Day 1 again…

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Frombklyn 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Morning, I am a ‘repeat-er’. I tried Fast Diet earlier this year and lost about 6 lbs which I was pleased about. I did this along with a ‘group meeting’ club for about a month. I quit that ‘club’ and ventured out on my own & really stop trying fasting…. big mistake! I’ve gained 5 lbs back and been on a plateau for months now. I don’t want to have to go to a club to get my ambition going, I’d rather do an exercise class once or twice/week and keep walking/jogging on my own like I have for years.

    I have a goal now…first to lose up to a stone by mid January for a winter family holiday and then by Spring next year to lose up to another stone. I have mates visiting the UK (we hope) this next April. I want to feel and look good by the time I see my old mate and we go places and not feel lethargic and frumpy. I do this for myself but also yes, vanity..LOL! I’m quite muscley sp? built so I’ll never be thin but “healthy” sounds so much better for myself who’ll be 50 in a couple of years…


    I just knew this fastdiet lastweek,but not really sure how to start it.If I joined a group for advices,where can I find them. Please ireally want to lose wt but I thin Im doing the wrong thing that’s why Im not losing any!



    This post has all of the information you need to start and continue with 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    Hi bergenblarter, welcome back!

    I too am a repeat returner. I started again today, with my fast starting from last night. I felt really positive this morning, and think I am ready to do this. The thought of dieting every day sounds like a nightmare, and tbh I’ve tried that more than once! I figure I can do 2 days a week, it worked before and can work again. I’m hoping this forum might keep me on track with a little help from my fitness pal.

    Here’s to a slimmer, fitter and healthier future.

    bergen, I could have written your post. I am a returner too. I have The Fast Diet book and also The 2 Day Diet. I too lost weight when I did 5:2, but…just stopped doing it! Big mistake. So here I am back here with you folks.

    But we can do this!

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