month as I am going to the beach for our annual 3 week holiday starting tomorrow. I will continue to do my fast days and try to stay in control of my NFD’s. Like many others I often delay breakfast until around 11am. Then have something hearty and healthy which keeps me going until dinner time. My biggest issue will our tradition of “cheese o’clock” This is often accompanied by nuts and other goodies at around 5pm. I am not a drinker so I normally just have some soda water with lime to go with it. Hopefully some nice long beach walks will negate the extra calories and I will be able to maintain. When I return from the beach I will probably try to dispatch another couple of kilos to try and lower my BMI a little more.

    It was lovely to finally catch up on all your posts. Glad to hear you all had a lovely Christmas. Ours was a very hot 34C, but that makes it easier to drink more water 😊

    All the best to everyone on their journey and good luck to all on keeping your January goals.

    @simcoeluv Thanks for posting that. As someone who has had a huge weight gain over the last week, I found it very encouraging!

    Day 29 – SW WA USA – NFD

    Started home early afternoon yesterday due to winter weather systems coming through. Was able to get a free hotel night part way home & then finished the journey today. We’ve got a winter advisory from the east and a flood warning from the coast. It’s good to be home @mjrdbc44.

    Have been feasting. Last FD was 12/23. Will go for a FD tomorrow, keeping most calories for an evening social gathering.

    @aljomisaza – congratulations on reaching your goal! What an accomplishment for December.

    Together we are stronger!

    Day 29 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD
    December Goal: 137.5
    Current Weight: 134.5

    3rd of B2B2B

    Last FD of 2017 today. I reached December goal a week or so ago so I am hoping to cache some more in the bag before New Years Eve champagne celebrations….and following that a 12 day trip to Peru and it’s wonderful cuisine and Pisco Sour cocktails on 4th January!!

    I plan a liquid only FD as this really seems to work wonders for me. And tomorrow will be my “Official Weigh In” as wont be able to do it NYE.

    This morning I started back doing some 30 second HIT sprints on my morning walk. I stopped doing them back in August this year when I developed extremely painful shin sprints. Today, I am over two stone lighter and flew along…was not even out of breath much. Amazing the difference running without 28+ pounds on your body makes.

    @simcoeluv thanks for the link. I too have noticed that I experience an easy come, easy go weight pattern especially after a weekend of letting loose. You are completely correct (I find), in that it just takes hopping back onto that 5:2 wagon immediately to get the weight moving off again. I love this WOE because of this ☺️

    @flourbaby you made me spurt my morning coffee with your observations on my teenage boy co-workers. As I am a 50 year old granny thoughts like that are not allowed Ha ha 😆

    Off to work. Happy fasting today. Not long until year end. We will do it together 💃

    Day 29
    Day 29 – Ireland 🇮🇪 -FD
    December Goal: 137.5
    Current Weight: 134.5

    3rd of B2B2B

    Last FD of 2017 today. I reached December goal a week or so ago so I am hoping to cache some more in the bag before New Years Eve champagne celebrations….and following that a 12 day trip to Peru and it’s wonderful cuisine and Pisco Sour cocktails on 4th January!!

    I plan a liquid only FD as this really seems to work wonders for me. And tomorrow will be my “Official Weigh In” as wont be able to do it NYE.

    This morning I started back doing some 30 second HIT sprints on my morning walk. I stopped doing them back in August this year when I developed extremely painful shin sprints. Today, I am over two stone lighter and flew along…was not even out of breath much. Amazing the difference running without 28+ pounds on your body makes.

    @simcoeluv thanks for the link. I too have noticed that I experience an easy come, easy go weight pattern especially after a weekend of letting loose. You are completely correct (I find), in that it just takes hopping back onto that 5:2 wagon immediately to get the weight moving off again. I love this WOE because of this ☺️

    @flourbaby you made me spurt my morning coffee with your observations on my teenage boy co-workers. As I am a 50 year old granny thoughts like that are not allowed Ha ha 😆

    Off to work. Happy fasting today. Not long until year end. We will do it together 💃

    Day 29, UK, NFD

    79.9 kg – I’ve seen the 70s again, if only just! And it proves there’s a lot of water retention going on, so hopefully a couple of commited weeks at the beginning of January will get me back to somewhere acceptable. We have friends comng round today and my oldest is having a gathering this evening, so today is unlikely to be controlled. Last FD of the year tomorrow.

    Day 29,Germany, FD???
    Spontaneous idea to sneak in a last FD this year!
    Wish you all a good and strong December 29th! 💪😊

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