
This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  troubadour 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Just about to start the 5:2 diet but as I have epilepsy, I am a little concerned. Anyone have ant experience with this?

    No personal experience sorry but DO talk to your doctor before you begin.
    I hope you can join in this way of life and post your experiences here 🙂

    Hi Fishtank, I wouldn’t think it would be a problem, but like Lindy said, check with your doctor. good luck and keep us posted.

    Don’t know anyone with epilepsy, so can’t give any useful advice here. Like the other 2 I urge you to talk to your doctor before starting. And then let us know what he said and what you’re going to do!

    Hi Fishtank
    just wanted to know if you went ahead with your 5:2 diet and what effect it had on your epilepsy if any . My stepdaughter is epileptic and I feel this would be a good thing for her but am cautious to recommend it if will have ANy adverse effects.

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