Can exercise alone lower blood sugar levels?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  LyndaToo 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Last January, during a rare routine visit to my GP, she suggested some blood tests to check everything was O.K. I was very shocked when told all was good except for my blood sugar level which put me just at pre-diabetic. I have never been overweight, just a few pounds heavier than I liked. I went on the 5:2 and found it a quick and easy approach to weight loss. I also increased my exercise considerably, losing a little fat around the waist and tummy area. In April the HbA1c test showed the level was well down in the normal area and the GP said she wasn’t worried. I carried on with the 5:2 to maintain results. In October, I received an injury and hardly left the sofa for two months. I was invited to attend a health MOT in December and discovered that despite keeping to the 5:2 my fasting blood sugar had gone up to 5.5. GP not interested in testing me again, just sent lifestyle changes leaflet through the post, advising weight loss and cut the “white stuff”. I am now almost recovered and exercising again. Having done lots of research it seems wholemeal bread and pasta, brown rice and potatoes should only be eaten in very small quantities if at all when blood sugar is high. I have cut back on these carbs and now my weight has fallen too much. BMI 18.6. Obviously the 5:2 didn’t work on blood sugar when I wasn’t exercising. I’m now to thin to continue both 5:2 and cutting carbs. Perhaps it was the combination of exercise and 5:2 that worked for me last year. I feel hungry not being able to have a sandwich at lunchtime or no potatoes with my evening meal. I’m desperate to get the sugar reading down again. I don’t have a sweet tooth and try to cook from scratch keeping my diet as natural as possible. I wish it was as easy as just losing weight. Does anyone know if exercise alone can make a big difference or any other ideas as to what I can do?

    I would say that for type 2 diabetics, exercise in moderation is the key. You are nowhere near pre diabetic with the glucose levels that you report – my husband is a full blown type 2 who takes metformin and insulin and his sugars are never lower than 9 but the doctors are not panicking.
    The key is to MAINTAIN steady and consistent sugar levels, without spikes. You seem to be doing this magnificently and should be proud. You can get too precious (and so can the medical profession) about sugar levels and if you are generally well, have good eyesight, good feet and have no small blood vessel problems, then be happy about it. Cutting carbs down will help, but isnt strictly necessary in your case. Have the potato if you want it, leave the skin on and top up with fibre rich veggies which will reduce the GI value of the carbs. Its all about moderation.
    Hope this helps, and good luck!

    There is a 6-hour lecture (in 6 parts) on YouTube by Dr Jason Fung. He’s a nephrologist who specializes in diabetes. This was extremely informative and details how fasting and other protocols work for curing diabetes and keeping blood sugar down. Just search YouTube for “The Aetiology of Obesity and Diabetes”. I am not diabetic…yet…and I don’t plan on getting there, but I am 120 lbs OW and am on HBP meds. It’s my hope that losing the extra pounds will get me off of the meds. Been doing 4:3 for 2-1/2 weeks and have lost 6 lbs…yay! Hope the info helps. Don’t give in; there are natural ways that work.

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