Calorie question

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Vanessa68 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • How many calories are there in a standard size skim milk cappuccino ? Am just starting today and feel I can’t do this without my daily fix.

    According to Allan Borushek’s “Calorie, fat & carbohydrate counter”
    generic coffee shop: 55 cal
    Gloria Jean: 85cal
    Starbucks: 85cal
    Hudsons: 65cal

    Thank you for your reply. Are you sure this is for a SKIM milk cappuccino not a regular cappuccino ?

    Yes Vanessa, definitely skim
    The calories for regular are listed as
    generic coffee shop: 100 cal
    Gloria Jean: 150 cal
    Starbucks: 140 cal
    Hudsons: only gives figure for skim

    So avoid Starbucks & Gloria Jean

    Thanks Vicky – I appreciate your reply

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