Day 2 and a good start

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  TracyJ 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi, jumping on the scales after a year of cruises, wedding, touring and the holidays has taken its toll and was a little wake up call…………..anyway, I decided on 5:2 after watching the HORIZON program and buying the book, I did try it for a short period of time with good results previously so now back on track.. day 2 was 3lb lighter this morning, now I know much of this is water but I am committed and focused and look forward to sharing my results over the coming months…………. goal weight loss 30lb, 27 to go

    Hi arualcook, sounds like you’ve made a good start. Keep on truckin’ & good luck with it 😉

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