Cycling mad mum wants to look good in lycra. Any other cyclists out there?I

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Cycling mad mum wants to look good in lycra. Any other cyclists out there?I

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dave1442397 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi,
    I’m about 30lb overweight ( gulp!) but have finally decided to sort myself out. I am quite active, I love walking, cycling etc but am looking seriously lardy in my Lycra at the moment…so here I am ready to get back in control of my appetite. I’ll be fasting on Mondays and Thursday’s and would love to get and give support to other newbies on these forums. Good luck everyone, we can do this!

    Both newbie and avid cyclist with a good history of having a good amount of pounds to shed. I discover the 5.2 very recently here in the US and started fasting on Mondays and Fridays.. both fasting day are right before hard days rides and so far it has worked well and i have already lost a few pounds.
    Good luck to you.. courage.. by the time summer rolls around you will be both in shape and looking good on that bike, i am sure

    Cyclist here too (1,481 miles for the year so far) and I’ve been on 5:2 for nine weeks and lost 20lbs. I sure look a lot better in lycra than I did in January 🙂

    Keep at it and the weight will come off. My fast days are also Monday and Thursday, and the other five days I either ride the bike or go to the gym. Today was a gym day as we have thunderstorms rolling in, with wind gusting up to 60mph.

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