
This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years ago.

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  • I have been on the Fast Diet now for nearly two months with only a weight loss of 2 pounds. However, I have lost 2 inches from my waist. We are exhorted not to worry about weight loss and concentrate more on the inches lost. But how are these inches being lost if Iam not losing weight. Redistribution?

    Whitby, first of all congrats on loosing weight.

    There are quite a few people on this forum who have reported that they seem to lose inches but not weight.

    A couple of suggestions: are you doing 5:2 or 4:3? You might want to switch to 4:3 for a while to get things going. Also how you calculated your TDE and are you staying within it on your non fast days?

    If you do the 5:2 then you can eat what you want on your non fast days but you have to stick to your TDE.

    If you do 4:3 you can eat whatever you want and how much you want on your non fast days without having to pay too much attention to your TDE.

    Perhaps you need to look at your calorie intake on non-fast days? There are apps that you can download to your phone that can help with calorie counting, such as myfitnesspal or LoseIt!

    Once you get a better feeling for what you eat and how many calories certain foods contain you can stop using those apps. For me it was very interesting to see that some of the things that I like contain tons off calories. At least now I am aware of it!

    Anyhow I am sure others will chirp in with more ideas.
    Best of luck

    Stef where did you find out that you can eat whatever you want if you do 4:3? I am doing 4:3 and sticking to my TDE on non fast days, is this wrong?

    Hey Natasha!

    No that’s not wrong, there was just a discussion on another forum where Stef agreed it isn’t completely right what he says – you still have to keep an eye on your TDEE, especially at the start. The thing is that on 4:3 you have to just be a bit less strict, but you still have to eat healthy foods and pace yourself on unhealthy foods – just a little less strict than on 5:2.

    If you’re doing 4:3 for the extra weight loss boost, then by all means continue like you are!

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