Day 1 – FAST day

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  AnnieNZ 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    My name’s Hayley, I’m 22 years old and looking to lose 22.5lb (10.2kg) to bring me to a BMI of 19.9 (I’m 5ft 4 and just under 10 stone)

    Today is my first day AND my first fast day and I have struggled! Going to go have a bath with a book (if my hot water’s running!) to kill some time before I have a very early night. I should be studying but can’t focus as I’m very hungry! 🙁

    I tried 5:2 before a few months back but didn’t do so well (lasted 1 week) so finger’s crossed for this time!

    I can’t wait for the day where I will be posting maintenance threads!

    If anyone has the same fast days as me (Fridays and Sundays) I would love to hear from you and we can support each other!

    Hayley xxx

    Welcome to the forum Hayley,

    Really stick to the diet as it really does get easier, maybe three weeks in you will feel much better. By then you could have a good few pounds off to keep you going.

    Good Luck

    Thanks Symba! 🙂

    Hi Hayley.

    I’m in the same boat as you (sort of). I also tried 5:2 before a few months back and only lasted 1 week. I’m with you in longing to report my ‘stunning’ success and just sticking to the maintenance threads.

    I’m about to start tomorrow again after much damage done over Christmas. I’d be hapy to give the Fridays and Sundays a go to keep in line with you and cheer each other on. Given that I have some 19kgs to lose – Jeeze how I’d love to say jst 19lbs! – I guess you’ll beat me to the maintenance threads but till then, I’m here for you.

    Hi Annie, Lovely to hear from you and have your support! Day 2 and I have eaten healthily even though I’m not sticking to any real plan. I have eaten quite a lot though but all healthy foods. I’m apprehensive about these feast days, 5 of them seems like quite a lot to still feel the benefit of the 2 fast days!

    Don’t think of them as “feast” days. That would seem to pre-dispose you to gorging unnecessarily. Just eat normally. Even if your ‘normal’ is too much for your needs, they say you’ll soon settle for less after the fasting regime takes hold (and your stomachshrinks). I suppose if you’re serious about losing the 22.5lb and your health in general, the best thing I could suggest is to focus on eating quality foods on your non-fasting days – which appears to be just what you are doing.

    The other alternative, if 5 days seems a lot to go free-range, what about considering some of the patterns others in the forums are trying – alternate days, 4:3 or whatever floats your boat.

    For myself, today is my first day so I’m happy enough to concentrate on sticking to it just for today. I guess I’ll soon find out how my apprehension levels are on Day 2!

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