Cholesterol – The Medical Industry may have it all wrong.

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Cholesterol – The Medical Industry may have it all wrong.

This topic contains 15 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  MarkNZ 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • I’ve read a few articles on this theme but a recent Australian TV program explains it all very well. Cholesterol may not be the killer, it could be something else.

    Here’s a couple of links to the program, I hope they will work outside of Australia.

    Have you read David Gillespie’s book Big Fat Lies? I’m pretty sure it is in that book that he says the same thing. Very thought provoking reading.


    welcome back!

    i can’t wait 4 that show 2 come 2 the usa

    or mayb u can get a link πŸ™‚


    this talks exactly on what ur topic titled

    would luv ur opinion

    it really explains what diets/foods have caused such diseases as well as what will keep us away from those diseases

    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains – Fat Phobia

    i’m still watching all others not done yet

    happy 6/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) πŸ˜€

    u still r a 6/1?

    The program is available on YouTube –
    “Heart of the Matter Part 1 – Dietary Villains”

    The Australian Heart Foundation has gone into meltdown due to criticism of their dietary recommendations and heart healthy product “tick” program following airing of this program. A recent program titled “Toxic Sugar” is also on You Tube and next week’s episode will focus on statins – both required viewing!

    Program also available via @ABCTV_Australia:
    Thanks for sharing.

    MarkNZ, thanks for the ABC link, which worked for me, when the youtube link didn’t. Fascinating. It would be great to have access to the future programmes in this series.

    From a personal perspective, all sorts of thoughts occur to me. My mum was a fan of Prof Yudkin in the 1950s, yet here we are nearly 60 years later, apparently lost in a toxic smog of confusion and vested interests. I studied/worked in medicine from the 1960s to 90s. I currently take medication for high blood pressure, and I’m on a statin. AAAARGH. I was writing a few weeks ago on this forum about medical & especially nutritional dogma being so powerful, so insistent, and so liable to change, i.e. to appear to have been misleading us after all.

    I wish we all had access to IGF-1 data, if that is as it seems a really valuable measure. A detail for me personally is that when I had my lipids checked a few days after a 4 day fast in February there didn’t seem to be any change. Just now, I’m early in what may turn out to be a longish (water only) fast, maybe 48 hours or so.

    As I’ve said before on the forum, I don’t feel that at 63 I have the luxury of time to try to recoup damage that I might be doing by following what turns out to be flawed advice. I don’t follow a low fat diet, in part because of my understanding that fat in diet is important for satiety. Let’s hope that people of clear thinking and good will like Michael Mosley can help us all find our way out of the ‘smog.’ Thanks everyone for your efforts and your sharing, R



    I might have forgotten to include the links to that show, here they are:

    Below the above there’s also a full transcript of the program

    If you cannot view that you can download the program as an MP4 below

    Part 2 of ABC’s Heart of the Matter series – ‘Cholesterol Drug War’ is now online:

    New here. Because of high BP even though my cholesterol was good, was put on statins…gained 12kgs in no time at all while trying (no chance) to lose weight. Not good for an overweight constant dieter. Terrible muscle and joint pain. Made the decision to stop taking the drugs…have lost 6 kgs but still struggling…seesm so counter-productive to me when we are constantly warned about overweight & heart disease…I am not the only one with this fatty result from statins…pain went almost immediately. Have done one fast day & feel wonderful. Wish I had heard about this sooner.


    hi& welcome

    statins i no longer will use

    due 2

    refused statins
    because my dr who prescribed them
    asked me a terrifying question after taking them

    & after being checked 6 months later he asked if i was an alcoholic & i said i don’t drink @ all. he said my liver looks like u r one”
    i said take me off this ugh
    i now take 2 niacins @ night & 1 magnesium a day based on my research & now approved by dr
    liver is great now!

    since u r new u might like

    everything a newbie might want 2 c, use & read

    also on this forum we have one where u do not have 2 b a diabetic but we all have been struggling w/ weight high blood pressure etc

    ur welcome 2 post ur story

    reversing type 2 diabetes & the fastday lifestyle

    we now r in2 this dr who believes in fasting & really explains why we r overweight
    it is not our fault


    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6: A New Hope
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 2 of 6: The New Science of Diabesity
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 3 of 6: Trial by Diet
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 4 of 6: The Fast Solution
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 5 of 6: Diet and Disease
    The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains – Fat Phobia
    Insulin Toxicity and How to Cure Diabetes
    Dietary Villains – Part 2: Salt Scare

    & worth repeating

    part 1 The Real Cause of Heart Disease
    October 25 16:24 in Failed low fat diets, Heart Disease, Saturated fat

    have not watched this one below yet

    Part 2 of ABC’s Heart of the Matter series – β€˜Cholesterol Drug War’ is now online:

    wish u success

    happy nonfastdays & fastdays & 5/2 & 4/3 & 6/1 & adf or 4/2/1 or 3/3/1 or 5/1/1 or adf w/1 & the fdl (fastday lifestyle) πŸ˜€

    Hi NigelWaring,

    Thank you for your informative posts.

    I am not sure how to do a private message. Can you please let me know which GP allows the IGF-1 test in North Sydney as I am in that area too.


    Thank you so very much for the link to the ABC Catalyst programme, MarkNZ. We just watched both parts. After I began having severe side effects & stopped the drug, my husband (late 70’s) who was also on simvastatin,continued taking it. He began experiencing a really chronic inability to find words for simple everyday objects.I researched & found much anecdotal evidence to support our idea that this could be a side effect & not the onset of dementia..within a few days of stopping the drug the words returned. I have been pressured into “trying a different” statin but just refused. The programmes vindicated our decision. Thank you again. Wish we had the ABC here in NZ.

    glad to share the links nanski. it would be interesting to get a reaction to these from Michael or Mimi also … unfortunately they haven’t posted any comments on this site for 3 months. not only that, the latest ‘science in the news’ was on Feb 22…

    The 3 programmes on BBC Knowledge (The Men who Made Us Fat) last month seemed to agree with Catalyst reg. animal fats vs. sugar/high fructose corn syrup, so there must be a good correlation…mind you, there is always a new “fashion” in dietary advice..guess we should all heed our Victorian forebears…”moderation in everything” though I feel we have been sabotaged by the food industry over the years. Never too late to fix it I hope.

    a reaction to the ABC Catalyst programmes (see above):

    ABC report could cause death, says ABC health specialist

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